I know many of you are waiting for Cthulhu in World Mythology, and I know the publisher said it would be out today. No, I do not know why it is not yet available. I asked the publisher for information, but as of this writing I have not yet heard back. I will let you know as soon as I have more information. Since it’s Halloween today, I thought I’d share a few links to some articles in my Library about horror and the supernatural. And also, this old-but-good blog post on Satan, ancient aliens, and analingus. You may remember that in my review of Monday’s Ancient Aliens I noted that there was little fallout from the show’s open advocacy of Satan worship. That changed yesterday with an angry blog post by none other than L. A. Marzulli, whom you will remember as the self-proclaimed explicator of Christian prophecy who offered ridiculous claims about the Nephilim, inter-dimensional demonic invasions, and the benefits of genocide at the Paradigm Symposium a couple of weeks ago. Marzulli describes himself as a Biblical literalist, but he also writes in his book The Cosmic Chess Match that while the Bible should be taken literally, it is (at his convenience) “in some places symbolic.” Here we have a bizarre situation where a believer in demons masquerading as aliens is openly criticizing those who believe that aliens masquerade as demons. They all believe in the same literal interpretations of the same texts and yet are utterly at odds. Marzulli begins by quoting David Childress, who was one of the most eager pundits to embrace Satanism on Monday. Childress said, “In a sense, Satan’s not such a bad guy. You can’t have light without the dark. You can’t have right without wrong. And we have to learn these things for ourselves, and ultimately, through choice wrong and right, we grow and we become who we are and ultimately to be like our makers, to be gods ourselves.” As Marzulli notes, Childress is unconsciously repeating the serpent’s words in Genesis 3:5, when it tells Eve that to eat of the forbidden fruit is to “be like God, knowing good and evil.” “…in my opinion,” Marzulli writes, “Prometheus Entertainment, the guys who produce the show, have an agenda and it was in full display in this episode.” He is upset that Ancient Aliens is twisting the Bible to meet a preconceived idea—which is, of course, a bit humorous given his intent to twist the Bible into supporting the notion that the Sons of God from Genesis 6 added evil DNA to the human genome, as he told the Paradigm Symposium in identifying Peruvian elongated skulls as holding demonic DNA. Anyway, he now says: They get it right when they point out that The Book of Revelation is the end of a cosmic war, but they fail to understand that it is not with ancient astronauts from other galaxies, it is between the rebel angels and the hosts of heaven. They are shoe-horning their beloved ancient astronaut theory into the text and in my opinion it doesn’t fit. Because the aliens are really fallen angels. Marzulli has his own issues though, beyond the open embrace of Satanism. He is concerned that the Ancient Aliens isn’t giving viewers the truth about the Fallen Angels’ plan to thwart the holy bloodline of Jesus. Here’s Marzulli’s take: “In essence the fallen angels were trying to corrupt the human G-nome [sic] and thus thwart the messianic line, and the promise of one who would crush the serpent’s—Satan’s—head.” This is confusing, first because in mainstream Christianity Jesus is the son of God, not of Joseph, of the line of David, so I’m not sure what bloodline is supposed to be corrupted. Is Marzulli a believer in an alternative origin for Jesus? (Some believe that the one of the two conflicting genealogies of Jesus in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 belongs instead to Mary, but this violates the principle of literalism since both assert they trace the line of Jesus through Joseph.) It is also confusing because Genesis makes fairly plain that the offspring of the Sons of God were the heroes of old, not the special line of direct descent from Adam to Abraham to David. If this demon DNA causes sin but God saved only Noah for being righteous, how did this demonic DNA survive the Flood that ended all life outside the Ark? Was Noah’s wife a carrier? I do not recall reading that in Genesis. (Obviously, this is a moot question since there is clearly no evidence that there ever was a Flood, let alone demon-hybrid humans with special sin-inducing semen.) Marzulli, instead, is rejecting the Biblical redactors’ own view of the Flood, in which sin was inherent in the human condition, part and parcel of the Fall, and is instead embracing the revisionist view of the books of Enoch and Jubilees, in which the Flood was specifically caused by the demon seed of the Sons of God producing extra-evil super-sinners. In Genesis 6:6, for example, God regrets having created humans—he does not blame his Sons for corrupting them. It is only later, in apocalyptic Judaism, that evil begins to be personified and becomes attached to the semi-divine heroes and their fathers, the Sons of God, now seen as openly rebelling against Yahweh. In Enoch, for example, the angels specifically blame only the Nephilim when making the case for the Flood to God: [The Watchers] have gone to the daughters of men upon the earth, and have slept with the women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins. And the women have borne giants, and the whole earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness. (1 Enoch 9:8-10) God, accepting that “the souls of those who have died”—the good, normal humans—have petitioned for help, announces a Flood to “heal the earth which the angels have corrupted.” Specifically, God orders the Flood on order to “destroy…the children of the Watchers.” Notice that in this version God no longer regrets having made humans; he now is upset at the angels. Already, just a few centuries after the composition of Genesis, humans are no longer the cause of God’s wrath (as they had also been in the earlier Mesopotamian flood stories, though for being too noisy) but innocent bystanders being saved by death from the supernatural cause of sin.
What Marzulli is doing, though, is frankly bizarre. He seems to maintain that the Nephilim (the giants) somehow preserved their cursed DNA down to the present. He seems to be looking to quantify sin physically as demonic DNA, not unlike Trey Smith and his Nephilim: Origins of Genetic Evil video I reviewed on Monday. It seems weird to more or less displace the idea of sin from the personal to the impersonal, to make it a physical fact (your relative percentage of demon DNA) rather than a moral condition. Marzulli finishes with a false dilemma that about sums up the entire problem with alternative history: “So who are we to believe, the History Channels [sic] version or what the text actually states?” Maybe the answer is that ancient texts can’t be read uncritically and require a deeper understanding of their context and origins to understand what they mean.
10/31/2013 04:00:36 pm
As I talked about a bit before, a necessary baseline is required in most Christians' minds, in studying these things. I hope you don't mind return comment from perhaps a traditional Christian perspective, since you're addressing the subject of God rather directly, yourself...again.
10/31/2013 04:56:56 pm
"Maybe the answer is that ancient texts can’t be read uncritically and require a deeper understanding of their context and origins to understand what they mean."
11/1/2013 05:10:58 am
Will Farrel: "You don't even KNOW!!!"
The Second Incursion
Mark Galavan
12/18/2013 08:18:52 pm
Yes, Marzulli does postulate that after the Global Flood there were likely multiple Incursions / attempts by Satan to corrupt the human race so it would be somehow transformed into Satan's image to prevent the promised messiah from coming. What Satan doesn't expect is a VIRGIN BIRTH as God's solution.
2/4/2014 11:39:01 am
Where did the word alien come from? This new name is the satanists way of hiding the true nature of demons. What are angels? Would they not be classified as e.t. lol. Do they not exist in some form/body? How about the holographic universe theory, is it possible whats outside this solor system is nothing more than a hologram? Maybe a trick done by satan. What you call aliens they were already known as the Sons of GOD and HE did get fet up with humans because of their following the teachings of the Nephilm and their fathers. As for how would Jesus' blood could get contaminated or his dna hmmm, didnt he also have a mother, lol. You're attempt to criticize this L.A guy is lacking and very poor. You cannot grasp the whole concept of GOD or anything in the Bible. As for the book of enoch. Why would you use it, its not canon and the writer is not even known nor does it flow with the true word. If it is of GOD you take one discussion and twist it since it shows that GOD was petitioned instead of fed up with man.These are different writers who wrote with different styles and showing through the eyes and ears of enoch. I guess the idea of aliens allows people to do as they please and not have to worry about any consequences since you take GOD out of the equation. Guess what! If there is other lifeforms (aliens) this would prove that there is a GOD because the probabilty of coming out of nothing doesnt work with humans so imagine adding another two or three or 50 lifeforms to the equation. The soup dont mix welll and the math dont add up. Sorry for your luck. I wrote this very quickly so I apologize for the spelling or punctuation errors. But there is no excuse for this bloggers lack of understanding and lack of intelligence in any matter or argument against the Bible and GOD. Even the less educated follower could easily debate you. Just passing through. lol
1/7/2017 09:17:58 pm
Right on!
4/25/2014 01:06:03 pm
I have me LA Marzulli and he is in my opinion correct in his assertion that the UFO phenomenon is demonic in it's origin.
mike mulvey
10/15/2014 10:44:47 am
10/15/2014 06:57:23 pm
The bloodline is extremely important if LA is right. Mary could only have human not demi-God DNA for it all to work. Humans are made in God's image and are, unlike animals or angels compatible with God so Jesus could be fully God yet fully man. Transhumanism is another abomination that is directly against God's plan. People and animals should not mix.
11/10/2014 11:19:09 am
L.a. actually has proof of nephilim skulls and does his research. Way more than a blogger who sits behind a computer all day. Enoch was Noahs greatgrand father. Book of enoch was also found in the red sea scrolls. Jesus and his disciples read and quoted book of enoch. Ancient alien show tries to say that these aliens are good and not demonic. Satan has always tried to destroy blood line; the messiah would be from david line. True God could have had Jesus from any mother, but that's not how he works. His word stays true.
1/7/2017 09:20:15 pm
Yeah boy.
12/1/2014 11:39:51 am
listen, i can tell you this: you need to repent from your evil life, only through the blood of jesus you can obtain forgiveness of sins. about marzulli; you wish to have the knowledge and wisdom this man have. you are probably another satanist trying to redicule him, but those who are really christian knows what hes talking about.
1/7/2017 09:21:45 pm
1/22/2015 09:20:43 pm
L.A.'s 'angelic' viewpoint of who the Nephilim were makes perfect sense in light of the plethora of credible UFO/abduction evidence. The hyper dimensionality aspect is irrefutable. I wish some of the major Christian denominations would pull their heads out of the sand and denounce their flawed 'Sethite' viewpoint.
3/22/2015 04:59:12 am
Satan’s goal of defiling the human genome when the fallen angels came into human women and made the Nephilim failed and Jesus came pure and became our sin sacrifice and is now seated at the right hand of God doing intersession for our behalf. MY question is why are there more incursions now, what is the goal? Is this his army? His goal failed the first time and will fail again but why attempt this at all. The bible does not mention any more fallen angels having sex with women after Genesis. Anyone have biblical answers?
H Jake Broomes
8/16/2015 09:15:36 am
Josey, Jesus alludes to the final incursion at Matthew 24:23-30. This section of the Bible puts LA Marzulli on solid ground. The final incursion will precede the coming of the Saviour.
4/8/2015 05:02:45 pm
Henry waweru
4/26/2016 06:08:36 am
Scripture cannot just be read uncritically only for understanding to pop into your head! LA is right-there is something to the UFO phenomenon and good to note that the so called Aliens actually hate the bible and always talking up Satan.
5/21/2016 03:08:42 pm
Thank Yahweh for LA Marzulli. The truth is the truth. There is so much deception presented to people nowadays that only Godly discernment will reveal to those with it what is the truth. LA presents the truth, thank you LA we love you and pray for you often and will continue to do so, as for you who do not believe where he is coming from. Pray for God to show you the spirit of Truth. In Yeshua Ha-Messiah name!
1/7/2017 09:32:13 pm
Amen brother.
8/7/2016 02:33:54 am
Your all f...ing bat shit crazy
9/8/2016 02:10:38 am
Arrogance and stupidity are a dangerous combination??!!
1/7/2017 09:38:32 pm
I'm so glad to see that so many of you are not buying this guy's line. I will be praying for you to see the truth. L.A is on the right track,and thank God for him.
Roland Carres
3/29/2017 08:11:16 pm
Many are making the mistake like Eve. Notice she adds "touch" to Gods words? God doesn't tell us he warned Eve about touching the fruit. Only tells her not to EAT the fruit. Satan sees this mistake and uses it to unsurp what God is warning about. It's not hard to see how she was fooled by NOT carefully listening to God. The same mistake is speading like wildfire around the world in our day with people changing Gods words/warnings using books and writings outside of Gods word. You people who claim phony books like 'Enoch" and other books which some claim should be in the bible ( Oh, excuse me, I guess God, who is able to speak and bring this world into excistense and shed much blood in getting his 'book' published (Mark 13:10 ) just isn't able to get his book right! Yeah right, some dudes with napkins on their heads decided to tear apart God's book and remove what they wanted and God is just helpless. He wasn't able to get the parts back into his gospel, it took morons like LA Marzulli to get his (Gods) word corrected.)
Cindy felice
9/22/2017 10:42:10 pm
Hi Roland Please read Job chap 1 where angels are called sons of God thanks and God bless
11/17/2017 10:22:39 pm
Actually, if memory serves me, the Bible is pretty descriptive about the size of Goliath, his brother, their physical descriptions as far as extra digits and rows of teeth and their armaments (which were extremely large by comparison to the Jewish soldiers.) Arguing that L.A. is wrong because he misinterpreted a turn off phrase like "Giants" doesn't fully dismiss these further descriptive adjectives. While I'm sure being 15-feet tall and having multiple rows of teeth and carrying spears as tall as cedar trees and shields as heavy as oxen may not necessarily preclude becoming a man of intellectual stature in those times, I'm not really sure that it would go hand-in-hand with the requirements to attain that position. I could be wrong. Maybe the automatic assumption is supposed to be that if such a person shows up you automatically assume he is also extremely learned.
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