Before we begin today, I will report the Nielsen ratings for Megan Fox’s Travel Channel series Legends of the Lost, which debuted on Tuesday. It tanked. Bad. Fast national ratings, which will be adjusted slightly for DVR viewing in the coming days, indicate that 429,000 people watched the show live, making it the 76th ranked cable show for Tuesday. The show was in a bad spot because of its timeslot, 8 PM to avoid airing opposite the cable leader in the category and across all shows, The Curse of Oak Island, on rival History at 9 PM, a show that attracts 3.3 million viewers—1% of all Americans, not just America’s 100 million TV households. Legends, however, failed even to rival the Curse recap special that aired opposite it and easily defeated the dull Travel attempt to attract the same audience. Frankly, I figured Travel considered Fox’s show a dud when they scheduled the season finale for Christmas. Anyway, on to today’s topic… It’s sort of strange to watch the many different prongs of the UFO world converge on something new and weird, not unlike watching a group of flies scatter and converge on different pieces of dung. In this case, the new consensus seems to revolve around the idea that space aliens are not actually aliens but demon-monsters from another dimension. Granted, this not a new idea, but it is one that is becoming uncommonly pronounced across the UFO world, and it all traces back to the same source—a testament, indeed, to the incestuous nature of ufology as well as the paucity of originality in the field. Anyway, the proximate cause of today’s discussion is a recent Dec. 4 blog post by Nephilim theorist L. A. Marzulli. He suffered the loss of his California home and merchandise inventory in the recent wildfires, which is quite sad. But he came back from that disaster with a Nov. 29 blog post endorsing a form of the pro-Trump Q-Anon conspiracy theory, which falsely imagines Trump and Robert Mueller working together to jail prominent Democrats. “What if President Trump is fully aware of the corruption leading up to perhaps Obama himself?” Marzulli wrote. “I have stated this numerous times but will do so again. We have not a real president since JFK with the exception of Reagon (sic)—they tried to kill him too—and now Donald Trump.” Marzulli followed this up with a discussion of space aliens that identified the extraterrestrials as denizens of a demon dimension. And he attributed this to a familiar source: I would posit that these are not extraterrestrials but are interdimensional beings that are masters of deception. Jaque (sic) Vallee, as well as J. Allen Hynek, put this position forth decades ago. […] The UFO phenomenon is the end-time-plan of deception straight from the Prince of the Power of the Air, which is one of Satan’s titles. These crafts move with impunity over all the airspace in every country on the planet. This is the Coming Great Deception. Granted, most of this is nothing new, but his citation of Jacques Vallée and J. Allen Hynek marks an admission of the close relationship between Marzulli’s satanic demon theory and the interdimensional beings popular among less Christian ufologists. You will recall that To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, Robert Bigelow’s science-adjacent UFO researchers, and the Pentagon’s UFO investigation office have all endorsed the idea of interdimensional entities being mistaken for space aliens. Similarly, nearly identical claims have been aired at MUFON conferences, at various alien-themed conventions, and on the movement’s flagship Ancient Aliens broadcast, where wormholes and dimensional rifts are now spoken about as commonly as pyramids and megaliths.
The amazing thing is that these various outlets are all drawing on a single original source—or, rather, original sin. Ancient Aliens and the UFO conferences are copying what they hear from the leading lights in the field. To the Stars, Bigelow, and the Pentagon all exist in an incestuous relationship whose Venn diagram converges on Hal Puthoff, the psychical researcher who works or has worked for all three and has made himself the keystone in government and government-adjacent UFO and paranormal investigation. As I have reported in the past, Puthoff came to adopt the claim that UFOs are interdimensional from Jacques Vallée when the two of them worked together in the same office building in the 1970s and egged each other on in reinforcing their mutual fascination with spirits and spacecraft. You needn’t take my word for it. Vallée described it himself in his book Forbidden Science. I wrote about this a while back, but basically Vallée invented the idea of interdimensional flying saucers and Puthoff injected it into the military-industrial complex through his dogged determination to place himself in position as the government’s go-to expert on the paranormal. Bigelow bought in to Puthoff, as did Tom DeLonge, who hired him for To the Stars. But what’s most interesting to me is that Marzulli mentioned J. Allen Hynek. That must mean that he’s been reading my blog. I published an exposé of Hynek’s belief in interdimensional poltergeist UFOs not long ago. I had received a lot of pushback from UFO believers about the matter since Hynek took great pains to avoid discussing the subject on TV or in most of his mainstream media interviews. To this day, he retains the reputation of a nuts-and-bolts ufologist, despite the fact that it was none other than Jacques Vallée who introduced him to the interdimensional hypothesis and with whom Hynek discussed his belief in the subject in a joint interview for one Vallée’s books. It’s both fascinating and depressing to see the way a bull session between two young men possessed of keen intellect but little skepticism almost fifty years ago continues to echo through the decades and shape the broader culture’s ideas about UFOs. It’s sort of like witnessing the butterfly effect in action. If Vallée had only chosen a different office, none of this would ever have happened.
12/6/2018 10:55:06 am
Looks like Marzulli has completly abandoned his easily debunkable, ridiculous research into the elongated skulls in favor of non-testable nonsense.
12/6/2018 02:31:53 pm
Thanks much for the article, Jason. I have a bit of a bone to pick with you though. I'll start by noting that there are ufo "believers" of every human stripe and to paint most or all of them with such a broad brush is neither fair, nor accurate. I, for example, am a well-educated scientist who has never been unemployed, nor have I made a habit of lying. I'm an ok husband and good dad. I consider myself to be relatively fair-minded, and I'm (almost) entirely sober. Yet I've witnessed something that I cannot account for, and believe me, I have tried. I'm not going to waste time describing it, but suffice to say it was not ANY of the usual suspects. Don't bother telling me what it might have been - because it wasn't.
Joe Scales
12/6/2018 03:10:24 pm
"Yet I've witnessed something that I cannot account for, and believe me, I have tried."
12/6/2018 05:01:03 pm
Nope. Not going to climb out on that alien limb. Yet. You're dead on about "awaiting identification" Joe.
Jim Davis
12/6/2018 04:28:23 pm
<i>Don't bother telling me what it might have been - because it wasn't.</i>
12/6/2018 05:09:24 pm
Jim, I see what you mean and thanks for pointing it out. To clarify just a bit, I meant that whatever it was, I am convinced that it was not one of the usual prosaic misidentifications e.g. an airplane, heli, meteor, balloon, drone, bird, etc.
E.P. Grondine
12/7/2018 12:24:21 am
Hi Jocko -
An Anonymous Nerd
12/7/2018 10:09:48 pm
[Yet I've witnessed something that I cannot account for, and believe me, I have tried. I'm not going to waste time describing it, but suffice to say it was not ANY of the usual suspects. Don't bother telling me what it might have been - because it wasn't.]
12/8/2018 11:05:35 pm
Hey Anon, thanks for the reply. I’ll respond tomorrow - I’m beat tonight and need to think a bit on this.
All the Ufologists and NASA-haters talk about anti-gravity as though it would be the magic carpet on which we could freely explore the galaxy. But what would an anti-gravity space mission be like? There would be no earth-shaking roar as mighty rocket engines come to life, no majestic rising of a rocket on a plume of smoke. Instead, somebody would throw a switch and the spacecraft would simply lose weight. They never say what energy source would achieve this little miracle, it just IS. So then the spacecraft would be free to rise vertically using virtually no propulsion at all—a squirt of monomethylhydrazine should do the job— until it was out of the atmosphere. It would not actually be in orbit—there would be no need for that. As a matter of fact, there's no particular reason to take a weightless spacecraft out of the atmosphere at all—all the benefits of zero-g could be had in the stratosphere, or even just staying on the ground. You could keep going upwards, of course, but in that case your lovely anti-gravity technology is a rapidly declining asset. The force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of your distance from the center of the planet. By the time you reach the orbit of the ISS it's already declined by 10%, and at geosynchronous altitude, where the comsats are, it's 0.023g, so you're not getting much benefit from switching it off, are you?
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/6/2018 05:29:51 pm
I think it's adorable that you think the Manhattan Project was kept secret.
12/7/2018 02:25:15 pm
Thank you Dan! And I'm delighted that you were thoughtful enough to take the time to reply to my comments in such a substantive way. Given that you are so clearly of superior intellect (you're not) I'm sure I speak for all of us here when I say that we appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
12/6/2018 06:01:56 pm
According to Wikipedia, Hal Puthoff was into Scientology in the 60s and 70s
Priceless Defender
12/6/2018 06:20:08 pm
I know what JockoBadger is speaking of. All of the maneuvers can be explained with thrust vectoring except for one. That one maneuver leaves you with a coin flip. Either, it's military or, aliens.
Uncle Ron
12/6/2018 09:23:01 pm
I am always amused by the "interdimensional" crowd. It's as though they think that some thing could exist in, say, dimensions 8, 9, and 10 just as we "exist" in 1, 2, and 3; and that that thing can "travel" into our dimensions. Higher dimensions, in the sense that the idea is used here, are simply mathematical constructs and I'll bet any money that none of these folks have the slightest idea how to do the math or what it means.
12/6/2018 10:00:04 pm
Is it a "Phillips" oscillation overthruster? I have spare parts for sale.
Uncle Ron
12/7/2018 04:20:05 pm
Sorry, Mine's a Yoyodyne.
12/6/2018 09:55:57 pm
I would consider myself to be an open-minded skeptic when it comes to UFOS - and by extension, extraterrestrial life forms. However, the chance of eventually proving the existence of either, or proving the String Theory has a greater probability of happening than proving the existence of the Devil, Nephilim, God, or Angels.
Priceless Defender
12/7/2018 01:48:00 pm
Actually, I can prove the existence of Nephilim to you. When it gets dark outside...Look up. They are stars.
12/7/2018 08:28:12 pm
Jajaja ! I'm a mere 6'0 , 100 kilos shell of my former self but here in Ecuador and Peru, I can't exactly get lost in the crowd.
Priceless Defender
12/8/2018 12:13:51 pm
You know what it's like to be 3-24 inches taller than those around you. Consider me a kindred spirit. After two surgeries, I too am a shell of my former self. Be grateful you don't have to deal with "aliens did it" people calling you a "Nephilim" as they decry, "I've beaten up people bigger than you!" .Dude...I'm just trying to walk down the street. Before the show "Ancient Aliens" the Nephilim comments came at the library and bookstores. Now it comes from anyone who can afford cable.
G Teixeira
12/7/2018 06:43:06 am
These UFOs are not aliens but demons crowd should not EVER read Arthur C Clarke's "Childhood's End" or see its miniseries.
Chip Brocky
12/7/2018 07:56:17 pm
Here’s a real treat for all UFO enthusiasts reading this. A great website. It’s thoroughly searchable. Just type in any of your ideas and you will be presented with solid information, actually, all the existing evidence regarding UFOs is discussed. This might help you all on your quest for thruth and knowledge.
12/7/2018 11:18:38 pm
Hi, Jason.
12/8/2018 04:52:28 am
12/8/2018 11:14:21 pm
Hey Dan - Good post. Seriously. Minor item - I believe it’s precipitate. Apologies for pedanticalifragilisticexpialidocious.
12/9/2018 08:04:23 pm
Priceless Defender
12/9/2018 10:16:12 am
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/9/2018 03:58:50 pm
So the obvious explanation is you're looking at an image, not a solid object. Similarly it's a well-known fact that a shadow can move faster than the speed of light.
Priceless Defender
12/9/2018 06:47:21 pm
I never left. I am just no longer acknowledging the existence of Google Boy. Epic waste of time and cyberspace.
12/9/2018 07:55:23 pm
12/9/2018 10:48:24 pm
12/10/2018 12:38:02 pm
PD, you're on the right track with non-alien explanations.
12/10/2018 04:08:16 pm
Danny Boy!
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/10/2018 07:58:37 pm
12/11/2018 02:35:21 pm
Hey Bezalel,
Priceless Defender
12/11/2018 03:30:56 pm
12/11/2018 10:21:29 pm
Priceless Defender
12/12/2018 01:45:39 am
@Bezalel 12/10/2018 05:58:16 am
Jacques Vallee is the master of the UFO subject. His hypotheses are the closest they are to the truth.
12/12/2018 09:49:13 pm
Hey Bezalel,
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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