L. A. Marzulli Claims Satan Is Planning a "Seed War" Between Genetically Pure and Impure Humans8/25/2014 I’m always interested in what fringe figures say when they think they’re talking only to true believers, which is one reason I like looking not just at their public pronouncements but also the products and services that they sell to their fans. For example, Jason Martell’s blatant cash grab “Ancient School,” with its poorly produced YouTube-style video “lessons” speaks much more to Martell’s motives than his parroting of producers’ points on Ancient Aliens. This is one reason I was intrigued when a reader recently sent me an advertisement for L. A. Marzulli’s new video collection Giants: Revealing the Agenda of the Fallen Cherub – Exploring the Archaeology of the Ancients. Recorded in June of this year at the second annual (!) “Nephilim Mounds Conference” (!!), the five DVD set retails for $59.95 and has a kinky sexual focus that says much more about the real panic behind “Nephilim research” than the polished polemics of its most prominent figures. But first, I must confess that I am not at all well versed in the hierarchy of angels, and I was struck that anyone would title a DVD set with the words “fallen cherub,” which conjures visions of Cupid spilling over after tripping on his quiver. But apparently among some Satan theorists, Lucifer was a cherub before his fall. This conclusion derives from Ezekiel’s reference to the King of Tyre as the “guardian cherub” (28:14), which they read in parallel with the “Morning Star” passage of Isaiah 14, about the King of Babylon, as both directly referencing Satan rather than the earthly kings they explicitly cite. Apparently they feel that Ezekiel was incapable of metaphor and therefore the cherub must be read literally—and supernaturally—since men cannot be angels. None of my books on the history of Satan reference this, so it’s no wonder I was taken aback by what appears to be a theology popular primarily among fundamentalists, who posit that Satan is behind a conspiracy of world rulers, thus justifying the synecdoche whereby their appellations apply to their master. Apparently, if you understand the DVD set’s title, you’re self-selected to be part of the audience. So, with that in mind, let’s hear what the Nephilim Mounds Conference DVD set gives its audience, straight from the description on Marzulli’s website: The Nephilim Mounds Conference that took place in Newark, Ohio last year was such a popular event, Russ Dizdar and L.A. Marzulli decided to do it again—with a familiar expert guest—Gary Stearman! These 3 experts on the biblical Nephilim expose the real agenda of the fallen cherub, Lucifer, and take this bizarre subject to a whole new level of understanding. Stearman’s unique perspective on the biblical background of the various types of giants that once roamed the Promised Land lays the groundwork for a complete understanding of Satan’s plans for the last days. 8 unique messages stand alone in their advanced biblical understanding! I know you’re dying to know the real Nephilim-Satan agenda, but surely it’s important to first take a moment to pause and note the appropriation of Native American mounds for the Bible giants. This claim goes back to the eighteenth century, when the mounds were taken for the work of wandering Jews and in such capacity entered early Mormon mythology as the burial place of the white Jews after the fallen red ex-Jews massacred them in their hundreds of thousands. Although the Book of Mormon does not mention the mounds, early Mormon texts make plain that early members of the church considered the mounds to be the remnants of the Lost Tribes’ cemeteries. But the mounds were also considered supernatural by the first white settlers, who told ghost stories about their haunting by Native spirits. This aura of the supernatural contributed directly to the developing claims that the mounds housed the remains of supernatural creatures, such as the evil giants from the Bible. By 1851, the connection was so commonplace that a biography of the famous dwarf Tom Thumb (Charles S. Stratton) included a chapter on giants that used the bones of the mound giants (note: the author gives them as just six feet tall!) as support for the “sacred history” of the violent giants of the Bible. It’s also the reason that the Cardiff Giant hoax took in so many. Throughout the century, the existence of an antediluvian race of giants was taken as scriptural truth, and therefore any skeleton larger than six feet was taken to be proof of what the J. B. Toomer, writing in the Athens, Georgia Banner sometime in the late 1800s, called “the race of giants which undoubtedly at one time inhabited the continent.” OK, so enough of that. You want to know about the kinky Satanic-Nephilim sex. Let’s take a look at the specific lecture topics. Of the eight lectures on the five DVD set, fully half are about how the satanic giants are plotting to corrupt our precious bodily fluids through unholy impure reproduction. These are their exact titles:
Another lecture may involve breeding programs, but I’m not sure. It claims that transhumanism is front from Nephilim activity. The other lectures assert a cover-up of giants (of course), state the Nephilim built megalithic sites, and probe the Old Testament evidence for giants. Now, granted, at least some of these lectures were probably critiquing non-Nephilim theories of alien hybridization, but even so at least 50% of the conference lectures were in one way or another devoted to panicking over a perceived loss of control over human sexuality and reproduction. I am immediately struck by the ancient theme percolating up from beneath the science-fiction trappings: The three Nephilim researchers all seem to unconsciously recall stereotypes of the Native Americans whose mounds they want to attribute to the Nephilim, specifically the “capture narratives” popular in the nineteenth century which depicted white women as helpless before the macho hyper-sexuality of Native American “bucks,” whose wild and unbridled lust and giant penises were irresistible to foolish, weak women and therefore had to be exterminated to save civilization. (This stereotype transferred over to African Americans by the time Native Americans were no longer a major threat to Euro-American civilization.) In appropriating Native American culture for the Nephilim, the researchers seem to have taken over the old anxieties about sexual contact with the racial other and glossed that panic with an appeal to satanic forces rather than racial purity. Nonetheless, the same themes are present: the obsession with elevating “Woman” as the pure ideal to be protected while simultaneously considering her the passive victim of the Other’s sexual desire, as well as the fear that civilized humans would be corrupted by virile and animalistic competitors. If the locus of panic has moved to DNA rather than penises, this is only a scientific gloss on an old idea. Oh, as for that Satanic agenda? Speaking on Prophecy in the News on Friday, L.A. Marzulli stated that all of this crap is the “key to End Times prophecy,” based on his analysis of the “second incursion” of Nephilim after the Flood, based on his belief that (a) Moses was the author of Genesis and (b) that Genesis 6:4, which says the Nephilim were on earth “in those days—and also afterward” refers not to the period when the Sons of God came down and the aftermath but to the pre- and post-Flood world. It’s rather like counting the angels dancing on the head of a pin. Marzulli also claims that an anthropologist confessed to him that he is suppressing the truth about giants out of “terror” in order to avoid losing “his job, his tenure, I mean everything.” So why not give Marzulli the “giant femur” (four feet long, no less!) to get the truth out anonymously? Or, better yet, why not be the man who discovered proof of giants, surely a more lucrative career choice than assistant professorship? Oh, ye of little brain: That would mean Marzulli would have to prove his case and couldn’t sell $59.99 DVD sets talking about conspiracy theories. No one pays for science facts! In response to criticism that he is making up these claims, Marzulli points to Ben Stein’s Expelled as proof that academics are terrified by a cabal of ultra-Darwinists, as though giants were somehow impossible under evolutionary theory. Gary Stearman, host of Prophecy, says that Satan is running the academic conspiracy through the Golden Dawn and Thule Society. According to Stearman, speaking on the above program, by proving giants were real, this justifies both a literal interpretation of Genesis and a belief in the divinity of Christ, for it demonstrates the inerrancy of the Bible. Also: Hitler. You see, for Stearman, Hitler represents the “competitor to the central narrative of the Bible,” for if giants aren’t real then Hitler is right that Aryans are the superior form of evolution and Christians can all be killed off as inferior creatures. Stearman explains that “we (he and Marzulli) are trying to reestablish the Biblical narrative” by proving that human genetics traces back to Adam and Eve and any negative traits are the nefarious influence of the Nephilim, not evolution. And Hitler, or something like that. Plus, archaeologists are lying about ancient sites like the Pyramids and Puma Punku being built by mere humans. “In reality it was very strong, large people”—“demonically enhanced” with DNA from fallen angels, Marzulli adds, as though he has proved the existence of super-strong demons by waving the Bible before his face.
I will give Marzulli this: He says that he is pursuing proper paperwork to export “tissue samples” from Peru, unlike Brien Foerster, who never once mentioned paperwork for his samples. Sadly, though, the “preliminary tests” are just Lloyd Pye’s “alien” tests, which Marzulli reinterprets as Nephilim rather than extraterrestrial. But let me repeat the key point: Angels use deoxyribonucleic acid. How does that work? This implies that they have cells that reproduce, which suggests in turn that angels’ bodies are corruptible like ours or else they would not need to reproduce cells and repair themselves. If true, what makes Marzulli so sure these aren’t aliens? How would you distinguish between physical beings made up of cells who ascend and descend from space? Stearman and Marzulli also endorse the Book of Enoch as an accurate account of the Nephilim—note that for future use next time one of them claims to “only” use the Bible—and Stearman asserts that Plato described Nephilim civilization when writing of Atlantis, oddly echoing Ignatius Donnelly’s claim that Atlantis was the antediluvian world of Genesis 5 and 6. Stearman falsely claims Plato said Atlantis was destroyed in the “Great Flood of Deucalion,” which he equates with Noah’s Flood. It sank beneath the waves, but not in the Flood, according to the Timaeus, which places the Flood before Atlantis, in the most ancient of days. Stearman should stick to the Bible. He’s getting his lies confused as he asserts that secularists are “covering up” what Marzulli calls the “seed war” between pure-blooded humans and evil Satantic half-breeds. Let’s repeat that one, too: Marzulli claims that there is a “seed war” and that some people are genetically pure while others are not. Now how does this fit with the earlier condemnation of Hitler? It seems that Hitler’s error was in using faulty Darwinism to select the Master Race. Stearman and Marzulli equally agree with Hitler that there are genetically impure people, but they would include the Jews among the pure people (as future Christian converts), and aren’t willing to say exactly who the evil impure ones are. That’s up to the audience, who can use their theories to fuel their hatred of their chosen minority group. The bottom line is a familiar fundamentalist refrain: Prepare your soul for the End Times by making sure you’re sexually and genetically pure. Like I said, it’s interesting what these people say when they think they’re speaking only to believers.
8/25/2014 06:06:18 am
Jason, I guess we should be clear to distinguish between Believers here, as you ended your discourse referring to the End Times. I don't think you wanted to give the impression that the Average Christian Believer is concerned with racial impurity, or alien-DNA impurity, or whatever the case may be.
8/25/2014 06:21:25 am
Satan exists, it says so in the Bible
8/25/2014 06:23:30 am
Jason didn't say "average". He said "familiar". Learn 2 read.
9/4/2014 12:31:59 pm
Only Me
8/25/2014 06:40:27 am
Gunn, you did some pretty purposeful twisting of your own. Read these two lines again:
8/25/2014 07:03:32 am
Exactly. "Believer" doesn't refer to Christians but to people who believe in Marzulli's and other fringe figures' views, as the antecedent makes plain.
8/26/2014 05:43:05 am
But Jason, when you explain it like that, Gunn can't play the victim.
8/26/2014 11:20:33 am
It's easy to see what Jason intended. It's also easy to see the associating mischief. Nice platform, Jason.
8/26/2014 11:33:27 am
Gunn's on to us, everybody! Run!
8/26/2014 11:39:46 am
What does a familiar fundamentalist refrain have to do with preparing your soul for the End Times by making sure you’re sexually and genetically pure? Only Me, I thought you were sharper than that. Usually, you're not this superficial.
8/26/2014 12:19:40 pm
LOL if you really believe anyone here cares whether you take them seriously.
Only Me
8/26/2014 01:22:52 pm
Gunn, you've cherry-picked one sentence to find support for your non-argument. I thought you were more mature than that.
8/25/2014 06:23:25 am
>> there is a “seed war” and that some people are genetically pure while others are not
8/25/2014 06:26:04 am
Breking News: Poster 666 thinks the Bible is bad.
8/25/2014 06:31:39 am
Correction: 666 knows the Bible is just another religion
Matt Mc
8/25/2014 06:37:58 am
What cracks me up about 666 is that he is more bible obsessed than most religious people I know. His disbelief is more fanatical than the average southern Baptist and he is even more a closed minded in his presentation then them also. He really is no different than the Westboro idiots.
Only Me
8/25/2014 06:32:41 am
*David Attenborough voice*
8/25/2014 06:35:22 am
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
Only Me
8/25/2014 06:47:34 am
So the truth comes to light! That's what this is all about. You're a pathetic, bitter shell desperately trying to find something to fill the emptiness...and you're overcome with petty jealousy toward those who have found a purpose or meaning to their lives, with or without religion.
a less confused scholar
8/25/2014 03:08:27 pm
Duke of URL
8/26/2014 04:33:46 am
That's perfect!
Duke of URL
8/26/2014 04:34:47 am
Oops - shoulda made clear that I'm complimenting "Only Me"
8/26/2014 06:38:11 am
@ Duke:
8/25/2014 06:32:50 am
What did the nomadic tribe of Jews do in order to settle down and found their own country?
Only Me
8/25/2014 07:25:20 am
Pointless question.
8/25/2014 01:46:42 pm
. gonna .
8/25/2014 01:53:53 pm
No, I'm asking you indirectly (directly now) to gtfo.
Scott Hamilton
8/25/2014 06:37:33 am
Are there any female Nephilim?
8/25/2014 07:04:59 am
Of course not. The Bible said they were all "mighty MEN of renown," and super-stud Sons of God only have virile boy children, because: MANLY MEN.
8/25/2014 09:28:11 am
Assumng that we identify the Nephilim and the giants of old. Which is far from clearly being the intended meaning of the passage.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
8/25/2014 07:28:53 am
Just to clearly state the angelology involved here:
8/25/2014 07:40:44 am
I know the cherubim aren't the cherubs of greeting card art, but the DVD set uses the colloquial "cherub" rather than the more formal "cherubim," and "cherub" carries the connotation of "putti" in most non-biblical usage. For what it's worth, Edgar Cayce preferred the archangel version. And we know he must be right because he said that the Atlanteans had death rays.
8/25/2014 10:09:14 am
Jason, do you know who was the first to speak of anything like "death rays" in the moderns sense? 8/25/2014 10:40:04 am
Great question! The best information I have is that H. G. Wells gave the Martians "heat rays" in "War of the Worlds," which Garrett P. Serviss turned into "disintegration rays" in his unofficial sequel, "Edison's Conquest of Mars." Edwin R. Scott claimed to have invented a "death ray" in 1924 and made newspaper headlines (prompting Tesla's version), from which Edgar Cayce and science fiction took the modern form of the death ray.
8/25/2014 11:58:05 am
It's "death beam", not "death ray"! Tesla would have been extremely upset with you. Don't you know that the so-called "death rays" are OBVIOUSLY CRAZY! I bet their inventors never received radiograms from the Martians, nor have they caused earthquakes with their lightning machines!
5/22/2019 03:17:31 am
To colivatoe of 8/25/14 . To show how ignorant you are of simple biblical knowledge - one form of cheribum is singular the other is plural. If you can't even get that simple fact correct you're pretty much blown out of the water on the rest of your "facts". Stick to horror novels - the world of fiction where you don't have to worry about facts.
Only Me
8/25/2014 07:45:34 am
Not going to disagree with what you said. I just wanted to point out that the hierarchy of angels can be confusing.
8/25/2014 09:32:02 am
It is ironic how much of the crazy Christian fundamentalist fringe's demonology derives from the Renaissance occultists and humanists.
Only Me
8/25/2014 09:52:16 am
I guess when you're pursuing literalism, any source will do.
8/25/2014 10:03:05 am
That's a nice Voltairean quip, actually. You should write it down :)
Paul Cargile
8/25/2014 08:02:18 am
Fallen Cherub: I suppose if there is a Baby Jesus, there need be a Baby Satan as well. Makes for an interesting nursery.
8/25/2014 08:32:42 am
Just curious, how does one get to be an "expert" on Biblical Nephilim? Is there some two bit, pay up front pretend "school" (like that one Martell is running, for PROFIT, not prophet) where one can get some "kewl" degree that one can hang on the wall of his/her hovel?
Only Me
8/25/2014 09:18:47 am
Ask the Science Channel. Apparently, they have the criteria.
8/25/2014 09:39:22 am
There are many serious historians of religion, including many non-believers. Some of them are experts on topics like the Genesis and ancient Middle Eastern cosmologies. But because serious scholars typically don't make a living out of a single sentence, their Nephim expertise is subsumed under more general and worthwhile subects.
Dave Lewis
8/25/2014 11:46:13 am
In addition to expert, I find that these folks like to call themselves researchers.
8/25/2014 12:03:41 pm
Bruce Fenton: Supernatural researcher and investigator, Reiki Healer, Psychic Reader, and Kundalini Energy Activation Practitioner
5/22/2019 03:10:01 am
One thing for sure - your ignorance will not qualify you for much of anything
8/25/2014 09:58:23 am
I just took a gander at the prologue of Marzulli's current book and discovered that the views he expresses sound a lot more like Catharism than like anything properly called Christianity. I wonder if all the community churches where he speaks fully appreciate the fact... (Not really - I know they do not.)
8/25/2014 10:16:51 am
This is of course the logical end of the theology promoted by the likes of Marzulli, Scotty Roberts, Russ Dizdar, et al. Marzulli isn't alone in this eugenical focus. Take a look at Tom Horn's newest paranoid offering. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAK2Mtce9gw
8/25/2014 10:27:41 am
You sell exorcism courses. You are literally every bit as bad as they are.
Only Me
8/25/2014 10:57:48 am
Hey, personal trainers make a living helping people get their bodies in shape. He's just taking the next logical step and trying to help people get their souls into shape :D
8/25/2014 11:32:01 am
Also, Jack Ashcraft says things like this:
Only Me
8/25/2014 12:13:19 pm
Okay, I'm confused. Is that quote different from this one, taken from Newton's memoirs:
8/25/2014 12:42:42 pm
Confused? I know, right? A populist Catholic exorcist who goes under the moniker "Bare-Knuckled Priest" is demonstrating subpar knowledge of the history of science while trying to undermine the secular worldview? I'm in a state of shock! :)
A Few Thoughts About Newton's Ocean
8/27/2014 06:05:56 am
The observation could be about what has yet to be explored
Only Me
8/27/2014 07:31:24 am
Your first thought is on point. That is precisely what Newton meant. Fr. Ashcraft's statement about what *he* thinks Newton meant, is at odds with the actual quote.
8/25/2014 11:08:17 am
Let's assume you could build a time machine and go back to the time of Jesus. He would not be a blonde, blue eyed surfer dude, or look remotely like a movie star, but would look middle eastern and probably somewhat olive complected.
8/25/2014 11:09:45 am
By the poster I mean me. I'm white. But I wholly like diversity!
Only Me
8/25/2014 11:17:31 am
This just in…an ear-shattering "YES" was heard across the entire country, shattering windows and startling small animals.
8/25/2014 11:35:26 am
@ Kal
8/25/2014 12:59:06 pm
"as both directly referencing Satan rather than the earthly kings they explicitly cite"
8/25/2014 01:13:17 pm
Among JaredMithrandir's blogs is Mid-Tribulation Rapture. JaredMithrandir self-identifies as a Mid-Tribber. Fill in your own joke as you see fit :)
8/25/2014 01:18:30 pm
I believe the Prince is Human ruler and the King is Melqart as a stand in for Satan. Pretty simple. And a Plain reading of the Text backs that up perfectly.
8/25/2014 01:24:06 pm
Care to explain? (In a way that is based on evidence, and no imagination. 8/25/2014 01:34:00 pm
Ezekiel 28:11-12 "Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him"
8/25/2014 01:36:23 pm
You are repeating yourself. And saying nothing about Melqart. 8/25/2014 01:51:31 pm
The Hebrew word "Melek" which is translated King is one of the Roots of Melqart. It's usage is not a Coincidence. Melqart means "King of the City" the City being Tyre, hence King of Tyre.
8/25/2014 01:57:43 pm
Ok, you obviously don't have the remotest clue what you're talking about. Not sure what I was expecting, but now you've answered my question. Don't feel any pressure to entertain me further.
Paperback Writer
8/25/2014 10:57:33 pm
Melech, Molech, Milcom, Melkom, Moloch, Molek, Malec, Malik, Melek, Malkum, Melqart, Melkart, Milk, Melqarth, Kronos, Cronus.
Paperback Writer
8/25/2014 11:07:09 pm
Moloch the Phoenician deity can be confused at times with
8/26/2014 06:36:33 am
. , do you ever sleep? Seriously, you need help.
Only Me
8/25/2014 03:10:22 pm
Jared, for someone who believes in the Bible's literal truth, you don't seem to have a problem injecting allusions that aren't there. Before we begin, I'll say that I'm uncertain if Ezekiel 28 is talking about one man or two.
Only Me
8/25/2014 03:24:35 pm
8/25/2014 03:34:50 pm
But it's much more fun if the subject is a god! Or a dinosaur! Give Jared a break, he's a Christian literalist (a Mid-Tribber) AND a libertarian, it's not like he has a lot of other options for fun. :)
Only Me
8/25/2014 04:55:24 pm
My bad. A thousand pardons. *Snicker* 8/25/2014 11:43:40 pm
He only called The Prince at Man.
8/26/2014 06:41:14 am
Jared, your last post accomplishes nothing but exhibit your incredible lack of reading comprehension.
Only Me
8/26/2014 10:41:58 am
Okay, Jared, I see once again you're injecting an allusion that isn't in the passage. 8/26/2014 12:26:28 pm
your translation of verse 12 is a creative one.
8/26/2014 01:34:50 pm
You realize that even if you were right about that (and you aren't), you haven't addressed any of the other points and that, if you can't, then you have no case for your original claims. (To say nothing of all the bravado about probability and popularity.)
Only Me
8/26/2014 01:46:33 pm
Jared, I have given no translations. I quoted directly from the NLT Bible, as I said. The only one guilty of "creative translation" is you.
lil ole moi
8/27/2014 06:11:58 am
The King James bible does not castigate monarchs and
8/27/2014 06:21:29 am
. is basically the rude hyperactive child who constantly interrrupts every adult conversation to get people to pay attention to him.
Only Me
8/27/2014 07:37:39 am
Yes, there have been different versions of the Bible. Most modern editions try to include more contemporary language, to help convey what the authors were saying. The message, however, remains the same.
Dave Lewis
8/25/2014 02:25:14 pm
I just ran across another nutcase, Watchman Bob. His free book, The 10th Harbinger, explains, based on thorough historical documentation and solid Scriptural support, how the item that has been overlooked by Cahn (The Harbinger) and virtually all other expositors of Bible prophecy links Isaiah 9:10 to hundreds of other verses of prophetic Scripture that reveal the exact identity and soon-coming, three-fold destiny of the U.S.A., plus what the Lord commands His people in America to do before the soon-coming holocaust occurs, and it is too late for them to be saved.
8/25/2014 04:37:26 pm
First name: Watchman, last name: Bob :)
8/25/2014 04:07:04 pm
"The three Nephilim researchers all seem to unconsciously recall stereotypes of the Native Americans whose mounds they want to attribute to the Nephilim, specifically the “capture narratives” popular in the nineteenth century which depicted white women as helpless before the macho hyper-sexuality of Native American “bucks,” whose wild and unbridled lust and giant penises were irresistible to foolish, weak women and therefore had to be exterminated to save civilization."
8/25/2014 04:12:10 pm
In fact, here you go:
8/25/2014 05:03:03 pm
While I cannot slam the door shut on the possibility that someone, somewhere is "genetically pure" I believe too that it is very, very unlikely that anyone living today is pure. I commented in a few blogs ago that I once had a co-worker who was a self-proclaimed white supremacist. Before I told him of my heritage in a move designed to turn him away from me, he had mentioned that he was pure Irish. I asked him how he came to know such a thing and he replied that his paternal grandfather told him so.
8/27/2014 06:25:41 am
"such mind-numbingly deceitful and unintelligent denizens which currently pervade the fringe set."
John Hoopes
8/31/2014 03:47:29 am
Have you considered how the iconic 1933 blockbuster film "King Kong" played to longstanding American folklore and fears pertaining to the rape of white women by lustful, black giants? That may explain its appeal.
Ralph E Vaughan
8/31/2014 05:56:09 am
I'm a Christian, but I can't say I'm concerned about race at all. Christianity (or any religion) makes a convenient vehicle for those whose real message is hatred. They are no better than the non-secular hustlers who play the race game for money and power. Race is a myth. All humans are genetically pure simply because they are...human. Do some people have genetic problems? Yes, of course, but that doesn't make them any less human. Besides, some "genetically pure" humans act decidedly inhuman, don't they?
9/11/2014 12:56:11 pm
Mr. Marzulli, is that you? :)
9/9/2014 12:13:09 pm
I continue to be somewhat shocked by some of the more extreme fringe beliefs. Seed wars? Holy hell.
5/22/2019 03:28:46 am
Calvatoed et al, Someday very soon you naysayers will be on your knees asking our Creator Redeemer God for forgiveness of your blasphemy. I will pray for His mercy on you. Sincerely, David
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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