For years now, Christian extremist L. A. Marzulli has hunted Nephilim giants under the banner of his Watchers DVD series. However, Marzulli is increasingly feeling the pressure from his competitors over at Ancient Aliens, and as a result, this week he announced a new line of DVDs called The Watchman Chronicles that will take on the subject of UFOs from the perspective that strange lights in the sky are the work of flying demons who intend to deceive humanity into believing in space aliens rather than demons. Demons have complicated plans. It’s usually best not to ask questions. According to Marzulli, Christians have an obligation to assume that flying saucers and strange lights in the sky require a supernormal explanation. It isn’t possible, he said, to deny that there is a mystery in the skies. “This position abdicates the churches (sic) responsibility and allows the crew, over at the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens, to dominate the conversation.” It seems not to cross his mind that strange lights in the sky might not be supernatural, supernormal, or interplanetary in nature. Here it is probably worth stipulating that any object flying in the sky that has not been identified is technically an unidentified flying object, but in Marzulli’s usage, “UFO” refers to those classes of object that are routinely identified as extraterrestrial spacecraft or their interdimensional equivalents. In announcing his new DVD series, Marzulli provided a transcript of an eyewitness whose “encounter” Marzulli found convincing. He asked the witness how he knew an odd light in the sky was a UFO. “I believe this was a UFO because I’ve seen UFOs before and this looked a lot like others I’ve seen in the past,” the witness replied. Well, that’s convincing. Marzulli’s argument for the demonic nature of nocturnal lights derives from an odd title of Satan in Ephesians 2:2: “prince of the power of the air,” or, as more modern translations put it, “the ruler of the lower heavens.” This argument is, frankly, a bit obscure, but it derives from a very old belief that the atmosphere was filled with demons, while the angels existed above the crystalline sphere that enclosed the Earth. In Ephesians 6:12, for example, Paul states that evil forces (i.e., demons) operate in “the heavenly places.” The claim harks back to the odd notion in the Book of Enoch that the Nephilim’s disembodied spirits were trapped between Earth and Heaven—in the air! This belief persisted for centuries, as St. Augustine testifies in describing demons as being “aerial” in form and riding in the air, as though blown by a fan (City of God 15.23). As Isidore of Seville accidentally implied in Etymologies 8.11.100, a chunk of this belief likely emerged from identifying pagan spirits and gods which were believed to live in the air with Christian demons. In their medieval form, these spirits, called first manes (after their Roman equivalents) and then maones became the Magonians, the flying medieval demons whom Jacques Vallée took far too seriously in suggesting more of a reality to them than simply folkloric predecessors to, yes, UFOs. Don’t expect Marzulli to be able to cite any of that material, or understand the history of his own claims. Instead, Marzulli sees the hand of Satan working alongside that of the U.S. government to destroy the faith of Christians by faking the arrival of space aliens to distract them from the promised return of Jesus. In the following lines, note that Marzulli walks right up to embracing the belief of some of his readers that they will experience the Rapture by being assumed bodily into heaven: If the church is still here—and we might have been take up which actually allows the “revealing” to happen in the first place—then I would put to you, for your consideration, that millions of Christians will loose (sic) their faith in the God of the Bible, as the UFO disclosure and the crafts that most likely will appear, will be the ultimate game-changer. Marzulli, as I mentioned, believes that aliens are really demons—but not just any demons. Of course they are mini-Nephilim. While Nephilim have traditionally been identified as giants, Marzulli is willing to relax the rule a bit if it gets him what he wants. To that end, he emphasizes that the Roswell “aliens” are, according to recent “revelations,” of the six-fingered variety. We all know that Nephilim had six fingers, since their relatives, the Rephaim had polydactyl giants among them (2 Samuel 21:20). So, the tiny little midget aliens must be mini-Nephilim!
Before we get lost in all of the silliness, let’s point out a couple of key facts to keep in mind:
In short, this latest silliness, as “fun” and funny as it sounds, is really a cartoon drawn over a darker image, namely the continued promotion of anti-government conspiracy theories and the perpetual narrative of Christian persecution, designed to rile up the faithful and loosen their purse-strings. The pay must be pretty good, too. Marzulli was able to hire an outside animator to create CGI animations for various UFO sightings in his video. He must sell a lot of DVDs to afford the outlay.
Scott David Hamilton
3/5/2017 10:05:15 am
One quick correction, the series is Watchman Chronicles, not Watchmen. Admittedly, neither construction really makes sense. Who is the Watchman? Not the UFOs... so Marzulli himself?
3/5/2017 11:58:19 am
It was a typo. I fixed it. I think the "watchman" name is supposed to reflect the "Watchers" but also to recall the watchman in Ezekiel 33.
At Risk
3/5/2017 11:57:20 am
Jason, above: "In Ephesians 6:2, for example, Paul states that evil forces (i.e., demons) operate in “the heavenly places.” The claim harks back to the odd notion in the Book of Enoch that the Nephilim’s disembodied spirits were trapped between Earth and Heaven—in the air!"
3/5/2017 12:20:11 pm
I'm impressed you managed to hit all your bases there. "There's no way to strong-arm stoneholes into this," I said to myself. But I was so wrong. Also, I liked the argument that the UFOs couldn't be a demonic conspiracy because the demons are just conspiring to cause confusion. It was whirlwind altogether. 10/10
3/5/2017 01:42:31 pm
I enjoyed it also. My only question is who gets sent down into the stone holes? That wasn't clear to me.
Clint Knapp
3/5/2017 08:58:26 pm
Maybe the stonehole code points to the Watchers prisons.
At Risk
3/6/2017 11:22:19 am
FAWKES, on our future field trip, everyone may get right into their favorite stonehole, by sticking their finger in as a representation of their entire bodies...if one feels the urge. Sadly, we must deal with symbolism here, unless someone can miniaturize herself down...such as was done with the Norse Code-stone.
Dubious f
3/5/2017 12:29:53 pm
Linking ufos with demon is as meaningful as associating unicorns with leprechauns. Theses are not theories, they are fabulations with not a ounce of provable fact. Last year, Marzulli had announced that he had DNA tests conducted on the preserved corpse of a fairy and/or locust in Mexico involving jaime maussan. He said he was duped! How is that possible? Anyways, with this new DVDs, it shows that anything can be renewed and repackaged. Crap in a paper bag or in a box with a bow, still stinks.
3/5/2017 11:15:16 pm
That particular linkage goes back as least as far as the 1980s Creationism trials in Arkansas, one of the creationists stated not only that UFOs were demons, but that the craters on the Moon were created during the expulsion of the rebel angels from Heaven (aka The Fall.).
3/5/2017 06:57:30 pm
"Yet, since God is a fair and good God..."
3/5/2017 12:26:31 pm
The saddest part of all this is that if we ever do discover alien life, these fools will only get richer and more emboldened in their claims. Even if those life forms only exist as bacteria.
Uncle Ron
3/5/2017 01:17:23 pm
I've said this before but it bears repeating: None of these religious types have the slightest conception of the limitless power of the god they imagine. A being that can simply will the universe into existence with its thought, create life by saying, "Let there be . ., " is not something that cares about right or wrong or watches sparrows falling.
At Risk
3/6/2017 10:47:12 am
A Buddhist
3/6/2017 01:03:09 pm
That verse or book may be the result of YHVH's lying spirits! Once it is acknowledged that YHVH can send and has sent lying spirits, where does one end one's skepticism about YHVH's revelations?
A Buddhist
3/6/2017 01:20:28 pm
Apologies. I forgot to specify the division of the Tipitaka. The division is the Sutta Pitaka (Sutta Basket). Tipitaka [Tripitaka in Pali] means Three Baskets.
Uncle Ron
3/6/2017 05:15:50 pm
At Risk- Apparently you didn't read the first paragraph.
At Risk
3/6/2017 09:00:10 pm
"It’s usually best not to ask questions."
Only Me
3/5/2017 01:54:30 pm
I must admit I'm impressed with Marzulli's natural talent at demagoguery. The same with his skill at shoveling bullshit and calling it "truth". Strange how he can make a living from it and still claim he's persecuted.
3/5/2017 05:17:41 pm
“In Ephesians 6:2, for example, Paul states that evil forces (i.e., demons) operate in ‘the heavenly places.”
3/5/2017 08:44:16 pm
What I want to know is where he gets that random statistic that 35% of folks in the pews have seen a UFO? Every poll I've consulted places the number of people who say they've seen a UFO (Christian or otherwise) at 8-12%.
A Buddhist
3/6/2017 05:33:11 pm
If the Christians in pews be as credulous as he is, then maybe they are more likely to attribute any strange light to a UFO. I once saw a strange light, but looking at it more and thinking about it more, I realized that it was a reflection of car headlights off wires.
Truth Seeker
3/12/2017 04:41:21 pm
Let's see now. A demon piloting a highly advanced piece of technology? What the hell is wrong with you people that believe that shit. jfc
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