On Monday L. A. Marzulli weighed in on last week’s Ancient Aliens, in which an elongated skull allegedly from pre-Contact Peru was said to contain DNA that most closely matched a Scottish person. Marzulli, who has chosen to match Ancient Aliens’ turn toward creationism with an embrace of the popular History Channel show, crowed that these results were consistent with his own DNA test on a different skull last year that found European and Middle Eastern DNA in the skull. He also said that the two skulls both show a lack of a sagittal suture, making them potential Nephilim corpses. However, Marzulli claims that all of this proves that the Nephilim emigrated from Israel after the Flood. He added, apropos of nothing, that Cahokia, the greatest Mississippian city, was not built by Native Americans but rather is thousands of years old, not hundreds, and was built by Nephilim using “Fallen Angel technology.” Then he offered this rambling thought: We know Giorgio Tsoukalos and the whole crew at the History Channel, we’re on parallel universes as it were. We know something is going on. We know there is a hidden history. We know that this information has deliberately been kept from the American people, from the people of the world. […] However, where we disagree, where we part company is that they’re looking to the stars, they’re looking to our “ancient astronauts,” people from another galaxy, another planet. And I’m saying, “No, that’s not what we’re looking at. There’s an interdimensional hypothesis here.” I’m sorry. I try to follow these crazy claims, but even I can’t figure out how the Nephilim can be interdimensional beings, the hybrid offspring of Fallen Angels and human women, and Middle Eastern / Scottish human beings all at the same time.
It practically makes today’s second story look logical. This week former television personality Scott Wolter reported on his blog that he is talks to investigate so-called stone “pillars” in New Mexico that some believe are evidence of Knights Templar activity in the region. “Should be interesting and we'll definitely let everyone know what we find out,” Wolter wrote. The pillars, however, are less mysterious than claimed, as Chris McKee of KRQE-TV discovered last month in investigating the Templar connection. According to McKee, New Mexico resident Louis Serna, a retiree who writes self-published books on hyper-local history and family genealogy, saw a 42-inch-tall stone in a hotel lobby and became convinced that its geometric and Christian carvings marked it as the creation of visitors from the Middle East, particularly Knights Templar. “I think that it was made in the Middle East and brought here, at some expense, at that time,” Serna said. “Then, when it was brought here, instead of dropping it off on the East Coast or in the Gulf of Mexico, or in the Pacific, it was brought all the way through the country, into northern New Mexico.” Serna compared the small stone pillar to the Los Lunas Decalogue Stone, a Depression-era hoax that he and other hyperdiffusionists believe is the work of ancient Jewish explorers. The roughly carved pillar has four faces featuring Templar-style Christian crosses (with variations) amidst other iconography such as sun beams. The top of the pillar is a pyramidion surrounded by triangular crenellations. While the carving is crude, befitting its middle of nowhere rural location, the style is reminiscent of obelisk-shaped grave markers popular in the Victorian era, complete with Classical style relief carvings. Just as rural people imitated expensive urban furniture by carving their own duplicates, so too does this stone look a lot like a localized evocation of more expensive mortuary markers by a talented but unrefined sculptor. Indeed, an archaeologist who looked into the story found a second pillar in similar style, and guess where he found it. Yes, that’s right: In the middle of small private graveyard. Serna, however, is unwilling to accept that it could be a grave marker. “Oh no, it’s absolutely it’s not,” said Serna. “For one thing, you know, obviously there’s no name on it and no birth date, no death date, no nothing like that.” If I had to guess, I’d say that it was meant as a marker for a family plot, a monument around which the family’s graves would be arranged. I’ve seen similar markers at some of the small rural cemeteries and family plots in the backwoods parts of upstate New York. At any rate, photographs of the hotel lobby stone and the one still in the graveyard appear consistent with nineteenth century gravestones, but of course I have no way to know for sure since I have not seen the actual stones. Other explanations for the stone include claims that it was a trail marker or a property boundary marker. Serna added that the eight-pointed star found on the cemetery pillar is a symbol of the Knights Templar. “The eight point star is an ancient symbol,” said Serna. “The Templar Knights, when they started their crusades, they took their eight-point star as their badge.” They did not. Serna is confusing Ishtar’s eight-pointed star with fringe books that claim that the Templars used an eight-pointed cross (actually the Maltese cross) to evoke the goddess’ star. The eight-pointed star appearing on the pillar is not identical to Ishtar’s but rather resembles the eight-pointed star pattern used in rural quilting.
Only Me
6/7/2017 10:24:43 am
The less said about Marzulli, the better.
6/7/2017 10:52:38 am
I don't know what is so mysterious about the stone. It was carved by the Nephilim, transported to the New World, probably by ancient Minoan ships probably on their way to the Great Lakes to mine copper. Found later by the Templars and transported to New Mexico, probably by elephants, where it was set up, in the middle of nowhere to mark the spot that "eight Templars and twenty-three members of the St. Clair clan" found the ancient bones of Rough Hurach.
6/7/2017 11:09:51 am
Only Me
6/7/2017 11:16:39 am
6/7/2017 01:07:26 pm
You guys are missing the part about the Templars finding the Nephilim already here, and the ensuing battles between the two.
6/7/2017 11:07:36 am
How sweet, Wolter has finally found a soul mate to share his Templar fantasies with.
Only Me
6/7/2017 11:14:06 am
I think this is why the sweat on Steve St. Clair's keyboard will soon be replaced by the bitter tears of betrayal.
6/8/2017 12:06:47 am
Maybe the good Rev. Phil Gotsch will come back to comfort him, ha ha. I know how much you guys loved it when he would post!
6/7/2017 03:36:51 pm
I would love to see a show called America AB, where Wolter travels the country exploring and promoting the Adult Baby Lifestyle.
6/10/2017 08:37:13 am
Several times on this blog I made a suggestion for a new show for Scott Wolter. It would be about fishing. Since he has a fake Masters degree, he would travel to various lakes, rivers and streams showing us the best baits to use. His show would be titled "The Master Baiter".
6/10/2017 08:43:02 am
He has caught many a live one with his favorite lure, the hooked x.
Joe Scales
6/7/2017 11:15:31 am
Wouldn't it be a hoot if Wolter went out there and debunked the claims? Like a new career path for him.
Shane Sullivan
6/7/2017 11:23:37 am
"I’m sorry. I try to follow these crazy claims, but even I can’t figure out how the Nephilim can be interdimensional beings, the hybrid offspring of Fallen Angels and human women, and Middle Eastern / Scottish human beings all at the same time."
6/8/2017 03:03:02 am
"their Nephilim offspring"
6/7/2017 11:35:23 am
The symbols struck me as possibly Latter Day Saints (Mormons). A quick Internet search shows that pillars or obelisks were not uncommon for LDS graves. https://illuminatisymbols.info/mormon/
At Risk
6/7/2017 11:49:28 am
My own take (so far) is that the Knights Templar and their associates like Cistercian monks were likely involved with expeditions into America, but perhaps even well before the era of the 1362 Kensington Runestone. Of course, there were no Templars at the time of the KRS, only post-Templars, if such a term may be temporarily coined. Templars did not leave the KRS, as they were "disbanded" a half-century earlier.
6/7/2017 12:36:01 pm
I don't not know what unmercilessly means.
6/7/2017 09:23:40 pm
Maybe it's like how loosen and unloosen mean the same thing.
jane smith
6/8/2017 12:45:05 pm
like thaw and unthaw, and flammable and inflammable
At Risk
6/8/2017 08:53:28 pm
It seems like intelligent but nit-picky people like you, Jim, would know I meant either unmercifully, or merciless, take your pick. This shows how low one can stoop in their petty, dumb and merciless attacks. (And, where was my spell-check-friend?)
6/9/2017 08:23:41 am
Sorry for derailing your attempted hijacking of the comments with off topic nonsense.
6/9/2017 01:55:31 pm
I completely understand. I was talking gibberish again. Please treat me in the same manner anytime you feel I deserve it. I appreciate it, my friend.
6/7/2017 12:55:28 pm
I know I've used this recently, and hat-tip to the late David Brinkley, but "more goddamn nonsense".
6/7/2017 05:52:31 pm
A land claim is silly and meaningless if the claimant does not exercise dominion over the land.
6/7/2017 06:15:25 pm
Also if it doesn't say "This is a land claim" but "Wow some dudes got slaughtered so we carved this stone."
6/8/2017 12:27:06 am
Please pay no attention to me. When you acknowledge my presence it only encourages my habit of indulging in rampant gibbering nonsense. I should not be enabled, I should promptly be given a liter sized hypodermic shot in the butt of thorazine instead, and speedily carted off to the nearest psychiatric center. (preferably one NOT controlled by the Freemasons, the Rothschilds, or the Illuminati, thank you very much! The Watchers are of course fine).
At Risk
6/8/2017 09:13:32 pm
Joe, Fake Americanegro, we understand how terrible it must be for you not to have Wolter to kick around any longer, but try to control your "out-reach" here to something more meaningful than feeling the constant urge to attack. This goes for all the "minor" attackers here, too. What a waste of energy, especially since I don't really even care about your asinine, petty thoughts about me and my views.
6/8/2017 10:35:41 pm
If you want something more meaningful and less venom filled, then you might want to stop posting your jibberish. People are nicer when your not around. Not a sermon, just a rhought.
6/8/2017 11:13:22 pm
Having to repeatedly point out to Deluded Dunn that his irrefutable evidence exists only in his imagination wears on one's patience.
6/8/2017 11:17:27 pm
Apologies, my dear friends, for the offensive tone of my last post. I can be hard to deal with in my altered state, can I not?
At Risk
6/9/2017 11:15:25 am
You got it, VITO. Planting a land-claim is only the beginning of an attempted land-claim. The French up in these parts usually held impressive ceremonies, tacked a proclamation to a nearby tree and then buried a lead plate. This occurred in Sault Ste. Marie, MI, and a plate from the 18th century was found by children in SD many years ago. It resides in a museum in SD.
6/9/2017 12:40:18 pm
I have gone insane from staring at the sun.
An Over-Educated Grunt
6/9/2017 03:27:54 pm
You know what else is ineffectual and silly? Trying to settle a continent middle-out, trying to settle a continent from a population base recovering from the Black Death, and trying to colonize North America from Sweden, with its long, completely imaginary stretches of Atlantic-facing coast. There's a reason the North American colonial powers - including Denmark! - all had at least North Sea frontage.
Cort Lindahl
6/7/2017 12:14:17 pm
Here is a link to an article about the stones that I wrote. Some crazy connections to the Beale Treasure legend and toll road through the Raton Pass.
questioning mind
6/7/2017 05:15:25 pm
I am truly confused by Hutton/Wolter...first they put down Halpern"s book...now, the man who is said to own the material has been courted by Hutton/Wolter to get his material....kettle gets more black all the time. Snoose would run out of both sides of their mouths.
6/7/2017 08:06:05 pm
Exactly how much "Fallen Angel technology" is required to construct a wooden palisade and a collection of dirt piles?
Uncle Ron
6/7/2017 08:30:16 pm
It never gets old, does it?
6/7/2017 09:14:40 pm
So is any cross a templars cross, now? Is that how it works? I thought the xx in the Exxon logo was a "templar cross." I wonder why the Smithsonian hasn't stolen the stones yet. You know, to hide the truth and such.
E.P. Grondine
6/7/2017 10:44:48 pm
"I’m sorry. I try to follow these crazy claims, but even I can’t figure out how the Nephilim can be interdimensional beings, the hybrid offspring of Fallen Angels and human women, and Middle Eastern / Scottish human beings all at the same time."
Patrick Shekleton
6/10/2017 12:23:09 pm
AO-E Grunt,
6/10/2017 01:34:12 pm
The KRS doesn't claim to be a land claim, it has several wrong characters, and has anachronisms in its language that didn't exist in 1362. Its not enigmatic at all.
Joe Scales
6/10/2017 02:06:13 pm
Once you cite Wolter as a source for history, linguistics and/or archeology, you lose your credibility. Heck, even his geology, for which he only has a bachelor's degree, is on shaky grounds and has never withstood the rigors of academic, scientific peer review. Or Logic 101, for that matter.
6/10/2017 04:06:13 pm
Wolter,,,,,,, He is now attributing the Shroud of Turin to DaVinci,, hahahahahaha !
Joe Scales
6/10/2017 04:52:09 pm
Well, it's not like Wolter will ever correct himself, so that one is gonna stick. Already his minions of morons are all over it, taking it for gospel.
6/10/2017 05:00:22 pm
He also believes that burning at the stake is the same as cremation
6/10/2017 05:16:27 pm
"The Shroud of Turin
Joe Scales
6/10/2017 10:29:34 pm
"He is sometimes confused with Templar Geoffroi de Charney."
Mike Morgan
6/11/2017 02:13:29 am
"Heck, even his geology, for which he only has a bachelor's degree, is on shaky grounds ..."
6/11/2017 06:06:47 pm
"Templar Geoffroi de Charney"? Charney? Charred? Burnt at the stake? There's more here but Big Academia is hiding it from us!
6/12/2017 10:46:21 pm
This "Anthony Warren" is a relatively new retard who fancies himself an archaeologist, runologist, oghamoligist, panologist...
6/12/2017 11:27:39 pm
The time travel aspect can be easily explained using the same explanation he used for the longitude on Halpern's map.
Joe Scales
6/13/2017 10:21:09 am
That idiot Wolter just double-downed on his Da Vinci/Shroud of Turin when one of his fans informed him that carbon dating placed the shroud's origin prior to Da Vinci's birth. Wolter's explanation? Da Vinci used an old cloth.
6/13/2017 11:04:15 am
"While we don't have definitive proof it's the work of Da Vinci, the tradition that most likely knows the truth stands by their past Grand Master as being the creator."
Joe Scales
6/13/2017 12:31:59 pm
Oh, don't stop Wolter's quote there, as it gets even better with:
6/13/2017 01:04:24 pm
"better facts",,, it that like "Alternative facts" ?
6/13/2017 03:19:24 pm
I'm guessing his resolve is super hard. He is entertaining to watch, less on TV and moreso on his blog and comments section. He seems to be saying that the Shroud of Turin, which genuine :) or not appears to be a one-off was made using secret Templar technology. Because relics was one of the core things the Templars did. And I guess I'm guessing that he thinks Leonardo was some sort of neo-Templar and Grand Master, or else he believes in the Prieure de Sion, or some third possibility. Wolter's a retard.
6/13/2017 04:23:39 pm
OMG,, Wolter is now saying he is certain DaVinci made the shroud, but there may or may not have been a previous one !
Joe Scales
6/13/2017 05:41:33 pm
As I predicted above, Wolter would rather invent more shrouds than admit a very obvious mistake on his part. That is why you must question everything he does; including his petrography work. He is so incredibly dishonest and unqualified that he has to pile lie upon lie to mask his imbecility. If he's going to hold himself out as an historian and be so brutally ignorant of that which he speaks, why then should we then expect anything other than mendacity with any work he has ever done his entire life. His character is wholly corrupt. He is the Imbecile Poseur. The wannabe who could never measure up when it came to serious insight within scholarly pursuits.
6/13/2017 05:58:14 pm
Dishonest agate dealer - check
6/13/2017 06:53:19 pm
You know how I keep saying Wolter is a retard? For no reason in particular, none whatsoever, I'm going to archive Andre Kovac's posts and Wolter's answers here. He appears to back off his Grand Master Da Vinci claim and say "I have no idea what really happened" then doubles down again. What a tool.
6/13/2017 07:32:34 pm
Poor old Leonardo, the Grand Master of the Knights Templar reduced to making fake relics for the very people that were heavily involved in the torture and murder of his brethren, and then disbanded them. haha,, I would say you can't make this stuff up, but I would be wrong.
6/13/2017 08:19:39 pm
Not to mention that to be a Knight in the Knights Templar (they had a lot of support personnel) you had to ALREADY BE A KNIGHT. Presumably the Grand Master would have been a knight. Was Leonardo a knight and nobody noticed?
6/13/2017 09:31:28 pm
Wolter quotes ;
Joe Scales
6/13/2017 10:02:40 pm
Though it is nice to see that argumentum ad ignorantiam is still in vogue, I am more intrigued in wondering what if any fascinating mysteries have ever been solved on Wolter's blog.
6/13/2017 10:27:52 pm
Not sure if it qualifies as a mystery, but today we got treated to a demo of what a dumbass he can be.
6/14/2017 12:35:51 am
Wolter has gone from believing Holy Blood, Holy Grail is real to believing The DiVinci Code is real. These comments tie with the templar pirates series as the most asinine thoughts he's ever had. The man is a comic genius!
Joe Scales
6/14/2017 01:02:06 pm
Ah, the pirate treasure of the knights Templar. Where Wolter boldly stated for the entire world to hear... that St. Anthony was the "patron saint for thieves". I would compare him to Inspector Clouseau, but Clouseau actually solved mysteries, rather than fabricate them.
An Over-Educated Grunt
6/10/2017 08:25:22 pm
Oh no, I was Army. Also, I find the KRS not in the least problematic. The simplest explanation that fits the evidence is that it's a fraud. The only way to justify thinking anything else is to introduce more evidence of sufficient quality that it merits study, and bluntly that requires material artifacts and not speculation about triangle holes in rock, code stones, or windmills.
Patrick Shekleton
6/10/2017 11:33:03 pm
AO-E Grunt,
6/11/2017 06:03:52 pm
Yeah, Army is grunts, Marines is Marines, nice try Patrick Jocksnifferton.
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Louis F. Serna
12/19/2017 01:22:25 am
I am the "guy who wrote the crazy Templar Knights in New Mexico story...". and now a book titled; "The Knights Templar and the Mysterious Stones in Northern New Mexico"... Look it up on eBay and elsewhere...
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