Last week, George Knapp launched Mystery Wire, a paranormal and UFO news service presenting his back catalog of local TV news reports about unidentified aerial phenomena, supplemented with other local news reports from his employer’s sister stations. It’s not a very well done site, and it contains very little original material, so I wouldn’t normally write much about it, except that the more I’ve thought about it, the angrier its existence makes me. The reason is that Mystery Wire isn’t owned by George Knapp but rather by Nexstar Media Group, one of the largest operators of local television stations in the United States. Nexstar and Knapp launched the service on KLAS, the Nexstar CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, last week. Here is how he introduced it to mark the thirtieth anniversary of his first broadcast UFO story, using archival footage and new commentary: [archival 1989 clip] If we know anything about science it is this: the truth is always changing. What is science fiction today is science tomorrow. For instance, back in the 1800s, the scientific establishment scoffed at persistent reports from peasants and farmers and other country folk about rocks that fell from the sky. It took more than 100 years for the French Academy of Sciences to finally concede that meteorites were real. He was off by a century on meteorites, incidentally, but who cares about accuracy when you’re a news reporter? The first claim that meteorites were rocks from space was published in 1794, and scientists of the time did not generally accept the fact until 1803—a total of ten years, not a hundred, and seven times shorter than the period from the dawn of the UFO era to today, where evidence for the existence of flying saucers still isn’t there. And, after all, when you have to reach back to the turn of the nineteenth century for an example of scientists disbelieving an aerial phenomenon later proved true, you might not actually be making the case you think you’re making.
What bothers me about this isn’t that one TV station has a wacky reporter with a looney obsession. Most markets have at least one weird broadcast journalist. It’s that Nexstar is putting its corporate resources behind a paranormal news service, apparently believing that conspiracy theories and extraterrestrial fantasies are a potential profit center. Worse, they are creating a separate and inferior news outlet to deliver conspiracy theories, pro-UFO propaganda, and To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science puff pieces. I’m not comfortable with the idea of broadcasters creating bespoke news outlets for controversial, or even fake, topics in order to slice and dice the audience by demographic, twisting the news to meet the audience’s prejudices and beliefs. One might argue, for example, that this isn’t really different from Disney operating both ABC News for general information and ESPN for sports-themed news, or Comcast providing general news under the NBC News label while offering specialized content for businesspeople as CNBC, for busybodies through E! and Access Hollywood, and for genre nerds through Syfy Wire. This feels different to me because it is based not on a longstanding, generally recognized subject of journalism (sports, entertainment news, etc.) but rather pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and belief. Imagine if CBS also ran a Q-Anon news service, and I think the problem starts to become clearer. Nexstar should be ashamed of itself. It joins Sinclair Broadcasting, which infamously demands conservative propaganda run on its stations, in the pantheon of local broadcasters who subvert the spirit of journalism in pursuit of power and profit. (Both Nexstar and Sinclair operate stations in the market where I live.)
11/12/2019 09:46:54 am
As if this website doesn’t spew its hate and lies for power and profit. He’ll soon be asking the 50 regulars for money.
The Facts
11/12/2019 11:15:00 am
There's nothing unusual or significant about lights in the sky, which is only anomalous aerial phenomena and not aliens from outer space.
11/12/2019 11:33:09 pm
What amazes me is that with nearly every person owning a mobile phone capable of HD video and photos, these guys are still clutching on to unsubstantiated news reports from the 80’s.
11/12/2019 11:55:36 am
11/12/2019 12:16:41 pm
Someone puts up a website and its existence makes you angry? And the reason you're angry is the ownership? That's just silly and it besmalls you. (Yeah, I can Shakespeare. Live with it.)
11/12/2019 02:48:27 pm
Wah,,,,, crying Kent, drama Queen.
11/12/2019 03:46:48 pm
No, quite the contrary, it makes me joyful. I was very pleased to read this post of Jason's today. And from the very bottom of my heart, my ticker, if you will, I am grateful for the insight you have provided into the phenomenon that Joe Scales characterizes as "stalkers and ankle-biters". It's not a good look for you, but only you can live your life. Jim.
11/12/2019 04:30:50 pm
Speaking of Putin, Isn't it a Russian ploy to flood American media with fake UFO crap ?
11/12/2019 04:45:47 pm
The American media floods itself quite nicely, thank you very much. Recently with the assistance of the United States Navy. If you can pin that on the Russians you must be great in the sack because that's quite a contortion.
11/12/2019 05:11:52 pm
11/12/2019 05:36:59 pm
Eighty years ago if we can believe history as we were taught it, a brouhaha was started by someone who fancied himself anti-Russian among other things.
11/12/2019 06:22:42 pm
"Eighty years ago if we can believe history as we were taught it, a brouhaha was started by someone who fancied himself anti-Russian among other things."
11/12/2019 07:02:54 pm
In what universe does this sound like "Russian propaganda" to you?
11/12/2019 07:08:00 pm
Because the Germans and the Russians were snuggle-buddies during WWII? That's interesting new information.
Jr. Time Lord
11/12/2019 10:17:20 pm
"from the very bottom of my heart, my ticker, if you will, I am grateful for the insight you have provided into the phenomenon that Joe Scales characterizes as "stalkers and ankle-biters". It's not a good look for you, but only you can live your life."
11/13/2019 04:54:30 am
Treaty not withstanding you're now saying that Hitler wasn't anti-Russian?
11/13/2019 10:32:49 am
What I am saying is that you seem to be really pro Russian or at least pro Putin as reflected by all of your responses coming up Putin.
11/13/2019 10:55:46 am
You brought up Putin, Enemy to the North. I simply embraced it, applying that simple principle that "anyone Jim doesn't like is probably an okay Joe.".
11/13/2019 11:22:14 am
"You brought up Putin"
11/13/2019 07:44:38 pm
Jim. Jim.
11/13/2019 08:10:59 pm
11/15/2019 12:40:50 pm
Sorry, I meant to say Prime Minister Blackface.
11/15/2019 01:42:36 pm
As opposed to President “racist as shit” Trump. I’ll say one thing, you can bet Trump would never be caught dead imitating a black person, and it’s not because he respects them too much.
11/15/2019 02:24:26 pm
The important thing at the end of the day is unlike Pretty Boy to the North and the current governor of Virginia he hasn't done it.
11/15/2019 02:56:28 pm
Tadd Johnson:
11/15/2019 03:02:21 pm
11/15/2019 03:36:55 pm
Wait, what? Someone was wearing makeup for a TV appearance?
11/15/2019 04:42:28 pm
"Wait, what? Someone was wearing makeup for a TV appearance?"
11/15/2019 05:04:10 pm
As the link I provided and you reprovided, Anus and Androgyny, shows, HE WAS ON TV. That kinda makes it a TV appearance.
11/15/2019 05:25:55 pm
11/15/2019 05:39:34 pm
"Yes something can only be west of something if it's on the same line of latitude.,,,,, Full stop"
11/15/2019 06:07:08 pm
This is a first.
11/15/2019 06:39:38 pm
It's far from a first, you've been publishing here for some time, Jim. Jim. Let's review, shall we?
11/15/2019 07:59:31 pm
I was mistaken, Reno is more north than north north west of L.A. but still not exactly due north.(about 7 degrees off true north)
11/15/2019 08:45:26 pm
Wait, what? You get to tweak the definitions of "north" and "west" so you're always right?
11/15/2019 09:35:04 pm
"I was mistaken, Reno is more north than north north west of L.A. but still not exactly due north.(about 7 degrees off true north)
11/15/2019 11:14:45 pm
Hahahaha,,, you're a hoot Joe.
11/16/2019 01:36:25 am
He’ll never win an argument with himself, because none of his personalities ever admit they’re wrong.
Joe Scales
11/16/2019 09:53:47 am
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/16/2019 11:42:54 am
Lol, Joe old buddy, old pal, your back !
11/16/2019 12:33:01 pm
It bears pointing out that the "concentration camps" started under Obama, our 44th white President, who famously closed Guantanamo on his first day in office. OOOPS!
Joe Scales
11/16/2019 01:24:44 pm
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/16/2019 01:45:37 pm
Kent: " Obama, our 44th white President,"
11/16/2019 05:04:37 pm
Ol Joe Kent’s a racist. His Americanegro persona was his version of wearing blackface.
11/16/2019 05:26:51 pm
" His Americanegro persona was his version of wearing blackface."
11/16/2019 05:45:30 pm
Ah! The old one drop theory! Not toooo racist, Jim. Jim. Your pigeonholing people according to race is quite interesting. I don't see color but that's just me.
11/16/2019 09:31:00 pm
Joe Scales
11/16/2019 10:12:42 pm
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/16/2019 10:25:27 pm
Kent must be tripping on purple microdot or something, I have no idea what point he is trying to make.
11/16/2019 10:49:25 pm
I think him accidentally outing his various personalities with that little slip recently has short circuited the synapses to his brain.
11/16/2019 10:56:05 pm
Wow, what a surprise! Jim says something that's obviously and demonstrably not true.
11/16/2019 11:15:51 pm
11/17/2019 12:04:33 am
Now come on, be honest Jim. You love to rub it in when Kent’s wrong.
Joe Scales
11/17/2019 11:03:35 am
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/17/2019 12:24:27 pm
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ANKLE NIPPER ALERT^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11/17/2019 01:35:03 pm
"When the colony of Georgia was founded slavery was forbidden there."
11/17/2019 03:26:07 pm
So what Kent ?
11/17/2019 03:45:16 pm
11/17/2019 04:02:27 pm
Pull up your pants, I'm getting tired of kicking you.
11/17/2019 04:29:23 pm
"every other place in the Americas"
11/17/2019 06:08:03 pm
11/17/2019 07:47:06 pm
One of the many perks of not working for you is not having to hit keyboard keys that you want me too.
Joe Scales
11/17/2019 09:18:17 pm
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/18/2019 09:45:31 am
Kent:,, " Obama, our 44th white President,"
Joe Scales
11/18/2019 09:48:31 am
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/18/2019 10:19:10 am
Joe Sssssssscales cannot debate, he does not have the mental acuity.
Joe Scales
11/18/2019 10:30:51 am
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/18/2019 11:25:02 am
“Jim won’t stop. Jim can’t stop... That is pathological. That is Jim.”
Ty Cobb
11/19/2019 02:57:36 pm
Slavery was banned for a short time after Georgia had already been settled as a matter of economic and political policy. The prohibition only extended to African slaves. It remained legal to own Native American slaves during the roughly fifteen years that African slavery was banned in the colony
11/19/2019 04:08:16 pm
You are correct. And that's how it's done, by actually being right. Jim.
11/19/2019 04:40:04 pm
Thanks Ty Cobb.
Ty Cobb
11/19/2019 05:25:14 pm
The Georgia colony charter was granted in 1732 and early in 1733 the colony was officially established. African slavery in the colony was banned roughly two years later but did not extend to Native American slaves. The ban ended in 1751. Those are the facts or very close to them. I don't know whom that proves right or wrong I was just commenting in the general topic of slavery in Georgia after seeing it come up while skimming comments here.
11/19/2019 06:28:03 pm
Thanks Ty, solid info is always appreciated.
11/19/2019 07:05:14 pm
I could not agree more, Jim.
Joe Scales
11/19/2019 09:44:20 pm
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/19/2019 10:00:41 pm
There was slavery in the New World before the advent of the English, French or 'people of color' i.e. Spanish.
11/19/2019 10:03:11 pm
Poor Joe’s alleged brain is fried. Keep spamming, Joe Americanegro Kent. It’s all you’ve got.
11/19/2019 10:18:35 pm
Wrongo Bongo:
Jimmy Stewart
11/20/2019 01:20:45 am
Speaking of indians, Joe and kent are Greely and Ortho Clegg from the western classic Two Rode Together.
Ty Cobb
11/20/2019 10:43:38 am
Just to avoid any confusion, my own comments were in specific reference to the original Georgia colony. Also, my comments about the legislation banning slavery were in reference to the fact that it remained legal for the colonists to own Native American slaves during the brief period that African slavery was banned.
11/20/2019 12:27:53 pm
Take it up with the Smithsonian, NPR, the Association on American-Indian Affairs, the National Congress of American Indians, the American Indian College Fund, the American Indian Graduate Center, the American Indian Higher Education Consortium, The American Indian SCience and Engineering Society.......
11/20/2019 12:33:13 pm
More like something to take it up with the United Negro College Fund.
Ty Cobb
11/20/2019 02:38:06 pm
I don't know what the United Negro College Fund has to do with this. Since there seems to be remaining confusion on the topic, one final attempt to clarify things. The anti-slavery legislation of 1735 focused on banning the importation and use of "black slaves and negroes." Ownership of Native American slaves was not outlawed. Prohibition of African slaves in Georgia for a brief period after the colony had already been established is sometimes conflated with prohibition of slavery in general. It wasn't. An excellent source for this topic is:
11/20/2019 05:40:39 pm
Thanks again Ty, interesting history.
Scaled kent
11/20/2019 07:17:08 pm
Most people when proven wrong will man-up and admit it and walk away with most of their pride left. Others will avoid further humiliation by quietly slinking away and maintaining a little pride. But this is kent/American negro/scales. He will just keep arguing and digging the hole deeper and deeper until everyone just rolls their eyes and walks away. He has no pride and isn't done here yet.
Ty Cobb
11/21/2019 08:50:46 am
Joe Scales
11/21/2019 10:06:27 am
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
Joe Scales
11/21/2019 10:21:37 am
I'm not Joe Scales, or am I?
11/21/2019 10:25:07 am
A misplaced rant given that Kent not Jim is the one who has just been proven wrong here. Obsess much?
11/21/2019 10:54:29 am
Ty Cobb
Joe Scales
11/21/2019 10:58:10 am
No. Right on cue is the one who pollutes this board with multiple monikers. The dumbass who led Jim down the Joe/Kent rabbit hole to Gunnsville. Now begone with you, you imbecile.
Joe Carp Scale
11/21/2019 11:10:11 am
Just the response to be expected from someone who has been called out for cranking out back to back posts totaling over 600 words after repeating much the same diatribe at least four other times here, and then complaining about someone being irrational.
Captain obvious
11/21/2019 11:51:07 am
Uh, joe, the only way that you would have detailed knowledge of Jim's activities on other blogs that you find problematic would be if you were going to those sites and reading everything that he posts as well as everything he posts here. Keep this up and they will name a perfume for you. Obsession: by Joe sounds appropriate
Joe Scales
11/21/2019 01:12:11 pm
"Uh, joe, the only way that you would have detailed knowledge of Jim's activities on other blogs that you find problematic would be if you were going to those sites and reading everything that he posts as well as everything he posts here."
Sergeant Obvious
11/21/2019 01:40:32 pm
Uh Joe, Jim does in fact state that he posts on other blogs. Sometimes he briefly mentions this, sometimes he quotes all or portions of a post. However, you claim that when he does it it is never relevant to what is currently being discussed here. How would you make that judgement if you weren't going over everything that Jim posts here and elsewhere with a fine tooth comb. If you are keeping close enough track of this to accuse him of having a problem it would suggest that you have an unhealthy interest in keeping track of Jim. You are the only one who seems to have such detailed knowledge and insights into Jim's activities and their merits. You are the only one who has repeated the same diatribe about Jim's perceived errant behavior to the tune of about 6 to 8 typed pages of this text in this discussion alone. I think that meshes quite well with the definition of obsession. He hurt you in the past, didn't he????
Joe Scales
11/21/2019 01:57:22 pm
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/21/2019 02:21:46 pm
I remember a few times when Jim brought up his posts on Wolter's blog. Nothing of my minimal memory of his comments strikes me as obsessive. Can't recall if the content or if it was relevant or not. I don't even remember Jim mentioning Pullitzer although he probably did. I don't even remember Jim mentioning Patrick although he probably did. I don't think that anyone other than perhaps "kent" can rattle off the names of three people with whom Jim has interacted. Either Joe Scales is blessed with incredible recall of all of Jim's actions going back months or maybe even years or he has made a point of assembling his own personal database on Jim's activities. The only real debate here is whether to classify Joe's behavior as fixation or obsession?
Joe Scales
11/21/2019 03:33:02 pm
It's really quite simple, even for an imbecile such as yourself. Jim stops. I stop. But Jim can't. Either can you. So I call you out as I see fit.
Waaaahmbulance Driver
11/21/2019 03:42:06 pm
So if Jim stops being right like he was proven to be in this discussion or just bends over every time that you disagree with him then you will stop making an obsessive ass out of yourself. I think it is more amusing to some of us to want him to keep things just the way that they are now.
Joe Scales
11/21/2019 03:56:17 pm
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
Bean Counter
11/21/2019 04:15:12 pm
For those keeping score at home Joe is now approaching 4000 words worth of repetition. That's about 15 pages of text.
Fatty Arbuckle, Jr.
11/21/2019 06:24:20 pm
Kent the wannabe Brainiac was proven wrong in embarrassing fashion and then disappears. Joe Scales then turns up and spends the day trying to change the subject and burying the posts that proved Kent wrong by posting much the same stupid thing over and over. Now that is either teamwork by an inept duo or the work of a split personality with both sides being equally dumb and lacking in self-awareness. Like that fat stupid kid in 6th grade who sat in the back and ate paste and shit himself once a week but then yelled the same lame insults over and over at anyone who simply pointed out that he had shit running down his leg.
11/23/2019 04:47:07 pm
Good job naming yourself after a child rapist. Do you really think Joe types all those words? Are you unfamiliar with copying and pasting?
Fatty Arbuckle, Jr.
11/23/2019 07:04:51 pm
Wrong on the child rapist thing, idiot.
This was resolved over 90 years ago
11/23/2019 09:20:56 pm
If by child rapist he means someone falsely accused of causing the death of a 26 year old woman then Kent hit the nail right on the head. Ignore him. Kent is just a sick fuck who wanted an excuse to talk about child rape or sexual deviance in general. Seriously, just ignore him. It will only get worse otherwise since he is just itching to trot out all the lurid details that were fabricated by Hearst and others to sell newspapers.
11/12/2019 02:12:45 pm
seriously bro, you need to find something more substantial to get ticked off at. george is just a washed up old vegas reporter. maybe he gets a few bucks. so what? too righteous!
Titus oullo
11/12/2019 06:59:13 pm
Subvert the spirit of journalism? Ha ha
11/12/2019 07:14:34 pm
Not entirely sure what you're saying but enjoy your contrarian approach. Can we agree on the mass slaughter of all Canadians?
11/12/2019 11:48:28 pm
11/13/2019 12:22:21 am
That's a shame because I have several Bulgarian friends although unlike Doc Rock no Bulgarian waitresses.
11/13/2019 12:26:49 am
"Am not! You are!".
11/13/2019 12:37:40 am
Okay so, you're only point so far seems to be the length of my post.
11/13/2019 12:52:31 am
11/13/2019 10:39:24 am
Are you having a private conversation with yourself or can anybody join?
11/14/2019 01:58:22 pm
UFO stuff
11/13/2019 01:08:27 am
Lights in the sky are not aliens from outer space
And I'm supposed to say...
11/13/2019 01:27:32 am
And I'm supposed to say...
11/13/2019 01:41:38 am
Pretty things always become popular and addictive
11/13/2019 01:57:11 am
Shiny things?
UFO Stuff
11/13/2019 02:19:47 am
No sooner had Nasa published images of an ice lake inside a crater on the Martian plain Vastitas Borealis, than internet exo-archaeologists were excitedly pointing out the crumbled ruins of a vast, ancient city on the crater's banks.
11/13/2019 02:25:43 am
11/13/2019 02:29:07 am
Jr. Time Lord
11/13/2019 11:11:05 am
"Kenneth Arnold saw lights. Nothing else."
11/13/2019 03:42:37 pm
Uh, you don't do a test flight with "a squadron of planes" you stupid imbecilic fuckwad idiot.
11/16/2019 11:23:34 pm
"Uh, you don't do a test flight with "a squadron of planes" you stupid imbecilic fuckwad idiot."
Jr. Time Lord
11/17/2019 03:31:47 pm
Joe Scales
11/13/2019 09:51:11 am
"Imagine if CBS also ran a Q-Anon news service..."
11/13/2019 10:41:20 am
I take it you are not watching the Impeachment hearings this morning Joe ?
11/13/2019 11:06:28 am
I look forward to the part where Trump had a chat with a foreign leader which is what one expects of a C level leader, and asked him to do something covered under a treaty ratified by the Senate and signed by Bill Clinton in 1999.
11/13/2019 11:30:32 am
Joe Scales:
Joe Scales
11/13/2019 12:25:57 pm
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/13/2019 12:39:46 pm
Oh, there you are Joe, I was wondering why Kent was responding to my query addressed to you.
Jr. Time Lord
11/13/2019 01:22:33 pm
"As if Jason deserves this on his board. Some old, lonely, cyber-stalking, crazed imbecile who can't control his impulses."
Joe Scales
11/13/2019 02:09:48 pm
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/13/2019 04:07:31 pm
Jim feels a failure because he can't get his stuff posted on Wolter's board. His pathology can't navigate Wolter's pathology, and he posts here about "I just posted this to Wolter's board!" yet his posts never make the cut. Jim.
11/13/2019 06:00:08 pm
11/13/2019 06:34:50 pm
Jim, sweety pie, babykins, rooty tooty, part of Alaska is in the Eastern Hemisphere, an arbitrary dividing line but one that everyone accepts. Jim.
11/13/2019 07:04:24 pm
Geeze, don't blow a gasket just because you don't comprehend the difference between a direction and a place name !
11/13/2019 07:53:47 pm
P.S.S.,,, Reno is North of Los Angeles. If you go west from L.A. you are in the ocean silly.
11/13/2019 08:19:07 pm
Here you go Kent.
11/14/2019 10:58:10 am
And Georgia is north of Cuba. Are you telling me Georgia is not west of Cuba? Something can only be west of something if it's on the same line of latitude? You're really getting aggressive with your stupidity, Jim. Jim.
11/14/2019 01:33:54 pm
Joe should change your name to Bongo.
Joe Scales
11/14/2019 02:08:54 pm
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/14/2019 02:40:09 pm
Trumpy Dumpy sat on the wall
11/14/2019 05:03:09 pm
An Anonymous Nerd
11/13/2019 06:40:27 pm
The Fringe invasion on this site is really quite astounding, in a bad way, to witness.
11/17/2019 01:21:10 am
You with this "Fringe" shit.
Orville Stover
11/15/2019 04:51:36 pm
Pardon my ignorance but what exactly is a fucktater? There seems to be quite a few alluded to in these comments. Does the word describe a person who comments on anything but the subject at hand?
Jr. Time Lord
11/15/2019 05:31:30 pm
"Pardon my ignorance but what exactly is a fucktater?"
11/15/2019 07:23:49 pm
Fun fact: the band Bad Company was originally named "Anthony Warren" his college professors told him email would come and that "zealots" would steal his Yahoo account so he sued them and they changed their name and the name of their song from Anthony Warren.
Jr. Time Lord
11/15/2019 08:36:11 pm
"from the very bottom of my heart, my ticker, if you will, I am grateful for the insight you have provided into the phenomenon that Joe Scales characterizes as "stalkers and ankle-biters". It's not a good look for you, but only you can live your life."
11/15/2019 10:39:27 pm
A "fucktater" is a Fucker from Idaho.
11/17/2019 03:07:06 pm
And it doesn't have to be a person from Idaho.
11/15/2019 07:12:28 pm
If true that makes you a fucktater.
11/17/2019 11:46:37 pm
Guess what's for dinner tonight?
Lance Payette
11/16/2019 08:05:59 am
A small but perhaps telling anecdote: When Bob Lazar first surfaced and Knapp was promoting him like the Second Coming, I happened to be the city attorney of nearby Kingman, Arizona (not a UFO crash site, as far as I could tell from my conversations with old-timers who likely would have known). I wrote to Knapp at KLAS on my letterhead and offered to fund a complete background investigation of Lazar using the types of investigative services that attorneys typically use. I made clear that I thought we could establish pretty clearly whether Lazar's claims about himself bore any relation to reality. When I had heard nothing after a couple of weeks, I followed up with voice messages on Knapp's personal line at KLAS. I never got the courtesy of a "Thanks but no thanks." It told me that Knapp had no real interest in whether his gravy train's claims bore any relation to reality. I am astounded that, more than 30 years later. these two clowns are still around and that Knapp has any credibility whatsoever within the UFO community. On the other hand, perhaps I shouldn't be surprised at all.
11/17/2019 11:50:33 pm
Weren't Jason's Argonauts counted as 50?
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