Greenewald probably should have pressed Elizondo a bit harder since he let Elizondo get away with some pretty wild conspiracy theories and weaselly language. Plenty of places demanded a follow-up question to highlight inconsistencies and obfuscations. But we have to work with what we’re given. In response to the big question of whether he ever led AATIP, Elizondo failed to directly answer. Previously, he had claimed to be the head of the office and its director. Now, he merely describes himself as the “most senior” person in AATIP, not in charge of running the office but rather serving as a glorified bureaucratic liaison. Weasel words. They sound like he’s disputing the Pentagon’s claim, but they leave enough of an opening to avoid directly lying. Later, when he attacks the Pentagon for lying, he doesn’t directly say they lied about him but rather implies it through complaints about other documented Pentagon lies: As of [last week], the Pentagon was caught lying to the American people about the unsigned Iran memo. And [last month], the Pentagon had to admit to the Washington Post that it lied to the American people for 18 years over the success in Afghanistan. And let’s not forget their history of lying about the success of the Vietnam War, the hazards of Agent Orange to our soldiers, and the effects of asbestos to our sailors. Frankly, I am not surprised; however, I am optimistic people are beginning to see through their foolishness. […] AATIP was NOT, repeat NOT a covert program and therefore there is no justification for the Pentagon to lie to the American people… if this is indeed what they are doing. The longer they continue to change their position, the more I fear that this may be an active effort to suppress the truth. Elizondo, as you recall, claims to have been part of the program, so shouldn’t have some idea which statements are true and which are lies? Shouldn’t he be able to tell whether they are hiding the “truth”? Or does he not know the “truth”? This really needed more follow-up.
Fortunately for him, he has an out: He alleges that he has a non-disclosure agreement that conveniently applies to any difficult questions about evidence. Despite having an NDA that seemingly restricts him to only discussing History Channel-style bullshit, he is “confident” that other officials will somehow reveal the “truth” that everyone allegedly knows but no one will speak, once they “retire” and somehow avoid the legal traps that have restricted Elizondo to cable TV flying-saucer duty. Elizondo also floated a conspiracy theory that a small cabal of bad actors in the Pentagon are attempting to destroy him, and he offered a cryptic and unsubstantiated passive-voice claim that “efforts are underway to isolate and expose these individuals and hold them accountable.” By whom? Accountable for what? Elizondo’s next sentence answers part of it. Elizondo claims these are “our” efforts, which can only mean To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, his current employer and the only “our” he could logically refer to. This really demands a follow-up question about how and why Elizondo and TTSA are attempting to punish government workers for disputing their unsubstantiated claims—and why the response to criticism is to attempt to purge the critics rather than prove Elizondo’s claims correct. The answer, I fear, is that he can’t prove his claims, as his shifting answers on his AATIP role suggest. To forestall criticism of his lack of evidence, Elizondo attacked the press—the same press that gleefully reports on TTSA’s every round of substance-free intellectual flatulence—by claiming that the news outlets that let him spout his unevidenced drivel are somehow biased against UFOs: “The days of real reporting seem to be over,” he said, “replaced instead by ‘journalists’ looking for salacious headlines, click bait, and readership at any cost. Most ‘journalists’ are simply editorialists in disguise. It is my opinion that this is why the American people do not trust the media anymore.” It’s an artful dodge, of course, but one transparently designed to discredit any criticism by attempting to move the goalposts and place the burden not on Elizondo and TTSA to provide evidence but on the media to treat assertions as coequal with facts. Greenewald ended his article by commending Elizondo for speaking with him, but to be entirely frank, I see nothing in the interview that wasn’t part of Elizondo’s regular schtick. He has merely gotten better at using the chaotic state of the Pentagon under Donald Trump to his advantage by tying any doubts about his claims to the trust deficit created by Trump’s serial dishonesty and the Pentagon’s flailing under his unsteady leadership. But remember: Elizondo doesn’t trust the Pentagon so much that he and TTSA signed a contract to work with them to investigate the metal slag that they imagine came from an alien spaceship, a contract potentially worth millions in free research for TTSA. He thinks the Pentagon is trying to suppress the truth … by doing TTSA’s research for them? Totally untrustworthy!
Joe Scales
1/15/2020 10:56:23 am
"He has merely gotten better at using the chaotic state of the Pentagon under Donald Trump to his advantage by tying any doubts about his claims to the trust deficit created by Trump’s serial dishonesty and the Pentagon’s flailing under his unsteady leadership."
1/15/2020 11:44:12 am
Excuse me, but aren't you the guy who repeatedly plays the WWII card about Paperclip Politics as AN EXCUSE for obfuscation by everyone EXCEPT YOU? Since when is evaluating an article for logical fallacies anything other than what it is? Aren't you ALSO the same mouthpiece that attributes a Christian religious orientation to this blog and itsi author by extension? What kind of Gnosticism really has your goat? That people all over the world know what historical dualism is and how to discuss it in mixed secular and religious company or is that you don't understand the VARIOUS uses of essentialism when discussing the subjective in a given historiography like the History of Science?
What kind of Gnosticism
1/15/2020 11:56:07 am
Gnosticism denied the physical substance of Christ and Joe Scales is no such person
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
1/15/2020 12:05:45 pm
Not to express any opinion on the rest of your comment, but the one who attributes a Christian religious orientation to the blog is entirely different from Scales. He's a nuisance who's been here for at least six years, longer than Scales has. Their writing styles are pretty different, so I don't know why you're confusing them.
Who’s biased?
1/15/2020 12:06:16 pm
Regardless of whether you’re right or wrong, your use of loaded words like “woke” is not an indication of political independence.
Don't Worry, Not The Comte de Saint Germain
1/15/2020 05:31:16 pm
Don't Worry, Not The Comte de Saint Germain - 2,000 years of accepted beliefs will not be demolished in 5 seconds - no matter how easily that can be done. Everything is there - staring the world in the face - but people don't understand.
Is this April Fool's
1/15/2020 10:53:04 pm
The Bible is overflowing with paranormal and supernatural content. That makes it right for criticism.
1/15/2020 12:26:41 pm
"Guess what? I not only don't care why you're complaining, that Jason has free will or anything else. There is no reason for your whining and bad attitude. The suspension of belief is required for the conduction of science. It's required to facillifac communication. I used to comment on this blog years ago and quite frankly, IT'S BECOME A HOSTILE VIOLENT AGGRESSIVE VENUE. There is NO EXCUSE for a non stop paradigm of conflict. None. ItsI not SAFE TO COMMENT HERE BECAUSE OF PEOPLE THAT BEHAVE AND COMMUNICATE THE WAY YOU COMMUNICATE."
1/15/2020 12:41:27 pm
"Agreed, regular and solid posters have been chased off of the comment section of this blog for a number of years now, turning it into a cesspool of ad hominem, foul mouthed, nitpicking attacks by Scales as well as Kent.
Joe Scales
1/15/2020 01:13:15 pm
Anti-semitic stuff
1/15/2020 01:54:23 pm
I am glad that the pro-PLO message got deleted. That was very offensive coming from a two-faced poster on this Blog who now presents themselves as being whiter-than-white..
1/15/2020 03:07:23 pm
Joe Scales,
Colombian (mis)advice
1/15/2020 03:31:19 pm
Another message that needed deleting was about discouraging Biblical criticism.
Joe Scales
1/15/2020 04:31:19 pm
"BUT we have always ( and I hope will continue ) to respectively disagree."
1/15/2020 05:05:45 pm
"Agreed, regular and solid posters have been chased off of the comment section of this blog for a number of years now, turning it into a cesspool of ad hominem, foul mouthed, nitpicking attacks by Scales as well as Kent."
1/15/2020 07:31:52 pm
Joe Scales:
1/15/2020 07:32:14 pm
Special Victims Unit
1/15/2020 07:34:53 pm
The thread went bye bye because Kent's comments here were sounding more and more like a NAMBLA member in a Dark Web chat room. Jim has nothing to do with it.
1/15/2020 08:57:31 pm
What is NAMBLA? Is that something Jim's connected with? I'm not following.
Chief Stone Canoe
1/16/2020 05:38:56 am
"I'm not following."
Joe Scales
1/16/2020 10:09:07 am
Jesus Christ...
1/16/2020 10:58:54 am
Sorry Joe but your usual twisting someone else's words into something they didn't actually say doesn't work anymore.
Joe Scales
1/16/2020 11:33:51 am
"Agreed, regular and solid posters have been chased off of the comment section of this blog for a number of years now, turning it into a cesspool of ad hominem, foul mouthed, nitpicking attacks by Scales as well as Kent."
1/16/2020 01:24:19 pm
What color is the sky in the world where clearly demonstrating that Joe Scales is in the wrong constitutes imbecility?
Joe Scales
1/16/2020 02:33:39 pm
Gloria hoggenfassel
1/17/2020 02:22:36 am
Joe Scales: the more I am demonstrated to be an idiot the more I am going to run my mouth because i have nothing. Blah, blah, blah.....
Joe Scales
1/17/2020 10:40:57 am
"Jim also creates new screen names here. Quite often. Like that time I told him I didn't wish to engage him on this board. So he used another name to do so."
Mad Dog Mattis
1/15/2020 01:29:37 pm
Instability at the pentagon linked to a high turnover rate among personnel has been widely discussed in the media. That includes major newspapers as well as watchdog groups and respected policy outlets like Foreign Policy magazine. Unless one chooses to dismiss all such reports as fake news it is a valid concern to raise.
1/15/2020 01:51:28 pm
That being said, it would leave "Trump’s serial dishonesty" as Joe's
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
1/15/2020 01:52:40 pm
Agreed. There has not been an American presidential administration this chaotic within living memory, whether Democratic or Republican. To insist that everyone ignore that is not rational, it's willfully blind.
An Anonymous Nerd
1/15/2020 09:01:26 pm
There you go again, Mr. Scales. Mr. Colavito says something negative about your favorite reality show star, and you accuse him of "pandering." I may as well accuse him of pandering to you whenever he says something negative about a Fringe figure with a political orientation closer to mine.
Joe Scales
1/16/2020 09:59:50 am
"-An Anonymous Nerd "
Who's belly-aching?
1/15/2020 09:36:22 pm
Is this April Fools? The Bible is full of paranormal and supernatural stuff. That makes it game for criticism.
1/15/2020 01:00:14 pm
Wow! Thank You everyone!
Joe Scales
1/15/2020 01:21:04 pm
You have me confused with someone else, I'm afraid.
1/15/2020 05:47:44 pm
I get that a lot too!
Commodore Obvious
1/15/2020 05:56:04 pm
That goes without saying.
White person
1/15/2020 01:43:43 pm
I vote for Trump, of course.
White Person is Right
1/15/2020 01:58:29 pm
Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo are just the right people to deal with the likes of North Korea and Iran. Obama undid all the hard work that was done in Afghanistan by Bush and staunchly refused to do anything about ISIS --- thinking that the military deficient armies of the East could cope with it. Obama was as guilty as the rise of ISIS as ISIS itself,
1/15/2020 05:42:15 pm
Sadly Obama didn't undo anything in Afghanistan and neither has Trump. I'm still waiting for someone to withdraw all the troops form Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq,home of our largest CIA station.
1/15/2020 05:35:20 pm
I want to know what NDA he signed? Normally the only NDA a government employee signs is the one to protect classified information. When you leave government service you have a one year period where you can’t represent a company to the government on anything you were involved with. In some cases that period is for life but it doesn’t sound like he falls into that category.
1/15/2020 05:45:12 pm
You don't understand! Trump runs the government so it must be millionsofdollars!!!
1/15/2020 06:21:07 pm
I think in this case Jason just doesn’t realize the way government testing is done.
1/15/2020 07:14:43 pm
$170 an hour gets you my assistant (by which I mean the waitress I'm fucking) taking a message. You don't work, do you?
1/15/2020 08:09:01 pm
1/15/2020 09:25:35 pm
Keep being an idiot I guess. I don't know what nook or cranny or Warren, MI you're in, that's right I said "urine" and we can all have a good laugh but in the real world $2000 a day for a consultant doesn't even get a second look. You're bringing him/her in for a reason.
"Head" secretary
1/16/2020 05:47:09 am
Kent's mother is indeed an excellent gatekeeper!!
1/16/2020 07:20:21 am
Bring back the lobotomy
1/16/2020 07:56:47 am
You do realize that kent has serious issues. He honestly thinks that he is being witty and edgy and making other people look dumb and uninformed. Even the most dedicated troll is not going to spend years hanging out on a site 24-7 spouting this kind of stuff unless they are a certifiable nutjob. Really quite counterproductive since he consistently comes across as even more obnoxious, idiotic, and uneducated than the fringe nuts who are supposed to be the ones in the crosshairs here. It is saying a lot when someone can out crazy the crazies over on scott Wolters blog and with an equal lack of self-awareness.
Kent used to go by the name
1/16/2020 08:51:19 am
Rabid Robert over on the Alex Jones website. He is/was a conspiratard and was in complete agreement with everything that was spouted on that crazy site, but he was still universally hated by the posters.
1/16/2020 10:02:04 am
@ Crash55,
1/16/2020 10:09:47 am
Joe Scales
1/16/2020 10:31:41 am
"The question is why does Jason put up with him?"
1/16/2020 05:46:58 pm
"As for NDA"s if you were actually capable of understanding what I wrote you would see I said NDAs related to classified information. The portable nukes are classified (not their existence but operation, construction, etc) . I signed one when I had to climb inside an M1 and look at something. Elizondo claims the program was not classified so thus it would be unusual to have an NDA causing issues."
1/16/2020 05:49:37 pm
@Jim: Please stop using this roundabout method to contact me. I have told you repeatedly I am not interested in 13 year old boys and assisting you would be both morally wrong and legally wrong. I want no part of it. Please do not ever contact me again.
1/16/2020 06:07:15 pm
1/15/2020 09:36:17 pm
1/15/2020 07:10:03 pm
I got to the end of the article and then there was the obligatory Trump mention. Oh well.
Joe Scales
1/16/2020 10:26:51 am
I point that out and the imbeciles here think it's an invitation to discuss the particulars of a political smear. The point they miss is that politics is a cesspool of lies. Positions are not taken for the sake of truth, but despite it; all in favor of the political party. Arguments are made with confirmation bias, proof by assertion and association fallacy. That's politics. Each side believes they are right. Each side believes they are moral. Each side is equally stupid.
1/16/2020 11:32:27 am
" The point they miss is that politics is a cesspool of lies."
Joe Scales
1/16/2020 11:38:56 am
See Kent? Case in point. These imbeciles still think I want to argue politics. They cannot control themselves in this regard.
1/16/2020 11:51:31 am
Well lookey here, Joe distancing himself from his previous position of defending all things Trump.
Joe Scales
1/16/2020 11:53:58 am
"But there I did it. I paid attention to you. So I'm sure you'll keep going Jim. Because you're crazy. Because you're stupid. You'll think you're winning too Jim. Because you're crazy. Because you're stupid. You'll again make the fallacious argument that my silence means I can't beat your arguments. No Jim. I can't beat crazy. I can't beast stupid. So in that sense, yes Jim. You're winning.
1/15/2020 10:35:17 pm
It's important to consider the Trump presidency when trying to figure out tts&aas for the simple reason that whatever tts&aas had thought they were going to pull off was aligned with, and dependent upon, a Clinton presidency, with J. Podesta as their primary handler.
1/15/2020 10:53:16 pm
Proof this is a hate blog.
1/15/2020 11:00:33 pm
It not anything like that.
Paranormal & Supernatural
1/15/2020 11:53:55 pm
Don't forget - Paranormal & Supernatural stuff is overflowing in The Bible and this Blog is full of criticism of the paranormal and supernatural.
1/15/2020 11:59:02 pm
That's what I just said.
Jr. Time Lord
1/16/2020 12:21:36 am
"As of [last week], the Pentagon was caught lying to the American people about the unsigned Iran memo. And [last month], the Pentagon had to admit to the Washington Post that it lied to the American people for 18 years over the success in Afghanistan. And let’s not forget their history of lying about the success of the Vietnam War, the hazards of Agent Orange to our soldiers, and the effects of asbestos to our sailors."
1/16/2020 12:46:59 am
"This sounds like a spoiled child ticked off at mother. She lied about Santa. She lied about the Tooth fairy. She lied about the Easter Bunny. And let's not forget the Stork."
1/16/2020 11:48:31 am
The same world in which he reads 2 to 5 books a day every day for the last 42 years. The same world in which religious zealots stole his email address.
Joe Scales
1/16/2020 11:57:21 am
Yeah, I saw that Kent. And how quick the myopic are to accept such as fact. Remember when we were Mr. Lister?
I, oops I mean we
1/16/2020 01:35:09 pm
Hey, look everybody, "joe" and "kent" are having a conversation. And amazingly they are in complete agreement.
Joe Scales
1/16/2020 02:39:16 pm
I think it's funny as all hell whenever one of you imbeciles goes full-on Gunn. It solidifies your lot in life with no doubt. Heck, I might have to start using more profanity.
1/16/2020 04:05:56 pm
YOU FUCKING DON'T! Profanity's my thing, darn it. Here's something that would break the universe: what if I were to urge you to commit suicide?
1/16/2020 10:13:00 pm
"The paranoia of thinking you've nailed down someone's secret identity..."
1/17/2020 12:13:07 am
I don't have to ask Lovecraft ("Is that a sex book?") I'll just check in with Nigger Man.
1/17/2020 12:43:48 am
Oh for Christ's sake, get over it.
1/17/2020 01:12:18 am
I'm not from this country so I don't understand why you're so racist and talking about your grandparents. But it sounds like you hate black people.
1/17/2020 01:23:28 am
M'kay both you bitches.
Joe Scales
1/17/2020 10:52:15 am
"... what if I were to urge you to commit suicide?"
1/17/2020 10:55:59 am
You Bulgarian son of a bitch! I'm just trying to get home and I'd like some breakfast.
1/16/2020 04:33:01 pm
Joe scales quotes:
Joe Scales
1/17/2020 10:36:14 am
Jim, you imbecile...
1/17/2020 12:13:10 pm
Thanks for your response Joe.
Joe Scales
1/18/2020 09:27:38 am
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
Major general Obvious
1/18/2020 02:04:47 pm
The irony is that Joe kent will continue to argue to try to salvage the situation but this will only provide additional fodder for Jim in the future.
Joe Scales
1/19/2020 11:37:42 am
"Jim also creates new screen names here. Quite often. Like that time I told him I didn't wish to engage him on this board. So he used another name to do so."
1/19/2020 03:14:01 pm
That nibbling sound you hear is me, in your head, eating your lunch.
Joe Scales
1/19/2020 06:53:53 pm
"But there I did it. I paid attention to you. So I'm sure you'll keep going Jim. Because you're crazy. Because you're stupid. You'll think you're winning too Jim. Because you're crazy. Because you're stupid. You'll again make the fallacious argument that my silence means I can't beat your arguments. No Jim. I can't beat crazy. I can't beast stupid. So in that sense, yes Jim. You're winning."
1/19/2020 07:43:06 pm
Thanks for your reply Joe.
Joe Scales
1/20/2020 10:47:51 am
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
Jose Escamas
1/20/2020 11:39:49 am
Joe Scales is not a real person. He is a sock puppet.
1/20/2020 12:57:59 pm
Thank you for your quick response my little Scalemuffin, I am thankful that you deign to respond to yours truly after saying countless times that you will not do this.
Joe Scales
1/20/2020 08:18:06 pm
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
Jr. Time Lord
1/17/2020 02:06:51 pm
Be careful, Jim. You're in danger of becoming Common Law in most states and parts of Canada. Most of the names posting here are characters. Often, there is more than one person playing that character. Some are a husband and wife team while others are just some dudes getting off on seeing what they can get other people to say.
1/17/2020 08:53:43 pm
There you go with the "Striebered" again.
1/17/2020 10:41:25 pm
Always had you figured for an anal rape guy with your imaginary professors and made-up stepson.
1/17/2020 11:30:11 pm
Goddamnit, KENT!
1/17/2020 11:41:22 pm
Jr. Time Lord
1/24/2020 10:55:30 pm
Striebered has nothing to do with "anal rape". Unless the alien performing the rectal exam uses his own instrument.
Max Kellerman
1/17/2020 02:20:20 pm
Jason Colavito = Stephen A Smith of the paranormal.
1/17/2020 10:43:14 pm
Except for mr lahey and ricky, none of you said a thing worth reading. If i want real meaning, I shall return to Sunnyvale and play Space. ATTIPTTS was a Gnostic thrill ride to the moon and back but it will all end in tears as i predicted
1/17/2020 11:14:02 pm
Everything with the Moon always ends in tears.
1/17/2020 11:48:20 pm
Iskanander: signing off.
Matt G
8/11/2021 05:49:09 am
You’re credibility went out the window with the Trump remark and the Pentagon in disarray, Trump has been the MOST honest president, it’s the media (which I guess includes you which is debatable) that has created an environment of lies, deceit, cover-up and manipulation. The “Pentagon” is not in chaos, in fact it was more focused and productive than it ever was under Obama. Do you know how I can state that, because I work there. I always laugh when people like you say “The Pentagon” as if it’s a building that houses one big group of nefarious players sitting around a big table figuring out how to rule the world. Just like Elizondo, when you address it as “The Pentagon” you show your ignorance of what we do at “The Pentagon”. This ignorance is exactly how Elizondo has been able to profit off his time there. The fact that he is not in prison tells me that everything he spouts is a lie. Yes, we do sign NDA’s when read in on programs and efforts, so if he was saying anything about the program that was truthful and accurate, I have no doubt that he would be criminally charged for sharing those secrets. The fact that he hasn’t, proves he is full of shit and while at the same time, he also understands that what he is saying would be very difficult to prove is not fact, because we at “The Pentagon” aren’t going to even address such stupidity.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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