Last night Canadian software consultant and marijuana enthusiast William Harold Bradshaw, who writes under several pen names including Billy Budd, contacted me to tell me that he had discovered the secret behind the lost race of giants. Bradshaw’s previous work has involved developing a synthetic recipe for cocaine and promoting marijuana consumption. Bradshaw claims to have been a regular user of cannabis since 1969, and it is therefore unsurprising that Bradshaw has concluded that marijuana is the key to unlocking the secrets of ancient history. Specifically, Bradshaw believes that the secret to understanding the Bible can be found by studying the Pink Kush strain of medical marijuana. This strain of the plant is more potent than other varieties because it contains extra chromosomes that result in a higher THC content. Another result of the plant’s extra chromosomes is an increase in its size. The Pink Kush strain of marijuana was developed by exposing cannabis to colchicine, a chemical found in a variety of orchid called the Autumn Crocus. This chemical is currently being studied as a treatment for cancer and is widely used in botany to induce polyploidy, or an increase in the number of paired chromosomes in the offspring of a plant so exposed. Bradshaw believes that colchicine also possesses mysterious powers that allow it to increase the number of chromosomes in the humans who use the plant, turning them into giants with four times the usual number of chromosomes (tetraploidy). This supposedly occurred when European (of course) women used the crocus to relieve labor pains but accidentally created a race of (white) super-humans. In reality, most embryos with tetraploidy are miscarried, and children who are born with four sets of chromosomes rarely live more than a few weeks. Nevertheless, for Bradshaw, the genetics that make plants robust must also work for humans, so these early crocus-giants were, of course, the supernatural creatures of the Bible with four sets of chromosomes, while those with just three sets were the demigods of legend: God, Satan and Lucifer were tetraploid giants and implemented civilization upon Earth. They lived in the mountains e.g. Mount Hebron. Gilgamesh and Enkidu really existed and were triploid giants. They were referred to as Nephilim in the Bible with one parent being tetraploid and the other diploid. According to Bradshaw, Mt. Hebron was itself “heaven,” and Satan was a tetraploid giant (Semjaza from the Book of Enoch) who tempted Eve with hallucinogenic mushrooms. He was later cast out into the valley below by the king of the giants, the giant named “God,” for lusting after non-tetraploid women. The offspring of the “fallen” tetraploid giants and regular old diploid human women was triploid giants, the Nephilim of Genesis 6:4.
Bradshaw also believes that the “Sumerians were an advanced race of giants. They were also created using the Autumn Crocus plant... These giant gods then built megalithic structures around the globe and created civilization.” I’ll be damned why these “giants” seem to like building small doorways, tiny stairs, and miniature homes relative to their size. He explains the lack of current giants by adopting the ancient astronaut account of the Great Flood story, in its Sitchinite version, whereby the Sumerian pantheon are the main actors in world religion (Enki = Satan for Bradshaw). To this he adds the popular claim that the alleged rapid filling of the Black Sea was responsible for world flood myths—but with the Sitchin twist that it was a planned event. Bradshaw attempts to rehabilitate Sitchin by claiming that all of his material about the Anunnaki is correct but that these creatures were the result of tetraploidy and were not extraterrestrials. And just to sweeten the pot, he also claims that the Anunnaki gave civilization to the Jews but were “not Semitic” themselves. Instead, they came from Europe! But of course! Needless to say, these crocus-giants left no trace of themselves or their activities in the archaeological record; nevertheless, we are to believe they existed and ran the world as the result of super-genius abilities bestowed by their European mothers chewing a plant. Before running off to embrace Bradshaw’s Pink Kush advocacy, I think I’ll wait until he can find a source other than Wikipedia (his favorite) to demonstrate that the Anunnaki had any existence outside the human imagination, let alone mysteriously vanished gigantic tetraploid bodies.
12/9/2014 05:50:53 am
Benny Shanon, Biblical Entheogens: A Speculative Hypothesis" (Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology Consciousness and Culture, Volume I, Issue I, March 2008, pp. 51–74)
12/9/2014 06:00:35 am
>>>Bradshaw believes that the secret to understanding the Bible can be found by studying the Pink Kush strain of medical marijuana
6/26/2015 10:54:43 am
Are you serious? The book is amazing! He stumbled onto something that nobody would ever think of or spend the time to figure out. Life isn't what it seems and if you ACTUALLY read the book then you wouldn't be here talking shit!
12/9/2014 06:44:19 am
Usually the people who think that the Bible is all about (and/or based on) drugs are into mushrooms... Like this guy:
12/9/2014 06:51:29 am
Allegro was never "into" mushrooms - he copied R. G, Wasson's Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality (1968).
12/9/2014 10:04:51 am
There is a sober body of academic scholarship comprised of anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists, environmentalists - among others - who take the subject matter of entheogens and shamanism seriously - that are divorced from conspiracy theories and fringe history - a subject matter that has arisen since the early 1960s.
12/9/2014 06:47:33 am
Drugs are bad. Mmmmmmkay?
6/8/2015 07:19:00 am
i'll think twice before smoke again.
12/9/2014 06:51:17 am
Thanks for the review, I think. I did not care about the (of course) I am not trying to be racist but merely document my theory based upon the forensic evidence. David Hatcher was accused of being racist but I believe that he was merely reflecting the facts. My theory is the only theory that actually works. There may have been other races of tetraploids as we may find out soon. The Negroes can make their own superior race if you like, I do not care. I just care about the truth. The Autumn Crocus is European mainly and the Old Hag figurines were found in Germany. Please note the real living female tetraploid in the book. They do not all abort. Please see the section on Giant Hornets for a parallel between polyploids in insects and humans. Please also note the tetraploid mammal compared with its diploid counterpart, bioth from a common ancestor,contained within the book. I am is just a matter of time before I am proven correct. Yes, you can create your own giant if you are still a non-believer. Thanks Jason, critical but fair.
12/9/2014 06:54:57 am
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
12/9/2014 07:31:38 am
Being serious for a moment, when Bradshaw refers to a "real living female tetraploid", I assume he's referring to the subject of this study:
12/9/2014 07:33:34 am
Not to fault you for anything, but I have a phobia of deformities, just fyi. (Which fortunately doesn't extent to clealry fictional things. Like whatever Bradshaw is talking about.)
Shane Sullivan
12/9/2014 07:30:51 am
Are the mammals you're referring to by any chance the Plains Viscacha Rat? Because, to my knowledge, those aren't "giant" as compared with the diploid Mountain Viscacha Rat, so the species doesn't really set a precedent for enlarged polyploid mammals.
dude, i really think you should stop smoking weed.. It has affected your brain cells. Your book is bullshit, and you are just another racist drug addict trying to make sense of all the paranoia and bullshit that goes around you while you high.... get a life
Magus satrinae.
4/4/2024 12:01:27 am
Sheep will always bleat brother. They will manifest any argument, twist any words, anything to feel safe and solid. They are there to remind you that you chase these beliefs even in the face of Christian like hatred of forbidden knowledge. I am a magus and demonologist and obviously specialise in Mesopotamian, Babylonian and sumerian culture. I had my fair share of the same. Now I have the very fabricated truth and proof of the bullshit that Christianity is built on. Now I argue with Jewish rabbis and hunt Christian trolls that dare come into my groups just to say good is good and we are going to hell. Forget these idiots and stand by what you believe in. Blessed be and hail lillith.
12/9/2014 07:40:28 am
It should also be noted that the truth gets crazier in this book. The conspiracy theories, Illuminati and UFOs also come into this bizarre puzzle, of course (Jason's favourite term). I feel that I tie everything together quite nicely and wrap up many ancient mysteries. Not brag, just fact. One answer fits all...the truth is actually elegant as you will discover. The Tall Whites are Human Tetraploids and are the great deceivers and are still with us today. They are like Queen Bees to humans based upon their higher polyploidy level. They created civilization and their civilization is the same as ours as we based ours upon theirs. Read the Lord's Prayer, the clue is in there. The Bible is literal and God was just a tetraploid human. Too much to say here...
12/9/2014 07:42:48 am
I'm a triploid giant. According to my lady friends. Ifyouknowwhatimean.
7/23/2015 02:29:31 pm
I see you would like to think you are special by poking fun at a serious subject.
Brutal Brynhildr
1/3/2018 05:59:16 pm
I believe you, EP.
7/4/2018 06:53:27 pm
Ha ha ha I enjoyed that. I don't know why people get annoyed at someone having a laugh
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
12/9/2014 08:07:23 am
The belief that "one answer fits all" is actually one of the biggest failings of conspiracy theories. History is driven by a staggeringly complex morass of conflicting agendas and individual motivations, and most conspiracy theorists reduce all that complexity to the string-pulling of a single bogeyman—a monolithic conspiracy or alien/giant race.
12/9/2014 09:08:40 am
'The Bible is literal and God was just a tetraploid human.'
12/9/2014 09:18:34 am
I'm sorry, which part of "Bradshaw claims to have been a regular user of cannabis since 1969" do y'all not understand? :)
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
12/9/2014 09:27:53 am
I know there's no dislodging him from his views (plenty of conspiracy theorists achieve his same mindset without needing drugs), but I have a compulsion to pick it apart logically anyway. 12/9/2014 10:16:09 am
To clear things up:Yes, I have been smoking pot since I was 13 as opposed to my old dead friends who were drinking for a long time, excuse me...short time. Who cares? Anybody who attempts to discredit someone on those terms, I believe, is not being objective in their criticism. Now moving on...
12/9/2014 10:26:59 am
This is what's playing in my head right now:
12/9/2014 11:40:36 am
William Bradshaw: I think you need to look up the meaning of literal. If the Bible is literally true then God is divine. If you think that God lied and that the angels and gods were just mortals then you are not taking it literally. Your interpretations differ from what it actually says.
Magus satrinae
4/4/2024 12:07:32 am
The bible is a historical soup of lord and oppression. I'm surprised it's even mentioned anymore. Have you studdied it's origins lately. Blame the vatican and... Yahweh the storm/war God. It's been debunked im afraid. But... knowledge is a sin. There's a reason for that. Blessed be. Hail lilith
Sarah marshall
11/29/2016 04:08:47 am
I have trI'd to contact you through your pink cush website. My daughter who is 19 years old now born in 1997, is indeed a tetraplody. I was diagnosed when I was 26 weeks pregnant, she is a mosaic tetraplody. Theye explained how rare this was and told me they didn't expect her to live very long if at all, in fact they recommended I terminate the pregnancy, they told me she would be deformed and extremely retarded with abnormal features. I was horrified and terrified but they were wrong she is highly intelligent and even possesses psychic abilities. She looks normal she is nothe a giant she is 5ft 5. 13% of her cells at the time of her Birth were tetraplody. I hope you see this and if you do I hope you contact me [email protected]
10/5/2017 07:42:52 pm
Sorry, the bible isn't literal! So snakes can talk.? The book of revelation definitely isnt literal. Gnosis fits the bible. Of course the black lodges have corrupted the book with blood sacrifices. But the hidden symbolism is still there. For instance. If your eye be single then your whole body is filled with light. Thats the pineal gland. 33 vertebraes, 33 degrees in freemasonry, jesus crucified the energy at the 33 vertebrae or golgatha, which means hill of skull. Alchemy,sexual magic, or white tantra is the key. Along with meditation and transmutation of the kundalini. The kingdom of God is within you! Not out there somewhere. u must understand kabbalah and alchemy to rise above the animal mind. Very hard to deny the egos who torment the mind and body. Just my experience. Much respect.
7/4/2018 06:51:58 pm
Hi how do you know God was only a giant? What evidence have you got to support that claim? Now I'm not an offended Christian or anything... I'm really curious. Thanks
12/9/2014 07:57:46 am
If you have three of them, you'd be a mutant.
12/9/2014 02:16:52 pm
Three balls?
Only Me
12/9/2014 08:02:24 am
From William Bradshaw:
12/9/2014 08:11:10 am
Whoa... dude... that's like... what are we talking about, again?
jeremey le
11/14/2015 02:03:11 am
hey my names jeremey ,,, i have studied this theory for a long time now and if you could get in touch with me id really appreciate it ,i have some new information that i think you might like very much !
Sarah marshall
6/23/2017 11:11:47 pm
Why have you not contacted me I told you KY daughter is born a tetraploide
12/9/2014 09:55:06 am
Bradshaw is awesome. Jason isn't the only one to get contacted by him. Here is what he sent to Erich Von Daniken and Giorgio A. Tsoukalos:
12/9/2014 11:36:10 am
This argument sounds totally legit. I can see now flaws in it whatsoever.
Uncle Ron
12/9/2014 12:54:14 pm
You are supposed to follow comments like that with the :) symbol. :)
Dave Lewis
12/9/2014 02:20:40 pm
I think Mr. Bradshaw has come up with a very interesting basis for a novel.
12/9/2014 02:58:12 pm
Yes and it is here:
12/9/2014 03:04:54 pm
Wait, are you admitting that all this ridiculous nonsense is a work of fiction? 12/9/2014 04:06:25 pm
No, sorry semantics. Secrets of the Pink Kush is not a novel as in fiction. It is non-fiction. Just wanted to make it clear where to find my book. I thought they did not know about the book. Truth is stranger than fiction, why would you want a novel? Everything is true to the best of my knowledge and everything can actually be proven. I believe in it sincerely and everyone who reads it acknowledges that it is strange and amazing but makes complete sense.
12/9/2014 04:17:29 pm
You are wrong. There is nothing that is even remotely interesting in anything you say. Your ideas (and your chosen methods of presenting them) are indistinguishable from those of a (bland, conventional, textbook) delusional psychotic.
9/4/2023 09:49:33 am
Read Secrets of the Pink Kush (All 3 volumes) and William Bradshaw (BillyBud) is an absolute GENIUS!
Only Me
12/9/2014 05:45:55 pm
"If you like, please have any scientist peer review my work or contact me directly especially if you are not familiar with botany, biology or genetics. I am quite sure that are very capable in these other disciplines and can understand my premise."
12/10/2014 05:49:05 am
Secrets of the Pink Kush
Only Me
12/10/2014 06:03:41 am
If you knew half as much as you pretend to know, I'd take your reply under advisement.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
12/10/2014 06:04:48 am
But the normal human reproductive process doesn't shuffle chromosomes around the way bee reproduction does—we have no equivalent of the haplodiploid sex-determination system. If you argue that human reproduction can work with more than two copies of a chromosome, the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that it can.
12/10/2014 06:22:52 am
William Bradshaw is obvioulsy wrong. The only "Queen Bee" I know is Lil' Kim, and she certainly isn't white.
6/26/2015 11:01:03 am
12/10/2014 06:51:37 am
Yes, there are real scientific living examples and some are in the book. I am quite sure that the government would not let these people out, if they even let them survive especially with the new revelations from my Pink Kush Theory. Is this the real reason why doctors anxiously count fingers on newborns? You will note that the doctors, at that time, were unaware of how to take care of the child as they complained about extremely slow growth. Slow growth is quite normal for a tetraploid so there was nothing wrong with the girl. They did not know this fact. She needs her identity protected as there may be people who wish to either study her or do her great harm. I do not wish any harm to anybody due to something that I write, including the other pre-existing tetraploids who remain in hiding to avoid being killed off by us humans.
12/10/2014 07:19:35 am
If you are so concerned about "veiled threats", real or (as is most likely the case) imaginary, then you should probably not publish your phone number online along with the wacko letter you wrote to a politician.
Only Me
12/10/2014 07:25:28 am
12/10/2014 07:31:05 am
Betcha he's not going anywhere. I very much doubt anyone else is giving Ol' Billy here as much attention as this blog, judging by the fact that he hasn't bragged on his Facebook page about anyone else taking notice.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
12/10/2014 08:59:25 am
Just to dissect a little more specifically:
Only Me
12/10/2014 11:13:34 am
Par for the course, NtCdSG. Just look at Bradshaw's first reply. He openly admits, twice, that his "theory" is a bust. Specifically:
12/10/2014 12:06:46 pm
Guys, honestly, why do you bother dissecting Bradshaw? His stuff is so obscure and so terrible that it has no chance of becoming a public menace a la the H/H2 crowd. He also isn't exhibiting capacity to process criticism or respond to it effectively. And it's not even that funny, especially in light of his life history. Psychiatrists I know have volumes and volumes of case histories with stuff like his Pink Kush - it really shouldn't be treated any differently imo.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
12/10/2014 01:36:56 pm
I don't know. Maybe it's just to practice my reasoning skills on an easy target. Maybe it's to avoid the impression, which occasional visitors to this site have come away with, that Jason's comments-section regulars reflexively blow raspberries at anyone Jason disagrees with. A lot of the visitors who complain are fringe-theory true believers, certainly, but I doubt all of them are.
12/10/2014 01:53:42 pm
You can practice your reasoning skills on me and time. Just sayin' :)
12/23/2016 07:35:06 am
please get in toumith me [email protected] my daughter is a tetraploide diagnosed in 97 ase contact me
12/10/2014 07:31:22 am
Claiming a fantasy work of this magnitude is somehow 'non fiction' is like claiming to be a super human being after eating psychotropic flowers. Good luck with that. Conspiracy theory is fiction.Fringe is fiction. it's fun to contemplate weird theories, but just because they have theories doesn't make them experts and certainly not scientists. What you have here is science fantasy fiction, historical fantasy, and ancient fantasy.
12/10/2014 07:34:31 am
Well.. If a theory really is unprovable, then it cannot be proven at all... :P
Sir Bradshaw, for real ? Man I want some of what your smoking! My brain quivers in anticipation... Just joking last time i was stoned was 1/10/2008. Shucks if I smoked some of that hi powered stuff (hi THC)+(hi plus THC, snort giggles) you could butter my butt and call me a biscuit! hehehe
12/10/2016 03:45:46 pm
So no one can disprove Bradshaw. Much rhetoric. Wow. So which one of u can build a pyramid. No one? Hmm guess they don't exist. Stone henge fable, like incas n myans. Yall think we are more intelligent now. Ha ha ha ha. Pride
El chink
6/12/2017 08:02:08 am
Can any of you land on the moon? By your logic, we never have, then. Surely, someone can or could. But, for the majority of us... no. We give up til someone finds a way to go smarter, not harder.
11/16/2018 05:25:30 am
Cannabis addiction is a controversial topic these days. While many believe that marijuana is not physically addictive, it is hard to deny its ability to take over someone's life
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