Yesterday I mentioned how former Blondie bassist Gary Lachman is on a quest to rehabilitate the occult as a viable alternative to “materialism.” In reading this month’s Fortean Times, I discovered that he is not the only musician questing after an alternative to science. An advertisement informs me that South African musician and actor Michael Tellinger has adopted Zecharia Sitchin’s ideas as truth and has a new book called African Temples of the Anunnaki, a follow-up to 2005’s Slave Species of God, which he advertised as the culmination of twenty-five years of study of… wait for it… Zecharia Sitchin. Tellinger’s ideas are unsupportable even by the loose standards of ancient astronaut idiocy. On the home page for Slave Species, Tellinger asks “Why do all mythologies have the same group of GODS?” I imagine this will come as a bit of shock to the Aztec that their gods are identical to those of China and Greece. Even within the Indo-European family of religions, we are hard pressed to find identical gods; Odin, Frigg, Freya, and Thor do not precisely match the Greek gods; Freya, for example, has aspects the Greeks divided among Aphrodite, Athena, and Persephone. Even two myth systems we today think of as virtually identical—Greece and Rome—have challenging difficulties, not least the startling difference between the bloodthirsty berserker Ares and the beneficent farming warrior Mars. Again, Tellinger asks: “Why is the FLYING SERPENT the creator god in all mythologies?” Do I even need to say that it is not? Without getting into the question of whether Tellinger means the creator of the universe or just of humanity, it should be easy to think of instances where this is not true: the three Abrahamic monotheistic faiths (God as creator); Babylonian religion (chaos to Tiamat to Marduk); Greek mythology (chaos, with Prometheus making humans); etc. etc. Even among the Aztec, the feathered serpent was not the creator god; that honor went to Ometecuhtli/Omecihuatl, the self-created dual god, progenitor of Quetzalcoatl. Ungrammatically, he asks “Why has humankind been so obsessed with GOLD since the earliest of time? Why has GOD been so obsessed with GOLD since Genesis?” Tellinger believes that the aliens created humans to mine gold around 250,000 BCE, so I imagine this must be the “earliest of time.” However, archaeology has uncovered no evidence of the use of gold before roughly the third millennium BCE. [Update: I am wrong here; the oldest known gold is from 4600 BCE at Varna; which is what I get for looking up facts in a book published before 2006, when the Varna treasure was dated by radiocarbon testing of associated graves.] (You’ll often read on gold buying websites that in 3100 BCE the Egyptian pharaoh Menes recorded the value of gold, the oldest ever effort to quantify its value, but this dubious fact is derived from much later Greek accounts; no 3100 BCE artifact exists making this claim.) Further, many cultures historically had no interest in gold, including most of prehistoric North America and Australia. Nor is there much evidence for God being obsessed with gold “since Genesis.” In Genesis, the first mention of gold comes at Gen. 2:11-12, where it is listed as one of the fine products of the land around the river Pison, sometimes identified with the Phasis, the river that ran through the land of the Golden Fleece in Greek myth. Otherwise, there is very little about gold in Genesis except for standard listings alongside other forms of wealth like sheep, and nothing about it from God himself. His new book claims that rough stone circles in South Africa were built to house “Tesla-like technology” designed to carve tunnels to the gold deposits at deep in the earth’s core. (Earth’s natural gold deposits are near the core due to the density of gold; the gold we mine near the surface traveled here by meteor.) But The Fortean Times also had an honest-to-goodness gem of a thought from Steve Moore in his article “The Real Arthur?” He was speaking of books that attempt to historicize the mythic British king, but in so doing he makes a much broader point that comes very close to my own work establishing how closely “alternative” history is to speculative fiction: I’d suggest that, rather than writing these books off as nonsense, it might be more useful to regard them as ‘modern romances’. They purport to be factual while having virtually no factual basis; but once again, it’s the narrative that is important, providing as it does a key to ancient mysteries and a discovery of something wonderful. I’d go further and suggest the modern romance label could be applicable across a broad range of fortean topics, from the ‘Holy Blood’ literature to ancient astronauts, crashed saucer retrievals, alien abductions… and so on, once more, ad infinitum. Perhaps it’s not really important whether these notions are ‘true’ or not. Instead, these are narratives that we want to be true, and so they tell us something about ourselves, our desire to escape from mundane reality, and our wish for the wondrous. They are, quite simply, romantic … and that, no doubt, is the greatest part of their appeal. That is as good a reason as any why Giorgio Tsoukalos, David Hatcher Childress, Scott Wolter, and others describe themselves as the “Real Life Indiana Jones” and continue to embrace ideas long after every objective measure has demonstrated their untruth.
5/26/2013 02:05:02 pm
Gold was a thing in fifth millennium Bulgaria.
Clint Knapp
5/26/2013 04:31:16 pm
I was unaware of the Varna find entirely, good info. It's certainly an interesting discovery, but does little to help the Sitchinites.
9/2/2014 01:58:37 am
10/29/2014 05:39:56 am
Umm ... if its been 'hidden' then how do you know about it? How can we dispute something that apparently only you have 'evidence' of?
count vlad
7/3/2015 09:26:47 pm
thank you.
I am so confused with tellinger, hanckock, sitchin. I am only a novice archaeologist and full time engineer and I find it hard to believe that the giza pyramids and shinx etc were built by people of Egypt era. Have you got more answers to this question which baflesmost people
4/11/2017 10:37:54 pm
Hi Michael.
What I find most curious is how there are almost always—in the modern world of science vs. alternative science—two extremes. The common sense with extremes is to look more closely at the evidence, and to decide if—in fact—either premise is correct. One cannot begin with a a faulty fundamental premise, and expect a logical conclusion could from it.
count vlad
7/3/2015 09:31:39 pm
thank you...
4/30/2016 11:34:16 pm
Dorian please get in touch with me- I would love to learn from you- [email protected]
Aranya Khurana
10/28/2016 03:56:04 am
Yup. Likewise. I'd like to learn some more, too. aranya[dot] gtr09@gmail[dot]com
Prospector Video
10/17/2017 06:09:32 pm
Hardly worth making a comment on your page since it is a negative flow. Surely you may have come across "new and improved" things or a car part that has copywrite or trade mark infringements if copied. Now gold was not placed here by meteors as you state. You also do not distinguish that there was visitors from elsewhere, nor does any Rockefeller Museum. Any museum pieces unknown are hidden away and likely never seen again because of the biased book and readers of any faiths. Those faiths, manufactured by those who brought us culture, business commerce, civilization, law, hierarchy, temples, priests etc, also brought the search for the gold to make an atmosphere on Nibiru due to it's climate conditions. To understand other planets techtonics and life forms, or even learn the writings that are on the sides of UFOs and crop circles and cuniform tablets found in the ancient stories that prove unfound to found pasts proves that your site may as well be folded and stuck in a trash can of uncertain garbage. I also note that when you mention GOD, you write as if you adhere to it as if it is a factual first print. I am so sorry for people like you who think it was not rewritten to hide the names of previously stated persons from other planets. I have even found reference to a tablet post deluge that god as we knew, prayed to a higher GOD. Aliens posing as gods to uneducated , grunting, monkey-people seems like a good idea for an opportunistic alien, I would acknowledge as a good start until later hybridizing to make workers of the apes. I look around and do see Micheal Tellinger's cross referenceable information and proof of all the majic in how electricity is exploited in many ways and utilized . Seriously, what disinformation and cover up do you offer?
Daniel Smith IV
1/12/2018 11:46:14 am
"The two extremes—the mainstream" scientists, in-denial-of-mankind's-continuing-devolution, and the New Age anything-is-possible-because-I-am-clueless-about-the-certainty-of-cosmological-fundamentals crowd—both need to get a grip on a BETTER explanation... One does not need to be a git to accept spirituality, and does not have to be stoic to embrace REAL science..."
Debbie Mathews
6/18/2018 05:46:25 pm
I noticed a lot of these videos are just words. No real proof. Show us some real proof if u want us to believe it. Personally I think what people are referring to as aliens are the fallen angels. Tellingers a moron but Hancock isn't an alien guy he says ancient civilisations were wiped out,probably by a mix of comet or meteor impact starting the younger dryad and a solar outburst endind it much more rapidly. There's literally a mountain of evidence to support that theory
4/20/2019 01:06:27 am
keeping an open mind is the essence of science, your findings are just as a thesis as any other. you say things as they are true but they have as much backing as any other sudo science that exist
5/26/2013 02:05:53 pm
I'll also say this: the people I've known who have been most obsessed with gold, were also the most likely to believe in things like conspiracy theory and ancient aliens.
Dude, if u have researched any of his statements. U will find alot of what Michael is saying is facts that need addressing. He did mention alot of brainwashed idiots can not comprehend his findings or theories. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES buddy.. Michael is a inspiration to all man kind what he saying is 100% spot on. Get behind this guy world wide.. He is our savior. PLEASE BE CAREFUL MICHAEL. You could be our savior.. Maybe you might think the alien shit is a bit far feched, i certainly dont.!!! But the bank movement has to be joined and supported immediately.. One more thing Michael wanted to say, im sure is... 99% of the world are not aware of the slavery and brainwash BECAUSE THEY ARE U BUNCH OF FUCKING GUTLESS PUSSYS ASWELL.. Join this bloke and the world can unite. Deep deep down everyone is aware of it. So fire the fuck up u bunch of pussys and join the movement . Its our land, it is our right, it is our place as human beings to end the starvation the homeless the poverty the misery the minipulation the domination THE FUCKING BRAINWASH AND SLAVERY TO 99.9% of humans. All the money in the world belongs to 0.1 % of all human beings. 0 • 1%
3/17/2014 02:27:22 am
You are one fucked up retard. its because of douche bags like you cunning conspiracy theorist like michael are making money simply by narrating a fairy tale like story.
5/15/2015 01:52:20 am
Really? just really? If your going to agree with something as ridiculously far fetched as this you better be bringing some STRONG evidence to the table buddy otherwise people will think your just insane.
Mike M.
5/26/2013 02:24:17 pm
One amendment to your comments--gold use does extend back to the Neolithic period in the Old World, although as you say, it can hardly be termed 'obsessive.'
5/27/2013 12:44:17 am
I am always amused by the notion that interstellar travelers with all their advanced technology NEED to modify and use humans to do things for them such as mine for gold.
Paul Cargile
5/27/2013 03:14:50 am
And . . . and, if gold laden asteroids are zipping around, mine them from your own solar system and avoid the whole expensive interstellar trip to begin with.
Albert Einstein says "Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”
Bob McLachlan
4/30/2014 01:17:46 am
Spot on, Kevin. God IS Pure Primal Energy, as is the WORD of the Bible, and is our essence. That is the image of God in which we were created, not this physical body. I am speaking from personal experience by means of special meditation. I make no special claims for myself except to say I am extremely grateful for what Life has shown me. Sadly, the World wallows in ignorance and we all need to find that the Kingdom of Heaven is really within us and when we can then the people of Earth, at least, will come to see why we need to fulfil the commandment "Love Another". Then Peace will reign. Cheers.
1/13/2016 01:50:10 pm
There is no ice either. What we have called ice is just water with it's temperature lowered so it takes on solid form. Deception! Lies! Untruths! Do not be misled by the ice bigots! Snowmen do not exist!
prospector video
1/12/2018 08:52:13 pm
Seems like a lot of shallow, uninformed imbeciles side with this idjits one sided blog. Had any of you seen Micheal Tellingers work? I hardly doubt that any of you closed minded monkey /alien hybrids have much more thought than you were given. Surely the REALIST is a bit harsh and swears and is a bit off track but he is real. He is right that about 70,000 control you under the 400 "demons" under the all seeing eye. Dont you know that stuff.
Paul Cargile
5/27/2013 03:16:53 am
So Tellinger doesn't understand that difficult to get things that everyone wants holds more value than the ubiquitous sand and gravel under their feet?
Coridan Miller
5/27/2013 11:40:22 pm
Occultism running counter to materialism? Whenever they show occultists on TV their houses look like they were decorated by Obscura Antiques. Occultists love "items of power"
10/23/2013 10:06:08 am
Aliens aside, the ancient Sumerians are respected as being extremely meticulous record keepers. We can still find out today how much grain they stored annually. They recorded the color and relative sizes of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto 5,000 years ago. Can any of you tell me how they came across this knowledge? Never do they speak of telescopes. It took modern science 5,000 years to catch up to the Sumerians basic knowledge of our solar system, that was gained without the benefits of telescopes or computers. Either they were extreme geniuses with super powered magnifying eyes or maybe what they recorded was the truth and they were given the information by something that saw these planets. Which, I think we all agree, couldn't have been humans. At least not ones without super powers.
10/28/2013 08:27:24 pm
Well said Trey. This is only one of the many inconsistencies that debunkers of the work of Sitchin and Tellinger refuse to acknowledge and cannot explain. If time is taken to read his books and research correctly without being biased or influenced by dogma, the findings are incredible. What about the events described in detail in the Sumerian tablets regarding the flood and Ziusudra (Noah)! Truly amazing.
christen morhl
12/16/2013 12:39:07 pm
Please read the 'Crystal Sun' by Robert Temple for the real
11/7/2013 03:32:44 pm
Thank you glen and trey!! I can't stand to see the inaccurate information provided in this case, it's all backed by mainstream science that has no idea how to explain the concepts of tellinger others studying this field.
12/5/2013 11:28:04 pm
Tellinger claims that the stone circles dotting parts of South Africa are evidence of ancient astronauts. These stone circles have been subject to studies by South African archaeologists for decades who, through meticulous and detailed work, have unearthed masses of evidence that they are the remains of walled settlements and cattle kraals built by iron age African people. There is also a racist subtext to Tellinger's nonsense: primitive Africans could not possibly be capable of building such structures, obviously it must have been space aliens. The ruins at Great Zimbabwe were subject to similar interpretation by colonial historians, who insisted that they were built by Phoenicians, not Africans. Tellinger has not produced a single shred of evidence to back his outlandish theories, whereas there is an abundance of material evidence backing the theory that these structures were built by Africans.
12/26/2013 08:19:19 am
Where are the doors? To the kraals and habitats? Where are the bones near by and in these dwellings? Or the building, or cattle rustling tools? Why build all the rounds out of hersfeilds rock, instead of just whats around? What's with all the terraces? Any one with Google Earth can go and pose these very same questions. I'm not saying I believe ancient sumarian gods (note capitalization) were aliens from the sky. ?. But the sumarians did.... I'm sure they were just primitive intellects tho-mistaken. They were only, capable of math, astro-architecture, calandars, writing, government, oh, and roads and agricultural. ?. But they just couldnt understand that these super powerful beings from the sky that changed the local history forever; for everyone, were just imaginative allegories for "real" phenomenon. -just too primitive, small minds...... okay. Lol smarty pants.
12/28/2013 05:44:06 am
2/24/2014 02:20:35 pm
cattle kraals with no doors or entrances...? Did they use cranes to put the cattle in there?? why are so many people so obsessed with proving someone wrong just because he does not conform to the main stream history and info? It must be the brainwashing that we all went through at school, as Tellinger points out to, that makes the vast majority of us BOW TO AUTHORITY... so if the authorities say there is no life beside earth, and the south african ancient buildings are cattle kraal, then it must be the truth!!!
2/13/2018 12:23:57 pm
Who needs doors!!. Local African native people will tell you their ancestors used crazy technology such as ladders and elephants!!
6/16/2017 10:36:57 am
I am so fucking tired of seeing you dumbass sheep claim "tellinger has not produced a single shred of evidence to back his theories", this is the definition of stupidity because if you ever actually listened to what he has to say whether you believe it or not he has compiled a huge amount of evidence based on verifiable data instead of word of mouth. On the other hand your arguments against his theories are based on absolutely nothing but a bunch of talk
6/16/2017 01:19:33 pm
Lol, because calling people dumb and sheep is a clever response to get people thinking ey.....
12/8/2013 05:17:03 am
12/14/2013 09:41:20 am
This guy is picking on a very small section of micheals arguement and probably the least important part, maybe he isn't 100% accurate about the aliens taking gold as it is the part with the least blantantly obvious evidence but maybe he might be right and we just havent found enough concrete evidence to make it undeniabley obvious so people like this guy decide to jump on their high horse and criticize a very logical and well thought out idea. Also i saw the title of this and came in expecting a very concrete statement to disprove micheals ideas. This guy hasnt even attempted to scrape the surface of how it is very clear that there were 10's if not 100's of thousands of these ENTRANCELESS stone circles and has merely dismissed them, as most ignorant misinformed idiots do, as settlements and cattle kral. Please do me a favour and watch micheals videos when he explains how this is illogical and if you still dissagree then okay but it is pretty irrefutable evidence and i dont see how you cannot see it. Also micheals ideas concerning modern society are a very big issue so you could of at least gave them a mention instead of just picking on a very small portion of what he says. Saying that i think it is a bit foolish to take micheals ideas as fact concerning the origins of humans because i would be surprised if he did himself, more just a logical theory. Feel free to argue back some of the points people have made as id like to see the opinion of someone against micheals ideas as well as the people that are for them.
12/17/2013 02:08:38 pm
and i'm assuming that the people who disagree with tellinger are super religious and believe the world is a few thousand years old or some shit
2/13/2018 01:50:27 pm
Uh, no; we believe the earth, like all other planets, is round. Unlike Tellinger.
joel woods
3/25/2014 02:24:51 am
Certainly looks as if he has had the religious's the blank look.
Catherine Williams
6/1/2014 12:04:13 pm
I know for a fact that Michael was tripping on drugs when he got these visions of what Slave Species is all about.
Fred East
1/13/2016 11:20:21 am
Catherine Williams. SOME HAVE BEEN EXCAVATED and x-ray techniques used to study below ground. MT has worked with geologists & other scientists, these are not only his concepts. THERE ARE NO ENTRY/ EXIT POINTS!! The only thing you know for a fact is what the inside of your back passage looks like, because your insulting head is so far up your arrogant 4SS!!... The other relevant point he makes in assesing these structures is that white western Historical BS claims a S.African population of 10's of 1000's maybe 100's of 1000's at any time in prehistory. The sheer number & scale of these structures implies that this is simply not the case & is a woefully low number. Also why always use hornsfiled stone only, not local sourced rock? Go sniff some more glue Catherine, sounds like you need it....
2/13/2018 01:20:15 pm
You don't need alien technology to get over tall walls into a secure grain or food store. Just elephants and/or rope ladders.
6/19/2016 06:31:53 pm
Catherine, thank you for summing it all up in one sentence: Tellinger was tripping on drugs when he wrote the Slave Species bollocks. And that is all it is, folks. BOLLOCKS. A book based on the nonsense written by Sitchin, Von Daniken et al. Sitchin's work has been thoroughly debunked by Dr Michael Heiser.
Prospector Video
10/17/2017 06:23:49 pm
You said the magic word Catherine, "ASSUME" ! That is what you have done and sorry to say You made an ASS out of yourself ! Obviously have not read F'''ALL !
10/15/2014 07:38:03 am
even if they were cattle whatever.
senior puss
11/22/2014 11:54:47 am
This is sooooo spot on...if what I'm reading is a fictional fantasy. Is this serious? Simple fact checks will decimate any claims he is presenting.
11/28/2014 03:36:08 am
Romantization of just about anything is caused by the fact that we do all want/need to believe in something. I think that's the real underlying conspiracy to solve. Not who might be pulling or has pulled our strings, but how we're all so compatible with it. Belief is powerful. Figuring out how to properly direct that "free energy" is the key to getting us out of all the messes that we find ourselves in. Believing in gold hungry aliens from Planet X?... not so much.
Gregory Arnold
1/3/2017 07:25:37 am
Has anyone read Alan Alford " When The Gods Came Down " - The Catastrophic Roots Of Religion . Alford Was An Ardent Supporter Of Sitchin And Ancient Astronaught Theory But Did A Total About Turn In Above Mentioned Book. I Admire Him For That. My Bullshit Detector Goes Crazy When There Is Money And Fame Involved And Tellinger Is Being Called A " Saviour " ? And He Seems To Get Off On Appearing In Videos !
3/11/2017 02:04:01 am
There are a lot of people out there that are professional obfuscationist. Michael Tellinger is not one of them. He is an honest down to earth man that has actually done the legwork to prove his theories. Who is perfect? He may not have some theories correct but its quite evident if you took the time to listen to him that those structures are definitely not cattle crawls. What he has brought out about the banking community is spot on, and more importantly his Ubuntu Contributionism discovery is the most important thing he has given birth to. And I know he would not appreciate being called a saviour. He believes We are the ones we've been waiting for. Its up to all of us to change our future for the better no matter what you believe or don't believe about our history. We have to stop relying on Gov to save us. You should know by now they wont. Yes stop watching brainwashing TV but the worst thing you can do is throw it out when there is quality programming out there that you can subscribe to and expand your mind. Try cosmic disclosure on Gaia TV for instance. One thing for sure is things are not as they seem. But back to Telinger, the best thing he has learned on his path of discovery is how we can all work together to create a world of abundance. Faults and fallibilities aside he has been shown a good plan with #onesmalltown and all on here who actually want to create a better world should look into it. The rest of you that only want to spout off about who's is bigger can just ignore my entire comment. Move along....Nothing to see here. OMG! we can work together if we really want to. Join us at
Randy King
1/25/2018 05:47:53 pm
I’ve been researching UFO’s and Aliens for years, and have recently stumbled across Mr Tellingers posted videos. I worked for 10yrs in vibration and sound testing, as well as a technician in air and hydronic flow for commercial applications, with a total 27yrs experience in HVAC building systems and engineering. All I have to to say is I get what he’s saying, It’s not far fetched at all, we have harnessed energy from the sun, wind, and water, so why not sound? It’s everywhere, it has all the hallmarks of a free “zero point” energy system. People really need to open their eyes to this, if not, they’re Clearly going to miss the biggest discovery of our time.
2/13/2018 12:49:14 pm
Pleas use all your HVAC and alien knowledge, and when you have a sound powered lightbulb, come wake me up!
L Cox
8/23/2018 04:40:14 am
Obviously Ockham’s razor was not among the various gifts given to ancient peoples by ancient astronauts. Maybe had Francis Bacon claimed his works to have been stolen from the filing cabinets of his alien abductors we might not, paradoxically, have to suffer the bilge these people insist on publishing.
7/2/2019 09:37:39 am
Wow ok so has anybody heard about Tellinger believes the Moon is a hologram? it was easily debunked the video clip he has used. look it up.
Rev. Philip E. Evans
2/4/2020 10:30:11 pm
Take a look at the following article...
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