Before we begin today, I’d like to direct your attention to my July 30 blog post about alien anal probes. Robert Shaeffer has called to my attention a 1965 report about Barney Hill receiving an anal probe, and I have updated my post accordingly. Now, I’d like to spend some time discussing some European anti-Semitic material that directly impacts my discussion this past weekend of the anti-Semitic conspiracy book that was cited approvingly on Giorgio Tsoukalos’s In Search of Aliens. I’ll start with an easy one since there is an English version (apparently more than one) of Jan Van Helsing’s anti-Semitic conspiracy book Secret Societies (1993). Here is what Van Helsing had to say about the spacecraft that the Nazis supposedly captured in 1936, which Giorgio Tsoukalos cited on In Search of Aliens on Friday. I take this from the version appearing on Beside the “THULE-GESELLSCHAFT” (Thule Society), which will be described in detail later, there was another secret order in the Third Reich, the “VRIL-GESELLSCHAFT”. This was mainly occupied with the building of UFOs. They had, next to Viktor Schauberger and Dr. W.O. Schumann, also Schriever, Habermohl, Miethe, Epp and Belluzo working for them, whose developments were greatly accelerated after – according to them – an “extraterrestrial” saucer went down in the Black Forest in 1936 and was hardly damaged. After having scrupulously studied the drive and having joined the findings to the already enormous body of knowledge of the “Vril-Gesellschaft” about implosion and anti-gravity, they started to build their own prototypes. Even Van Helsing doubts the material Tsoukalos cites to his book as established fact! Now the question is whether Tsoukalos means us to take his endorsement of Van Helsing’s tepid report of a 1936 saucer crash as an endorsement of Van Helsing’s other claims, or whether Tsoukalos’s staff simply did a keyword search for the 1936 saucer myth and went with the first thing they found. In the rest of the book Van Helsing goes on to ascribe a vast conspiracy to members of “the Zionist community” and to the Jewish Rothschild banking family—all material that seems to have been carefully recycled by Jim Marrs in his Our Occulted History and recent work based on that book. But Van Helsing filters his anti-Semitic rant through a conspiracy run by Templars, Cistercians, Illuminati, and Freemasons to hide the “truth” about Jesus—clear Scott Wolter territory, except for when it turns anti-Semitic by alleging that the Templars and their descendants hold that the God of the Hebrews was Satan and the Jews the sons of the Devil. Thus, in Van Helsing’s view, there layers upon layers in the battle between Satan and Jesus. The book approvingly cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and reproduces them. Here he talks of the Protocols and Jews: It is an absolute fact that the Protocols are of Jewish origin. […] Again, don’t just swallow what the (mostly Jewish) mass-media is telling you. Get yourself some history books and the Encyclopaedia Judaica and get your knowledge yourself through your own research. […] To bring it down to the point: the race with the most “anti-Semitic” attitude is probably the modern Jew himself. Van Helsing does not believe Jews are Semites because he sees original flavor Judaism as having been taken over by impure non-Hebraic fake Jews who are responsible for turning the faith evil. Van Helsing, to be fair, does say that he has no intention of inciting animus against Jews as a “race” but rather intends to explain the “belief system” of the Jews that made Hitler, Benjamin Franklin, and others want to “hunt down the Jews.” Wherever they went, the Mosaic or Talmudic Jews became legendary for their crookedness and their diabolical ingenuity in taking advantage of those with whom they come in contact. They were both feared and despised. As a direct result of their chicanery they were expelled from one nation after another. I think you get the idea. I wonder if Tsoukalos really wants to go down that path. He does like to go on about the special relationship between the Jews and extraterrestrials, but he doesn’t usually present this as evil. Let’s move on from outright anti-Semitic fringe writing to more subtle forms of anti-Semitic craziness. A German blogger named Michael Schmalenstroer posted praise for my review of Tsoukalos’s seemingly pro-Nazi outing celebrating the wonders of Nazi science and serious scholarship of Jan Van Helsing. “Jason Colavito treats these broadcasts with incredible energy, takes a close look behind the scenes of these shows, and diligently disassembles the theories presented therein.” I am translating as best I can from the German; I hope I have captured the sense of his German well enough here and below. However, I’m not linking to his post to praise myself but rather to point to information Schmalenstroer presented on a figure who appeared on History’s UFO Hunters to discuss the Nazi Bell time machine, the subject of Tsoukalos’s show last week. Schmalenstroer misidentifies the show on which the conspiracy theorist appeared as Ancient Aliens, but it’s easy enough to confuse all of History/H2’s various conspiracy programs. Dr. Axel Stoll was a geologist (according to German Wikipedia) or a geophysicist (according to UFO Hunters) in the former communist East Germany, and his doctorate was classified because it contained geological information the communist government considered sensitive. Stoll died last week, and now that it is no longer libelous to say so, observers such as Schmalenstroer are convinced that in his final years Stoll was mentally ill. He became famous in Germany after 2004 when his rambling, incoherent lectures on fringe history, Nazi science, and UFOs went viral on YouTube. Some of these lectures came from the Neuschwabenland Conference, a meeting of right-wing Germans that Stoll helped to organize. The video clip above depicts Stoll as rambling, somewhat incoherent, and ready to tell people what they wanted to hear, no matter how ridiculous. Stoll, who often cited Helena Blavatsky and Erich von Däniken as sources for his claims, became a laughingstock for his ridiculous statements, some of which were collected on a website devoted to his crazy claims. I translate here a few of them as best I am able:
Sadly, these “crazy” claims are also fringe culture’s hot topics, and also episodes of Ancient Aliens, except perhaps for the magnetic hair. According to Schmalenstroer: No one really took Stoll seriously—he was so popular because all of his stuff was so completely crazy. It was clearly right-wing esoteric stuff and pseudoscience, taken seriously by no one. The case of Stoll is obviously one of mentally illness, for which the world made fun of him. The truly amazing thing is that Stoll managed to appear as an expert in a broadcast on the History Channel! […] If an American history station interviews a German madman as an absolute expert, then you should definitely take a closer look. It appears that the greater part of History’s programs have taken refuge in Dadaism and fill their quota with bullshit. It’s always good to get an international perspective on these things!
Stoll held so many conspiracy beliefs that I can’t outline them all. He denied the moon landing (because Nazis already live there!) and thought chemtrails were poisonous. He believed in a hollow earth and the Shaver Mystery, ancient astronauts and the concept of earth as a prison planet. He thought the pyramids were used to communicate with space aliens, and that the Aryan race was descended from aliens from Aldebaran and therefore had a special connection to space that manifested in Nazi flying saucers—one of which took Nikola Tesla on a trip to Pluto! (I’m not sure that the similarity to the plot of H. P. Lovecraft’s Whisperer in Darkness is entirely coincidental.) The German version of Wikipedia asserts that Stoll also held anti-Semitic views, like his claims about so-called Jewish science quoted above. He was also an apologist for the Second and Third Reichs: “In my first book, High Technology in the Third Reich, I […] eviscerated the Allies’ lies against the German Empire.” Oh, and by the way: He’s also a Templar conspiracy believer! “I enjoy the Templars’ protection and the protection of the National Security Agency!” That puts him in perfect company with Giorgio Tsoukalos’s endorsement of Jan van Helsing and Scott F. Wolter’s endorsement of racist ex-Nazi historian Jacques de Mahieu, not to mention frequent History and H2 guest Jim Marrs, who spouts anti-Semitic claims about the Jewish stranglehold over world finance all on his own. History/H2 seems to really like anti-Semitic and racist writers, particularly if they have a streak of crazy. The danger is not that these figures will actually say something anti-Semitic on TV, but rather that legitimizing them as authorities by using them as experts on TV will lead viewers who are primed by History/H2 to accept their claims as true to their anti-Semitic work, and thus to accepting anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi conspiracies. And remember: Jan Van Helsing says that it isn’t racist or anti-Semitic as long as you are only “attacking the basic Talmudic philosophy which motivates many Jews, like the Rothschilds.” I guess that’s why Jim Marrs gets to stay on TV and publish with a major New York publishing house (HarperCollins).
8/4/2014 06:58:19 am
Anti-Semitic conspiracies were created out of the fact that Jews did not do manual labour - Jews did not do manual labour because they were prohibited. Out of this Jews had to exist from doing non-manual work. it's straightforward.
Steve StC
8/4/2014 03:26:54 pm
I wonder if I'm the only one who has trouble seeing how a recent tweet by Jason has anything to do with Xenoarchaeology, Jason's purported goal for this website -
Only Me
8/4/2014 03:33:39 pm
I'll wait until you make an intelligent, non-attention whoring comment.
8/4/2014 04:05:11 pm
@ Steve StC
Cathleen Anderson
8/4/2014 04:33:14 pm
Jason is not the only one who has shared that article. Anyone stupid enough to not know what a homophone is has absolutely no business being involved in teaching language.
steve stc
8/4/2014 04:37:46 pm
Jason likes to hide behind his mask of political independent. He's not. And his political views, his hard-left-leaning social views, color his vommit-tary… er… commentary. Don't like what I say, "Zach"? Suck it up, be a big boy and ignore it.
8/4/2014 04:44:10 pm
@ Steve StC
Clint Knapp
8/4/2014 05:00:50 pm
So, it's completely inexcusable for a professional author and editor to share a story about an educator's failure to recognize literary terminology?
8/4/2014 05:04:47 pm
What would Jesus do? Would he approve of Scott Wolter hanging out with this crowd?
The Umpire
8/5/2014 07:05:03 am
Steve StClair strikes out again!
8/4/2014 08:23:42 am
...and it all sells like hotcakes.
8/4/2014 08:32:54 am
You know if tomorrow you posted a crazy conspiracy theory that both History and H2 were secretly programmed by time traveling Nazis, I just might believe you.
8/4/2014 08:48:29 am
Van Helsing's statements concerning the Jews become even more duplicitous in his later works, summarized by Goorick-Clarke as follows:
8/4/2014 09:04:08 am
None of this is difficult to discover. Not only was Goodrick-Clarke's Black Sun published over a decade ago, but even those whose research is restricted to superficial googling cannot fail to stumble across enough of this stuff unless they deliberately ignore it.
8/4/2014 09:22:55 am
Sadly, I don't think "plausible deniability" ever factors into it. Obviously its reprehensible material... but people who *actually believe this stuff* are still allowed (at least inside the US) to hold their own rallies, marches, speeches, etc. It's fundamental to the 1st Amendment (or, at least, such are their frequent claims).
8/4/2014 09:26:43 am
I don't mean plausible deniability legally speaking. I mean plausible deniability in face of such public accusations.
8/4/2014 09:30:36 am
There are precedents of arguably much more popular radio and television programs getting axed in face of accusaions like this. Even if they are often repackaged after the storm has died down, it at least gets people to be more careful.
8/4/2014 09:36:11 am
Oh I'm with you 100% - I'd love to see them burned for this... I just don't know of any way it'd stick long enough for it to happen (or that they'd ever have the moral fortitude to admit they were wrong). Where's Buzz Aldrin when you need him? FACES NEED PUNCHING!!
8/4/2014 09:47:04 am
I think it could be worth it for someone to send out feelers to Jewish advocacy groups, making sure they are made aware that:
8/4/2014 09:03:03 am
I seem to recall Hoagland, or one of the other early 90's UFO guys, simply reprint the Protocols in one chapter of his book, with the preface of substituting 'sheeple' for 'gentiles,' and something suitably conspiratorial for 'jews.'
8/4/2014 02:42:41 pm
I think you're thinking of Bill Cooper's book Behold a Pale Horse.
Josef Karpinovic
8/4/2014 09:57:13 am
It would be incredibly satisfying to see this pathetic bird-haired clown and his moronic H2 pals accidentally hang themselves with this crypto-nazi nonsense. Perfectly fitting punishment for not only cynically shoveling heaps of bullshit onto a credulous public for profit, but also not even taking the tiny bit of trouble to understand what it is they're promoting. On prime time television. Incredible. Keep up the bad work, ya'll.
8/4/2014 10:05:23 am
I bet there are gullible people reading Van Helsing litreally right this moment. And coming to the conclusion that Hitler may not have been such a bad guy after all...
Josef Karpinovic
8/4/2014 10:19:00 am
Yeah, ya know, if Giorgio talked about it, it must be ok, right? I really do hope that this comes to the attention of Jewish advocate groups, it would make my whole decade to see these scumbags get burned for pushing this poison. The whole AA/cable pseudohistory thing is morally offensive enough as it is, since they're just cynically doing even MORE to dumb down an already problematically dumb populace, but, to bring this neo-nazi stuff into it...I mean, for Christ's sake. This just beats all, the carelessness is absolutely astounding.
8/4/2014 10:27:16 am
And, to reiterate, it's not Neo-Nazis who also happen to be UFO enthusiasts. It's Neo-Nazis who seek to win converts by claiming that the Nazis received advanced technology from their extraterrestrial ancestors because said ancestors wanted to help the Aryans restore their rightful dominance over inferior races.
8/4/2014 10:40:28 am
I wonder what would happen if someone took to posting such notices on the facebook pages of Tsoukalos, et. al in the spirit of pyromania. Obviously facebook feeds are easy to edit / clip, but it's also a place where "fans" of the show flock to... who knows? Some of them might actually have enough of a conscience to step back when they find out Tsoukalos's sunset-inspired reflections are nursing an IV-drip of anti-semitism.
8/4/2014 10:54:27 am
It won't change the nature of humanity, of course.But, like I said above, if this gets A&E to monitor their paleoastronautic herd to make sure they don't wander into Naziland, that alone would raise the intellectual standard of their product.
8/4/2014 11:02:47 am
It would, and I suppose every bit counts (as much as I'd prefer an idealized fiery reckoning).
Josef Karpinovic
8/4/2014 10:45:51 am
I'm just shocked at the total carelessness involved, because I truly believe that Giorgio and company have no understanding of what they're promoting here, probably are too busy getting fake tans and hair plugs to comprehend it anyway. Not very bright people to begin with. They're used to just skating around on whatever recycled bullshit their writers scrape off the floor of the internet, and figure that however silly it may be, it's basically harmless, bat-boy tabloid fare. Not this time. All those network resources at their disposal, and NO ONE catches that they're basically spewing nazi propaganda here? It beggars belief.
8/4/2014 10:58:36 am
"Bullshit" constitutes the vast majority of what A&E and Discovery Communications air these days (hence my belly laugh on a previous post when BANFF referred to Discovery as the "#1 Nonfiction Channel").
8/4/2014 11:05:50 am
On the other hand, even Genn Beck had to take heavy losses because he got in too deep with anti-Semitic conspiracies. And Glenn Beck was way more of an asset than Tsoukalos et al. could ever hope to be.
8/4/2014 11:21:47 am
You sound just like the people who think Pawn Stars and American Pickers should be charged with the crime of "fraud" since they're soft-scripted and arranged in advance.
8/4/2014 11:32:53 am
That's what many said about Hitler...
8/4/2014 11:46:03 am
No, your logic is bit flawed. Hitler was a criminal. Giorgio is a fruity TV host who's never encouraged anyone to commit a crime, as far as we know. And, as Jason has said, he doesn't even seem to have his own beliefs. He comes off as more of a tour guide to the AAT.
Only Me
8/4/2014 11:47:47 am
8/4/2014 11:48:51 am
Walt, I never said Tsoukalos is a criminal. He isn't. He's just an idiot.
8/4/2014 12:01:15 pm
Only Me, that puts you in "but I wanna feed the trolls for valid reasons" camp. That's fine, but not productive in the long run. The bullshit doesn't stop. In fact, it usually gets louder since there's interest.
Only Me
8/4/2014 12:06:52 pm
So what is the answer, Walt? If we confront the problem, it's unproductive, and if we ignore it, it doesn't stop.
8/4/2014 12:20:30 pm
It would stop and be cancelled if nobody paid any attention.
8/4/2014 12:28:18 pm
Well unfortunately even if we did stop paying attention other people will still pay attention to it. That's the real problem. This show appeals to people who lack the education, and critical thinking that real scientists and historians use in their methods. And that's something people lack, and it is necessary to help people understand this. That's why it is necessary to talk about this.
Only Me
8/4/2014 12:47:58 pm
You've contradicted yourself, Walt. You said, "The bullshit doesn't stop." Now you're saying, if it's ignored, "It would stop and be cancelled if nobody paid any attention."
8/4/2014 12:50:28 pm
Theoretically, that'd be great, Zach. Of course, that's another "feed the trolls" argument. Somebody may believe what the troll is spewing so it should be corrected. That's a noble goal.
8/4/2014 12:53:33 pm
Only Me, I didn't contradict myself. I said feeding the trolls isn't productive because it won't stop the bullshit. It was 2 sentences, which may have thrown you.
Only Me
8/4/2014 01:03:18 pm
And apparently, asking for a workable solution short-circuited your brain, Walt.
8/4/2014 01:14:29 pm
@ Only Me
8/4/2014 01:14:39 pm
Then didn't you just prove that these discussions are a waste of time? All I'm saying is this blog and these discussions will do absolutely nothing to convince people not to believe in ancient aliens or UFOs. Moreover, basing delusional beliefs on racist ideas is no worse than holding the delusional beliefs to begin with. And finally, being obsessed with a tabloid TV show about aliens to the point of never missing an episode isn't healthy, whatever the reason. Those are all perfectly valid opinions, so much so that I'd be hard-pressed to find anybody, outside of this blog, who doesn't agree.
Only Me
8/4/2014 01:50:49 pm
If anything, YOU proved that discussions with YOU are a waste of time.
8/4/2014 02:52:16 pm
As Jason has noted in previous posts, he gets an upsurge in search hits when an episode these shows air.
Steve StC
8/4/2014 03:14:13 pm
Walt, I don't agree. I say "Only Me" should keep watching and venting his anger. His blood pressure will keep rising and eventually his head will explode. Then we'll have one less angry acolyte commenting on Jason's hate blog.
Only Me
8/4/2014 03:44:58 pm
God help me, I LOL'd something fierce. Thanks for proving the internet has the ability to turn sane people into ranting fools!
8/4/2014 04:07:48 pm
Steve StC, a word of advice: This is a really bad thread in which to be ranting about Jason being a hate blogger.
Steve stc
8/4/2014 04:40:53 pm
Thank you acolytes. Right on time.
8/4/2014 04:41:07 pm
@ EP
8/4/2014 05:07:37 pm
Thanks to Steve StC, I dug this up:
8/4/2014 11:01:57 am
The more I'm looking into it, the more it's becoming clear that the people behind the esoteric Nazism are literally the same people who got the Holocaust denialist ball rolling.
8/4/2014 11:05:57 am
I've walked the gravel at Dachau. He makes me sick.
8/4/2014 11:12:39 am
I don't know if you read my rants in the Bell thread, but Van Helsing's publisher is registered in an offshore zone in order to escape prosecution in Europe under hate speech laws.
8/4/2014 11:18:19 am
I remember the comment about offshore protection... I think I missed the one about forced extradition. Of course, from my (admittedly limited) exposure to crime & punishment in Germany, he probably lived as good a life as many in Canada (or the US, for that matter) during his "incarceration".
8/4/2014 11:30:43 am
He did a LOT of Neo-Nazi shit! Like, he was probably the most important publisher and distributor of Neo-Nazi literature in North America during his heyday.
8/4/2014 11:38:42 am
8/4/2014 11:55:32 am
She also nourished a lot of the rest of the nonsense we hear from Tsoukalos, Wolter and the rest. Here is a semi-random passage from her works:
8/4/2014 12:02:34 pm
Reading that excerpt hurt my eyes. 8/4/2014 10:49:28 am
Yes, you translated my german correctly. Thank you for the mention.
8/4/2014 11:41:26 am
Concerning Van Helsing's disavowal of anti-Semitism, here's something else he says:
8/4/2014 11:49:44 am
I love that he qualifies his statement with "if still alive". Obviously that's the most contentious part of the claim! Who believes in talking to ghosts?!
8/4/2014 12:01:35 pm
Basically, it comes down to this. Either Tsoukalos must admit he doesn't bother reading his sources or doing anything to check them, or he must admit that he read a book that is vicious Neo-Nazi propaganda and didn't think it's worth at least mentioning it to warn his audience.
Dave Lewis
8/4/2014 11:43:44 am
I wonder if any of the executives at A&E are Jewish?
8/4/2014 11:46:26 am
Gotta be. The media is dominated by the Jews. I read it in a book by that guy Tsoukalos keeps mentioning :)
8/4/2014 11:57:49 am
Actual quotes from Tsoukalos's facebook feed:
Only Me
8/4/2014 12:00:26 pm
The thread just went full retard. You never let the thread go full retard.
8/4/2014 12:10:06 pm
8/4/2014 12:11:18 pm
These people are the reason we need safety instructions on basic household products. They shouldn't be allowed near anti-Semitic propaganda without proper supervision.
8/4/2014 12:17:49 pm
@ Only Me and Gregor
8/4/2014 12:21:43 pm
Tsoukalos's Actual Facebook Feed, Round 2:
8/4/2014 12:28:52 pm
8/4/2014 12:34:09 pm
I just want to point out that in one of the posts Gregor quoted a person who appears to be a former member of the armed forces speaks of his superiors feeding him a line that sounds like it was taken straight from Neo-Nazi literature.
Only Me
8/4/2014 12:55:53 pm
8/4/2014 12:57:50 pm
Just ignore those posters if they prove too thick to get through to :)
Steve StC
8/4/2014 03:17:09 pm
Wow Jason,
Only Me
8/4/2014 03:47:41 pm
Oh, irony! Steve knows you not!
Steve StC
8/4/2014 04:42:39 pm
Oh cleverness! "Only Me" knows you not!
8/4/2014 05:03:21 pm
Steve StC, did you know that Scott Wolter has Stormfront's seal of approval?
Only Me
8/4/2014 05:09:25 pm
I don't know what you are trying to say, Steve, sorry. It probably made sense in your head.
8/4/2014 11:57:27 am
i liked this quote...
8/4/2014 01:15:42 pm
I just wanted to quote this because it's a key source of Van Helsing's brand of insanity and because of the bit about expressing history in terms of mythology:
8/4/2014 01:18:41 pm
From Tsoukalos's Twitter:
8/4/2014 01:46:34 pm
A glowing endorsement of Jason's alma mater if ever there was one...
Dave Lewis
8/4/2014 01:27:38 pm
I sent an email to the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles referencing this post on the blog.
8/4/2014 01:29:37 pm
We should celebrate this by throwing more evidence into the thread.
8/4/2014 02:16:33 pm
Here is an ealy-1990s documentary called "UFO - Secrets of the Third Reich". Credited as screenwriters are Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ettl - they of the Neo-Nazi Apocalyptic cult Tempelhofgesellschaft.
8/4/2014 02:34:30 pm
This might be off-topic but I just saw this on the troll doll's twitter:
8/4/2014 03:21:32 pm
And here's a guy who claims that Ancient Aliens is a Jewish conspiracy:
8/4/2014 03:51:46 pm
Jan Van Helsing's real name is Jan Udo Holey. One of the books he published under his real name is "Die Akte Jan van Helsing" (so meta!).
Rev. Phil Gotsch
8/4/2014 05:20:22 pm
"Alien Anal Probes" … ???
Only Me
8/4/2014 06:00:49 pm
Shoot no, Phil! Apparently, a super-advanced, off-world life form, having mastered FTL stellar travel, came all the way to Earth to perform colonoscopies.
8/5/2014 07:36:58 am
Since I'm without medical insurance and in my 50's, perhaps I should have EVD dial up a UFO pilot and have him land in my back yard to examine my back....well, you get the idea.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
8/5/2014 10:12:07 am
Hey … !!! I think you're onto something there …
Only Me
8/5/2014 11:11:17 am
Careful, Phil. He might not like being the (ahem) butt of your jokes. Remember, resistance is futile.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
8/5/2014 01:50:03 pm
8/6/2014 08:11:30 am
With my luck, the UFO pilot would be a rookie who took a wrong turn. He'll ask "Is this the way to Uranus?" to which I would reply; "Only if you have a degree."
8/5/2014 08:02:35 am
Dear Reverend,
Dave Lewis
8/5/2014 07:21:58 am
I just sent a note to the Anti Defamation League national headquarters.
8/5/2014 08:00:56 am
According to this 2005 German Ministry of the Interrior publication, Jan Van Helsing is the "pioneering and best known esoteric right-wing extremist".
8/5/2014 09:25:43 am
Von Dankien's hypocrisy on the Nazi question is staggering. He is no stranger to argument ad Hitlerum - whenever he needs it to attack an opponent. In "The Twilight of the Gods", for instance, he goes to work on Hans Horbinger for his ties with the Nazis. Von Daniken is outraged:
8/5/2014 10:31:06 am
Near the beginning of the episode, who does Tsoukalos call “the diabolical minds” while discussing Nazi Germany and Hitler’s desire to rule the world? Not Hitler or the Nazi leadership, but the German scientists who were brought to America after the end of the war.
Only Me
8/5/2014 11:16:18 am
Should we start pointing out the errors in each episode, like CinemaSins on Youtube does for movies? Maybe that would make watching this stuff actually entertaining.
8/5/2014 11:27:44 am
I'm not sure I could take it - even half of this junk is enough to push me straight to "enraged".
8/5/2014 03:27:41 pm
It would be really funny to satirize it mystery science theatre style. Or better yet, get James Rolfe, or the crew over at That Guy With the Glasses to review it. Now that would be entertaining.
8/5/2014 11:26:28 am
More top-notch "research" from Prometheus Entertainment.
8/5/2014 11:31:20 am
The uses you mention are legitimate (if one is speaking figuratively, as I'm sure Tsoukalos was). What's problematic is that he speaks this way about German scientists, not about the Nazis. Scientists - especially if they work for America! - are "diabolical". Hitler and his followers... well... eh...
8/5/2014 11:45:19 am
I strongly disagree regarding "legitimate", even with figurative language - especially with one who prides himself on multilingual fluency.
8/5/2014 11:56:07 am
That's just it. The scientists working on Nazi weapon programs were a mixed bag of political allegiances. Some were completely apolitical and really just wanted to be able to conduct research. (Unethical? Probably. But that doesn't make them "diabolical", only "merely human".) 8/5/2014 12:09:17 pm
While the choice of adjective was odd, in context he was trying to refer to the negative impact of the weapons systems they developed, specifically the "evil" a person would need to think up new ways to kill people on an industrial scale. 8/5/2014 11:32:23 am
I used to watch shows twice to write a review, but that takes too much time. Now I spend so much time typing that I sometimes miss the visuals that fly by quickly while I'm staring at the screen. Of course they decided that Hebrew was Sanskrit--it's all just foreign squiggles, right?
8/5/2014 11:39:21 am
It means whoever was in charge of editing it didn't recognize Hebrew and ended up putting it into the worst possible context, given everything else we've been talking about.
8/5/2014 11:49:32 am
8/5/2014 12:31:07 pm
This is particularly absurd because later, at around 18:20, they DO show a book in Sanskrit... Double facepalm...
8/5/2014 01:42:54 pm
Yet another example of mind boggling ignorance and insensitivity. At some point it is said, while a picture of Eistein is on the screen, “Germany invented relativity.” Let’s count the ways in which this statement is wrong:
8/5/2014 03:32:18 pm
"Yesterday I tune into MEET THE PRESS and as the show progressed, my mouth became more and more agape, NOT being able to believe what unfolded in front of EVERYONES eyes. I was at a loss for words. Today, I'm BEYOND stoked to see that I wasn't the only one who was shocked to the core about what transpired on LIVE television yesterday. In case you missed it, please check out the 2 links below to form your own opinion. Shame on you David Gregory, shame on you. What a spineless and misguided man you are. And "IM ABOUT AS LIBERAL AS THEY COME." Glen Greenwald THANK YOU for standing up for yourself and EVERY investigative journalist in the world. May you, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange lead the way."
8/5/2014 11:47:39 pm
It's interesting that Tsoukalos, who has never made a secret about being politically very liberal, works so closely with Erich von Daniken, who is notorious for his extreme conservatism. It must make for an interesting dinner party when they try to decide the aliens' position on women's rights.
8/6/2014 06:27:25 am
Earliest ancient astronaut theorists were Soviet "cosmists", with the earliest clear published discussion dating from 1930. At that time, it was already grounded in treating ancient myths as factual reports of contact with aliens.
8/6/2014 06:35:28 am
Pretty much. In all seriousness, the Russians of that period bear a lot more responsibility than anyone else for contemporary esotericism and pseudoscience. Theosophy, "Fourth Way", new chronology, ancient aliens, catastrophism, and a bunch of junk physics and biology. (To say nothing of their political "contributions".)
8/6/2014 06:38:05 am
Oh, and we should never forget to include Ayn Rand in that list :)
Only Me
8/6/2014 10:04:03 am
Okay, you lost me. How does Ayn Rand fit into Russian influence on ancient astronautics?
8/6/2014 10:08:06 am
Not ancient astronautics specifically, but "esotericism and pseudoscience". She fits in by having been born and (somewhat) educated in Russia. Ayn Rand is not her real name :)
Only Me
8/6/2014 10:10:14 am
Yeah, I knew about her nationality, just not the part about pseudoscience. Thanks!
8/6/2014 10:12:14 am
Broadly construed - read her nonfiction. Better yet, don't and take my word for it :)
Only Me
8/6/2014 10:18:01 am
If you've heard of the game BioShock, then I think you'll recognize the character of Andrew Ryan (also Russian) as the embodiment of Rand's ideals...and what happens when they're taken to they're logical conclusion. Because of this game, I kinda get what you're saying:)
8/13/2014 03:51:07 am
Actually you are being unfair to Ayn Rand. she liked Science.
8/13/2014 03:54:17 am
Happiness is self-contained and self-sufficient. Happy men have no time and no use for you. Happy men are free men. So kill their joy in living. Take away from them what they want. Make them think that the mere thought of a personal desire is evil. Bring them to a state where saying ‘I want’ is no longer a natural right, but a shameful admission. Altruism is of great help in this. Unhappy men will come to you. They’ll need you. They’ll come for consolation, for support, for escape. Nature allows no vacuum. Empty man’s soul – and the space is yours to fill.
8/13/2014 03:56:52 am
You have no right to sit there and stare at me with the virtuous superiority of being shocked. You’re in on it. You’ve taken your share and you’ve got to go along. You’re afraid to see where it’s leading. I’m not. I’ll tell you.
8/13/2014 04:00:26 am
To obey, to serve, to sacrifice. Divide and conquer – first. But then, unite and rule. We’ve discovered that one last. Remember the Roman Emperor who said he wished humanity had a single neck so he could cut it ? People have laughed at him for centuries. But we’ll have the last laugh. We’ve accomplished what he couldn’t accomplish. We’ve taught men to unite. This makes one neck ready for one leash. We found the magic word. Collectivism.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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January 2025