Whenever I see Ancient Aliens come on the History Channel and hear the emphatically-emphasized exclamations of “ancient astronaut theorist” Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, a consulting producer on the show, I can’t help but flash back to the time I interviewed him, a long time ago, with repercussions echoing down the years. It’s a story I’ve never told, largely because until recently Tsoukalos wasn’t famous enough to make the story worth telling, and I had no reason to want to make a bad situation worse. In my Cult of Alien Gods (2005), I gave a brief, expurgated account of the story in a footnote. But this is what really happened. I was standing in Giorgio Tsoukalos’s spacious living room, marveling at its tall, floor-to-ceiling bookcases groaning under the weight of literature—mostly, but not entirely, works of “alternative” history and the ancient astronaut theory—von Daniken, Charroux, Sitchin, Childress, and more. I fiddled with my red tie, adjusting it against my deep blue dress shirt. I didn’t wear ties often enough to feel entirely comfortable. I looked around the room.
One side of the room was decorated in ancient chic—reproductions of Egyptian and African artifacts, globes and maps. The other side of the room, leading toward the front door of the low-slung house nestled on a forested street, was hung with posters of well-muscled men, mementos from Tsoukalos’ then-career as a bodybuilding promoter. Tsoukalos himself was all smiles, his tall black hair not yet grown to the prodigious height now so well-known. Dressed casually in a blue oxford and chinos, he seemed youthful and ebullient. I was a college student a few weeks shy of 21, young and arrogant but already disillusioned with college life. I had realized that I had chosen my major and my career path poorly, and it was time for a change. It was the early spring of 2002, and this would be one of the last pieces I would create as a student of television journalism. I would finish out the degree, but I added to it a second major in anthropology, which suited me somewhat better. With me were two other students, Nikolai and Josh, and they fiddled with the camera—and ancient, heavy model that recorded on videocassette—and worked to set up the three point lighting in the space Tsoukalos had cleared out in front of his desk, with a dramatic backdrop of his books. From the right angle, it would look as though his library went on forever. How lucky, I thought, that the head of the Archaeology, Aeronautics, and SETI Research Association (AAS-RA, popularly known as the Ancient Astronaut Society), lived here in Ithaca, N.Y., only a couple of miles down the hill from my college dorm. I recalled how exciting it was to discover this fact during a then-novel bout of internet research, and how I had pushed my teammates to agree to a profile of Tsoukalos for our Television Journalism Workshop project when it was my turn to play “reporter” and serve as the on-camera personality. In retrospect, it was already obvious that I had lost my love for journalism and was trying to keep myself interested by pushing for stories that overlapped my extracurricular interests. So here I was sitting across from Giorgio Tsoukalos preparing to ask him questions about the ancient astronaut theory. Tsoukalos reminded me twice before we started that he had been interviewed on NBC and the Sci-Fi Channel (now SyFy), and it was a great boon that a worldly entrepreneur and scholar would choose to speak to students. Tsoukalos was, and remains, just three years older than me.* He and I had attended the same school, Ithaca College. Though his Wikipedia page claims a 2001 doctorate in three subjects from Ithaca College, this is impossible. Ithaca College, then as now, offers no doctorate degrees except a doctor of physical therapy program, which is certainly not a doctorate in “sports, information communication, and science.” Tsoukalos actually holds a 1998 bachelor's in sports information communication. I knew none of this in 2002; instead, I knew Tsoukalos only as the Swiss-Greek head of the AAS-RA, and so I started to ask him questions about the ancient astronaut theory. I wish I remember exactly what I asked, but when I checked my notes from that spring, I found that the interview made so little impression at the time that I recorded nothing about it, unusual since I was typically a faithful recorder of scholastic events. I do know that the interview went badly. Since I was at the end of my studies of TV journalism, I had no compunction about using the interview to challenge Tsoukalos on facts and theories, and I recall that the interview grew heated. The smile fell from Tsoukalos’s face, and he repeated several talking points and referred me to ancient astronaut literature. This I remember very clearly: Ending the interview, Tsoukalos reminded me again that he had been on NBC and Sci-Fi and had never once been challenged on a single claim or point. Why, he asked, do you think you, a student, can do that to me? I smoothed things over, or so I thought, explaining to Tsoukalos that what I was doing was “news” reporting, and what the Sci-Fi Channel did was not news. I told him that I was following Lawrence Spivak’s maxim that a good interview involves learning everything about the interviewee’s subject and then taking the other side. We parted company on polite terms, the near-permanent grin etching itself back across his face. He asked me to give him a copy of the interview tape for his archive, and I told him he could have one after the project was finished. In the car on the ride back up the hill to campus, Nikolai and Josh congratulated me on the interview. They thought I “got him good” and greatly enjoyed my performance. But that was what it was—a performance. There was already tension between my false face of objective journalism, which needed to pretend that the ancient astronaut theory is the “other side” of the story, and the skeptical critic I was slowly but surely becoming. This day, I got the balance wrong, and I was a skeptic pretending to be a journalist. It wasn’t fair, I suppose, to come to Tsoukalos’s house as a “journalist” and then argue with him as a skeptic. But I was not quite 21 and did not yet understand this; he was 24 and was equally bull-headed and confrontational. The difference between us became more obvious over the coming weeks and years. The final tape of the story came together badly. In those days Ithaca College still used giant, room-sized machines to splice and edit physical video tape—the digital revolution had not yet filtered down to us. The final copy of the story was grainy and blurry. Some of the cuts went badly, and the audio levels were too high in places, and then too low in others. I had trouble, too, writing a script that “fairly” reported Tsoukalos’s views, as though they were equal to the scientific view, the “other side.” To finish off the humiliation, after playing the story for my professor, the master tape broke. My partners and I wrote it off as a loss, and someone (I can’t remember which of us) threw the tape away rather than waste time reserving an editing booth and manually splicing together a video no one would ever watch again. The piece was never broadcast anywhere; it was merely a class exercise. We needed to start on the next assignment. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that I had promised Giorgio Tsoukalos a copy of the tape. A few weeks later, he emailed me asking for a copy. I tried to be polite, and I explained to him that due to a mishap the tape had unfortunately broken. I reminded him what I had explained before our interview, that it was a class assignment and was not intended to air. Tsoukalos did not believe me, and after several email exchanges, he more or less accused me of rank dishonesty, and worse; I am sure I responded in kind, sure I would never see him again. Eventually, after weeks of emails, he gave up and realized no tape was forthcoming. But he never forgave me. In late 2003, after I had graduated from Ithaca College, I started work on what would become my article “Charioteer of the Gods,” and then the book The Cult of Alien Gods. I somehow still felt the weight of my journalism training, and I felt that as part of my research, I needed to speak with ancient astronaut authors to interview them about their beliefs and my thesis. I reached out to Erich von Daniken, the author of Chariots of the Gods, and the wellspring of the modern ancient astronaut theory. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to me, Giorgio Tsoukalos was now von Daniken’s gatekeeper and official English-language representative. On July 29, 2003, Tsoukalos wrote back in response to my email to von Daniken. He began by asking if I were surprised that he, not von Daniken, was writing. He reminded me that my bad behavior the year before had serious consequences. He then “answered” my question on von Daniken’s behalf: “Just the fact that you so desperately attempt to dismantle our theory proves that we are on the right track. Otherwise you would not feel so threatened by our theories! ... I will certainly not forward your questions to Erich, and his secretary has already been informed about your malevolent intentions.” Tsoukalos went on to “inform” his other friends of my “malevolent” intentions (he always like grandiose words), including David Hatcher Childress, a “lost civilizations scholar” and advocate of Lemuria, Mu, and some mystical claptrap called the “Rama Empire.” In solidarity with Tsoukalos, Childress developed an extreme reaction to me, especially after reading the articles I wrote about his theories on my old website, and later in Cult. We have never met. Years later, in 2006, Childress still loathed me and told a reporter for The Chicago Reader that I grossly misrepresented him. In a private conversation that I suppose I shouldn’t mention except that it wasn’t technically “off the record,” the reporter explained to me that Childress considered me a nemesis, and I was the first name on his lips when asked about writers who opposed his views. Childress told the reporter that I was wrong because he was not an ancient astronaut theorist and therefore my book was a fraud: “[M]y whole thing is that this stuff is from this planet. These giant ruins aren’t built by extraterrestrials. I say they were built by humans. Mankind and civilization goes back 50,000 years or more. What else can I assume is inaccurate in this book [Cult of Alien Gods]? This guy just plain doesn’t do his research.” In the spring of 2010, Childress began appearing weekly on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens, along with his friend Giorgio Tsoukalos, as a self-described “ancient astronaut theorist.” He can now be found each Thursday night explaining that “the aliens” are responsible for archaeological and geological wonders. In one episode he explained that the aliens used satellites to beam electricity from Egyptian obelisks across the Pacific to move Easter Island’s statues. When Childress and Tsoukalos filmed the pilot episode of Ancient Aliens in 2009, the producers from Prometheus Entertainment asked them for skeptics whose work they could show to illustrate attacks on the ancient astronaut theory. Naturally, they thought of me—the only skeptic whose name appears in the segment as broadcast. And so, there I am in the pilot episode of the series, my name clearly visible in large print from my 2004 article “Charioteer of the Gods,” sliding across the screen to ominous music as a wicked, evil skeptic. A friend of my father’s called my father during the broadcast, excited to see my name and wondering why it had been inverted into white type on black paper, with burning scare quotes scrawled across my article of insults hurled against alien theorists—scare quotes I never said. I wasn’t sure whether it was humiliating to be attacked on national television or a badge of honor. I lean now toward the latter. And so, nearly a decade later, long after a heated, unseen interview in an Ithaca living room, ancient astronaut theorists still hold a grudge against me and probably will for life. But I have Giorgio Tsoukalos to thank for one thing. Though I did not recognize it at the time, my interview with him showed me that I am not cut out for the false equivalences of so much of contemporary journalism. I cannot lie and pretend that falsehoods are equal to facts. For whatever reason, one random college assignment inadvertently determined the path my future would take. * My estimate of Tsoukalos' age is based on the birth date and age listed for him on his MySpace page and his Wikipedia page. This, of course, would mean he graduated from Ithaca College when he was only 20 years old, unusual though not impossible.
Joey Hall
2/6/2013 03:26:56 pm
You shred, bro! Every claim this dude throws up on the 'wanna-be' history channel is always stated as thus, "if you can't see that this is true then you're crazy". Gawds, I hate this guy, and his creepy hair. He's probably got the shortest write up on Wikipedia that I've ever looked anything up on. Well, travel courageously the ways of questioning everything and never give up debating!
if so
11/9/2015 02:51:56 am
What ever he believes or doesn't; he's making money with what is available to him. He found a good niche and he's becoming well known in his field. He also get's to travel the world.
if so
11/9/2015 03:08:02 am
D C Mullard
11/11/2015 03:04:50 pm
Are you for real ??,, this guy is about as intelligent as Albert Einstein,, I suppose you believe in that fraud as well..fingers crossed he may give you one of those little planes he gives to all the other idiots !!,,
4/11/2017 12:48:39 am
Jason is jealous? Of someone who is, according to you, only 'becoming well known'? Well, it's sorta true that Giorgio is well known as a laughing stock in serious circles... And you then go on to criticise his sentence structure, after 'writing' "He get's to travel the world." ..... how ironic.
D C Mullard
11/11/2015 03:10:46 pm
Well said man..He's a (( I wish I was Moulder )) or (( I'm so so jealous of Nick Pope ))..
if so
11/30/2015 12:34:46 am
How do we know this guy even knows Giorgio? He says he did an interview with him but there's no proof because the film was distroyed...lol. Sure, I believe you dude. Maybe he could supply those e-mails?? No? didn't think so, sure there will be an accuse there too.
3/5/2013 08:17:39 am
I'm so glad you're able and willing to stick to your morals on honesty. If more people were that way, this world would be a much better place! Keep exposing the fraudulent.
Quaylyn ferris
10/29/2013 11:43:14 am
Giorgio is right about the aliens helping mankind,I am 13 years old and I strongly agree with Giorgio whoever wrote this article made a fool of them self by insulting theories that are true and I despise you for being such an ignorant know it all.
Lakewolf Whitecrow
12/4/2013 01:25:18 pm
As a 55 year old who has studied the subject for decades, I must gently scold you. Please do not take offense; the fact that you are courageous enough to defend your beliefs gives me hope that in the future you will sufficiently challenge them in order to prove them true or false.
Bill A
12/5/2013 02:43:45 pm
Quaylyn ferris -
3/6/2014 04:15:42 pm
You're also 13.
Blake King
8/23/2014 05:29:27 pm
I agree with you, Quaytyn Ferris! "Ancient Aliens" is an excellently done, extremely compelling show, and lots of people are jealous, I imagine!
Alan Parmer
8/31/2014 08:37:28 am
Quaylin, after reading your comment I realized that many people of all ages are passionate about the fascination and awe of the origins of the Human Race. However, you may change your mind as you continue your education. The best advice for any student of history is to keep an open mind.
11/18/2014 06:15:28 pm
Instead of wasting a whole paragraph about grammar in an attempt to poison the well. Just say "I'm going to play the grammar card". It takes up less room and everybody knows where your going with it. I see that card played so many times on these sites and in all social media sites that I wish I had a post blocker that would just block out the post so we all could ignore it.
9/7/2015 05:23:22 pm
I so agree- Georgio rocks. He is an expert with a brilliant mind. I have so much respect for his tenacity and all of his hard work and research. I would love to meet him, I bet he's awesome to talk to!
David stephen
2/24/2016 06:19:17 pm
Shut up you little gimp. Come back when your balls drop and leave the grown ups alone. Yes I know he is only 13 but these people need slapped. We don't want him growing up to be the next wild haired lunatic on the shitstory channel.
12/29/2017 08:15:33 pm
One would hope a 13 year old would know now at 17 what a tool good ol Georgio is.
nova watts
9/7/2015 05:19:57 pm
You are obviously deaf and can't read. It has been scientifically proven without a doubt that the Egyptian pyramids were not built by humans just like it's been proven that the world trade center towers didn't just spontaneously fall down. You the dangerous kind of myopic drone that believes anything the government says. I bet u think Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK. My suggestion to you is first learn the alphabet and then learn how to read. If you can't do those 2 things keep your myopic, fascist non thoughts to yourself because no one cares what someone with the IS of a potatoes chip has to say.
David stephen
2/24/2016 06:29:53 pm
What the hell is wrong with you people? Do some research for yourself and if you still genuinely believe any of this crap, the only explanation is that you are mentally challenged. I can say that dragons exist and you cannot disprove this. Not being able to do so does not mean that dragons exist. Try to apply some logic and critical thinking. Also the grammar used is irelevant (see what I did there) if you cannot tell what the writer means and need it all perfectly spelled, then you are stupid. The content is what matters not the presentation. You are probably a fan of Katy Perry and think she is talented,
5/22/2016 01:55:00 am
It has been proven 100's of times how humans built the pyramids, unfortunately the wingnuts don't understand science.
6/28/2019 10:46:10 pm
No real mystery about how the pyramids were built; it is shown in tomb paintings - no aliens shown. I've grown tired of the "it looks like" evidence accepted as proof on AA. I have studied ancient cultures for years and cringe every time Giorgio and Childress open their mouths! I find Colavito's story completely plausible. I've also worked in media and well understand and can understand ad empathize about the loss of a video tape = it happens!
3/10/2013 03:04:56 pm
HAH. I found this off a Google search for "George Tsoukalos hair." My family loves watching Ancient Aliens - it's a great laugh. Thank you for answering our question as to whether Tsoukalos actually believes in this craziness. :)
Cold Soul
7/29/2013 08:53:45 am
I love the show and also like how Tsoukalos and other ancient astronaut theorists explains everything on History Channel.
10/21/2013 03:37:46 pm
"I mean c'mon there ain't no way they could have moved them with mere ropes or levers or by manual labour . lol"
11/29/2013 11:00:54 am
"You say the ancient people moved it , yes it could be true , but only with the help of technology given to them by the aliens, like maybe some sort of levitation technology."
Micha D
6/4/2014 02:44:46 am
"[...] its still a mystery how the ancient people moved the stones of the pyramids" -
David stephen
2/24/2016 06:39:12 pm
You are a clown shoe. The pyramids where built in about 20 years by thousands of skilled Egyptian workers. An internal spiral ramp at an inclination of 7 degrees was used to haul stones up and in to place. This internal ramp can be seen in thermal images. The grand gallery was used to haul the granite blocks of the kings chamber. It appears none of you people are familiar with the use of ropes or pulleys and the principal of counterweights escapes you. Question : if aliens travelled to earth which would require super advanced technology, why the fuck would they build things in stone, then piss off and leave them?
Gilda the enchanged
5/22/2016 01:58:16 am
Keep an open mind......Aliens, the flying spaghetti monster and don't forget the great Invisible Pink Unicorn, along with leprechauns, wizards, dragons, griffins, Thor, Odin and Medusa.
8/30/2014 06:07:08 pm
Miki- too funny!! Over a year and a half later I too came by this article after googling "George Tsoukalos hair" looking for that meme generator of him.
11/21/2014 09:12:16 pm
Mankind would not have been able to advance in thought or consciousness without asking the question, "what if"? I don't agree with all the conclusions that are drawn on the show but, from my own personal experiences I have no doubt about the existence of alian life. It seems as with any subject matter, how it's presented as well as our personal prejudices will influence our beliefs and decision making.
5/22/2016 02:02:43 am
What if....great question. What if all the idiots were removed from TV....we'd only have 3-4 hrs of tv a day.
12/1/2014 02:25:36 pm
So you dismiss his theories, and? Can you explain all of the things these theorists touch on? Didn't think so. Closed mindedness isn't exactly a good thing. I'm not saying you have to believe everything this guy says but the conclusions in our history books are being exposed as being wrong more and more as the years go by. This article doesn't exactly shed you in a very good light. You come across as a lazy researcher with preconceived notions.
5/22/2016 02:04:39 am
Yes I can, its got nothing to do with aliens. Its Merlin and his sister Morgana Pendragon responsible for it all. As valid a theory.
Kent Reynolds
3/15/2013 07:58:01 am
Jason, its so good to see that Einstein has a modern contemporary in you, your balanced appraisal of Ancient Astronaut theory shows your deep understanding of the subject & thorough research. I am sure you believe we are the most intelligent beings in the Universe, & if by some cruel twist of fate that ever turns out to be true, which I sincerely doubt, God help us all. Im sure you have a much better theory on how 1000 tonne blocks of solid stone were moved 10 miles & placed perfectly, please enlighten us "crazies" as we can surely be uplifted by your intellect. (BTW Im sure you do understand the meaning of the word Sarcasm)
Lakewolf Whitecrow
12/4/2013 01:31:06 pm
Not moved--fused together. See my comment above.
5/31/2015 05:45:33 am
Sorry to hear that. I liked your earlier post. How are you today?
9/24/2016 12:21:43 pm
"fused together."? Lmao only the outer stones and inner chamber stones were smooth and flat. All the other stones were well shaped but alot rougher than the stones that you could actually see. We know this because almost all of the outer stones of the pyramids (except the ones at the very top) have been looted and we can see the inner stones.
12/19/2013 01:03:59 am
Here's a thought which, like so many out there is not based on any hard facts but merely on some deductive reasoning based on the "study" of other's literature and documentaries. Unfortunately it cannot apply to absolutely all "evidence" out there for a variety of reasons. That is because, for example, many factors relating to the coming into existence of the walls is not fully understood. Considering the often stated comment, or observation, that the seams between the boulders are so incredibly perfectly matched that not even a sheet of paper can be slid between the boulders, might it not seem reasonable to assume that those seams are not real but intricately carved to give the illusion of a perfect match? Think about it. That makes much more sense than that those immensely heavy stones could ever be manipulated by mere mortals like us. Granted, eventhough it doesn't seem very likely, it is not impossible. And carving was clearly something that many ancient civilizations had mastered to a high level. So you might consider the possibility that the perfection of the seams in some walls may just be an amazing illusion. Thank you.
9/24/2016 05:36:31 am
Except for the fact the Spanish took apart nearly all these buildings to make their cathedrals and monasteries (sometimes right on top of the old Inca temples- pwned!) as it was easier than finding their own stones. The came apart alright. The Inca were just masters at this stuff. No help from aliens.
Micha D
6/4/2014 02:58:47 am
"Im sure you have a much better theory on how 1000 tonne blocks of solid stone were moved 10 miles" -
5/22/2016 02:11:00 am
Gee I wonder how Cleopatras needle (224T) got from Alexandria to London.....no one saw aliens levitate it did they?
6/15/2014 02:20:54 pm
Could you please provide the evidence as to how the pyramids were moved and lifted? You claim they left us the writings of how they did it? Nobody has figured it out.. Nobody. All theories. No proof
Micha D
6/16/2014 10:02:17 pm
The contrary is the case. I figure you didn't mean moving and lifting whole pyramids en bloc (that's the stuff that happens only in 'Star Gate') but the individual stones. To figure it out even the briefest and most superficial google search turns up with relevant information and plenty of evidence - one just has to bother and find out. I've just grabbed out a few links to post here, pictures and texts by the ancient egyptians on how to manage those stones, along with explaining comments. The footnotes reference originals and literature. Even the tools displayed in Egyptian text and art have been found. For more just run an online search, it really is that simple. That "nobody has figured it out" is often repeated by mystery mongers and similar 'truthers' - but simply untrue! See for yourself what information the Egyptians themselves left us:
6/28/2019 11:08:03 pm
OK, there have been programs on the History, Discovery, and SCI channels where archaeologists and engineers have demonstrated how the stones were quarried and transported using the tools and boats copied from original tools and boats. This is why this program damages REAL history by promoting the "Aliens Built It" crap! Do your research and open your mind to the truth rather than the BS promoted by those peddling it. You may gain a new respect and appreciation of ancient cultures!
Mark F
3/20/2013 08:43:08 am
I found myself getting "caught up" in the whole "Ancient Alien" thing and was reminded of what a college professor taught me in a Critical Thinking" class: "Would you accept a nickle if it had only one side?" The answer obviously is "No." Your blog here has helped me to "look at both sides of the nickle" and "their side" is blank- therefore, it isn't worth much. Keep up the digging Jason. Remember: the truth needs no defense.
3/29/2013 01:22:24 pm
Mr. Colavito,
3/29/2013 01:59:44 pm
I'm glad I could help. You're right that it's become cult-like. Some of my recent reviews of the show from this season have focused on how the program seems to be trying to create an alternative religion.
Cold Soul
7/29/2013 09:15:47 am
They are not creating an alternative religion , they are showing us the truth that some of us (skeptics and ignorant ones) don't wants to see.
8/6/2013 06:38:42 am
I think it is interesting that so many non-conventional ways of thinking are labeled cult-like. For example; healthy eating and living is considered cultish, people who care about the environment are anarchists (cultish), those who don't want genetically modified foods are cultish or elite, etc.
Brenda Gerbino
10/25/2013 01:19:57 pm
I am a huge fan of Ancient Aliens. I do not believe everything they say on this show. I also don't believe everything the government tells me, or for that matter even less of what the media tells me.
Lakewolf Whitecrow
12/4/2013 01:37:11 pm
That's how it's done--dumb down the population (already accomplished), then feed them pseudo-science to keep them interested and happy to find that they are 'intelligent 'enough to believe such intricate drivel (oops! I meant 'science').
7/17/2014 09:03:45 pm
I wouldn't necessarily say 'creating' an alternative religion, because that implies making it up just to gain a 'cult' following, as you put it... on the contrary, he demonstrates how all religions of the world actually share very similar roots.. writings and drawings/carvings from ancient times, which are the basis for the various modern religions of today, all have similar depictions of the heavens, gods, and their encounters with them... even similar stories! If the world could just embrace these similarities for what they really are, using modern research, interpretation and thinking - instead of dwelling on the very old, symbolic, and fantasy-like writing style found in religious books (simply due to how long ago they were written) we'd realize just how similar we really are. Sadly instead, the world prefers to use so-called religious 'differences' for all things negative.
5/22/2016 02:14:53 am
Cynthia: To this day - nobody can explain the many things that are still unexplained including; crop circles, how the pyramids were constructed so precisely, stonehenge, Easter Island. Why do all religions have similar stories (the great flood, the ark, the trinity, etc.)
Neil P
4/6/2013 12:06:43 am
I think its a little bit too easy to be sceptical to ancient astronaut theory and to ridicule lots of the 'speculations' they make in what is also an entertainment programme. If you listen to the narrator, its always, 'could it be' 'what if' etc..Like with a belief in god, if you believe in aliens who could have developed for billions of years before us, then any explanation is potentially feasible like 'god' being omnipotent can do anything. Tsoukalos, Von Daniken etc are not trained professionals and i dont mind if they are unprofessionably defensive about their theories. As a journalist myself, my technique is to get my interviewees onside in any conversation and make them feel comfortable which is perhaps what you should have done.
5/22/2016 02:19:55 am
If pigs had wings....
Davd Peter
4/17/2013 11:46:56 pm
I watch Ancient Aliens sometimes and get irritated every time I watch. The show asks rhetorical questions stated in a way to make them look like facts. It never comes out and says anything is real in their theory. Logic does not apply to these so called experts.
6/22/2013 08:09:52 pm
Dude, you're a closed-minded fool. How can you be sure about all these "falsehoods" you talk about? Really? They are "falsehoods" because "you" believe them to be? Because why, because it's what you were brought up to believe? With your books? Your experience? Your views? Perfect, but how can you be sure what you choose to believe is "truehood"? I'll bet you believe out of the zillions of galaxies and planets in the "known" universe, this little speck of dust in the grand scheme of things is the only world to have life on it. Yup, that makes perfect sense. It's truly amazing how absolutely petrified their brains truly are.
6/23/2013 04:59:59 am
John, I have not attacked you personally. Why did you do that to me? My comments were not directed towards you nor would I call you a "fool" because I do not know you. Re-read my statement. It has nothing to do with YOU and yet you feel the need to slander me personally.
Cold Soul
7/29/2013 09:19:24 am
Well said John ;)
Micha D
6/4/2014 03:07:21 am
Well said Mark ;)
5/22/2016 02:22:09 am
There is a big difference between close minded and stupid. THe moon is made of green cheese. Don't deny it you are just being closed minded. BTW did you get the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Be careful though its guarded by an ogre riding a unicorn.
kim hyuna
8/3/2013 02:13:54 am
leave giorgio alone as well as childress u dont now them u r ignorant of the fact tht u dontlook into things correctly
Donn McCarthy
8/17/2013 01:31:55 pm
You need to look into using spellcheck.
9/12/2014 02:37:27 pm
I know what he was trying to say despite typos, lack of grammar, and lack of punctuation. I don't agree with it, but it's a cheap tactic to derail what would've otherwise just been topical discussion. Do you approach verbal discussions this way as well, without a tolerance for dialect? Shorthand, lazy punctuation, etc is the new dialect.
Donn McCarthy
8/17/2013 01:33:29 pm
You need to look into using spellcheck. Not sure if aliens made it though.
Still on the fence
8/13/2013 06:39:38 am
I'm totally in favor of seeing both sides of the subject. I find Ancient Aliens a very interesting show and some of it makes sense, however I do find myself saying 'ah come on - now that's a tad far-fetched!' I don't like name-calling however, as there is no need for it - on either side. I do find your point of view quite interesting and I'm looking forward to reading your book, Charioteer… As well as having read Erich von Daniken's, Chariots… I do enjoy a good debate, as to become well educated and to form our own opinions, we need to hear both sides. I believe we need to read alternate theories with a very open mind or we just become sheep. I encourage all debunkers! Please keep up with your side, Jason, as it helps us all.
5/22/2016 02:24:12 am
Everyone should look at both sides, unfortunately ancient aliens is not on an opposite side of anything except reality. Might as well argue, wizards and Merlin Pendragon created the earth and everything in it.
8/16/2013 03:13:13 pm
I don't think you would have a job or a blog if it wasn't for ancient aliens or any of this other stuff. You are just the othr side of the coin, trying to make something of yourself and trying to make a buck off what is a very interesting show. I don't believe aliens had much, if anything to do with what is shown on ancient aliens, but I have learned about some amazing places in the world that do defy explanation. I challenge you to be so entertaning. You simply sound like a bunch of sour grapes. Perhaps because you don't have a popular tv show hmmm?
8/16/2013 11:24:51 pm
I don't get paid to write this blog. If you want to learn about amazing archaeology, try reading actual archaeology books. You'll see amazing things and learn true things about them instead of lies, since, as you say yourself, you believe Ancient Aliens is lying to you.
Jason, they present theories, not lies. I don't see where Marg said they were lying to her. Statements like that make you look closed minded and arrogant. I'm still on the fence, but your comments don't help your cause. Why do you bother with your blog if rather than convince us you choose to undermine those with a different view? 10/18/2013 11:36:27 pm
Deb, these are comments on a blog in response to someone who had spent several weeks trolling me. If you judge every idea based on how "arrogant" you find the claimant, I trust you dislike ancient astronaut theorists since they constantly tell you that all of modern science and thousands of years of history mean nothing compared to the insight they had 5 minutes earlier.
5/22/2016 02:26:11 am
Ancient aliens isn't on the other side of any coin. Wait it is, one side of the coin is Merlin the Magician and the other side is Ancient Aliens. A coin that doesn't reside in reality.
6/28/2019 11:29:06 pm
Marg, I agree we need to keep an open mind. The universe holds many wonderful things we are yet to discover; perhaps even alien life. That being said, so many people accept what this program is misinterpretation and misinformation that it gets in the way of learning. It's one thing to "keep an open mind" and quite a different on to accept information that is very wrong, just because this programs tells you not to listen. I have studied ancient history and cultures and it frustrates me no end to see this program hype unfounded theories not based on reality and not facts. Please keep an open mind and STUDY rather than blindly accept their crap!
kim hyuna
8/17/2013 11:46:15 am
read archaeolgy books is tht all u can say jason colavito really those people who r archaeologists only now so much at least ancient aliens try to explain the blanks why do u critisise giorgio tsoukalos hes smart passionate and tsoukalicious cute yes i said it cute wat would u now about passion
8/17/2013 11:50:56 am
What do I know of passion? I'll never tell: "'Twere profanation of our joys / To tell the laity our love."
kim hyuna
8/18/2013 05:41:49 am
he does not say yes it is to all he says giorgio only says wat he thinks thts not a crime yes he has become a prodigy of erich von daniken but can u show some respect to both men it seems u dont wat hav u got against giorgio and yes im atracted to tsoukalos at least he has brains and good loos and no he does not say aliens r responsible for everything no he doesnt he suggest aliens hav helped and done things for us and tht sounds totally logical considering tht the ancients all hav the same thing tht beings came from the heavens u r being insulting to the ancients to even say watthey said is wrong
5/22/2015 04:35:14 pm
"Truth stated plainly" by a close minded man, is no different than "a lie told with passion" if said close minded man is the one calling it a lie. Presenting theoretical ideas is not lying, especially when the theories are proposed to simply offer an alternative to the mainstream rhetoric that's been rewritten countless times over the past few centuries. "Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light" George Washington.
5/22/2016 02:33:21 am
A hypothesis is an idea of how things work, theory is an idea and then research proves it. .... Nothing ancient aliens presents proves anything, its just supposition built upon fantasies built upon pseudoscience and pseudoscience is being generous. Might as well argue unicorns and leprechauns exist because they are in picture books and people would draw pictures of things that didn't exist. The only thing they have proven is how gullible some people are. That's not close minded, that's observation and logical conclusion.
12/2/2014 12:03:37 am
For the love of God, please learn how to use punctuation and spell-check so that you may write coherent sentences that people will understand...
T.Bird the 2nd
5/22/2016 02:42:03 am
Donn McCarthy
8/17/2013 01:25:44 pm
Ok, I admit I do watch Ancient Aliens. It's entertaining but certainly not informative. There is so much about our own history we don't understand. We want to look back and think of our ancestors dim and primitive. Therefore they were not capable of doing these amazing feats without the help of some alien intelligence. The more we search we the more we see that our ancestors were more advanced then previously thought. People like Giorgio have an agenda. They are out to prove something. Therefore when they look at something they look at it through the "ancient alien" lens. They do not have an open mind. They are convinced that if they don't understand it aliens must have had a role. People like him need to open their minds to the possibility that humans are not as dumb as they think.
Alec Smith
9/2/2013 03:07:09 am
So Tskoulos is just a giant asshole?
kim hyuna
9/2/2013 07:04:30 am
how can u call tsoukalos an asshole ur just jeolous of him those who call r jeolous leave tsoukalos alone u hav no right to call him without a sensible reason
Alec Smith
9/4/2013 02:06:54 am
For starters, it wouldn't hurt to use punctuation and proper english. Second, the manner in which he blew off the author of this paper when he asked to interview Von Daniken was arrogant and snobbish. If being snobbish and arrogant is not a sensible reason to call someone an asshole, then I don't know what is. Third, let's examine the man behind the bad spray tan and over moossed hair. Giorgio graduated from Ithaca College with a BA in sports communication. He is also the publisher of a (what pop culture calls) fringe minority magazine, a magazine that publishes the papers of the fraudulent and unqualified Von Däniken’s. Let's examine Giorgio's career. He is the co-producer and leading expert on the show ancient aliens and graduated from a little to do college in upstate New York. One would expect him to have a degree in history or maybe paleontology however this is not reality. Mr. Tsoukalos has a BA in sports and communication. What is a man with a BA in sports and communication doing as an expert on a show about ancient aliens? Not only is he a failure when it comes to qualifications, he is a cultural one. On the Ancient Aliens episode on the theory that certain cities were flooded by Aliens, Tsoukalos made one of the stupidest comments someone can make. When addressing the theory that the mythical city of Dwarka, the ancient dwelling place of the Hindu god Krishna, was flooded by aliens, Tsoukalos addressed the new findings that suggested that Dwarka lies under the Indian Ocean 60 miles offshore from the west coast of India. Tsoukalos exclaimed “imagine what it would mean to Indians today if they actually found Dwarka”. It would mean nothing Mr. Tsoukalos. Why, because it would matter only to the Hindu people, not the whole Indian population. As a man who has been described as a “real life Indiana Jones”, he fails to understand basic culture. In addition to his absolute and unchallenged ignorance, he has a nasty habit of narcissism and self-worship. He is the editor of the Legendary Times Magazine which has chronically praised him for his genius and his works in the field, a magazine of which he is the editor of. Coincidence? And finally, I find no reason to be jealous of him. He has a bad spray tan, over gelled hair, and a fake brooklyn accent. He has no real career except pseudoscience and last I checked, he is meme on 9gag that makes fun of him.
Alec Smith
9/4/2013 02:07:28 am
For starters, it wouldn't hurt to use punctuation and proper english. Second, the manner in which he blew off the author of this paper when he asked to interview Von Daniken was arrogant and snobbish. If being snobbish and arrogant is not a sensible reason to call someone an asshole, then I don't know what is. Third, let's examine the man behind the bad spray tan and over moossed hair. Giorgio graduated from Ithaca College with a BA in sports communication. He is also the publisher of a (what pop culture calls) fringe minority magazine, a magazine that publishes the papers of the fraudulent and unqualified Von Däniken’s. Let's examine Giorgio's career. He is the co-producer and leading expert on the show ancient aliens and graduated from a little to do college in upstate New York. One would expect him to have a degree in history or maybe paleontology however this is not reality. Mr. Tsoukalos has a BA in sports and communication. What is a man with a BA in sports and communication doing as an expert on a show about ancient aliens?
anuyh mik
5/22/2016 02:43:24 am
You must be in love with him. After all love is blind and sometimes stupid too.
kim hyuna
9/5/2013 01:28:31 am
look alec smith im only 18 my english may not b as good as someone older than me i hav just orderd one of tsoukalos's tshirts in ur words do u hav to hav credentials in history or paleontology to talk about them no u dont aint giorgio alowed to speak wat he believes freedom of belife my dear
Alec Smith
9/5/2013 04:15:42 am
First off, I'm 15. If your 18 and your english is that shitty than you have an issue. Second, because you ordered a Tsoukalos shirt still does not make him right. No I don't have any credentials in history, but I'm not stating historical facts, I am simply saying why he is wrong. Besides, might I remind you he also has no credentials what so ever, and the historical facts which are known to historians are widely available to the general public. And yes of course Freedom of belief is for him also, but freedom to say something controversial and have it not be challenged is not. Thats part of the scientific process, and assuming you didn't pay much attention in English, you must know that from science class. And going back on freedom of belief, belief is one thing, but stating it as a fact is another.
Brenda Gerbino
10/25/2013 01:32:34 pm
Alec you are saying that because someone does not have a degree in a specific field they can not be an expert in that field. I have two degrees and I beg to differ. I have learned more from my life experiences than from college. Giorgio is getting picked on for not having the proper degrees but did you know that he has been to all these places and seen all these things for himself? It reminds me a lot of Simcha Jacabovici, the naked archaeologist, he is not an archaeologist so he gets a bad rap from the people with the degrees, yet his work is way better than a lot of people that have degrees in archaeology. 10/25/2013 01:37:24 pm
Brenda, Tsoukalos may have seen the sights, but he understands nothing about them. His every statement is demonstrably false, making claims he cannot support about material he does not understand. He particularly likes to cite "ancient texts," but when pressed, he can't actually provide a real reference, and when he does, it is almost always wrong.
5/22/2016 02:45:52 am
English is probably her 2nd language, no need to dis her for that.
12/2/2014 01:05:15 am
18 years old is legally an adult...either graduated or will be graduating from high school. I'd expect better spelling and punctuation from a second grader. Kids even younger than that know how to put a period at the end of a sentence.
5/22/2016 02:50:40 am
Passionate may make for a good teacher, but what are you learning, how to make ridiculous conclusions on imaginary evidence. Hitler was passionate, the KKK were passionate, Genghis Khan was passionate. Albert Einstein, Steven Hawkins...boring.
kim hyuna
9/5/2013 09:08:09 am
look who are you to criticise my English where are you from may i ask surely not from the home of English also Giorgio may i say he does not state things as facts far from it he says its a potential yes not it is and how can you say with conviction that what historians say is concrete why do they deny everything the ancients say they say o there were no gods it was all in the ancients heads why do u deny the ancients who is being insulting to who as far as i am aware you r and historians
Alec Smith
9/6/2013 11:51:32 pm
I actually am some one to critique your english. I was born and raised in San Fransico California, and English is my native language, regardless of the fact I speak 7 and currently live in Salzburg. Anyone who can use punctuation and formulate sentences with proper grammar is suited to critique your english. And the home of english is Germany actually. English originated in west Bavaria in the late third century. Regardless, I am not arguing language with you as yours is poor. Giorgio does say things as facts. Heres a quote: "This is a direct intervention by ancient astronauts". So yes, he blatantly says it was aliens. The historians who dictate what is history have evidence, over 300 years worth of study and fact finding that went through peer review and above that years of scrutiny. They have used dating process and linguistics to pinpoint certain dates and pinpoint certain locations. AA does non of this. They manipulate ancient texts, a good example would be Sitchin and Childress who claim to experts in Cuneiform and Sanskrit but really are absolutely not. No one is saying there was no gods. Real historians do not focus on disproving religions, but on facts. As for the last part of your comment, it is totally unreadable so I don't know what your trying to prove.
kim hyuna
9/8/2013 07:47:38 am
look leave giorgio alone hes a hard working man hot as well damm hot actually english is mostly latin with a few german links you dont come from the uk so do not critisize my language you have a nerve considering in america you call your pathway on which you walk a side walk you are totally dumb on having to indicate where you have to walk omg wat has giorgio ever done to you he has not insulted you no he hasnt so stfu leave him alone
9/8/2013 07:56:53 am
Tsoukalos may not have personally insulted Alec, but he did personally insult me both in person and via some nasty editing trickery he inspired on Ancient Aliens. Therefore, I speak from experience when I say that he is not to be trusted nor believed.
Alec Smith
9/10/2013 03:40:47 am
Actually Jason, he does in two ways. First, he refuses to give certain details to not only me but the general public on how he found his sources. The way he responds to emails is very snobbish. Second, he supports a theory in which Aliens are responsible for a myriad of modern and ancient diseases and afflictions are Alien introduced. My mother suffers from MS, so having a bunch of AA theorists telling me that the issues regarding diseases that seem incurable is Aliens, thats a little frustrating.
Paul Waygood
7/17/2018 03:48:48 pm
May years ago as the summer sun was setting I witnessed a silver disk in the sky. I was fascinated. I kept gazing at it. As it changed it's angle of flight it became clear to me that it was actually a light aircraft that the sun had been reflecting off.
Alec Smith
9/10/2013 03:20:17 am
Because Giorgio is a sexy mamba too you still doesn't make him right. And your wrong about english again. English is purely a Germanic language. The latin that is superimposed upon English is heavily interwoven with Anglo Saxon words. And actually, my grandparents were born in Stratforshire and the other in Hanover, Germany. So technically, I come from the two birthplaces of english. Besides, one does not have to live in the US to speak perfect english. My girlfriend was Bulgarian and she spoke near perfect english. As for the sidewalk comment, America split the atom, made the atomic bomb, landed a man on the moon, and invented the first practical automobile. I think we are pretty damn well set in the intelligence department. And we call it side walk to denote a meaning, not a use. And no he has not insulted me personally. I just don't agree with him, and thusly it is my scientific duty to question his beliefs to make sure he tells no fibs.
Marc Powers
3/15/2015 04:19:47 am
I think you mean Staffordshire Alec
5/22/2016 03:04:17 am
Actually if you live in the states, what you speak is hardly perfect English. LOL we Canadians speak a version closer to proper English language than Americans.
April Reign
12/23/2014 02:45:26 am
I think what's missing here, is any validation of claims. When you make claims you need to be able to back them up. This guy w/ the funny hair that you unfathomably find "hot" for one thing, is repeating one previous "AA'ers" have been saying, oh and the term isn't "prodigy" -- he's far from that, but protege. Van Daniken would be his "mentor" - if these clowns were actual scholars. To see real scholars and their accurate refutations of AA type ridiculous claims you can easily watch "Ancient Aliens Debunked" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pLz93g-ux8 - this movie is a treasure (also check out AncientAliensDebunked.com)
kim hyuna
9/8/2013 10:11:27 am
maybe if u hadnt of promised giorgio a tape of your interveiw this would not of happend u did now making a promise then not keeping it is wrong maybe if u had of said ill try to get you a copy it may not hav happend personally i dont think you should and giorgio should not meet or talk about each other you both i should bang your heads together enough its done its over move on
9/8/2013 10:31:57 am
You, like Tsoukalos, have a conspiracy mindset where you can't conceive that accidents happen. In 2002, when we all used VCRs and magnetic tape, such tapes could and did get broken. It's not like today with computers where you can go and make another copy from a digital file. What part of "the tape doesn't exist" do the two of you fail to understand? I can't do anything more than apologize that it broke. If it makes anyone feel better, my professor wasn't happy that the machine chewed it up either, but that's how things worked in the analog era.
him kyuna
9/8/2013 11:02:33 am
listen jason calavito if that is ur reel name thn too bad but George Tsoukalos is honorable man and would never make up any bad stories about aliens look i know i dont type as good as you but how do you explain pyramids or stonehenge or mt rushmore or anything George knows aliens did this things and also you can tell he brushes his teath like probably dozens of times a day you try that just try u know once i just went too a coffee shop and ate like dozens of sugar packets and nope still no diabetes so what does that say about science also please check out my etsy store ive been making George wigs out of my cats hair and old jolly ranchers have fun new world order but seriously check out my store trying to pay off student loans from HLS
9/8/2013 11:06:29 am
Of course it's my real name. Mt. Rushmore?! The mountain we have footage of men carving in living memory of people currently alive today. OK. We're done. Have a good time in your alien fantasy land.
3/27/2015 12:59:33 pm
I just watch Ancient Aliens because it's good back ground noise for a nap.
kim hyuna
9/8/2013 12:27:29 pm
him kyuna who are you are you trying to take the piss out of me by playing on my name i surely hope not
kim hyuna
9/8/2013 12:33:28 pm
its not aliens at all this time its some idiot who wants to mess
10/11/2013 06:16:58 am
"F*cking magnets, how do they work?"
12/7/2013 01:21:09 pm
Do you not realize that Giorgio Tsoukalos is basically involved in a scheme? He, Erich von Daniken, and all of the other Ancient Astronaut theorists that show up on Ancient Aliens are profiting off of the feeble minds that make up the American population. Erich von Daniken, for example, has a serious rap sheet for fraud and forgery, even went to prison several times for it. He also admitted in a 1974 interview with Playboy magazine (PLAYBOY!) that over half of his book "Chariots of the Gods?" was completely fabricated, made up ONLY to make the book seem more interesting and to make sure it sells. Why am I bringing up von Daniken? Because of the fact that Giorgio Tsoukalos serves as his representative, basically acknowledging his alarmingly shady past and being aware of the fact that the author himself admitted to fabricating his so called "adventures" and "research" just to make a quick buck. Not to mention the fact that he took credit for many speculations that were already published before he even finished the book and didn't bother to credit the sources until they filed charges. Just reminding you to consider these things before you go around praising Tsoukalos's very well cloaked "honor" and innocence.
12/29/2017 08:36:02 pm
To the girl that thinks Giorgio is "hot"- first of all, to think he's hot, you need to get out of your house more.
9/8/2013 12:33:17 pm
Haha!! Mt Rushmore?!? Hahahaha!! Your spelling and grammar are bad enough but now you claim that Mt Rushmore was done with extraterrestrial help or that somehow its construction was mysterious?!? Dear lord you are a moron! Takes about all of 5 min research to find out Giorgio is full of crap. Instead of spending money on a Giorgio shirt use the cash to buy a damn book or invest in a computer that has spell check!!
kim hyuna
9/8/2013 12:40:40 pm
look donn i dont critisize u infact i get a kick out of this realising you have to try hard to defend your position i dont cause all ancient alien theorist never back down giorgio is awesome you just leave him alone this is just so funny you make fun at a man who has worked so damm hard and he travels around the world for a living all i see is jealosy
Alec Smith
9/10/2013 03:33:01 am
But actually, you do criticize us. Just a few comments up, you told Jason, and I quote: maybe if u hadnt of promised giorgio a tape of your interveiw this would not of happened". As terrible as the english is in itself, that is criticism. And as for going to a coffee shop and eating dozens of sugar packets and not getting diabetes, that is not an argument against science. You probably had splenda, which is fake sugar designed for people with diabetes. Thusly, your argument is invalid. And he really did not work damn hard. I live by the ruins of an old roman military camp. I can easily write a book saying aliens destroyed it, and make a nice profit off that. Traveling the world is not work. I do it, and it is just for fun. So please believe me now, and I only say please because it seems you at least understand the meaning of that word, I am really not jealous of a man with a bad spray tan, over gelled hair, and being someone the whole world makes fun of.
kim hyuna
9/10/2013 08:17:29 am
look regarding my english stfu its none of ur buisness 2 giorgio does not get laughed at he is admired 3 american intellegence right ok well why u steal the internet its a british invention 4 u lost the space race its called space race not moon race omg also u hav amendmants tht allow gun ownership im so glad the uk dont stoop tht low 5 talking of nuclear bombs u had to take german ww2 scientist for tht so not ur own style u preach democracy yet u attack other countries if they dont agreee with u also u support isreal whos killing innocents everyday who now can stand tall and say the uk would never do tht
Alec Smith
9/11/2013 04:41:43 am
Regarding your english, I won't "stfu" as it is terrible and absolutely amusing to make fun of. So, no, you can expect to hear more of it. And yes, Giorgio does get laughed at. The Smithsonian, National Geographic, and a multitude of university scholars have called him a loon and a pseudo-scholar. Your case that we stole the internet from the british is, quite frankly, bullshit. It was invented by a collaboration of American, British, and Swiss engineers working in UCLA and in Hawaii. But it was an American university to first use the connection power of the internet in 1992. As for the space race, there is no such thing as the space race. American journalists coined the phrase in 1961. JFK's only intention was to put a man on the moon, not to beat the russians in anything. Besides, the US now has a working space program ´, yet Russia doesn't, so it payed off in the end. Gun ownership is not a purely American thing. Besides, its part of an American tradition, just like eating cats to the Koreans. The german scientist your thinking of is Werner Von Braun. He didn't build the Atom bomb, but the Saturn V rocket that carried astronauts into space. There was no scientist that created the A bomb, it was a team of government sponsored researchers. The only man remotely German was Robert Opernhiener, and he was born in the US, in New York. His name was only Austrian. The majority of wars the US goes into is not about democracy. Iraq was based off weapons of mass destructions, Afghanistan off 9/11, Vietnam was off the sinking of a US patrol boat, KOrea was off the pleas of help from the UN, and WWII and WWI were based off provocations. Lastly, Israel kills innocents, yeah of course. BUt not on purpose. Palestine does also, not on purpose. There will be human casualties in war, but that is inevitable, and something you can't grasp. Besides, the UK actually supports Israel and regularly sends supplies to them and also logistical support.
7/31/2014 01:03:14 pm
9/23/2014 05:02:01 pm
Good one! "Merica...
9/10/2013 08:46:23 am
He is admired?! By who? Go to any place of higher education and start asking people who study archeology, anthropology and history about ancient alien theories and they would laugh your ass out of there so fast! I do know what you are doing. Your a troll. Your inability to grasp the English language, the fact that you can't understand simple logic shows that you are acting stupid on purpose to get a rise out of people.
Alec Smith
9/14/2013 10:13:03 pm
Well said Donn, well said.
8/29/2014 05:59:22 pm
I would just like to point out that even if you did eat dozens of packets of actual sugar, it would not give you diabetes and English is purely Germanic in origin. Alex, if you are 15, you are gonna go far In life. Well done.
9/10/2013 08:51:12 am
Beside Kim, I doubt that's your real name. You took it from some south Korean celebrity.
kim hyuna
9/10/2013 01:07:46 pm
donn kim hyuna is my real name my mum liked korea and my dad called me kim so my mum gave me a korean name do i hav to b korean to hav a name like tht and yes i do like korea my self and yes i now who the celebrity is
9/10/2013 02:24:27 pm
Sure ;)
kim hyuna
9/10/2013 02:27:58 pm
wat made u think i stole it
10/7/2013 07:19:50 pm
I found this article and its hilarious comments by searching, "Giorgio Tsoukalos hair" too! Thank you everybody for making my night. The discourse on this website (specifically on this page), is a good representation of the binary at work between the "skeptics" and the "believers".
10/8/2013 10:42:23 am
I find this entire debate to be tsoukalicious!!!
kim hyuna
10/18/2013 02:30:42 pm
at gina damn right its tsoukalicious i luv the guy hes sexy cool
9/4/2014 03:08:53 pm
cum..sa mi dah.... : ) !
Koo Laid
10/20/2013 05:38:00 pm
I really wanted to believe the AA koolaid, I've always been fascinated by these "theories". The problem is, these goofballs are all so horrendous that they are their own nemeses.
10/26/2013 11:23:42 am
Wow, how arrogant didn't think that off him, he looks funky, but not arrogant. Also vindictive, I also didn't see that coming, again, I believe everyone has the possibility to be anything given the circumstance. Anyway, I really like their shows, but I always keep an open mind, and take everything with a grain of salt. I just really like the fact that they are showing something new that many people didn't really accept at the beginning
7/31/2014 01:52:29 pm
Marjorie, this stuff isn't new. I read von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods" when I was 10 years old in 1971. I was really impressed as I thought anything in a non-fiction book HAD to be true.
Marjorie. I read the book of "Chariots..." about the same time as you 10/29/2013 06:58:34 pm
I think Giorgio rocks. I drove a long way to see him speak at Paradigm Symposium in 2012. I find him highly entertaining and regardless of his formal education, it seems he has done plenty of studying on his own and has every right to form theories from the evidence he has seen. That being said, he's a science/history rockstar and that can't hurt these days. Also, sure would like to see that video of your original interview...
10/29/2013 07:00:25 pm
Forgot to check the email notification box to see responses and the continuation of this conversation!
Steve K
11/25/2013 10:12:09 am
You guys need to step back. It's a TV show, some like it, some don't. End of story.
12/5/2013 11:44:42 pm
Giorgio Tsoukalos, is an asshole who thinks by making a voodoo science he will become a real scientist, for one thing he should really get his head out of his ass and realize that may be today percentage of smart human being is much high due to wide spread literacy and scientific education, there were always albert einstein and stephen hawking in every generation of human being that lived on the planet, 50 thousand years back when a human mind exploded on thinking term by discovering fire, may be its more realistic that at end of ice age they realized a way keep themselves warm and not have aliens come down and interbreed with humans, i think u a product of inbreeding who is mocking real science and living with so limited vision which fails to see and wonder the power of human mind and its ever adapting and evolving capacity, too bad ur mind took a turn to devolve and misuse scientific facts for cheap publicity and with hair like that Einstein is rolling in his grave for all wrong reasons...... this asshole should stop mocking millions of scientist around the world sacrificing their entire life for human benefits and not getting their voices aired cause they are busy, and jackasses like him getting unnecessary air time........ he is not worth for even using a calculator.....
12/7/2013 01:34:13 pm
Quaylyn ferris
12/11/2013 04:48:54 am
Bill A-
Quaylyn ferris
12/11/2013 04:49:06 am
Bill A-
Quaylyn ferris
12/11/2013 04:51:50 am
Bill A-
Quaylyn ferris
12/11/2013 05:04:04 am
Bill A-
12/11/2013 09:50:08 am
Seen the aliens, eh? Lemme guess, your camera-phone wasn't working that day, or there was increased solar activity, or you did take a picture but the flash wasn't working, or the aliens were too far away, or you didn't think of taking a picture, or.....
12/11/2013 03:49:48 pm
*Ignorant. Also, did you happen to be on some type of hallucinogenic substance when you saw those aliens? If not, then I'd love to see those [photoshopped] images of you and the aliens.
11/18/2014 06:35:56 pm
You need to switch up your insults because we are starting to see the pattern with all the different usernames you have going on.
Bill Bill
12/21/2013 04:26:01 pm
Jason is an ancient alien douche. Giorgio gets a lot of alien pussay and all Jason gets is hairy man ass. Jason is a jealous fool who needs to give up his envious rantings and find a job.
questiion everything
12/24/2013 07:56:19 am
I myself watch "AA" series frequently, amongst others like "destination truth" "monster quest" and love the fact there's mystery in this world.... The realist in me reluctantly gives in to the notion that 99% of claims of "aliens" "bigfoots" "sea monsters" etc are compete "BS", but the dreamer in me hopes that just once someone come up with something good (international news worthy) kind of good.
question everything
12/24/2013 08:07:30 am
PS. Alec Smith you my hero man!!! Love your work!!!
9/24/2014 03:15:12 pm
"? E".
question everything
12/24/2013 08:03:12 am
PS. Alec Smith you my hero man !!!!
12/30/2013 04:44:28 am
Whoa relax, the key phrases of this show are WHAT IF and COULD IT BE.
question everything
12/30/2013 08:49:44 am
Whoa Ronald....you have a valid point ...but "what if" we did a little research on who's asking these provocative questions??
question everything
12/30/2013 08:49:55 am
Whoa Ronald....you have a valid point ...but "what if" we did a little research on who's asking these provocative questions??
question everything
12/30/2013 08:50:05 am
Whoa Ronald....you have a valid point ...but "what if" we did a little research on who's asking these provocative questions??
question everything
12/30/2013 09:05:24 am
My apologies...I'm using my phone, I don't mean to send same message numerous times....
La Tasha Armendariz
1/1/2014 08:34:20 am
As life progresses and we grow we learn that there is more and more proof that there is more to life, living and existence beyond just us. Now with that being said I was raised Catholic and raised to believe in one God, however throughout my life I have heard many theories of how, where, what,who created us and wondering is science right or is religion right. I watched a "famous medium" Sylvia Brown who does not deny that there are giants that helped build the Stonehenge. And rituals where held there where God like beings would enter one circle and come out the other holding a sword towards the sky, and inside the circle where galaxies of different kinds. She also states in another book, that when we pass on our free spirit is able to travel back into past lives to review what our "life lesson" was in the life we lived at that time God sends us to Earth to learn a lesson as a human once we have learned it we go home "heaven" to review, reflect and gather all of our lessons. Now you have psychics and scientist saying alien time travel to build objects and review kinda sounds one in the same. Again I was raised Catholic, and I believe there is a God but I am not so close minded to believe that as creative as he was and as much universal space he had, he only bothered to make humans. If anything we are probably his weakest creation do to so much closed mindedness, and I'm sure before si many close minded people where created due to advanced science, his creations of all universal bodies did visit earth to leave proof, proof that is unexplainable to prove we are not alone. I would rather believe in something than believe in nothing at all. It keeps my mind wanting the answers as to where, who, what and wondering if in my lifetime the answers will all be reviled with the undeniable truth you so need.
1/1/2014 08:38:17 am
Sylvia Browne, who is now deceased, was notoriously inaccurate as a psychic, almost certainly a fraud. What makes you believe her secondhand summaries of other people's ideas? If I told you that I had a vision would you automatically believe that, too? Conveniently, my vision says not to trust other people's visions.
question everything
1/1/2014 01:56:00 pm
Jason...please comment on the "Bigfoot" phenom....I almost gave up hope till I watched a youtube video of , Joe Rogan interview with Les Stroud...it remains my one last shred of hope that this guys out there...
1/2/2014 12:47:37 pm
Since I am not a biologist, I can't pronounce on Bigfoot except to say that I have never seen any evidence credible enough to suggest it exists. People used to think they saw unicorns, so what people think they see doesn't always correlate to reality.
In passing
1/2/2014 07:35:11 pm
I found this article out of curiosity about what kind of game Tsoukalos has been playing this whole time. Never in my life did I expect to find a comment section filled with people defending him so vehemently, and it scares me a little bit. It's also fascinatingly absurd: the capacity for imagination of people is really something.
1/3/2014 08:12:33 pm
Giorgio is spot on. The author of this reminds me of a young me.... The truth is liberating... There are billions of habitable earth like planets in our backyard of this universe. You think we are the only ones? Please. Spot on...
Jason D.
1/5/2014 05:10:39 pm
These guys always remind me of Dean Yeager's speech at the beginning of Ghostbusters.
1/31/2014 06:27:17 am
I found this blog post by incidentally googling the ancient alien guy's poor spray tan and overly gelled hair. I'm having a blast reading the comments most.
kim hyuna
2/1/2014 06:41:22 am
plz as if im like one of charles mansons followers im so not ur just jaelous tht giorgio is on tv and ur not therefore he has credibility if u cant speak nicly dont speak at all
2/2/2014 10:56:53 am
Kim, dear, you do your beloved Giorgio no favors by defending him in posts so lacking in spelling, punctuation and grammar as to be painful to try to follow. The fact that you find him cute and hot does NOT mean he speaks the truth! (You say you are 18; surely you've had hot guys lie to you by now?) 2/2/2014 11:01:51 am
The Wikipedia page changed not long after I wrote this article back in 2011.
kim... 2/2/2014 10:46:47 pm
Oh dear... the comments on here from all the poor fools who believe in the ancient alien nonsense is too funny.
A.A Theory
3/11/2014 02:57:18 pm
How come this post has changed from the last time I read it. Correct me if I'm wrong but you asked Giorgio if He could provide you with physical proof of the A.A.Theory. and you didn't like his answer. How come you made yourself like a victim. If you are a journalist. Your not supposed to have a personal opinion on the subject matter. Are you wishing to be in his shoes. And you also seem to be bitter about Tsoukalos blocking you from twitter. I'm sure if you would focus your attention on different subject matter instead of a television show you would have went farther then what you did. Now its your personal mission and vendetta to try and be Tsoukalos adversary, except he's not playing ball is he. You do know what a Theory is don't ya Einstein.
3/24/2014 02:10:21 pm
JC - I have followed this show for some time. I love it. Makes one wonder. I think Giorgio is a howl....YES!! 3/24/2014 02:23:33 pm
As I've said more than once, his Wikipedia page was edited to remove the claim shortly after I posted this article in 2011.
4/4/2014 01:05:35 pm
How do I know his Wiki page was edited. Am I to just take your word for it? Like the tape? You do realize you're credibility is questionable? 4/4/2014 01:20:45 pm
Wikipedia tracks its edits. On 7 Aug. 2011 someone edited his bio to list his degree as a "doctorate": http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Giorgio_A._Tsoukalos&oldid=443574429
Darkside of the moon
3/20/2014 08:40:53 pm
So Jason your definitely not a Biologist and can't say Bigfoot does ir does not exists, but wow didn't know you where a Neurologist, when did you fed a PHD and capable of doing study's to disclaim proof that psychic are incapable of doing as they say they can. Do you have little man syndrome, because your the type of person that is simple minded "if you can't prove it , it simply isn't so". Perhaps that's why your not successful in your once I had a dream field of work, but could get your head out of your ass long enough to wonder if what you see in front of you is just the beginning.
Darkside of the moon
3/20/2014 08:41:22 pm
So Jason your definitely not a Biologist and can't say Bigfoot does ir does not exists, but wow didn't know you where a Neurologist, when did you fed a PHD and capable of doing study's to disclaim proof that psychic are incapable of doing as they say they can. Do you have little man syndrome, because your the type of person that is simple minded "if you can't prove it , it simply isn't so". Perhaps that's why your not successful in your once I had a dream field of work, but could get your head out of your ass long enough to wonder if what you see in front of you is just the beginning.
5/10/2014 07:21:52 pm
'Do you have little man syndrome, because your the type of person that is simple minded "if you can't prove it , it simply isn't so". '
3/21/2014 03:46:53 am
Hahahaha!! He "just got burned"? Don't think so buddy. As pointed out earlier by Gorgio supporters you don't need a degree or even a background to be an "expert". Jason a degree to make these claims. Gorgio has a degree in fitness but your ok with him making half ass claims. Since your willing to criticize Jason for not believing in things that can't be proved, think of this. Humans are nothing more than alien feces. Earth is their toilet. This is why aliens are often depicted wearing space suits. They can't breath in the noxious fumes. Since I cannot be proven wrong you must consider what I said as a plausible theory. Do you need a cushion? Because you just got butt hurt!
"DOTM", kyle, donn.....
9/8/2014 07:10:40 am
The truth is that AA stuff is all a fraud designed to distract people from the truth. It wasn't aliens, it was super intelligent dolphins! AA theory holds no weight what so ever. We dont know if aliens exist, if they do we dont know if they are intelligent. We dont know if interstellar travel is possible. Last there is no proof they came here.
Aliens Verified
3/23/2014 04:37:12 pm
Everyone can argue back and forth all day about alien theory but when you have been abducted all your life and even had a fetus taken by aliens, you know they are here. It's just a matter of time until all is revealed.
Billy Bob
8/27/2014 09:41:46 pm
You must know my ex-wife!
7/7/2014 03:05:47 pm
No wonder Giorgio's hair is up......a lot of frivolous comments....the point should be aliens or not.....and keep in mind when we land on other planets we are the aliens.....
7/14/2014 01:41:39 pm
Thank u LakeWolf and Jason for your thoughts and opinions!
7/18/2014 01:11:22 pm
Giorgio Tsoukalos = "Idiocracy" the movie
7/22/2014 12:22:26 am
Oh boy, i love the show of the crazy greek!
7/30/2014 05:00:06 pm
8/5/2014 05:17:56 am
Renegade Pumpkin
8/12/2014 10:28:55 am
8/8/2014 03:55:07 am
I love the Ancient Alien show for all the diverse opinions, the archeology, the art, the history, the legend and the astounding on location photography on occasion..etc. Many of the authors presented on the show aren't AA theorists at all..but advance their own research that may vaguely tie in with an idea proposed by the AA team.
8/25/2014 07:04:03 am
Thank you Jean~ You said everything I was thinking. I am reading and replying only because I also find Jason's article on the subject sarcastic, conceited and arrogant. What I enjoyed most about your post was your straight forwardness. Nothing speaks louder than the truth- "I simply don't like the way you write". Awesome.
12/2/2014 02:09:06 am
Jean-agree with you 100%! Especially about the videotape that was promised, then "forgotten" and "broke"...how could something important like that be forgotten? I can see why Giorgio was ticked off...
terry brown
8/10/2014 07:31:08 pm
I wholeheartedly agree with your views on this matter.I think the history channel and Giorgio and his fellow ancient alien theorist colleges are only in this for fame and money.They have found a program that sells and there going to stick with it until it runs dry.Shame on the history channel for airing this stuff.I can't watch the channel anymore if its not this its pawn stars its american pickers for hours on end.I wonder if Giorgio is friends with Bobo from " finding bigfoot".Sorry I didn't mean to be insulting.
12/2/2014 02:14:50 am
OMG I know! Nothing on the History Channel besides "Pawn Stars" and "American Pickers" (a show about 2 guys buying old stuff and gypping people they're buying the stuff from). Don't they also show "Ice Road Truckers" and a bunch of logging shows? WTF do any of these have to do with history?
Atoosa Ghavamy
8/11/2014 06:10:26 pm
We are not alone and we are the dumbest creatures ever existed anywhere in the universe/universes, I don't know why some people think we are the most intelligent of all we humans are dumb enough to enjoy hurting each other on daily basis, animals don't do that so please a science show is not a new cult you don't have to believe it and those people on the show never talk about anything as a fact they call their ideas theory and possibilities so people please don't be dumb and ignorant if they were a cult or new religion they would not waste their money on a tv show they would buy guns abd build builduings for dumb asses to worship just like all the other religions hahaha it is all just a theory but with such strong facts to support it well knowledge always terrifys dumb asses LOL
Renegade Pumpkin
8/12/2014 10:26:30 am
Found this bad boy of an article via Google Search and had to chime in. I have some serious questions in my pursuit of uncovering the ultimate truth:
Billy Bob
8/27/2014 09:39:06 pm
Cheap for the speaking part.... Hair n makeup will be a killer! Jes saying..
Mister Fister
8/15/2014 08:02:35 pm
I apologize for the formatting as I'm posting this from my phone. I love this post. I knew Tsoukalos had to be as crazy as I had hoped. Every single Ancient Alien theory supporter here has assumed the skeptics don't believe in basic science and believe that other life is out there. OF COURSE the odds point to extraterrestrial life. We aren't dumb. It's generally accepted in the scientific community that extra terrestrial life is probable. What I have yet to see any solid evidence for is any occurence of alien activity here, present or past. This guy was a bodybuilding promoter turned ancient astronaut theorist for Christ's sake he is literally the least qualified person I can imagine to be proposing theories of any kind other than who's gonna win Mr. Universe this year. Leave the theory forming to those that study actual science.
A Scientist
4/5/2015 01:23:05 am
Hehehehehe ... real scientists indeed eh?
Atoosa Ghavamy
8/17/2014 02:07:06 pm
Well I am not a big fan of the guy either he seems a bit full of himself and I get a feeling he is one of those guys who find a stupid enough girl to go out with and no matter how pretty she is still make her feel he is doing her a favor, saying all that I am a gold smith and when it comes to history and litterature .....etc I know way more than a person with a P.H.D in any of these fields so realy he can be a body whatever promoter he can still have a broad knowledge of ancient alien theory like me a goldsmith knowing more about history than GOD
Atoosa Ghavamy
8/17/2014 02:17:15 pm
My definition of the word party is a bit different from other people but based on what I call party hell yes but of course if you ask him he will deny it, because he parties he talks like that on the show I talk like that when I party so I hope my comment answered your question
8/24/2014 06:38:23 am
Everything on the internet must be true!
Billy Bob
8/27/2014 09:36:11 pm
Just back from a 3 year interstellar wormhole transit. What did I miss??
Tihs Llub
8/27/2014 09:56:50 pm
Y'all don't think there any them aliens, Fox News says there's 1,000's coming into the good ole US of A cross the Texas border daily..
Laura McCammon
8/29/2014 12:27:36 pm
One thing we can be totally sure of...there are enough people who believe we are the only people in the universe and ABSOLUTELY the only people who have inhabited, do inhabit, and will inhabit this little ball to forever keep us in the dark...lol
Hasn't anyone seen the movie "Battleship" ! ?
9/5/2014 10:06:05 am
For AA theorists its all about the money!
9/5/2014 10:06:36 am
For AA theorists its all about the money!
9/11/2014 12:55:06 pm
Another charlatan pretending to be and expert on the subject. My advise to Mr. Tsoukalos? You better buy a hair brush and ask History channel to cancel that stupid program.
9/13/2014 12:24:09 am
Obviously, everyone her acting like they're anymore entitled to speak on ancient alien theory than Giorgio completely missed the point. Critical thinking is clearly non existent, it seems more like you guys want to put down and just talk shit about him. Firstly, as the name suggests, ITS A THEORY, idiots. In the show they dont say these things are facts. They are putting out there the possibility that we have been visited by ETs. Why is that so wrong? And why are these other "credible" institutions anymore right than ancient astronaut theorists? NO ONE KNOWS 100% WHAT WENT DOWN TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO. Why cant these men introduce a theory which does have a substantial amount of circumstantial evidence to the public? Half of you morons follow a book written by another moron like its law. Yes, im talking to you, Christians. And yes, your precious bible was written by a man (moron). Oh and its completely plagiarized. So tell me again why Von Danniken is more of a fraud than religion itself. How is a nonexistent man who created the earth and everything within it with the flick of a wrist and the Snap of a finger any less "ignorant" "fraudulent" or "stupid" than the AAT? come on now. If you disagree with it, go about your day and Shut the fuck up. You dont get paid to give your opinion and quite frankly, no one gives a shit what you think. If you disagree, go back to church and pray to your invisible man in the invisible kingdom in the sky with pearly gates and bunnies for toilet paper. See how easy it is to put down people with a certain belief? It doesn't take very much effort. If you're 15, shut the fuck up. Yes that's you alec. You obviously google what you're writing because you're clearly too simple minded to be truly knowledgeable. When you can keep a conversation, or in this case, a hate filled debate, going without the help of good ole' google, come talk to me. Until then, shut the fuck up. When someone is explaining a THEORY, they arent "fooling" anyone but you idiots who take them literally. These shows are there so YOU can make an EDUCATED OBSERVATION and not just to eat it up as fact. I used to watch Clifford, but never did I expect my mom to buy me a giant red dog. You're an idiot if you think these men are trying to pass these THEORIES(cant emphasize this enough to you morons) as FACTS
9/13/2014 05:04:38 am
There are a lot of great theories out there that just get over looked because it sounds a little strange. Take the SID theory for example. Through out the ancient world the sea was considered the birthplace of life. Many ancient cultures venerate the dolphin. Look at the Minoan culture. The facts are out there but often get ignored.
I remember reading a book...MANY "moon's"!
Luis Reis
9/23/2014 03:39:18 pm
At last,someone with a pair of balls !!!
Bella Shannon
10/4/2014 05:25:45 am
LOL...ignoring the language....FANTASTIC response!! Already you seem more intelligent than this Jason person.
9/14/2014 09:57:42 pm
Well, it's too bad you weren't better at your craft then. Saying the video was messed up because you couldn't pull focus and the audio levels were messed is no excuse. You should have had the technical side handled at the vary least if you were going to go in there ( to interview a celebrity) with an attitude or a pre existing agenda as a skeptic. For 'skeptics', very little is possible. There mission is to make very little possible for everyone else.
9/16/2014 01:38:29 pm
Hey! Don't knock ancient aliens! Nothing helps me get to sleep better!
hey donn
Mr. Assonaut (Exaterressial)
9/20/2014 03:11:34 am
As I read this, I just couldn't help but thinking that Giorgios's cantankerous attitude was because he was having a bad hair day.
I have been having an interesting time on this site and the other
Mike Tymo
9/21/2014 02:55:55 pm
this klown ... Giorgio Tsoukalos...flappin wings...vanity...narcissim...story telling manure garners....knuckle draggin and droolin low brow... to the knee kissing ankle suckin Cretins via and or arrived by incestuous relationships with ...outfits like the CRTC ( bleed tax payers to feed idiocy rationalize by the occasional move to Popularity and vindication by a hit of some sort )
9/21/2014 03:30:10 pm
Hahaha!!! That's firggin Epic!!! XD All True!
9/21/2014 03:30:27 pm
Hahaha!!! That's firkin Epic!!! XD All True!
9/22/2014 06:11:53 pm
Me. Assonaut (Exaterressial)
9/26/2014 03:14:48 pm
My original post was a response to the interview of Tsoukalos by Jason, not to any single comment. I was simply using humor to point out that Giorgio's head was large enough back then and that he couldn't deal with non-capitulance of his opinion.
12/2/2014 02:31:23 am
The reason no one is answering you is because they're ignoring you. Everything you say makes zero sense and nobody wants to read through all your drivel.
michele meko
9/26/2014 03:20:35 pm
Giorgio wasnt worth mentioning before but you dont have a problem trying to make a name for yourself mentioning him now. quit being bitter. Keep doing your thing without bad mouthing everyone else
9/28/2014 03:40:12 pm
I'm just here for the comments. .. don't stop please this is absolutely entertaining it's better than TV
10/3/2014 04:08:51 pm
hey anonymous..
9/30/2014 04:33:26 am
"Giorgio Tsoukalos holds a bachelor’s degree in sports information communication but does not hold or claim any archaeological or anthropological credentials."
10/3/2014 05:21:57 pm
Are you kidding me the proof is all around us and has been for centuries unlike the mythological christian GOD which whom there now or ever has been any proof of exsisting people tend to believe in what they are taught as opposed to what is fact but intelligent open minded people see passed whats is seen as the only explenation of man kind and look beyond to all the proof that lies in front of us and realizes that there is something out there and it is a part of our exsistance wake up people we were not born of dust
10/4/2014 12:46:53 pm
with humble comment...
10/5/2014 10:06:46 am
Not going to be humble, here.
10/14/2014 04:37:21 pm
working and reading a lot.
Bella Shannon
10/4/2014 05:11:45 am
Not believing either side, the article and this Jason person's whole career is disproving other people's research? I clearly get that he wasn't made out to be a journalist, but I'm unclear just what profession Jason claims to have? If I spent my whole adult professional life (I have a Bachelor's and a Master's degree and am have been an educator since graduating) just going around badmouthing other people's work (real or imagined) is pathetic. Jason needs to either go back to school and actually do something productive or just don't go out in public and stay off the internet. Oh, and by the way malevolent is not a grandiose word. But using grandiose to criticize someone else's word usage to imply he likes using big words is laughable, pot, kettle...which one do you want to be? This guy seems like a bitter failure who cannot find a successful path in life and only finds satisfaction when belittling others. Sad, very sad. I'm sure his dad is NOT proud.
10/4/2014 01:52:58 pm
watched ....In Search of Aliens last night and GT did
10/6/2014 06:26:01 pm
I actually ended up on here after watching the youtube movie Ancient Aliens Debunked. I used to be one of the people that wholeheartedly believed in the ancient aliens sort of thoughts... and about 3 years ago, I had an attack of common sense. Humanity is capable of many great things, and ancient history is rife with examples of many creations by man that needed no input by aliens. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that there are aliens out there, there are just too many stars and planets out there for us to be the only ones out there.
10/9/2014 06:55:08 am
My husband and I love Ancient Aliens, especially Georgio. We tape the show and watch on Friday night. It makes a great drinking game. Every time you hear the phrase "ancient alien theorists" you drink a shot, usually Jack or tequilla. I don't always make to the second half but it makes the show much more fun.
12/2/2014 02:39:35 am
Hahaha! Good idea! Another phrase you could drink to would be "perhaps the answer lies in the (fill in the blank)".
Critical Thinker
10/12/2014 08:55:57 pm
10/15/2014 06:17:25 pm
hey CT..
10/24/2014 05:13:43 pm
I watch Ancient Aliens. It can be an interesting program and it puts forth a lot of fun ideas. But every time Giorgio Tsoukalos says something, I cringe. I can't fathom how anyone takes him seriously. His "theories" are bizarre and he seems to think that a "maybe" is equal to a "fact". He has this idea that whatever crazy idea he has must be accepted as fact or the listener is mentally deficient. No, you have the right of it. He has zero credibility with me. His ego is enormous and He seems to have the knack of saying what people want to hear. He should not be taken seriously or as an expert in anything, other than showmanship. I'm sure he'd be a very successful snake oil salesman. If saying that dust bunnies were comprised of alien DNA would get him another five minutes on TV, We would hear him whoring out that "theory".
10/25/2014 10:49:29 am
bro, you a straight hater, you mad because he your age & doing better than you. It's not his fault you made poor choices in your life, and I bet you still watch the show, lol. Just so you can hate, lol. Get your own life dude.
10/28/2014 02:01:10 pm
Did ancient astronauts invent a blowdryer specifically to provide Giorgio extra amplitude to his hair? I theorize this must be the case, as they surely want him to be taller thus closer to the heavens and surely it must also act as some type of communication device. Ever notice I his hair style change So? Is that a frequency change? Just asking? Anyone, anyone?
10/28/2014 06:08:17 pm
hey Giorgio..
D. Dean
11/7/2014 04:15:24 pm
You're an idiot!
11/13/2014 03:19:10 am
Love how Giorgio followers are barely literate morons with no concept of history and science. They believe popular opinion is the same as fact.
11/13/2014 03:22:12 am
Fortunately, for him, AA followers can't read. So long as there's no TV show proving Giorgio wrong he'll keep raking in the money!
11/18/2014 06:53:38 pm
That's true.
al macias
11/19/2014 09:12:06 am
That guys looney toon tsoukolousy is so retarded!
11/20/2014 09:37:48 am
@Duncan + Alec
Assonaut (Exaterressial)
11/21/2014 11:16:01 pm
After watching Ancient Aliens and In Search of Ancient Aliens, I have concluded that aliens exist. Haven't any of you seen the Alien living on top of G-orgy-o's head? It is a life form like no other on this earth.
Mark D.
11/25/2014 09:45:38 am
For the record, or rather according to public records, he was born in 1974.
12/6/2014 12:52:14 am
I love watching AA and GT is a trip. I have to believe that he believes in the AA theories, I repeat theories. At some point, though, I began to question a few things. Like why, with all the purported AA visits to North & South America, hadn't the Ancient Astronauts showed the ancient human populations the use of the wheel? And why must these giant stones always be dragged around by only men, never beasts of burden? What's up with that? And as for no trees in Egypt? What was the climate like 5000 years ago? Look at that place now, all desert. Why would anyone want to set up shop there? Perhaps it looked a lot different 5000 years ago.
12/26/2014 12:31:16 am
Still only THEORIES. Nobody can say E.T's exist, nor can they say they don't. Same applies to god.. We're open minded, not gullible sheep...
1/2/2015 03:10:36 am
dude don't be a hater you talk a lot of crap because you do not have a contract making money on TV,and please for you and people like you they are a lot of base on the aliens theory , writing hand reading in the ancient world they used to be a privilege and a gif that's why the ancient people make pictures and wrote what they saw, on less the whole ancient world were crazy or mentally ill.I DON'T THINK SO BUDDY.
1/14/2015 03:26:11 pm
I think Mr. Tsoukalos is a very smart man. He is a promoter, he is promoting this idea for money - and I suspect doing quite well - and probably having a lot of fun doing so. Someone is paying for his materials, ideas and work - and doing so because many people are interested to watch his shows. If you must condemn someone - condemn the viewers, the sponsors ......
It's All Relative
1/17/2015 10:33:20 am
Best response...ever.
Nearly human
2/26/2015 07:40:50 pm
If you don't like the show don't watch it ! Easy
3/6/2015 10:02:51 pm
*Good {origin} Article*
3/11/2015 07:45:13 am
"If you don't like the show don't watch it ! Easy"
Marc Powers
3/15/2015 04:49:01 am
Interesting site Jason. I would just like to say in my 55 years on this planet I have seen some strange things, poltergeist activity and wild cats that apparently should not exist, I didn't seek these things out they just happened which I suppose lead to my mind being more open (within reason). Whilst I agree with you on so many levels and laugh out loud at some of the statements made on AA, as long as one has the Intelligence to look into some of these claims rather than taking them on face value they can lead to interest in other fields of a more factually historic nature. Perhaps they ought to lead the show with a 'For entertainment Purposes Only, statement.
3/18/2015 08:46:35 pm
Tsoukalos IS a moron because he makes theories fit his warped views so he can make money from the idiots who follow him. When in doubt follow the money and this guy is doing rather well in that area no doubt. To use his parlance" Is he a moron with little real grasp on reality "......and the answer is YES!!! ( with a ridiculous haircut to boot.)
Marc Powers
3/25/2015 01:37:27 am
Hair by Vidal Buffoon!
ken smith
4/3/2015 09:04:00 pm
"Is it possible . . . ?"
9/21/2015 05:07:00 am
...yeeees it is 😉
4/5/2015 02:06:46 am
I read this and checked out your article on EVD via the link provided and a few other pages.
5/29/2015 12:16:27 pm
Just spent the past hour perusing this article and subsequent "all over the map" commentary... and PMSL. The only thing missing is a dozen or so LIKE buttons?
Undocumented Alien
5/29/2015 06:22:40 pm
"Is it possible that <insert crazy theory here>... and the answer is 'YES'"
Documented Alien
5/30/2015 11:30:17 am
Rstchlu'khm onum singulom futss aut twei futssies, doljramn 'Bigfoot' ?
6/10/2015 06:15:36 am
6/10/2015 06:17:58 am
Narrator: Why then, are some farts louder...and far more powerful than others? Do some humans have other-wordly abilities? And if so, can these powers be taught to other...average mortals?
6/10/2015 06:22:37 am
rator: San Diego, California June 2015, a man relaxing at his home hears and feels what he, at first, believes to be a sonic boom.
Mark L.
7/31/2015 09:51:02 pm
Good lord, most of you folks are taking all of this way too seriously...on both sides. Can't we all agree that Ancient Aliens is primarily entertainment? Like Art Bell was? A place to go if you wanted to hear some interesting and far-out theories. Nothing more; nothing less.
9/21/2015 05:09:03 am
Well, no shortage of cyber-bullies here.
10/30/2015 11:41:03 pm
Hi ya'all.
10/31/2015 12:22:24 am
kalani are you just farting out of your mouth? Im assuming English isnt your first language
Mark L.
10/31/2015 12:33:41 am
How do I address you? 6 Dots? Or do you prefer the more literal ......? Where are you from with a name like that? ;)
1/31/2016 03:03:20 am
kim hyuna
2/21/2016 09:12:53 am
omg you guys your still talking about this move on for goodness sake Jason its your fault this all happened except the responsability move on
6/8/2016 12:17:28 pm
Too often people read things without actually reading them. This close-mindedness is a result of reading something with a preset bias.
Pauline Dennish
8/23/2016 02:37:46 pm
You're right, you ARE an ass
5/12/2017 06:02:06 am
I watch 'Ancient Aliens' a lot and I find it interesting. That doesn't mean I believe everything, but it does give one something to think about. And I like Giorgio. I laugh when he says: And the answer is.. . YES"
5/12/2018 01:21:14 am
This blog and its comments are probably one of the most entertaining things I’ve ever found in the internet. It really doesn’t take a lot to see that Tsoukalos is a fraud, but to have it explicated like this is comedic gold. Thank you. All of you. This was amazing.
Paul Waygood
7/17/2018 04:03:04 pm
Many years ago as the summer sun was setting I witnessed a silver disk in the sky. I was fascinated. I kept gazing at it. As it changed it's angle of flight it became clear to me that it was actually a light aircraft that the sun had been reflecting off.
Paul Waygood
7/17/2018 05:01:37 pm
My undeniable proof for my previous comment is no-one has commented. QED.
James Campbell
11/4/2018 08:54:46 pm
This whole ancient alien mythos has been around back before World War 2 much of this mythos seemed to start around the time that Blavatsky and her ilk started moving from side show tents to 42nd street apartments in New York. We also have the influence of the work of H P Lovecraft to look to While many people think much of his work was read by folks with a 6th grade education, Many of his tales laid the ground work for what would be called ancient aliens A good example of this would be At The Mountains of Madness, The Mound which was one of his early ghost written tales The Shadow Out of Time, and many others. Before the start of World War 2 The Vrill society in Germany was putting forth the ancient astronaut/ aliens idea as well and their beliefs was based on a science fiction book. So much of what gets put out there is nothing new just a rehash of old ideas.
Seymore Butts
1/29/2019 07:41:21 pm
Ancient Aliens believers are morons.
Santa & Mr. TSouNotClose
4/6/2019 05:44:12 am
To go way back in time, a few thousand posts ago to the 13 yr old that JUST KNEW the AA Theory is 100% true; I was 13 once and JUST KNEW Santa & the Easter Bunny were real. Hopefully now in 2019 you have broadened your views & attended/ finished primary school so you can at least learn both sides of the (non existent) argument. Give us wee mortal humans some credit, we did discover fire, so maybe we did build one or two pyramids.
ronald j wagner
8/8/2021 06:52:49 pm
alan palmer is a closed minded dik
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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