In the trailer for a forthcoming documentary called Ancient Aliens and the New World Order from Sector 5 Films currently running on Yahoo! News, conspiracy theorist Jim Marrs asserts that extraterrestrials and the U.S. government “want you dead” and that the Smithsonian is conspiring to cover up the secret alien bloodline of the U.S. presidents. The documentary will assert that the aliens intend to create an “Orwellian” society based on fear, panic, and fascist-style military control. The documentary, which is not affiliated with Prometheus Entertainment, the owner of the Ancient Aliens trademark, seems designed to capitalize on the popularity of the H2 series and use that to deliver Marrs’s patented right wing anti-government propaganda. The trailer launched on YouTube in March but did not attract attention until it was featured on Yahoo! News yesterday. Yahoo! News is one of the most visited online news sources. This was just one of the many topics I discussed last night on The Edge AM Television, a paranormal internet and radio program hosted by Daniel Ott. In lieu of a lengthy blog post today, I'll direct you to the 2-hour program, which is streaming this week on the Edge website and can also be downloaded as a podcast. I've placed an mp3 at the end of this article. It is also streaming on YouTube, and I have embedded that below as well. I was recovering from a cold, so my voice starts to get hoarse and falter a bit near the end. I appeared by phone, so there is not much to see. You won't miss anything downloading the podcast version. The experience was an unusual one. I was invited on to talk about ancient astronauts and lost civilizations, but Ott preferred to discuss extreme right wing political views, particularly climate change denial, claims that the Constitution is a Biblical document, creationism, and extreme Islamophobia. During the interview, you will hear me call out Ott for his disgusting claim that "Muslims" drink rat blood and are sub-human vampires. He appeared to be referring to an online video of what is described as an ISIS member drinking the blood of a mouse. What this is meant to prove I can't imagine, and I had never heard of this apparently widespread right-wing anti-Islamic meme until these comments. I told Ott that it was wrong to conflate ISIS with Islam in general. That said, I did the best I could during the show, but I was operating way outside my area of expertise and was not entirely comfortable discussing the intricacies of evolutionary biology or astronomy. Apparently in fringe world everyone is an expert on everything and happy to comment even on things they know nothing about. I'm sure I got some stuff wrong, but in my defense, I was sick, it was getting late after a long day, and I had no idea that Ott wanted to ambush me with right wing politics. I expected to be challenged, but on aliens and Atlantis, not the Constitution and cosmology.
9/21/2014 05:57:32 am
Haven't listened yet, but this does not surprise me.
9/21/2014 06:06:04 am
I can indeed appreciate the fact that Tsoukalos will gladly talk about aliens rather than crazy John Birch conspiracies and right wing politics. He sticks out, too, since he is (by his own admission) a liberal in a field dominated by ultra-conservative views.
9/21/2014 11:53:33 am
Jason, you are starting to acquire a droll "talking head' status.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
9/21/2014 08:01:39 am
Although, as I have said before, some New Age types have picked up the right-wingers' conspiracy themes and reworked them to fit their worldview. I'm not sure this sort is a "dying breed", though they're definitely more marginal than their right-wing counterparts. Scott Wolter, with his search for matriarchal Christianity, may be an example, but other than that I don't think the New Agers get on TV. They also lack the sort of intersection with a major political current that the right-wing paranoids have, though J. Z. Knight was the subject of a political controversy in Washington state a couple years back; Google "jz knight campaign contributions". (You know it's a crazy election when Ramtha becomes a campaign issue.)
9/21/2014 08:11:52 am
Past a certain degree of madness, the difference between left-wing and right-wing fringe worldviews begins to break down.
9/21/2014 08:37:20 am
I would agree to some extent with EP, and a great deal with Not etc. etc. :)
9/21/2014 08:59:34 am
I think that the fringe swaying from left to right is to a large extent in reaction to the swaying of the mainstream or the "Establishment" in the opposite direction. (I agree that the ideological and material backers of the right-wing fringe are often mainstream themselves, but on the other hand they would not bother with the fringe had they the capacity to generate more respectable support.)
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
9/21/2014 09:26:51 am
"Past a certain degree of madness, the difference between left-wing and right-wing fringe worldviews begins to break down."
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
9/21/2014 09:44:58 am
"It's also helpful to remember that political spectrum isn't one-dimensional."
9/21/2014 09:45:26 am
I don't disagree with any of that. But the dramatic and to some degree unprecedented-in-scale partisan politicization of religion in the 1970s, which also combined ethnic identity politics and populist politics seems to have changed the equation a bit.
9/21/2014 09:52:00 am
"In general, the New Age fringe is less political than the right-wing fringe. The main way I distinguish the two is by religious attitudes. When right-wing paranoia gets into supernatural territory, it usually has a Christian fundamentalist flavor, seeing demons and the apocalypse everywhere. New Agers, even when they predict catastrophe like the Supriem David Rockefeller e-book does, hope for global spiritual enlightenment or something like that. If they're Christian, they're looking for what they see as a better Christianity (matriarchal like Wolter's, or neo-Gnostic), not the fire-and-brimstone kind."
9/21/2014 10:05:39 am
"the bizarre situation of a political movement, an ethnic identity, and a religious community which is strong in numbers and influence, yet constantly feels under threat, feelings that a raft of demagogues and hustlers are all too willing to exploit"
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
9/21/2014 10:09:19 am
No argument here. There's another reason for the right-wing white Christians' persecution complex: their cultural dominance is dying. Thanks to immigration and so forth, there won't be a white majority in the US by the middle of the century. Christianity is still overwhelmingly the majority religion in the US, but a lot of the people who show up as "Christian" on polls are going through the motions, or exaggerating their church attendance because of social pressure, while the number of people who adhere to no religion grows with every generation. The right-wing crowd may not keep track of the statistics, but they feel their influence slipping away. So obviously, many of them conclude, the apocalypse is nigh.
9/21/2014 10:15:53 am
Just to expand on the "unprecedented coherence" part... It's a well-known phenomenon that the Internet has enabled all kinds of marginal groups to coalesce and expand, since it has given people unprecedented networking opportunities. This isn't a political thing - it explains "furries", "bronies", "incels", and countless schisms *within* these already ultra-specialized groups. (Some have suggested that, for the first time in history, people are able to "pick" their identity, instead of dealing with whatever their family-church-community settles them with. In any case, it allowed all kinds of marginal elements to self-define in a way that was impossible before.)
9/21/2014 10:18:07 am
I'm not concerned about the internet per se, because I don't think it can be blamed.
9/21/2014 10:22:31 am
"Just to expand on the "unprecedented coherence" part... It's a well-known phenomenon that the Internet has enabled all kinds of marginal groups to coalesce and expand,"
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
9/21/2014 10:26:30 am
"But much of the pessimism expressed by many progressives strikes me as historically myopic."
9/21/2014 10:27:08 am
My optimism is admittedly long-term. I assure you that I do not for a moment wish to suggest that it's okay to ignore Tea Partiers and fundie nutjobs and wait for them to go away.
9/21/2014 10:45:18 am
I am not going to return additional comments this afternoon/evening as I have work to do, but regarding the internet:
The Other J.
9/24/2014 07:34:00 am
This looks like a good comment thread to get lost in:
9/21/2014 06:08:20 am
Jason, I'm surprised you went on Edge AM in the first place.
9/21/2014 06:31:08 am
They have more than 3.5 million monthly listeners. I don't get many chances to reach that many people at once.
9/21/2014 12:03:11 pm
luv... its a start. i just looked at Ken Burns's neat
Only Me
9/21/2014 06:48:56 am
I caught the second half of the show last night, and I really don't know what to make of it.
9/21/2014 07:15:49 am
To be entirely honest, I didn't know much about the show or its host at all. The production assistant--the only person I spoke with ahead of time--emphasize how the show was professional and how we would focus on my books and on the ancient astronaut hypothesis. Classic bait and switch.
9/21/2014 07:21:17 am
I'm dreading listening to it. Must have been a painful experience for you.
9/21/2014 08:39:53 am
I'm going to try listening to it, we'll see if I make it through.
9/21/2014 09:00:13 am
spookyparadigm, I direct your attention to my comment just below :)
9/21/2014 01:57:54 pm
i listened. went to Mr. Ott's website. i feel i know how
Shane Sullivan
9/21/2014 11:43:24 am
>>>By the end, I had grown frustrated with his attempts to conflate "theory" with "belief" in a childish effort to play "Gotcha!".
Only Me
9/21/2014 02:35:07 pm
Thank you!
9/21/2014 03:30:51 pm
"In this day and age, is anyone of sound mind actually going to shrug nonchalantly at the practice of child sacrifice...because all beliefs are equally valid?"
9/21/2014 06:51:37 am
"his face Photoshopped onto what was clearly meant to be a Knight Templar... vampiric Muslims..."
9/21/2014 08:40:33 am
Whoops. You beat me to it, and spelled his name right.
9/21/2014 09:01:21 am
If it's any consolation, I made a smartass comment about it without scrolling down myself :)
Shane Sullivan
9/21/2014 07:41:32 am
I tuned in close to the end of the first hour. You know, there *are* glass pyramids all over the world...I distinctly remember driving past one in the desert out east. Let me see if I can find a picture...
Only Me
9/21/2014 07:59:15 am
Well, no, they had pulleys, too.
9/21/2014 08:04:55 am
Nah, you're both wrong. Here is how it really went:
Shane Sullivan
9/21/2014 08:24:54 am
That should say "west" of course. I don't know if that was parapraxis, or if my finger just slipped to the wrong key. Either way, I promise I know east from west. :)
9/21/2014 08:26:32 am
Shane, just admit that you live in Hawaii. There is no shame in that. 9/21/2014 09:19:09 am
The host was open minded & courageous enough to have you on his program,however the vacuity of the questions (which reflects the collective IQ of the audience) made it extremely difficult to listen.
9/21/2014 09:28:24 am
I refer to a Jewish cult leader of the early centuries CE, whose life and work is attested by Flavius Josephus and Tacitus and who later formed the nucleus of the Christian sect. I didn't assert anything about his existence; it is the consensus of historians that this figure once existed, though there are those in the Jesus Myth school who argue that there was no human figure behind the stories at all. Since I wasn't on the show to talk about the origins of Christianity, I regret that my comments were not as well-sourced and nuanced as they might have been.
9/21/2014 09:32:07 am
Tara, would you say that we have less evidence for the historical Jesus (a Jewish religious leader active around the time of the reign of Tiberius) than we do for, say, Socrates or Akhenaten?
9/21/2014 10:23:28 am
It is a very difficult question,which I am unable to answer.
9/21/2014 10:34:24 am
When I speak of the "historical Jesus" (and I believe the same is true of Jason), we are both assuming that miraculous and supernatural elements are not part of factual history.
9/21/2014 12:41:27 pm
@ spookyparadigm
9/21/2014 02:55:04 pm
"Occupy was (is?) a thing, after all. "
9/21/2014 03:20:53 pm
I think we're losing track of what's being disputed. I never suggested that race riots are a "Democratic party operation" or that Occupy "captured the Democratic party".
9/21/2014 03:34:24 pm
I am not a partisan political person, but arguably an anti-partisan (not a "lets all be friends" or "they're all crooks" but a "do not speak to me of those people again in my lifetime" type).
9/21/2014 03:54:48 pm
I think you're not attending sufficiently to the fact that what is and isn't fringe is multiply relative (to the other extremes of the spectrum, to what is "mainstream", etc.).
9/21/2014 03:56:34 pm
And the composition of the spectrum is itself contingent and evolving with time, of course.
The Other J.
9/24/2014 08:09:21 am
"I was talking about the Change/Hope/etc. crowd that worked so hard to propel him to the top only to be (completely predictably) disappointed."
9/24/2014 08:21:28 am
If you think that the phenomena I was referring to are just like "every political campaign", then either you aren't addressing what I was talking about specifically, or we have been left with radically different impressions of those days. I don't know how we could reconcile them, or even if you care to. It's certainly not the first time something related to Obama strikes me as obvious while its negation or even its opposite strikes other intelligent observers as equally obvious. (That happened with the first Obama-Romney debate, which I thought was undeniably an epic fail on Romney's part from beginning to end. Then the talking heads began weighing in...)
The Other J.
9/24/2014 08:51:45 am
Well, I quoted you, so I'm not sure how that could be misinterpreted.
9/24/2014 09:14:18 am
I certainly agree that it's not unique and I don't believe I said anything that should have suggested that I hold such an uninformed opinion. I do think that it was prominent enough to stand out in a way in which it doesn't in most (let alone all) campaigns. And I don't just mean rallying around an inspirational figure. I mean the details of the representation of that figure by his supporters.
The Other J.
9/24/2014 09:39:01 am
I guess I'd like to see some examples those inspirational-figure details that make that historical moment unique (beyond his ethnicity, which of course is unique). I'm not sure there was anything that quite matched the fervor of Bush ushering in world-changing events that would lead to the temple being rebuilt in Jerusalem, thus ushering in the second coming of Jesus and wiping-out of all other faiths (that whole Gog and Magog thing). Certainly the voters who thought Bush was fulfilling eschatonic biblical prophecy were disappointed, maybe even more than progressives who lined up behind Obama.
9/24/2014 01:52:31 pm
I'm sorry I'm not giving this the attention or word count that it merits (I'm too absorbed by the African-American versions of Illuminati/UFO/etc. right now...), but I here is how I take it the Bush case is different. Bush had broad and explicit support of the Evangelical establishment, who marketed him to his followers by drawing on familiar Christian eschatological themes, which were already prominent for their audience. Bush just got plugged in as the candidate of choice.
9/21/2014 03:19:39 pm
Now, had you said Condi Rice, that would have been a discussion. While she holds some of the same ideologies I strongly disagree with, she was a moderating force on Bush I in helping bring the first Cold War to a quiet end, and showed some of that same professional calculation in the second Bush II term.
9/21/2014 03:26:50 pm
Condi could have made an alright VP :) 9/21/2014 01:33:26 pm
I look forward to hearing Jason’s interview, two hours is a lot to fill. It was natural for the topic to move around a bit. This happened in a recent two hour interview I did for Revolution Radio / Electric Pyramid with Michael Parker, the link above to a YouTube if anyone wants to check it out. Parker has done a fair amount of UFO media, but emphasizes a more reasoned, rational, and empirical approach. For example, he did an EP on the America Declassified series on the Discovery Channel which was about the “Marfa Lights” in Texas—they did some data collection, had a theory, tested for it, and the evidence confirmed their theory. Imagine that happening on AA! Our interview we did covered my history book on the American Revolution (due out in the academic journal Raven end of 2014, and as a standalone) and some of the discoveries therein such as the first documentary evidence of the name of our nation, etc.
9/21/2014 02:32:52 pm
I listened to the first 40 minutes of the show before giving up.
Byron DeLear
9/21/2014 02:54:17 pm
Wow, I'm surprised it was such a hatchet job! Jason deserves much better. I hope I can make it through more than 40 minutes.
9/21/2014 02:53:40 pm
Ott's reasoning for a rejection of global warming sounds very much like that used by creationists who believe the Earth is 3000-ish years old (e.g. "If these experts in the minority reject GW, that means they've got a much greater argument than the majority holds.")
9/21/2014 02:57:11 pm
From the little I heard about his disbelief in biological anthropology or comparative anatomy, he certainly sounds like a Creationist.
9/21/2014 03:22:07 pm
Gotta be. That and his take on global warming are extremely strong indicators.
9/21/2014 02:57:13 pm
In looking at the Twitter feed behind Ott, a favorite talking point of global warming skeptics appears vis-a-vis that those who support it are secretly being fed a steady supply of major cash by persons unknown (AKA: George Soros).
9/21/2014 03:23:10 pm
If George Soros had the resources to finance everything conspiracy theorists have accused him of financing over the years...
titus pullo
9/22/2014 02:27:26 am
Or the Koch brothers? showing your bias here.
9/22/2014 05:46:21 am
That's a pretty silly remark, considering we were talking about Soros and not about Koch brothers...
9/25/2014 02:36:06 pm
Yes and No. Fatcat slush funds dominate our national elections.
9/21/2014 03:18:32 pm
In response to Ott's question about which religious texts have most positively affected world history, IMO, Jason hit it right on. Any religious text can be used for good or evil and has for centuries.
9/21/2014 03:26:04 pm
While I agree with Jason for the most part, some texts arguably have more intrinsic potential for misuse or are intrinsically harded to put to good use.
9/21/2014 03:38:59 pm
Finally, was anyone else irritated by the cutesy cartoons that Ott posted behind him on his little PowerPoint presentation (examples - a cartoon thought balloon about craving a beer, and a shot of Ott as Oz - The Great and Powerful)?
9/21/2014 03:53:34 pm
Go to his website and read the about, how he got his job and what that job is. Prepare to be appalled.
9/21/2014 04:02:34 pm
"In his own unique interview style Daniel has endeared his audience with his own brand of humor, knowledge and spontaneity. He has created a growing intelligent and dedicated fan base. Daniel will ask questions no other host could even think of. Enlightening, Entertaining and Controversial... Daniel's mix of knowledge, spirituality and zeal makes him the perfect interviewer for getting to the truth of the known and unknown reality. Daniel gets to the truth no matter where it leads. Daniel also offers his views on The Edge as well as interviewing many knowledgeable guests. You will also get a few surprises along the way. "Discovering the Truth Together", is exactly what The Edge Radio Program is all about."
9/22/2014 05:17:55 am
>>>>"In his own unique interview style, Daniel has endeared his audience with his own brand of humor, knowledge and spontaneity.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/21/2014 04:52:22 pm
Hey … It's just a TV show ...
Only Me
9/21/2014 05:20:11 pm
Phil Gotsch: "It's just a TV Show"
9/22/2014 05:20:32 am
Phil also forgot to remind us for the 10 billionth time that Scott Wolter is his longtime friend and colleague.
9/22/2014 05:45:05 am
Dave Lewis
9/21/2014 05:13:01 pm
Listened to the entire program. Even given my meager intellectual capabilities, I am confident that Jason kicked Ott's ass! I was embarrassed for Ott at the end of the interview.
9/21/2014 06:29:47 pm
I think that you did an admirable job maintaining your composure in the face of his odd, loaded questions, insane logic and, what seemed to me to be, personal attacks. I don't think I could of stayed on the phone, but given a comment the host made after you said goodbye, that may be what he was hoping for the whole time. Good work.
9/21/2014 09:44:47 pm
That was hard to listen to....
9/22/2014 12:41:41 am
To inject a bit of fairness if there is any to be had, I do believe that Jason might have been well advised to do even a cursory amount of investigative research (i.e. checked out The Edge site or watched a few minutes from a few shows) before agreeing to be a guest or at least before the interview began. Had he done so, he'd have been well prepared for Daniel Ott's style which is consistent throughout each episode. He maintains the same style whether he's talking to a skeptic or to someone with whom he tends to agree. He will always use humor and over-the-top questions to test his guests, even if it just just their patience he is testing. While I often disagree with him, I tend to find him quite entertaining, which is largely to goal of his broadcasting endeavors, it seems.
9/22/2014 03:47:51 am
I didn't listen far enough into the program, but did Jason accurately portray the blood libel bit about Muslims being blood drinking subhuman vampires.
9/22/2014 06:10:29 am
He asked me about zombies, and I was talking about how they grew out of the idea of vampires. At that point, Ott said that vampires and/or zombies were just like "the Muslims" who drink rat blood and behead people. I challenged him on the idea that it was "Muslims" in general who behead, and said that I wasn't aware of any Muslims with blood-drinking rituals. That claim was apparently taken from an online video of what looks like a young man slitting open a mouse and drinking its blood, though there is no indication this is part of any larger movement. The rest of his claim is plainly a reference to ISIS, which he did not want to say was not representative of Islam as a whole. As far as Ott was concerned, comparing Muslims to blood-drinking vampires or zombies was a throwaway joke.
9/22/2014 06:50:55 am
I ain't no big city imam, but I'm pretty sure that Islam forbids what that guy did to the rat.
Byron DeLear
9/22/2014 07:12:29 am
I listened to as much as I could last night, and woah, the interviewer and format left much to be desired! He was all over the place, and I guess that's his schtick to some degree, but I commend Jason for riding the rough waters of quackery with a modicum of grace. The global warming denial is just unbelievable---I'm sure these opponents of the conclusions made by 97% of climate scientists do not oppose the conclusions of aeronautical engineers as they find their seats on Southwest. But they have well-honed muscles of denial, don't they? Subscribing to the literal interpretation of Stone Age authors' myths and stories in scripture gives them a good skillset in denial. Combined with the fringe right's fearful idea of being separate from the mainstream, of being "out of control" and that they're losing their country to the rise of LGBT, women, and pot politics only adds to their isolation. I only hope that the avoidance of fact and findings will time out someday....but I'm an optimist.
The Other J.
9/24/2014 08:32:21 am
"I ain't no big city imam, but I'm pretty sure that Islam forbids what that guy did to the rat."
9/24/2014 09:15:56 am
Though any faith to *mandate* what he did woud be the most metal faith EVAH! :)
Film Review Guy
9/22/2014 12:59:57 am
I do some writing for a film review site and, inspired by Jason's mention of him, decided to email Sector 5 Films to find out about the new Jim Marrs doc, to see if I could get hold of a review copy, etc.
Titus Pullo
9/22/2014 02:24:34 am
While I have empathy for anyone dealing with these unfortunate people who lack critical thinking ability, I would caution so many of these posts are using a broad brush to label "right wing" anyone who has libertarian, classical liberal, or conservative views. Some of the posts fall into the same category of left wing dogma (end of white male dominated society showing their "true colors").
9/22/2014 03:45:30 am
I'm not going to answer this entirely because I don't have the time, and I'm not going to get into the same talking points of well-worn denialist movements etc.
9/22/2014 03:50:13 am
This from the National Review, the same publication edited by Rich Lowry and his eww-enducing Palin-starbursts
9/22/2014 04:03:39 am
Actually, I will address the CO2 issue.
9/22/2014 04:16:18 am
This doesn't mean science is infallible, there are plenty of examples to show how paradigms have been proven wrong in the past. It generally wasn't by cherry-picking political activists and conspiracy theorists.
9/22/2014 09:39:10 am
It's not really correct to speak of paradigms as being "disproven" (assuming you mean anything even remotely resembling the Kuhnian sense of the term - and if you aren't, why not just say "theory"?)
9/22/2014 10:28:43 am
I'm probably mixing the two to some degree.
9/22/2014 05:55:24 am
"as a former research scientist"
titus pullo
9/22/2014 07:25:11 am
For the record: BS chemistry and minor in physics University of Rochester, Masters in Management (focus on operations management and finance) Georgia Tech.
9/22/2014 09:31:10 am
Yeah yeah, I remember all about your degrees...
titus pullo
9/22/2014 07:19:40 am
I should have just not written my opinion between work tasks this morning. What I was trying to articulate (not that well) in a society of freedom in speech and representative democracy the probability of open discourse and adoption of policies which are as fact based as any human actions can be.
9/22/2014 07:29:49 am
No one (at least I don't) wants Wolter silenced.
9/22/2014 08:07:05 am
"Either you trust the people or not." --- Titus, this is hyperbole and Pollyannaish. More apt, would be either you trust the dollar or not. Because Big Money rules the roost in D.C., stifling the open, free debate you would like by enabling some folks to buy a lot more “Free Speech” than others. I reviewed a book called “Dollar Democracy” a week ago by a 30 year college professor that illuminates this issue. --- the link is above. I don’t fault you for believing in our constitutional frame and that the opportunity for popular redress is there, but only ignored because “we decide not to let the process of public debate occur,” but the facts to not bear this out. The climate change issue is a perfect example—when the market share of massively powerful fossil fuel conglomerates is threatened, all of a sudden the science becomes “not settled” and “questionable.” This is the power of Big Money to distort the field of ideas and the open debate that you crave into serving select interests.
titus pullo
9/22/2014 09:49:51 am
So you know what is best for us? Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. That covers States that want to use public tax dollars to teach religion in the classroom and global elites who decide that they know how we should work and what we produce we are allowed to keep. Get in the arena and fight for your beliefs but we tried the "we are smarter than you so shut up and we command you to do the following" so many times from feudal to communism to statism..a free people offer the best defense for liberty. Goethe said the truth must be repeated again and again, the fight for reason isn't ever over....just like the fight for liberty is never over.
michael hughes
9/23/2014 06:46:54 pm
"I was operating way outside my area of expertise and was not entirely comfortable discussing the intricacies of evolutionary biology or astronomy." What exactly is your expertise? If you were uncomfortable with the questions, why did you continue to say with 'authority' that there is no evidence to support this and that. After every question, you would rephrase it with a snort of arrogant derision that was pretty annoying after 10 minutes.
9/23/2014 07:04:11 pm
I got a giant bone. Would you like to take a sample?
Only Me
9/23/2014 07:23:46 pm
Behold! Large walls of text! All that effort for nothing.
Michael Hughes
9/28/2014 01:30:11 pm
I am not the one claiming to be a 'Xenoarchaeologist,' nor am I asking people to spend their hard earned money on my worthless opinion. Nor am I wasting people's time on a podcast with answers like, "I see no evidence for such and nauseam.' Nor do I make up new titles for myself that has nothing to do with my education and experience. For a critical thinker, you should have included those glaring facts, keyboard warrior. Video documentation of the entire surgical procedure and the electron microscope of the alien implant should be acknowledged as 'evidence.' Remove your lips from Jason's crack and join the real critical thinkers, start with growing a spine and stop hiding behind fake monikers for instance. 9/28/2014 03:02:05 pm
My opinion is free. I even said on the radio that I didn't give myself the title of "skeptical xenoarchaeologist." The origin of the term is on the front page of this website, which I'm sure you never bothered to read. I'm not making up or hiding anything to fool anyone.
Only Me
9/28/2014 04:24:06 pm
I need a surgical team here, STAT! We need emergency stick removal from a rectal cavity ASAP.
9/28/2014 05:35:35 pm
Only Me, quit being a cyber bully! :)
Joseph Foresti
9/25/2014 10:15:29 am
Dear Mr. Colavito,
J.A Dickey
9/25/2014 01:18:50 pm
Jason probably feels he took a trip in time back to 1924 or 1925
10/23/2014 03:47:16 pm
I just listened to the podcast. I am impressed with how you comported yourself. For 70% of the show he was way off topic, but you did really well. The guy is a kook. I think some regular listeners of his were converted to reality. Keep up the good work!
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