Nephilim Theorists Say Donald Trump Is God's Instrument, Claim Rabbis Believe He Is the Messiah12/14/2016 One of the minor notes of the 2016 U.S. presidential election was the exposure of the Religious Right’s utter hypocrisy in happily abandoning their claims to moral and ethical superiority in order to gain the momentary political advantage of aligning themselves with the hedonistic Donald Trump. But even I was surprised at the lengths that these pious hypocrites will go to in order to justify the frisson of joy they feel that a sexually amoral vulgarian has become their strength and shield. And they plan to use bizarre efforts to rewrite ancient history in order to glorify Trump as the harbinger of Christ’s Second Coming It goes without saying that the dimmer among the Religious Right can’t quite push their minds to think beyond the outright lies that Trump himself tweets out with regularity. L. A. Marzulli, who is increasingly refashioning himself as a Trump apologist rather than a Nephilim theorist, actively embraces Trump’s lies and justifies them as a hidden truth. In a blog post yesterday, Marzulli repeated Trump’s lie that millions of votes for Hillary Clinton were cast illegally, and he repeated Trump transition officials’ allegations that the Democratic Party and Pres. Obama fabricated Russian election hacking to excuse Clinton’s Electoral College defeat: “This is the last—trust me it won’t be—in a series of ongoing media spins to de-legitimize the TRUMP landslide.” Trump, who lost the popular vote by more than 2.5 million votes, won the Electoral College, but his margin of victory is not by any measure a landslide; his electoral victory was smaller than most presidents, and his popular vote loss is the largest of any winning candidate. Only by embracing a lie—that Clinton’s votes were fraudulent—can Marzulli create the fiction of a landslide. “Trump stated that the election process was rigged and he’s right.” But it is more disturbing that Marzulli has embraced a conspiratorial view of the election that is part and parcel of the same conspiracy that David Wilcock embraced a few days earlier. Wilcock imagined that the world is controlled by Satan-worshiping liberal Democrats (the rest of the world, of course, lining up behind American political divisions) and that Trump is true avenging angel who stands outside of the stranglehold that Luciferian leftists have on government and society. Marzulli offers an only slightly toned down version of the same claim: We are living in a managed agenda and Trump is not part of it. This is why the backlash and endless evisceration of both his public and personal life. Yet, the people have spoken. He’s the agent of change and the American people are tired of the elites in Washington as well as the left-wing news. In the end, Marzulli is nothing but a low-rent Rush Limbaugh copyist who dresses up his unoriginal repetition in the robes of the Elohim to give them a cosmic sheen. However, he does agree with his smarter colleagues on one point: Like other Evangelical Trump fetishists, he believes that the world is about to end and that Trump is the Lord’s instrument for bringing Jesus back. We’ll see how that plays out a few years from now when it’s clear that there is no Second Coming and that Donald Trump is not serving at the right hand of God. Marzulli’s comments echo those made by End Times preacher and fellow Nephilim theorist Tom Horn on Jim Bakker’s infomercial – sorry, TV show – on Monday, when Horn announced that the Jews are secretly venerating Donald Trump as the Messiah and that Christians should embrace Trump as the harbinger of Christ’s return. You will remember that Horn is the author of Exo-Vaticana, an anti-Catholic conspiracy theorist, a believer in Nephilim bloodlines, and a colleague of anti-gay Nephilim theorist Steve Quayle. Together, the two claimed that liberal Democrats and the Catholic Church were working with the Nazis living in secret Antarctic bases to resurrect the corpses of the Nephilim from the Marianas Trench, where Noah’s Flood deposited them. According to Horn, a secret group of Jewish leaders have turned to Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin as saviors of Israel, asking them to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. He added: The rabbis over there, some of what the mystical rabbis are saying is very, very curious right now. […] There are so many articles that we’ve been running at Sky Watch TV almost every week right now, and I’ve only brought a couple with me. This one: “Trump Upset Victory Divinely Sent to Begin Messianaic Process Say Israeli Rabbis.” Right? And this one: “Ancient secret of Daniel’s 70 weeks predicts end of days will come this year in 5777, which started in October last month in the Jewish calendar year and will be done by September of the coming year.” So, and by the way that was Rabbi Mere (?) Horowitz 300 years ago working on Daniel’s time, time, and a half a time. […] He set a date. He said the Messiah will arrive. The End Times will begin in the calendar year 5777. The rabbis have held that dear to them since then. So what is that? That’s 2016-2017. Messiah will arrive. Now, they’re looking at Donald Trump. One of the rabbis illustrated how his name in the gematria, the numerology of his name actually means “Messiah.” There’s some weird stuff here that’s going on. So big! Horn went on to claim that the Zohar predicted Trump’s political career, noting that Trump arrived in Israel at the predicted date of 2012 and led Benjamin Netanyahu to political victory. This was the first sign, he claims the Jews said, that Trump is the “only politician on the face of the Earth” who can credibly serve as the military, political, and cultural leader who can recall the Jews to Israel defeat the forces of Islam, and “reinstitute the Temple service.”
Horn added that he does not believe the all Jews truly believe Trump is the Messiah but that most think of him as a John the Baptist figure and forerunner of the Messiah. Nevertheless, among the hardcore believers in Messiah Donald Trump, “there is an effort underway right now to go back through the European monarchy cousins of President Donald Trump to show that his bloodline goes back to the Davidic dynasty. Now why are these efforts underway? I’m just saying there’s something very strange here.” Yes, very strange indeed, but not the way Horn thinks. Note, incidentally, the parallels between the Holy Bloodline of Trump and the Da Vinci Code style Holy Bloodline of the alleged children of Jesus via the same European monarchs, claims that go back to medieval fantastical genealogies, British Israelism, and other unsupportable pseudo-historical ideas. Horn cautions that because Jews are delusional Christ-deniers, “their Messiah is going to be the Antichrist, but I also don’t believe Donald Trump is the Antichrist.” So what the hell was all this blathering on about? Oh, right: to provide divine cover for toadying up to power: “The smart ones [say] he is what we would call John the Baptist. He is God’s messenger. When he takes over in January, there is a 5777 countdown to the appearance of the Messiah, and something could happen overnight that could lead to the reconstruction of the Temple.” There’s a lot to unpack there, but it’s probably worth pointing out that the Zohar doesn’t contain a prophecy of the Messiah arriving in 5777, and that this interpretation doesn’t come from Rabbi Horowitz (presumably Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz, the famous Bohemian kabbalist who died around 1630) but rather from modern writers who attempted to fit the “70 weeks” prophecy from Daniel 9:24-27 to the history of the state of Israel. The prophecy foresees the history of Israel divided into three periods of 49, 434, and 10 years, if we agree with most commentators that the “weeks” were intended to be sets of seven years. By trying to fit the prophecy to Israel’s 1967 war, this made the end of the first period fall in 2016, 49 years later, for modern End Times writers. In the past, some Christians thought that prophecy referred to the period from the rebuilding of Jerusalem in 445 BCE to the crucifixion of Jesus in 30 CE, using a “year” of 360 days. Other dates have been proposed to have the prophecy’s end fall in line with the Roman occupation of Jerusalem of the destruction of either the First or Second Temples. The long and short of it is that most who aren’t End Times preachers believe that text to refer to ancient events, not future ones. The interesting thing, I guess, is that prior to the election, Evangelical End Times writers who accept that 1967 is the turning point in world history due to the Israeli capture of East Jerusalem in the Six-Day War predicted alternately that 5777 would be the start of a period of darkness and horror due to the rise of the Antichrist, or the end of the Tribulation before Christ’s return. But once Trump was elected, suddenly the “prophecies” turned to jubilation at the coming Millennium of glory. The Nephilim theorists and the theocrats and Evangelical extremists have been to the mountaintop, but what they found there was not a vision of the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 34:1-4). Instead, “the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me” (Matthew 4:9). They wish to trade things spiritual for things temporal, and they are willing to surrender any claim to the moral high ground so long as they can taste the sweet nectar of worldly power.
Only Me
12/14/2016 11:36:15 am
I wonder if these dorks realize Trump, as egotistical as he is, would be laughing his ass off at this idiocy.
12/14/2016 12:11:35 pm
Thank you!
12/14/2016 12:23:16 pm
The day nor hour are predicted, but the generation was. The deadline was missed 1900 ya.
12/14/2016 12:34:06 pm
I rather suspect Mr Trump is less likely to laugh at them, and more likely to start believing it must be true.
Shane Sullivan
12/14/2016 12:46:37 pm
Evidently they read "like a thief in the night" to mean "plain to any dingdong with a bible".
12/14/2016 11:37:38 am
Has the fiasco of Millerism taught these people nothing?
At Risk
12/14/2016 12:16:54 pm
Jason, I think you may be casting your net too widely, lumping together Nephilim theorists and miscellaneous political nuts with Evangelical extremists. Many Evangelicals come across as extremists only because they are fervent, not because they have crazy, non-Biblical ideas. Some actually want to help people become saved from the wrath to come.
12/14/2016 12:24:09 pm
Clearly, not all Evangelical Christians agree with these nut jobs. But not all of the nut jobs are Nephilim theorists. Jim Bakker isn't, at least not primarily, and the other End Times preachers have a range of beliefs. The only thing they have in common is that they identify with and appeal to Evangelicals, who, after all, are a minority of Christians to begin with, despite their claims to represent the best and purest strain for Christianity.
12/14/2016 02:45:56 pm
In school , I was taught that Catholics were on the express lane to heaven and everyone else was on the scenic route! Sorry Evangelicals
12/14/2016 12:25:54 pm
I'm pretty sure their description of Trump matches the anti-Christ.
12/14/2016 01:02:55 pm
The second coming is going to be HUGE!
12/14/2016 01:24:05 pm
If Donald Trump is God's instrument, then God (whoever and whatever it is) must really hate us.
12/14/2016 01:29:39 pm
I remember stuff like this going on when W. Bush lost the popular vote but won the electoral college in 2000. Evangelicals were going on and on about how he was ordained by God to rid the world of unbelievers. Of course they conveniently over looked Bush's criminal record and his problems controlling himself around cocaine and alcohol. The problem with these guys spouting off about this crap is that Trump has such a massive ego to begin with, that he may very well start acting like he's infallible.
12/14/2016 02:39:09 pm
Things could really go to hell in a hand basket if Trump fires God !
At Risk
12/14/2016 10:22:48 pm
DaveR, one thing that stuck out in my mind several years ago while I was obsessing over and trying to help solve the JFK assassination (ha!) was how W. was once in a position to put pressure on BILL LORD in Texas for his Daddy, Forty-one, then director of the CIA.
12/14/2016 05:37:10 pm
In the last 35 years I can recall several parties believing their President was going to be the Messiah, or the opposition believing him the Antichrist. It is hyperbole. They know full well he is neither, but merely a sinful man, each time. He has no powers from a God, or from something else. The hard right paints Reagan now as some kind of saint. He was no saint when he was in office. The first Bush was at least not on coke. The Clinton could not keep his secrets and affairs, but he was liked. Then Bush Jr. was a joke, who led us into wars over false stories of weapons out there. Then Obama promised change, and was stonewalled and didn't get much chance to do it. Now along comes Trump, who could very well cause the GOP to fall apart, if not the country, not based on this rhetoric, but that he has no idea what he's doing, and will not be able to blame the liberals after he's in. Trump's idea of making something great is sadly misleading.
12/15/2016 01:33:42 am
Jewish calendar didn't change. Be better informed.
Frank Johnson
12/14/2016 09:40:51 pm
Ummmm...I wonder if tom horn knows, that if trump is leading the way for the antichrist to deceive the jews, that makes trump the false prophet.
12/17/2016 05:56:51 pm
They can't even get their own crazy right. That's crazy, right?
12/15/2016 11:29:24 am
Sure, i bet A RUSSIAN PLANT is a G_d's gift to US. I will laugh my butt off when he and his cronies land in jail where they belong.
12/15/2016 12:59:34 pm
The dates don;t matter. That was the point. Even if it is 5776, no one can know.
12/15/2016 01:44:06 pm
Trump is nothing more than another rich kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth who has grown to become a greedy old man who cares only about increasing his wealth.
12/15/2016 03:54:43 pm
Jason, I wonder if there's an opportunity here to cover a President Trump as thoroughly and, frankly, doggedly as you have other purveyors of nonsense. Not personally, not so much politically where subjectivity holds so much sway, but objectively. All of the people who get under his skin seem to be sweet-natured and graciously allow him to backpaddle or just drop whatever issue without further noise. He needs people to get under his skin and stay there. I think you could be one of those people he couldn't help but angrily tweet about at all hours of the early morning.
Charles Verrastro
10/24/2018 10:27:00 am
Just got copies of Exo-Vaticana and Petrus Romanus. Totally Bonkers. Can't believe there is still this silly (not to mention insane and illogical) vitriol between Evangelicals and Catholics. But then, I never expected, several years ago, getting into a casual discussion with a man who noted my Italian name and suddenly asked me if I was a "Christian". I said I was a Roman Catholic and he said "You need to become a Christian and accept Christ before you can talk." I thought I did believe in Christ. Silly me, I guess.
2/24/2019 02:38:06 pm
Nephilium are not the saviors you complete dolts, they are the enemy, they are the antichrist, what the hell is wrong with you? Can you read at all?
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