New Nephilim TV Drama for Teens; Plus: L. A. Marzulli's Selective Outrage at "Lawlessness"11/29/2015 My general position has always been that fiction should be exempt from the requirement to stick to facts, and therefore ancient astronaut theories, lost Atlantean civilizations, and anything else that makes for bad science can, by contrast, make for good fiction. Over time, though, I’ve started to wonder whether the permeable barrier between fact and fiction has made it more dangerous to use conspiracy theories and bad science that many in the real world believe to be true as the basis for fictitious stories. It seems that many people have a hard time separating fact from fiction, and fiction serves as a touchstone for how many understand facts. When former Florida governor Jeb Bush responded to a question about whether he would go back in time to kill baby Hitler (“Hell, yeah!”), he reached for “that Michael [J.] Fox movie,” Back to the Future, to explain his understanding of chaos theory and the Butterfly Effect as it applies to time travel. That’s a long way around saying that ABC Family (soon to be rechristened the Freeform channel) will be debuting a new series called Shadowhunters in January, and the lead character is one of the Nephilim. The show, based on the Mortal Instruments series of novels and the Mortal Instruments: City of Bones 2013 movie, reimagines the Nephilim as a secret society of angel-human hybrids charged with hunting demons. This is, of course, very different from Jewish lore, where in the books of Enoch and Jubilees the Nephilim themselves became demons after Noah’s Flood. With the Nephilim invading one of the TV channels with the largest teen audience, you can be sure that this will spawn new interest in the Nephilim among teens and young adults. Granted, this is only a concern because, unlike vampires or werewolves (two other teen crazes from the past half decade of young adult media), researching the Nephilim online takes one into a disturbing shadow world of conservative conspiracies and paranoia. Speaking of Nephilim paranoia and conspiracies, one of the most rabid fans of the Nephilim has made some new pronouncements, and they are just as sad and weird as most of his previous ones. L. A. Marzulli has rarely taken any pains to hide the fact that his brand of Nephilim-inflected Christian extremism is closely tied to Christian Zionism and fanatical conservatism, but on his blog this week he has taken this to levels that expose the reactionary agenda lurking beneath Nephilim conspiracies. In a post responding to recent ISIS-related terrorism, Marzulli embraced Republican calls for a moratorium on Syrian refugees in America and the monitoring or closure of U.S. mosques. Marzulli then ridiculed those who disagree: “What will the politically correct crowd do when we see another attack happen here, perhaps—God forbid—in one of our unprotected malls. I’m sure, like Prince Charles, they’ll blame it on climate change. Unbelievable! Are you kidding me?” (Charles argued before the Paris attacks that terrorism is an outgrowth of increased resource competition due to climate change, not that warm temperatures make Muslims violent, as Marzulli implies.) Marzulli went on to claim that Muslims should be barred from the United States, or deported if already here, if they hail from a country that doesn’t support Israel: “Anyone coming in from a Middle Eastern country that harbors terrorism or has anti-Israel ideology shouldn’t be allowed in this country, period.” This, of course, suggests that not only does Marzulli identify people with their governments but that Marzulli prioritizes Israel above all other countries, for he doesn’t seem as concerned about anti-Western ideology or anti-American ideology; indeed, he himself has what one might read as anti-American or anti-Western views, despite his claims to be defending a type of Western civilization. In another blog post a few days later, for example, Marzulli, citing the stampeding middle and working class shoppers of Black Friday (the rich, of course, do not stampede in big-box retailers), wrote about his dislike for the poor, the young, and minorities, whom he accuses of being lawless, uncouth, violent, and greedy: We have reached what I would consider a nadir in our culture, as there is but a very thin veneer of civility, which can erode at the slightest provocation. This is why there are police forces in every town and city throughout the U.S.A. The government knows man’s proclivity is toward violence and disorder, toward lawlessness. […] [W]e see the same lawless spirit manifest itself in places like Ferguson and Baltimore. Now, if someone were to say the same thing about Israeli society, how much would you bet that Marzulli would immediately condemn those comments as “anti-Israel ideology” that should disqualify a person from entering Western society?
It’s particularly interesting that Marzulli specifically identifies lawlessness as “complete disregard for human life, liberty, property, or civility” and then applies it to the colonial-era British government for opposing the Founders’ complaints about tax policy and to pretty much to everyone in America except for conservative Christians for not respecting the Founders’ sage vision. It’s almost like he wants to make the U.S. Constitution the Third Testament, seeing as how only the Founding generation somehow correctly understood “the rule of law.” What does any of this have to do with the Nephilim? Nothing directly, but certainly Marzulli sees lawlessness and disorder (however historically slight they are compared to decades and centuries past: U.S. crime remains, for example, at historic lows) as a cause for celebration, for it means that the End Times are upon us. The Nephilim are therefore a convenient mirror, a race of supermen who sinned, failed, and were punished by the Flood. They are us, in other words, but in Marzulli’s view all real Christians are Noah, and the new Nephilim—whom he in his writings seems to unconsciously equate with the enemies of conservatism: non-Israeli foreigners, the poor, liberals—will be stripped from the Earth when Christ returns, leaving a paradise of law and order. I will close only with this observation: Marzulli wrote a chapter for one of his books about his horror at the Black Lives Matter movement following the Baltimore and Ferguson protests, and he posted about Islamic terror in the aftermath of the Paris terror attacks. When Robert Lewis Dear, described by police as ranting about Obama, abortion, and “baby parts” videos, shot up a Planned Parenthood in Colorado on the same day Marzulli complained about lawless Black Friday shoppers, Marzulli was silent. When the New America Foundation found that right-wing extremists and white supremacists were responsible for more terrorist attacks in the U.S. than any other group, he said nothing. When a racist shot up a Charleston church with the intent to kill Black people, Marzulli’s first comment, which he repeated here and built upon, was that liberals planned to use the shooting as an excuse to “round up our guns” and that when white people commit shootings, it’s because they “are high on Big Pharma drugs.” In between the two versions of those comments, he expressed sympathy for the victims and then blamed the shooting on (literal) demons and teaching evolution in public schools. Regardless of your opinion on Islamic extremism, it should be clear that Marzulli is highly selective in his outrage and uses End Times and Nephilim conspiracies to justify a political rather than a religious program of action. This gives the lie to Marzulli’s claim that “it doesn’t matter what the color of our skin is.” Perhaps that’s true, but if we take his writings at face value we would have to conclude that Marzulli instead judges us by our commitment to conservatism and our socioeconomic class.
11/29/2015 10:37:06 am
Terrorist acts are not caused by Warming, however one of the cures for Warming would also cut off a source of income for ISIS: using less oil.
Time Machine
11/29/2015 11:11:31 am
Obama's refusal to engage in direct action means we are waiting for another terrorist attack on another city. Obama is waiting for another Pearl Harbour because one of these days a bomb will go off in America,
Mike Jones
11/29/2015 11:33:17 am
" because one of these days a bomb will go off in America". It already did. In Oklahoma City. In Birmingham. In Atlanta...
11/29/2015 11:46:28 am
I don't know what you mean by "direct action", but bombing ISIS and having all of our resources for protecting the ports and cities operating would fit that description.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
11/29/2015 02:18:14 pm
It has also been argued that a drought and famine in Syria a few years before the Arab Spring helped destabilize the country, thus becoming a contributing factor in the outbreak of civil war:
11/29/2015 04:36:44 pm
Yup, contributing factor.
11/29/2015 01:00:22 pm
I'd rather look to the crusades for some historic insight into ISIS then to the Nephilim.
David Bradbury
11/29/2015 02:16:10 pm
While you're looking at history, try the story of why Turkey (the country) is called Turkey.
Titus pullo
11/29/2015 08:09:12 pm
Seems like modern terrorism in the Middle East was helped along by the Zionist terrorists so don't forget those religous crazies
Only Me
11/29/2015 03:26:16 pm
Marzulli is an insignificant, bitter, old fart who's saber-rattling for attention. What I love about hatemongers like him, is how they become *so* offended when you point out their prejudices.
11/29/2015 04:47:58 pm
"When the New America Foundation found that right-wing extremists and white supremacists were responsible for more terrorist attacks in the U.S. than any other group, he said nothing."
11/29/2015 06:33:45 pm
Please refer to those terrorists as Daesh. Isis is an ancient egyptian goddess. There are lots of women who are named after her. There are also some businesses still using that name. A terrorist group should not be allowed to co-opt that.
11/29/2015 07:29:22 pm
I sympathize with your desire to take back the name, Isis. I feel the same way about the term Christian when it's used by extremists.
11/29/2015 07:59:20 pm
Marzulli is a dispensationalist whose idea of Christianity was born in the late 1800's. His "end times" scenario is fleshed out by Hal Lindsey and the creators of the Left Behind series of books which also targeted the YA market.
Titus pullo
11/29/2015 08:04:48 pm
The old cliche was one mans freedom fighter is another mans...well you get the picture. Quoting the new American foundation defining what a terrorist is is well problematic as they would define anyone who disagrees with statism and central banks as an extremist. So Jefferson, Madison, Adams, and so on are modern day threats. Conservatives are not all killers of Mother Earth and sorry but climate change is more of a statist political movement than grounded in physics. But the more a we demo use the other side the more we give our liberty away, see the Middle East for that. And yes it is pathetic to see how folks go crazy on Black Friday buying things they don't need with money they don't have. Bread and circuses which do resonant with the poorer, see Walmart Thursday at midnight versus target. My don an Ithaca college film student went to both locally thanksgiving night and yes tge target line was civilized while Walmart was chaos. We dumb diwn our citizens via govt acting as their daddy and you get undereducated folks with little critical thinking skills, perfect for the history channels fringe industry.
11/30/2015 02:21:21 am
Actually, climate change is very much a real phenomenon, and the data is sound. What's NOT as certain is that 1. the causes are strictly or even mostly human, or 2. it's a terrible, horrible, nightmare thing instead of just being, you know, CHANGE.
11/30/2015 07:28:44 am
The key word in "Global Warming" is "Global". Some people seem to miss that part. It's not determined by local conditions but worldwide averages.
titus pullo
11/30/2015 11:30:38 am
When the standard deviation is greater than the supposed "global" temp changes it pretty much throws the "models" into the trash bin. I worked as a research scientist for years (laser fusion and high energy physics) and I've yet to see anything from the "climate models" that give me any confidence the planet is "heating up" or that it is caused by a very small increase in CO2. I'll be the first to warn of unintended consequences (see the Fed and our actions in the ME) but this whole "climate" thing is more a political grab for power by the usual liberal art elites who have been running around since the 60s attacking liberty and freedom.
11/30/2015 12:24:24 pm
"The key word in "Global Warming" is "Global". Some people seem to miss that part. It's not determined by local conditions but worldwide averages."
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
11/30/2015 02:33:23 pm
Hundreds of billions of tons of carbon dioxide is a "small increase"? In the past 420,000 years, carbon dioxide levels were never above 300 parts per million, until the emissions shot up at the end of the 20th century. Now they're at about 398 parts per million. A 33% jump is a "small increase"?
11/30/2015 06:06:19 pm
So, Titus, all these peer reviewed scientists are part of a massive political conspiracy since the 60s and the only defenders of truth are the oil companies and the Heartland Institute? People who run ads saying that increased CO2 is fine because the plants like it?
titus pullo
11/30/2015 04:12:14 pm
Seriously dude...300-370 parts per MILLION isn't a big thing. What is the incremental temperature increase due to say 100 PPM increase with CO2? Don't know that cause we can't..too low a threshold. You can come up with all sorts of "linear models" which assume all sorts of infrared heat refraction due to CO2 but they are so out of touch with the actual non linear complex interactions..the models have about as much accuracy as trying to find a position of an electron by hitting it with a photon.
David Bradbury
11/30/2015 05:27:53 pm
"300-370 parts per MILLION isn't a big thing"
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
11/30/2015 05:54:03 pm
Global warming is a prediction of huge disruption to the world, disruption that was thought to only be avoidable with radical and difficult changes to the way we live our lives. It challenged the economic status quo and countless people who make money off the way things are done today. (Until recently, that is; renewable energy is on the verge of becoming cheaper than fossil fuels, and shifting our energy sources need not be nearly as difficult as was once thought.) What is it about that prediction that makes the grant money lucrative enough to lure the overwhelming majority of climate scientists into distorting their research?
titus pullo
12/1/2015 08:02:14 pm
You guys sound like the extremists on the right you hate so much. Climate change came from global warming which came from nuclear winter theories and before that Supersonic aircraft driven global warming from the 60's radicals who were looking for the "next" modern technology to attack for their congenital marxist beliefs.
12/1/2015 09:00:58 pm
Nothing but paranoid name calling. I'm surprised you didn't call us Marxist Muslims.
Jesuit Bystander
11/30/2015 12:55:53 am
LA Marzulli is either one very disturbed and deranged individual, or an Israeli psyop. Why anyone gives him any airtime or takes anything he says seriously is beyond me. For a people so persecuted by right wing, fascist psycopaths... you'd think they'd learn to not repeat history. Go away you horrible, pathetic little man.
titus pullo
11/30/2015 04:17:20 pm
"For a people" you mean the people living on the west bank prior to 1967? All people can be brutal and more than willing to have their govt kill on their behalf. Public virtue was the Roman idea that leaders need to lead, not take rights away but by example and even shame, ensure the people don't give into the mob. As Churchill once said, people's wars unlike king's wars are the most brutal.
12/1/2015 09:39:25 am
I'm sure the public in Rome were happy with the leadership of the Caesars, because we know they NEVER took any rights away from Roman citizens. Churchill was talking out of his ass...all wars are brutal.
12/1/2015 03:38:24 pm
strikes me that giant people should be eating out of giant bowls, with giant spoons, drinking out of giant cups, throwing away their old giant clothes, and making giant poos, so where is the midden evidence of giants ?
12/2/2015 08:30:47 am
That's rational thought, and fringe believers can apparently shut that off at will.
Scotty Roberts' Doppleganger
12/3/2015 08:21:02 am
Just a note: Marzulli was a featured speaker at last years Paradigm Symposium, where is stupidity fit right in with Scotty Roberts' Christian Identity leaning theology, and Dr. John Ward's Nazi symbolism.
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