My boiler stopped working yesterday morning, shutting down my heating system, and as a result I spent all day yesterday arranging for repairs before the house chilled to the point of becoming uninhabitable. The circulator failed, resulting in an electrical malfunction that only managed to avoid catching fire because the valve above it leaked, extinguishing the sparks. This resulted in a busted circulator and a blown fuse. The circulator was easy to repair, according to the HVAC specialist, but the stupid special little fuse took two hours to replace because no one in the area carries that particular type and it had to be procured from twenty miles away. This happened simultaneously with the much-delayed closing on the house I have been trying to sell since last summer and with FedEx delivering my repaired computer. It was a busy morning that slid into a busier afternoon when the ongoing legal issues I have faced entered a new phase when the complainer (whose name I no longer use) demanded the removal of his name from every URL ever published on this blog. Despite the hardships, by the end of the day, I had a working furnace, a working computer, and only one house. My lawyer also drafted a response to the complainer. But I had no time to write, so I have nothing else to share this weekend except that my publisher has asked for revisions to my Legends of the Pyramids book and I now must work on that since I have a working computer again.
1/18/2020 09:53:49 am
Wow that was a sucky day. Glad to hear you got your furnace fixed, the closing done and a repaired PC. Good luck with the rewrites. I am sure the denizens of this blog will find some way to entertain themselves.
1/18/2020 10:55:13 am
Ouch,,, regarding the furnace, been there done that.
1/18/2020 11:01:54 am
1/18/2020 11:35:00 am
"Extension cords are generally viewed as a no-no with space heaters."
1/18/2020 11:48:56 am
Wow, there has finally been a subject discussed here that you blue collar ham and eggers have some trifling of knowledge regarding, but this doesn’t look like a blog for inept handymen to have dick measuring contests, does it?
1/18/2020 12:03:08 pm
1/18/2020 12:31:24 pm
Certainly Crash, each to his own, speaking from my own experience, I have found my solution to be far superior.
1/18/2020 01:26:07 pm
Jim, glad your solution worked well for you. You do however appear to have the correct skills to implement it. I haven’t seen any mention of such skills by Jason (or the average person reading this blog) and would hate to see a house burn down due to improper wiring. Space heaters claim lots of houses each year:
Professor Feelgood
1/18/2020 02:12:51 pm
1/18/2020 02:39:18 pm
1/18/2020 08:49:47 pm
Professor Feelsdumb, when I referred to the two dolts as “blue collar ham and eggers” in the earlier comment, I skillfully employed the art of repetition in a manner that added emotional force and intellectual clarity to the thought — it’s a form of synonymia that’s been used by many of the greatest writers in history. I’m glad that the figure of speech worked on you!
1/18/2020 11:03:05 pm
Yeah, no, you fucked up the ham and egger thing.
1/18/2020 11:53:42 pm
According to multiple posters here, you’re an alcoholic, habitually drunk, regularly inebriated, booze guzzling sot who is essentially unemployable and who lives with his mother rent-free — so I’m going to ignore anything you have to offer, particularly when it consists of nothing more than a bald assertion.
Butthurt cream salesman
1/19/2020 12:31:35 am
1/19/2020 12:37:21 am
Kent may be a drunk, but I’m guessing that he at least understood the joke that went over your head.
Merl thoreau
1/19/2020 12:47:56 am
1/19/2020 01:29:59 am
You know what? You’re exactly right! I’m so quick to nitpick others that I’ve opened myself up to being closely scrutinized. And if I’m not absolutely perfect in my own writing, then people will justifiably call me on it — as you just did. You sure put me in my place and I now feel quite humiliated.
Sean Connery
1/19/2020 01:31:04 am
I'm living rent-free with a mother....Brooksie's mother!!!
Shane Sullivan
1/18/2020 11:03:29 am
I'm glad to hear you've got most of that straightened out. Good luck with the book revisions and legal problem.
1/18/2020 11:49:59 am
It's been many, many years since I have wrestled with furnace problems.One on the joys of living in warm climes most of my life. However, I did live in an old Cape Cod house in Connecticut years ago that had a very persnickety oil burning furnace that always chose to go on the fritz when there was a blizzard or an record freezing temperatures.
An Anonymous Nerd
1/18/2020 11:56:14 am
The Fringe is well-funded, so the legal system more-often works for them than on the side of accuracy. Remember James Randi and Uri Geller? It's very depressing.
1/18/2020 01:38:17 pm
Given that Jason has been kowtowed and intimidated into no longer using the moron’s name on the blog, the dingbats have already won a victory of sorts.
1/18/2020 01:43:21 pm
I meant of course that Jason has been forced into kowtowing.
We Dont need no education
1/18/2020 02:45:26 pm
Poor Brooksie. It takes two attempts for her to articulate a basic concept.
E Bronte
1/18/2020 03:37:17 pm
It's the Internet Grammar Nazi Boomerang Law at work here. You call someone a slob for having a ketchup stain on their collar only to have someone point out the huge brown stain on the seat of your pants.
1/18/2020 03:43:54 pm
E Bronte, it is the internet. But Brooksie started the whole thing in the comment section of the previous post.
E Bronte
1/18/2020 04:03:37 pm
Yes we are on the internet and yes I was writing in reference to Brooksie's conduct here. I hope this helps.
Oh, sorry, E Bronte,
1/18/2020 04:12:31 pm
It does help. 1/18/2020 06:53:41 pm
No one is stopping me from using Pulitzer's name. I mentioned him by name when he showed up on the Science Channel last month. I just don't use his name in this context because I have no interest in giving him more publicity and having my posts show up in his daily Google scan for his name. He's a bit like Beetlejuice in that sense.
1/19/2020 01:10:40 am
"No one is stopping me from using Pulitzer's name. I mentioned him by name when he showed up on the Science Channel last month. I just don't use his name in this context because I have no interest in giving him more publicity and having my posts show up in his daily Google scan for his name. He's a bit like Beetlejuice in that sense."
1/19/2020 01:04:44 am
Sean Connery
1/19/2020 01:39:36 am
I had to pay Kent's mother substantial sums on three separate occasions....for abortions!! Hah, hah, hah.
1/19/2020 02:39:39 am
Dad found that a good solid knee to the belly sufficed and passed it down as a family tradition. I've killed multiple babies using that method. Don't you fucking hate women?
Kent, I know you hate women,
1/19/2020 03:25:51 am
which is why you're am incel MGTOW.
Sean connery
1/19/2020 12:16:46 pm
A knee to the stomach works foreplay with your mother. She loves it rough. Hah, hah, hah, hah,Ha
An Anonymous Nerd
1/19/2020 12:22:54 pm
*sighs* There you go again.
1/18/2020 01:48:40 pm
Duh, duh dunce
1/18/2020 03:48:58 pm
Greetings fellow dunce!!!
Hi Kent
1/18/2020 04:19:22 pm
Nice to meet your girlfriend, Brooksie.
1/18/2020 05:18:30 pm
I find that getting a metal box, running a pipe from it to the outdoors and burning stuff in the box works.
Advanced wiseman
1/18/2020 05:38:32 pm
Why don’t you try out that method on your brain?
1/18/2020 06:57:36 pm
@Advanced Wiseman
1/18/2020 07:35:21 pm
At least give him credit for using a metal box this time.
1/18/2020 08:21:46 pm
So Jim, what is sex with someone under the age of consent like? Is it worth it?
Sean Connery
1/18/2020 06:18:16 pm
Only advisable if you stay high on crack for days at a time and will be awake when the cardboard box catches on fire. Just like at Kent and his mother's house. Hah, hah, hah.
1/18/2020 08:20:03 pm
So on your planet metal and cardboard are the same thing? Okay, got it!
Sean Connery
1/18/2020 08:49:59 pm
No but in the homeless encampment where you and your mother live a cardboard box and a home are the same thing. Hah, hah, hah.
Sean Connery
1/18/2020 08:55:16 pm
How would I know what materials the plates in your head were made out of?
Hunter Biden
1/18/2020 09:32:56 pm
Oh dear, the last time that I ran pipe into that particular metal box it wasn't long before something felt like it was on fire.
Can't Yet Think Of A New Handle
1/18/2020 09:56:19 pm
Oh god, I'm just floored with dying of laughter.
1/18/2020 10:08:11 pm
Some of you right now, are about to go all, like: "Share it with your Mom!".
Rock doc
1/18/2020 11:05:54 pm
I share everything with my waitresses who are essentially my moms!
Sean Connery
1/19/2020 01:12:43 am
According to the doctor down at the free clinic this isn't the only thing you are sharing with your mother! Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah.
Anthony Warren Warren
1/18/2020 09:42:08 pm
Without mentioning any names, here is some bitchery.
1/18/2020 11:07:17 pm
Hate blog with deranged and hate filled followers.
1/18/2020 11:08:40 pm
Required reading on the latest buffoonery of he who shall not be named.
An Anonymous Nerd
1/19/2020 10:27:04 pm
Your favorite Fringe celebrities most-likely neither know you, nor care about you.
1/20/2020 04:11:27 pm
Doesn't everyone think that Jeffry Joven Philyaw aka Jovan Hutton Pulitzer aka J. Hutton Pulitzer, J. Jovan Philyaw or Jovan is litigious, attention-seeking. insecure little putz ?
Jr. Time Lord
1/19/2020 12:00:31 am
"My boiler stopped working yesterday morning, shutting down my heating system, and as a result I spent all day yesterday arranging for repairs before the house chilled to the point of becoming uninhabitable."
Sr. Time Lord
1/19/2020 01:16:06 am
No need for fans, just jam your head in that sucker. Get a good jam on!
1/19/2020 09:38:30 am
Using the stove can be dangerous with a young child in the house.
Jr. Time Lord
1/20/2020 05:42:35 am
"Using the stove can be dangerous with a young child in the house."
1/20/2020 08:41:13 am
Yeah if you have an old one or an industrial one. The comments about space whatevs wee suggesting Jason go buy one. Somehow I don’t see him buying a 1979’s version. The couple yea old one I have doesn’t have the same exposed heating elements
Jr. Time Lord
1/22/2020 04:26:28 am
"The comments about space whatevs wee suggesting Jason go buy one."
Doc Rock
1/20/2020 09:17:19 am
All this time I thought the legal difficulty was with Wolter. But then again the craziness tends to all bleed together and it is six of one or a half-dozen of the other.
1/20/2020 10:02:47 am
Bad luck, Jason - domestic and office catastrophes, and having to look after a toddler into the bargain ... (Our boiler broke down the winter before last - but friends and neighbours kindly rallied round with an assortment of electric heaters).
1/20/2020 03:13:37 pm
You commenters have all become licensed furnace repairmen, (but doubtful any of you actually have ever fixed one), but just joke about online lawsuits eve once, and be harassed for giving unwanted advice about obvious legal issues, such as libel as relating to blogs. Then you also have the haters going back and forth tossing "yo mama jokes"? What, are you all school age but in the special school mentally?
Sean Connery
1/20/2020 04:30:20 pm
There's a different repairman's truck parked in front of Kal's mother's house every day. Hah, hah, hah, hah.
Coneheads would be funnier
1/20/2020 05:32:42 pm
You come across as a 13 year old kid who just watched an old SNL skit and decided that the premise of the stupid joke was so funny that you have to repeat it every 20 seconds.
Sean connery
1/20/2020 08:19:58 pm
Oh, did I offend you? I assure you that it wasn't my intention. I offer you my most sincere apology. As a peace offering let me treat you to a pint....of your mother's breast milk. Just pumped by me. Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah.
Try something new
1/20/2020 10:03:10 pm
Rather than offending me, you simply annoyed me in the same way that a forced viewing of a Gallagher comedy routine would. Then again, there are a few old farts here who quote stale, butt-rock lyrics who’d probably appreciate your boring act.
Sean connery
1/21/2020 09:32:57 pm
That's strange because your mother loves being bored by me. Hah, hah, hah.
Kals Mother
1/20/2020 09:11:21 pm
You know you've reached the bottom of the social ladder of the internet when you are forced by some obsession or clinical issue to rant at perfect strangers when you think you are right about something random of the internet. It proves nothing.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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February 2025