This week, U.S. President Donald J. Trump said that he would not be “surprised” if billionaire George Soros, who is Jewish, were paying hundreds of Hondurans to trek across Mexico to reach the United States. A week earlier, Soros had been the target of an attempted mail bomb assassination, and the man who committed the largest violent attack on Jews in the United States a few days later cited anti-Soros conspiracy theories among the reasons he believed that Jews needed to die. Writing these words is horrifying, and I struggle to understand exactly how our country has reached this point. It is almost like something out of the Twilight Zone, except that the Twilight Zone was created by a Jew, Rod Serling, who always made sure that in his stories the Nazis didn’t win. On her Wednesday Full Frontal broadcast, comedian Samantha Bee correctly noted that the conspiracy theories surrounding George Soros are virtually identical to those told of Nathan Rothschild two centuries ago, and which formed the kernel of the anti-Jewish canard about a cabal of “international bankers” that secretly ran the world for the benefit of the Hebrew people. As Bee noted, conservative leaders for the past century have applied Rothschild conspiracies to various updated Jewish figures. The names may change, but the charges never do. An early twentieth century forgery claiming to be the words of onetime German chancellor Otto von Bismarck is hardly distinguishable from the current babbling from right-wing politicians about Soros’s supposed master plan to destroy America with illegal immigrants. According to a fraud named Conrad Siem, writing in a French anti-Semitic newspaper, Bismarck alleged that the Civil War had been planned to give Jews control over two weak states: I know of absolute certainty, that the division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economical and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds predominated. They foresaw tremendous booty if they could substitute two feeble democracies, indebted to the Jewish financiers, to the vigorous republic, confident and self-providing. The claim that Soros and other Jewish financiers are trying to sap America’s strength and power by diluting it with Latin blood in order to give the “globalists” absolute control is simply a variation on the theme. I wrote about this in an article I published in All About History earlier this year, and I originally wanted my article to hit more strongly on the key point that these old ideas are not dead and buried objects of antiquarian concern but are alive and terrible today. I was able to get into the final draft mentions of how these anti-Semitic conspiracy theories have appeared not just in the pamphlets and online screeds of white nationalists but also in French political campaigns, on Russian state television, and among the History Channel’s lunatic fringe rogue’s gallery, particularly David Wilcock and the late Jim Marrs. And now they are in the mouth of the American president. The point is that for all the talk about how the extreme right is reviving anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, these ideas don’t persist on the right for no reason. Governments have found it convenient to promote them, and it is no wonder that the extremists who take their cues from their allies in government parrot these ideas back. In my article, I traced the way conspiracy theories trickled down the centuries. I focused on the false claim that Nathan Rothschild, of the British branch of the Rothschild dynasty, had made his fortune by playing the stock market with secret news of Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo to gain unfair advantage: The whole story was false—Nathan was not the first with the news, and his market gains were relatively modest compared to those who had had faith in a British victory before Waterloo. But the anti-Semitic smear playing off of centuries-old stereotypes of Jews as ruthless, money-hungry villains endured in ways large and small. The story wound its way into media as diverse as the Encyclopedia Britannica and Nazi propaganda films. A few years ago, conspiracy theorist Jim Marrs drew on this story and decided that Nathan Rothschild was an evil agent of gold-hungry extraterrestrials who were, essentially, space Jews—stereotypes mythologized. And here we are listening to the president and members of Congress speculating about another Jewish financier is secretly trying to undermine the government in service of diabolical ideals.
11/2/2018 09:20:03 am
It is always easier to blame some one else with the troubles created by yourself, hence the readiness with which unthinking partisans adopt simple solutions. Rarely has blaming someone else been successful in solving the problem. But, sadly, 'easy' solutions are easy to adopt. Hence the genocidal actions of so many leaders. This type of solution creates even more problems; the cycle continues until the the complete collapse of the society which adopts these solutions.
E.P. Grondine
11/2/2018 02:14:09 pm
@Peter -
Joe Scales
11/2/2018 10:12:44 am
Let's just cut to the chase here, rather than muster tenuous political extrapolations. Trump is not an anti-Semite. Period.
11/2/2018 12:05:57 pm
Joe, is not Trump considered an idiot by many? Don't tell me that you defend those very idiots that you tell others not to argue with? Trump is anti-everything that stands as decent, Period
Joe Scales
11/2/2018 01:31:27 pm
I'd argue with you Frank... but you're an idiot. So you'll have to carry on without me.
A different Jim
11/2/2018 12:32:27 pm
Whether or not Trump is antisemitic in his thoughts and beliefs is both unknowable and irrelevant. That his rhetoric helps to normalize this belief and emboldens antisemitic individuals to take action is very much knowable and relevant. Trump's words and ideas moved Cesar Sayoc to mail pipe bombs to Trump's perceived enemies, including George Soros. Robert Bowers parroted Trump's statements on the "migrant caravan" and blamed the Jews before shooting up a synagogue. Whether Trump agrees with or endorses either one of these individuals is, again, unknowable and beside the point; Sayoc and Bowers were certainly influenced by Trump's words. That is indisputable. Period.
Joe Scales
11/2/2018 01:04:14 pm
Association fallacy, as well as bullshit politics. Jodie Foster inspired a would be assassin. Go rail against her.
11/2/2018 01:51:28 pm
So did J.D. Salinger. Of course John Lennon being a wifebeater deserved killing. Mark David Chapman (M.D. Mogen David Star of David Jew) was years too late in my view. And don't forget the woman who shot Andy Warhol; Society for Cutting Up Men
A different Jim
11/2/2018 01:55:14 pm
Jodie Foster never publicly advocated assassination attempts against Ronald Reagan. John Hinckley Jr. was obsessed with Jodie and believed that killing Ronald Reagan would win her attention. His actions had nothing to do with Jodie's stated views or opinions. In fact, Hinckley had targeted Carter before Reagan was elected under the same motivation. There is very little overlap in the Carter/Reagan venn diagram other than assassinating them while they were in office would certainly make Jodie Foster aware of your existence.
An Anonymoous Nerd
11/2/2018 07:44:21 pm
Mr. Scales:
Joe Scales
11/3/2018 09:20:54 am
"Jodie Foster never publicly advocated assassination attempts against Ronald Reagan..."
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
11/3/2018 01:35:39 pm
Bowers rejected Trump for not being hostile to Jews as a class, so you can defend Trump on those grounds — but Bowers bought into Trump's treatment of the migrant caravan as an "invasion." Where Trump suggests Soros is somehow engineering the caravan, Bowers blames all Jews. The idea that Jews are somehow behind the immigration of non-white people into this country is a widespread belief in the alt-right; remember the Charlottesville white supremacists, who chanted "Jews will not replace us?"
Joe Scales
11/4/2018 06:45:53 pm
If they were coming across our borders to vote pro-life, I suppose some folks might finally understand the distinction in regard to what constitutes legal immigration. Till then, it's the same bullshit politics.
11/2/2018 10:39:30 am
Scary times when once again anti-Semitic hate is being used to fuel political gain. It never ends well.
11/2/2018 12:11:50 pm
The very first sentence has a serious and stupid grammatical error. What a retarded blog.
11/2/2018 01:32:54 pm
Are you referring to my use of the subjunctive? "Were" is correct because it is a subjunctive form referring to a situation contrary to fact.
Americancool"disco"dan Hardcastle
11/2/2018 01:39:37 pm
I checked that after reading Hal's post and yes, Hal is an idiot.
11/2/2018 04:26:32 pm
Wrong retard. Go back down to your mom’s basement.
11/2/2018 04:33:48 pm
Actually he got the right retard, he actually referenced you by name.
An Anonymous Nerd
11/2/2018 07:46:57 pm
[The very first sentence has a serious and stupid grammatical error. What a retarded blog. ]
11/2/2018 12:13:55 pm
11/4/2018 05:53:18 am
Craig Johnston
11/2/2018 01:16:06 pm
It is easy to label people as racist or anti-semetic when you disagree or dislike them. I am no Trump defender but out-word labeling or billing someone a racist is watered down and is hurting the ability to go after those who clearly are. After a while, when everyone you disagree with is a racist or anti-semite, people just stop listening. The true racists and anti-semites fly under the radar and are forgotten. This must stop.
11/2/2018 01:34:33 pm
As we have seen may times on this blog, you don't have to believe a conspiracy theory to make use of it. One can parrot conspiratorial ideas ignorantly, and one can also be indifferent to the causes and consequences of them.
Craig Johnston
11/2/2018 03:04:17 pm
Nice try here. You are clearly not ignorant nor do you parrot conspiratorial ideas ignorantly on this blog. This entry is clearly not indifferent and most the other entries I have read here don't qualify as indifferent. In fact you are a talented and surgical critic. There is always a perspective of opinion, criticism or agreement (less) on the blog's subjects from the author that I have read. I enjoy it regularly and thank you for your work. I, however, do not agree with this though.
Joe Scales
11/3/2018 09:28:00 am
It's nothing new. Politics makes Jason sloppy. Pointing it out only has him dig himself a deeper hole in this regard.
An Anonymous Nerd
11/3/2018 12:00:46 pm
[Politics makes Jason sloppy.]
11/2/2018 01:48:12 pm
Anti-Semitic or not, Trump has no problem using other peoples anti-semitism to promote his own personal agenda. And he obviously cares not one iota about the bloody consequences.
An Anonymous Nerd
11/3/2018 11:58:35 am
[Trump has no problem using other peoples anti-semitism to promote his own personal agenda.]
11/2/2018 02:49:11 pm
"Trump's son-in-law is Jewish, his grand children will be Jewish. Trump moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem under heavy criticism, something other presidents, including Obama promised to do but never did. The leader of the Jewish state openly declares Trump as his partner and confidant. "
Doc Rock
11/2/2018 03:42:14 pm
Doc Rock
11/2/2018 03:55:44 pm
It is becoming more of a challenge to teach college classes about race and racism and about political ideologies such as Nazism when such concepts have increasingly become catch-all terms for anyone who is "mean" and has a differing political philosophy. That's how you end up with mobs of protestors standing in the street screaming about the Nazis inside at a Ben Shapiro appearance. If you point this out then some folks will really kick it into overdrive by trying to equate Shapiro with circa-1940 Jewish collaborators in Nazi Germany.
A Different Jim
11/2/2018 04:20:04 pm
I think the problem is that the president says there are good people on both sides when one side is filled with tiki torch wielding self identified Nazis. Pretending that white supremacists and Neo Nazis do not feel empowered under the current administration is dangerous and naive.
Doc Rock
11/2/2018 04:36:33 pm
A Different Jim,
Doc Rock
11/2/2018 04:47:03 pm
I should add that it is safe to assume that right wing extremists are going to feel enabled when by someone like Trump (or arguably any Republican) is elected. But they are also enabled when left wing extremists go out seeking violent confrontations, as opposed to peaceful counterprotest, because that is precisely what many of them want.
11/2/2018 01:22:59 pm
When Trump went virtue signalling on Alex Jones show, fo you really think he was reaching out to normal people?
11/2/2018 01:33:51 pm
JHVH, everyone be so worried about the Jewses. Invaders from the south aren't wanted so they will "dilute" the country, they're wanted because due to the DECENNIAL census they will create more seats in Congress, more opportunities for Democrats and more actual Democrat voters.
11/2/2018 02:07:03 pm
"the Twilight Zone was created by a Jew, Rod Serling, who always made sure that in his stories the Nazis didn’t win."
11/2/2018 02:22:02 pm
And Jesus, another Jew, told everyone that if you don't turn the other cheek, and also if you don't love your enemies, more than likely you will go to hell. Winning heaven is not everything, it's the only thing...the only thing that should concern our thoughts and actions.
11/2/2018 02:55:32 pm
Much is discussed about Plato's Atlantis, but little understood is the reason for why Plato gave it to us. Naturally having been a followup to his Republic, it is there that we must look for Atlantis.
11/2/2018 03:02:22 pm
You have no idea
11/2/2018 05:49:28 pm
Frank, tell us: Why does Atlantis fall into decadence, although it has best laws? And how does its counterpart Athens manage to avoid decadence?
Riley V
11/3/2018 10:53:48 am
11/2/2018 04:39:25 pm
It's really amazing that Jason Colavito who is very skillful writer and generally intelligent man is also capable of writing such crazy post like this one. Mixing Donald Trump with antisemitism is just mind-boggling. This guy is probably the most pro-Jewish president of the USA in the last 100 years. But here is a problem: Jason Colavito surely knows that, exactly the same like political commentators know that Trump is a friend of Jews and Israel. But Donald Trump is 'right-wing' politician and in the last 50 years it was common belief that the biggest antisemitics were on the right-wing of the political spectrum.
11/2/2018 04:47:36 pm
It doesn't matter what Donald Trump thinks. It matters what the crazy people believe he is saying, and they hear him parroting the code words--"globalists," "Soros," etc.--that they use to talk about Jews. Trump, I believe, is too dim to know what he is doing and simply is repeating what he hears on cable news, the true vector of villainy in the piece.
11/2/2018 05:40:35 pm
Keep in mind that like the "Occupy Wall Street" idiots, "Antifa" also talks about "globalists". I know it's short for "anti-fascist" but Antifa is essentially anarchist and anarchists always and without fail cause the installation of a strong gang in power, the opposite of anarchy. Cf. the Ukraine slaughter and the mass deportation of the peoples of the Balticum.
11/2/2018 07:46:08 pm
Come on Jason, hold the ground you have gained. It does matter, what Trump thinks. Trump thinks only of himself. He could care less if his children or grand kids go to the dogs. What Trump does and says is all meant for his gain. And as that old saying goes, he would sell his grandmother, for a price. To Trump, everything is all about money, and the power that goes with large quantities of it. He will lie tooth and nail to get an advantage over anyone that gets into his way of moneymaking. Trump's way of thinking could not be better described than by Thrasymachus, as Plato has him describe the picture of the unjust man. And Thrasymachus was of opinion that a strongman, a man of true and great power, if he is worth anything as a ruler, ought to use his power and position for personal gains, and not for the betterment of his subjects.
Joe Scales
11/3/2018 09:39:13 am
"It doesn't matter what Donald Trump thinks. It matters what the crazy people believe he is saying,.."
11/2/2018 06:53:04 pm
Don'f forget "neocon" which is liberal code for "Jew". That said I think neocons are wrong on everything and the U.S. should get out of every war it's currently involved in. This includes the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians, the Saudi slaughter of Yemenis, the illegal invasion of Syria and whatever CENTCOM is doing in Africa.
Still another jim
11/2/2018 07:38:07 pm
Actually Hal is correct in this common usage.
11/2/2018 10:21:47 pm
Actually he's not. On the other hand he's an anus. Much like Chief.
Riley V
11/3/2018 09:40:18 am
I like this blog because we very seldom dip into politics. Clearly the commenting pool is small, and it seems that many of you know each other personally.
11/3/2018 11:38:03 am
" Let us all hope Mr. Trump leaves office with an America in better shape than the one Lincoln inherited."
Joe Scales
11/5/2018 10:13:59 am
Dude... that's all bullshit politics. There is nothing new in what is happening now. How smart a president is has no bearing on their effectiveness. Likewise, how moral they are. You pick a side based upon your political tribe, then truth fails to matter. Only slant and spin for political gain. And that's the crux Jim, right there. It's a shift in power, and how it came to be. That's what's troubling the insiders. Those who pulled the strings. Your strings.
11/5/2018 02:32:50 pm
Nope, I am Canadian and Trump scares the bejesus out of me. I have no political tribe.
11/5/2018 03:52:23 pm
Jim, you should worry about your own land. Economic migrants and illegals are heading into Canada in droves. Hotels and college dormitories have been filled with "refugees" leaving Canadian students, citizens and tourists in quite a predicament, funded by taxpayers while your PM claims there isn't enough money to go to existing military personnel and veterans.
Joe Scales
11/5/2018 05:57:53 pm
Well, it's not like there's no liberal wing in Canada Jim, or a global tribe for same. You really ought to be more politically skeptical no matter where you live.
11/5/2018 06:19:59 pm
Actually I worry more about the sharing a border with a Trumpian US that uses 20% of the worlds oil production and is rapidly depleting their own meager supply. When does the US run out, 10 years or so? Substantially less if Trump starts a war.
Joe Scales
11/6/2018 10:03:17 am
So, they're just as crazed in Canada then. Didn't seem that way last time I was there. Stuff was just really expensive.
11/8/2018 07:56:10 am
Yeah Joe Scales
11/8/2018 08:46:16 am
Tighten up your sphincters folks, Trump has crossed the Rubicon.
Joe Scales
11/8/2018 10:18:35 am
Objectivity? More like imbecility. Take your bullshit politics and false equivalencies elsewhere.
11/9/2018 06:36:15 pm
@ Joe S.
Joe Scales
11/9/2018 07:30:52 pm
Begone nobody.
11/3/2018 11:23:05 am
Mighty Joe Scales, are you not an arrogant bitch? as some of your intelligent friends you do argue with would put it to you here.
Enid McConnell
11/4/2018 10:08:14 am
Maybe this is what Trump was referring to...
11/5/2018 03:55:41 pm
Trump being an anti-Semite is fake news.
11/5/2018 04:19:23 pm
Okay, first of all, there is no freakin caravan of immigrant bad guys. It was a lie from Faux News a month or more back, when a van was caught at the border of Mexico. A van! One freakin van.
11/5/2018 04:21:06 pm
Lots of typos in there.
11/5/2018 04:24:33 pm
Soros (Schwartz) is not a Jew under our laws. His Father and Himself are/were both Atheist's. He did not receive the proper ceremonies ie a Bris/Brit Milah or Bar Mitzvah. His ancestors are Jews but he is not.
Joe Scales
11/5/2018 06:09:07 pm
Judaism courtesy of the Simpsons, eh? You don't need a ceremony to become a bar mitzvah, you imbecile.
This is stupid
11/28/2018 03:47:19 pm
So because Soros is Jewish, that means any criticism of him-regardless if it's justified or not-is somehow antisemitism? That's the single dumbest thing i've ever read on this website.
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