I am told over and over again that there is no danger to crazy theories being broadcast on television since these ideas are just entertainment. And yet last night as the U.S. House of Representatives voted to reopen the government, a House stenographer had to be forcibly removed from the floor after she became enraged and shouted that the U.S. government was a Freemason conspiracy to mock God, for the Freemasons who wrote the constitution “go against God.” While the stenographer’s ideas are more along the Christian conspiracy track, it is nevertheless unhelpful that we currently have had several cable TV programs, notably Brad Meltzer’s Decoded and America Unearthed, pushing the same Freemason conspiracy line, feeding this paranoia. Ah well, let’s move on to a different kind of crazy: aliens! Yesterday Scotty Roberts suggested that I had misrepresented his views when I described his appearance on Ancient Aliens Monday night as supporting a connection between the Anunnaki and the Nephilim. As you know, I am always happy to correct my mistakes, but in this case I wasn’t wrong. Here are Roberts’s exact words in his brief appearance on Ancient Aliens: The Nephilim are described in some translations as being giants. The relationship between the Anunnaki and the Nephilim is really a story of two cultures but are related. The Anunnaki was the god caste who created primordial man to enslave them, while the Nephilim were the offspring of those who came down and intermingled with humans. Roberts, as you can see, claimed that the Anunnaki and Nephilim stories are related. As I told Roberts, his comments were obviously edited for television, but as presented on the show, he said what I had described.
But I also want to point out that Roberts’s Sitchin-derived ideas are not correct. First, the Anunnaki did not create human beings. In the sixth tablet of the Enuma Elish, it is Ea who fashions humans from the blood of a god and from clay. In the bilingual version of the creation myth (a variant version), it is Marduk who creates mankind. In the late version preserved by Berossus, it is again Marduk (under the Greek name Belus) who creates humanity from the severed head of another god. None of these gods is among the Anunnaki. Only Zecharia Sitchin made them so. The warrant for this is that the Anunnaki take their name from the sky god An, and thus can be viewed as offspring of the sky. But in Greek myth, the Titans and the Cyclopes are also the offspring of the sky (Ouranos), yet they did not “descend” from outer space but rather were born of the earth (Gaia). Similarly, the Anunnaki are associated with the earth, and texts from Assyria and Babylon tell us that their mother was Ki, the earth itself. In the Enuma Elish, Marduk assigns the Anunnaki to their stations, half to the newly-created sky above, and half to the realm under the earth. They could not have come down from the sky, for Marduk had only just made the sky from the chaos monster Tiamat. The bilingual version is more explicit. It states of Marduk in line 15: “The gods the Anunnaki he created at one time.” Thus, not only were the Anunnaki not beings from the sky, they were creations of Marduk, just like people. In “Enki and the World Order” (t.1.1.3), Enki is instead in charge of the Anunnaki, and calls himself their leader, but nevertheless makes plain that they are gods associated with earth, not the sky: “For the Anuna gods, Enki situated dwellings in cities and disposed agricultural land into fields.” While technically space gods might also have had vacation homes on earth, Enki, leader of the Anunnaki, comes from the Abzu under the earth, not from the sky. In “The Debate between Grain and Sheep” (t.5.3.2), the Anunnaki are gods of an earthen mound, not from the sky, for the great god An “spawned” them on “the hill of heaven and earth,” meaning that they were born here, not in outer space. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Anunnaki are judges of the underworld dead. We obviously cannot say there was one official view of the Anunnaki, but the general sense is plain: They were not aliens from the skies but rather deities above, in, and under the earth. So what do they have to do with the Nephilim? Not a whole lot. The connection comes from some language used in Genesis 6:2: “That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.” The idea is that the sons of God (the Elohim—literally sons of the Gods) are cognate with the Anunnaki, for the name Anunnaki means “princely offspring” and thus are seen as the same. Yet the Sons of God are not synonymous with the Nephilim, the giants of Genesis 6:4, who were the heroes of old, the mighty men of renown. The Elohim are the fathers of the Nephilim. It is much later, with the Book of Enoch, that we see the Sons of God as a race of fallen angels who taught humans such aspects of culture as metallurgy and cosmetology (they were really into making women look sexy: 1 Enoch 8:1). It is only still later that the Nephilim, the giants whom God punishes by killing them off with the Flood (Jubilees 7:21–25), become conflated with the Fallen Angels, whom God punishes with eternal torment beneath the earth. The warrant for this, in turn, is the idea that Nephilim means “fallen ones” in a literal sense and thus must refer back to the Sons of Gods, or Fallen Angels, even though they are also their half-divine children. (For a separate discussion of the Nephilim, see my previous article here.) The Anunnaki are not known to have mated with humans, nor did they teach humans how to do makeup, nor did they defy the will of the chief gods. They are therefore not the same as the Elohim or the Watchers. They are not mortal, nor are they punished with the Flood, so they are not the Nephilim. The only remaining similarity is the notion of a divine court, which is pretty much the definition of polytheism. The Elohim are often suspected of being the faded remains of a pre-Mosaic polytheist Canaanite pantheon, with greater and lesser gods. In the Ugaritic texts, for example, they are called bn ilm, the sons of the gods, and they meet in phr bn ilm, the assembly of the sons of the gods. One text, cited by Simon B. Parker, suggests that these sons of the gods mated with human women to create the semi-divine kings of the world, a motif also found in the Epic of Gilgamesh, where Gilgamesh, a king, is two-thirds divine and one-third man. His mother was the goddess Ninsun, who was, again, not among the Anunnaki. (Her father was An, like the Anunnaki, but her mother was Unas, while the Anunnaki were born to Ki.) The Jews, in adapting polytheist ideas to a new monotheist culture, demonized the old polytheist gods and heroes as fallen angels and sinners, recognizing their power but only in opposition to God. So, the question of whether the Anunnaki and the Elohim and/or Nephilim are “related” comes down to whether you think that each culture had its own set of gods and semi-divine heroes, or whether you feel they all sprang from a common source. Either way, the Anunnaki and the Nephilim share virtually nothing in common except for a connection to the divine, which figures as diverse as Perseus, Alexander the Great, the Mayan Hero Twins, the Dogon Nommos, and innumerable others either claimed or had ascribed to them.
10/17/2013 11:16:23 am
Jason, thanks for clearing this up for me.
10/17/2013 11:19:39 am
I'm always so impressed with how careful you are to reference your sources.
10/17/2013 11:44:19 am
Most real historians are. One of my little theories of how Ancient Aliens and America Unearthed have any sort of influence, is due to how most Americans are taught history in public school. History or social studies textbooks rarely site sources or offer evidence to back itself. We believe anything we're told because a lot of us were taught to. Better public education would probably turn these shows into harmless entertainment. But since a lot of people who are fans of these shows probably never read history book other than their school textbooks, they probably think this is credible because someone said it on TV.
10/17/2013 12:51:00 pm
10/17/2013 07:06:12 pm
Are you KIDDING? These days, "better education" focuses so much on literature, in the school I student taught in, they only got an hour of social studies a WEEK. And at that, it ALTERNATED with science. Mind, the science kits that the state has created for schools to use is all KINDS of awesome, but the classroom teachers have to leave out so much, I'm not sure the kids even absorb the basics. The rest of the day is spent basically on drill and kill in reading and math. And this isn't kindergarten, it's all the way up through fifth. In third grade, they still were barely even exposed to informational texts!
Shane Sullivan
10/17/2013 12:18:42 pm
I was wondering who was responsible for the idea that the word "Anunnaki" referred to all Mesopotamian deities. Sitchin's material was where I first heard it, but I've read it in non-AAT literature as well, with every god from Anu to Marduk to Ishtar falling under the heading.
10/17/2013 02:03:52 pm
I do not know, and I'm not familiar with mainstream literature that says that.
Shane Sullivan
10/17/2013 04:08:50 pm
I dunno if I'd call it "mainstream", but I read it in a piece of White Wolf's Scion fiction. It didn't seem particularly well-researched (it used an alternative transliteration I've never seen before, "Annuna", rather than the more common alternative transliteration, "Anunna") and counted Shamash, Ishtar and Enki among their number. 10/20/2013 03:40:27 am
Fascinating article, though there are some points which I feel are perhaps a bit confusing. Admittedly, it is a rather complex subject.
10/20/2013 08:56:47 am
this is a lot of words and looks interesting but like u i don't have the time to read them... but i have time to write this :D
10/20/2013 08:59:36 am
Regarding Gaia
10/20/2013 09:47:40 am
Certainly the Earth can logically be the "creator of all the Universe," if the premise upon which you are basing your logic on is wrong. If the basic premise is, "Earth is the center of creation," then "Earth created the universe" is not only logical but aesthetically pleasing.
10/20/2013 10:26:11 pm
Varika; 10/20/2013 10:26:45 pm
Varika; 10/20/2013 11:36:48 pm
Seriously? We're arguing over the logic of a Wikipedia entry? Hesiod, in the Theogony, describes Earth as "foundation of all" (116f.) and describes everything that comes out of the earth: sky, stars, mountains, etc. Please come back when you can make an argument based on actual primary sources, not some Wikipedia writer's half-edited ideas.
10/21/2013 09:55:42 am
Yeah, seriously, Ivar, you ARE taking things OUT OF CONTEXT. The context in this case is the scientific knowledge of the time. No, modern science wouldn't agree with it. You are totally right about that. However, I HAVE, in fact, read at least some of Aristotle's De Physica, if in translation, and the man flat-out SAYS that the Earth is the center and source of creation. You've heard of Aristotle, right? One of the great Greek philosophers and scientists? TRY to imagine, if you can, a world without telescopes. A world without even standard measurements, thanks! They didn't know what a solar system was. They didn't know what stars were. They did not have the kind of knowledge that we, today, think of as "basic" knowledge. Thinking that they did is a logical fallacy common to modern folk--particularly ones who are ignorant in the field of history. Ancient creation stories say all KINDS of things that flatly contradict modern science. Judeochristian mythology says that the universe was created in seven days by way of God doing things like creating the earth BEFORE creating the sun, moon, and stars. Norse myth says that the world was created when Odin and his brothers killed a giant that was licked out of ice by the primordial cow, if you want a tale that's REALLY out there violating all known science!
10/20/2013 07:19:34 pm
"First, the Anunnaki did not create human beings."
10/20/2013 11:33:22 pm
Actually, you have misread Bertram. He uses the passive voice ("humans were created...") in his entry on the Igigi and does not list the Anunnaki as the creators. As I said, the ACTUAL MESOPOTAMIAN TEXTS list the actual creators of humans, which trumps any secondary opinion.
10/21/2013 03:40:29 am
Jason, you wrote:
10/21/2013 03:47:19 am
Hesiod states that Chaos gave birth to earth, which is "wide bosomed" because it is broad and fertile. The earth then gave birth to the heavens, which were envisioned (as Homer says) as a large metal dome that emerged from the earth and covered it as a shield. Tartarus is the deepest underworld, the darkest hole beneath the earth.
10/21/2013 04:06:39 am
Jason; 10/21/2013 04:51:30 am
The trouble seems to be that you want to match ancient poetry to modern scientific understanding of the universe instead of taking what was written on its own merits. Hesiod didn't know anything about outer space. Homer thought a big bronze dome encased the earth. They were not privy to modern cosmology. 10/21/2013 08:13:09 am
Jason, you wrote:
10/21/2013 08:16:53 am
I knew I recognized your name from somewhere. You're the one-issue guy who thinks all world religion comes from the Milky Way, facts be damned. Well, good luck with that.
10/21/2013 08:27:43 am
10/21/2013 06:30:47 pm
Okay, there are some things that can't be explained with outright logic. Faith, for instance. Gaia being the EARTH and MOTHER is a matter of ancient Greek FAITH. While the Ancient Greeks believed that the gods were real physical beings that walked amongst them and lived atop Mount Olympus, there was always another aspect to them; a supernatural or metaphysical aspect.
10/22/2013 03:45:33 am
10/22/2013 03:48:13 am
@ BigMike, thanks for your reply.
10/22/2013 08:51:49 am
Apparently, Annunaki is not a single race, but rather much like those of us residing on planet earth, are a consortium of various race mixes. Many of us, mainly those with a predisposition towards law enforcement and the military mentality have higher than average Nephilim DNA; http://focusonrecovery.net/mattersoffaith/Bigfoot.html
10/25/2013 04:31:51 am
I would like to comment on the idea of "Elohim" being plural. While it is certainly plural in form, the Hebrews used this form as a singular to mean "a very great god". It is used by them not alone to indicate the Hebre God, but also to indicate Chemosh, the god of the Moabites, and Beelzebub. In all these cases only a singular god is meant, the plural form indicating his prominence. In additionn behemoth, the name of the [single] huge animal is a plural noun not to indicate plurality but to indicate size.
10/25/2013 04:56:22 am
@Ronan Coghlan,
jordan ivanella
10/25/2013 07:15:55 pm
Is anybody wondering what the really bright star that appears at sunset everyday... and sets with the sun as though its following it. Nibiru... the Annanaki returning after 3600 years? Why is everyone taking about everything exept that?
Only Me
10/25/2013 11:17:46 pm
Because planets don't appear as really bright stars, much less during the day. Nibiru is supposedly a planet. 10/26/2013 12:20:50 am
@Only Me,
Only Me
10/26/2013 01:23:23 pm
My response refers to the claim made by Zecharia Sitchin. Obviously, you are of another opinion as to what Nibiru is. I don't believe it exists, so whether star, planet, or cosmic basketball, until it can be proven real, neither claim means much to me.
10/26/2013 09:01:00 pm
@ Only Me,
Only Me
10/27/2013 06:05:37 am
Context, Ivar, context.
10/28/2013 05:34:52 pm
Ok.. so the 20000 clay tablets that clearly state an epic history of our earth an all the living things on it including descriptions of gods landing their. Ships on earth an what a pain in the ass it was. is not enough evedence for you. The fact that homo erectus took 2 million years to figure out how to attach a stone to a stick an hunt , from that point he magically forms a civilized culture w domesticated animals and crops to landing a shuttle on the moon in 50 thousand years is not enough proof.. all the storys told in the bible are water'ed down versions of the sumarian tablets twisted in a desicrating way to manipulate mankind oved the past 1500 years is not enough proof for you.. its not our falt that we have been compleatly an utterly fucked over, lied to an basically forced to love a god an religion that basically has no comunication directly. The God who never was around.. we have been fooled by them just as much as the corporations have rapped us of our siple rights as to be with our children as they grow from infancy to young atults... because we got to work a bizillion hours just to eat an have shelter.. the same diciet from our suposed government who had the rocks to implode three. Of the trade center buildings with fuckin people in them... yes there is proof .. just scratch at the surface an dig a little.. you will see man, we have been raped as a people..
Only Me
10/28/2013 07:20:39 pm
To put it simply, Jordan, no, there is not enough evidence. I suggest you check out the Ancient Aliens link listed under Collections and Categories to the right of the page. Jason addresses this particular issue, the influence and methodology of Sitchin, and provides detailed analysis *using the original texts* under multiple headings.
the 20,ooo clay tablets predate most versions of Genesis...
3/7/2015 12:59:50 pm
The ending of the Babylonian Captivity
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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