I have an enormous tolerance for alternative bullshit, but Jason Martell of Ancient Aliens tests even my patience with the enormous stupidity of his claims, both in terms of the arrogant confidence with which he recycles Zecharia Sitchin as Gospel truth and with the rabble-rousing populism with which he dismisses counterarguments and science as nothing more than, and I quote, “WRONG ANSWER.” Having suffered through his self-published Knowledge Apocalypse (2011, 2nd ed. 2012), I am now confident that my earlier assessment of Martell as “dim” was no mere gut reaction but instead an alien-inspired insight piped directly into my brain from the Lords of Nibiru. Incidentally, Martell argues that Nibiru has an “orbit” of 3,600 years, which is why we have sixty minutes in an hour and sixty second per minute, to add up to the magic number. [This sentence has been corrected because I misread Martell's original claim, missing the multiplication of 60 X 60 to generate 3,600 in a paragraph otherwise devoted only to the number sixty.] In Knowledge Apocalypse, Martell begins by trying to make the case for ancient structures on Mars. Sadly, this is nothing more than Martell looking at the old NASA images of the Face on Mars and the “pyramids” of Cydonia and screaming in all caps “WRONG ANSWER, NASA.” As you’ll recall, Martell makes one of his claims to legitimacy the “fact” that he corresponded with “top NASA scientists,” and in Knowledge Apocalypse he provides details: He sent an email to the head of the organization in charge of Mars satellite photography and received back the unambiguous response that there was no evidence of artificial structures on Mars. Naturally, Martell dismissed this because the “structures” on Mars just looked artificial to him, at a distance of 35 million miles or so. In this discussion, he recapitulates the arguments of Richard Hoagland, though with less sophistication, and fails to even generate the air of conspiracy Graham Hancock managed when he recycled Hoagland for The Mars Mystery (1998). I find it fascinating that despite all the recent work done regarding Mars, Martell still falls back on the 1976 Viking images, dismissing all later work as mere conspiracy to cover up the Anunnaki’s doings. And the Anunnaki! Oh, the Anunnaki! For Martell, all of the ancient gods are the Anunnaki because he is a Sitchinite and simply knows nothing beyond what Zecharia Sitchin told him was true. He claims that the Anunnaki built the Nazca lines and may have fled from Nazca to Easter Island to raise the famous moai in their image. It becomes quite clear that Anunnaki is simply a Sitchin-inspired name he has given to any and all gods, whom he believes to be aliens. But this self-described “expert” on Sumerian culture seems to lack the most basic understanding of what he is talking about.
In older texts, scholars identified the winged griffin-demon as a karabu, protective deities who tended to preside in pairs at doorways. They, too, were winged, and they are cognate with the Biblical cherubim who guard the gates to Eden (Genesis 3:24). It is this linguistic connection that Martell is, likely without any direct understanding, acknowledging in trying to make the griffin-demon into an angel. Either that or he just saw wings and said “angel!” completely unaware that Christian angels gained their wings only much, much later. (The cherubim had wings in the Bible, but they weren’t considered angels until Christianity and late Judaism made them so. If you want cherubs to be you source for connecting back to Babylonian winged creatures, then you have to abandon the idea that Ezekiel saw a UFO since the support for winged cherubim is Ezekiel’s description of them in his “UFO” encounter!) Martell asserts that the Anunnaki name means “those who from heaven to earth came,” but he isn’t telling you that this is just Sitchin’s wacky translation. Standard dictionaries explain that the term derives from the words from royal or princely blood. He then asserts that “hundreds” of Sumerian inscriptions state that the Anunnaki “were described as beings who came from the sky” and taught humans the art of civilization. To quote that authority on academic discourse Jason Martell, “WRONG ANSWER.” It’s true that in the late Babylonian poem Enuma Elish (6.39-44; though in the older translation, this was 6.28ff. and incomplete) Marduk places three hundred Anunnaki in the sky, but it also places three hundred in the underworld. Even in this poem, though, they do not come from the sky but rather are placed their after Marduk creates the sky from the flayed corpse of Tiamat. For the Babylonians, the sky was a dome covering the earth, not space as we think of it today. More frequently, they are simply the judges of the underworld, living under the earth. After 1531 BCE, they are almost never described as anything else, and KAR 307 states explicitly that all 600 Anunnaki are locked in the underworld. This, of course, doesn’t help us to get back to what was meant by Anunnaki in the Sumerian period. This is harder to discern that it would appear because the evidence is so scarce. The oldest tradition about their number is not 600, 60, or 50 but rather seven, but even this is not Sumerian in origin. In the Ur III period (c. 2100 BCE) they appear as the Anunna, an undifferentiated group of deities who can intercede with the high gods. Elsewhere, it is simply a word for the “gods” as a collective. A text known as Gudea’s Prayer to the Anunna (353-364) makes clear that these gods, whoever they were, were considered present in temples, their houses. In short, there isn’t nearly enough actual Sumerian textual evidence to say anything much about the Anunnaki, let alone that they had wings and came from the sky. As you might imagine, most of the tablets describing the Anunnaki were thrown into a big MYTH pile and basically left untouched to this day. What is truly stunning is how the Sumerian stories relating to the Anunnaki are similar to so many other “myths” we find in the study of ancient cultures. As I’ve outlined, Martell has conflated Sumerian, Assyrian, Akkadian, and Babylonian material under the guise of Sumerian—the culture he claims to be an expert in—fails to recognize that the Sumerian material is especially thin, and discounts literally two centuries of scholarly work on the problem of the Anunnaki—dismissing everything he is unable to understand or too lazy to read as non-existent. Even the most cursory of literature search turns up dozens of books and hundreds of articles making reference to the Anunnaki (Anunna) and the problems of inferring a myth cycle for them from the extremely fragmentary evidence.
But Martell compounds his error. He describes the Epic of Gilgamesh as the original source for the Bible (since it contains the Flood myth), and he asserts that it is Sumerian, blissfully unaware that the Epic as it stands today is a much later Akkadian compilation and reworking of several short myths and poems of Sumerian origin. There are significant differences between the Akkadian epic of c. 1300 BCE and the Sumerian source poems of nearly a thousand years earlier. Martell further claims that the “Sumerian” myths “so often speak of these Anunnaki” and “how they came from heaven and live among them.” In fact, Sumerian stories are fragmentary, allusive, and don’t say anything about the Anunnaki descending from the sky. Even the Babylonian stories don’t support that version. In the Gilgamesh epic, the Anunnaki appear only a handful of times: as the deciders of fate, as torch-bearers lighting the way for the Great Flood, and (finally!) in Heaven, where they retreated (not originated) before the Flood. Do I need to go on? There are hundreds of pages more of this utterly wretched nonsense. Let’s take just one more quick point. Martell says ancient people “never say their GODS came from across the ocean, or from the mountains. They always came down from the skies.” Point of fact, just from the top of my head:
To be honest, though, most of the gods around the world were assumed to have either always been in existence or to have been born in the time before there was an earth or sky, at the very creation—or have no special origins story at all. Thus, very few gods are ever said to have come “from the skies” originally, though many travel to and from the sky on occasion. Jason Martell claims to be an expert in Sumerian culture even though he does not understand what is and is not Sumerian because he read Zecharia Sitchin. Jason Martell claims to be an expert in alien influence in the solar system because he “corresponded” with “top NASA scientists.” This, he says, gives him the ability to speak authoritatively about alien influence on ancient history. Well, as it happens I, too, have read Zecharia Sitchin, and moreover I’ve also read the original Mesopotamian literature Martell references secondhand. Further, I have “corresponded” with top ancient astronaut theorists as well as some of the world’s best archaeologists, anthropologists, and Classicists. So, when I say that Jason Martell’s book is one of the most wretched, slipshod, idiotic pieces of fabricated drivel I’ve ever read, that’s an expert opinion even Jason Martell must recognize as authoritative.
4/15/2013 07:28:59 am
I think the image of the Griffon-Demon in your post is holding a thermos. Does this imply that the Sumerians enjoyed drinking coffee, or perhaps a nice hot cup of soup? And where did the Sumerians get the technology to make thermoses? AATs believe it was from aliens.
7/11/2017 12:43:49 am
That's not a thermos dum dum! Clearly depicted is the winged griffin demon bumpin hot jams on a fresh Dre Beats pill. I think his other hand is tossin up a "WEST SIDE!"
Cathleen Anderson
4/15/2013 07:33:11 am
I've read Stitchin's work too. It was three decades ago so I don't remember very much, but didn't Stitchin say that Nibiru's orbit was 3600 years.
Tara Jordan
4/15/2013 07:50:09 am
These fraudsters & flim flam artists,not famous enough to start new religion,not smart enough to write decent science fiction.Martel is one of these gibbering idiots.He spends most of his miserable existence rehashing & recycling someone`s else garbage.Martel pretends to be a world renowned researcher & lecturer specialized in ancient Sumerian cultures,yet he never visited the region.My verdict,tar & feathers for the over-inflated nitwit from
The Other J.
4/15/2013 09:20:57 am
"In ancient times, man did not understand technology."
Tara Jordan
4/15/2013 05:12:41 pm
When they address these issues,the debunkers are making a major mistake. They tend to assume that the alternative historians-researchers & their followers share the same psychological profile.Nothing could be further from the truth.
Matt Mc
4/16/2013 02:05:44 am
I could agree more Tara, you have to also add another element which is profit. Unlike most academics who work for institutions of some kind these AA theorist are doing this to self promote book sales. They could care less in reality about what they say as long as they sell books. 4/16/2013 02:10:23 am
In today's book market, the books are really loss leaders. It's hard to make a good profit off of them. Even if he sold 10,000 copies (a big haul for self-published book), he'd only make $15,000-$30,000 depending on the sale price. The books, though, are what get people like him booked on TV shows and for speaking engagements, which is where the big money is. Speaking fees can quickly add up into a lucrative income.
Matt Mc
4/16/2013 02:38:51 am
Fair enough thanks for the insight. Well that understand why they try to put out a book a year, just to get as many public appearances as possible.
Tara Jordan
4/16/2013 05:56:10 pm
Matt.Jason is right,most of the flim flam artists don`t make much money by selling books.Besides, the latest generations of "believers-followers" are too intellectually lazy to read. Mike Bara (one of these charlatans) pointed out recently," the younger people get their information from watching Youtube videos,TV programs & listening to radio shows...". I am not really optimistic about the future,I think the battle has already been lost.Although it is very easy to debunk everything the frausters present,the individuals following them,are not paying attention (they prefer not to).I personally experienced it through public debate with Mike Bara,regardless
8/11/2018 08:53:00 am
Sounds like a Democrat
Paul Cargile
4/16/2013 02:53:50 am
What amazes me about the "mining for gold" idea is that the AAT will suppose that life is teaming throughout the universe, but not elements such as gold. For this hypothesis to work, they must believe that there was no other sources of gold in the alien's home solar system, forcing them to venture out to other systems, an expensive endeavor (and it seems as if no one applies the economic sciences to spaceflight when they come up with these ideas). For the aliens to choose our system and world, would mean they should be relative close neighbors, in that ours is the closest system with heavy elements as indicated by stellar spectrography, otherwise they would go elswhere closer. And if they are our neighbors, SETI should have found them. Or they should still be coming around, if not out right claim our planet as their territory and a part of their colonial hegemony. But then again, probablistically, they should be millions of years more advanced than us, not a mere few hundred or thousand. And if so, they should have the technology to design and manifest matter at will, thus not needing mining operations at all.
The Other J.
4/17/2013 07:12:59 am
I'd have to double-check this, but I'm pretty sure there's more gold out in the solar system than on earth, and all of the earth's gold was seeded through meteor strikes in the past.
The Other J.
4/17/2013 07:48:41 am
I can understand the profit motive, but I can't help but wonder how many people in such movements convince themselves of their own contradicting, non-provable theories. It's almost as if they have so much invested in the ideas that the safer move is to convince themselves they're true, rather than walk the line of convincing others while knowing what they're saying has some problems.
Clint Knapp
4/15/2013 05:29:20 pm
Martell's always struck me as one of the biggest morons in the group. Tsoukalos is an idiot, there's no doubt, but even he seems to have a genuine moment of lucidity here and there. Martell just keeps trucking along the Sitchin plot with reckless abandon.
4/16/2013 02:23:27 am
LOL Bless you all
4/17/2013 02:52:42 am
You are basing your comments mainly on your opinion of Sitchin. (who is now deceased and can not defend his position). You have stated several times in this post INACCURATE information I have never stated.
4/17/2013 03:11:46 am
Thank you for writing, Jason, but it sounds to me like you have not read my blog post and are trying to shift the subject to my attitude rather than your false facts. Are you saying that you take no responsibility for endorsing and repeating Sitchin's views?
4/7/2016 03:18:35 pm
Jason, don't even waste your time trying to vindicate yourself. The goal of this blog has nothing to do with trying to debunk your theories and everything to do with personally attacking you probably for the success you have created for yourself. Trying to get through this blog was incredibly painful. There is a high road and a low road people can take if they disagree with your beliefs, and this is a clear example of someone waddling in the dung hills of hurling personal insults to discredit you.
10/12/2016 09:46:48 pm
Mr. Martell please do not listen to negative comments. The truth is out there and many people are interested in hearing different theories and are open minded enough to analyze and compare information so as to get a better idea of what is going on. Don't know who is correct but I have a lot of respect for all those folks who are dedicating their life seeking answers. I have heard that people who reduce themselves into insulting others do so because they lack the necessary vocabulary to discuss a topic intelligently. Food for thought isn't it our negative commentators. No one has the answers as to what is the real deal here so do not pretend to have the answers yourself because the proof is hard to come by as some of you so eloquently stated due to our government's reluctance to reveal the truth. And yes, I firmly believe the truth is being withheld because it may create chaos and anarchy as you proved by attacking Mr. Martell without evidence yourselves! So thank you Mr. Jason Martell for sharing your views and thank you for the courage to open yourself to discussion although some folks prefer to spew nonsense instead of having a decent conversation.
4/17/2013 04:38:59 am
Dear Jason...WOW! I have only read "About You", "Home Page" and some of your "Blogs" which are on your website. I do want to state; I appreciate people, like yourself with different views than what I believe in and have personally researched. I enjoy someone debating and making arguments against me because it makes me further my investigations and research, just to make sure I'm correct or on the right path.. I would love for someone to prove to me my belief's are incorrect so I might jump on the right band wagon) What I do not appreciate...is the way you chastise the belief of others for their opinions, theories & hypotheses. Some of these people with greater credentials than you...If your website states correctly in regards to your credentials and achievements, then I'm puzzled why you would personally attack people, instead of the evidence they are writing about? My only conclusion is Martell must have stolen your woman in the past? And Wolter bullied you as a child? Grow up! If you do, I will take you more seriously.
4/17/2013 05:53:31 am
As Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said, everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but everyone is not entitled to his own facts. I do not chastise people for having opinions but for basing them on false facts. There are serious and solid ways of proposing an ancient astronaut idea, but basing it on distortions, mistakes, and falsifications isn't the way to do it.
1/9/2014 11:31:52 am
prove that the Annunaki DO NOT exist, and we will consider mr martells works a falsification... :)
10/15/2016 03:33:34 pm
I would say that most of these gentelmen are university graduates who are probably atheists/ agnostics, who believe in nothing, actually and certainly not the God of the Bible.
10/15/2016 03:40:22 pm
correction: all myths are about the "gods", and not God.
Gary J.
4/17/2013 02:51:41 pm
If memory serves me correctly (which it may not), Giorgio is the one who states the translation of Annunaki as "those from the heavens who came" or whatever it is. Is Giorgio quoting Martell when he says this? Or is it from Sitichen and both are quoting him? I've never heard Martell say it ... only Giorgio.
4/17/2013 11:29:19 pm
The translation is Sitchin's. It appears also in Martell's "Knowledge Apocalypse," though with no source listed.
4/20/2013 02:41:21 am
I've always found the wording of the Sitchin "translation" obnoxious: "those who from heaven to earth came." If you're translating from another language, you translate into the standard grammar & syntax of your own language, & there's no reason they should be saying that instead of "those who came to earth from heaven" except that, I guess, some put-on affectation of syntax makes it sound "fancy" to the audience they're condescending to.
Joseph Y.
10/11/2013 03:33:42 pm
What can one say about Mr. Jason Martell, lets see ahh yes a self styled creator of history, possibly, a translator of the Sumerian language, wrong.
Johnny Polanco
10/23/2013 03:29:04 pm
I agree with Noah's comments (04/17/13), it's a personal attack against Jason Martell.
Rosendo Marcano
11/10/2013 08:43:51 am
How about this fellas;
1/9/2014 11:39:23 am
^^^^^^^^^^ EXACTLY!!!!!!!!
12/4/2013 02:52:21 am
It's people like you who continue to waste time and energy attacking everyone else's work just to try and bolster the credibility of your own or to just draw attention to it.
12/4/2013 03:23:52 am
And how with "the people" find out that someone is complete wrong if no one tells them what Jason Martell got wrong? As for "wasting time and energy" attacking people, Martell threatened me with a lawsuit to silence my criticisms of him, and then asked his followers to send me hate mail, spawning a death threat. What does that tell you about him?
12/20/2013 06:04:39 pm
Ancient Alien Theorists like Martell might not be correct about everything they say but do have a lot of information about many things related to this subject example: How did all these different civilizations build their pyramids and monuments with out technology and similarities without being in contact with each other and why would they draw or make figures of modern objects with out having access to them being that this was thousands of years ago. Do you have a provable explanation? It tells me about him that he's human and has the right to defend himself, sue your ass and then have somebody F**k you up for bad mouthing a decent man!
Adam Vanderhoofven
4/7/2016 03:33:12 pm
Are you really attempting to justify your personal insults? Is that the real reason why you wrote this whole blog post full of your loathing attitude of Jason Martell? Because there are a lot of people that actually take up your side because they believe you. There is no way you can justify this piece. You shouldn't have written it the way you did. Because you unknowingly just bolstered Martell's fame when your object was to do the exact opposite. As a blogger, try to defeat people with ideas on the subject, and leave the personal insults at home. They have no place in this argument.
That is harsh to say ok to F him up. We all are entitle to our opinions without violence. I was taken by Jason M. work. But it dose not mean he is right in all he says. Just like you Jason C. I listen to both sides and get what i like out of both. Be adults about this......
1/9/2014 11:28:55 am
well said my dear! :)
Who cares
12/27/2013 05:51:27 pm
After reading your bio, what would you do without Ancient Aliens???
1/9/2014 11:41:18 am
than stick with that and your monetary values and egotistical slander. good day
Ian Lightworker
1/9/2014 11:26:19 am
Dear Jason,
1/9/2014 11:42:42 am
Mr. Martell doesn't say that he is simply making information available for further research. He states that he is revealing a hidden truth about reality. When Mr. Martell documents his work and offers the humility you ask me to show, perhaps you might have a point. Until then, Mr. Martell is a "truth-seeker" who sent a mass email to his followers asking them to send me hate mail, which spawned a death threat against me. He also threatened to sue me to prevent me from criticizing him. His hands are not as clean as you'd like to believe.
10/12/2016 09:51:04 pm
I concur! I couldn't have said it better!
Nathan Shores
3/6/2014 08:50:09 am
Please note that I do not have any credentials whatsoever in the field that you all are discussing. That being said, it seems as though you are a believer that is questioning his Faith. Meaning you belong to a group of individuals who believe in ancient aliens or at least are acknowledging the fact that it could be true.
Nathan Shores
3/6/2014 08:53:34 am
I am sorry, that post got cut off only
Nathan Shores
3/6/2014 09:08:21 am
I can't erase my above comments, I would just like to state that I agree with you Jason. I don't agree with publicly bashing anyone in their pursuits of truth though. Even though some of these people's so-called facts are quite outlandish.
6/3/2014 02:19:43 am
Dear everyone. I have read the books and articles you all refer to also. I do find the question of where did humanity come from and how and why. I have also studied the mainstream science on these questions. It is all very interesting and thought provoking. I think it is good to have an open mind and to consider all research. But really folks some of your comments I am reading here are not the comments of academics or learned people, but rather the comments of bullies. Try to keep your debate at a professional level and not personally insult others with immature name calling. It does your own credibility no good at all. For me this is not a blog I would like to read again.
Adam Vanderhoofven
4/7/2016 03:43:59 pm
I couldn't agree more. It was an extremely painful blog to read. You would think that academics would keep the conversation on a professional level. This blog I believe did the exact opposite that the author intended it and most likely bolstered Martell's fame. It could have gone miles had he stuck to the ideas on the opposite side of the spectrum and leave the insults to the uneducated and unprofessional.
John Doe
8/4/2014 01:31:50 pm
Ever notice how you complain about everything you don't understand?
1/3/2015 07:53:38 am
Isn't THAT a fact!
2/3/2015 10:11:32 pm
Mr. Colavito, what "rabble" are you referring to? Is it income-based ? Just trying to understand who you are.
2/9/2015 10:48:12 am
I saw you on t.v. and would like to tell you of my experience when I lived in wisconsin by lake Michigan of what I believe was an alien ball of fire. rsvp tara
3/19/2015 02:34:41 pm
This discussion appears to be little more than two Jasons trying to out- conjecture each other. Neither seems to have the credentials or intellect to discuss anything rationally, particularly on subjects that have confounded real experts for centuries. However, to dismiss the entire AAT community as a collective of idiots does a great injustice to their efforts to provide reasonable explanations for historical events that confound even modern science.
4/7/2016 02:09:29 pm
This is exactly what I was thinking. Great response. Took the words right out of my mouth.
4/10/2018 10:52:31 pm
Adam for someone who found this article painful to read you still persist on being on here and bashing people with different Ideas than yours. Go figure
William davis
7/1/2015 10:53:33 am
I think jason is hilarious, he is the perfect example of how an uneducated fool can spew nonsense on the net and be validated by bigger fools. There are many examples, but my favorite jasonism is from a lecture in which he displayed a level of ignorance that my 11 year nephew found hilarious. Jason was explaining in his best 'im smart' voice how, because planet x takes 2500 earth years to orbit the sun, one planet x year is equal to 2500 earth years, so far so good right? But then he went on to say that if someone were to jump on planet x, jesus for example, they would only age 1 year while everyone on earth aged 2500 years, as if time moves slower on planet x. This is a 3rd grade concept of the definition of a year that he couldnt understand. How can you take this guy seriously when he clearly lacks a scientific background , and even worse doesnt understand basic concepts as what a year is? My nephew and i had a good laugh over jason and the fact that nobody pulled him aside and expained to him that a year is simply how long it takes to orbit the sun, and that time doesnt move at a different pace on each planet, relatively speaking.
7/25/2015 06:31:12 am
I fell that the reason that the people of Ancient Aliens can not find where the evidence is. Because there is no proof of aliens. These aliens or not aliens, they are devils that are not from this dimension. But if there is proof of the devils then they talk about if fast and do not repeat the thought. This I have found in the shows of Ancient Aliens. Their was mention just once in the first season of the show. But if you listen to the first season you can only come to the fact the their Ancient Aliens are the devils that rebeled in heaven with God and Jesus.
Devin Adair
8/15/2015 04:08:06 am
Dear Jason Martel,
what we must remember is that history as we know it is wrong. obviously ancient civilizations had advanced knowledge and technology.... what AATs are proposing are theories....theories are not facts.... either man has advanced and were destroyed..(naturally or otherwise) ...or aliens interacted with us...giving us this knowledge...or the gods. i dont believe everything AATS propose...but they do make some great arguments. remember...the human brain naturally fills in the blanks of a puzzle you are trying to solve. its all interesting....but no more outrages than the false beliefs of our modern religions. hopefully one day we will have the facts about our origins. until than.... lets appreciate the opinio.s and efforts of those who are thinking outside the box. even if at times they get a little carried away. after all...its human nature
Kyle Barnett
1/28/2016 04:44:22 am
Completely unprofessional. Your attempt to cast Jason Martell in a negative light is seriously hindered when you make yourself out to be an ass. If you do have so much authority and credentials, then concluding with such immature instigations shows just what kind of blogger you are.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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