The story of the Bible giants is not the most exciting area of fringe history, but I was sufficiently intrigued by the discussion of giants in the early modern Anglo-Irish Book of Howth to do a little more research into some its claims. The text’s chapter on giants takes the form of an unfinished set of notes by an unknown hand, who appears to have been adapting into English a Gaelic transliteration of Latin texts without really understanding the underlying source material. Thus, for example, King Porus of India becomes “Parris of Find.” This alone has made it very challenging to determine exactly what the writer was talking about—so much so that the first editor of the text simply inserted questions marks beside some of the names of the giants, unable to determine what the heck they referred to. My annotations are given on my Book of Howth page, and I think I found all the giants in the passage. One of the giants mentioned warranted only five words: “Uge was the last of the giants.” But since the text immediately contradicts this by listing many more giants who followed, I was intrigued enough to try to find out who “Uge” was supposed to be. “Uge” is almost certainly meant to be Og, the legendary King of Bashan, described as the last of his race in Deuteronomy 3:11 and Joshua 12:4 and 13:12. He ruled over Ashtaroth and Edrei (Josh. 12:4), in the Golan Heights near Mt. Hermon. In Deuteronomy, Og is heavily implied to be a giant, so much so that where the New International Version gives “Rephaim” below, the Vulgate and the King James bible simply called them “giants”: New International Version Thus, Og is implied to be somewhat less than 13.5 feet tall, unless we presume that he hit his head and feet on the bed’s headboard and footboard. According to the two Biblical texts, Moses conquered the kingdom of Og, and Numbers 21:33-35 states explicitly that Og met Moses in battle and was defeated, leaving no survivors. Despite being the “last of the Rephaites,” Og was also somehow possessed of sons (Numbers 21:35), whom the Israelites slew. Obviously, the Vulgate translation of Rephaim as giants led to the author of the Book of Howth listing Og as the last giant right before moving on to Goliath, many generations later. Og, however, became the subject of many legends among Jews, Christians, and Muslims. According to a popular story, he was the only giant to have survived the Flood, for he waded beside the Ark, or else rode in a special compartment therein. According to the Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel, Moses (who was also a giant!) personally slew Og by hitting him in the ankle: “Moses … took an axe ten cubits long, and having leaped ten cubits in height, struck Og in the ankle-bone, so that he fell, and was slain” (trans. Adam Clarke). Being more familiar with Classical literature, I’m struck by the similarity to the Greek myth of Talos, in which the Bronze Age giant is similarly slain when Medea (or Poeas) strikes him in his ankle, and lets his ichor out (Apollodorus, Library 1.9.26). Other legends made Og miles in height. In his capacity as a pre-Flood giant, Og was identified with a figure called Ogias (Ohya) and thus described in Manichean Book of Giants, also known as Ogias the Giant, in which the giant enacted the common Near East serpent-slaying myth, battling the Leviathan; but he was also the son of Shmyz’d (Semjaza), the leader of the Watchers in the Book of Enoch (6:3). This means that because the Watchers of Enoch were meant to be read as the Sons of God from Genesis 6:4, Og was therefore one of the Nephilim, the giants whom the writer of Enoch believed had been born to the Fallen Angels and mortal women. (Mani made the Fallen Angels into demons because he did not believe evil could arise from good.) By the time we get to the central Asian versions of the Book of Giants, we’ve traveled a bit far from the beginnings of the story, so it’s probably a good idea to back up and take a look at what non-Biblical sources have to say about Og. According to the Ugaritic texts, a dread and terrible god of the Rapi’uma (Rephaim) reigned over Athtarat and Hedrey, which correspond to the cities of Ashtaroth and Edrei, the two cities where Og ruled (KTU 1.108). A Phoenician inscription (Byblos 13) states that “the Og” was a protective supernatural being of some sort who exercised power from the netherworld and could be invoked to protect tombs. So far so good. The scholarly view on Og gets a bit confusing from here out. According to Chaim Rabin (1915-1996), Og was originally a title, related to the South Semitic term gwg, which meant “man of valor,” not unlike the “men of renown” from Genesis 6:4—the giants! In this interpretation (outlined here), a mythical Og was a subterranean demigod or deity, not unlike the netherworld Gilgamesh—who was also promoted to Bible Giant in the Book of Giants. The authors of the Hebrew Bible therefore rationalized or otherwise adapted the god of their enemies as a flesh and blood king who had been defeated by Moses with the blessing of Yahweh. If true, it’s possible that such kings as Agag (1 Samuel 15:8) and Gog of Magog (Ezekiel 38:2-3) share the “Og” title in some form, all the more interesting since Gog of Magog eventually becomes the Gog and Magog of Revelation 20:8, Qur’an 18:83-98, and the Alexander Romances, as well as the Gogmagog or Goemagot of British folklore (Geoffrey of Monmouth, History of the Kings of Britain 1.16). To this day Gog and Magog are depicted as giants and protectors of London in an annual pageant put on by the ceremonial Lord Mayor. None of that tells us why Gog, Magog, or Og should be thought giants, though. For that, I think the answer might go back to the place where Og supposedly reigned—Bashan. This land bordered Mt. Hermon, which is where Enoch set the descent of the Watchers and their mating with humans. Sanchuniathon, the euhemerizing chronicler of Phoenician mythology, records (presuming we accept that at least some of his material is genuine) that the Anti-Lebanon Mountains (of which Hermon is one) were associated with giants since primeval times, in a passage directly parallel to Enoch 6:1-8:3: From Genos, son of Aeon and Protogonus, were begotten again mortal children, whose names are Light, and Fire, and Flame. These, says he, discovered fire from rubbing pieces of wood together, and taught the use of it. And they begat sons of surpassing size and stature, whose names were applied to the mountains which they occupied: so that from them were named mount Cassius, and Libanus, and Antilibanus, and Brathy. From these, he says, were begotten Memrumus and Hypsuranius; and they got their names, he says, from their mothers, as the women in those days had free intercourse with any whom they met. (Eusebius, Praeparatio Evangelica 1.10, trans. E. H. Gifford) I discussed this connection more fully earlier this year, but it seems that the ancient association of Hermon with pagan divinities translated into an association with giants, who seem to have stood in for them as more acceptable rationalized substitutes.
10/19/2014 03:37:30 am
Agag in Balem's Oracle actually is replaced with Gog in the Septuagint, which also adds Gog to Amos.
Scott Hamilton
10/19/2014 09:22:59 am
Personally, I find the giants interesting, just because of how many ways that one verse has been used. Kind of the same way that you can go back and look at the early Loch Ness Monsters reports and see that there isn't much there until a few hoaxes solidify the narrative, and now you have countries all over the world trying to make up lake monsters for tourism reasons.
We need to get a few things straight I think.
10/19/2014 01:38:11 pm
"Hebrew's are renown for their diminutive status - so a giant isnt necessarily 8 feet tall. A "tall man" (say, 6' 6") would tower over the average Jewish man."
10/19/2014 02:36:54 pm
They dont? pshaw! since when? :P
Dave Lewis
10/19/2014 02:03:17 pm
Hi Geoff!
10/19/2014 02:39:36 pm
Not indisputable, no. However, I have a bit of a passion for the first 11 chapters of Genesis, and studied it in depth for my degree, and after.
10/20/2014 03:58:46 am
1) What ‘Biblical scholarship’ are you referring to? What I have seen suggests that most scholars consider the Nephilim a relic of regional religious influences on early Judaism, along with concepts of Sheol, Asherah, Tehom/Tiamat, among other things to be found in Jewish scriptures. So too, the story of Lamech has mythical undertones when the names are translated from Hebrew: “God's servant took two wives, light and darkness. The light brought forth the shepherd, who was the father of tent-dwellers, and herdsmen, and his brother was the musician, who was the father of harpists and pipers. But the darkness brought forth the blacksmith, the forger of brass, and of iron, and his sister was pleasure.” It is problematic to try to assert the reality of the stories of Genesis since they are so heavily steeped in myth and later interpretation/exaggerations. Few Biblical scholars follow Biblical literalism.
10/20/2014 04:56:04 am
That Hebrews names have meaning doesn't meant they can't be real stories.
10/20/2014 06:44:35 am
I'm more interested in knowing how you acquired your views about the Jews...
10/20/2014 07:25:44 am
JaredMithrandir, While I agree with you generally, I disagree as it relates to the early stories of Genesis. Those stories were centuries older than when they were written and heavily influenced by other mythical traditions. It is exceedingly difficult to believe that they are based on genuine memory.
10/20/2014 01:02:50 pm
[Mandalore] 1) Which biblical Scholarship?
1/6/2020 10:43:20 pm
We need to get a few things straight I think.
10/19/2014 01:36:56 pm
Jason, just two minor points:
1/11/2018 10:33:04 am
There is no immortality of the souls of the unsaved in the King James Bible, or in the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures. Rather, there are several verses pronouncing the mortality of the souls of the unsaved. The Funk & Wagnalls dictionary officially says the word "perish" means "to cease to exist". At the heart of established religion is the psychedelic experience: Normal people are only using 10% brain use. The MRI's show it. Clouds of light, indicating brain use, float around in the brain indicating temporary regions used, but, the total volume of these clouds is directly proportional to percentage of brain use. People with 50% to 100% brain use are catatonic, body switching backward and forward in time. Virtually secretly the psychiatric profession defines more than 10% brain use "psychotic". Back in the twentieth century psychiatry locked up anyone they caught "psychotic" in their mental hospital gulags. LSD can wake up the brain all the way to 100% brain use. People can't handle anything above 50% brain use, for every thought manifests as reality: and 20% to 50% brain usually terrifies most people. It is what has always been called "the underworld". Vagal stimulation is as effective as LSD is the modern medical way of exposing the biggest secret there ever was. The "supreme grand secret" of every mystical secret society, and the ancient "sacred mysteries". You only live once? Due to the fact I was caught knowing Their supreme grand secret, "Vagal stimulation is as effective as LSD", I was given the Clockwork Orange treatment by large doses of LSD, all the way to paranatal matrix three (google Grof Transpersonal). For a duration of a century I body switched, backward and forward in time into everyone I saw. I lived the last three quarters of my life over thirty six times, ending up back to do this body switching again each time. I could remember other times around so that I could avoid some mistakes. But, the attainment of nonexistence is guaranteed by science: Energy is eternally conscious by its creations, differentiations, which are inevitabilities. The infinitesimal point nothingness, . , is rastered by time into timespace, U , which exerting its oneness in one direction, / , stirs closed circuitry, O , that all going the same way, vO^XvO^, clashes, X (a Big Bang), that forces confluency, = , whereby individual circuits undifferentiate back into nonexistence. In the one substance, energy, motion, differentiation, can only be in closed circuitry, that there be something to move out of the way and fill in behind. Our being is a closed circuit, of the one substance in the one substance, called a magnetic flux, maintained in the arising reticular formation of the medula oblongata of our brains by substance P neurons, pain neurons. The latest research has shown that the closed circuit that constitutes our self is only one of the magnetic circuits of the iron of a cytchrome on one neuron in the arising reticular formation of our medulla oblongata. Each magnetic circuit on each cytochrome of these neurons is a person just as much as you are. That means that there are thousands of individualities in our brain alone. You could totally undifferentiate back into nonexistence, which is the complete satisfaction of all desires, known in the East as "nirvana", and the thousands of other circuits would continue just as if you still existed. Each of these thousands of selves still have the memories you had and all the same equipment. Undifferentiation takes place by being pushed by repelling circuits into confluent circuits. Total undifferentiation takes place when the Planck's volumes of both circuits align, and all is pushing for that. The magnetic circuits of the iron of the cytochromes that are the motors of the doors of every cell are, outwardly, counterclockwise in males, and, clockwise in females. But, when a cell dies and decomposes the other side of the circuit, which is flowing the other way is exposed to go confluent with your opposite flow. Counterclockwise and clockwise are the basic polarities of the universe. Confluence to undifferentiation is their cancellation back into nonexistence, both losing their individualities.
10/26/2014 12:18:28 am
You might like this blog, Remnants of Giants, by a genuine biblical scholar:
10/26/2014 06:04:22 am
Wow, this blog is pretty awesome, actually! Thanks!
11/23/2014 03:49:10 am
Gogmagog or Goemagot was just Geoffrey's creative transliteration of Gwar Madoc (the mighty Madoc). Studying the Brute Tyslo helps correct this error.
Christopher A Mayle
9/22/2016 03:30:36 am
I enjoy the individual statements from each person based on their own understanding the importance of this open conversation is we strive to be obedient to God in searching for the truth in order for others to believe and have faith,always remember that you will run into parables
5/28/2017 12:49:43 am
GOOGLE footprints of giants and see the Ooparts (out of place artifacts) academics simply ignore. In fact there are hundreds of such artifacts that do not fit with our modern view of Science. Anyone who thinks we have all the answers in Naive, as Science and FACTS are constantly tweaked and re-written, When I went to school there were only 9 planets, one solar system, and one universe. The idea of exoplanets and a multiverse were simply non existent. Amazingly however, such FACTS were better grasped by the ancient Sumerians..Many laugh at the biblical narrative, yet hundreds of biblical sites are now archaeological fact. The Hairyman or "Bigfoot" such as Esau, Elisha and Elijah, as well as Dogmen such as St Christopher, were not only spoken of in Greek and biblical, Greek & Roman texts, but can still be seen adoring medieval Christian architecture all over Europe. Amazingly, peoples all over the world have memories of giants and the flood (which I personally believe and have amassed proof for) which I personally believe was, even scarier, a massive crustal displacement. Many ancient indigenous peoples relate that there have been 3 or 4 worlds before our present incarnation of Humanity, and that the age of giants indeed preceded us; and in fact, many Egyptian glyphs, like the giant footprints (that have been known about and published for decades) may offer proof of their reality - case in point Google the Footprint of God in South Africa. In the middle East it's well known an age of giants, as well as technology, also spoken of in texts like the Vedas, preceded us. Who knows when the "definitive" proof may be found that sways academics -academics who should be taught OOPARTS 101 in grade school. as an introduction to all the answers we do NOT have. Recently the elongated skulls of Paracus are finally getting the 2nd look they have for decades deserved:skulls missing a cranial suture and containing anomalous DNA.Great minds should be taught to think outside the box,not simply regurgitate it's known or denied contents.
1/11/2018 10:40:34 am
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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