This week we’ve been looking at some of the looney tunes who have embraced Donald Trump as cover for a range of fringe agendas, from reactionary pseudo-archaeology to reactionary white nationalism to reactionary … well, everything. Today’s entry is Jay Dyer, a Trump supporter who advocates for a return to the Byzantine Empire’s Orthodox cultural traditions, as embodied in modern Russia. Dyer, naturally, has followed Vladimir Putin’s lead in celebrating Trump as an avatar of Christian civilization, alongside other extreme right politicians like Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen. Would it surprise you to know that Dyer thinks that modern science is a Satanic conspiracy to destroy Christendom, one that Donald Trump can stop? Consider his recent screed on why he has jumped on the Trump Train: This is also not a declaration of support for all the policies of Geert Wilders or any politicians playing into the clash of civilizations narrative – however, the differences are real, and for that reason, the obliteration of any traces of Christianity in western civilization is the explicit goal – be sure of that. In fact, it is the neoconservatives who truly hate Trump! Then, long term, the Islamic nations will be degenerated by all the same scientistic policies of western technocracy. In short, the clash is being orchestrated, but as an adherent of Orthodox Civilization, we cannot be forced to admit our religion is false or a failure. Here it is my hope that Trump’s positive actions concerning the border and immigration can stave off the decline. I am not a champion of Americanism, but America is the most powerful force on the planet, and, like it or not, it’s here. It exists – and if it its machinery can be harnessed and turned towards good, that would be amazing. Two years ago, I would have said that was impossible. Now, I at least think it is possible. Dyer is a bit different from the so-called “alt-right” in that he doesn’t hate Islam simply for being Muslims. Instead, he sees Islam as another victim of a “degeneracy” he traces to occult forces operating through Hollywood movies. For example, he alleges that elements of the U.S. government encode secret information about the future into movies like Tron in order to prepare humanity for what he sees as a techno-apocalypse and indoctrinate them into occult belief systems. However, he is happy to move in alt-right circles, and he has appeared on Red Ice Radio, a founding member of and a frequent platform for white nationalists. To that end, he is an unabashed supporter of Putin-style authoritarianism and even sexist patriarchy. Consider his allegedly insightful evaluation of a conflated belief system that he claims unites liberalism to the social sciences and atheism: The world and the mainstream media are confused and generally unable to read Trump – they can’t seem to figure out what is happening. That is because the Enlightenment mythos is breaking and the egalitarian left are realizing what we on the traditional camp have said all along – humans look to leaders and hierarchy, they don’t operate as rational, atomic units. Trump represents post-modernism in a good way, in the way of a possible return to Tradition, and that is what is causing the confused mob of brainwashed liberals to panic. It is a daily demonstration to them that their anthropology and worldview are false. Men will rediscover Tradition, the Bible, Orthodox Christianity and patriarchy and they will find that is what makes them strong – and that all forms of liberalism – especially classical liberalism – leads to techno-nihilism and death. It's probably worth noting, just for irony’s sake, that Orthodox Christianity brought such “strength” to its societies that the Byzantine Empire crumbled before the Turks and Russia collapsed in mere months to the godless Soviets. That’s not really the major problem with the claim, though: Dyer is right to the extent that many people do seek out authoritarian leadership. But this leads to the is/ought problem: Does the fact that many people want to give up their autonomy to a despot mean that it is morally correct for them to do so? This we cannot say with any certainty.
But Dyer is happy to indulge in the worst aspects of Trump-worship when it helps him to fight against the “left.” Two weeks ago, he appeared on a radio show to discuss whether Trump is a “God-Emperor,” a term of praise some alt-right types have used to describe their fantasy of a Trump monarchy. On the show, he and his fellow speakers (amidst a numbing array of warmed-over right-wing talking points from the past twenty years and fringe history conspiracy theories) praised the original, anti-Semitic “America First” movement and claimed that Trump is a legitimate standard-bearer of the old idea. Dyer also claims that the government coopts popular culture in order to destroy traditional Christian culture in favor of a Satanic and/or atheist agenda. In a separate radio appearance this week, Dyer praised Trump again for threatening the Enlightenment, which he sees as a world-historical mistake. He even dipped into blaming Freemasons for inventing capitalism and perpetuating the leftist worldview he so abhors, along with some anti-vaccine conspiracy theories and some hatred of “Darwinism.” He blames evolutionary theory (but of course) for twisting social science toward atheism. I’m not sure why anyone listens to Dyer—he is neither a compelling speaker nor particularly insightful on his subject matter—but he has an audience across radio and the New Age Gaia TV web television channel. I must say, though, that I have never encountered a fringe historian who openly calls for a rejection of the Enlightenment, the founding ideals of America, and the very notion of human freedom in order to embrace servility and obedience to an autocrat. Many have implied it, but few come right out and say it. Trump’s authoritarianism appeals to Dyer—though he never says this on air—because it is so similar to the ideal Byzantine autocratic state he lusts for, and imagines to be embodied in Putin’s Russia. I guess it is the privilege of those who see themselves as the future ruling class. The wall I keep running into is that so-called Christians are far too willing to embrace the most un-Christian systems of government and to crush the rights of others in service to an ideology of repression, suppression, and hate.
2/10/2017 10:17:11 am
People with extremist views such as Jay Dyer should bear in mind when wishing a return to pre-enlightenment world that in 1700 just before the enlightenment the population of the world was about 700 million; the population today is over 7 billion. Going back to the pre enlightenment values and traditions which were noted for widespread fanatical religious beliefs and an almost willful ignorance of most sciences and efficient agricultural practises would mean about 6 - 7 billion people having to perish from disease famine and all the other "traditional" ways of controlling population.
2/10/2017 10:52:47 am
That winnowing of the population to an imagined pre-industrial level was a major plot factor of the last good Tom Clancy book, Rainbow Six.
Shane Sullivan
2/10/2017 12:42:32 pm
Tom, you don't believe that myth that penicillin saves lives, do you? =P
2/10/2017 03:27:31 pm
Nah! my old mate Alex Fleming said he made it all up.(sarcasm)
al etheredge
2/10/2017 09:31:08 pm
To Dyer that's a feature, not a bug.
5/12/2019 07:11:46 am
The coming chaos will decimate the population anyway. According to geneticist Volkmar Weiss, for example, the Great Chaos will start around 2030 and result in a great dying off -- world population will shrink to about .5 to 2 billion people. Vox Day's estimate is, as I understand it, thinks that in the US, starting in 2033, a break up will occur, and the following violence will kill about 50 to 150 million (I think he is only talking US here, Weiss is looking globally).
2/10/2017 01:01:43 pm
I love these guys with WEBSITES and RADIO SHOWS who blame science for everything. Kevin Smith was right. People should have ideas not beliefs.
2/10/2017 01:58:45 pm
And the plot of Resident Evil The Final Chapter 6, (the movie), and the plot of an old Twilight Zone, and the plot of several zombie movies...
2/10/2017 03:32:30 pm
“Orthodox Christianity brought such ‘strength’ to its societies that the Byzantine Empire crumbled before the Turks and Russia collapsed in mere months to the godless Soviets.”
2/10/2017 04:13:56 pm
I know the empires lasted for ages, but they aren't around today, are they?
2/10/2017 04:48:40 pm
Orthodox Christianity survived Bolshevism very well in Russia and Eastern Europe. If Orthodox Russia were not "around today" you would not write this article. 2/10/2017 06:17:03 pm
I was speaking of the Russian Empire, which was the autocracy that disappeared in 1917. Since Dyer is a big fan of autocratic Orthodox government, it is worth noting that the Russian imperial government ended in failure.
2/10/2017 06:45:28 pm
Understand. The ideas of this Jay Dyer guy are frightening.
Only Me
2/10/2017 03:42:11 pm
So, another nutjob that, unfortunately, has an audience. Boy, they DO seem to be coming out of the woodwork lately.
Uncle Ron
2/10/2017 04:53:22 pm
Back in the "good old days" (pre-internet) these jokers sat in their bedrooms and wrote their manifestos and sulked because nobody understood them. Then the internet came along and they found out that there were six or eight other crazies just like them and suddenly it was a movement! The danger is that now they delude themselves that what they have to say is important.
Only Me
2/10/2017 06:31:01 pm
True. Unfortunately, the current climate now has certain groups trying to deny others from exercising their free speech while also encouraging physical violence against those they disagree with.
2/10/2017 10:44:47 pm
I was wondering today why New Agey, Conspirituality-esque people have become so right wing? or has it always been like this?
2/11/2017 12:36:43 pm
The conspiracy-theory types have always been what we would call "right-wing." "New Age" covers the whole spectrum, and always has, but until relatively recently the focus was more on the (literal) hippy side of things, which is far more left.
2/11/2017 01:34:26 am
Great article. It wonderfully demonstates the intellectual poverty of the moribund left. No argument, no substance, just trigger words and ad hominid attacks. Keep it up
‘...not sure why anyone listens to Dyer?’. Howabout: Well-read, informative, funny, perceptive, good spoker, turns over the rocks and stares at the bugs, tries to remain balanced in webs of controversy? All in all – a breath of academic-ish fresh-air. Not myself an Orthodox embracer but big on Jesus and don’t necessarily share all his insight there – while pleased to mull, often gripped and positively provoked, regarding his social/political commentary. The ‘Boiler Room’ sessions he’s on, are free-wheeling (v. not like you cherry-picked and oh-pro-Trump). With Jay not at all the always-fixed compass you suggest he’s on. You’ve chosen what you can to crit and ignored the wider context. Be honest, you don’t ‘want’ to like him? Or the broad camps these pesky truthers sit in. Good luck and God bless you. Keep the attention-on and up. Please.
2/11/2017 12:57:58 pm
Mr. Heiser, with his debunking of Nibiru Guy, Zecharia Sitchin, is literally doing the non-existent-Lord's work. He really seems to know his stuff. I had a teacher who was a Ge'ez scholar so there's another field where I am totally ignorant, yet more knowledgable than Mr. Sitchin. Mr. Heiser's website is really worth checking out. He's learned the crazy languages so we don't have to, whereas Sitchin didn't learn them.
Lisa Turnbull
2/11/2017 06:10:41 pm
Love Jay Dyer. I've been listening to his podcast for years and am smarter for it. He provides a well researched and intelligent perspective on all of his topics. I'm not threatened by anything he postulates but find it amusing that you certainly are. I'm sure he appreciates the free publicity.
Pauphil Collyns
2/19/2017 03:08:21 pm
Looks like Dyer sent his mindless fanwanks over to spin the convo into a drool fest for his rather demented worldview.
2/12/2017 04:11:05 pm
I can't really understand people who think slavery is a good thing, except that most can't believe that they themselves would ever be slaves; they always think they'll wind up among the elite ruling order. But the elites tend to keep their ranks quite thin, and Dyer sounds like someone who'd wind up cleaning the Bishop's librarian's latrine.
2/12/2017 07:01:49 pm
I'm interested in logical critiques of Dyer besides ad hominems such as "extremist," "fringe historian," etc. and guilt-by-association with programs like red ice.
Pauphil Collyns
2/19/2017 03:12:50 pm
Was that the only thing you read, Kyle? If so I'd suggest reading the article again. Dyer is a sham. He's an empty suit parroting philosophy and faith. He's a shameless self promoter which is why he jumps at any opportunity to get behind a mic. As a result he's a fixture in neo-nazi circles. Now you can say that's guilt by association all you like, but if you're not a nazi yourself or a nazi sympathizer, why would you allow yourself to be associated with neo-nazi media? Dyer's choice is very telling.
10/20/2017 06:30:54 am
1/28/2019 04:00:32 am
I found him while searching critiques of Jordan B. Peterson and was honestly blindsided by his take on classical liberalism. I have not been that challenged to question my own assumptions that way in a long time. Because of that, I dug deeper to do some more reading and watch films about Orthodox Christianity and some of the thinkers like Russell and Koestler. I don't share his worldview and of course, I see that it is rather scary in 2019, but that should not mean I ignore him altogether.
2/13/2019 09:00:50 am
Dyer was received into Orthodox Christianity in December of 2018. So since at least 2012 if not earlier he’s been misrepresenting, to put it politely, his membership in the Church.
Stephen Golay
3/12/2019 04:29:13 pm
Jay recently clarified that any present duplication of a historic Orthodox/,Byzantium imperium is a pipe dream and a misdirection. Any future establishing of society/state upon Orthodoxy cannot be, honestly, pictured-out. It may take multiple forms - and, certainly time.
12/8/2019 11:30:15 am
Challenge Jay Dyer to a debate, if you dare!
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