Last evening I received a series of emails from a Canadian gigantologist who accused me of stealing my page of newspaper articles about the discovery of alleged giant skeletons from his website and his unpublished archive of newspaper articles. The gigantologist, Scott Reaney of Canada, claimed that in 2010 he invented the idea of compiling newspaper accounts of giants, that my list of articles was suspiciously similar to his own, and that—worst of all—I was using these articles for an “agenda.” That agenda apparently included using the list of entries for keyword searches (an invalid methodology, he claimed) and statistical analysis, a blasphemous violation of the sanctity of the original texts, which must be read individually as discrete units; hence the reason they should not be digitized in a keyword searchable format instead of being presented as scanned pictures of the articles, as most gigantologists prefer. He was particularly incensed that I wrote that newspaper accounts of giants were comparatively rare before the Cardiff Giant hoax. Reaney immediately published statements on his website accusing me of being a liar for taking a skeptical view of newspaper reports of giants and applying critical thinking to the newspaper stories. He also asked for his readers to send me hate mail: “I encourage you to contact Colavito to make him aware of the fact that he is completely full of crap... and it is clear that his sole purpose is to push his personal agenda.” Frankly, it pissed me off that Reaney berated me for judging, following Andy White’s statistical analysis, that newspaper stories of giant skeletons were less frequent before the Cardiff Giant hoax than afterward, when on his own website he writes that “these stories were so common prior to WW2... then abruptly taper off.” Really? And how might you have come to that conclusion without statistical analysis of some sort, even a rough one? I informed Reaney that not only had I never heard of him or his website, but that my list of articles was significantly different from his own. I emphasized that chronological order is not a copyrightable organizational framework, and I did nothing to hide the fact that many of the sources from which I compiled my collection of public domain material were his fellow gigantologists, whom he immediately accused of stealing from him to further their agendas. I make no bones about the fact that I am a skeptic; it’s on my homepage, and I can’t imagine how anyone could be shocked and offended to discover it. I thought you might enjoy a taste of this fellow’s hate mail, from one of his missives: It was not an issue of chronological order (proving once again that you are a total idiot); it was about the fact that you are a liar with an agenda, and you have been caught lying on your own website. Now why would Reaney be so upset about a webpage that puts together a bunch of newspaper articles all in one place in an easy-to-read format? Oh, right: He and his co-author, Mike Marshall, were hoping to turn their collection of newspaper articles into a book called Chronologies: Book of Giants. In 2014 they asked for $10,000 from supporters for the effort, of which they raised $202. A free resource is competition.
titus pullo
3/16/2015 08:34:37 am
I would not respond to this guy ever again. You never know who you are dealing with and their level of anger which might translate to real violence. You know I'm a libertarian especially with regards to all things governmental. When I ran for local school board, I was very much against programs being shoved down our throats via federal money (fuzzy math) and campaigned against taking those dollars..well it turned out a big time "progressive" in the neighborhood's wife had the contract to provide the district with the new textbooks. He actually came out and tried to intimidate me (I'm 5"10 and he is about 6"9")..I tried to reason with him and finally just decided if he wanted to fight...I was all for it...I grew up in a poor section of a small town in western NY and can take care of myself...I wasn't so scared about me but what if the psycho decided to attack my wife or kids or burn down my house which was just down the street. I cooled things down and then never again talked to the guy and ignored his unprofessional emails until they stopped. You never know how people looking for a fight will act.
Mark L
3/16/2015 10:10:49 pm
Well, at least you're not taking one person and generalising out to all "liberals"! Refusing public money just means accepting private money, and if you're seriously suggesting that corporations have less of an agenda than the government (our elected representatives, lest we forget) then I'm genuinely astonished you're on this site.
Titus pullo
3/17/2015 12:12:23 pm
I'm against crony capitalism of any kind. Most govt programs are corrupted by the well connected. lol at the baking regulation, it sure wasn't about helping the common man. My parents were very involved in givt and I got to see just what really drives most programs that are supposed to help the people. Critical thinking is something promoted on this site, so I'm not following your point. For the record both liberals and conservatives are crony capitalists.
3/16/2015 08:36:51 am
Bob Jase
3/16/2015 08:39:02 am
Had you listed the articles alphabetically he probably would have claimed to have inherited the copyrights to the alphabet from his Nephilim ancestors.
3/16/2015 09:01:55 am
Jason, you seem to be acting as a magnet for crazy Canadians. First the Pink Kush guy, now this...
Scott Hamilton
3/16/2015 09:16:00 am
If he only raised double Benjamins towards his book, I'm guessing he doesn't have that many minions available to send you hate mail.
Andy White
3/16/2015 10:02:49 am
I feel like I missed something here. Am I involved in this somehow?
3/16/2015 11:33:23 am
No, you're not. Reaney accused me of "lying" about newspaper accounts of giants by suggesting that they aren't necessarily literally true. In our emails, I pointed out that people like you have used these articles to make databases that can be used for statistical analysis of the frequency of key words (like the double teeth) and the frequency of references to giants over time. Reaney lost it and essentially claimed that it was illegitimate to use even basic counting to learn things about the newspaper articles since each one can only be understood individually. Trends = witchcraft.
Andy White
3/16/2015 02:04:22 pm
Huh. Counting. I get on people for inappropriate use of multivariate statistics, but it turns out I'm over the line with counting. I guess I should stop throwing stones.
Shane Sullivan
3/16/2015 10:35:47 am
Jason, cut the hate and just admit that 500 years ago you didn't believe Vikings had visited North American. =P
Shane Sullivan
3/16/2015 10:44:06 am
3/16/2015 11:36:38 am
Jason, I'm confused. What exactly are you supposed to have lied about?!
3/16/2015 11:48:38 am
I'm not sure, to be honest. The best I can figure is that Reaney thinks that I lied about there being fewer reports of giants prior to the Cardiff Giant hoax and he thinks I tell lies about various reports of giants having non-giant explanations.
3/16/2015 12:03:44 pm
Ha ha ha ha.
3/16/2015 12:14:36 pm
Make sure you post all the best hate mail.
3/16/2015 02:06:20 pm
Gee... and I thought flaming idiots roaming the internet were the worst...
Only Me
3/16/2015 02:06:20 pm
Jason, it saddens me that you even had to respond to something that stupid. You sir, are a brave man.
Andy White
3/16/2015 03:52:22 pm
His comments on YouTube videos are enlightening.
Clint Knapp
3/16/2015 06:12:58 pm
Never heard of the guy. His website is awful, though. I didn't think it was even possible to mangle a blogspot page so thoroughly as to deliver all the content in one giant, scrolling mess. I suppose that's what he means when he complains about keyword searches and modern Internet data conventions; he hasn't figured out how to do it, so it must be evil and wrongheaded.
Clint Knapp
3/16/2015 08:48:14 pm
Oh, by the way, his site's favicon is the logo from The Greatest American Hero. Yeah. Do with that what you will.
3/22/2015 01:25:11 pm
Oh... I guess you started playing the game, "Say Stupid Shit That Is Obvious, But Isn't Based on Anything Relevant."
3/22/2015 02:10:48 pm
Scott, how is your sphincter doing? Still quivering?
Jamie Eckles
3/22/2015 07:47:13 am
Did he ever post to Godlikeproductions? I was a senior forum moderator there for over 6 years, and the only mod who is a skeptic. If he posted on GLP I probably tangled with him a few times. I went by the nickname DrPostman there.
gabriel darke
3/16/2015 08:00:14 pm
It's been a while since I've felt inclined to comment. I am also Canadian. I would never support a person so inclined to using profanity and insults rather than even attempt to present a rational reason and argument for his distress. However, you've got to admit some of his insults are pretty good, and even poetic!
3/16/2015 08:03:05 pm
This person giving JC hate is insane and clearly thinks the words in print are his creations! Suppose he invented the Internet and the Alphabet system and Numbers. Sheesh. And he has a kickstarter for a book and didn't think to just self publish! He could have spent as little as 400 dollars US on a cheap direct to print on demand book 'oot there' in the land of Bigfoot.
3/21/2015 08:06:39 am
The issue that was originally voiced to JC is this.
3/21/2015 08:27:08 am
"my quivering sphincter"
Only Me
3/21/2015 08:56:04 am
You shouldn't be so insecure, dude; its ugly.
Jamie Eckles
3/22/2015 07:51:55 am
So you admit to being uncivil from the beginning? You really are quite the asshat. You come across as jealous of JC. I think that's what is motivating you. Nothing but jealousy. JC is an author and you aren't.
Clint Knapp
3/16/2015 08:44:54 pm
Bored, with nothing better to do, I took a little time to scroll through Reaney's enormous mess in search of an article I only had knowledge of from another fringe blogspot rag calling itself The Nephilim Chronicles. The article in question can be found here: or by searching Reaney's ridiculous list for "1856.05.21 - Grand River Times".
Clint Knapp
3/16/2015 09:07:17 pm
Minor correction; I used "Chief" to describe Black Hawk because that's how he's most commonly referred to. The man was not an actual chief of the Sauk, however, and more properly a "war leader" or "war chief" of a specific band. The actual terminology is still up for debate.
Only Me
3/16/2015 09:35:25 pm
Are you so desperate to have your opinion validated by your intellectual superior that you would willingly line up to be kicked in your non-academic testicles??
Clint Knapp
3/16/2015 10:16:51 pm
Sure. I bet I could get at least a $202 out of court settlement for the assault, too!
3/17/2015 02:43:46 am
Ian Marchant
3/17/2015 11:13:11 pm
Don't worry about him Jason (not that I imagine you are)
3/18/2015 03:43:49 am
I was told that the wise words were
Ian Marchant
3/18/2015 10:32:56 pm
I was quoting the character of Bronn on Game of Thrones and his version is a bit more pithy :)
3/19/2015 04:44:52 am
Did some digging and luckily it sounds like Scott Reaney is NOT a history/english teacher in Ontario, but is actually a "playground equipment fabricator" in Medicine Hat, AB. A myriad of social media and discussion forums show similar types of abusive language.
3/19/2015 05:45:11 am
Clearly safety of children is in able hands. Nothing to cause concern :)
3/21/2015 08:08:39 am
You betcha!!!
3/21/2015 07:55:21 am
Haha. Wrong Guy.
3/21/2015 07:59:48 am
OMG, is it really Scott Reaney himself?! Ooh, ooh, I'm getting flustered!
3/21/2015 08:34:26 am
Who said that I was from Ontario??? The voices in your head??
3/21/2015 08:36:52 am
Scott, what are you wearing right now?
Only Me
3/21/2015 12:17:08 pm
Trying to insult EP based on nationality, without knowing what his nationality is, is apropos for someone with less brain activity than a fence post.
3/22/2015 04:33:06 am
What are you talking about, Only Me? Insulting me always has the intended effect and never ever backfires ;)
3/23/2015 02:55:22 am
3/22/2015 01:26:11 pm
3/22/2015 02:13:18 pm
There is one thing this thread has taught us. Of all the people to ever post on this blog, Scott Reaney is definitely the one most likely to suicide by cop.
Only Me
3/22/2015 04:00:47 pm
Jamie Eckles
3/22/2015 04:53:23 pm
I looked at his site and there isn't a single comment I could find on it. This really is the most attention he's ever gotten. I almost feel sorry for him.
Andy White
3/21/2015 10:09:48 am
What exactly are we considering "research" here? Reproducing the text of newspapers articles? Searching for those articles in online databases? I don't get it.
3/21/2015 10:16:07 am
Andy, don't you know? If you perform an action, no one can ever perform an action of the same general kind without violating your intellectual property rights :)
Chapel Eastland
3/22/2015 03:06:04 am
I went to Scott Reaney's website. In my opinion he has borderline personality disorder with strong psychosis. Delusional, narcissistic, OCD, grandiose, paranoid, and most likely a loner with few friends or family.
3/22/2015 04:31:56 am
I bet Scott Reaney also smells real bad.
3/23/2015 03:54:15 am
Well it turns out he does have a friend! A shotgun toting farmer:
3/23/2015 10:55:23 am
That or he wishes the shotgun totting farmer was his friend, who better to protect him from all those "stupid" "gun-totting maniac" "John Wayne" Americans just south of the border.
Dan Ust
3/22/2015 05:09:13 am
You had me at "Outraged Giantologist." ;)
Jamie Eckles
3/22/2015 03:51:29 pm
Going by his comments here the assumption that he has a sphincter assumes facts not in evidence. Dude has some serious rage issues.
Only Me
3/22/2015 04:03:32 pm
Of course, he has a sphincter, Jamie! His, unfortunately, is located where normal people have a mouth.
3/23/2015 03:13:10 am
Hmmm.... That *does* explain the quivering... :)
Micah Ewers
3/23/2015 08:56:18 am
Well, gee...
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