Philip Coppens' Falsehood about Imhotep's Alleged Admission of Alien Pyramid-Building Help9/30/2012 In the recent DVD and streaming video version of The Ancient Alien Question, Philip Coppens asserts that Imhotep, the presumed architect of the Step Pyramid of Djoser, confessed to alien intervention. He states: Nothing in this claim is true. Imhotep did not build “the pyramids” (in total); he built perhaps two. The first, and best documented, was Djoser’s step pyramid, which was not a true pyramid like the Great Pyramid since it was a series of increasingly small rectangular platforms (traditional Egyptian stone mastaba tombs) stacked atop one another. The second was unfinished, another step pyramid, this time for Sekhemket, Djoser’s successor. But here’s the rub: Modern scholars identify Imhotep as the architect of these pyramids, but not contemporary sources. It is an inferences based on his court titles and his name's appearance on the walls of the pyramids. Late tradition claimed he invented building in stone, as recorded by Manetho 2,400 years after Imhotep’s death—but this is both untrue (stone buildings predate him) and a more likely result of backward reasoning from his reputation to presumed deeds. Actually, Manetho never mentions Imhotep (this is a modern inference), instead conflating him with Djoser, who in Greek was called Tosorthos:
In ancient Egypt itself, Imhotep was known for his wisdom and practice of medicine, of which he eventually became a minor god, later identified with Asclepius.
It is only modern people who created the inference that since Imhotep was Asclepius Manetho must have meant Imhotep who must therefore have built Djoser’s pyramid. (In the book version of Ancient Alien Question, Coppens fails to recognize this because he works mostly from secondary sources.) The discovery of Imhotep’s name at Saqqara confirms this inference, but it does not make it a genuine bit of ancient knowledge, much less the actual words of Imhotep that aliens gave him the plans. Although Imhotep was known as the author of a book of maxims, none of Imhotep’s original writings survive, so he couldn’t have “said” anything directly, especially not about the pyramids that Egyptians didn’t remember that he had built, and especially not about aliens telling him to do it. Besides, later Egyptian texts make plain that the Egyptians well understood the role of individual action in creating change. The Berlin Leather Roll, a New Kingdom copy of a twelfth dynasty text, documents the pharaoh delegating construction of an Amun temple to his architect whose “counsel” would carry “out all the works that my majesty desires to bring about. You are the one in charge of them…according to your designs.” In other words, the architect was expected to have (non-alien) individual initiative to design the temple. So where did Coppens get his misinformation? Fortunately, his ultimate source isn’t hard to find. It’s the Famine Stela, a Ptolemaic inscription created around 200 BCE, about 2,400 years after Imhotep died. On the famine stela, Imhotep—described as a high priest, not an architect—travels to Elephantine where he has a dream that the river god Khnum spoke to him and promised to make the Nile flood, bringing prosperity back to Egypt. The connection to architecture? Khnum promises Imhotep “stones upon stones” for building and restoring temples—clearly Khnum wasn’t inventing architecture for Imhotep (since temples—no pyramids are mentioned—must already have existed) but rather was promising a litany of natural resources to him, including river water and building stones. But all of this is irrelevant since the story is a Ptolemaic invention millennia after the fact building on a widespread Near Eastern myth of the seven-year famine also found as far afield as the Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis 41. So, in one sentence Philip Coppens elides 2,500 years of history and serves it with a soupcon of untruth. See also my follow-up post here. Note: In response to Philip Coppens' complaint below, I have edited this post to remove the word "lies" to avoid any implication of intentional deception.
9/30/2012 09:52:41 am
But surely, the idea of stacking smaller things on top of bigger things and not the other way around is so difficult and complicated that no one could have figured it out without intervention by white guys from outer space.
9/30/2012 09:19:24 pm
Is there a worse name for a book/video than "the ancient alien question"? Anyways, love your stuff Jason.
10/3/2012 05:17:41 am
I am the above Philip Coppens, and truly, apart from the contradictions in your own writing of this article (you claim both that Manetho did and did not mention Imhotep!!) you then twist my statements, and claim they are lies - at best, I think you could say they are mistakes, correct?
10/3/2012 05:26:59 am
Philip, how nice of you to stop by. Welcome! I'm happy to have you here. I trust you took the time to re-read what I wrote so you will see that I explained what you call a "contradiction"; it was an artistic choice to present the modern inference and then explain the reasoning that led to it. Manetho does not mention Imhotep; a modern syllogism leads to that conclusion, which I have carefully laid out using the original text, which you do not do in your Ancient Alien Question.
10/3/2012 07:03:56 am
In order to be completely fair to you, Philip, I have edited the blog post to remove the word "lies" to dispel any implication of intentionality on your part. I look forward to reading your piece explaining the sources for your Imhotep statement.
10/3/2012 08:36:47 am
Jason Colavito is taking great interest in everything I say. He claims to be a “Skeptical Xenoarchaeologist”, who runs a blog in which he essentially nitpicks.
10/3/2012 08:40:43 am
Imhotep being described as a high priest, but not as an architect, do you seriously feel this destroys anything I said above? I know he is a high priest. It’s his title. We address Obama as President, not as “author”, “lawyer” or “professor”. Somehow, it seems the rules are different for Imhotep?
10/4/2012 12:50:25 am
All contents were expressed in a clear n simplified manner n it was meaningful too. You are a marvelous writer. Good work!
terry the censor
10/8/2012 06:39:58 pm
> I have edited this post to remove the word "lies"
terry the censor
10/8/2012 07:30:38 pm
Coppens cannot produce proper evidence for his statement that, "Imhotep says that the knowledge through which he was able to construct the pyramids was given to him by non-human intelligences." His quotation from the Famine Stela clearly does not support the statement.
For an extremely longtime, I've been searching, Searching, ...AND SEARCHING for someone to OFFICIALLY refute and challenge this "Ancient Astronaut" stuff. I was so happy to RECENTLY discover "Ancient Astronauts Debunked" movie. The initial video was very-VERY long, but I found, and anxiously downloaded, the 3-part video, and after a very leisurely few days I FINALLY saw the entire film.
10/9/2012 05:33:23 pm
Since my conversations with Dr. Sagan occurred so long ago (1977-79), I can vaguely remember the exact specifics of what we actually chatted about (Some things like the beginning of the SETI project, [Frank] Drake's Equation, Exobiology, the Primordial Soup experiment (I first met Dr. Sagan while conversing with a research student at the Primordial Soup experiment flask; Dr.Sagan was standing at the door listening...). I DO remember.). I DO remember that these conversations were the basis' for my present-day insatiable appetite for anything astrophysics related (Hence my obsessive enthrallment for the Science Channel's "Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman" series).
Since my conversations with Dr. Sagan occurred so long ago (1977-79), I can vaguely remember the exact specifics of what we actually chatted about (Some things like the beginning of the SETI project, [Frank] Drake's Equation, Exobiology, the Primordial Soup experiment (I first met Dr. Sagan while conversing with a research student at the Primordial Soup experiment flask; Dr.Sagan was standing at the door listening...). I DO remember.). I DO remember that these conversations were the basis' for my present-day insatiable appetite for anything astrophysics related (Hence my obsessive enthrallment for the Science Channel's "Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman" series).
Since my conversations with Dr. Sagan occurred so long ago (1977-79), I can vaguely remember the exact specifics of what we actually chatted about (Some things like the beginning of the SETI project, [Frank] Drake's Equation, Exobiology, the Primordial Soup experiment (I first met Dr. Sagan while conversing with a research student at the Primordial Soup experiment flask; Dr.Sagan was standing at the door listening...). I DO remember.). I DO remember that these conversations were the basis' for my present-day insatiable appetite for anything astrophysics related (Hence my obsessive enthrallment for the Science Channel's "Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman" series).
Since my conversations with Dr. Sagan occurred so long ago (1977-79), I can vaguely remember the exact specifics of what we actually chatted about (Some things like the beginning of the SETI project, [Frank] Drake's Equation, Exobiology, the Primordial Soup experiment (I first met Dr. Sagan while conversing with a research student at the Primordial Soup experiment flask; Dr.Sagan was standing at the door listening...). I DO remember.). I DO remember that these conversations were the basis' for my present-day insatiable appetite for anything astrophysics related (Hence my obsessive enthrallment for the Science Channel's "Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman" series).
10/11/2012 05:02:16 am
Sorry about taking so long to get back. We're trying to sell the house and had an engineer's inspection yesterday.
6/26/2013 06:45:14 pm
I have seen sci-fiction films and historical films. And some of them depicted pyramids. I had always thought them to be developed by ancient Egyptians. But, the materials provided here contains great facts. I am starting to believe that aliens or higher intelligence as I like think, would have had a hand in it.
Aurora Kaiser
8/17/2017 12:26:35 am
I enjoy watching these videos about ancient aliens and the ridiculous assertions they make - but I am so happy you put this up. I was just watching this video and commented to my husband how summarily the narrator made that statement about Imhotep being instructed by aliens and how his entire argument hinged on that statement but he rushed past it conclusory after dragging on and on about less important parts of his argument. What joy upon googling it to immediately be able to confirm he made it up as suspected! (Ps I know this is a super old post, but all these entertaining videos are on Netflix now)
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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