This week two more celebrities announced their supposed encounters with space aliens, and it was about what you would expect. The less surprising was Miley Cyrus, who told Interview magazine that she was traumatized by a flying saucer that she witnessed while high on drugs: I had an experience, actually. I was driving through San Bernardino with my friend, and I got chased down by some sort of UFO. I’m pretty sure about what I saw, but I’d also bought weed wax from a guy in a van in front of a taco shop, so it could have been the weed wax. But the best way to describe it is a flying snowplow. It had this big plow in the front of it and was glowing yellow. I did see it flying, and my friend saw it, too. There were a couple of other cars on the road and they also stopped to look, so I think what I saw was real. Cyrus went on to say that she was unable to look at the sky for several days for fear of space aliens. More insidiously, Demi Lovato delivered a commercial for UFO huckster Steven Greer's new alien-contact app under the guise of claiming to make contact with space aliens during meditation sessions. In an Instagram posting, Lovato said she traveled to Joshua Tree where she met with Greer and the team behind his CE5 app, a $10 networking application designed to teach users to contact space aliens and to meet up with other alien enthusiasts in their local areas. She then encouraged users to give Greer money for the experience, but not before alleging that Greer could help create world peace: Over the past couple months I have dug deep into the science of consciousness and experienced not only peace and serenity like I’ve never known but I also have witnessed the most incredibly profound sightings both in the sky as well as feet away from me. This planet is on a very negative path towards destruction but WE can change that together. If we were to get 1% of the population to meditate and make contact, we would force our governments to acknowledge the truth about extraterrestrial life among us and change our destructive habits destroying our planet. This is just some of the evidence from under the stars in the desert sky that can no longer be ignored and must be shared immediately. Lovato did not mark the posting as sponsored content, though it bears all the hallmarks. Greer, you will remember, is the UFO enthusiast who promoted a stillborn fetus as an extraterrestrial and was credibly accused recently of fabricating a UFO sighting for cash. Apparently, he is now moving away from nuts-and-bolts aliens toward a more spiritual experience where the aliens are all in your head. Finally, for fans of American Horror Story, the mansion featured in season one of the FX anthology series is now about to be exploited for cash by its opportunistic current owners. In a press release distributed today, homeowners Ernst von Schwarz and Angela Oakenfold announced a $25 pay-per-view Halloween paranormal tour of the house, which they now allege is haunted after spending several years developing and "documenting" a ghost story for the property, which did not previously have one attached to it. There will also be t-shirts for sale from their basement t-shirt studio. The owners claim to have fled the house in terror due to supposed ghostly activity. Dr Ernst von Schwarz and Angela Oakenfold said they realized something was amiss before they even moved in. They received an email from the former owners handyman saying, “I will be out before May 1 and nothing will be left in the house except the ghosts.” Brushing it off, his words came back to haunt them on their very first night when they were awoken by a huge bang and dragging sound. Terrified after hearing it a third time, they called police only to be told--after hours of searching--that it was probably a ghost. It would not be the last time the Los Angeles Police Department would tell them that, even documenting it in official records as “ghost activity.” They are, to put it mildly, lying. In news reports from 2018, when they bought the house, they actually called the police because of break-ins from fans of the television series, leading them to sue the home's former owners, claiming they were never told that the house was deluged with crazed TV fans. As part of their lawsuit, they alleged that the owners failed to disclose two ghosts in the house which had never been previously documented, a claim that had legal ramifications as they tried to make back the money they spent on the house because archaic laws demand disclosure of ghosts at time of sale. Their years'-long efforts to spin break-ins into ghostly activity had the happy coincidence of buttressing their legal claims.
They claimed that the house lost significant value, and it is rather clear that their ghost tour is a cash grab. They call their home "Murder House," after the show, even though there was no murder there.
10/20/2020 04:19:33 pm
Article from Feb 15 3018:
Not Kent
10/20/2020 04:57:39 pm
Wow. Both in San Bernardino County.
John Lennon's UFO
10/20/2020 05:13:30 pm
Is John Lennon the earliest Pop UFO Contactee ?
10/20/2020 10:43:17 pm
ANY mention of that fellow does society a disservice, whether it's the fraud or the wifebeater. Chapman was a dawdler, never one for schedules. Too little, too late.
Take it to the cushion
10/23/2020 12:39:08 pm
Does that mean that discussion of any sightings that might be reported by Shambhala members is off limits?
Not Kent
10/20/2020 05:38:47 pm
My current thoughts on "Haunted Houses":
Joe zcales
10/20/2020 08:44:05 pm
They should look into whether their homeowner’s insurance will pay for a lawyer to defend them in the lawsuit!
Hilda Hilpert
10/22/2020 03:01:59 pm
HaHA Good one. This whole thing came about because some time in the 1970s, a couple in New York State purchased a house. Had all manner of strange things happen. So they sued the realtor and won. This story was carried by Reader's Digest magazine and later picked up other places. If Neil De grasse Tyson said he saw a UFO, I would believe him.Miley Cyrus, no, not by a long shot.
10/21/2020 02:19:58 am
I often slip into my rubber suit and visit this house. It relaxes and centers me.
10/21/2020 10:18:25 am
" His research revealed that Ata was a female human foetus – stillborn or dead shortly after birth"
10/21/2020 01:18:56 pm
There's no such thing as a foetus after birth.
10/21/2020 06:17:38 pm
What about Trump ?
Dr. Ozborne
10/21/2020 08:39:29 pm
I'm sure that the people publishing in medical journals such as Obstetrics and Gynecology would be thrilled to have Joe Kent lecture them on the appropriate terminology.
10/21/2020 09:16:58 pm
[There's no such thing as a foetus after birth.]
10/21/2020 11:37:47 pm
Au fond and en fin, that's your universal retort, isn't it? Sad.
Not Kent
10/22/2020 12:45:39 am
"What about Trump ?"
10/22/2020 02:04:32 pm
Not Kent:
Not Kent
10/22/2020 06:10:08 pm
Not Kent
10/22/2020 06:50:34 pm
I should probably let you know where I stand on abortion, Jim, and Foetuses, and Stillborn Babies. Just so you are informed ahead of responding, if you do. This will not make much sense to you, or likely, many folks here.
10/22/2020 08:21:26 pm
Not Kent
10/23/2020 03:00:43 am
"Got it Not Kent ? I'm comparing Trump to a baby or fetus because of his infantile manner and tantrums, the man is so dependent on others for e..."
10/23/2020 01:25:12 pm
Many people tell me,,,,,,,a big husky construction worker came up to me crying, telling me it would be so much funnier if you didn't have to explain it.
Not Kent
10/23/2020 06:09:04 pm
Wonderful video shares, Jim.
10/24/2020 10:10:48 am
Not Kent:
Greta Thunberg
10/24/2020 12:20:20 pm
Canada's hands are not clean when it comes to per capita contribution to pollution and willingness to purchase manufactured goods and agricultural products from the nations that because of sheer size and level of industrialization could be expected to account for far more pollution than a nation with a population smaller than Tokyo.
Not Kent
10/24/2020 06:50:45 pm
Thanks, Jim.
10/25/2020 09:38:33 am
Mmmmm red herring for lunch,,, what aboutism rules Kentland,,,but, but, but, look up there !
10/25/2020 10:02:06 am
Not Kent, are you completely tone deaf ?
Not Kent
10/25/2020 06:26:16 pm
"Not Kent, are you completely tone deaf ?"
Not Kent
10/25/2020 06:40:09 pm
Weatherman Obvious
10/25/2020 10:05:37 pm
Canada has been and continues to be a major contributor to global warming despite its small population. Even Canadian researchers have acknowledged that Canada is not meeting short-term or long-term goals for reducing its impact. That's not even considering Canada's consumption of imported products obtained from other major contributors to global warming. They may be making an effort but it isn't a very good one and does not provide them a moral high ground. Comparing yourself to the USA to try to look good on the global warming issue is like arguing that you don't beat your wife as often as the guy across the street.
10/26/2020 05:38:44 pm
Kentypoo Obvious, how silly you are! Hopefully some day you will be able to produce a sound argument rather than your usual pitiful spin like you have here.
Not Kent
10/27/2020 12:12:32 pm
You are certainly well informed, Jim.
Culture of consumption club
10/27/2020 01:53:18 pm
Canada's ranking as a global polluter is almost identical to, guess who, South Korea and Iran. Both nations have much larger populations. If you are a leading polluter like other nations and are not making progress relative to goals like other nations then you are like other nations and bitching about other nations is hypocritical. It is not a difficult concept to grasp unless you are looking for a boogey man to blame to try to absolve your own nation of its shortcomings.
10/27/2020 08:36:38 pm
You should go work for Trump.
10/27/2020 09:28:01 pm
Jim, or Jimmypoo as he would say if responding to himself, has already found (or manufactured?) his boogeyman. See his post of 10/24.
10/28/2020 09:32:25 am
Kent Manynames:
Charlie Sheen
10/28/2020 12:26:18 pm
Look on the bright side. Canada has always had a real inferiority complex about competing on the world stage. At least now they can brag about being a major player in level of contribution to global warming in terms of both relative numbers and absolute numbers.
10/28/2020 07:05:31 pm
So what Kent Manynames ?
10/28/2020 10:46:36 pm
"Anyhoo, no point in debating with the likes of you, it's like having a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. So long sucker."
Not Kent
10/29/2020 02:27:32 am
"You should go work for Trump."
Greenpeace the frog
10/29/2020 10:45:33 am
Funny you mention the USA, China. And India. Canada gets over sixty percent of its imports from USA and China. Much of the remaining forty percent comes from places like India. A Canadian complaining about pollution from these nations is like a 300 pound couch potato blaming obesity on the Pizza Huts that deliver to his apartment. An apartment with only one resident that aactually generates more garbage than a lot of neighboring apartments with entire families living in them.
10/30/2020 12:40:21 am
Doc rock
10/30/2020 03:31:23 pm
Trumpy is about to be sent packing back to reality TV land which will put a whole new paintjob on how people wil be discussing various topics by this time next year. I will have to keep a bottle of Absolut stashed in the suitcase when I go back to the farm for the holidays to help make it thru the right wing tirades at the dinner table.
The Rooster
10/30/2020 11:04:13 pm
10/31/2020 10:49:04 am
Suicide: (Steppenwolf)
The Rooster
11/7/2020 10:19:57 pm
Feeling better, Jim?
10/21/2020 11:22:35 am
[I’d also bought weed wax from a guy in a van in front of a taco shop, so it could have been the weed wax]
Shane Sullivan
10/22/2020 01:45:57 pm
I guess she's really banking on "other people stopped their cars, therefore UFOs".
10/22/2020 06:43:32 pm
I don't brake for aliens,,,, but I would like some of whatever it is she was smoking !
10/22/2020 12:45:47 am
Graham Hancock on coasttocoastam Wednesday 10/21/2020.
Not Kent
10/22/2020 07:41:41 pm
11/11/2020 10:01:35 pm
Miley Cyrus is (almost) 28. Recreational weed has been legal in CA for four years. MC didn't say when her "encounter" occurred. I don't see a problem with (that portion) of her statement.
The Rooster
11/14/2020 05:22:34 am
Well then.
10/29/2020 10:26:50 pm
Jason, you said: "However, as I researched the last act in the first wave of saucer material in the 1950s, when nuts-and-bolts ufology started to give way to contactees, I was surprised to learn that the government was infiltrating UFO enthusiast groups under the theory that they were Soviet fronts bent on subversion. What made this odd is that documents cited in every ufology book clearly reference this,"
10/30/2020 08:59:21 am
The documents make this rather plain. The CIA UFO documents and the Robertson Panel report both reference concerns about civilian UFO groups, with the former speaking of USAF efforts to investigate them for subversion. FBI documents detail sending agents into UFO group lectures and meetings to spy on happenings and report back. This isn't me making things up. It's written in black and white in official documents that the government itself declassified.
10/30/2020 09:33:10 am
I'm 82 and if the government had been doing that I would have been informed!
10/30/2020 04:20:12 pm
Your reply is typical for young, uninformed conspiracists that cannot make an intelligent reply. I've forgotten more about UFOs than you and Jason will ever remember. I was there from the beginning, I have a reputation for speaking the truth and what I wrote stands. YOU prove Jason and yourself free of bias.
10/31/2020 05:48:50 pm
In a world where when Copenhagen sneezes Singapore gets the jitters, bragging about how forgetful you are at 82 is an interesting strategy.
The Rooster
10/30/2020 10:54:02 pm
And I simply served in the 82nd at 18.
Ghost of Paul Linebarger
11/1/2020 05:41:56 am
You say so.
The Rooster
11/1/2020 07:36:15 pm
I KNOW so.
The Rooster
11/3/2020 12:51:43 am
"..,at a boarding school in Hawaii he was blinded in his right eye,...".
11/1/2020 09:24:33 am
Greer was a medical doctor who realised it was more profitable to take people’s wealth than care for their health. The evidence of alien contact he claims to have has been debunked on many occasions over the years. A photo of a moth was declared a “light being”; another blurry image of an insect was said to be an “energy anchor” transmitted from an overhead flying saucer; a tree branch he said was an intergalactic ambassador; the hotel lights on Tigertail Beach, Marco Island (photographed so the distant lights were above the heads of his group), were falsely claimed to be a fleet of ET craft summoned by their circa-$1000 fee meditation exercise. There’s even video footage of Greer taking people on board a landed flying saucer. The only issue is that the craft is invisible to all but Greer so he has to describe the interior of the craft to the fee-paying group who are trudging through the muddy field and looking about at nothing.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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