In the Atlantic on Monday, Kaitlyn Tiffany has an interesting article about the use of aesthetics to spread the Q-Anon conspiracy theory on Instagram. Tiffany typically associates radical, alien-inflected conspiracy theories with bad graphic design, masculine colors, and in-your-face visuals with large, loud typography. However, she was taken aback by the subtle inclusion of Q-Anon conspiracy references in more aesthetically pleasing and more feminine graphics associated with lifestyle influencers who more typically offer homemaking tips and fashion advice:
Instagram has long been a place where what you see might be smoke and mirrors—a home for the best and most beautiful version of everyday life, put on display for consumption and then expensive imitation. What is startling about QAnon’s new presence there is the way it slips in: easily, and with little visible pushback from the influencers’ communities or from the platform that hosts them. We’re used to conspiracy theories appearing on the internet’s strange and ugly spaces, laid out with blurry photos and eyesore annotations. But those visual cues are missing this time. There’s no warning—just a warm, glamorous facade, and then the rabbit hole.
Tiffany found, anecdotally, that the strategy was effective. Many in the lifestyle influencing community weren’t aware of the conspiracy theories they were actively liking, reposting, and spreading. Instead, they trusted the lifestyle influencers who posted this material and assumed that the references to child sex trafficking in pizza parlors was a serious news story. (I can’t imagine what they thought of the Reptilians and ancient astronaut/UFO parts.)
Most disturbingly, the rabid Q-Anon fanbase can propel any new Instagram account to popularity, providing a perverse incentive for aspiring influencers to include Q-content to drive their follower counts. Tiffany found it chilling that aesthetics could be used for evil. “An aesthetic that appeals to me personally was being used to mask something that it’s my job to pluck out and pin to the wall: It made me shiver,” she wrote. I find this subject particularly interesting because I enjoy aesthetics, graphic design, and the visual elements that support narrative. Through the many iterations of this website, for example, regular readers have seen the different ways I have used aesthetics and graphic design to present serious and often skeptical historical content in a package that plays with the masculine, sci-fi, and horror design elements used by cable TV to market their shows. One of the books I found fascinating many years ago was called Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics, which looked at the many ways that the Nazis used art, architecture, and design to convey ideology across every aspect of society. The female Q-Anon influencers have followed some of the more subtle strategies the Nazi designers used, working to normalize an extremist ideology through integrating it into otherwise innocuous formats and associating it with wholesome aspects of everyday life until one cannot be separated from the other.
We live in an America where the FBI tweets out copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion—something they actually did yesterday afternoon and (plausibly enough) blamed a bot for in an apology tweet four hours later—and the president endorses Q-Anon conspiracy theories that involve Reptilians and fantasies of him murdering his political enemies. He praised Q-Anon yesterday as a movement of true patriots who “love” America. Lifestyle bloggers sharing warm and fuzzy photos with Q-hashtags is probably not the biggest problem, but it is nevertheless an insidious bit of propaganda.
Joe Scales
8/20/2020 09:22:19 am
Tell you the truth Jason, I'd never heard of Q-Anon until I read you promoting them here.
8/20/2020 03:07:49 pm
" until I read you promoting them here."
Joe Scales
8/21/2020 09:30:35 am
Jim, you cyber-stalking simpleton, Jason promotes Q-Anon by giving them more significance than they actually have simply to smear his political opposition. Any political party has it's fair share of dregs that support it. By focusing on them to create the illusion they represent the whole, well... you'll never learn Jim. So why bother. You imbecile.
8/21/2020 03:16:54 pm
Lol Joe, just keep digging that hole. Promote means what it means, it is what it is, and Jason did not promote QAnon.
Joe Scales
8/22/2020 10:30:35 am
Jim, my intellectually challenged, cyber-stalking menace.... you have cornered the market on coocoo bananas on this site. Your reactionary politics is just that Jim. Reactionary. Unbalanced. Inaccurate. And yes Jim... crazed. As I told you before, I cannot argue with stupid Jim. I cannot argue with crazy. But please continue Jim. Because you cannot stop. But it does serve a public service here, while comments are still allowed. Folks should steer clear away from you and never reveal their personal details. How many do you follow now Jim? How many times have your online obsessions seeped into real time Jim? How many times have you googled in search of yours truly?
8/22/2020 08:17:05 pm
8/23/2020 12:10:52 pm
I addressed this below in my post on "the good of the commons".
8/20/2020 12:08:34 pm
Oh Lawsy Lawsy! I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no Instagram! "Masculine colors"? Like Sonny Crockett's pink T-shirt? Q-Anon, whatever it is, and is there any consensus on that? as Scott Wolter so clearly demonstrated, is a distraction for idiots, like a Ralph Nader or Kanye West candidacy, and people who worry about it, whatever it is, are among the (useful?) idiots.
It’s simple really. Very simple. It’s King Solomon fighting with two political parties over the body of an infant. Remember the old Bible story now?
8/21/2020 07:27:24 am
Wow that's a big load of, well, it's big anyway. Vide supra my friend, vide supra. Stay useful!
An Over-Educated Grunt
8/23/2020 01:56:44 pm
Sprechen Sie englisch? Se habla ingles? Parlez-vous anglais? Eigo wa hanasemasu ka?
Frankly, Nietzsche, and arguments about his life are a decentered subject overly educated grunt. And mimic the argument that liberalism is mental illness. As it happens, modern conservatism is traditional liberalism as much as the current Democratic Party, given that conservatism broke with Monarchy. Doppelgänger if you know what that is. It’s all pompous foolishness.
8/24/2020 07:23:08 pm
Frankly, you're the only one who mentioned Nietzsche except for this post pointing out that you're the only one who mentioned him.
An Over-Educated Grunt
8/25/2020 12:43:17 pm
"Trump will save us from pedo Satanists" sure sounds like it has something to do with Nietzsche to me. Tell me how it ties in to stone holes and impact events while you're at it.
8/24/2020 04:34:04 pm
Calling something a "theory" is a simple, left-wing trick, an attempt to delegitimatize a fact that couldn't be suppressed by media's Operation Mockingbird. Remember, this psy-op goes all the way back to 1915, with the J.P. Morgan takeover of Editorial Policy in America's 25 leading newspapers, which basically sucked us into The Great War, and making it a World War, instead of a European gang scuffle.
8/24/2020 07:26:10 pm
There's more to the story of WWI but it's not a topic that would likely be welcome here.
8/20/2020 03:42:22 pm
"We live in an America where the FBI tweets out copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
8/21/2020 06:06:15 am
"and the president endorses Q-Anon conspiracy theories"
8/21/2020 09:26:22 am
Are you referring to this article ?
8/21/2020 01:51:08 pm
Jim. James. Hambone. Zhjammon!
8/21/2020 02:26:24 pm
The full quote: A reporter followed up, pointing out that QAnon supporters believe Trump is “secretly saving the world from this satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals”. The president replied flippantly: “I haven’t heard that but is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?
8/21/2020 05:42:57 pm
I have to take issue with you for the good of the commons and ask you not to point out when James makes errors. He doesn't take it well and it has the potential to become a whole scene, like Charlottesville.
8/21/2020 08:05:17 pm
Ah, the so called deep state conspiracy. GOP just thinks there must be one because every time they blatantly lie or try to rook others, they get caught. It's not the deep state. It's their own level of competence, or last thereof doing it. If anything it probes a government cover up is next to impossible. They would actually be the deep state, not the liberals. It's when on occasion they don't or can pardon their lackeys, that it becomes flipped. If their word for it makes no sense. Q anon sounds like a rehab for Q alien fetishests at the Trekkie convention. (Like al-anaon).
8/21/2020 09:28:15 pm
I don't get your references because I haven't read Lord of the Rings or listened to Yessongs but may I refer you to The Warren Commission? Quite well known in its day.
8/22/2020 11:20:28 pm
Influencers: (n) brainless fools driving advertiser spending by liking and commenting on each other’s senseless drivel.
8/25/2020 03:37:26 pm
Actually it would be the Federal Reserve, but OOH! CHINA! BOOGEYMAN! Sad trombone.
Nick Danger
8/26/2020 12:26:22 pm
I see above people praising QAnon with faint damns, or outright supporting them.
8/26/2020 01:54:48 pm
"you can look it up" I'd say the onus is on you to provide proof.
8/26/2020 02:01:11 pm
It's always fun to play the Nazi card of course, but how do you feel about the roving Kristallnacht currently underway?
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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February 2025