It seems that complaints about my work come in waves, all offering the same criticism at the same time. Sometimes this is the result of a coordinated effort, as when Jason Martell orchestrated a hate mail campaign against me earlier this year. Other times it’s just coincidence. For whatever reason, I’ve been getting an unusual number of messages from white supremacists who find me insufficiently deferential to their views about white dominance of the pre-Columbian Americas. Interestingly, racist emails are not all from white supremacists; some Afrocentrists are also mad at me for allegedly supporting a Eurocentric agenda that denies the “truth” that sub-Saharan Africans colonized and reigned over America. It’s all very confusing, but I guess I must be doing something right if white supremacists and Afrocentrists both think I support the other side. I’m sure you’ve seen some of the racist posts on my blog; most of these I leave in place because the writers’ own ignorance undercuts their positions, but I had to delete one that openly called for violence against African-Americans. And those are just the blog comments. The email I receive is even worse, degenerating into foul tirades unfit for print. More often than not, these angry tirades are about America Unearthed; oddly, the only extremists who get mad about Ancient Aliens are Hindu extremists who worry that I am not giving enough credit to Vedic Indian world domination. This is not unique to my inbox or my blog; white supremacists have been advocating America Unearthed in discussion forums and comment threads across the internet since the first season last year. H2 may not be racist, but it is apparently the top viewing choice for those with white supremacist views. A white supremacist wrote on a forum called “America Is Our White Homeland,” for example, that “when the Asian savages arrived in America, they were known as ‘naked starving savages’” and absorbed their culture from Europeans; he supported this with links to America Unearthed’s episode about the fictional Peter “Rough” Hurech and also “ancient white man’s Ogham in Colorado,” from another America Unearthed episode. This is not limited to those who identify explicitly as white supremacists. Consider this takeaway the owner of received from his viewing of America Unearthed earlier this year: Just look at our aboriginal friends that claim they were here first, if we came back now and said No Way and we want all our money back because in fact you were trespassing on European/Viking land or that they owe all that money to them, then all hell would break loose. This writer makes explicit the subtext of Wolter’s claim that a conspiracy of Native Americans and U.S. government officials is suppressing Templar “land claims” to America. The writer obviously has interpreted this as an effort to prevent a full-scale race war between white Americans and minorities. This is not limited to America Unearthed, of course. Dennis Stanford’s Solutrean Hypothesis, which suggests that Spaniards colonized America around 20,000 years ago, has yielded similar racist celebration, as seen in this message board posting: “Everything points to the Solutrean culture riding high over the Asiatics for thousands of years -- until things reached the breaking point. […] An omen for North America? You bet.” The old race war idea, promulgated by the Mound Builder myth-makers suggested that a lost white race died at the hands of bloodthirsty Native Americans, who in turn deserved death in retribution. Advocates of that policy still exist today. Even where America Unearthed failed to find evidence, its viewers still came away with the wrong impression. One viewer failed to notice that Scott Wolter did not find any evidence of a giant in Minnesota and instead mistook the episode for proof of a lost race of Caucasian giants whom the Native Americans exterminated. But, to be completely fair, America Unearthed is also used as evidence of Afrocentrism. Remember the episode where Wolter dismissed “Egyptian” carvings on an Oklahoma rock and declared them Celtic? Well, some online Afrocentrists disagree with Wolter’s conclusions and pointed to the show as evidence of African travels to America, evidence apparently ignored or suppressed by Scott Wolter! “What white people don't understand is that the deeper they dig, the blacker the planet get[s].” And yet I hear time and again that it is inappropriate to discuss the racial subtext and context of the program, as though the fact that audience members are using it to make claims about race and race relations is utterly irrelevant to understanding the show’s appeal. The primary argument is that since neither Wolter nor H2 intend to be racist, their program therefore cannot have a racial context. The experience of the audience says otherwise. Consider the words of Ohio Historical Society archaeology curator Brad Lepper, writing about diffusionism in 2008, before America Unearthed had ever been pitched as a series: Although certainly not all diffusionists are racists (though some incontestably are), assertions of this kind, especially when founded on such weak evidence, are consistent with and give considerable aid and comfort to those who deny the aboriginal American people the ability to have come up with domesticated plants, systems of writing, and/or monumental architecture on their own. Or, more specifically, consider the words of anthropology graduate student Alexis Jordan, writing in the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student journal Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology this past May: “The underlying takeaway message of shows like America Unearthed or Ancient Aliens tends to encourage the undermining of one cultural heritage in favor of another.” See? I’m not the only one who thinks so. Jordan analyzes the episode “Giants in Minnesota” at length and notes the underlying, unexpressed racism inherent in reassigning Native American cultural achievements to white Norwegians.
What boggles my mind is that few except for Christian extremists even bat an eye at the widespread revisionist religion of Ancient Aliens, America Unearthed, The Da Vinci Code, and their progenitors. Surely an attack on the very foundation of the Christian faith—the life of Jesus—warrants a moment of consideration from the same self-described Christians who are so offended at the thought that America Unearthed might be recycling old racist claims. Yet to even mention race yields garment-rending protests. I can only interpret this as evidence that the racial question is deeply reflective of tensions in American society and the foundation of American identity in a way that even religion is not, or at least no longer is. To be honest, this gets into sociological territory way beyond my area of expertise, and well beyond my area of interest. I was never very interested in race and racism in school, and it remains one of my least favorite topics. The situation, though, does remind me of Eduardo Bonilla-Silva’s Racism without Racists, a book that outlines how individuals can believe they are not racist and yet perpetuate racism through, among other things, an ignorance of history and the historical ideas that were used in the past to support racial inequality. Divorced from their contexts, the ideas become accepted as “natural” by dint of being old and are no longer recognized as the product of a system designed for specific social and political ends. He was speaking of economic, political, and social structures, but I imagine it applies equally well to pseudo-historical justifications once used to support imperialist and colonialist policies. At the very least, the fact that a significant number of H2 viewers (though by no means exceptionally large, or a majority) interpret the show as supporting white supremacist historical, social, and religious claims ought to give pause to those who feel that it’s just “entertainment” with no effect beyond Nielsen ratings. I want to return for a moment to Alexis Jordan to finish this discussion. Jordan watched America Unearthed while visiting family members, all of whom were enraptured by the idea of white Viking giants stomping through Minnesota. Jordan tried to debunk the story by pointing to the show’s many, many flaws. “The result was the one of my family members turned to me, sighed, and say, ‘Oh, you’re no fun.’” Jordan felt defeated and wondered why even her family refused to listen to the truth. You really should read what Jordan concluded about America Unearthed, racism, ignorance, and the audience. The short form is that, in Jordan’s admittedly anecdotal study, even educated members of the audience lack an understanding of how archaeology really works, can be blind to the existence and achievements of Native Americans, seek entertaining stories that appeal to comforting preexisting beliefs, and trust that media organizations tell the truth. Finally, they also become angry when any of these factors is challenged, especially when an “elitist” suggests that education or training in archaeology produces better conclusions than what the mythical “average American” can achieve sitting on the couch. So, to finish: It’s not just me saying this. You can stop sending racist emails now.
12/6/2013 07:29:52 am
It seems as though you are being perceived by a minority of trying to hold back "white history" in the United States before Columbus. I guess some think you are thwarting new history possibilities, as relates to Nordic peoples visiting. I know a significant number of Nordic folks up here in MN are convinced through a preponderance of evidence, including the Kensington Runestone, that thoroughly white Europeans were trespassing around this region during medieval times.
Only Me
12/6/2013 08:34:05 am
I'm curious as to who is still "holding the line" at 1492.
12/6/2013 11:41:55 am
"The line" of 1492 isn't even held in GRADE SCHOOL anymore as "first European contact." It's actually taught, even in third grade, as "the beginning of European expansion into the Americas," which, well, it pretty much was, since the one Nordic colony we incontrovertibly know of (L'anse aux Meadows) clearly did not last very long, according to the archeological evidence.
12/7/2013 04:49:20 am
The problem is that 1492 does not accurately mark the beginning of European expansion into the Americas, right. Beginning means beginning, and in this case, the textbooks still have it wrong, since the statement precludes any and all "alternative history." I guess then we move on to "expansion." I consider exploration to be part of expansion. Jason generally tries to minimize European exploration into what is now the continental US, as though it is non-existent or unimportant before the voyages of his ethnic hero, Columbus. I think it may be this defined unwillingness to give in at all that gets him in the email hassles. 12/7/2013 04:58:31 am
Ethnic hero? Not that you'd care, but my father's family comes from southern Italy and Sicily, while Columbus was from rival power Genoa. And I'm only half Italian. Does that mean that the other half of me hates Columbus? History, despite your feelings to the contrary, is not genetic. The fact is that there wasn't any culturally significant movement of goods or people across the Atlantic prior to the Age of Exploration.
12/7/2013 05:13:38 am
Well, Columbus was probably Spanish, but that doesn't change anything in our discussion here. History should not be genetic? It's the implication that we're talking about: Olaf/Swede/Runestone, and Jason/Italian/1492. Both very important to history?
12/7/2013 07:06:49 am
"European expansion" refers to a deliberate and continued effort to expand to the Americas both in terms of population movement but also resource control. Prior to 1492, there was no policy and/or effort/program to expand European influence and control in the Americas.
12/7/2013 07:12:38 am
"...there wasn't any culturally significant movement of goods or people...."
12/7/2013 01:07:21 pm
Gunn, prior to 1492, there were no European settlements in the Americas that still exist to this day, or even existed long enough to . Isabella was the town built by Columbus (admittedly in 1493, but by the guy who voyaged in 1492), which existed until 1496 when a new town was built, which has evolved into Santo Domingo. There is a continuity there that does not exist prior to 1492. We don't have clear records of exploration--even the KRS, should it prove true, DOES NOT record a continuity of exploration, it contains a very brief narrative about a disastrous fishing trip. We don't have a continuity of culture. We don't have a continuity of towns. We don't have a continuity of language. Exploration, quite simply, is NOT expansion. Exploration is exploration. It's possible that individual explorers or even small groups came here prior to 1492; we definitely have L'Anse-aux-Meadows which is a FAILURE at expansion just as Roanoke was. But we do not have European colonial expansion--that is, we do not have European cultural invasion and takeover--prior to 1492.
12/10/2013 03:46:24 am
Well, I disagree with you on some of your points, which shouldn't surprise you.
10/28/2016 10:46:22 pm
"Well, Columbus was probably Spanish, but that doesn't change anything in our discussion here."
10/28/2016 10:40:00 pm
ONE piece of evidence, which was examined by a geologist around 1909 or 1910 who concluded it could be old or could be recent, and then in this century by probably the world's most dubious geologist. I fail to see the "preponderance".
10/28/2016 10:53:42 pm
as we now a day we work hurry and we want to work in minutes that’s why we can go on google or the internet. we work with office and PDF is this one of them this is very easy to used and save we can every document convert in PDF.PDFZilla 3.8.5 is the most one of them I like it and I must say you are also like this
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/6/2013 07:35:14 am
I think, just as a de-stressor, you need to write at least one "America Unhinged" for every other AU-related post you do. It's not so bad with AA, but Scott Wolter seems to have a more powerful crazy magnet.
The Other J.
12/6/2013 07:45:33 am
"It’s all very confusing, but I guess I must be doing something write if white supremacists and Afrocentrists both think I support the other side."
12/6/2013 08:06:12 am
Ha! A Freudian slip, thinking about "writing" and writing "write" instead of "right." Fixed.
12/6/2013 03:46:19 pm
I suspect they know they are courting a very white audience. I suspect they don't know how popular the show is with racist ideologues. And if they did, I doubt they'd care too much as long as they can keep naked (ie flag-waving screaming loud) racism out of the program, so as to not attract a boycott. Though if one well-connected opinion maker started to really call them on it ...
12/7/2013 11:27:21 pm
Considering all the commercials seem to be for FarmersOnly and ChristianMingle they know their primary audience.
12/6/2013 09:51:35 am
All I have to say is that if the Native American tribes eliminated the Giants, then, obviously, they proved themselves superior to said giants.
The Other J.
12/6/2013 09:54:04 am
If some are to be believed, the Native Americans had their own giants.
12/6/2013 01:01:08 pm
Maybe it was the meteor crash that killed off the dinosaurs that killed the giants as well.....leaving only the puny humans to eek out survival in the aftermath of the natural disaster.
Shane Sullivan
12/6/2013 11:43:56 am
"All I have to say is that if the Native American tribes eliminated the Giants, then, obviously, they proved themselves superior to said giants."
Shane Sullivan
12/6/2013 01:23:51 pm
Actually, this is probably one of the reasons why alternative (not even fringe, necessarily) history enthusiasts get so defensive when their favorite material is challenged; nobody wants to feel like they're being called a socially irresponsible racist just because they think Plato's Atlantis narrative is a fun and compelling story.
12/6/2013 03:52:20 pm
Your statement about how deep race runs probably has some truth to it. But I'd be more specific. I suspect the hypersensitivity is part panic at getting caught out at being racist (and possibly not too unwittingly). But much of it is probably spillover from political discussion, where such accusations do occur (and while sometimes undeservedly, I'd argue more often than not with some legitimacy) and are loathed by a chunk of the political spectrum.
12/6/2013 04:22:31 pm
In general I do think that Jason brings up race to often for my taste. That I do not think that most fringe and alternative historians in general are racist. However most of their ideas and theories seemed to be based on writings from the late 1800 to early 1900s. At this time it was fairly common for people to utilize fabricated science and historical work to justify claims of English or American superiority compared to minorities. If these people were serious on their work they would be able to identify the origins of these ideas and recognize the racist origins of these theories, but they are not. The result of their substandard research and their outlandish claims is to appeal to fringe groups and personalities include white supremacists and the like. The truly sad part of this is with advent of the internet and open blog format that these isolated groups and people have found a way in which communicate and relay their fringe theories and ideas. That these extremists are able to justify their ideas and behaviors based on bad theories and poorly constructed historical hypothesizes.
12/6/2013 05:02:41 pm
Jason wrote, 'To be honest, this gets into sociological territory way beyond my area of expertise, and well beyond my area of interest. I was never very interested in race and racism in school, and it remains one of my least favorite topics.'
Only Me
12/6/2013 05:35:49 pm
Jason has said that he wished the racist elements of fringe history occurred less often, as he's tired of dealing with it. It crops up, because during his research, it's revealed that some of the ideas put forth have racist ideology as their origin. America Unearthed has a rather piss poor web presence, so naturally, this site becomes the recipient of the majority of traffic pertaining to the show.
12/6/2013 05:54:01 pm
I didn't type it into a search engine, Only Me. I typed it into the search bar on Jason's website. If you scroll to the top of this page, you'll see that search bar at the top right, under the social media icons. The search I conducted was ONLY on Jason's website, not on the Internet in general. The numbers of blog posts I mentioned are ONLY on Jason's website. Jason is indeed race obsessed.
Only Me
12/6/2013 06:15:14 pm
Even so, this site uses SEO due to the traffic, so keywords typed into the search bar or an engine will yield similar results. 12/6/2013 10:40:28 pm
Of course I mention race a lot, but not all of it is "racism"; that occurs only 21 times over 4 years in my site search (93 times over 4 years using Google site search, which includes many repeat listings and the use of "race," too). "Race" occurs more often because it has many meanings, and many of the people who utilize fringe theories use the word themselves in discussing a "lost race," the "human race," and so on.
Clint Knapp
12/7/2013 01:43:36 am
One has to take context into consideration. Yes, keyword searching can turn up 'race' 'racist' and 'racism' a number of times, but you have to actually read what is being said about it.
12/7/2013 02:54:46 am
Every single critic of pseudoarchaeology eventually discusses the racism found in these ideas if they look at more than one or two of them. Some are scientists in other fields, some are science communicators or enthusiasts, a number are professional archaeologists.
12/7/2013 05:03:15 am
I agree, Steve, but there seems to be the same ethnic-twist problem that Olaf faced, too, as a Swede finding the KRS. In this racially charged case, the line must be held at Columbus, 1492, and any attempts to infiltrate will result is criticism from Mr. Colivito. This just seems so wrong.... (Like they said about Olaf.)
12/7/2013 05:06:33 am
Who is allegedly "holding the line" at Columbus? You'd think the Vikings at L'Anse-aux-Meadows would make it clear that this hasn't been the case in half a century.
12/7/2013 05:29:58 am
I, and probably others, perceive you as trying to hold the line of US European history at Columbus. It looks funny on the surface because of your Italian name--and most people think Columbus was Italian. The Vikings at Meadow Cove is a cop-out in the discussion, because you know we're talking about American (US) history, not North American, or Americas, history. The problem, specifically, is that you are a proclaimed guardian of history-truth according to "the books," yet most people watching TV are smart enough to know that Europeans did, indeed, come to the US before the time of Columbus. The books haven't picked up on some of it yet. Also, museums like the State of Maine museum are deliberately keeping rare objects from public view. 12/7/2013 05:35:32 am
I'm confused. Are you trying to say that somehow the pre-Columbian Europeans knew where the U.S.-Canadian border would be drawn after the war of 1812?
12/7/2013 07:25:50 am
Don't be confused, Jason. One only has to release the imagination a little bit. We're talking in current geographical terms, superimposed over medieval is easy to imagine. But, maybe the problem is that you are so stuck between 1491 and 1493 that it's affecting your very ability to imagine. Hey, it doesn't require faith. We're only talking about the basic, human imagination. Superimpose over the imaginary, okay? I hope I've helped you with your "confusion."
Shane Sullivan
12/7/2013 10:51:04 am
It would be extremely odd of anyone to fixate on 1492 as the year America was discovered, since it's common knowledge Columbus never set foot in the continental United States any more than the L'Anse-aux-Meadows Vikings did. I'm pretty sure Jason knows this, so I can't imagine why he would defend the date. 12/7/2013 10:56:57 am
Gunn likes to project his recollection of midcentury high school textbooks onto me.
12/7/2013 01:21:07 pm
Clint Knapp
12/7/2013 08:56:02 pm
Gunn's claimed a couple times in the past to suffer OCD and Tourette's, and I'm mostly inclined to at least believe the first half of that as the reason he continues to compulsively attempt to turn every topic into a grand witch hunt against anyone who says the KRS is a fake or doesn't believe it to be a worthwhile venture. He's an old man with a hobby and some issues that make him flounce about and demand everyone respect his sacred rock and his stoneholes.
12/10/2013 04:17:20 am
Varika, Clint, Only Me: What am I here for? Why are you people here? I am here, partially, to counter some of Jason's ideas, which seem to be in lock-step with the establishment, leaving no room for poor history speculators, such as myself. You people make it hard, because your lap-dog kissing of Jason's neck and face probably encourages him too much. I see Jason as doing a considerable amount of harm to some people who come here, insofar as being too in-your-face with ridicule towards the idea of there being a God, and also towards most anything construed as being alternative history. It doesn't surprise me that I would be attacked, repeatedly, by scoundrels, fellow unbelievers such as yourselves. So now, we have some valid perspective.
Only Me
12/10/2013 10:47:19 am
Why am I here? To provide ballast against insanity such as this:
12/10/2013 01:11:09 pm
Only Me, I've watched you attack others before me, and now plenty of others after me, in a most un-Christian way. You SEEM (if I may imitate Varika) SEEM more like a professional attacker than a Christian brother to anyone. Others see you as an attacker, too. The Black Hole and Joe and Steve and a few others coming here lately were a breath of fresh air. I hope they come back to help counter both your attacks and your overly-ardent support of the "100% accuracy rate" of Jason's logic and take on history, etc. if one could believe such a thing possible.
Only Me
12/10/2013 02:27:27 pm
Then it seems I'm not guilty of any greater sins than the ones you've committed. You have also attacked others before and after me.
12/11/2013 02:21:05 am
Well, just remember that you're supporting a fool, by Biblical definition. Your fruit here has been obvious...and by their fruit we know them. You are obvious. Right, your fruit is rotten and I'm calling you out on it.
10/28/2016 11:03:35 pm
10/28/2016 11:07:09 pm
"I, and probably others, perceive you as trying to hold the line of US European history at Columbus."
The Other J.
12/7/2013 06:34:23 am
You wouldn't believe what comes up when you google "Steve" and "race."
12/7/2013 10:47:24 am
That's very clever The Other J. What other clever things do you have up your sleeve?
12/26/2013 10:13:58 am
Gunn, please tell me more about your defense of Christianity against the 'evil' Jason and his 'lapdogs'. I've been reading your posts for a while and am determined that actually you have one line and anyone who disagrees is simply someone who can't think for themselves. When you say that Jason should open his mind a little and expand his imagination, I kind of get the impression that you really mean, stop thinking, let me tell you a story...
10/28/2016 11:19:29 pm
Just so we're clear, Christianity is nonsense and God does not exist. So "Biblical definitions" be damned! Gunn, I didn't know about your OCD but that explains a lot and gets you precisely ZERO slack with me. You post nonsense and I will call you on it. On the other hand it makes your obsession with post-holes more interesting. Is it possibly a manifestation of a desire to return to a womb-like environment where no one will call you on your nonsense?
The Other J.
12/7/2013 06:51:07 am
Let's try this game with some other key words on Jason's site:
12/7/2013 06:54:40 am
Good thing you explained the James Franco thing. Otherwise, I'd be concerned that somehow I was posting things with no memory of them!
12/7/2013 01:22:37 pm
So...Jason is obsessed with an alien god who lives in an Atlantean pyramid in New York and has eyes named James and Franco and watches a TV show about Zeus in Mexico? And has a puppet puppy pet?
J.A. Dickey
12/6/2013 05:37:39 pm
I like the idea of relatives of Australia's First Peoples following via raft or boat the Antarctic seal and penguin population on the sheet ice that was more extensive at the height of the last ICE AGE as we see Asians hugging Berengia's coastlines and also Europeans and Africans taking the Solutrean route across or the one lower down below the Equator that takes you directly to Brazil. I think all three or four groups could have done this prior to 50,000 B.C. but we must ask who was here 2 million years ago and then also 200,000 to 400,000 years ago. The Calico California field of napped flints from 200,000 B.C. is very near pyrite. If the cultures were HUNTER/GATHERER you do not have the dynamic of large city-states and endless wars that arrives with irrigation and storage facilities. Homo Erectus could have sailed to five major continents, but each nice mutation from that time increased the odds of taking bold trips directly across an ocean if the currents were kind. I think four different ethnic/racial groups had colonies here, and I'm sore tempted to regard Neanderthals as a cold adapted version of Homo Sapiens to round things out. Our great leap as a species happened between 2.5 and 3.5 million years ago. Our intestines tell us how long we liked a good barbecue! Why not easily one hundred thousand colonization attempts over 3 to 5 million years? The Yellowstone eruption places a practical time limit on how far back to take human populations here...
J.A. Dickey
12/6/2013 05:45:07 pm
Personally, i feel that the superior species went extinct more than 25,000 years ago, Neanderthals had brain matter in excess of we moderns by 125 to 250 cubic centimeters, and if this was not idle capacity, we are slightly less brilliant than they, even if we are more technologically advanced. Evolution sometimes can go BASS~ackwards or sideways, hence our increasingly gracile bodies!
12/7/2013 02:50:29 am
Brain size is not the determining factor of intelligance, it is wrinkles of gray matterwhich leaves impressions in the skull. Neanderthals had fewer wrinkles than homo sapiens and were thus less intellegant. Otherwise blue whales would be super smart.
The Other J.
12/7/2013 07:09:33 am
12/7/2013 01:29:46 pm
I think there's a real fallacy in the concept of an EXTINCT species being superior to a species that co-existed with it and yet survives today, regardless of whether you're talking humans or not. As for "who was here 2 mil. years ago," I would like a link to evidence that anyone was here that long ago.
12/7/2013 04:44:54 pm
It is certainly possible to say that Neanderthals fared badly, they are all dead. As for interbreeding, it is to be expected. But the context is likely that homo sapiens killed the males and took (that is to say raped) the females. Such behavior is common among conquering human populations. I can't imagine that modern humans, who can't get along with each other, would have longterm peaceful coexistance with Neanderthals.
The Other J.
12/7/2013 07:48:04 pm
But Neanderthals aren't all dead; they became many of us, and as a survival strategy, that's a good adaption.
12/8/2013 04:33:39 am
DNA cannot prove the circumstances of interbreeding, whether legitimate rape or not. To be sure, there is no way of knowing for sure the exact nature of early hominid interactions. However, my interpretation of violence is based on the fact that throughout history, ancient to modern, humans have consistently fought with each other whether they were small hunter-gatherer groups or large industrial states. The mountains of Papua New Guinea, full of small tribal groups, are a dangerous place. No human group has ever been willing or able to avoid this basic, and unfortunate, part of human existence. I simply cannot imagine any longterm peaceful coexistence between two group with differing levels of intellectual, cultural, and technological development. They most certainly would have often competed for resources, which would have led to fighting, death, and the taking of women by modern man, which is a consistent pattern in all pre-modern societies. Again, I will be happy to admit that this is my interpretation and cannot be definitely proven, but I think it is the likely scenario.
10/28/2016 11:28:51 pm
Other J.,
Donna B.
12/7/2013 07:09:26 pm
You know you've stayed up long pastbedtime when you see "...also Europeans and Africans taking the Solutrean route..."
J.A. Dickey
12/7/2013 09:07:00 am
I can live with the idea that there were trade-offs and by degrees what we'd call Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA was dropped by degrees as things went sideways and into a transister-like compression in terms of our brains. Had an idea just now, what if Homo Heidelbergensis was separate from Neanderthal and not an ancestor, and we have three or four or five different sapient species around at the same time? What if the Cro-Magnons, the Denisovans, Homo Heidelbergensis and the Neanderthals are separate branches of Homo Erectus? I think the 1.8 million year old Georgia fossils point to a vast gene pool that began to branch out about 2 million years ago. We may have had very close "cousins" for the longest time, before Scientific Adam or Scientific Eve becomes our mutual ancestor. The environment was testing our adaptive niches and also our degrees of flexibility. Stephen Jay Gould is most likely correct about how abrupt change is and was. We have the most recent DNA results seeming to contradict the previous and prior visual similarities and differences, judging from the new process that can extract very old DNA. If in the past our presumed family trees were often contingent on how each skeleton looked, if each branch of humanity has its own unique metabolism, and four or five species could be successful at the same time, it is not until the onset of the last Ice Age that we see a complex balance disrupted. We may have lucked into our omnivore ascendancy rather than our having created a new niche due to our brain plasticity.
Only Me
12/7/2013 10:24:43 am
It has been generally accepted that throughout human evolution there were separate branches of the family tree co-existing at the same time. Often these separate branches competed with each other for resources.
Mark E.
12/7/2013 06:20:53 pm
Modern genetics hopefully will end some of this nonsense by determining both the chronological and geographical history of human migrations.
12/7/2013 06:34:40 pm
I personally think it's foolish to think there was not anybody here from the east before Columbus.
12/7/2013 07:17:27 pm
And this is by far the dumbest racist accusation against somebody I ever heard of.
5/11/2015 03:22:46 pm
Thank you very much for the very useful post, is what I was looking for a long time, it contains valuable information
12/7/2013 11:46:20 pm
I don't think anyone believes Colombus was the first European in the Americas. That there were Scandinavians is irrefutable. The question is how much impact did they have and how far did they penetrate. It is probable they did have an impact locally (around Newfoundland) and may have altered the development of local tribes for better or worse. It is just hard to really tell the results due to both cultures using oral tradition over writing.
10/28/2016 11:36:17 pm
Uh, Scandinavians had writing. One of the few things Wolter gets right. Where he screws the pooch on nationwide TV is his insistence that "This could ONLY have been written by a Cistercian, goddamit!" The aggressively retarded Wolter forgets that Scandinavians had runes before they had Christianity. He's really super stupid.
12/7/2013 10:51:34 pm
This is interesting.
Titus pullo
12/8/2013 03:32:41 am
I realize America unearthed is entertainment but last nights episode was perhaps the worst production in the history of h2.
12/8/2013 03:56:28 am
In response to Gunn, I would submit that Jason is not holding the line at Columbus or 1492; he is holding the line at logic and sound archaeology. That is to say, if I understand Jason correctly (and please correct me if I am wrong, Jason), America Unearthed has not presented any credible evidence of substantial pre-Columbian European contacts with the area now occupied by the USA and has, to the contrary, presented misinformation on that issue. If he is correct, then his negative critique of the show is justified. If he is incorrect, then I would like to see a clear example of that, rather than assumptions about his motives.
12/10/2013 04:39:10 am
Harry, Jason is not qualified to submit logic and sound archaeology at us at a accuracy rate of 100%, therefore some of us on this public blog are obligated by our own good character to slow him down a bit, if possible, when he seems to be in error. Look, this is his blog. He can do what he wants and say what he wants to most of the time, but he doesn't have complete control over it, because he doesn't want to be guilty of standing in the way of free speech. I try to take advantage of that. And that's good. Nobody wants to have a blog host who spews forth personal dogma, but then hides behind sensor-ship. Jason has not done that.
12/11/2013 01:59:21 pm
You must really avoid the mind reading and fantasizing about motives.The KRS is bluntly a highly dubious artifact to put it mildly. I have seen no evidence to indicate the Colavito in the least denies the valdity of the L'Anse Aux Meadows site in New Foundland to say nothing of various finds in the Canadian Arctic or the Maine Penny. All of which are quite secure archeologically.
12/13/2013 03:42:30 am
Your viewpoints are highly dubious, to put it mildly. You must really avoid the meaningless comments. We are looking beyond that which is secure....
10/28/2016 11:39:16 pm
"But, being half-Italian, he has ardently supported the imaginary line of 1492 in ways which serve to perpetuate unrealistic myths..."
Normandie Kent
7/11/2017 06:31:53 pm
And people are suppose to believe your Scandinavian nonsense because you are a wannabe Viking who sees post holes and runestones everywhere you look?! 4/28/2015 02:56:26 am
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