Remember Red Ice Radio, the fringe radio program hosted by Henrik Palmgren that has played host to luminaries like Scott Wolter, Scott A. Roberts, and David Icke, and which recently devoted an episode to declaring Hitler to be a misunderstood genius? Well, it turns out that the program is chock full of white supremacists making a surprising number of claims about the Aryan race. Let’s take a look at a few of the discussions that pass under the banner of “alternative history” and “forbidden truth.” But where to start? There’s so many to choose from—and all from just this summer! Let’s start with John Lash, a self-taught “expert” in “directive mythology.” His claim to fame is his alleged reconstruction of a supposed pagan myth of Gaia-Sophia, which he calls the Sophianic Myth and claims was taught in the ancient mystery cults. Supposedly this myth tells of how knowledge emerged at the dawn of time and how the Archons are scheming to destroy creation. According to Red Ice, “Johns explains how he discovered that the myth itself contains details of White genocide. We’ll discuss the supernatural factor behind this plan, an archontic force at play that has infected a specific race who are serving as proxies of the Archons.” But wait, there’s more! “At the end we’ll discuss Jewish liberation in 1859 and how they got the upper hand. John also talks about German genocide.” Yes, those pesky Jews, plotting and scheming. This is as good a setup as any for Red Ice’s discussion with Kyle Hunt, a “white pride” activist and a leader of the White Man March to protest white genocide, about how the Jews are trying to destroy the white race through liberal multiculturalism: We’ll also discuss revisionist history pertaining to WWII and the holocaust. Later, we discuss how feminists demonize European men while they turn around and support Muslims who treat women and gays horribly. Also, we talk about Sarkozy’s “challenge of the 21st century,” racial interbreeding. In the second hour, we’ll begin discussing how the military is being used to institute policies favorable to Israel. Kyle talks about the creation of the goy vs. goy conflict. We’ll elaborate on the motives of Jews who push multiculturalism upon European countries but not in Israel. In America illegals are allowed to flood in through the southern border. We’ll talk about how this isn’t beneficial to anyone. Later, we’ll discuss the naivety and indoctrination of European people and radicals who hate Whites. The second hour ends on elites who are ramping up a race war. Hunt suggested to Vice that he is considering a presidential run, but he denies any affiliation with the Klan or Neo-Nazism, stating that he is concerned only with advancing the white race, not with actively harming minorities. He did, however, say that Europe should be designated a homeland for white people. In case it isn’t clear enough the fringe figures are deeply suspicious of the evil intent of the Jews, let’s introduce Red Ice’s discussion with Jeanice Barcelo, a self-described “birth activist” who believes that Satan is controlling hospital birth protocols and is manipulating human sexuality. she is deeply concerned about the Jews’ infiltration of the fertility industry. Jeanice also comments on reasons for the low White birth rates. She’ll read some chilling quotes from Abe Foxman and Rabbi Finkelstein regarding the destruction of Aryan children and the push for interracial marriages for Whites. We’ll talk about reproductive technologies in Israel that allow the use of eggs from aborted babies and postmortem sperm recovery. Meanwhile, a high price is paid for sperm from blonde, blue-eyed American men, which is going around the globe including to third world nations, to try to create light-skinned blonde kids. One of those countries receiving Aryan sperm and eggs is Israel. Why are they seeking the Nordic gene? In the member’s hour, Jeanice speaks on the spiritual war on the pristine human. We’ll also talk about how indeed it is Jews that have been the ones seeking the master race. Also, we discuss the Jewish circumcision ritual known as metzitzah b'peh that involves a mohel using his mouth to remove blood from the recently-cut penis. Infants have died from this ritual. Later on, we’ll talk about male/female relationships, parenting and more. So, to summarize: Jews are trying to create a master race by stealing pristine Aryan sperm to breed the sub-human Hebrew out of themselves. And this passes for “scholarship” among the fringe. It is deeply disturbing. But it’s not all outright anti-Semitism or racism. Sometimes it’s dressed up as white pride, more subtly than with the rather indiscreet Kyle Hunt. Consider this conversation with Stephen A. McNallen, who believes that white people need to reject multiculturalism because the only way to achieve spiritual salvation is through “venerating” one’s own white ancestors: Stephen talks about the falsification of Europe’s history, which always portrays Europeans as the evil ones, and people disown their ancestors because of it. In the member’s hour, we’ll hear about metagenetics and the idea that ancestry matters - that there are spiritual and metaphysical implications to heredity. This is a more difficult case because publicly McNallen has been an advocate for environmentalism, Tibet freedom, and religious diversity. He was one of the founders of modern Germanic paganism in the 1970s, but he was also one of the leaders of the 1990s movement to prevent the repatriation of Kennewick Man, citing the skeleton as evidence of a “white” presence in the Americas in ancient times.
But outside of the public eye, speaking to what he feels is a friendly audience, McNallen now confesses that he believes “world managers” are trying to break the connection of the white race to its historic greatness. Because fringe authors seem more willing to share the ravings of their ids while in a friendly environment, their appearances on Red Ice Radio had led to many wild racial claims on Red Ice. Joseph Atwill, a computer scientist and self-described Bible scholar who is the author of Caesar’s Messiah, a revisionist history of Christianity, went on the show this summer to argue that there is a concerted global effort to destroy white Western civilization. Even David Icke showed up recently on Red Ice to complain about the Jews and about how white people are being oppressed by a Jewish conspiracy to destroy European culture: “he’ll speak on the inner core of Zionism that functions like a secret society. We also talk about how young Jews are being programmed from birth and being used for a bigger strategy.” This includes “forced multiculturalism.” Once again, it will be interesting to see which figures from the higher echelons of fringe history return to Red Ice Radio now that it’s clear that the program is a platform for racist and anti-Semitic views.
8/28/2014 04:13:22 am
Jeanice Barcello made me throw up in my mouth a little. Literally.
2/26/2017 05:35:46 pm
The ONE thing you all have to remember is, Red Ice Radio interviews a diverse number of people, some of whom contradict the others. Many of them have a love for their own country, their own race - that's nationalism. That used to be a virtue! Henryk is not responsible for what his guests tell him. It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Something the liberals would like to do away with, unless it is LIBERAL SPEECH.
7/10/2017 04:45:46 pm
Red Ice recently appeared on my radar. I was really disturbed at the amount of anti semite white supremacist material. White nationalism, fine I get it, but i went back to the clips from 2006-2014. It seems henrik started to get more and more of the muh white genocide material in 2014. Very strange how it changed. Nice breakdown Jason
3/4/2019 08:28:28 am
I agree that free speech is paramount and that we must defend it. Red Ice is doing a great job by diversifying.
Byron DeLear
8/28/2014 04:39:50 am
“Let’s start with John Lash, a self-taught “expert” in “directive mythology.”
Byron DeLear
8/28/2014 04:42:14 am
correction...Jeanice Barcelo is claiming Jews are "trying to create a master race by stealing pristine Aryan sperm to breed the sub-human Hebrew out of themselves.”
Scott Hamilton
8/28/2014 04:49:35 am
Good grief, the Red Ice people actually believe that "Rabbi Finkelstein" is real? They really are a one-stop spot for anti-Semitism.
8/28/2014 05:00:56 am
They should host Brother Nate :)
Duke of URL
8/28/2014 04:56:20 am
My jaw dropped at this summary. Are these people on heavy doses of LSD/PCP, or are they simply brain-damaged from birth?
8/28/2014 05:01:20 am
Yes :)
Only Me
8/28/2014 05:54:52 am
Although the sub-human pieces of garbage spewing their hatred was stomach-turning, I had to look into the Archon thing.
8/28/2014 06:09:27 am
More specifically, their take-home lesson from Gnosticism seems to be related to these guys:
Duke of URL
8/29/2014 04:37:41 am
Archontics? Archontists? Archonites? Archoners?
Shane Sullivan
8/28/2014 08:24:42 am
I assume by "creation" John Lash means the material world. Now, why would the Archons want to destroy it? Usually they're content with just being dicks and keeping mankind from God; how could they do that if they destroyed the world they and the Demiurge created? Did they just get bored with it or something?
8/28/2014 08:51:49 am
Here you go:
Shane Sullivan
8/28/2014 06:58:12 pm
The Other J.
9/7/2014 04:49:46 pm
Archons are funny like that. They can be employed to do whatever the hell you want when you're pretty sure your audience doesn't know what you're talking about. They're like the Shmoos of mythology -- at least to some fringe historians.
8/28/2014 06:23:21 am
Hitler took lessons from the Bible about Racism
Only Me
8/28/2014 07:35:10 am
No, *don't* be too shy. You took lessons from Hitler about baseless hatred, didn't you?
2/26/2017 05:31:56 pm
Actually, Hitler's hatred of the Jews was not baseless. Even so, they should not have been taken from their homes and put into prison camps. However, Hitler did have reasons for his dislike of them, and you can agree or disagree with him over what he did, but you can't argue that his dislike was baseless.
Joseph Craven
8/28/2014 07:44:59 am
I've seen a lot of your posts, and I have to ask, is this... is this a gag? Maybe stealth evangelism? You come across as the villain in a Christian film. Like, you're the professor demanding his students renounce God and we're all supposed to stand up to you or something.
8/28/2014 08:29:07 am
@ Joseph Craven
8/28/2014 06:24:58 am
>>>a Jewish conspiracy to destroy European culture
8/28/2014 06:28:39 am
I'll work on producing a historical chronology of anti-Semitism that existed outside of conspiracy and freemasonry
8/28/2014 06:31:25 am
Wait, you really think no one has produced a chronology of anti-Semitism?!
8/28/2014 06:34:28 am
France is the one country in existence where Freemasonry formed part of official history - The French Revolution and the suppression of the Roman Catholic Church and the acceptance of Jews within Freemasonic Lodges. Here lie the roots of a Semitic underground conspiracy for a takeover of the world. The National Assembly still has close ties with the Grand Orient and to this very day the list of names that formed the First French Republic and were also Freemasons is a guarded secret in France,
8/28/2014 06:36:36 am
No-one has done a historical paper on the history of anti-Semitism that matches up with fringe conspiracy history.
8/28/2014 06:40:52 am
The Alta Vendita is still taken seriously by religious fundamentalists. Fringe history still lives on officially within banal society.
8/28/2014 10:15:41 am
666, you may not be .-tier yet, but dammit, you're trying!
8/28/2014 11:25:29 am
In the aftermath of the epic fail that was the White Man March, Kyle Hunt had this to say: "I have very thick, dragon-like skin". He is obviously a Reptilian agent provocateur.
8/28/2014 12:03:54 pm
8/28/2014 12:06:51 pm
"if I aspired to run for President, I certainly wouldn't try to convince the voters that electing a racist is in the best interest of the USA."
Byron DeLear
8/28/2014 12:15:43 pm
I am hopeful Bill will see what we've been talking about, about equality and not being bigoted. People sometimes move slowly and need to examine things for a bit; and then, all of a sudden, a shift. Like the nation with LGBT issues.
8/28/2014 12:26:28 pm
I'm not super-optimistic, to be honest. He did say that he refuses to be swayed by the opinion of "accomplished experts"... What hope do we have?
Mark L
8/28/2014 08:46:04 pm
Anti-semites also serve to weaken legitimate criticism of the state of Israel - how they're killing children; how they're employing people to angrily denounce all anti-Israeli sentiment online. Government sponsored trolls, if you will.
8/29/2014 05:54:45 am
I won't get into specifics of Israel's actions (except to say that Hamas isn't killing more children only because they fail at it). I do, however, agree with you that retarded extremism always weakens reasonable discourse on any topic.
A Patriot
8/29/2014 02:35:06 pm
Uncle Sam also hands a weekly paycheck to internet trolls.
The Other J.
9/7/2014 06:22:50 pm
Made this comment in the other Red Ice article Jason posted, but that article was weeks ago and I made the comment tonight, so it's probably not doing much good there. So I'll repost it here.
Red Ice has become a clearing house for all "alternative" researchers. Everyone - literally everyone - has been interviewed. The reason they go on is because they are allowed to have their say, and the host is gracious and polite. It leaves an impression.
9/11/2014 11:37:42 am
Terry, you realize your views are just a less overtly hateful version of the guy The Other J mentioned, right? (Also, you and Makow are both Canadians. Coincidence?)
12/9/2014 05:12:29 am
And you don't see the conspiracy of destroying true diversity, culture and independence as a nation of people? You don't see how that is being used by the elite? I've seen the opposite with RI, their fans seem to be more intense and more loyal. They've always been trendsetters and soon enough other alt shows will follow.
9/11/2014 10:42:08 am
@ The Other J
9/11/2014 11:45:23 am
Apparently even Rense found Makow to be too insane/despicable and severed ties with him. Makow responded by throwing a hissy fit and writing hilariously unhinged anti-Rense pieces.
10/1/2014 04:19:29 am
Hello, I thought you might like these ''fringe'' sites...
Germaine Donovan
10/1/2014 07:28:47 pm
At first, being black, I was kind of disturbed by Red Ice's direction. I was also curious about the realities of white genocide, and the disguise of anti-white politics under the codeword of 'anti-racism', but then I had to ask some real questions, and be brutally honest with the answers, and realized , they are doing the right thing, however unpopular it might still be. I find it interesting that someone on these comments think it's a bad idea because they will lose subscribers - which is an unveiled way of saying "go with the highest bidder and don't worry about what is true". Some of their guests are out there, but they always have been. Real truth is, they are real rebels, and you can't be a rebel by playing to the mainstream ideas about race. You can't be a rebel by playing nice by the jews, and walking on eggshells around them , while they seem to think they are specially elected to modulate everyone else's affairs. They don't walk on eggshells for anyone , so why the hell should anyone walk on eggshells for them? The best thing the jews can do is stay out of everyone's business and mind their own, and stop pretending that everyone's business is also theirs. Long before I ever listened to Red Ice, I got sick of the jews' antics, and it seems that the entire planet is getting sick of them at this point. They've gone around playing on guilt and stirring up one group against another for ages. I mean, if you've been kicked out of 120 properties, it can't always be the landlord!
Robert Barto
11/1/2014 08:53:12 pm
Thanks for that comment Germaine. That was really great to read as a white man.
11/20/2014 10:24:36 pm
I am also black and was a paid member of red Ice radio for several years until recently. I didn't find RI's guest all fringe or kooks.Like Germaine, I think we are, being heavily manipulated and lied to by the mainstream, be they academics or journalists. Also RI featured a number of black researchers,which I found nice and very rare in the field. I think that their concerns for maintaining their culture and and gaining sovereignty in their country are compelling. But as a black person some of their rhetoric was offensive and I ended my membership. I must say especially from Lorna Loftek (spelling), wow what a fanatic she's become! As well the show's focus seemed to narrow to the "saving the white race" theme so much that I didn't feel welcome. If I moved to Europe right now I'd be part of the problem, according to them .I do feel however that their general premise about multi-culturalism has merit. I'm very concern about about the ease with which we abandon our culture roots to embrace a bland mono culture. There is a lot of self-hatred out there for one's original race no mater what race that is. I wish they hadn''t gone so far they are treading into important territory. Unfortunately, they have already started saying that when itunes dropped them it was because they were getting to close to the truth and that's why. It's all very self righteous.
Mann H
12/9/2014 05:06:16 am
Why did you listen to their show since you are so obviously politically correct. Ofcourse that is why Itunes censored them, because they are speaking the truth about the destruction of Europe by forced mass immigration. If this was occurring in Africa, the entire world would be outraged.
12/9/2016 12:30:39 pm
Sam smith
1/28/2015 08:32:11 am
You are the worst kind of black man their is. coon
12/9/2016 12:35:40 pm
Mann H. 5/30/2015 11:13:39 am
Yes those white liberals are a push over .What a hoot. But I agree about the anti semitism getting out of hand.People are blaming the jews for the state of the world because they are supposed to own the banks that have made us all debt slaves. If this is true then the truth must be told. However lets leave the ordinary everyday jews out of the equation.Because the ones at the top couldn't give a monkey's about them. Red Ice is fascinating because it fields so many different opinions- some loony some not. And as an intelligent adult I claim the right to decide which is which
9/10/2015 10:34:07 am
social justice monkey babbler
don peterson
5/12/2016 06:29:38 pm
12/9/2016 12:04:56 pm
Hey, Germaine!
Gritt Eglund
3/9/2018 06:16:10 pm
Jenna Stein
12/9/2014 04:58:28 am
You are all laughable mainstream tools using terms like racist, White supremacist, Nazi and anti-Semite. SO boring, predictable and utterly meaningless. Just call it for what it is, you are anti-White. Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, Europe for EVERYONE yet when the Chinese flooded into Tibet, the world called it GENOCIDE. You all sound like a bunch of control freaks, the new thought police who can't let people think, act or live the way they want.
12/9/2016 12:10:55 pm
1/2/2015 06:27:27 pm
I'm glade I wasn't the only one that read an article from Red Ice Creations that triggered a "wait a second" is this an anti-semitic site? The article I found was actually posted on fb by a friend who im pretty positive didn't realize who these guys were, but after seeing the title ("12 things you were not told about adolf hitler and Nazi Germany") and just the way the info was presented...along with cutesy photos of hitler and bambi... I typed in "jews" just to see what would come up lol and yea found some other interesting takes on things that gave me more red flags. See the funny thing is racism isn't so easy to spot all the time, you've got your white trash "n-ers this and that" and then you got your intellectual neo-nazis who are to me a bigger threat, these are the types that carefully word things and still spread racism without uttering a single p.c. incorrect word (well at least not to their audience or readers). To brainwash someone effectively, you've got to start small, you don't start with the lets kill all non-whites, it starts with being proud of your white ancestry, then teachings of not mixing with impure people then to why you shouldn't and why they're not as superior based on "facts and research". A very close friend of mine went through this when locked up, he wrote me about all the books he was reading (suggested by a friend of his in there, a neo-Nazi), and was sucked into this way of thinking. I wrote back to him, ready to end our friendship, but after writing back and forth, different perspectives, and once he got out, he no longer believes in those things, and realized how brainwashed he had become. Anyways, point is, he was suckered in by similar little bits of information with large biased twists and just because you don't see blatant racism, just read the article I mentioned, notice that while they're not screaming "lets kill us some jews and blacks!" the article and photos overall is screaming "try some hitler, he wasn't all that bad".
There is nothing wrong with having some pride in the accomplishments of your people. There is nothing wrong with wanting security for future generations of your people. It's natural and healthy. Look at what's happened to Sweden due to the influx of non-European, white Christian hating immigrants. Crime rates have skyrocketed (rape especially). There are "no go" zones where swedes can't go to in their own country. But the state run media refuses to report on these issues. Being called a racist is the worst thing a person can be called in today's p.c. world. And people like you know it. How can you hate your own people so much? Be proud to be white. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Stand up for yourself and your people! You'll probably be surprised at how good you feel. White genocide is real. Get on board or get out of the way.
1/24/2015 09:18:27 pm
I believe the word racism was coined by Leon Trotski.
4/6/2015 06:21:08 pm
The show made the final plunge into unabashed bigotry and antisemitism after Henrik married Lana. It was a match made in, well, somewhere.
4/10/2015 09:37:58 am
Henrik Palmgren has probably just grown plain bored after delving into speculative philosophy and occultism for a few years. Thing is, you can't really leave a mark on the media landscape these days without branding yourself as a target of hate. You want to be popular? Speak out and be a rebel. That's the rising industry these days. Icke, Lash, and the rest of them make $ being rebellious. It's a fun career path.
Rabbi Jakob
6/26/2015 01:08:33 pm
I love Red Ice Radio.
12/9/2016 12:40:19 pm
How about stopping the retardation of your brain, Rabbi Jakob.
8/14/2015 12:01:07 am
Yeah it's tragic to see. It's odd how we've got the dualistic logic of the alternatives as well. If Red Ice would've been truly alternative, it would include controverisal thinkers that were openly pro-zionism as well. But no one goes that far. People are fucking tragic, myself included. One day God will look at this human race, say "your time is up, u failed" and wipe us out. Start a new. Don't procreate!
9/10/2015 03:54:04 am
what a bunch of fucking whiney little queens
Sorbus Anglica
9/14/2015 06:13:52 pm
I came to this article from a comment on the Alex Jones Exposed site, a brief post regarding him hiring Stratfor interns. I spent time reading conspiracy theories as a teenager, 9/11, David Icke, government totalitarianism. I moved away from it in time, entered the mainstream. As I got older and became a young man, my politics changed from liberal to conservative. Just as liberals have progressives on tumblr, conservatives have the reactionaries on /pol/. These places are the hotbeds of rhetoric, sophistry and cultural memes that spread into the public sphere. Ignoring what's to the extreme of you is folly.
camilla hayden
10/30/2015 11:02:16 pm
Have been listening for quite some time to red ice radio and many of their guests. If you are open minded you will realize how people of all religions and races have constructively learned how to use any "atrocities toward their race" as a stepping stone to benefit and secure their futures. Now that is in no way a denial of the disgusting acts that have truly taken place in our history, however, there are those that are willing to manipulate their own race to advance their agenda and that is the essential theme of what is being discussed. Sometimes, the most racist people are those who are always claiming "RACISM". Clearly, they see race in everything, while others just see another person having a human experience. Listen to one or two of the broadcasts before you make up your mind. It is truly the height of arrogance to assume you know "everything" that is going on in the world.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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