If you are looking for my review of tonight's episode of America Unearthed, "Phoenicians in America," I reviewed it last week and you can find it here.
6/25/2019 11:36:44 pm
Well at least Scott "Wordsmith" Wolter has his new blog post out to laugh at.
Joe Scales
6/26/2019 09:18:57 am
Perhaps Scott is considering a third act as a debunker. Actually, that might not be a bad move for him. I can just imagine his first new show in said vein...
Accumulated Wisdom
6/26/2019 03:27:58 pm
Perhaps you should try out COZI TV. They show reruns of the Rockford Files and Murder, She Wrote!!! They even show the Six Million Dollar Man! Check out where Ancient Aliens stole inspiration for their Bigfoot material. Check your "TV Guide".
Accumulated Crazy Onanistic Zero Information
6/26/2019 04:35:44 pm
Remember it's been established in the Jasonverse that if you're anti-Zionist you're anti-semitic.
6/26/2019 11:06:11 am
Did not watch the streaming version, so watched some of the show last night. About 20 minutes was about all I could take, curious as to how Jason beats himself up watching all this pseudobunk, Anyway, I did make it to the point to where Scottie says that he can not date the stone because someone has reworked the engraving, or something similar to that. So, he just kicked himself in the ass over the KRS because it has been reported that the stone has been re-etched and cleaned, which everyone pretty much knows.. Without his precious KRS, his whole pathetic worldview cascades in on itself. Would be funny to stitch together a video of him making those comments pointing at the KRS.
6/26/2019 11:58:26 am
Scott going all Atlantis on us:
6/26/2019 03:37:59 pm
In Wolter's view long ago high civilization people either said "Let's sail east and find someone to tell about our copper" or "Let's sail west, I suspect there's copper there." Strangely enough no one from South America sailed north ISO copper. They were probably happy with their gold.
6/26/2019 03:52:22 pm
Oops, I guess Roger Spurr will have to wait.
Doc Rock
6/26/2019 04:01:04 pm
Maybe he is trying to do a little crossover with Hancock's current ancient global civilization boogey train? Or has Wolter worked this angle before. Hard to keep track when all the crazy just kind of blends together.
6/26/2019 05:17:53 pm
Because everyone in history, especially the ones for which there is no evidence was a Templar Freemason it all fits together which you would see if you were a brother Mason or had Native American friends who shared the secret teachings with you. "Stay tuned, the best is yet to come."
6/26/2019 05:28:48 pm
He has previously claimed something similar.
Doc Rock
6/26/2019 05:38:54 pm
I'm confused as to whether it would have been proto-Templar Phoenicians collecting the gold or maybe the proto-Templars in Egypt heard about North America from the regular old Phoenicians who were bringing the gold from over there? That's where they got the idea of a good spot to hide baby Jesus? Or do the Templars go all the way back to Atlantis?
6/26/2019 06:21:46 pm
Has there been any mention of Phoenician gold mining in the New World? I thought it was all copper.
Accumulated whiskey paunch
6/26/2019 06:29:24 pm
Maybe we can become friends and create a refreshing relationship of two intelligent individuals with competing ideas who present their ideas without attacking the other. Isn’t that how it's supposed to be?
Doc Rock
6/26/2019 07:15:21 pm
Mea Culpa. I meant copper not gold. Got my wires crossed after a couple Tullamore Dews while wading thru some nonsense about buried hoards of gold discussed by the Ancient Lost Treasures webpage brain trust.
E.P. Grondine
6/28/2019 10:55:48 am
Hi Doc -
RPG Grenadine
6/28/2019 07:34:16 pm
Wow, so incoherent. Seems to be a trend with you lately. R U OK?
6/26/2019 12:23:02 pm
Interesting Archyfantasies article on Wolter, Hancock et al, dealing with racism.
6/26/2019 02:43:27 pm
That year evokes a great example of White Supremacism
6/26/2019 07:08:39 pm
Has hell frozen over ?
Doc Rock
6/26/2019 07:38:36 pm
I still think that a condition of getting his show picked up again was for Wolters to rein in the crazy to some degree. But then again given his desire to revive the uber-stupid copper mining issue he can only rein things in so far.
6/26/2019 08:02:23 pm
It's about George Washington's spy ring, hard to believe he didn't toss in some founding father Templar nonsense.
Doc Rock
6/26/2019 08:22:08 pm
Yeah, that was the first thought that crossed my mind when they started talking about founding fathers and spies and codes. Figured that he would use that as an excuse to go balls deep into Templar lunacy. They have got to have him on a reasonably short leash.
6/28/2019 07:43:21 pm
Things are jumping in Mr. Wolter's Comments section. Nincompoops getting their asses handed to them left and right.
Joe Scales
6/28/2019 09:04:08 pm
"As a person who has operated a materials forensic laboratory for 30 years..."
6/28/2019 10:13:24 pm
"As a person who has run tests on concrete for 30 years...
Joe Scales
6/29/2019 12:05:21 pm
It's the arrogance of an imbecilic poseur. He thinks he's "winning". But his blog is so much more interesting than his current season of tripe. You get the real Wolter in his blog. The mendacious moron we know him truly to be. And the best part about it is that he has absolutely no idea of the real and lasting impressions he's leaving in this regard.
6/29/2019 01:23:21 pm
Looks like "Fred" has been given the boot. When he tries to publish now, the post just disappears, doesn't even go to Wolters approval.
6/29/2019 02:34:34 pm
If you hear from Fred again, please give him a warm round of golf applause from me.
Joe Scales
6/30/2019 09:27:47 am
I suppose what was blocked might have been, "Oh, you meant the discredited diffusionist…"
6/29/2019 12:41:04 am
Jebus !!!!
6/29/2019 02:42:14 pm
As you may know, a Bachelor's degree in geology is basically equivalent to graduating from the Merchant Marine Academy. The reason the two seem different can be traced back to the 18th century struggle between Freemasonry and certain factions of The Grange. Stay tuned! The best is yet to come.
6/29/2019 11:10:35 am
Wolter refers "Fred " to one of his blogposts:
Joe Scales
6/30/2019 09:38:30 am
Oh, that blog is the gift that keeps on giving. Hate to rattle a lunatic's cage by quoting our resident imbecile... but with this gem from Anthony, Wolter declares him the victor over "liar and fraud" Val:
6/30/2019 03:00:01 pm
Doc Rock
6/30/2019 01:15:24 pm
I try to stay away from his blog as much as possible because the stupidity burns like fire. But it is doable after the 6th Captain-n-Coke. I have noticed that he does not seem to get as much fanboy traffic as in the past. At times it seems like there is a regular core of about 5 critics, and then 2 or 3 defenders firing off short "attaboy Scott" type comments. I wonder how many of those latter posts come from his wife? Just doesn't seem like as many people have his back as a few years ago and their comments are brief. But then again I'm just not sure how one could be particularly supportive of his epically moronic comments about the copper trade.
6/30/2019 02:48:06 pm
I was putting off looking at Wolter's blaugh but based on your post, just dipped into it. It really is Batshit Crazy Central, As a wise man once said, Scott Wolter is an idiot.
Doc Rock
6/30/2019 04:19:02 pm
It has been rare that I have seen someone get their ass handed to them so badly as Wolter and his copper trade crap on the current discussion and in other one's on his blog. Yet, he seems to think that he is in the catbird seat in the discussion. He is either flagrantly whoring himself as a buffoon to generate any sort of buzz for his show with the mouth breathing conspiracy crowd or the guy is an honest to god cretin and utterly lacking in self-awareness. Either way he is an astonishing example of the turd floating to the top and I guess merits some congratualtions for Forrest Gumping his way up to drawing a nice pay-check and getting a lot of free travel.
6/30/2019 10:02:13 pm
Smart money is on "honest to god cretin". Stupidity is not new territory for Scott. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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