I regret to inform you that after I posted my review of the first half of Alan Butler’s and Janet Wolter’s America: Nation of the Goddess, the publisher, Destiny Books (an imprint of Inner Traditions), deleted the galley proofs from their online review copy page on Scribd. As a result, I lost access to the text before I had a chance to finish writing my review of the book. (The text was only accessible online and could not be copied or saved, as per the publisher’s security settings.) However unlikely a coincidence it is that review copy access was revoked the moment a bad review was posted, the galleys may have been taken down because the book was about to go on sale. Unfortunately, that means that I am not able to go back to the book for specifics in reviewing the sections I had previously skimmed in preparation for writing about the book in sections. The following discussion is based on some notes I made and my skimming of the chapters. If it should happen that I get access to a copy of the book sometime in the near future I may revisit this with additional details, if any of the claims deserve further discussion. Part Two: Washington, D.C.: The City of Isis
Chapters 10-14 of the book discuss Masonic symbolism in the city of Washington, and this material is exceptionally familiar since it is the same set of claims that Alan Butler discussed with Scott Wolter on America Unearthed S02E07, and the same material that Butler had previously explored in previous books on Freemasonry and conspiracy theories. Accordingly, Butler and Wolter reiterate claims that Washington, D.C.’s layout was based on the imaginary prehistoric unit called the Megalithic Yard and then offer conspiracies about the Washington Monument, which they see as having astronomical and astrological significance. The duration of the section covers claims that various buildings in Washington are aligned to astronomical events that symbolize important dates. Even if we accept all of these claims at face value, they would only suggest that Freemasons who were involved in the construction of these buildings used astronomical knowledge known at the time to symbolize dates important to them in that era. There is no evidence that this has any genuinely ancient connection to prehistory, any more than Caesar’s Palace and the Luxor in Las Vegas imply Roman and Egyptian cults in Nevada. Again, this material was all discussed on America Unearthed, and I explained back then why it was wrong. Before that, the material had appeared in Butler’s earlier books, and before that in Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval’s Masonic conspiracy book, and before that in dozens of earlier Masonic conspiracy volumes. There is nothing new here. Part Three: New York: The City of Osiris Chapter 15-21 shift the focus to New York City, where material from America Unearthed is again recycled in order to suggest that Manhattan is aligned in the sacred geometry of Egypt. This is based on the (very) rough correlation of three obelisks in the city with the belt stars of Orion. As I showed in my review of America Unearthed S03E10 when the show proposed this “correlation,” the math doesn’t work. The obelisks do not exactly align with the belt stars, and the obelisks chosen are not the only obelisks to be found in Manhattan. But the real centerpiece of the book is the two authors’ efforts to tell us that the all-American sport of baseball is actually an occult effort to worship the Earth Goddess. According to the authors, the baseball diamond is an outgrowth of the threshing-floor, a known location of occult worship. This gets a little complicated, and it’s a shame that the publisher deleted the galley proofs so I can’t use the authors’ own words. The argument is essentially this: Solomon built his temple atop an ancient threshing-floor (2 Chronicles 3:1), beneath which Enoch deposited hidden wisdom, according to the Masonic rite of the Royal Arch of Enoch, a claim ultimately derived from the Watchers myth. (Butler proposed earlier this year that Oak Island was a threshing-floor Masonic temple, too.) So, because the threshing-floor symbolizes the Temple, and Europeans may have played some of the precursors of baseball on threshing-floors, then the baseball diamond is, by the transitive property, symbolic of Solomon’s Temple. Now, since the authors believe Solomon was a goddess worshipper that makes the Temple and baseball diamonds sacred spaces of the Goddess. Oh, and the threshing-floors became Greek theaters, so Hollywood is in on the Masonic/Venusian/goddess conspiracy, too. The threshing-floors, they claim, similarly were the model for Grange halls, in order to enact pagan goddess worship rites that Butler ties to Neolithic worship ceremonies at various Western European stone henges. The authors assert that the baseball diamond is square because it evokes the Masonic square and compass. Both, in turn, they assert, represent the Goddess herself, with legs spread to expose her fecund vagina, which is being pulled open by her grasping hands. (They add that the “G” in the Masonic symbol doesn’t stand for God by Gaia, the Earth Goddess.) The Venus Families are apparently quite big on fertility symbols, hence their love of phallic obelisks, symbolically impregnating the Goddess wherever they thrust. This makes the Venusians about 70% less honest than the ancient Greeks, who carved statues of giant penises (herms), and the Romans, who decorated with metal and ceramic penises. The book concludes with speculation on the role of the Venusians (identified as the Illuminati) and the importance of the Two Pillars in Venusian and Masonic thought. Butler and Wolter link the Two Pillars from Solomon’s Temple to the two pillars of wisdom carved by Enoch and assert that all of them are the same as the obelisks that sat outside Egyptian temples. This might have been mildly useless speculation until Butler and Wolter assert that the old World Trade Center’s Twin Towers in Manhattan were meant to evoke Freemasonry’s pillars, which is why evil Muslims tried to attack Freemasonry through flying planes into the “Enochian” or “Solomonic” constructions. I will repeat this: The authors assert that Al-Qaeda attacked New York because of an occult anti-Masonic agenda tied to the Watchers and the Pillars of Wisdom. Butler and the two Wolters (Scott joins in the speculation here) heavily imply (but never state explicitly) that Muslims are trying to suppress the Goddess out of patriarchal gender politics that have aligned them with the Catholic Church and set them at odds with the Freemason-Venusians, for in their view masculinity and oppression are as firmly linked as femininity and freedom. All three authors point-blank assert that One World Trade Center, popularly called the Freedom Tower (which they wrongly say rose up “almost as soon as the rubble could be cleared”—you know, 2006-2014, right after the 2001 attacks), is a symbol of the resurrection god Osiris and “looks uncannily like a modern version of an obelisk.” Thus, for them Washington, D.C. is an image of Isis laid out on the ground, and New York the god Osiris. Consequently, Freemasonry’s occult origins in Egyptian religion are recapitulated in the United States—a “shocking” conclusion that Butler already laid out (by his own admission) in the book he recycles here, City of the Goddess: Freemasons, the Sacred Feminine, and the Secret beneath the Seat of Power in Washington D.C. In sum, the book is a steaming pile of recycled material from Butler’s previous books and from Wolter’s husband’s TV show and books, and adding to them only two new claims: that the Grange, being modeled on Freemasonry was actually the purest expression of prehistoric goddess worship in the modern world, and second that baseball diamonds are occult temples to the Earth Goddess. The books is Robert Graves’s White Goddess rewritten by idiots who literalized its evocations of the poetic and are so consumed in their paranoid conspiracies that every symbol becomes sexual, and every sexual symbol evokes the primacy of the feminine. The authors even compare monotheism to an abusive marriage, and they conclude that the Goddess is reasserting herself again, to the benefit of all humanity: “She is once more coming into full focus in the minds of humanity.” Weirdly, they don’t seem to have much more to say about the feminine or the sacred, or to care much about it beyond the smugness of thinking one has discovered a thrilling truth that will overturn dictatorships and religions and right the wrongs of history. “The time is out of joint,” Hamlet says in Hamlet 1.5, “O cursèd spite, / That ever I was born to set it right!” Our authors think themselves a sort of Hamlet, destroying the old order by threatening to bring down the Church, but our happy warriors are no band of brothers shedding blood for a gallant cause. Instead, to evoke yet a third play, theirs is “a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing.” But don’t take my word for it. Butler and Wolter write that they are very concerned about how patriarchal powers will take their revelations about the Goddess: “The evidence of such a great conspiracy as is proved by our findings will not find favor everywhere, and it is certain that it will be used by pressure groups as supposed proof of devil worship and subversion of humanity that suits their purposes to propose.” Imagine how much power and influence they imagine themselves to have. I shudder to think of what they see when they look in the mirror.
An Over-Educated Grunt
11/19/2015 02:58:48 pm
Deep breath. Think about something more interesting, like the significance of boundaries of sacred spaces across Western culture (can't speak much to the east) - the pomerium, the ditch that defines a henge, the difference between cloister and extramures, the modern Vatican border... in other words, actual examples of sacred geography that don't rely on arcane symbolism.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
11/19/2015 03:07:46 pm
"I will repeat this: The authors assert that Al-Qaeda attacked New York because of an occult anti-Masonic agenda tied to the Watchers and the Pillars of Wisdom."
1/13/2017 10:12:41 pm
Persönlich, als Freimaurer in der 9.generation, möchte ich das ganze Hurumhei als Qwatsch mit Sauce bezeichen...Heute habe ich weder Zeit noch Lust. In 2006 wollte man mich zum Schrein erhöhen weil man einen Flötenspieler im Schrein Band nötig hatte! Leider mußte ich
11/19/2015 03:20:12 pm
Jason, maybe you should count yourself lucky that you won't have to read the rest of what appears to be a piece of crap. Now, on to something else, Steve St. Clair, time to show up and tell me that I should waste my time on Alan Butler's, Janet and Scott Wolters mindless drivel.
Only Me
11/19/2015 03:23:54 pm
To think, in a direct response to Professor Henrik Williams's paper on the Narragansett Rune stone, Scott Wolter actually wrote on his blog the following gems:
An Over-Educated Grunt
11/19/2015 03:39:38 pm
I'll admit, I'm a horrible person and my mind immediately ran into the gutter when you mentioned Oreos... Double-Stuf Janet Wolter is what came to mind.
11/19/2015 03:42:49 pm
Hmmm...Maybe , but only after the boys get their spankings.
11/19/2015 03:27:29 pm
Can there be any doubt that 1 Butler + 2 Wolters = More batshit crazy than the entire cast of AA regulars.
11/19/2015 04:12:31 pm
My next visit to Orioles Park at Camden Yards is forever ruined.
An Over-Educated Grunt
11/19/2015 04:54:39 pm
"If you experience worship of the sacred feminine for more than four hours, a condition known as priapism, contact a medical professional."
Only Me
11/19/2015 06:13:32 pm
"Why is a men's only club supposed to be non-patriarchal?" Apparently, Butler and co. wanted Masons to be manginas and not MGTOW before MGTOW was cool. :)
11/19/2015 08:49:18 pm
*snort* I think he'd be fine about it. It has to be an appropriate species, though. Something you can take a pair hedge clippers to, now and again. :)
Joe Scales
11/20/2015 11:45:24 am
"My next visit to Orioles Park at Camden Yards is forever ruined."
11/21/2015 12:21:46 am
I've never gone there but I will next visit. Bacon on a stick sounds vaguely rude but very tasty. :)
Scott Hamilton
11/19/2015 04:41:40 pm
It's at this point that I start wondering if the authors of this kind of conspiracy stuff really believe in magic. I mean, they seem to be suggesting that the Masonic/Venusians are spending a lot of effort on trivial layouts, and unless they make fun of them for that effort being wasted, doesn't that imply that you think what they're doing works?
11/19/2015 04:57:07 pm
Pentagon = Pentagram, Solomon's Enochian mystical portal, of course! Or so I've read on conspiracy sites.
Shane Sullivan
11/19/2015 09:01:41 pm
Hmm. According to Family Guy, Washington Monument = Penis, Capitol Building = Boob, Pentagon = Anus.
Time Machine
11/19/2015 07:39:20 pm
Freemasonry is an important part of the history of Western Civilization - and it is being rubbished by conspiracy theorists like Alan Butler.
An Over-Educated Grunt
11/19/2015 08:42:21 pm
Now now, Brother Nobody, you commit the sin of vanity by cloaking yourself in new clothes when your old still fit! We are told to hate the sin, but love the sinner, so, my brother in Christ, I love you as I love myself - which is, in truth, not so much, but at least I know my faults.
Time Machine
11/19/2015 08:53:50 pm
All you know about the French Revolution is the beheading of Loius XVI.
Only Me
11/19/2015 09:10:54 pm
Yeah, I think Grunt pretty much disproved your assessment of his knowledge level a few blog posts back.
Time Machine
11/19/2015 09:19:33 pm
Crap !!
Time Machine
11/19/2015 09:25:49 pm
Michel Vovelle, The Revolution against The Church: from Reason to The Supreme Being (Ohio State University Press, 1991)
Time Machine
11/19/2015 09:35:56 pm
And one more thing - irrational rubbish lies at the heart of the people at the top EVEN TODAY IN 2015. There are those in the defense department that believe in all sorts of rubbish that no dignified trash collector would take seriously.
Time Machine
11/19/2015 09:49:19 pm
Never mind Alan Butler and Scott Wolter, read this:
Time Machine
11/19/2015 09:57:30 pm
Psychic warfare pundit Major Paul H. Smith (retired) has recently contributed a preface to the book by Tunde Atunrase, Remote Viewing: UFOS and The Visitors. Where Do They Come From? What Are They? Who Are They? Why Are They Here? (2015)
Only Me
11/19/2015 09:57:47 pm
I agree, Nobody. Everything you just posted is "Crap!"
Time Machine
11/19/2015 10:14:08 pm
I feel that I am under psychic attack
Only Me
11/19/2015 10:39:33 pm
First, you need a brain that can be attacked. That's up for debate.
Time Machine
11/20/2015 02:43:51 am
Forget about me, look at the academics that write books about the place in Freemasonry in European history.
Time Machine
11/20/2015 03:02:58 am
Richard William Weisberger, Speculative Freemasonry and the Enlightenment: A Study of the Craft in London, Paris, Prague, and Vienna (Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1993)
Only Me
11/20/2015 03:06:28 am
You don't know what I respect or what I believe, so don't pretend you do. In regards to all the posts you've made...I. Don't. Care.
Time Machine
11/20/2015 07:58:12 am
Not good enough, Only Me
An Over-Educated Grunt
11/20/2015 08:45:38 am
Brother Nobody, you overreach yourself and stretch from pride to hubris!
Only Me
11/23/2015 01:27:07 am
"Forget about me, look at the academics that write books about the place in Freemasonry in European history."
Time Machine
11/20/2015 03:02:11 am
Richard William Weisberger, Speculative Freemasonry and the Enlightenment: A Study of the Craft in London, Paris, Prague, and Vienna (Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1993)
Shane Sullivan
11/19/2015 09:05:32 pm
Isn't it amazing how every megalithic monument in Europe is measurable in an exact number of Megalithic Yards to a tolerance of up to one Megalithic Yard?
Only Me
11/19/2015 09:13:06 pm
Hey, those time traveling Freemasons maintained strict standards when they built the moon and Ceres!
Time Machine
11/19/2015 09:21:01 pm
Nothing can beat the wisdom of those Eucharist munchers.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
11/19/2015 09:21:25 pm
I can't keep track of a lot of these fringe figures, so I had to look back in the blog archives to see if Butler was the time-travelers-built-the-moon guy. He was. No wonder this book is bad.
Time Machine
11/19/2015 09:26:59 pm
Don't confuse Alan Butler's Freemasonry with the real thing.
Only Me
11/19/2015 09:56:38 pm
Here's some advice, Nobody:
Time Machine
11/19/2015 10:02:39 pm
“The Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic associations remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and, therefore, membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful, who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.”
Only Me
11/19/2015 10:08:57 pm
"And for the record, I consider Freemasonry to be another absurdity."
Time Machine
11/19/2015 10:17:00 pm
People who write about Hitler's death camps are not Nazis.
11/19/2015 09:36:55 pm
With all the sexual symbols Butler sees hiding under every bush (pardon the pun) it's kind of scary to think about him writing that book on sheep.
11/20/2015 12:49:58 am
Okay, I missed that one. What book are talking about?
11/20/2015 12:51:24 am
Should be ...are you talking about?
Only Me
11/20/2015 02:36:34 am
That would be /Sheep: The Remarkable Story of the Humble Animal that Built the Modern World/, O Books, John Hunt (August 16, 2006).
11/20/2015 03:28:18 am
A very unfortunate choice of words. If you zoom in on the cover of his book, the front sheep has an extremely wary expression on his face. :)
11/20/2015 10:48:45 am
Sheepish? =P
11/19/2015 11:10:40 pm
The genre of alternate history-archeology and its underpinnings with unanchored new age spiritualism swaddled in ever more complex and interconnected conspiracies, ancient and modern, have reached a critical mass of absurdity.
Time Machine
11/20/2015 02:36:29 am
The US Department of Defense is packed full of weirdos and nutters who believe in telepathy and parapsychology.
Time Machine
11/20/2015 02:50:22 am
David Morehouse, Psychic Warrior: The True Story Of The CIAs Paranormal Espionage Program
Time Machine
11/20/2015 02:53:51 am
People are ridiculing Aleister Crowley's British Intelligence and the Occult
Time Machine
11/20/2015 08:16:02 am
Lieutenant Colonel Jim Channon, First Earth Battalion (1982)
11/20/2015 03:32:42 am
11/20/2015 02:58:28 pm
I'll bring the popcorn
11/20/2015 03:42:51 pm
I didn't see the movie "Men who stare at Goats". I was waiting for another movie to come out that I was certain I would enjoy "Men who stare at Boobs."
Only Me
11/20/2015 04:33:06 pm
Clete, you don't need a movie for that. Every time you watch a fringe show on cable, you're staring at boobs.
An Over-Educated Grunt
11/20/2015 05:53:21 pm
And I should add that staring at boobs is infinitely more interesting than watching men who stare at them.
11/20/2015 06:20:23 pm
Proof we've become blasé about Templar infiltration:
Only Me
11/20/2015 07:05:30 pm
Personally, I'm waiting for the "Grail", a bowl of ice cream topped with crumbled Oreos®.
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