If you had to design an episode of America Unearthed that I am guaranteed not to care about, one exploring one of the least interesting mysteries of my least favorite time period is guaranteed to be it. I have never been terribly interested in the eighteenth century, and a minor footnote about which person served as one of Washington’s spies just doesn’t capture my interest. This was a quiet, talky episode of America Unearthed that rarely strayed beyond the historical record, offered no original investigation, and cast host Scott Wolter as a clueless naïf wandering around Long Island while contributing nothing except some connecting narration to a series of interviews with female historians, journalists, novelists, etc. The show never comments on the gender politics involved until a sentimental summation on the value of women at the end of the hour, but it is notable that the experts on the history of female spies are themselves all women.
Segment 1 The episode opens with another narrative discussion by Scott Wolter, this time with Wolter laying out a map of the American Revolution on a light table with little figurines of men and a silhouette representing “Agent 355,” a woman who served in George Washington’s spy ring and who exposed Benedict Arnold’s treason and uncovered a British plot to attack the colonial economy. Wolter claims that he will solve the mystery of Agent 355’s true identity before the end of the hour, though this is a boast that the show cannot back up. The show seems to be trying to save money on the traditional cinematic reenactments—a feeling confirmed by the overwhelming amount of stock photos and seated interviews that substitute for on-location adventures this week—and we cut to the opening credits before launching into segment one. The first segment immediate takes a turn into the surreal when Wolter tells us that he has been in contact with former CIA operative Valerie Plame, who became famous 16 years ago when Richard Armitage and Scooter Libby helped blow her cover during the Bush Administration. In the intervening years, she became a spy novelist. After an antisemitic scandal in 2017, for which she apologized, and an attempt that same year to buy Twitter in order to kick Donald Trump off of it, last month she became a Democratic candidate for Congress in New Mexico. Plame claims in a staged phone call to be “familiar” with Wolter. As bizarre as her appearance on this show is, somehow it fits. This leads to a discussion of the Culper Ring, Washington’s group of spies, and Plame tells Wolter that she has identified three suspects for 355’s identity. Wolter suspects that Plame, as a CIA operative, has access to secrets that aren’t “in the public record.” I doubt she has any government secrets about America before there was an American government. Plame and Wolter discuss how Washington’s spy ring functioned. Plame is not a good actress, and her stilted line readings give the lie to the idea that this show is anything other than scripted. Segment 2 The second segment involves Wolter investigating a coded message from Washington’s spy ring that mentions 355. Wolter and Plame discuss it by reading it against the well-known Culper Ring code. Thus, they see that the message said that the writer planned to meet with 355 (code for “lady”) to conduct espionage. The shock! Plame’s three candidates for 355 are Anna “Nancy” Strong, Elizabeth Burgin, and Peggy Shippen Arnold, the last being Benedict Arnold’s wife. Wolter delivers a scripted quip about Shippen playing Arnold, but his line reading is unnatural and it seems as though he did a few too many takes. This leads to Wolter examining the life of Peggy Shippen Arnold, which he investigates through stock photos and a sit-down interview with Allison Pataki, a novelist and journalist whose main contribution is to promote her novel about Shippen Arnold’s life, The Traitor’s Wife. Wolter suggests that Shippen Arnold turned on her husband because she was “scorned,” though Pataki offers a more cerebral interpretation centered on her connections to patriots. Pataki, however, doubts that Shippen Arnold could have come and gone from New York as easily as 355. We repeat the process again in discussing Nancy Strong, this time in a sit-down interview with a member of the Three Village Historical Society at Setauket on Long Island. In the AMC series TURN: Washington’s Spies, Strong was agent 355, though several historians argue she was too old to have been 355. Segment 3 In the third segment, Wolter goes outside to look at the water, but most of the discussion involves a computer-generated map to show how Strong might have signaled American patriots with a system using laundry as signal flags. It’s about as interesting to me as the lanterns on the Old North Church steeple in Longfellow’s poem about Paul Revere, which is to say, not really all that compelling as a story unless the minutiae of Revolutionary War communication is a pet topic of yours. Given that America Unearthed spent three seasons exploring ancient and medieval history, I’m not entirely sure how much of the audience will be excited by this sedate episode. Segment 4 In another waste of time, Wolter ventures down the hill to determine whether laundry hung on the shore could be seen by the naked eye from a cove a short distance away or whether a spyglass was needed to see the laundry. He determines that a spyglass can help but isn’t necessarily essential. “This little experiment we’ve done today has worked perfectly!” Wolter enthuses. Wolter then concludes that while Strong “could have” been 355 he does not have the evidence to prove it. Back in Brooklyn, Wolter meets Karen Quinones, a Revolutionary War historian, who tells Wolter about Elizabeth Burgin, who helped American prisoners escape from the horrific conditions aboard British prison ships anchored across from Manhattan Island. For her service, Washington granted her rations after the British put a bounty on her head, she fled New York, and she was left with nothing. “This is mind-blowing! It really is!” Wolter exclaims, claiming that Washington really gave the rations in honor of her service as 355. Segment 5 In the fifth segment, Wolter sits in his laboratory in Minnesota and then proceeds to recap everything we just heard to Plame, who appears via video conference. Since we just finished hearing all of this, the lengthy recap only serves to underscore how light the episode was on incident, excitement, or interest. Wolter concludes that Burgin is the best candidate for 355. Segment 6 The recap continues in the sixth segment, and Plame says Wolter did “some amazing sleuthing.” No, he didn’t. He did nothing. He talked to people and then picked one of Plame’s own candidates that somebody told him was the best fit. The show chose not to acknowledge many of the traditional stories told about 355 that complicate the narrative, including claims that the real 355 died aboard a prison ship in sometime after 1780, or that she in a common-law marriage and gave birth to a son named Robert Townshend, Jr. after his father, neither of which comport with the lives of the women investigated here. The stories might not be true—though Plame’s old employer, the CIA, endorsed them—but ignoring the stories told about 355 while filling the hour with endless repeating and recapping of its few facts just shows how the narrative for an America Unearthed episode is constructed backward from a preferred conclusion to fill the allotted time in a way designed to keep viewers just entertained enough not to turn the channel. A better documentary would have been more systematic in its evaluation of evidence, more informative in its discussion of dissenting points of view, and much less repetitive. The show ends with Wolter offering a paean to the contributions of women throughout American history in a way that was simultaneously a little patronizing and more than a little groan-inducing. After flashing on screen images of famous women from Harriet Tubman to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Wolter offers a summation on the importance of recognizing women’s contributions. “To them, I say ‘Thank you!’” he says. I am sure they are just thrilled that you appreciate them.
6/26/2019 07:49:11 pm
When I heard that AMERICA UNEARTHED was returning for a fourth season, I was hoping it was some kind of ghastly mistake (or somebody's idea of a practical joke, in very bad taste).
6/28/2019 07:31:58 pm
On behalf of Jason and his husband John Hetherington they would like to thank everyone for their financial support. They just bought a house in Bethlehem Town in Albany County and have a mortgage of $277,000. Obviously they are relying on you to keep sending money. Thank you.
6/28/2019 07:54:47 pm
Oh wait! Jason is a homosexual homeowner? A sodomite who doesn't care about the poor? I'm never visiting this site again!
6/28/2019 08:22:34 pm
You misunderstand. It’s a thank you.
6/28/2019 08:35:52 pm
Where is Nick Redfern when you need him?
6/29/2019 11:45:05 am
Your comment section wouldn't be complete without the trolls, Jason.
6/29/2019 05:02:14 pm
But would it nae be a bonnie experiment? Between the homophobes and the penis obsessions it's like trying navigate the sidewalks of San Francisco.
6/26/2019 08:07:17 pm
What is this ?,,,,,,Wolter light, no pseudo ?
Accumulated impacted wisdom tooth
6/26/2019 08:34:57 pm
Wonderful, now we’ll be treated to a rehashing of the various ding dong conspiracy theories regarding Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson from the two resident conservative buffoons.
6/26/2019 08:40:46 pm
An hour long version of the Wikipedia article.
Doc Rock
6/26/2019 08:50:06 pm
Plame is a doozy. She led an effort to get Trump off Twitter for promoting white supremacy but then got popped for perceived anti-Semitic activities not long afterwards. But maybe she was only being anti-Zionist. LOL.
6/27/2019 09:46:11 am
Scottie's reply to a comment on his recent blog post. "Gavin Menzies did make some compelling arguments about the Chinese coming to North America and I suspect they did; most likely on the west coast. However, I was not impressed with his theory the Newport Tower was built by the Chinese. I have examined numerous samples of mortar from the tower and have never noticed rice in any of them.
6/27/2019 12:51:38 pm
C'mon now, Scottie might have a point.
Anonymous (because Colavito isn't paranoid about anonymity)
6/27/2019 02:00:45 pm
Scott Wolter is refusing to post comments that might cast him in a poor light. He has repeatedly refused to allow people to post the link to Susan Martin's article "The State of Our Knowledge about Ancient Copper Mining in Michigan" published in The Michigan Archaeologist in 1995 and which is easily available online. This has occurred even when people were not posting anonymously.
Accumulated W.I.S.D.O.M. Wuss In Serious Denial Of Mendacity
6/27/2019 02:28:54 pm
It takes a certain basic level of competence, ask Mom and Dad for help if necessary, but here's how it's done: make up a fake name.
Anonymous (Because Colavito Isn't paranoid about anonymity)
6/27/2019 02:45:03 pm
Maybe get your mother and father to help you with the last sentence of my post. But since you probably aren't operating from a nuclear family frame of reference, I will act as surrogate and help you by stating even more clearly. He won't post the reference no matter what name is used, whether it is your real name or Mickey Mouse.
A.C.C.U.M.U.L.A.T.E.D Assish Clown Car Upchucking many unbelievably tedious ejaculatory drizzles Wisdom
6/27/2019 02:51:58 pm
"Terrence PetersonJune 26, 2019 at 12:24 PM
أنا أستمتع بالجنس الشرجي مع الأولاد الصغار
6/27/2019 03:00:07 pm
I post there successfully all the time. If you really want to post a reference, create a bitly link. He won't check it. (Touches nose) There's a trick in every trade. You're just not trying. Mostly complaining.
Anonymous (Because colavito isn't paranoid about anonymity)
6/27/2019 03:09:17 pm
Ingenius how Terrence uses secret Freemason code to include the reference to Martin's article in that post without anyone being the wiser.
Accumulated Wisdom
6/27/2019 03:30:12 pm
Paranoid about Anonymity
6/27/2019 03:46:29 pm
I imagine you're no stranger to handing out a D.
أنا أستمتع بالجنس الشرجي مع الأولاد الصغار
6/27/2019 03:53:55 pm
"Ingenius how Terrence uses secret Freemason code to include the reference to Martin's article in that post without anyone being the wiser."
Anonymous (Because colavito isn't paranoid about anonymity)
6/27/2019 04:04:10 pm
You are slow on the uptake. I simply stated a fact about Wolter refusing to allow people to post a reference to a specific source no matter what name they use. You then made snarky comments which clearly indicated that you didn't bother to actually read and think about what I posted. I proved that. Now you are the one doing the whining. Rather than hanging around here looking foolish why don't you take a shot at posting the reference over there.
أنا أستمتع بالجنس الشرجي مع الأولاد الصغار
6/27/2019 04:50:48 pm
Why should I "take a shot" when a) I don't care about it because I get my stuff posted, and b) according to you, you've already proved it can't be done.
Accumulated wisdom
6/27/2019 05:28:31 pm
It’s a pity that Jason doesn’t institute a similar policy here so that bird brained psychopaths like you (who use fake names and offer nothing but inane insults) would be eliminated from intelligent discussions.
Anthony Warren Bardsley
6/27/2019 05:59:18 pm
And your real name is?
Accumulated wisdom
6/27/2019 06:25:34 pm
Is that your real name or the full legal name of your wife AKA “The Bearded Lady”? 6/27/2019 06:55:12 pm
Sick burn, bro. I fear I have been vanquished. On the other hand your poetry reads like it was written by Elizabeth Smart's kidnapper.
Accumulated wisdom
6/27/2019 07:19:52 pm
You’ll have to explain that reference to me — and I will certainly defer to your superior knowledge and experience regarding the mentality and writings of insane child kidnappers.
Anthony Warren Bardsley
6/27/2019 07:40:28 pm
I say, what a well reasoned retort!
Accumulated wisdom
6/27/2019 08:15:21 pm
Thanks brah, and I let me say that I quite enjoy your poems, particularly the ones that are “almost childlike in their simplicity.”
Anthony Warren bardsley’s hair piece
6/27/2019 09:20:02 pm
Well, my idea was to create a neo-Primitive style which embraced an autodidactic approach to the creation of verse, although in my case that term does not technically apply, considering that I completed a free extension course in creative writing at a local junior college located in the unnamed sunbelt state where I live.
أنا أستمتع بالجنس الشرجي مع الأولاد الصغار
6/28/2019 08:22:33 pm
Anonymous (Because Colavito isn't paranoid about anonymity)
7/8/2019 03:07:24 pm
You are easily played.
Riley V
6/27/2019 05:05:50 am
No wonder Wolter wasn’t all that exited about this season. He was interviewed on Coast 2 Coast about 6 weeks ago. He said he would need very strong ratings to get another season He Saunders defeated before he started.
6/27/2019 09:28:53 am
Guess Scottie boy can always hook up with his **** buddy Jovan and do another podcast series when things do not pan out.
Joe Scales
6/27/2019 08:39:53 am
"...to Ruth Bader Ginsburg..."
Accumulated Wisdom
6/27/2019 11:27:08 pm
Anthony Warren bardsley’s butt plug
6/28/2019 12:32:57 am
You know, there’s a little blue pill that can take care of your performance problem. In my case, because I live in one of the few Yokel Belt states that has generous Obamacare coverage and the Health Department here considers me indigent, I can obtain the generic form of the magic pill for free!
Acumulated Wisdumb
6/28/2019 12:33:55 am
Accumulated Wisdom
6/28/2019 02:05:35 am
Wisdumb has a Willy
6/28/2019 01:05:36 pm
Wow, I step away for a day and it's all Anthony human echo chamber musing about other men's junk, all the time. Mr. Scales is right.
6/28/2019 07:41:59 pm
Things are jumping in Mr. Wolter's Comments section. Nincompoops getting their asses handed to them left and right.
6/28/2019 08:35:09 pm
I’m glad that you enjoyed it, there’s plenty more to share!
E.P. Grondine
6/28/2019 10:00:24 pm
Hi Doc -
RPG Grenadine
6/29/2019 01:09:31 pm
Everyone knows who "outed" Plame.
Doc Rock
6/30/2019 12:57:50 pm
This episode came across quite a bit like a watered down version of what one might see on the Smithsonian Channel.
6/30/2019 02:07:17 pm
After using a satellite phone to have a disabled and broken Phoenicia towed to safety numerous times by modern vessels Wolter declares the ship safe to cross the Atlantic !
Doc Rock
6/30/2019 03:46:33 pm
Did Captain Courageous discuss the issue of making it across the Atlantic AND THEN up the St. Lawrence and across the Lakes? Or did they use the Viking Templar route and come down from Hudson Bay?
6/30/2019 04:16:07 pm
Nah, Scottie doesn't sweat the small stuff.
Doc Rock
6/30/2019 04:28:44 pm
I'm still trying to figure out the cost/benefit when it comes to building, staffing, and supplying a ship with provisions and trade goods then sending it on a 12 or 13 thousand mile round trip voyage as opposed to sailing 160 miles to Cyprus which pretty much supplied the entire eastern Med. I'm also trying to figure out why none of those trade goods have shown up at Native American sites.
Anthony Warrren
6/30/2019 04:47:38 pm
You didn't factor in the Gulf Stream can be seen from space and I routinely let older men touch me for beer.
Doc Rock
6/30/2019 04:55:22 pm
Damn, we now have proof of ancient aliens/Phoenician contact. The Ancient Aliens could see the Gulfstream from space and then clued in the Phoenicians. If the Phoenicians busted a rudder or mast they would just use the satellite phones loaned to them by the ancient aliens to call up for a tow.
6/30/2019 05:04:22 pm
I'm gonna go all Scott Wolter here and say that the Proto Templar Phonetician copper merchants were very fastidious and cleaned up all their stuff leaving nothing behind for archaeologists to find.
Doc Rock
6/30/2019 05:15:47 pm
Did they really do that good of a job cleaning up after themselves or is everything just buried too deep to find or archaeologists are not allowed to dig deep enough to find the real goodies?
6/30/2019 07:15:46 pm
Either way, if we find evidence of their being here, that proves they were here.
6/30/2019 05:51:06 pm
Sorry to hear that Jim and Doc are apparently in league with Big Copper. Probably they're also tied into the Jesuits who run the Smithsonian.
Brother Bluto
7/4/2019 01:53:03 pm
Scott's initiation ceremony
7/2/2019 10:41:24 am
Wolters blog post is up for Season 4, Episode 6 :
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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