Well, this was different. Tonight Ancient Aliens focused on a single site, Puma Punku in Bolivia, rehashing the exact same material first presented in the 2009 pilot (Puma Punku discussion starts at 54:43). This material was carefully debunked by the podcasters Dumbass and Skeptoid, and there is nothing in this episode that hasn't been refuted countless times since 1946, when the first alternative interpretations of the site began. I’m not sure why the show chooses to refer to the Tiwanaku site by the name of Puma Punku, which is actually the name of one of the monumental centers at the site (it's closer to the other temples at Tiwanaku than the Pentagon is to the Capitol), except that it makes it sound different from the 2009, 2010, and 2011 programs analyzing Tiwanaku. Chief alien enthusiast Giorgio Tsoukalos: “Puma Punku is the only site on planet earth that in my opinion was built directly by extraterrestrials.” Prove it. Since 2009 you haven’t provided a shred of proof of anything extraterrestrial at the site, and you didn’t do it this time, either. When the Stars Are Right Before we get into the specific nuttiness of tonight’s Ancient Aliens, let’s begin with a disclaimer: Tiwanaku is not 17,000 years old. This date derives from the work of Arthur Posnansky, who tried to apply archaeoastronomy to the site but did so in ways that modern scholars do not recognize as legitimate. Posnansky proposed a date of 15,000 B.P. (before present, i.e. 13,000 BCE), which the geniuses on Ancient Aliens misread as 15,000 BCE, adding an extra 2,000 years onto Posnansky’s already flawed dates. Here’s what he did wrong. Posnansky assumed that the Kalasasaya temple at Tiwanaku was laid out with perfect accuracy to align to the equinoxes and solstices that he felt (but could not prove) were important to the Tiwanaku people. Thus, on a certain day the sun was supposed to rise above one rock at the temple and set behind another. (Ah, but which rock should we use?) Since the current ruins do not align with these celestial events accurately, he concluded that the ruins must have been built at a time when they would have aligned with that event. Since the sun and sky change positions at a predictable rate due to gradual changes in the angle of the earth’s axis, he concluded that the Kalassaya was built in 13,000 BCE as a solar observatory, despite no other evidence of solar astronomy at the site. The sheer number of assumptions was something of a tip off that his method was flawed, and no other method of dating confirms the dates. (Carbon dating of artifacts at the site places construction around 200 CE. There are no 14,000-year-old artifacts ever dated from Tiwanaku. Surely aliens would have left something from all their time living there.) Worse, the temple actually aligns perfectly with the spring and autumnal equinox right now, bisected by the sun’s beams on those two days. There is therefore no reason to propose a 13,000 BCE construction date to solve a problem that does not exist. The long and short of it is that Posnansky assumed celestial alignments and assumed flawless construction and then used his assumptions to “prove” that his assumptions were correct. Now, funny thing: Posnansky dated the Kalasasaya, which is a different temple from the Puma Punka temple, though both are part of Tiwanaku. Ancient Aliens even gets its pseudoscience wrong. So, if Puma Punku is not 15,000 years old, then the rest of the episode’s speculation is rather fruitless unless one thinks that the aliens were flying around the early medieval world and nobody noticed. Oh, and 600 CE wasn’t that long ago, so we ought to have traces of their landing sites, the trash they threw out, something. But, no. Not a trace. H-Blocks: The History Channel of the Gods Ok, so we move on to the show’s actual silly claims. After an opening segment dedicated to making us accept Posnansky’s flawed date, David Childress tries to prove that the granite blocks on the site are cut at “precision angles,” but his demonstration fails when his right angle tool [edit: a reader reminds me this is called a set square] fails to align precisely with the block, which is out of true by a few degrees. Giorgio Tsoukalos then argues, as he did in 2009, that diamond-tipped drills made the stones, even though he concedes in a spectacularly silly field piece at Chris Dunn’s workroom that the surface looks nothing like diamond cut surfaces, arguing instead that the original diamond-cut surfaces he assumed existed must have eroded later. Sigh. Childress then argues that a line of History channel logos at Puma Punku (the so-called H-blocks) is “beyond what we can do today,” but once again this is not true. The Aztecs, a historical people, managed to carve precise and pretty blocks with precision on their temples and no one claims aliens built the Templo Mayor. The Romans, at the same time as Tiwanaku, also managed to do without “levitation and antigravity” and “super-technology” that Childress attributes to the ancient aliens. In fact, the architectural techniques used at Puma Punku are common across Middle Horizon (600-900 CE) sites in the region. The site is not unique. According to Tsoukalos and Erich von Däniken, Puma Punku is the aliens’ very own building, while Tiwanaku is a human-built visitors’ center for worshipping the aliens. Childress then states that the sculptured heads on the walls of the Kalasasaya represent all human races, including grey aliens (even though they have noses). These are in actuality very stylized human sculptures and cannot be related to any anatomical humans, as professional sculptor and alternative theorist Brien Foerster seems to think. “All cultures on earth” did not accept Tiwanaku as special, as Philip Coppens claims, since no one outside South America had any idea of its existence. Childress is also wrong that Native Americans cannot grow facial hair so therefore Tiwanaku statues with facial hair must be visitors from Europe or space. Here’s a Native American with a mustache and beard: Aliens Speak Sumerian Childress also gets quite excited about the “Fuente Magna” bowl, a purported artifact from near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia that supposedly shows “proto-Sumerian” and Semitic writing alongside South American designs. (Childress is wrong about it having both Sumerian and proto-Sumerian; two linguists merely disagreed on whether it was Sumerian or proto-Sumerian.) It was found at an unknown date (sometime prior to 1958) and brought to the attention of archaeologists sometime between 1958 and 1960. No one paid attention to it until 2000, when a documentary crew for Atlantis in the Andes filmed it. Given the extremely problematic provenance, it is most likely a hoax, like the Kensington Rune Stone and other supposed “evidence” of Old World peoples in the Americas. Today, some Mormons celebrate the artifact as proof of the Book of Mormon. Interestingly, Mormons began working in nearby Peru in 1956, just at the time this “proof” was supposedly uncovered. But no matter the truth, the bowl fails to support, as Childress claims, Zecharia Sitchin’s theories of alien Anunnaki in Bolivia since the inscription, when “translated,” refers to either (a) Sumerians teaching the Bolivians goat-herding, with no aliens in sight or (b) a purification rite, again with no aliens. It depends on which translator of the likely fake inscription you prefer. (One of the two translators, Afrocentrist writer Clyde Winters, insists that the Inca are identical with Enki, the Sumerian god, because, well, they sound alike. Quality work.) At best, the bowl would be evidence for trans-Atlantic contact. But it’s probably a hoax. "Super-Technology" Tsoukalos argues for a “potential yes” to the use of sonic technology at Puma Punku because a legend current in 1550 (500 years after abandonment of the site) claimed giants used trumpets to move the stones. The Greeks thought the Mycenaean ruins were built by Cyclopes, and medieval people thought Merlin made Stonehenge fly from Ireland to England. Late legends are not reliable sources. This does not stop David Childress: We then get into claims that the site was a factory for creating energy (?) which was built by electric drills because the stones are carved so precisely. Childress calls it “the kind of granite spaceport that extraterrestrials would want.” “Planning means writing,” von Däniken said, arguing for why "primitive" (read: stupid) Aymara Indians could not have built the site. No, it doesn’t. Gobekli Tepe was built before writing was invented and no one has yet claimed it was built by aliens even though it was well-planned. Apparently Aymara Indians are too dumb to stack blocks while Swiss hoteliers are geniuses. The various ancient astronaut theorists (AATs) can’t figure out whether the H-blocks at the site were parts of a track for launching spaceships or hinges for giant temple doors. Whatever. This material has been gone over many times, as have the Colombian gold bee and bird sculptures that they insist are actually model airplanes. These are suggested to be the crafts launched from Puma Punku. Even if they are, it still doesn’t mean aliens, only that Colombians figured out how to make gliders. Not exactly rocket science. H-Block and H-Bombs
The destruction of Puma Punku is attributed to a flood caused by a meteor strike “several thousand years ago.” Since the site isn’t that old, this whole segment is fruitless speculation built upon lies. The fact that bits of the building stones are mixed with the soil is taken as evidence of an “artificial blast” in the remote past or an alien nuclear war, rather than the actual cause: bits left behind from finishing the stones in situ and later destructive efforts at the site, human and seismic. Childress brings up his proven lies about nuclear weaponry in the Mahabharata to support this view. But if I understand this correctly, the AATs are saying that an explosion at Puma Punku blew the site into tiny little bits, but this same explosion spared most of the rocks there and left many of them completely untouched, including all of Tiwanaku proper right next door. Sure it did. So, the AATs conclude that the aliens blew up Puma Punku to prevent anyone except AATs from discovering their secrets or utilizing their advanced technology, which, I guess, must not have used any metal or plastic since no advanced alien technology remains. Even abandoned sites destroyed by explosions preserve some trace of the activities of the people who lived there. If we can figure out what the people of Gobekli Tepe ate 10,000 years ago, surely there ought to be even the smallest trace of this alien technology—a dead battery, a broken chip of plastic, a lost screw—anything. But there isn’t, and do you know why? It’s because the aliens exist only in another dimension, the one contained entirely within AATs’ imaginations.
3/20/2012 09:32:52 am
You are too dismissive concerning the Magna Fuente bowl. How about the large oracles found in nearby Pokotia in the last 10 years which are covered with proto-sumerian script (which has even been translated).
3/20/2012 09:38:10 am
Read my blog post of 3/18/2012. I review the Pokotia Monolith and discuss why the "proto-Sumerian" script is a fantasy created by alternative archaeologists and Afrocentrists.
7/7/2016 05:16:08 am
I'm just going to say that you cannot prove nor disprove anything you are talking about. So let us watch our shows in peace without your idiotic self-righteous ranting about your beloved blog. Go do everyone a favor and run out into on coming traffic.
John Moran
8/25/2022 11:56:25 am
This study and article you’ve written is just another opinion of many skeptics whose narrow mindedness and lack of common sense continues to prove you and your fellow skeptics have no glue what your talking about!! Mainstream scientists or whatever title you give yourself are terrified of being proven wrong and having to rewrite planet earth’s history! Do something that proves how human beings could possibly have the skills no how tools and equipment to cut stones from a side of hills mountains that weight 10’s to 100’s of thousands of tons and transport them hundreds of miles and then raise the stones to heights that cannot possible be done now in the year 2022. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the incredible impression sites around the globe built in similar fashion and not come to the conclusion that there was technology that existed 10’s to 100’s of thousands of years ago that dwarf the technology that exists today. Our own government has been given technology from other intelligent civilizations that are millions billions of years older a head of us in technology. Do you actually believe that a light bulb went off in the head of scientist one day in the 1950’s and has allowed us to take everything we know and but all that information in your wrist watch able to retrieve it at will?? I’m a self educated man who has studied religions space history archaeology etc etc etc.! One constant conclusion I have proven to myself is mainstream scientists archaeologists historians etc are the most closed eyed foolish thinking people in their field of so called expertise and to to wake up open their eyes realizing that we human beings aren’t the pinnacle of creation!!!! 3/11/2015 03:10:50 pm
You must be in college because this piece is written almost as badly as every show on the History Channel. Just in case your young, like this guy, im gonna give you readers a piece of advice...Almost ever piece of info you get is white washed before you get it... The economy doesnt work like you think it does..The major media news is pretty much as made up as Riki Lake show was, even financial news for the most part is fake...I mean some dude getting blasted in BK might be real but the real news is censored (try Zerohedge or sgtreport.com) Every unemployment report or jobs numbers, all fake (after 2009).....Price discovery in financial markets? Fake..its HFT algorithms running the price..
I read from a naysayer that Ancient Aliens Giorgio lied about the,stones being made of granite but of SANDSTONE, and thatcthet do not weigh 800 tons, but alot less, i forget how much he said. So did Giorgio lie? I love A.A. and i cant believe VonDannken wouldnt know sandstone from granite so is A.A. making up stuff? I hope not!
What are your views on the transportatioin methods used. Not just here but the foundations of the Jupiter Temple (Baalbek, Lebanon). Some of the huge, cut stone (or perhaps moulded stone) are in excess of 1000 metric tonnes. I am not convinced by your argument nor that of the AAT's. However, humanity has certainly lost a significant ammount of information about it's past and origins.
3/21/2012 07:22:51 am
I actually addressed the Baalbek question back in September in response to another commenter's question. Here is what I wrote:
5/6/2012 09:33:41 pm
The platform at Baalbek consisting of the 800+ ton stones was already there when the Romans started construction. Comparing it to Roman techniques isn't valid. While it's easy to say they rolled them down hill that is conjecture really because it's difficult to date the platform's construction date. Pre-Hellenistic construction is believed but who knows. The site has been occupied for thousands of years before the Romans arrived. Given Egyptian accomplishments however and the proximity the use of similar techniques is reasonable. 5/8/2014 09:53:48 pm
It's ok for you to assume and have theories about how they moved those huge boulders, but it's not ok for other people to theorize about it.
6/11/2014 06:42:32 am
Since dating of sites is primarily based on organic material our dating system only provides a "minimum" date and the civilization could have been there much longer. I suppose you have photographs of this to prove it ehhh? Fucking stupid bastards, stop trying to cover up the real scientists work. They have found ancient sumerian script right next to Puma Punku, and this basically tells us all that they obviously had ways to bring people from Sumeria in flying machines as well utilize the antigravitational technologies they have used to build all of this stuff. This is all completely covered up by the government because they do NOT want us to know the technologies exist. If we knew these really existed, it would mean that overunity is definitely possible, that free electricity is possible , and, that the government has been traveling to off world locations and have had their hands into this off world technology now for nearly a century, using our hard earned money to fund them and charge us outrageous amounts of money for fuel, electricity and many other things just to hide this from us. The plan is to get us all into drugs like weed, have us all baked, disarm us, then, send folks getting paid all of our money invade out precious US while we have no way to protect ourselves. This has been the plan now for a long time, and Obama is the beginning of it all. Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones were right all along, youre all just a bunch of scammers that are assisting with this global coverup. The russians will end up with everything because their technologies are far more advanced than all of ours and they aren't afraid to use them. Watch, you will all see soon enough. Just finished reading the thread you posted (thanks for that). Im still open minded as to the origins of the baalbek foundation as this is not documented by the Romans (or any other civilization for that matter). Is there any evidence for a ramp constructed from the quarry? Also, how on earth would stones of this nature be cut with primitive tools and knowledge (I worked with stone for 5 years). As I posted before I am not arguing for or against the AAT's theory but I still believe we have lost a large part of our history. If only we could carbon date stone....sigh. However, I did laugh when David Childress used his set square in the 'Puma Punku' episode (cleary not a 90 degree angle ha ha).
3/21/2012 08:52:35 am
Set square! Thank you. For the life of me I couldn't think of the name of that tool.
I certainly agree about the Colossi of Memnon being impressive, especially if it was carved on site (meaning stones again in excess of 1000 metric tonnes would have been transported). The ancient world certainly boggles the mind and I wish we had all the answers but like most we are only speculating. Hopefully the answers will come within our lifetime but as of now nothing can be ruled in or out.
2/22/2015 06:07:19 am
All of their avenues of investigation be ruled out as far as evidencing any ancient alien activity is concerned.
Alan Abramowitz
3/29/2012 01:46:56 pm
Ancient Aliens is a thoroughly embarrassing problem asserting this to be surely the work of ancient astronauts. I'd rather go with Graham Hancocks ideas of an antedelluvian civilization. Thee is much evidemce aod a lost technological civilization. I see nothing flawwe about the 17,000. Any artifacts from remote antiquity would be gone. I wouldnt dismiss the bowl either. Its fine if you want live in a simplified ordered world devoid of deliberation. I can understand that. But please dont jump around dismissing ideas even if the morons at Ancient aliens are ruining alternative theory discussion.
Paul Croke
3/29/2012 11:49:42 pm
Well done and thank goodness there are some real scientists out there that dont attribute every single great human achievement to aliens. That show makes me want to pull all my teeth out. most unscientific programm ever. ancient aliens should be banned.
4/5/2012 02:00:43 am
I feel your opinions offer no real insight on any-thing and are just as dumb as that show on aliens. Give me solid proof or shut-up!
3/5/2015 05:47:04 pm
HaHa, I totally agree.
4/14/2012 03:54:10 pm
Thanks for this post. We've been doing some debunking this season as well on TheWondersExpedition.com with Dr. Mark Van Stone, who they had on the first two shows about 2012 and the Maya as a certified Mayanist. They took snippets of his actual scholarly testimony and then overwhelmed it with nonsense from Giorgio and Van Daniken.
Bob Brown
2/12/2013 06:10:12 pm
I'm going to have to agree with the ancient alien theory, seeing as our earth exists in the vacuum of space, no life forms can form spontaneously from a vacuum, particularly from chaos, and that means we had to all have come from somewhere, and I'm thinking that makes us ALL aliens.
2/22/2015 06:09:00 am
You have no grasp of reality if you believe what you just typed. I completely agree with you. Oh by the way, that fucking idiot JIMBOB is a dumb fucking moron that has one tooth right in the middle of his mouth. What the fuck does that inbred cocksucker know anyway other than knowing that moonshine gets him drunk and rots his teeth out. maybe if he saw a real crop circle in the corn field he steals his corn from to make his moonshine, he would concur on something here. His father should have never raped his sister, now we have him here that's even more worthless than Chris White.. (maybe closer than I thought, they are both 2 worthless losers that think Earth is the center of the galaxy and nobody else exists elsewhere in an infinite universe) Both complete retards if you ask me. LOL
5/20/2016 03:56:50 pm
LMFAO fuckball that was fantastic. Bottom line is that we are very small. If all knowledge in the universe was an iceberg, we possess half of a snowflake that blew off the top. Period.
Jeff Z
5/15/2012 07:45:45 pm
How were the h-blocks moved? If there are no trees in the immediate area then what is the closest place they could have acquired enough trees? How many tree logs needed? How far did they travel to get the logs? If they were not moved with the help of trees then how did they? What type of work force would be needed? What obstacles in terrain would pose challenges and how would they circumvent?
5/16/2012 01:26:23 am
The largest block at Puma Punku weighs 144 tons (131 metric tons), and the others are much lighter (the next heaviest is only 85 metric tons). Many scientists believe they were moved either by a large number of people pushing together, or dragging them with llama-skin ropes. Given that there are plausible earth-bound explanations, the extraterrestrial hypothesis cannot be considered the most probable.
3/5/2013 06:40:40 pm
I've been a General Contractor for 30 years and have a Bachelor's Degree as well (not a big deal, but beats a GED!). 144 tons is roughly the weight of two empty Boeing 747 aircraft. Tell you what. Stack two upon each other and line up all the rough cut logs you want on a rough dirt path, kill a few thousand llamas, skin them and tie their hides onto the nose gear, then keep adding person after person, pulling with all their strength, uphill or down, and get those aircraft to move an inch. It ain't happenin' man. I get such a charge out of the "log o motion" theory. We went to the moon and back in vehicles propelled by chemical thrust using toggle switches on the dashboard and we left evidence of our visit there as well. Why is it so difficult for some to assume that we have had visitors? Time isn't relative to anything in the universe because time has existed forever. Literally ANYTHING can be possible given time and the vastness of the universe. For humans to assume that we are the only beings capable of space travel is the height of arrogance. And those who demean people who do believe in advanced visitors are themselves foolishly ignoring the night sky right before their eyes. Every star that you see has a solar system with a possible living planet in orbit. Now with the advent of the Hubble telescope, those realizations are even greater. Yet here we are talking of logs and llama skins! I am entertained by the myopia! 3/5/2013 10:31:11 pm
As a contractor, surely you understand the power of levers. Once the rock has been lifted and put into motion, it's simple physics. Not to bring up a silly show like SyFy's Fact or Faked, but they did an episode using levers that moved multi-ton rocks and showed how a single person could move many tons by him or herself with the power of physics. You're assuming that they're simply pulling dead weight, so with all due respect you are the one lacking in imagination.
Wayne Thomas
10/2/2014 05:08:31 pm
Ok, couple of things... 10/2/2014 10:59:23 pm
The trouble is that it's not "just" a show. Millions of Americans claim to believe in the ancient astronaut theory, and the U.S. Congress asked whether "Ancient Aliens" was telling the truth at a recent hearing, the transcript of which you can find in my government documents section. Congress doesn't hold hearings on whether the "Real Housewives" are telling the truth.
3/5/2015 06:51:15 pm
Jason, the one thing, the one fundamental question you seem not to be asking yourself is-
3/12/2013 09:36:19 am
The old saying ,"there is nothing new under the sun.", is oh so true. I do not believe that just because we do not understand how something was accomplished we should automatically credit an alien visitation. I believe that us humans are suffering from amnesia. There is a vast array of knowledge and technology and time that has been stripped away from what we consider to be our history. Something happened that has forever erased the distant past. The earth is how old? 4 billion years? The possibility that life has cycled from dull micro organisms to super intelligent beings and back again many times is not that hard to conceptualize. I have been a concrete cutter by trade for about 15 years. I have used diamond blades as large as 72" in diameter. I have core drilled holes as large as 48" in diameter using a single bit. I have cut bridges down and cut apart dams. When I see the stones at puma puku I am in awe and wonder how those were done. There is no way the precision of the inside cuts could have been made using a hammer and a chisel. I understand that stones can be used to smooth and polish larger stones but there is no way that you can make a stone, that is 10 meters in length and width, with compound cuts and angles, and a sharp edge, without tools more advanced than a hammer and a rock. Something is definitely puzzling. I think or ancestors were whole lot smarter than e give them credit and I believe that certain artifacts and historical sites are a whole lot older. We can barely make heads or tales of Egyptian sites and the Sumerian culture is a faint speck in our memory bank. When considering plausible culture only the last 15,000 years are considered. Why is that?
5/8/2014 09:50:37 pm
It seems like that it's ok for you to assume and have theories about how people carried those huge boulders, but it's not ok for other people.
4/9/2015 08:08:44 pm
So you've worked projects like dams and bridges of that size yet you say, and I quote "I'm no contractor." Lmao. Jason you say alot of things without leaving any physical evidence to back it. You might as well be on the show.. And also, has no one ever tried to go ahead and just reproduce pumapunku? It's not that big and wouldn't take long. Oh yeah, it would be a waste of time and energy right? So what in the hell did they waste all that time and energy for? And what were the amount of people it would have taken eating. The lamas they were skinning for rope? Shut up about it. Let it be a mystery.
4/9/2015 08:33:55 pm
Sorry wrong Jason lmao
5/13/2013 06:10:46 am
Never mind draging large stones great distances. Vieritcal liftis the issue. We've all seen the three dimensional curved joints. Even if you go with ok enough people with levers logs and ropes could get it there. How do you lift mark drop cut lift and place. Even if you could carve with that accuracy (which you cant) I say you could nt get a block like that more than 4 inchs of the ground.
8/27/2018 12:35:16 am
🤔If you can “get it up” 4” then you can get it up 8” and 16” and 32”
Paul Cargile
5/23/2013 03:13:45 am
"Tsoukalos argues for a “potential yes” to the use of sonic technology at Puma Punku because a legend current in 1550 (500 years after abandonment of the site) claimed giants used trumpets to move the stones."
5/31/2013 06:53:10 am
you sir in MAJOR DENILE seem to be ignoring the facts many scientists have dated Puma Punku at 18 to 25 thousand years ago,NO HUMAN lifted those stones in place,stop your nonsense,please go down there with your POUNDING ROCKS AND SHOW US AND the WORLD how it was done
5/31/2013 07:08:22 am
Name one such scientist.
Dude. Not one scientist dated it past 12k years. Also, ignoring all other nonsense, use mathmatics. What are the odds of us being found in this quadrant, let alone in this galaxy given the VAST number of stars and their equally VAST number of orbiting bodies? I will give you a hint. Its a BIG fucking number. Anything that was done on this planet was done by US. We have been relatively advanced in the past and fallen or been knocked back, several times. No little green men came and built us some nice art work and left you nincompoop. :-(
Wayne Thomas
10/2/2014 05:36:18 pm
LOL, actually I got a kick out of what you said but most for it's arrogance. IF, and I'm saying IF because NONE of us have a FUCKING CLUE about the topic for certain, IF a culture was capable of traveling from the nearest neighboring planet they'd probably have the ability to determine there were people here. But since the chances are there wasn't intelligent life that close we're more than likely talking about a civilization from another solar system. Think about that for a second. Without faster than light speed that's....well, a really long f'ing time to travel. So that assumes they either figured out a way to go really really really fast without hitting a wayward speck of dust or some sort of worm hole type shit. Considering that as a possiblity wouldn't also be a reasonable possiblity that they'd be able to determine if there was either intelligent life here OR the likelyhood? ie liquid water, maybe conditions in the aptmosphere, who knows. I have to say, you're comment read like the authors article. "I'm smart and those guys are idiots". My biggest in was when you called the gey you were commeting to a nincompoop. WE REALLY REALLY REALLY don't know much for a fact.
Gurmit Singh
5/31/2013 07:38:47 pm
Please let us assume for a moment that humans possesed the technology to carve with such precision etc. Then this manifestation in one single place so high? what was the purpose.
5/31/2013 11:25:19 pm
You need to start by proving the carving is "precise." The blocks are not precision-cut, the H-blocks are not even identical, and the angles vary from true right angles by significant amounts--just aas you'd expect with hand-carved blocks.
Tom Clanin
6/1/2013 08:32:45 pm
I believe this ties in well with Egypt and Mespotamia as the - 15,000-11,000 BC timeframe is about the time that the Egyptian god Thoth (Ningishidda in Sumerian ) and second son of Enki who was Ptah in Egypt and who along with Ninharsag (Ninmah) and Ningishidda first fashioned modern man (Homo Sapiens) in the Abzu and moved the couple to Sumer and placed them in the E din the home of the gods," Annunaki " )_Nephilim (those who came down ) to work as servant slaves of the gods. It was probably Ningishidda who designed and built the pyramids as beacons for their spacecraft directing them to the landing site in Baalbeck Lebanon on top of which the Romans built theier temple to Jupiter.
Tom Clanin
6/1/2013 08:45:16 pm
cont. At the time of the exile from Egypt Enki's (Ptah;s) son Marduk was given supremacy in the near east, and Thoth went to mesoamerica and appeared as the Mayan god Viracocha and later as the Aztec god Quetzecoatl . The same god as in early Sumer and Egypt but with diferrent names, and was capable of performing magic and miracles including ressurecting the dead (Horus and Osiris).The Enlilite gods Ninurta and Nergal were responsible for
Tom Clanin
6/1/2013 08:52:59 pm
cont' destoying the Sinai spaceport that was controlled by Nannar as well as Sodom And Gommorah, the earth's first nuclear war, a war of the gods. The poisonous cloud rifting through Sumer and killing the population and making it barren and uninhabitable for seven years, This event was around 2024 BC. The gods went home.
6/1/2013 11:30:10 pm
Read a bit too much Sitchin I take it? You know there is no evidence for any of that beyond Sitchin's fanciful translations, right?
The lama skin ropes or the aliens with anti gravity technology,none of this makes conventional sense to our modern day mind all we can hope to do is speculate and investigate without our Ego jumping in and grabbing the wheels of our argument, either way we don't know. We should enjoy exploring with the most open of minds. The chicken and egg question alone shows us the wonderment and mystery of existence as does the we were formed from a warm puddle of particles that assembled just right (check those odds). This page is a good read though. Could I please ask the writer to quanitify what he thinks are the most unusual facts of this site and it's construction?
7/12/2013 02:51:05 pm
Jason, when you simply dismiss the idea that something incredible and unexplainable took place during the construction of Puma Punku ..... Tiwanaku whatever, you sound just as diluted as the most far out ancient alien theorist. Just because some of the AAT ideas are really far out there doesn't mean they all are. We humans have no rock solid proof as to where we came from - all we can do is either have blind faith in ancient religious doctrine that's been translated into languages that don't really translate multiple times, or we can speculate... and to be honest some of the speculations of the AAT make a whole hell of a lot more sense to me than any religion or modern science's theory of evolution.
7/12/2013 11:36:38 pm
If you do not believe in evolution or the scientific method in general, there isn't much point in having a conversation since we will not share anything resembling a standard of proof.
7/15/2013 09:30:12 am
Your'e putting words in my mouth. You can have belief in the scientific method without believing science has all the answers. There are holes in the theory of evolution for which there is no proof. For instance; the missing link.
12/13/2013 06:39:52 am
Brien Foerster currently has a campaign to date Puma Punku with a better method - cosmogenic analysis. Hopefully will shed light to our stolen/lost past http://youtu.be/uaCjZ2Bb4V8
Judith Bennett
4/5/2014 12:55:26 am
The only stolen things are the samples taken from Puma Punku without permission of the Bolivian government.
Wayne Thomas
10/2/2014 06:01:46 pm
Jonathan you make a very good point. I commented above and wasn't able to say it as well as you did. I'm referring of course to the point that just because some of the AAT ideas are off the wall, some VERY off, doesn't mean all of it is not should it just be so blindly dismissed and outright ridiculed.
7/13/2013 08:10:42 am
I found the show interenting and filled, not with facts, but with the thoughts shared as possibilies.
kier presto
7/21/2013 11:31:44 am
For real?? how can you even explain how did they carved this without any machines but only just an ancient tools?? thats why ancient aliens theorist are using IF SO! because theyre still studying the truth behind these unbelievable ancient works! ASS!
8/13/2013 02:47:26 pm
I am an O Neg blood type so I am of the rare 10% on this planet that science cannot explain or will disseminate their research of our origins. The speculation is WE are the ancient alien bloodline on this planet and that is known, in particular by the ruling elite. Do your research and start with with "RH Negative blood + aliens.
9/7/2015 08:46:04 am
Stupid You Indeed. You have confirmed 100% that you have less brain power than the filthy discharge dripping from the infected anal gland of dying homeless mutts crusty ring-whole. It is clear that at least one o negative (you) has suffered from de-evolution taking your intellect further back than than a retarded chimpanzee. I think you would struggle to decipher a kinder surprise toy so please do not EVER EVER try to to pretend you some genius or a code cracker like the AAT losers or I will throw human shit and semen all over you. You are not unique, you and the hundreds of rejects who cannot comprehend how pathetic you prove yourselves to be are a dime a dozen. You have a cheap mind. I would rather walk around with shit smearing between my ass cheeks all day than wipe my ass with your useless brain as i believe it to be a sickening and worthless piece of slime. You WILL go right now to the closest dog park and eat hot wet dog turds off the ground until you are horrible ill. Every time you try to be smart you must do this again, until you learn that you are a dumbshit, and therefor you should shut up and learn, not try and teach others. Fucking scumbag cunt. And that goes the same for all you other mentally ill losers. If your on medication and unemployed, leave it to the people who more stable to question the ways of the world which have been strenuously discovered by dedicated people who using their FUNCTIONING brains, have tried and tested fact after fact after fact to bring modern science to where it is today. Should take every technology of you disrespectful cum dumpsters and make you live without medicine tv and welfare payments. You worship tourist who are just selling tours speeches shows and books. They dont specialise in and particular area, they just rove around thinking theyre geniuses who have outsmarted every scientist on earth. They say theyre new age but its stone age level thinking all over again. Why don't you shit bags line up and one after another run head first into a stone wall "star gate" and hope that it opens up for you. Id fucking love to see you homaphrodites splattered all over that lame carved box. I would shit on your corpses happily
9/16/2015 09:17:48 am
Well Suzie Q since you buy into nonsense with little to no resistance, lets clarify a some bullshit that you typed:
9/16/2015 11:44:42 pm
Truce. I have to concede on this. Hope you feel better. Goodbye.
8/13/2013 02:53:47 pm
Stupid me. Upon proofread I misspelled reptilian "tail".. it's those simple things that catch you every time. At least I know my brain isn't there!
9/7/2015 08:35:17 am
Stupid You Indeed. You have confirmed 100% that you have less brain power than the filthy discharge dripping from the infected anal gland of dying homeless mutts crusty ring-whole. It is clear that at least one o negative (you) has suffered from de-evolution taking your intellect further back than than a retarded chimpanzee. I think you would struggle to decipher a kinder surprise toy so please do not EVER EVER try to to pretend you some genius or a code cracker like the AAT losers or I will throw human shit and semen all over you. You are not unique, you and the hundreds of rejects who cannot comprehend how pathetic you prove yourselves to be are a dime a dozen. You have a cheap mind. I would rather walk around with shit smearing between my ass cheeks all day than wipe my ass with your useless brain as i believe it to be a sickening and worthless piece of slime. You WILL go right now to the closest dog park and eat hot wet dog turds off the ground until you are horrible ill. Every time you try to be smart you must do this again, until you learn that you are a dumbshit, and therefor you should shut up and learn, not try and teach others. Fucking scumbag cunt. And that goes the same for all you other mentally ill losers. If your on medication and unemployed, leave it to the people who more stable to question the ways of the world which have been strenuously discovered by dedicated people who using their FUNCTIONING brains, have tried and tested fact after fact after fact to bring modern science to where it is today. Should take every technology of you disrespectful cum dumpsters and make you live without medicine tv and welfare
9/12/2015 03:29:46 pm
Wow. That's some pretty heavy vitriol buddy. What got you so riled up from my comment? It's just a personal comment, like everyone else posting. I did not create the monarchy of Europe or the last 5 US presidents-all RH neg blood types. I do know I was born 9 mos after UFO flybyes over George AFB, Victorville, CA in 1952. Check Project Blue Book. So I'm an elder now and pretty harmless. But certainly not worthy of such vile expressions of hatred. It definitely hit your button and shows your monkey brain at full power. Now back to scratching your furry ass.
9/17/2015 07:09:35 am
Ok Suzie Q,
8/31/2013 06:58:06 pm
before 1986 I was not even a skeptic, I did not think about these things at all. but on July 4th 1986 That all changed, I was 28 years old. On that night, on our way home, we " my wife - three children and myself" ended up in the middle of the road with a triangle shaped UFO hovering 50 feet over head, the ordeal lasted several minutes, I know of no aircraft at that time. Or even now that could perform what it did, completely silent no noise at alI, since then I have been haunted everyday and everynight trying to figure out what we witnessed. for nearly 30 years I have given it deep thought and eventually stumbled upon the AAT. While some of it may seem to be far fetched conjecture, much of it has merit. I do not believe our ancestors dreamed up all the myths including the gods and their weapons, or wasted countless hours carving useless doodolings out of solid rock depicting strange figures, whether it be a humanoid in an apparent suit, or objects flying through the air etc., plus you have their own belief, handed down through generations, that they came from the sky, stars , space etc. To anyone who outright refutes this, the skeptics, I'm sorry, but you are WRONG!! I have seen with my own two eyes, something that I would have told everyone was impossible 30 years ago even still today! And as for anceint rock carving or transporting, I have yet to see anyone accomplish such a feat in modern times using modern tools, and I am sure there are those that would try at any cost, to prove this wrong,,, " if they could" !! again I'm sorry, but either put up or _ _ _ _?
9/7/2013 07:31:42 am
before 1985 I was a not even a skeptic, I was watching fireworks with my family and then believed that after consuming many mushrooms, (hey I was hungry) I saw a floating silent triangle. Now after many years, AAT has shown me that my mushroom induced vision was true. Gott is right, put up, or _ _ _ _?
10/14/2013 01:15:48 am
From what I have read from these debunkers, they really offer no great evidence to debunk what is shown as possibilities by AA. I am in the architectural industry, dealing directly with materials. I have seen first hand what the environment can do to natural materials when exposed to the elements, over a short period of time. Yet these stones are so smooth today that even if they were only 5000 years old, and were constructed by humans, then these surfaces would be so much more damaged, yet even today, they are still very smooth. Impossible with the tools of even 5000 years ago, let alone the 13000 years that this author contends. Furthermore this author consistently refers to "tonights AA episode." So, what he watched the program and was able to come up with all this argument off the top of his head. All AA does is ask us to think, and being in the construction field, I do think, I wonder how it is we cant make stone remain so smooth after a short period of time today, let alone over thousands of years. These debunkers are simply other people who have nothing better to do than be skeptics, regardless what evidence is presented to them. Anyone who also knows anything about yesterdays scientists is that they considered themselves gods in this field, and would never admit that they were wrong, after all they are the so called experts. Maybe if we opened our minds to other possibilities, we might find answers to questions that still continue to elude us. The reason in the past why this hasn't been contested, is because the scientists who investigated these sites, would always use the same methods to determine the truth and never looked outside the normal parameters for searching for these answers. Debunkers, if you feel you have cast doubt over what AA asks us to open our minds to, youre sadly mistaken, you are the ones that make yourselves look silly. You don't want to believe at other possibilities, then don't, but if you are going to debunk something, do so but not using the old traditional arguments, because today people can think for themselves and can see that those arguments no longer hold water. Wake up and expand your minds.
10/14/2013 01:25:49 am
Well, yes, the purpose of a program review is to review the program, so I that's what I do the day of the show.
1/9/2018 06:07:53 am
Ahahahahaha i bet you this gullible turd brain MJF DEFINITELY IS open to that idea? Very VERY open to that idea. In fact i bet you he is already telling his conspiracy buddies that it is 100% true and verified fact, adding his own pathetic spin to it. Thinking he is a super human smarter than a thousand einsteins rolled in to one. I would like to cave his head in for being unemployed and a drain on society. But im not allowed to. So i will not. But if that peice of shit ever dies, i will celebrate and dance at his funeral, and tell everyone what a jack-wad he was. No law against that i guess. I hope MJF gets raped to death by dozens of prisoners, and bleeds out from the severest deep anal wounds. Im sure one they will regret being such obvious morons. May they all burn in searing pain. Humanity needs to do better than them.
12/12/2013 11:53:54 am
I can't believe that the houses in the 1800's were built by humans, either. These required so many nails that it must have been impossible to build without a nail gun and compressor. And how could they possibly have gotten all the angles right without a laser level? And you are completely crazy if you try to tell me that they were able to transport tons of wood to the house site without advanced transportation methods, most likely alien generated wormholes. As for digging all that dirt without a soil vaporizing machine, well, even a complete fool could see that simple human labor and ingenuity would never have accomplished it. Nope, when I look around my city at the pre 1900's housing, it just proves my theory that people 150 years ago were just too darn stupid and lazy to accomplish such feats.
12/13/2013 04:12:03 am
I find it curious why you are so bothered by the AA suggestion and the show! It actually opened the eyes of so many people who otherwise would not even have known about these sites unless they were interested in archaeology.
Joe Haventon
1/28/2014 08:08:01 am
Look man your facts are off. They did carbon date the site to be between 250 BC to 14000 bc. The blocks are around 100 - 130 tons. You try to carve Red Sandstone and make perfect edges without it falling apart. Either these people had good tools or got lucky with the basic tools which I find hard to believe. Now I don't believe in about 98 % of Ancient Aliens theories, you can not rule it out. You cannot rule out 1) God 2) That there were very advanced Civilizations 3) That we were visited by other things from another world. I will say I do believe in the bible less and less. The fact that the bible tells of the same stories from other previous civilizations and that the bible was written almost a generation after Jesus's death. On top of that the only way the bible became so big so fast was Constantine needed to unite the Christians and Pagans to save the Roman empire. So what better way to keep the peace. The fact that if you believe in evolution then you will have to believe it was close that we lived along side the dinosaurs so the bible is junk if we did exist so far ago. I believe we lived so long ago that a book written not so long ago is only there to control man. Just like every religion that came before it. Another thing John the Baptist tried to do the same thing Jesus did and failed. Also 100 or so years before Jesus there was another guy trying to do the same thing as John and Jesus. I am sorry but there is more against the bible as Science goes on. For the people that laugh at Ancient Alien theories and believe in God, will have to laugh at themselves for believing in no proof of a God only that you believe a bunch of rich people that wrote a book.
Reverand Oleary
9/7/2015 08:51:39 am
So you believed the bible was more than a book? Well that was pretty fucking dumb wasnt it shit stain
Valerie Dickison
2/1/2014 01:58:33 am
Have you noticed the architectural (carved) similarities between Puma Punku and the stellae at Aksum, Ethiopia and the underground carved churches there. The roof of one of those churches has a cross very similar to crosses carved at Puma. Very interesting.
3/13/2014 07:36:26 am
Saying that we are alone in the cosmos and extra terrestials aren't real is like taking a cup and scooping it in the ocean and saying there is no whales ?! ignorant assholes. Don't you think the government hides some things from us?! You sir are just as good as any other brain washed individual in this society today.
3/13/2014 07:40:20 am
Actually, I'm standing on the beach telling you that the whales in the ocean didn't build the sand castles on the beach. The question of whether aliens are real is vastly different from the question of whether they flew here and built a pile of rocks in Bolivia.
4/8/2014 06:29:54 am
Ya, nut how much do you know the whales personally or know what they are capable of? just cause you have never seen the whales or talked with them, doesnt mean that you know wht they are capable of. and what technology they have
4/9/2015 08:25:29 pm
I'm sorry did you say wether aliens are real ot not? Even if .001 percent of planets in the universe had intelligent life similar to ours, there would be millions in existence. I think that alone answers the question. And you're so intent on debunking a theory yet you offer no theory of your own as to why these people would have built that random nonsense in thee middle no where... Care to share one? Didn't think so...
fred ohare
10/22/2015 10:20:18 am
mr. calavito, i am with you 100%. as i wrote before, the blocks with the precision cuts look far newer than the h blocks. i think they may have been manufactured and placed in recent times as, maybe, a hoax or to provide evidence for questionable theories. also, the blocks where the compass moved look like concrete, possibly with rebar inside to influence the compass. would like to hear your opinion.
9/7/2015 09:06:37 am
Actually nax, you are a dog fucking semen guzzler and you should not try to comprehend things which are beyond your intelligence level. Such as basic arithmetic, putting your hand in fire will hurt..every time, and finger painting. Its all just way out of your grip so just let it go OK. oh and that includes other basics also like it is conspiracy theorist who are covering up the truth by lying to baby brains like you (and laughing they're asses off of what a chump you are), most people wish there was more mysteries in the world but accept that alot of the time it's less exciting than a AAT will admit, but supporters of AAT get a nice buzzing sensation in their brains when actively believing outright scientifically disproven lies and kids bedtime stories.
MF d
4/8/2014 06:27:20 am
All of your points are very quick and not detailed. obviously you are to ignorant to realize that we are NOT alone in these cosmos and you are to brainwashed to think outside the box, and our universe.
barack obama
4/9/2014 07:34:05 am
4/14/2014 05:33:12 am
second DAT
stanry tan
4/25/2014 08:18:57 pm
Whether at Pumapunku, Stoneage or Pyramid or sighting of multi tons of stone. They are all the works of Nephilites (Giant human) found in Genesis 6:4. The great flood has washed away all the tools and equipment away, that explain why those ruins or tombs were buried under the sand, only left those heavy giant stones around.
8/16/2014 09:05:40 am
I felt compelled to remark about the negative comments levelled on both sides, while it also seems to me that some responders either did not read, misunderstood or ignored details and the bases for arguments posed or covered by the program, its review, and in earlier comments. Insults are never helpful, except for the venting of an overflow of emotion, and are otherwise hurtful, unnecessary, and display the ignorance of the person voicing the insult.
8/25/2014 06:35:03 am
The best AA episodes are when they tackle ancient physical structures and their construction possibilities. Episodes like this one is why I got hooked on AA in the to begin with. At least there is some resemblance of research being conducted and some thought applied into the material being presented. The phrase "Is it possible?" is prefaced throughout and certainly ignites my interest and curiosity.
9/12/2014 05:45:47 pm
Your view of this site is so far off. The stone work at the site and the location of the art is way beyond you poor thinking. I am a stone worker and have been to the site. The stones are from another place and the people at even this time at 13000 feet elevation had no means of constructing this. Get an education before you throw words. You must be a left spider where truth never happens. Only your words and thoughts make you a legend in you mind.
9/7/2015 09:37:37 am
Hi Dave, awesome comment dude. Especially loved the part about the spider that made no sense. Being raped to death by angry giants would be way to good for you. You deserve a more agonising end. If you ever comment back to me in any way, I will accept it as your official admission that you routinely bend over and beg lonely truck drivers to roughly assfuck you at the local truck stop. Annnnd if you do not comment back i will also take this as the same admission. Why dont you pack your putrid possesions and wait out the front of your trailer (rented) for the aliens to come pick you up. Earth doesnt need you any more as the welfare resources could be better used elsewhere. All the best in outer space old chum.
9/18/2014 05:21:03 am
thx for a constructive blogg:) Lately ive taken much interest in this!
11/1/2014 12:33:53 am
Fyi check out the bbc series lost kingdoms of south america with dr jago cooper.
11/14/2014 01:11:58 pm
Jason is so full of himself and his opinion is just that, an opinion without any fact or knowledge, his views are so close minded, seeing as you have all the answers Jason then start giving some, tell me how the H blocks were carved ? And stop saying hand tools. Tell me how they were moved ? It sure as he'll wasn't pulleys and lamb skin ropes lol, you sit here and ridicule everyone whose opinion isn't the same as yours when you know even less than the very people you ridicule, when I read postings from a close minded bully like you, I just wish I could bitch slap your dumd ass.
9/7/2015 09:52:02 am
Mw, well you do sound like a little bitch so im sure you would slap like a bitch. I believe you would molester mental patients if given the chance. After reading your utter turd of a comment, i have concluded that you have the intelligence of an eight year old after having parts of his brain cut out and flushed down the toilet. Also id bet you have breath that smells like a toilet. Which brings me to my next point..you are a lonesome loser. The closest you'll ever get to being loved will be by making an alien puppet with a big black dildo on it and playing ass probe games. Even then the puppet will roll its eyes in disgust when your not looking. Just because YOU and the AATs are too lazy and retarded to do anything physically strenuous, doesnt mean the ancient native were too. You fucking racist turd brain. Dont forget..when the alien puppet gets you pregnant you have to keep all the little brown babies around the house and raise them. Probably make your trailer smell better to be honest. Loser
jason smyth
9/11/2015 11:18:44 pm
Go to bed little boy.
al macias
11/18/2014 10:21:37 am
Ancient Aliens such not be on History! It is so dumb with made up nonsense that does not make sense. It ridiculous!
N Downey
12/21/2014 03:28:04 pm
Why is ANCIENT ALIENS still on the air?
3/6/2015 11:19:46 pm
Plese tell me your not that ignorant ??
N Downeu
3/13/2015 03:18:41 pm
Your belief in this 'fantasy entertainment show' is laughable... from the highest mountain!
6/14/2015 03:33:29 pm
9/7/2015 10:00:56 am
And i EMPLOY YOU! Eat my shit right now! You will be employed by me to work in my poupori factory. Even though you might know what your comment meant, nobody else did as we do not speak mongaloid language. But regardless i will ensure while i am employing you, your days will be long and less than enjoyable to say the least. Speaking of waiting, you will be waiting in desperation for your one meal a day, mixed animal semen thick shake. Enjoy scumbag
I'm OK with broadcasts like Ancient Aliens. Like any comment in media, we take away what we what and leave the rest. Each of us comes to the party with a perspective that can validate or dismiss another persons perspective. We need to look past the noise. I think it's safe to say shows like Aliens and other History channels edu shows have taken me to incredible places, indicating that the earth and humanity has had quite a remarkable journey. I know that I would never get insight to the existance of some places without the benefits offered by History or H2.
10/21/2015 10:54:40 am
I have the dimensions, Width 900 million times the size of your penis x length 1.2 billion times the length of your penis x depth.... You get the point, you have a pin dick and also a very child like understanding of the world around you. Did you have a strong gut feeling that 2012 would be the end? Haha cmon ya cosk sucker dont lie! You did. Turns out your just a skid mark when it comes to intelligent thought. A ring worm on the shameful bloodied hemeroid of society. Personally id like to shower you in hot diseased diarrhea 24-7-365 until you are shitting blood. You brain dead cum dumpster
2/17/2015 11:21:11 am
You offer no alternatives. you essentially just said "thats not true". Aliens are real. its ignorant to think other wise. Don't fall to human arrogance. Give it 5 years. Jeeze
9/7/2015 10:22:12 am
Hey Joe. I dont like you. Alternative on offer seems to be, using reliable sources, to either learn what they have concluded is the answer to such questions, or help to you form a reasonable view using a little thing called logic. But your logic seems like it would be tragically limp, like your little flea sized penis. Ive banged woman that had clits bigger than that thing. Anyway, let me guess, your logic is like, "derrrrrp the governments covering up all the cool mysterious stuff but ill at least theyre cool enough to give my welfare money but id get more money if they would use the hidden alien technology to make everything for free derrrrrp" your a classic old boy. Id like to give you five years, in the slammer like m c hammer with a meat axe up your every five minutes. Probably the only flirtation youd ever get in your life anyway.
John Doe
4/17/2015 08:19:42 pm
You do know what your talking about dude. Have you ever been there?? As a stone mason, the block there are nothing like anything else I've seen on earth. I've been there to see it for myself. The only thing that comes close to the details in the stone work there is the stone work in Egypt. Maybe you should go and have a look for yourself. I'm not saying that the show ancient aliens is correct but the details in some of the stone work from around the world needs a lot more investigating done. We either have found some tools that were use or we have lost technology that our ancestors had
9/7/2015 10:34:20 am
Sooooo you have only ever been to bolivia and egypt. And sorry but playing with the rocks in your jocks all day long does not make you a stone mason. More of a rock lobster or rock spider, either way, im gonna come at you like a spider monkey throwing wild scissor kicks and donkey punches that'll make you feel like your mouths full of pop-rocks.
Deano. I've read all your comments thus far, and I relished in the fact that the vast majority of readers didn't even give your vulgar comments a rebuttal. Most likely due to the very apparent fact that you are ignorant, immature, and absolutely the worst type of person imaginable. Enjoy a life of spewing hatred and stupidity, what was it you called someone earlier? Ah yes, old chum.
10/21/2015 11:25:54 am
Chris, ahhh miss chris, i will commence my rebuttle by pointing out that you made only one pathetic little comment which was only an attack on me with no mention of your own opinions on this topic?? Did you just come here to bully others? Shit bags like you make me want to hold you down and let a gross fat man do hot wet farts in your mouth and nose until you hurl, before doing it over and again all day. Do not ever try to use the line "old chum" by the way. You are not man enough to pull it off. You just wanted to say it so you concocted your whole pointless comment just to use it. Sickening copyright infringement there shitbag! Also what makes you think this is my whole life? Are you clairvoyant? Do you have a crystal ball? No you do not, you just think your clever enough to guess, like the AA theorists, but your not. You are wrong, i lead a rich and full life but when a turd for brains wanabe genius steps out of line by pushing lies on people and then scumbags who DEFINITLY have no notable brain power support them like they're right, i am well within my rights to tell them I think they are retarded losers such as yourself. So since you queered up the last catch phrase i used ill try. Bonvayage you homeless old guy fucking seat sniffer. How do they say, Ah Yes.. Cum Guzzler
5/9/2015 11:44:23 am
I could not finish reading your article as most critics are badly argued...it's more dismicive than well researched on your part....for instance , you ask why the show call it Pumapunku and not Tiwanaku...well maybe because there is a big sign at the entrance that says Pumapunku?????? They are two distinct archeological sites!!!!
5/30/2015 01:25:37 pm
I like the show Ancient Aliens just for the fact that I get to see things I woudn't have otherwise. While Childers is hard to stomach and poor Giorgio spends way too much time on his hair, I do wonder at things like how the inside angles at PP were carved to the level of precsion I can dicsern from a television. There are better places where actual technicians like C. Dunn have proved perfect angles and inside cuts using modern precision tools that defy the hammer and chisel theory. (Egypt comes to mind) I am of the mind that there have probably been at least one, if not more, civilizations that have arisen, became technologically advanced and then ebbed back into the sands of time for whatever reason. Aliens? While it wouldn't be a great feat for them to find us, why would they want to? We would have to be primitives to them. Why is there no concrete proof, anywhere? I see lots of fun theories, blurry pictures, and MUFON but nothing real. And what's with them either warping or otherwise traveling faster than the speed of light for uncountable parsecs just to come here and crash? Why do the Nasca lines have to be pointers so they don't get lost? Sure, these things are enigmas and until our science develops to the point where we actually figure out what it all means will remain so. So power to you AA, at least you are getting people thinking. Coalivto, stop being such a goddamed jackass! You would fit in well as an Inquisitor in the Inquisition. It's closed minded blunderbusses like you that inhibited Tesla and other greats who were trying to benefit humanity. It's always easy to say no, numbnuts, why don't you try some innovative thinking of your own? Fucking idiot....
6/23/2015 09:07:09 pm
I subscribed to the "why would they want to know us" for years. But the whole thing about us being rebuilt to be gold miners for them makes sense to me.
9/7/2015 10:45:39 am
Jay, whats this got to do with busses?? At all?? Anyway, you know tesla snipped his onw dick off dont you?? Ohh didnt know that one? But i thought you were some kind of distinguished tesla scholar. How that important fact slip by your water tight dragnet trawling for important tesla facts to draw your world class (retarded loser that is) expertise on tesla. Did you know he had a savage hatred of fat woman? Whaaaaaaaatt? You didnt know that either?? But but but I though you were the worlds greatest teslapedia! I hope you dont care about any overweight woman, cause he fuckin HATED theyre type. Thats the kind of genius he was. Seems toy didnt know shit about a guy except the rubbish which has been raped straight up your ass and into your brain by the sweaty sleazy AATs. Wake up shart face, your dreaming
6/23/2015 09:01:26 pm
Aliens or not there has been some unexplained things going on in our past. You can not just haul around 100 ton blocks , mold them like clay , cut and finish them perfectly. No , forget it. Not with clubs , and copper chisels .
jason smyth
9/11/2015 11:16:16 pm
Jason, you serve speculation up as fact far too often in my opinion; it's done the same way that the side you are opposing usually does it. It's hypocritical and significantly similar to the "my religion is correct and all the others are wrong" point of view.
fred ohare
9/14/2015 07:18:34 pm
I just watched this mockumentary and noticed something very odd. The blocks with the precision cuts look alot newer than the H blocks or most others in the area. I think someone should investigate whether these are of recent manufacture and have been placed there by dishonest people in an attempt to support their highly questionable theories. Also, someone should look for the presence of rebar in the ones claimed to affect the compass, they look light concrete to me.
Holly Bristo
9/15/2015 09:08:08 am
Jason Smyth, excuse me miss, but you are dead wrong so please splash some cold water in your face, i need you to be alert and at your peak highest brain power so maybe you might, maybe, slightly, fathom that, a fact is a fact. Jason c only asserts something if its proven beyond a doubt that its a FACT. By reliable and peer reviewed (critically) otherwise he says, he's not sure. Its this type of honesty which you and your AAT mongaloid brethren will never be respected for. You'll never be, reliable. You just cant hack it because you wish the world was filled with mysteries and enigmas. Sorry but you might have to settle for the REAL mysteries in the world found with in the forefront of real science.
10/22/2015 09:55:38 am
Jason smyth, i'm sorry to break the bad news but you are retarded! No one wanted to tell you but I have no sympathy for you so i am happy to let the secret out of the bag. You see, you are a spastic! Not just a normal spastic, much worse. Your the the type that thinks your smart so tries to debate against people who are smarter, more logical, more sensible and generally they are correct, where as you are incorrect. When something is a fact, it can be stated. When something is not a hard fact it should approached using the pussyfoot technique that you described. Theres a big difference but i think you will have trouble understanding that since all your favourite sources of what you think is "info" are all just guessers, amateurs, hoaxers, frauds, liars, pseudoscience mystery junkies that will distort any real facts, and lie about the rest to push their notions on the mentally frail (thats you). You know guys like Charles fort, just another conspiracy theorist like you. No wonder his pathetic quote was illogical. The quote never mentions if there is ANY evidence of a marvel? Or just guessing and going on putrid here-say? I am pleased to conclude this comment by saying you are like the dog turd on a dog fuckers dick. People feel sorry for the dog and have the guy force fucking it, your somewhere in between. Recently you commented 'go to bed little boy' to me. Ive got a feeling you like little boys in beds a lot more than you should. This little boy is six foot and will stomp your head into the ground if you even look at me funny you creepy weird gimp. I would love the chance to polygraph test you and see if you have those kind of sick fantasies you sick piece of shit. I am watching YOU
9/16/2015 06:17:14 am
The people who supposedly built the h blocks and constructed the entire site had no written language. they did not have the planning to make the blocks hook together so they have to be eliminated from the list of groups that could be responsible. So who's left on the list? And We have not yet re discovered the technolgoly that was used to shape those stones and that technology does not exist today to even replicate those that are still left. If you want me to choose between an illiterate culture and aliens on who constructed something we can replicate with todays technology then I choose Bigfoot. It had to be . I bet he could lift those blocks
1/13/2016 03:26:47 am
The answers are underneath the ice in Antarctica....
We can not be 100% certain of anything, and should always keep an open mind, and encourage others to offer their theories with explanation. Although there is ONE THING ABSOLUTE, that life can exist out in the middle of space on a spinning rock, somewhere in our gigantic universe, and we are that proof !!!
Khoi Dang
11/4/2017 07:35:05 pm
I would suggest a speculation why aliens dont like to appear before us like they used to any more.
Tesselaar Romanoff
6/7/2020 06:09:41 am
In my opinion, the entire site is mix of Modern and Accent. Nothing to do with Aliens!
Lars J
2/3/2023 06:29:09 pm
So much text without explaining how they made/cut the stones...
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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February 2025