As an Italian-American, I’ve always taken a certain amount of pride in the accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci, so it is somewhat personally insulting to hear that one of history’s greatest geniuses was nothing but a puppet of the aliens who gave him all his ideas. This is profoundly disgusting and an insult to the very idea of human imagination, made worse coming as it does almost 560 years to the day since his April 15, 1452 birth. Oh, and by the way Ancient Aliens title-writers, his name was Leonardo. “Da Vinci” is a descriptor, not a surname. Didn’t the aliens tell you that? To be quite honest, this episode was pretty boring for most of its run. There was a larger than usual amount of truth in this episode, relying heavily on real scholars and actual facts and insistent repetition of a few ideas time and again. There isn’t much to talk about on the crazy alien front until near the very end. We begin with a brief précis of Leonardo’s life with a summary of his universal genius in art, sculpture, mathematics, optics, etc. that relies on actual historians and scholars, and, sadly, the almost-certainly fake PhD Sean-David Morton, still described as a PhD in the on-screen graphics. Then we start moving into the land of the wacky. Apparently Leonardo painted the Medusa as a clue that he was in thrall to the aliens since Medusa was an alien. Sigh. More exciting: Leonardo used “non-lead-based paint” in one painting—which was “some type of message” according to Giorgio Tsoukalos. Seriously? This is what we have come down to? “Non-lead-based paint” is now evidence of aliens? Apparently, Tsoukalos believes that because this type of paint doesn’t photograph under x-rays, Leonardo must have known this and planned for ancient astronaut theorists to fantasize about him 500 years later. David Childress, who is not an ancient astronaut theorist mind you, then claims during the undocumented years of Leonardo’s young life he was secretly being tutored by an alien-worshiping cult, or worse: “Perhaps like the biblical prophet Enoch he was even taken aboard a spaceship, and the aliens showed him earth from above and gave him a concept of the cosmos and machines and inventions...” This is sad and disgusting. Even Ancient Aliens recognizes that the Renaissance was chock-a-block with geniuses and that not all of them could be extraterrestrial pupils. Isaac Newton, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein are then linked as fellow adepts whom the aliens secretly tutored to “advance” humanity “every few hundred years or so.” Aliens don’t, apparently, care much for people who don’t speak English, or non-whites. For some reason those peoples were denied the alien genius. All they got were big rocks and thunder myths. It doesn’t seem like a fair trade, to be honest. The ancient astronaut theorists obsess over whether mirrors can be used to reveal hidden messages in Leonardo’s paintings. By mirroring his paintings and crashing the reflections together howsoever they like, the show makes pictures of Darth Vader and a grey alien, thus “proving” Leonardo had hidden images of aliens in his work. Sadly, you can do this with any picture you like. Here’s the show’s version, complete with altered eye colors: And here is one I made from a completely random image: Recognize him? Yup, it’s a young Tsoukalos. See, using Ancient Aliens’ own methodology, you too can prove Giorgio Tsoukalos is an alien. The show then wonders if Leonardo’s grotesques—a well-known Renaissance genre—proves he had met real aliens because no one could possibly have made weird images without meeting aliens. (Gargoyles anyone?) Ancient aliens, Childress said, not only helped Leonardo but also guided Columbus to the New World (Columbus had seen strange lights in the sky), thus proving again that aliens hate brown skinned people and wanted them all dead. We then get a review of the best-of-list of UFO Renaissance artwork, primarily paintings of heavenly crowns and angelic chariots. Aert de Gelder’s Baptism of Christ is used as an example of a UFO in art. But a close reading shows that the “UFO” is actually a circle of light surrounding the Holy Dove, symbolizing God, and beams of light descend from this circle of light to Christ below. No UFO there—but Ancient Aliens doesn’t play fair; they Photoshopped Gelder’s work to make the circle of light appear to be a solid “spaceship” instead of the ethereal crown of light it is in the original. This is the original: This is Ancient Aliens’ version: Oh, and this isn’t a Renaissance painting. It was made in 1710.
I won’t bother with any more of these paintings. Here’s Massimo Polidoro’s expert debunking of this from 2005. Pressing ahead, the program speculates without merit that Leonardo’s inventions and unrealized plans were given to him by aliens. This is not just false but actually wrongly attributes to Leonardo the invention of automatons, something that the Byzantines had already been using in the Middle Ages on the magnificent throne of the emperors at Constantinople. Such automatons likely existed long before (Homer describes those built by Hephaestus, the blacksmith god), so in this case, Leonardo’s was the culmination of a tradition, not the invention of one. David Childress: “You have to wonder if Leonardo da Vinci wasn’t doing this in secret because he was being encouraged by some kind of extraterrestrial masters who are somehow behind him.” No, no you don’t. We finish up with the absurd claim that Leonardo was obsessed with nature because he discovered a star gate in a cave, letting him teleport to the future to steal the plans for the technologies he then pretended were his own inventions. If these ancient astronaut theorists know so much about it, how come they can’t show us these star gates? Not even one? If we take both of Ancient Aliens' claims at face value, that Leonardo traveled through time to the future to steal the plans for his inventions, and also that “all” our modern technology derives from Leonardo’s own designs, we then end up in a time-travel paradox that would seem to imply that this knowledge appeared ex nihilo. This is nothing but more of the ancient astronaut theorists’ insistent claims that imagination does not exist, that creativity is a fraud, and only they—the ancient astronaut theorists—have true intellectual gifts. Everyone else got it from the aliens. Shouldn’t we check to see where these theorists are getting their ideas from?
4/7/2012 08:05:03 am
Nice use of ex nihilo, they should just rename this whole show that.
5/26/2013 01:59:43 pm
I agree! It's quite insulting to hear that aliens are better than humans though. And I can't see why such partiality between races. It's a disgrace to human minds. But we still remain if not inventive, then a curious species!
Jesse Contreras
12/13/2017 07:54:17 pm
Oh, I challenge them all the time, but those ET lovin' Nimrods never answer my tweets.
9/11/2018 07:50:57 pm
I agree almost all the shows about these myths are fake and edited. So of course Ancient Aliens is gonna fake it
4/15/2013 07:39:44 am
in the show it showed that leonardo da vinci entered the cave and went to the future where he got the knowledge about his inventions
1/20/2014 06:40:37 am
what I don't get, with ALL the AA "teachings" come these advanced beings didn't bother to teach stuff like the to have "tricks" to safe drinking water so as to not have populations die of disease...where it wasn't known...the WHEEL......maybe some food production tips to avoid millions of deaths from famine?
10/16/2014 01:33:09 pm
becuase they needed to make sure that over population didnt happen, thats why aids was develpoed and why the ebola conlfict ahs ahppend, it will eliminate the over populaion and enable the world to rudeuce its population to just under 500,000,000 which is what the bilderberg group desires
5/5/2014 08:14:55 am
During his time, the inventions he drew were centuries ahead of time. Of which they were explored. So it is not comparing the technology of TODAY, but how ingenius it was during his time to invent such things.
Andraex Particle
12/16/2018 04:51:04 pm
No, they weren’t ahead of their time by centuries. His helicopter wouldn’t have worked, the parachute had already been invented and his armoured vehicle was based on the Roman tortoise formation. So you’re talking bollocks.
4/15/2013 07:44:51 am
guys listen carefully da vinci's plans and blueprint of the technology he mentioned is not seen anywhere practically then how is it possible that he went to the future and got those designs?
5/24/2013 10:57:25 pm
This is an important thing what i have found out from an investigation, i think so. When I was seeing leonardo da vinci paintings i found a main thing from History TV 18 channel show called "ANCIENT ALIENS".He was the founder of robot,helicopter,plane,submarines etc.......The main thing he was having contact with the aliens.In his paintings what he has drawn was having some hints that he was having contact with the Aliens.... He drew a painting called "ANGEL" in that painting an angel was missing.See the photos and you can find that.He wrote the secret scripts about Aliens on mirror writing.Leonardo da Vinci's paintings and sketches are examined in search of a possible connection to alien technology.Why he wrote that mirror writing because not to find that script.on one day "Leonardo Da Vinci"went to a secret cave and he was surprised to see and he was scared to see aliens inside with time mission.he was missing for 2 years after he was going to that cave.See photos In each photo u can find alien even my fathere is an artist he drew many paintings what da vinvi drew.(monolisa mainly)Every one in world believes that UFo was found in 1987.but in da vinci period its self UFO was found see all photos
Jesse Contreras
12/13/2017 07:58:33 pm
You're an idiot. Sorry, man.
4/24/2018 06:40:58 am
Maybe you can convince so called aliens to give u some wisdom ...
5/26/2013 02:03:12 pm
You got a point, Varun. I think it may not be future; it could be anything - talk about another universe. A parallel universe maybe. Who's got proof about it being the future?!
12/2/2016 10:14:54 pm
Very valid point. Dark matter. Parallel universes are entirely possible. Ive had many friends that have had experiences being greeted by entities while under the effects of hallucinates that showed them time and space being "rolled" up like a carpet. These ancient astronaut theorist are not trying to stroke their egos. They're giving us a new way to perceive things that would debuf everything we as a society has always been taught. And furthermore "extraterrestrials" can not only mean that they're "people" if a different planet far from here, but "people" from a parallel universe. There has been claims of people being transported through time and space to a different worlds not unlike our own. We have to remember that scientist have proved time and time again that nothing is impossible if it can be imagined. If it can be thought of it will or can be generated/be factual.
5/2/2013 01:12:13 am
it is so interesting!
5/2/2013 06:45:52 am
Hahaha. Really true explanation of this season... these guyz have gone crazy with the previous success I guess... you should post your blog on their FB wall... I really hate this season of ancient aliens and especially the one where the have made an alien faces in paintings... pathetic
7/17/2013 02:32:16 am
5/27/2015 09:49:31 am
7/21/2013 11:59:46 am
5/27/2015 09:48:51 am
7/29/2013 08:31:44 am
I can agree with a few things, but some other things, your not being open minded, the mirror thing for the painting, I agree you can do that with many pictures and you get the same thing, the ufo paint, you are right but your also wrong the crown really represents a spacecraft, even if the paint
12/2/2016 10:20:12 pm
The fact of the matter is... yes, the author of this thread did the same thing with his mirror representation. But, it is very clear that it did not resemble an ET (although I've never seen one). And the thing about using the non lead based paint is.... Leonardo was a PERFECTIONIST. He would have never switched the use of paints if it was not for a greater purpose. He would have never done that to any of his paintings and especially not his mentors.
5/7/2021 02:52:34 pm
Leonardo was a perfectionist? Yes, so he used a different choice of paint than his collaborator. Leonardo used the new oil paint, while Verrachio earlier had used the older tempera paint. End of story.
Jesse Contreras
12/13/2017 08:02:15 pm
Wow. Do some research. UFO, really, man? So this stupid flying disk shows up RIGHT ABOVE JESUS CHRIST AND NO ONE WRITES ABOUT IT??!! Ok.
7/29/2013 08:35:01 am
The cave thing,, whatever, who knows if all that was real,,, I think that the most astonishing thing are the drawing he made of the people he met in the cave...NOW that is freaky,, Leonardo was characterized to make his paintings as real as possible with extremely detail and careful, those paintings about those pictures,, raises tons of questions..
9/15/2013 01:22:38 am
Wat is the image in The Madonna with Saint Giovannino. I notice that you omitted to reject this in your blog above. Don't get me wrong I don't go in much for the program myself but was intrigued by what the image actually is with the shepherd shielding his eyes.
10/9/2013 01:19:59 am
I agree with alot, except the rasial input...
11/18/2013 03:01:18 pm
I also was just disgusted with this episode, the ancient alien theorists were definitely stretching far to connect Leonardo Da Vinci with aliens. I just had to laugh at their efforts here. I admit I am intrigued by the idea of alien influences in human history, I had read 'chariots of the gods' long before there was even a show like this and had seen connections, but this episode just made the ancient alien theorists look like fanatics and discredits there efforts and the viewers intelligence, they don't have to connect 'every' event in history to aliens. I guess they were desperate for content so they could continue the show.
3/27/2016 08:21:25 am
Well Imurme, I personally think that Leonardo Da Vinci did have some contact with the Aliens.... Sorry if u feel disappointed
2/9/2014 09:02:57 am
All these comments are so poorly written and make very little sense ... A bunch of screwballs, all of you
2/14/2014 05:38:55 am
Da Vinci was Leonardo's surename. As an Italian American you should know.
2/14/2014 05:40:38 am
"Da Vinci" means "of Vinci" and was a geographic reference, not a patronymic. Surnames weren't in common use at the time.
5/27/2016 09:57:33 am
Just want to make sure you get this. First thing i want to point out you already contradicted your self in the first paragraph. You said in the first sentence "as an Italian-American, I've always taken a certain amount of pride in the accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci ...". Later in the very same paragraph you say "oh, and by the way ancient aliens title-writers, his name was Leonardo. "Da Vinci" was a descriptor, not a surname". Yes you may have used them together because that is part of his name but you try to act smart by correcting them on his name; when you yourself in your first sentence of the same paragraph call him Leonardo Da Vinci. If you were so prideful you would have stated his whole unique name not feed into what your trying to prove incorrect because his real name is Leonardo di ser Piero. Now I also want to ask have you ever heard of advertisement? If the title was "the Di Ser Piero conspiracy" or "Leonardo conspiracy" a major majority of people would have no clue what that's about and not have interest to see what it is. When people hear Da Vinci they automatically think that means Leonardo Da Vinci so they made the title that to get attention like a good author would know, and if you listen about 4 min and 22 seconds into the show they say his full name for your information. Da Vinci is an attention grabber because of the mental click it gives leading to the famous man mainly know as Leonardo da Vinci but they know the facts. Another point I would like to make is about you quoting David Childress. You said he is not a Ancient astronaut theorist which makes your point not even matter really because he's like a guest on the show. He strait says their theory's are fact in his statement which is wrong and not what ancient astronaut theory is about. True ancient astronaut theorist like Giorgio Tsoukalos and Erich Von Daniken only say something as a possibility. They don't say anything is absolute just that they think it's possible and leave it open for you to decide. Erich Von Daniken the creator of this theory even says in his personal episode that he doesn't want his ancient astronaut theory to become a religion that people preach as fact or he will turn in his grave. He just wants to enlighten people to look at things from different angles and show how there theoretically possible and each person can choose to see it that way or not. So you even make a careless childish mistake with your example of the picture editing on Giorgio Tsoukalos saying it proves he's an alien with there methodology. They never have said this proves without a doubt (blank) is an alien because of this. They use it for emphasis which again a good author would know that you sometimes use over exaggerated extremes to lead the audience towards a point your trying to demonstrate. Leading back to how they also didn't do as you said where it proves, they show a picture or video like that that has been edited and give out suggestions of it being possible something like that could be true in theory then say why, how, and everything else. It just is really immature how you take everything so serious and as there statements. All ancient astronaut theorist do is try to shine light on topics from a different angle to try to help you see things you hadn't before, or give some real facts people typically wouldn't know. Another piece of your text showing your immaturity is you trying to pull and call the racist card on Ancient Aliens. That's just hilarious because like someone had commented before they have had many episodes in foreign places with people of all kinds of racial backgrounds. And the people you listed off of what they have said are some of the smartest people in the world right? I'm pretty sure that's a fact not an opinion, the smartest people to live on earth have either been Asian or what most would label as "white". Now the Aztec and Mayan civilizations have been extremely advanced no one knows the individuals, but Ancient Aliens have given those civilizations there deserved credit. So again it's childish you trying to pull a race card without even checking your facts. I've pretty much said about all of the bulk and would like for you to become a better writer and take time to think before you write or type and to mainly grow up.
8/16/2014 07:52:35 am
Isaac Newton wrote a weighty tome that changed
8/16/2014 08:01:32 am
Leonardo's very accurate drawings of the human heart
8/16/2014 08:15:30 am
typo --- and IT enters the next chamber
8/16/2014 09:11:44 am
I really hated how the ATTs took a great man and made him over to be a puppet manipulated by ETs with a confused and confusing agenda.
2/1/2015 04:59:08 am
look how much time, energy and emotional grief these people just cost you.
Jason, what makes you so correct? so right? where you there? did you talk with Leonardo? No? Then shut the f-up. AA is just another view on a topic. Unless you want to be a drone and never think outside the box, other views make health discussions. Maybe this is for the more intellectual people than the cartoon watching public. I think intelligent public know that tv dramatizes things but it still makes for thinking outside the box.
2/28/2016 07:03:34 pm
does anyone think a helicopter powered by four men pushing a turnstile would work? Absolutely no way to get the required lift. not exactly "futuristic".
3/28/2016 01:55:09 pm
Certainly glad to see so many people still living in the DARK AGES mentally? This is really scary, no wonder they Muslims want to take us back to the 13th century?! One thing is for sure no Leonardo's here!
5/27/2016 09:56:06 am
First thing i want to point out you already contradicted your self in the first paragraph. You said in the first sentence "as an Italian-American, I've always taken a certain amount of pride in the accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci ...". Later in the very same paragraph you say "oh, and by the way ancient aliens title-writers, his name was Leonardo. "Da Vinci" was a descriptor, not a surname". Yes you may have used them together because that is part of his name but you try to act smart by correcting them on his name; when you yourself in your first sentence of the same paragraph call him Leonardo Da Vinci. If you were so prideful you would have stated his whole unique name not feed into what your trying to prove incorrect because his real name is Leonardo di ser Piero. Now I also want to ask have you ever heard of advertisement? If the title was "the Di Ser Piero conspiracy" or "Leonardo conspiracy" a major majority of people would have no clue what that's about and not have interest to see what it is. When people hear Da Vinci they automatically think that means Leonardo Da Vinci so they made the title that to get attention like a good author would know, and if you listen about 4 min and 22 seconds into the show they say his full name for your information. Da Vinci is an attention grabber because of the mental click it gives leading to the famous man mainly know as Leonardo da Vinci but they know the facts. Another point I would like to make is about you quoting David Childress. You said he is not a Ancient astronaut theorist which makes your point not even matter really because he's like a guest on the show. He strait says their theory's are fact in his statement which is wrong and not what ancient astronaut theory is about. True ancient astronaut theorist like Giorgio Tsoukalos and Erich Von Daniken only say something as a possibility. They don't say anything is absolute just that they think it's possible and leave it open for you to decide. Erich Von Daniken the creator of this theory even says in his personal episode that he doesn't want his ancient astronaut theory to become a religion that people preach as fact or he will turn in his grave. He just wants to enlighten people to look at things from different angles and show how there theoretically possible and each person can choose to see it that way or not. So you even make a careless childish mistake with your example of the picture editing on Giorgio Tsoukalos saying it proves he's an alien with there methodology. They never have said this proves without a doubt (blank) is an alien because of this. They use it for emphasis which again a good author would know that you sometimes use over exaggerated extremes to lead the audience towards a point your trying to demonstrate. Leading back to how they also didn't do as you said where it proves, they show a picture or video like that that has been edited and give out suggestions of it being possible something like that could be true in theory then say why, how, and everything else. It just is really immature how you take everything so serious and as there statements. All ancient astronaut theorist do is try to shine light on topics from a different angle to try to help you see things you hadn't before, or give some real facts people typically wouldn't know. Another piece of your text showing your immaturity is you trying to pull and call the racist card on Ancient Aliens. That's just hilarious because like someone had commented before they have had many episodes in foreign places with people of all kinds of racial backgrounds. And the people you listed off of what they have said are some of the smartest people in the world right? I'm pretty sure that's a fact not an opinion, the smartest people to live on earth have either been Asian or what most would label as "white". Now the Aztec and Mayan civilizations have been extremely advanced no one knows the individuals, but Ancient Aliens have given those civilizations there deserved credit. So again it's childish you trying to pull a race card without even checking your facts. I've pretty much said about all of the bulk and would like for you to become a better writer and take time to think before you write or type and to mainly grow up.
9/28/2017 05:58:42 pm
Human ingenuity well there are some. But first to deny aliens has never been here ever is just ignorance. You t swell be a racist. Or a buffoon still claiming the earth is flat. It's not up to them to prove they were here. You witches and warlocks or scientists or morons have to prove they weren't here ever. Good luck with that. See humans it's easy to shut the mouths of baby's without a long speech which will us go over there heads as they have no insight like preachers into reality. Anyway I'm sick of hearing about human ingenuity. All it's brought is misery and the extinction of sanity and goodwill. I'd rather sleep in a tree than to go through this dumb wasteful evil and illogical ordeal because of human ingenuity. The few things that helped man is not worth all this modern bullshit!!!!
Homer you are not. Unless you are trying to speak as an alien. Look, any theory of existence is merely that; a theory. Existence and reality are our perception not the actual chaos of molecules and valences. My wonder is that so many of us see the same thing, apparently.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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