Note: Last night H2 debuted both season five of Ancient Aliens and the first episode of a new pseudo-archaeology series, America Unearthed. Because I am not a machine, I will have to review these separately. Today I will review Ancient Aliens’ premiere, and tomorrow I’ll give my thoughts on America Unearthed. As the season five premiere of Ancient Aliens began, it came on the heels of a rerun of last season’s “The Doomsday Prophecies” (S04E02) in which David Childress and other assorted pundits proclaimed that December 21, 2012 would be the time when (a) the aliens returned to earth or (b) cataclysmic change destroys the current world order. Since being wrong has never stopped Ancient Aliens before, the failure of this prophecy passed without notice as we transitioned into the new episode, “The Secrets of the Pyramids” (S05E01). The teaser that opened the episode claimed that pyramids the world over were derived from a common template and emit “powerful energy” from another “intelligence.” David Childress calls the world’s various monuments a “precise network of pyramids” built by “a very advanced culture—probably extraterrestrials.” We know this must be true because he (a) spent most of his life criticizing ancient astronauts as false and (b) also “knew” that the Maya could see the cataclysmic future that didn’t happen yesterday. As the opening titles roll, I noted that the subtitle “The Series” dropped out of Ancient Aliens’ title card, presumably implying that the production team no longer differentiates between the 2009 Ancient Aliens pilot movie and the 2010-2012 Ancient Aliens: The Series episodes comprising seasons 1-4. Hugh Newman, author of Earth Grids, starts us off by describing the many and varied types of pyramids found worldwide, from the round pyramids of Mexico to the Egyptian-emulating tiny pyramids of Nubia. Erich von Däniken enthuses that Indian and Mexican pyramids have steep-angled sides, while Egyptian pyramids have gentler slopes—but no one on the show thinks that could have anything to do with them being independent constructions except for the poor physicist brought in to explain that, absent steel frame construction, pyramids are the only shape one could use to build a tall structure thanks to the laws of physics. But would this reasonable explanation be allowed to stand? No! There must be a hidden message. We then hear NASA conspiracy theorist Jason Martell assert that in Montevecchia, near Milan, Italy, there are “pyramids” very similar to those of Giza in Egypt. By similar, he of course means completely different in size, shape, material, and layout. We are not told the truth, which is that these “pyramids” are apparently natural hills that were cut into terraces for farming ages before some amateur enthusiasts spotted their odd shape on a satellite photograph in 2003 and called them ancient ruins. No excavations have ever been undertaken to prove them artificial “constructions.” Note carefully that such terraced hills are found throughout Italy, and some are still used today for terrace farming. I don't have the right to reproduce the photograph, but you can click here to see some terraced hills still in use near Vernazza, Italy. Giorgio Tsoukalos then asserts that an Indonesian pyramid and the Mayan pyramid at Chichen Itza share similar design elements, as do a Cambodian temple and the Mayan pyramid at Tikal. They look as much alike as any step pyramids with stairs in the front would look alike, but in terms of size, details, construction methods, and ornamentation, they are very different. By cherry-picking only those rare examples that look highly similar, Tsoukalos creates a false impression that all East Asian pyramids and Mayan pyramids share common shapes and traits. This is not true. The two sets of pyramids do seem similar at first glance, but this is entirely because, architecturally speaking, there are only so many ways to build a step pyramid out of stone and run a staircase down the front of the right size for humans to climb. The cropped Cambodian image of the temple, for example, hides the fact that the "pyramid" has only four steps, while the Mayan has ten and is much steeper in angle. A look at the building from farther back shows how little it actually resembles the Tikal pyramid in any of its significant details or proportions: Newman then returns along with Brien Foerester to express astonishment that ancient people who wanted to build tall buildings built tall buildings the only way physically possible when using large stones. It must be aliens! Egypt Next, we move on to Egypt to listen to “investigative mythologist” William Henry rhapsodize over the Great Pyramid, which he feels an “extraordinary intelligence” stands behind. Chris Dunn, who believes the pyramid is an electrical generator, shows up, along with Robert Bauval, the author of the Orion Mystery (1994), who doesn’t like you to know that his interest in the pyramids began with Robert Temple’s amphibious aliens of the Sirius Mystery, whose alien content he carefully elided in The Orion Mystery (1994, pp. 7-9), which takes its name in honor of Temple's book. Henry scoffs at the idea of the Great Pyramid being a pharaoh’s tomb, as does the ailing Philip Coppens, citing the fact that Khufu’s body was never found in the tomb. Hilariously, the same text that ancient astronaut writers use to claim aliens helped build them--Al Maqrizi’s Al-Khitat—actually states (if not believably) that the royal body was found in the burial chamber! Childress claims that the Egyptians had “legends that the gods came down and gave them instructions to build pyramids.” This exists nowhere in ancient Egyptian literature. Childress says “the famous god Thoth” was the alien who instructed the building of the pyramid, but he’s confusing ancient Egypt with the late Antique Semitic legend that Hermes the Thrice Great (identified with Thoth, though a human wizard, because he shared a name with the Greek god Hermes, who was interpreted by the ancient Greeks as Thoth) ordered the building of the pyramids to safeguard scientific knowledge against Noah’s Flood. Childress and others make the following illogical leap: Since this second, human Hermes shares a name with Thoth and Thoth was a god of Egypt; therefore, since all gods are aliens, aliens built the pyramids. QED. The Hermes legend cannot be traced back farther than Roman times. A few months ago, Philip Coppens and I got into a disagreement over whether the “gods” told the architect Imhotep to build the first Egyptian pyramid. Despite the fact that Coppens’ evidence was nothing more than the Famine Stela, erected thousands of years after the fact, and saying nothing whatsoever about pyramids, Coppens repeated this utterly, completely false claim again on Ancient Aliens even after he knew it wasn’t true. (He filmed the episode after our discussion, according to his Twitter feed.) [Update: I am informed this episode was actually filmed for season 4 but held back, which may explain why Coppens was so upset with me when I criticized this claim, knowing it would be broadcast on Ancient Aliens.] He did, however, modify his earlier false claim slightly by saying now that the “gods” merely “opened” Imhotep's mind to another plane of reality where he gained “access” to information about pyramid building. I’m sorry that Coppens is sick with cancer, but he’s still wrong about this claim. Overhead Pyramids Coppens then talks about the fact that the Great Pyramid’s four sides are slightly concave, meaning that on the equinoxes slight shadows are cast, making it look like the pyramid has eight sides. This was a quirk of architecture meant to keep the sides from crumbling according to many mainstream archaeologists, but Coppens seems unaware that it would not have been visible when the flat, polished casing stones that once covered the pyramid were still in place. (Indeed, one theory is that the concave sides were meant to serve as guides for placing the largest casing stones on the center lines of each side to hold the rest in place.) It was hardly a calendar or a "light show"; the equinox connection exists mostly because the pyramid is aligned to the cardinal directions. In ancient times, no "light show" was visible except for the brilliant gleam of the polished casing stones, according to actual ancient observers of the pyramid. Tsoukalos then repeats another debunked lie derived from von Däniken, that the Great Pyramid was built at the “center” of all the land masses of the earth. This was not true when Charles Piazzi Smyth first proposed it in the nineteenth century from the calculations of Flinders Petrie, and it remains untrue today. A line drawn at 70 degrees West would cover more land, and it only looks approximately right using one particular projection, not a real globe. The program then asserts that the so-called “air shafts” in the Queen’s Chamber are “believed” by “mainstream scientists” to have served only for ventilation. This is not true; some older Egyptologists believe this, but today most agree they had symbolic astrological purposes related to the Egyptian belief that Orion and Sirius (the areas targeted) were sacred to the gods Osiris and Isis. Even Zahi Hawass, the former head of Egypt’s antiquities organization, supported that view. You don’t get more mainstream. Philip Coppens then states that the Teotihuacan pyramids represent the solar system, a claim that derives from the 1960s and one that I previously debunked by pointing out that Ancient Aliens cherry-picked pyramids without rhyme or reason, as the city is filled with many more pyramids than there are planets. Coppens also claims that the pyramids represent Orion’s belt, just like those of Egypt. These claims, incidentally, are recycled from an earlier episode and are false. Why would the brightest star of Orion be represented by the smallest Teotihuacan pyramid? World Grid We next here tell that the pyramids mark “geodetic power spots” around the planet for refueling alien spaceships. How would one measure geodetic power, pray tell? What units does it come in? All they can say is that these places simply “feel” powerful. These pyramids around the world are supposedly set on a world grid—despite having been built thousands of years apart, some only in the Middle Ages. Needless to say, there is no rhyme or reason to the “world grid” or any way of mapping it out logically. This claim is also recycled from an earlier episode, where it was similarly untrue. After this, we visit the Indonesian temple mentioned in the teaser trailer offered up a few weeks ago, and about which I have already written extensively. The short form is that the medieval Buddhist temple has nothing to do with aliens, and unrelated medieval Indian temples called śikhara have no linguistic connection to Egypt’s Saqqara pyramid complex, which was not named Saqqara until modern times. Click here to read in great detail why this is true. Dear Lord, we’re only halfway through. The Pyramid Conspiracy John DeSalvo claims that China’s pyramid-shaped imperial burial mounds are “pyramids” that the Chinese government is covering up. I’m not sure what this is supposed to mean. These pyramids are well-known and are large earthen mounds. I guess they’re trying to say that a stone building sits beneath the dirt mound, but that doesn’t really change anything even if there were. Jason Martell is outraged that the Communist government covered the mounds with trees in the 1950s, claiming this was a conspiracy to suppress alien artifacts found within, but he neglects to place this in the context of the history of the Communist government of China, which had a vested interest in suppressing any potential place of pilgrimage for imperialist sympathizers. Today, attitudes are different, but in the 1950s imperial ruins were a threat to Communist legitimacy. Currently, the pyramids are not being “hidden”; they have been the subject of many documentaries and books. DeSalvo tells us that ancient Chinese kings claimed people came “down from the sky” to give them “information,” but he provides no references to support this, and I am not familiar enough with ancient Chinese writings to find them. I assume, but cannot prove, that this refers to early Chinese myths that the emperors had a “Mandate of Heaven” and communed with the gods. But this conspiracy isn’t enough for Ancient Aliens. We then get a lesson from Sam Osmanagich on the mound-shaped hills in Bosnia that Osmanagich infamously argues are gigantic pyramids nearly twice the size of Egypt’s great pyramid. (Osmanagich is described as an “archaeologist” on Ancient Aliens but he does not hold an archaeology degree and believes that ancient cultures arrived on earth from the Pleiades and that their secrets are kept with Hitler in his Antarctic ice station.) These hills look completely natural, and mainstream geologists agree that they are natural. The show leads us to subtly agree with the alternative point by depicting the “pyramids” as finished step pyramids complete with multiple, Maya-like stair cases (!) instead of lumpy, irregular hills covered with naturally cleaved and eroded rocks that vaguely resemble cut stone. The show does not explain how the pyramids somehow became completely encased in several feet of dirt, a much more amazing feat of engineering than even the building of the pyramids themselves! We hear that it is made of concrete, but Smithsonian magazine explained the truth in 2009: In early 2006 Osmanagich asked a team of geologists from the nearby University of Tuzla to analyze core samples at Visocica. They found that his pyramid was composed of the same matter as other mountains in the area: alternating layers of conglomerate, clay and sandstone. Smithsonian reported that even alternative history folk hero Robert Schoch (the re-dater of the Sphinx) agreed the site was natural and accused Osmanagich of ordering his workers to carve fake groves into the sides of the hill to look like carved stone. Other observers claim Osmanagich is re-carving the hill in the shape of a Mayan step-pyramid, destroying fossils and artifacts in the process. Brien Foerester tells us that evil scientists are suppressing the pyramid "truth" about Bosnia because of their limited belief system and rigid paradigms, and Tsoukalos tells us that “secrecy” surrounds the pyramids of Bosnia to prevent any alien claims. Of course, the alleged pyramids are giant hills that anyone can visit, rendering the “secrecy” claim somewhat moot, especially since the “pyramids” have been covered in international media and have had thousands of tourists visit since 2006. There is an entire tourist industry devoted to them in Bosnia. Pyramid Power I refuse to dignify recycled 1970s pyramidiocy about “Pyramid Power.” Suffice it to say that putting antibiotics in a pyramid shaped building does not increase their efficacy tens of thousands of times over one “lunar cycle,” at the show claims. Pyramid power is a joke and has no basis in reality. I know this because I read about it in Erich von Däniken’s Eyes of the Sphinx (1996) and tried the experiment he promised would work, in which you place a dull razor blade under a pyramid-shaped cardboard model of the Great Pyramid and watch it miraculously sharpen. It never did. To Infinity and Beyond! As we lurch toward the conclusion, we hear that all pyramids have an “energy field” around them. They don’t. Try measuring one; you can’t. There are no “magnetic vibrations” that channel earth energy into the sky. According to the show, an amateur enthusiast named Joe Parr found that an energy field shows up around a pyramid-shaped metal box when that box is spun in a centrifuge while being exposed to magnetic radiation. This can eventually cause the pyramid to levitate, something also seen with frogs who can also be made to levitate in a controlled magnetic field, a well known principle of physics. This has nothing to do with pyramids and everything to do with the energy field Joe Parr created himself. Therefore, he is wrong that the Great Pyramid could spin into “hyperspace” to travel “through interdimensional space.” How would you rotate a massive stone pyramid? How would you keep it from falling apart as it spun? This is so stupid that I thought my TV would die from shame. Giorgio Tsoukalos give us our parting though, reflecting his own ignorance: “In all of this, I have one single question: Where are the blueprints? If all of this was so incredibly important, then wouldn’t you think that we would have at least one record of some type of a blueprint? And the reality is that there is not a single piece. Why? Could it be because the blueprints [points to the sky] have disappeared?” Well, yes. The ancients didn't keep scrap paper around, and after the buildings were constructed, any diagrams or papyri used in their construction were worse than worthless; they were maps for tomb robbers, for example. So, they were either reused or destroyed. And while it may not be a pyramid blueprint per say, the Berlin Leather Roll, an ancient Egyptian text, describes the pharaoh commanding an architect to build a temple, and the pharaoh specifically makes provisions for "your needs in planning" and "your design" (not the aliens'), which is as unambiguous a statement as any that ancient buildings were planned and designed by human beings, without alien help.
12/23/2012 05:00:22 pm
i tried to read this to learn something, but Jason took all the fun out of it. at the end of every paragraph, i found myself rolling my eyes at his annoying criticism. he reminds me of that smartass kid in school everyone wanted to beat the shit out of. lol you're not always right Jason, neither is anyone else. LET IT GO, and just enjoy the ride. there's no need to fight every aspect of a theory. you're debating skills are poor, and they don't even seem to be based in actuality. haha! be open-minded, don't be so uptight and nerdy... geez. constant criticism never made anyone seem more intelligent, it just gets on people's nerves. <3
1/1/2013 06:33:02 pm
4/13/2015 11:06:19 pm
Sam, this is nice sentence: "WE HAVE EVERY RESPONSIBILITY TO CRITICIZE EVERY BIT OF WHAT IS FALSE. It is a duty of every open-minded man."
5/5/2014 04:26:29 pm
I agree with this, first of all, I point to the last quote in which Giorgio A. Tsukalos makes a statement. Jason, you have to keep in mind that this is a THEORY, based on facts and their opinions, you don't have to be a smartass and bluntly state that the idea of aliens is complete garbage.
John Lowe
12/23/2012 09:17:44 pm
1/2/2013 05:14:33 pm
Ancient Aliens is the worst show ever! Every idea they pose is in the form of a question for a reason and an "Ancient astronaut theorist" is not a creditable expert although they bring them up every two seconds. Maybe they should be asking "why are most modern buildings in the form of rectangular prisms? Could it be that aliens showed modern humans a geometry that holds mystical powers?" I think its hilarious that people believe that ancient humans somehow were more intelligent or had a better connection with the mysteries of the universe than modern humans. Where does this come from anyway?
5/5/2014 04:30:13 pm
And yet you take the time out of your day to look at this blog and criticize a show. Bravo.
6/2/2014 05:49:28 pm
Well it would not be ancient peoples if the aliens built it. The main thing anyone should take from this show is that "We don't understand how many things were done in the past" and "The current academic explanations suck". They are just showing specific problems and throwing out possibilities. Just because you don't like their possible answers does not mean there is not a problem to be solved.
1/29/2013 05:51:47 pm
Hello, all.
1/30/2013 05:50:53 am
Thank you for your kind words. It is one of the sad facts of our society that once a person writes a book about ancient astronauts (even to debunk them) publishers pigeonhole him into that one category and want to hear nothing about ideas in other areas. Worse, employers think that anyone who writes a book or a blog will be a bad employee due to divided loyalties.
Good Ole Boy
2/8/2013 08:48:03 pm
First let me say I neither agree or believe everything on Ancient Aliens, or anywhere for that matter. I don't always dismiss it either. This article seems to imply there is no more mystery, that we have it figured out. I do believe in aliens, simple math tells you it's near impossible for there not to be any. I also believe there are highly advanced beings, it would be ignorance to believe we are the "most intelligent beings in the universe." With all the undeniable UFOs by official sources, they probably have visited earth as well. That is not the point I want to make though.
2/8/2013 10:28:03 pm
The roundness of the earth was discovered through the application of pure mathematical reasoning by Eratosthenes. The "flat earth" was an irrational religious dogma created by "alternative" believers.
5/28/2013 04:02:08 pm
Ok Jason, so at first I thought that you were intelligent. I am not trying to insult you but what you just posted there is extremely narrow minded. Just to tell you I have a MD and masters in mechanical engineering. I am not boasting, but you seem to be an educated individual. And I am sure that you are aware that there are more stars in our galaxy than there is sand particles on this planet. Out of those stars according to several mathematical models there is a large number of intelligent life forms in this galaxy. This based on the fact that the planet has to be at just the right distance from the sun, have water and bla bla bal..... So as there is intelligent life in number of thousands, what makes you believe that they are not millions and millions of years more advanced than us as they have been longer around the block. No there are multiple theories based on physics and formulas that space and time can be manipulated think about black holes and bending space and time. We are just starting to think about these ideas. There is a lot of nonsense in our history books and the wondrous power of the lever does not explain everything with the coral castle's. Have you even been there or seen them online? Also, your perspective on everything is through tunnel vision. You take the science book by the word and try to explain your world with simple principles that at least hold to some extent. Think about the E=mc^2 formula. That means that means that all mass is nothing more but energy at subatomic level, and energy has a frequency, so everything appears as is because of the frequency at which its resonating. So I can go on and on and on. But there is a lot of crap out there as well, including all those self made scientists and theorists that apparently know and can link every historic artefact with aliens.
8/18/2013 11:43:51 pm
"And if you want to argue that aliens exist due to mathematical probability, surely you are aware that mathematical probability dictates that it is nearly impossible that any alien creatures could ever get to the earth."
9/30/2013 06:27:38 pm
I've been to the Coral Castle and it is absolutely magical. I do believe the stories and really, a Lever? One single man to pick up those heavy things over night? According to neighbor's account. I've also been to the Georgia Guidestones. They are absolutely wonderful too. The moment we stop believing and dreaming is the moment you stop seeing the miracles around you. I love reading the debunking. I love the AA theories because they make way more sense than the closed minded statements and stories of the bible who only make me ask more questions that no one seems to be able to answer. Though many are exagerated stories, they are still stories that make you say, Hmmmm. Sure, laugh. Now tell me if I believe in fairies to just clap my hands. Actually, I've been to the forests in Germany and I was able to see how the imagination created such stories. It was wonderful to see. There is a world out there, so, yes, continue debunking. Somewhere in between the stories and the debunks there is some truth to be found.
Sal Amon Ra
2/14/2013 12:37:24 am
Why no one ever talk about what really matter, like the pyramids in China Xi'an province? There is more then 30 easily traceable pyramids that follow the Weihe river, proving that the proximity of large water suplies was very important to those structures, like it happen with the Egypt pyramids close to the ancient Nile river course. And why the Chinese government keep that militarized zone and unavailable to tourists or foreigner researchers? This structures prove the importance of the construction sites of those structures be dependent of water, or for the transportation of the raw materials used to build the them, or for other more mysterious reasons. How long more the Occident world will stay blind to the presence of this structures, since most of the persons, when they think on pyramids they think in Egypt or South America mostly, but those structures can be found all over the world. So if there is a large amount of pyramids in China, there is also a lot of important delicate questions that need to be answered.
3/28/2013 02:16:26 pm
i noticed that you didn't do your research on Joe Parr. there have been repeat experiments by David A. Davidson and he returned similar results. During certain points of the year the pyramid grew heavier and lighter depending on the 11 year sun cycle. The pyramid did if fact become weightless at one point but what they failed to present was that it didn't meerly levitate, but shot across the room in the direction of orion. whether or not that has anything to do with aliens is unproven. It's possible that there is simply something which focuses the energy of the pyramid in that direction.
Samantha Schmidt
3/28/2013 02:39:56 pm
I've got another one for you. The experiments involving the increased effects of drugs after being under a pyramid were performed successfully in Russia according to David Wilcox on the "drug venoglobulin, which is a naturally-occurring antiviral compound in human beings." It became three times more effective at fighting viruses as it normally would after first being dilluted. This was done to allow better reading of the results. I have nothing against you or what you argue. I agree that there is a lot of bull involved with Ancient Alien theory; but that's just it; it's a theory.
Dennis Collins
3/28/2013 03:24:37 pm
"This is so stupid that I thought my TV would die from shame." Thank you Jason. Thank you. I was watching Ancient Aliens tonight and caught the episode about floating pyramids that are moving through hyperspace and all the other unsubstantiated "facts" those "personalities" were spewing. I like watching that show usually, because the topics are different and interesting sometimes. This one was over the top and I found myself swearing over and over at my TV at the sheer lunacy of the claims. Naturally I did some quick Googling and found that the Russian pyramids really are NOT generating power that their fighter jets can detect. Good golly, fellas.
3/31/2013 03:34:01 am
do your research.
Dennis Collins
3/31/2013 09:00:21 am
Thank you, I have done my research.
4/13/2013 10:20:37 pm
you fucking criticizer u dnt know a fucking thing asshole
Dennis Collins
5/3/2013 02:11:43 am
Wow, Sam. That's a powerful argument. You've completely changed my opinion, you silver-tongued devil.
7/24/2015 11:18:00 am
Just watched a rerun and googled Joe Parr, and you sir, Dennis Collins, have just won the Internet! Best comment I've seen I a long time.
4/16/2013 05:20:50 am
The Bosnian "pyramids" seems to be natural hills. This was researched extensively by geologists, both local as international (I think even Discovery Channel researched it at one time) and all conclude the same: natural hills. Not only geologists, but also historians, engineers and several different field experts did research.
3/24/2014 01:42:53 am
I will never understand how some people dare to claim things without prior research. To claim that there are no pyramids in Bosnia without ever going there and seeing things, is just plain stupid. I will response to you with hard evidence, pictures from the site that you can see on web site of Bosnian Archeological Fondation:, and you can also read about research that was done by many international scientists and many well known world laboratories that prove the existance of artificial pyramidal structures and many other things. More about Mr.Osmanagich and his "education" you can read here:
5/2/2013 08:45:54 pm
I PERSONALLY GOT BENEFITTED FROM THE PYRAMID EPISODE OF ANCIENT ALIENS...critics will remain..still concepts must be approved
The other Side
5/7/2013 12:33:41 am
well you debunked well these ancient aliens guys are so focused on proving humanity as apes , that they will go any level; plus they considers gods(supernatural entity- if you believe any) to be aliens. I mean how stupid can you become, yes aliens did visited earth cause only an arrogant will think himself as lone survivor(conscious being) in universe. But what these guys do is they push you hard on their belief ,like another missionary where they want to buy you at any cost and show you the package like they are actually helping you and you are some psychopath to not to accept it.
8/26/2013 10:16:26 pm
haha so much of criticism y dont u go and make a show proovin all ur theories! and u did dat experiment of "I read about it in Erich von Däniken’s Eyes of the Sphinx (1996) and tried the experiment he promised would work, in which you place a dull razor blade under a pyramid-shaped cardboard model of the Great Pyramid and watch it miraculously sharpen. It never did" it sound like joke coz they were taking about antibiotic power nd u did a blade experiment!! lol
8/26/2013 11:43:12 pm
Then it was "In Search of..." that showed the razor blade version. It's been a couple of decades; my memory is fuzzy.
Mark A. Wilburn
12/26/2013 10:31:44 am
Jason is correct about the razor blade hypothesis. In fact, the following link,, shows the actual patent as it was granted by the Republic of Czechoslovakia in August of 1959 with patent number 91304. It is very detailed in how the device is designed and how it is to be utilized. I have never actually tried it to see if works, but there was a real patent issued.
8/26/2013 10:21:30 pm
just a suggestion ....u better do a expt with antibiotic.
9/30/2013 07:24:27 pm
Very entertaining ...
Lumberjack McGillicutty
10/10/2013 04:17:17 pm
Jason, what are you, the leader of the ILLUMINATI??? THE COVER-UP IS EVEN BIGGER THAN WE THINK!!!!1
10/14/2013 08:13:07 pm
Here are three video links that should change your mind about the building of the Great Pyramids
10/28/2013 06:31:57 am
So let me understand, u completely disagree with the existence of aliens? Or just with ancient aliens, the show?
10/28/2013 07:02:25 am
Ancient Aliens the show is utterly wrong on virtually every point. Whether aliens actually exist is a separate question to which most scientists believe the answer is "yes," with the caveat that they most likely can't get here.
11/11/2013 07:51:27 pm
Jason, 11/12/2013 06:40:12 am
Byron, the U.S. government never "admitted" finding an alien craft. The official U.S. government statement, from 1997, is that it was a balloon. The idea that aliens can't reach us is a product of physics and has been explored by many scientists in areas ranging from the amount of fuel needed to the effects of radiation exposure going back at least to the 1960s.
Mark A. Wilburn
12/26/2013 11:19:29 am
Jason is correct with this statement too. I am a physicist and have been working with quantum field theory and the implementation of the quantum non-local phenomenon with electronic applications as well as alternative propulsion systems for many years now. As Jason said, the mainstream physics community holds the rationale based upon current technological understanding that it is impractical and wholly inefficient to attempt to travel to other star systems. The most advanced propulsion system theorized today is a series of controlled nuclear explosions to slowly build up kinetic energy so as not to harm the structural integrity of the ship. This type of propulsion system could theoretically allow a ship to arrive to our closest neighbor, Alpha Centauri, within 50 years; however, there are some serious problems that still have to be addressed in order to make this a viable method of space travel. The number one and most important problem is time dilation due to the relativistic effects of travelling at speeds close to the speed of light. Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose have estimated that the occupants within a space craft travelling with this type of propulsion system would experience a time dilation of 1:4 on the conservative side of the calculations. That means that the astronauts would age 1 year per each 4 Earth years during the travel time and that when they would finally reach their destination that the Earth would have aged 200 years. There are other methods of travel that have been theorized and I invite you to read about them at the following NASA website, As a physicist, I would never intentionally mislead anyone with science disinformation. I truly hope that someday within my lifetime that we discover a method of travel that will allow us to explore beyond our solar system. 10/30/2014 01:00:17 pm
12/8/2013 01:21:09 pm
First, I found the blue prints. Actually, I should say rediscover or better yet, hidden secret blue prints to every Nobel Prize winning scientists knowledge and even that of the Manhattan Project.
Mark A. Wilburn
12/26/2013 11:55:26 am
Jason, I enjoyed reading your debunking commentary just as much as I enjoyed watching the show. It's all speculation from both sides of the fence. I am a physicist and I look at the world through the lens of the scientific method. If you have an idea then propose a hypothesis. Then design an experiment or series of experiments to test your hypothesis. Then allow peer review of your data along with independent replication. Then and only then will I seriously accept your idea as a valid scientific theory, otherwise its just pure speculation. I don't have any answers as to why the great pyramid of Giza was designed the way that it was or how it could have been built. I don't waste my time pondering the 'world grid' or 'lay lines' because there is no way of conducting an experiment to test for 'hidden' power zones on the planet. I respect the work of Tesla because it is backed by Maxwell's proven theory of electromagnetism, but I don't buy into all of the conspiracy theories about his secret work being stolen by the government. As I said earlier, I don't know everything. I have many questions, just like everybody else, but why waste time with speculations when there are a lot of valid hypotheses that we can explore. If the alien astronaut theorists want any credibility within the mainstream scientific community then they need to follow the scientific method. Otherwise, they will always remain in the realm of pseudoscience. I watch the show with the same frame of mind just like I watch any other science fiction show. I watch for the entertainment.
7/14/2015 01:30:00 am
alien don't exist.....
2/26/2018 10:34:12 pm
Does not much of science begin with speculation?
Paul Barton
1/24/2014 02:33:59 pm
In the spirit of entertainment, all should watch this pseudo science program for simply that. It examines interesting theories that the viewer should examine under extreme scrutiny and try to debunk as you have portrayed. I would caution you however, at making assumptions about what supposed aliens can and can't do (for example traveling interstellar distances). Are smartest astrophysicists still don't understand dark matter, worm hole theory, or even gravity in it's entirety. If you concede advanced intelligence can mathematically exist in our own galaxy, don't pretend to know in fact that traveling from star to star is as simple as traveling the speed of light for x amount of years. That arrogance in assumption is paramount to the church locking Galileo in jail for theorizing the earth revolved around the sun, instead of the universe revolving around earth, about 400 years ago.
Paul Barton
1/24/2014 02:36:33 pm
Written in haste.... Excuse my grammatical errors
W Lepage
4/24/2014 09:45:58 am
Jason, With this article you seem to have stumbled onto the perfect magnet for attracting every credulous, semi-literate, fuzzy-thinking maroon in the neighborhood...Congrats!!
Joe Dirt
9/26/2014 02:48:05 pm
Just dig it.
12/12/2014 02:14:43 pm
While portions of this episode undoubtedly has some very interesting topic matter, it gets brought down to sub-standard depths of believability by some of the most far fetched, 'out there' AA theories to date. Childress and Giorgio are in rare form needs to be seen to be believed. Maybe the show was exploring some comedy relief options...?
12/12/2014 02:19:02 pm
Mr. Bandot
2/16/2015 03:43:29 pm
Why are you so arrogant to think that Aliens visiting this planet would want to communicate with humans. If they are only 1% different from us as we are from Chimpanzees. Then we are just a bunch of yapping primates that use rudimentary tools. Yes you can say Aliens have never visited us there is no proof. The are stories that have good visual reliable witness and confirmed by radar that craft of some sort have visited. With regards to Roswell I find it interesting that a Major in the only Atomic bomber group in America could not tell the difference between a "Balloon" and a "Air / Spacecraft" of some sort. Something a 6 year old child could do.
7/14/2015 01:32:28 am
alien don't exist.
John Bigboote
8/27/2015 01:13:38 pm
yes we do
8/27/2015 03:07:04 am
Larry Pendarvis
8/27/2015 01:16:17 pm
Yes you must be off.
3/4/2019 06:11:51 pm
after reading all the comments, i have to say that none of you have proven your points in your arguments.
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