Sometimes Ancient Aliens is a like a gentle tide of stupid, subtly lapping at viewers’ brainwaves; other times, it is like a tsunami of stupid, overwhelming even the most dedicated viewer’s attempt to think critically with its sheer volume of idiocy. Last night’s episode, “Alien Power Plants” (S05E03) is the latter type of episode, envisioning a world where ancient monuments somehow beamed endless free energy around the world without such seeming necessities as conductors. Would it surprise anyone that the “Dendera (Denderah) light bulb,” really an image of a snake in a lotus blossom, is trotted out once again as an alleged depiction of ancient electric work? It wasn’t convincing when Erich von Däniken talked about it 40 or 50 years ago; it isn’t convincing now. As I write this review, it’s late on Friday night, and I’m already tired, so possibly some details slipped by me as I tried to force myself to focus on Ancient Aliens’ weird ideas. But it’s hard because I can’t wrap my head around how they figure the entire ancient world was practically sparking with electric devices yet no one has ever found a single inch of ancient copper wire, a single busted glass light bulb, a single means of conveying current from a generator to a device, or anything else associated with electricity. Just think of how many miles of wires (or at least their insulation, if they reused the metal) we should be finding if the ancients were wired for electricity. And yet there are no wires, and there are no copper mines emptied for the missing wires. In fact, America Unearthed an hour later goes to great lengths to claim that there wasn’t enough copper in the Old World to make bronze, let alone wires, prompting expeditions to America! The program solves this problem by claiming that the aliens used “wireless” electricity—so for what do they need giant pyramids to generate the power? Shouldn’t they have mini fusion reactors or something? And, anyway, the devices that actually use the power, like laser beams and toothbrushes and what-have-you, would still need wires, or at least conductors of some kind to operate.
The closest to ancient electricity Ancient Aliens can come is the alleged “Baghdad battery,” a small clay pot with a piece of copper found inside, which archaeologists have patiently explained could have been used as a battery, but did not necessarily have to function as a battery. (Any container with the right metal shards stuck in it could be a battery, even the famous middle school potato battery.) Although the small container and the bits of metal inside might have generated a small current in the presence of an acid (possibly for use in electroplating), the artifact as unearthed would not produce a current because (a) the copper is completely insulated and thus would not conduct current, and (b) there is no wiring or conductor to transmit electricity out from the battery. Even if it was a battery, it generated so little electricity (less than four volts) that it was essentially a novelty item. (That said, we know that ancient people were able to use primitive methods to plate with metals, but these involved chemical, not electrical means and thus are not “electroplating” in the modern sense, despite some alternative claims.) Anyway, with those caveats out of the way, we can start looking at the specific topics the show covered in this wretched, barrel-scraping episode. The array of different clothes the interviewees, especially David Childress and Jason Martell, wore in this episode mark clearly that the program was pieced together from a mixture of new and recycled material, some bits apparently dating back to the first season. We start with a list of the heaviest rocks ancient peoples moved, which seem wrong to me. I don’t think the rocks used in the stone platform called the trilithon at Baalbek were 4.8 million pounds (2,400 tons), as the show claims. As far as I can tell from real archaeological sources, the biggest rock there is only 800 tons. (A graphic the program uses shows three trilithon rocks together, so they must be counting all three as one weight, even though they would have been moved separately.) The Romans routinely moved rocks in the hundreds of tons, including 500 ton Egyptian obelisks, and no one pretends they had electricity and motors, since the Roman authors never wrote anything about them. I’ve previously given this link which explains Baalbek in great detail. The ancient astronaut “theorists” (AATs) claim that modern machine quarrying techniques are needed to move such large rocks under the theory of “I don’t know; therefore, aliens.” We travel to Ollantaytambo in Peru, which scholars have explained in excruciating detail, yet Brien Foerester and David Childress tell us that the Inca built with such precision that only machines could carve the “precision” blocks. A clear and simple version of the mainstream explanation can be found here, and carefully accounts for the alleged “precision,” which was actually an artifact of the primitive methods used for shaping the blocks. Despite claiming this show is about power plants, we instead get a segment of AATs complaining that ancient people shouldn’t have cities with aqueducts and other urban niceties because AATs don’t understand how urban planning works, so no one else could either. At this point, we introduce the Baghdad Battery, discussed above, which is not particularly old (it’s late Roman) and not particularly sturdy (it’s thin ceramic), but Jason Martell simply asserts with no evidence that similar batteries could have been made six feet tall to generate as much electricity as a modern flashlight. There is no large ancient battery of that size, so this is just speculation. Why not say they could have made them 20 feet tall to power a television? But this avoids the larger problem: If the show’s thesis is that the ancients had endless free energy, what did they need these useless, breakable little batteries for? Then we get the Dendera light bulb, which I’ve discussed several times (as has this program), and Martell again confuses the lotus blossom’s stem for an electrical cord. Childress tells us that the Egyptians used electricity to light the tombs when they painted it, scoffing at the “mainstream” theory (of which I’ve never heard) that they used a “complex” system of mirrors to bring in natural light. He is here extrapolating, apparently, from the small tomb of the scribe Userhat, which is illuminated by sunlight reflected from an outside mirror positioned there in Antiquity. After all, using an alien wireless electric system is much easier than a couple of mirrors, or, better, a fire contained in a glass (i.e. a lamp), which also would prevent smoke from discoloring the paintings. We know that most ancient lamps with twisted linen wicks produced soot, but we also know that the Egyptians had strict controls on the types of linen wicks that could be used in tomb preparation. The reason for this, T. G. H. James explained in Egyptian Painting (1985), was because these special tapers were likely impregnated with fat (probably linseed or sesame oil) so they would not generate smoke, thus allowing tombs to be illuminated without discoloring the ceilings. Tsoukalos then tells us that the Burning Bush of Exodus 3:1-22 and God asserting “let there be light” in Genesis 1:3 are examples of technology at work, specifically electrical technology. God, an alien, was flipping a switch at a power station when colonizing earth, not creating the sun and the stars, as claimed by the text itself. This ought to insult everyone who was happy that ancient astronaut writers exempted Jesus from the alien parade. Seriously: He said “let there be light” refers to turning on the light bulbs. After the first commercial, we turn to the Great Pyramid, the subject of more than 150 speculative theories about its “real” purpose. In the pyramids there are symbolic passageways, closed to the outside, pointing to the stars. Because they are closed, AATs tell us that the pyramid was really a power plant, on the authority of Chris Dunn, who follows his Victorian predecessors in attributing to the pyramid fabulous precision (to “a fraction of an inch”—which isn’t true: Flinders Petrie, for example found a discrepancy in the orientation between core and casing stones amounting to 75 inches) and thus making it a machine capable of generating electricity due to “vibrations” caused by water flooding the subterranean chamber. To make this work, Dunn suggests that hydrogen gas was pumped into the pyramid (from what pumps?) to create a proton energy beam. There is no evidence whatsoever that the Egyptians had any hydrogen gas or could manufacture or store it (no impermeable containers for such gas have ever been found); he deduces the gas based on the suitability of the King’s Chamber’s dimensions for a laser system to run the gas system! And where were the lasers attached? There aren’t any holes to hold them. “We can use our imaginations and come up with all kinds of devices” to run on the imaginary proton beam, Dunn says. No fooling. The late Philip Coppens shows up next to assert that “many” pyramids were found intact but empty, implying that pyramids were not tombs. This sound byte also appeared in S05E01 "Secrets of the Pyramids" two weeks ago. He appears to be referring to Horus-Sekhem-Khet’s unfinished pyramid, whose burial chamber was found sealed in 1953 and when opened in 1954 proved empty. Coppens discusses this in his Canopus Revelation (2004). Archaeologists believe that when the pyramid was abandoned, the burial chamber was sealed as a decoy and the king buried elsewhere. Somehow this one intact empty burial chamber becomes “many” when Coppens, in his final Ancient Aliens interview, misremembered his own work. In his book Coppens quotes Kurt Mendelsshon as lamenting the “too many empty tomb chambers,” but Mendelsshon was no archaeologist; he was a physicist who argued that he pyramids were symbolic tombs, cenotaphs, not actual tombs. But mummies have been found in pyramids, including that of Queen Seshseshet at Saqqara; and Al-Maqrizi preserved the report of those who first entered the Giza pyramids and claimed that “Bodies buried in the pyramid were, they say, wrapped in cloth frayed by time and that this was made of thread of gold impregnated with compounds that formed a mass of myrrh and aloe to the thickness of a span.” A good description of a mummy, no? Jason Martell then claims that obelisks and monoliths worldwide were meant to channel electricity because they are, as the narrator claims, “unsuitable” for shelter, shade, or storage. (Unlike, say, statues, Sphinxes, or cave paintings.) David Childress tells us, in an interview recycled from an earlier episode, that the obelisks channeled earth energy into the sky and around the world in a wireless power grid using the power of quartz crystals embedded in their granite structure using the concept of piezoelectricity, or the charge the accumulates when crystals experience applied mechanical pressure. (The first time around, he went on to say that the obelisks beamed power to Easter Island to levitate the colossal heads.) There is, of course, no evidence that the quartz embedded in the granite of the obelisks was ever under significant mechanical pressure. We get some pretty pictures of crystals, but we don’t get at the essential problem: Why aren’t the obelisks churning out electricity now? Shouldn’t these obelisks be sparking all the time or beaming measurable power upward? Why did they stop? Ah, but the show anticipates this objection, though not until the very end. Some irrelevant material about Nicola Tesla follows, connected only by the claim that Tesla had invented wireless electrical transmission and thus the Egyptians must have had it from the aliens, too. So, let’s pretend that’s true. At some point you need to store the electricity or get it from the obelisks or pyramids to the final devices where it’s going to be used. (Tesla’s “wireless” electricity still had to use wires to get to the radios and light bulbs and whatever that were going to use the power.) And there just isn’t anything ancient that could do that. Where are the remains of the electrical devices? Do we seriously think every single electrical device for 5,000 years simply vanished overnight, leaving not even a single trace? We can see in the archaeological record the remains of particular meals ancient people ate on specific days, and yet somehow every electrical device, down to the final screw, glass shard, or wire, evaporated? We have no time think about this, of course, because we move on to the Indus Valley and Mohenjo-daro, with the false claim that the city experienced a nuclear event. Childress repeats his claim that the city is “the residue of one of the ancient power plants used by extraterrestrials.” He cites as evidence the scattered bodies whose deposition was attributed to a catastrophe assumed but not proved by the first excavators, which Childress links to a nuclear event. In truth, the bodies were buried above the ancient road much later and not all at once (perhaps a thousand years separate earliest and latest); there is no reliable evidence of any radiation at the site other than the naturally-occurring background radiation from uranium ore. There was no nuclear event, no ancient atom bombs, no nuclear plant meltdown. Nor are the people simply lying “dead in the street.” Coppens tells us that a Tibetan mountain that has a vaguely pyramidal shape, Mt. Kailash, was associated with the Eastern gods (which is true), and the narrator tells us that the aliens “operated” it as a base and/or power station (which is false—it’s a mountain, and it’s not hollow). The mountain was believed to be the home of the Hindu god Shiva, and it’s famous because it is large and relatively regular in shape, like many other sacred mountains. Tsoukalos tells us that the mountain itself emitted electricity, but he does state whether it is because he believes the mountain artificial or if he thinks it is hollow and has a device within. At any rate, there isn’t any power coming out of it now. We then look with William Henry at a diagram of Mt. Meru from a Chinese cave drawing, which he illogically identifies with Mt. Kailash, and Henry tells us that it is a particle accelerator. The picture shows a mountain stylized in the shape of a Chinese pagoda, with different stories representing the different levels of the Buddhist/Hindu cosmology. Most depictions of the mountain feature many levels of platforms representing these levels. (Mt. Meru is the Hindu version of the Indo-European World Tree/World Axis myth used to explain why the stars seem to spin in circles.) Particle accelerators do not have to look like pagodas (nor do most); the shape is entirely coincidental. You might just as well say the picture on your takeout Chinese food package is a “particle accelerator,” or any tube-shaped device, for that matter. As we lurch toward the end, we review the worst nuclear disasters in history and the abandoned nuclear power plants left behind by these disasters. Tsoukalos tells us that an ancient power plant “melted down,” leading to the fall of prehistoric civilization when all other power plants went offline thanks to the failure of a single plant. This is impossible since the “civilizations” supposedly connected by these power plants were not contemporary, and so their obelisks and pyramids could not have been generating power at the same time. Michael Bara tells us that there was simply a “higher” energy source powering everything. Chris Dunn asserts that all the power plants simply “shut down” in an event that “wiped out” most of the civilization, thus eliminating all evidence from the archaeological record and conveniently leaving AATs free to speculate without the need for facts. This is simply impossible. A worldwide energy grid could not vanish without a single trace. “Power was pretty much a no-brainer,” Tsoukalos said, discussing the “gifts” of “the gods, and the gods were extraterrestrials.” Again: There is not a single scrap of an ancient electrically-powered tool anywhere on the face of the earth. They exist entirely in ancient astronaut pundits’ minds. Note: I expected the episode to end with an “in memoriam” notice for Philip Coppens, but apparently H2 and Prometheus Entertainment care so little for the pundit they made money off of that they failed in even that minor courtesy.
Joe Public
1/6/2013 08:26:44 am
Seriously... Ur a derranged and underinformed,closeminded little man.. Lets see Ur proof....U are not an archaeologist,Paleantologist, basically Ur an author and a marketing practioner..... I find no truth or proof in what U debunk..Just another man feeding lies to anyone who will listen.. AA and Von Danikin only pose questions idiot.. not answers.... Seriously, U didnt live in ancient times so how the hell do U know???
1/6/2013 08:48:30 am
You would seriously sit there and tell me that "pos[ing] questions" is just fine, but attempting to provide serious answers to the questions they pose is "feeding lies" and "marketing"? I'm the one taking their questions seriously and trying to evaluate the evidence to see if there are any possible answers. The only people marketing lies are the Ancient Aliens crew, who "pose questions" for profit with no intention of doing any research to find the answers.
Joe Public
1/6/2013 03:30:29 pm
I am not saying I believe in Aliens or not.. But AA and Von Daniken do refer to true archeaologist,physicists,geologists,Nasa and other fcredible resources....But truly to think that our civilization is the sharpest tool in the shed is laughable at best... I do not lean on AA for anything other than entertainment and to stimulate further research and other words AA gives me cause to do my owm investigative work.. I look for coincidences, then consistencies.. in the consistencies you find the truth.. In my years of experience I have found that man inherently lies for their own agenda so I tend to not believe everything I see and hear... Again, I do my own research, without any preconcieved end.. Open minded research.. I do however rely on the convergence of the actual scientific facts and findings into account.. AA and Von Daniken try to get U to think sir..... But evidence of previous advanced ancient civilizations lies all around the world.. Have you ever investigated Yannaguni off the coast of Japan?? Exquisite architecture... and it dates back thousands of years... While it is submerged,it has to be one of the most intricate sites Ive seen.. Take into account that what we have been taught in school about myth and legend like Sodom and Gamorrah, Troy, Santorini,Alexandria ,and many others have now been found and proven factual places that existed in antiquity... You may think our own government is truthful about everything... I for one do mot.. Overpaid liars and manipulators of the truth to put it lightly ..So do your research as I will do mine.. See, one thing you do not take into consideration here is what might I know as fact...... One thing I know for certain... Life is all about one word, no matter how applied... PERCEPTION...
1/6/2013 03:40:06 pm
Oh and by the way, Tesla was onto wireless,, it evists and is used today.... Now its up to U to find out how........
1/11/2013 06:17:52 am
Ja.son, Since U are a debunker of AA.. Explain to me how they lit up the inside of the pyramids on the Giza plateau. Curious as to your take on this. Thanks 1/11/2013 09:14:50 am
Curious -- As I said in my review, "We know that most ancient lamps with twisted linen wicks produced soot, but we also know that the Egyptians had strict controls on the types of linen wicks that could be used in tomb preparation. The reason for this, T. G. H. James explained in Egyptian Painting (1985), was because these special tapers were likely impregnated with fat (probably linseed or sesame oil) so they would not generate smoke, thus allowing tombs to be illuminated without discoloring the ceilings."
Tara Jordan
1/7/2013 12:52:48 pm
The golden rule of social Darwinism: "The rubes are not smart enough to know what is good for them". Individuals like yourself are condemned to be deceived, but ignorance is bliss, you must be a very happy man...
1/11/2013 02:43:23 pm
Jason, From what I understand, theres not enuf oxygen in there to allow something like that to burn and even if it were made out of special linen and impregnated with fat,would it not leave some type of residue??? Hmmm.
1/6/2013 08:28:22 am
My only donation to U would be SHUT UP....
1/7/2013 06:29:26 am
U r obviously a very illbred person. But U shutting up is, I guess, actually quite a donation..
J Public
1/7/2013 11:57:38 am
Roland... Really, Ill bred??? It was a conversation between Jason and I. Didnt require lip service from u... THANK U...
D Webster
1/6/2013 12:17:24 pm
I recently discovered your blog as i was searching for more information on items in the latest AA episode " Alien power plants". I was wondering if you have read Giza Power Plant or Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt both by Engineer Christopher Dunn? They are both very analytical using scientific and engineering techniques to analyze various aspects of the Egyptian pyramids and other structures in Egypt. I have friends who are engineers and they were astounded by the overwhelming scientific proof of evidence that Dunn has compiled. I am also sometimes surprised at some of the unproved statements on AA but always research at my university to see what kind of scientific proof on lack thereof that exists in the literature. I'd like to get your comment on Dunn specifically as an engineer. I'm also going to buy one of your books on Aliens and Lovecraft as I see a lot of questions also regarding ancient aliens and believe there were advanced HUMAN civilizations before and after the paleolithic era.
1/7/2013 05:00:21 am
Christopher Dunn is an engineer, but he is no scholar. His claims rely heavily on assumptions, what-if scenarios, and improbabilities. I'm not an engineering expert, but if you do a Google search you'll find several who are and who have picked apart his claims point for point.
1/6/2013 01:10:47 pm
Hi Mr Colavito,
1/7/2013 05:03:16 am
You're absolutely right that the ancient astronaut pundits manipulate and fabricate connections. If you scroll back in my blog a couple of weeks, you'll find my review of Ancient Aliens S05E01 "Secrets of the Pyramids" covered many of the same points you brought up. You're right that "sky" gods are much rarer than they say!
1/7/2013 06:45:25 am
Dear LS, thanks, great comment. I´m a ardent lover of history in general and Asian cultures in paticular, and that quite undiscerning attitude of making a blurry mixture out of everthing that seems to fit into the AA-theories is sometimes amusing but in the long run really disgusting.
1/13/2013 12:02:07 pm
Dear Roland, I'm very glad you enjoyed them! I can apologies to yourself and Mr Colavito for the fact that it turned out as some appalling block of text! I could have sworn I put in several paragraphs!
1/7/2013 09:15:04 am
Great review, great site. Thanks for putting in the time to write these!
Tara Jordan
1/7/2013 01:16:05 pm
Jason, you may call me Über cynical & obnoxiously sarcastic, but I think Joe Public deserves the "How entertaining the average moron who toils in obscurity" award of the week
J Public..
1/8/2013 12:37:51 pm
T ara Jordan... average moron toiling in obscurity???LOL.... Maybe some of us know things that you do no not.. Maybe U are the small minded little uneducated person who is too scared to look or venture beyond their own peripheral vision... Or just maybe you need to enlighten yourself a bit more....Have U seriously ever researched Nikola in any regard ?? I doubt it.. He was way beyond alternating current.. But hey look at how Galileo was chastised... Yet he was correct in the end.. It amazes me that people like U are so sure of evrything U think you know just by what you have heard without doing any further investigation..LMAO.... Open your eyes and your mind if Ur capable... Just so U know I am on a research team with many who have more scientific credentials and credibility than U will ever have.. U really never know who U are talking to on a blog huh???? Be Careful .......
1/8/2013 01:01:30 pm
I'm not going to tolerate personal insults and invective. Anyone who would like to engage in name calling and insults is free to take it to another website. Keep it civil, please.
Joe s
8/5/2013 01:44:52 am
How are you on a research team? If any serious academic institution employed the likes of yourself I feel they would either require you to engage in real scientific advancement or leave. Your spelling and grammar is atrocious and the 'truth' which you are spouting, comparing yourself to Galileo of all people is ridiculous. I think you will find that many people have been confidences that they alone hold the truth over the years, and I would say that the majority of them have been wrong. I think a more fitting comparison would be the people who said the world was going to end in 2012, and as far as I can tell, they were pretty much wrong, I look forward to your illiterate response, auf weidersehen I would postulate that his nomenclature on said research team would be Engineer of Sanitation, a p.c. term for the guy who takes out the garbage. As regards N. Tesla, in his early years he was a genuine genius. However in his later years he had a bad tendency for making claims about some of his ideas that he could not meet. These include his ideas on "Free Energy" and death rays.
Tara Jordan
1/8/2013 02:20:33 pm
Jason Colavito. You are absolutely correct, I own you an apology for injecting incisive rhetoric into this thread. As we already discussed privately during an email exchange,I appreciate your work & the idea of anonymous clumsy shabby individuals insulting you,on your own blog,is nothing less than infuriating. Furthermore, I have no intention on "polluting" your blog. If you dont want me to participate, you dont have to ban me.On my very own,I will refrain from commenting on this blog. Having said that,I truly believe that when dealing with these ignorant characters,we sometime have to take the glove off.
J Public
1/9/2013 11:30:37 am
I really just want to see Jason or anyone elses PROOF of what they say... As I understand anyone can say anything.. I appologize for the closeminded and undereducated comment,however show me your Proof... If U are not an archaeologist, physicist or trained in any of the sciences and U get your info from other people who say they debunk AAs credibility.. Where is YOUR PROOF...??? As I have researched these topics for years. Even I have not come up with a resounding conclusion.. I presently am still going over archeological docuented findings as well as other scientific facts and data... I too am frustrated by the lack of open mindedness I have read here.. Everyone is entitled to their opinion..And by the way thanks for the banter ... Just to let U know.. You assume that I am a man because of the name I posted.. But you really do not know for sure, do you...??Nor do you have any idea of the extent of my intelligence or credentials.. Again , perception is key....
1/9/2013 11:45:20 am
It appears you have misunderstood the purpose of criticism. This is not a debate, nor am I out to "prove" what happened in the past. The purpose of criticism is to evaluate the claims of the people who ARE asserting that something happened. Chris Dunn asserts that the pyramid was a power plant, and Giorgio Tsoukalos asserts that ancient texts claim alien intervention. The critic examines whether their evidence holds water; it does not.
1/9/2013 01:13:54 pm
Jason, I do understand your critisism and intent.. I also enjoy the research.. With that, I will be meeting with the the lead researcher regarding the Bosnian pyramids.. And yes they do exist.. I will be discussing his radiocarbon dating on this site which so far reveals 30,000 yrs , as well as his evidence of scalar..(zero point ) energy at this site as well.. Outta be interesting.. .......
8/9/2014 03:12:15 am
I agree with your view in terms of your approach to the different authors. Although at the same time, it has the feel of you just taking pot shots at everyone because you seem to be looking for a level of proof that does not and will not every exist.
Tara Jordan
1/9/2013 03:13:03 pm
Dear Joe Public. There is nothing wrong in entertaining the ideas submitted by Ancient Aliens proponents,but only if you never took a single class in classical,Egyptian,Sumerian or Meso-American antiquity studies. Cultures & civilizations to not arise out of thin air, this is the magical argument used by individuals pushing "the Alien" or "outside intervention" agenda. For instance,there are plenty of both archeological & ethno-anthropological evidences for pre Pharaonic Egypt. As to the notion of "intellectual explosion" courtesy of alleged space brothers from outer space ,it is the result of a misunderstanding of societal,sociological & cultural evolutions & progression processes in antiquarian cultures.
1/10/2013 01:19:39 am
Tara.. As I have said before,I am not stating that I believe there are aliens.. I am schooled in Egyptian and Sumerian cultures. I have not reached any hardcore conclusions as of yet..However I do enjoy the ancient aliens show as they present their findings and pose questions to the viewers.. They try to make you think.. Am I to take from your remarks that you do not believe the bible either?? It too gives the scenario of Jesus who was here, left us but at some point will return.. Just a question?? Visit the banned books of the bible like enoch for one.. And yes Tara, I do know that information released to the public is sensored..And as far as reaching conclusions , there is still much investigation to do, way to early in this to make any conclusions.... We learn something new every day.. We find more galaxies and planets that could support life all the time.. What if humans actually started on another planet and thru some catastophic event had to migrate to Earth to start over?? Again not a conclusion, just a question?? Believe me I am a very analytical person,I do not believe everything I hear or read.. I have learned to question everything.. As a past instructor,I can tell you that the information taught in any school is chosen carefully. It is not necessarily correct info in its entirety, that is why I have been drawn deeply into the sciences.. When I was in school they taught us that Christopher Columbus discovered America.. That is a huge falacy as he only claimed America for Spain.. From what you have said I would be interested in hearing your explanation regarding the construction of the Pyramids on the Giza Plateau ,Yannaguni, ect?? Again,I have not reached ANY conclusions... My research primarily leaves me with more questions than answers.. But understand.. I am willing to ask these questions .. By the way, you do realize that alot of the mythological places have now been found like Troy, Sodom and Gamorrah ect? I only want to find the TRUTH..
J Public
1/9/2013 01:19:14 pm
By the way they are accepting volunteers for further excavation of this site as it is a non-profit organization.. Nothing like seeing for ones self........
Tara Jordan
1/10/2013 03:10:09 am
1/10/2013 07:59:38 am
Tara, First off, I did not say that I believed the pyramids in Giza to be built by aliens..You seem to have some type of hangup with aliens,, I asked you how you thought they were built.. Secondly, I do a tremendous amount of investigation and research with friends who are past employees of Nasa as well as those who are currently on the Mars project.. We have had some quite in depth conversations as well.. And alot of info is suppressed by our gov for many reasons.. Third, Yanaguni is not a natural formation, it is a large pyramidal complex, complete with intricate archways, hallways,staircases and carved stone.. it is actually estimated to be at least 8000 yrs old.... Really not worried about going down the road to Hell..LOL.. I will continue my quest for the truth, whatever that my entail....
Tara Jordan
1/10/2013 02:38:58 pm
Of course the topic was Ancient Aliens & their astonishing contribution to human civilization.If that`s the case, they miserably failed, they taught us everything but obviously ethics was not on the menu,because as we speak at the dawn of the 21th century,humans are still conducting themselves like barbarians (but this is another subject).
1/10/2013 03:42:44 pm
Tara.. I do not have ALL the answers.. This is why I am costantly involved in research and investigation..We have several Nasa affiliates in our team as well as others with long lists of credentials.. some are involved in projects that are not up for public fodder... They are kept under wraps for now.. I do not feel the need for name dropping altho some of the people I speak of are public figures as well.,a few have even been televised and recieved commendations for their research findings. I feel my elusiveness is no less than that of which you offer up in answering my questions with vague assertions( no ill intent) Our group has international affiliates from most all of the scientific world.. I have read Robert Shochs review of the yanaguni site.. I would say he is wrong.. I just have a hard time convincing myself that tetonic plate movement and ocean currents can create stairways, hallways. and carved faces... This had to be one of the ancient cities lost to antiquity thru catastrophic events... It is a pyramidal complex.. At least thats what I see with my own eyes.. Mr Shoch is just one man with one theory.. that doesnt mean he is correct in his assumptions by any stretch..There are other findings at the Yonaguni site that indicate some civilization was there.. I do see some consistencies from this site with many other ancient sites above and below the water.. With all the large quakes in the past few years ( I study seismology as well) the axis shift of the earth is causing more and more of these ancient sites to reveal themselves.. I have been at this for a very long time.. I hope the truth eludes me for awhile longer, as I truly enjoy the journey....Oh and I have enjoyed your response as too..
Tara Jordan
1/10/2013 06:33:27 pm
Fair enough Joe,I am not blaming you for remaining anonymous & keeping a certain veil of secrecy ;) People have the right to privacy & I am not questioning the veracity of your claims. Like I stated before,I am not hostile to the idea of "advanced transoceanic civilizations that were destroyed at the end of the last Ice".The only problem is,cultures and civilizations leave traces & substantial amount of artifacts and garbage, so far we have only found weird geological formations that appear to be quasi artificial.I am waiting to see further & concrete evidences of these so called "destroyed advanced civilizations" to question the chronology & the data of Scientific orthodoxy.
1/25/2013 02:04:43 pm
Great critical review, well written. I completely agree with most of your points, however I don't agree with the stone cutting link you provided ( that has been disproved in my ill-educated opinion.
1/25/2013 02:09:44 pm
As a PostScript; cutting the stones with light was not suggested by some uninformed TV personality, it was suggested by Ivan W. Watkins, Professor of Geoscience at St. Cloud State University, Minnesota.
jeffrey clarijs
3/5/2013 09:09:31 pm
There saying the structure regenerate energy. Its think its a little bit true. Except that I think there are creating a solar shield or in our words the structures are creating our ozone.
Dejan Jovanovic
4/17/2013 04:31:46 am
Is it me or is there ample material available as to how the pyramids were built?
Dejan Jovanovic
4/17/2013 04:42:43 am
AA S0503 Tsoukalis: "...because only stone withstands the test of time."
Dejan Jovanovic
4/17/2013 04:44:07 am
AA S0503 Tsoukalis: "...because only stone withstands the test of time."
4/18/2013 02:46:28 pm
well ive been watching the shows with as much of an open mind as i can without leaning to either side. Now the very idea of aliens visiting the earth and thus influencing humanity and even creating humans out of apes is not as crazy as you might think.
10/14/2013 03:10:56 pm
I just saw that episode. Your review is spot on and hilarious. I did wonder how they went from "hey there are a bunch of obelisks" to world grid! Awesome!
10/20/2013 01:55:38 pm
Once upon a time, the Russian Academy of Sciences set up an independent comittee with the goal of eradicating what they termed "Anti-Science" or "лженаукa". That committee is alive and well and has much work.
A human
12/9/2013 02:28:24 pm
While watching this episode (because the show is so funny to watch) I had a thought that they didn't bring up. What if everything the aliens built was just super biodegradable and it just decayed or something? The obvious problem, however, is that the alien civilizations wouldn't last very long if all their stuff decayed overnight.
rakesh malik
5/19/2014 07:29:58 am
Why Quetzalcoatl had a white skin
7/14/2014 03:09:33 am
Jason with all due respect u suck shit!!
Jan H
9/26/2014 07:00:14 am
It is a fact that people WANT to believe. They need to see something ABOVE, something BIGGER and MORE IMPORTANT.
Emperor Tercus
10/18/2014 08:40:19 am
This is my favorite quote of your blog "Sometimes Ancient Aliens is a like a gentle tide of stupid, subtly lapping at viewers’ brainwaves; other times, it is like a tsunami of stupid..." and it really sums up Ancient Aliens.
6/25/2015 12:36:18 am
I have trained by oil and gas,powerplant...It's very intresting to learn
7/7/2015 12:03:42 am
"We know that most ancient lamps with twisted linen wicks produced soot, but we also know that the Egyptians had strict controls on the types of linen wicks that could be used in tomb preparation.
10/19/2015 04:16:41 am
Thanks for your reviews Mr. Jason on AA episodes and the comments from other readers as well. I read them every after episode that I watch and they are all very informative. This makes me want to research more.
8/13/2016 04:23:37 am
Ancient facts run right over the biblical claims. Remember that the Bible was written by men who never met Jesus. I don't understand why the son of God had to be babtised. He was the son of God. Never had to prove he was. And never needed forgiviness for what sins. Might be why Hared removed John the Baptist . May be crazy. I ain't got no body . Chookoa chew!
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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