Editor's note: This post has been edited to correct a mistake about Lloyd Pye's biography. Ancient Aliens S06E14 “The Star Children” is a riff on the “Indigo Children” craze from a few years ago, which is a very sad phenomenon by which parents attempted to create rationalizations for their children’s atypical behaviors—ranging from extraordinary intelligence and creativity to autism and hyperactivity—by attributing them to spiritual or genetic advancement, the next phase in evolution. There is, needless to say, no genetic or physical evidence of any otherworldly DNA in these kids. This episode, though, demonstrates the real harm that shows like Ancient Aliens can cause. The program can lead parents to believe that their children are extraterrestrial beings. The show opens by profiling several child geniuses present and past, who nevertheless remain human beings. The show then asks whether aliens were responsible for the likes of Mozart and other prodigies via some vague “connection.” David Wilcock leads off telling us that these children communicate with “non-physical intelligence,” though this seems to discount the idea of aliens. A man named David Weatherly, author of a credulous 2012 book on evil supernatural children, says that Star Children, who apparently are no longer defined solely as child prodigies, are going to usher in “a true New Age, a time of peace, a time of greater consciousness and greater prosperity for the planet.” Clifford Mahooty, the Zuni elder who travels the paranormal lecture circuit, claims that Star Children are a Native American concept and that they can “heal with their hands.” This seems like a testable claim, yet we don’t ever see a Star Child curing a disease and thus proving the claim. Truly a missed opportunity! David Childress declares the Star Children a “new race,” but I would say that this show is coming very close to libel when it claims that “unusually gifted children” are hybrid extraterrestrials, especially since they named several living child prodigies just minutes ago. Is Ancient Aliens defaming specific individuals by calling them non-human? Does the use of a question format excuse this libel? Who cares since David Wilcock claims our DNA is changing so fast that we are becoming “smarter and smarter” with each passing year. He bases this on a 2007 study which says that “1800 genes, or 7 per cent of all those found in the human body, had undergone natural selection in the past 5000 years.” These changes were related to things like skin color and lactose tolerance, but Wilcock would like us to see this as an exponential increase in intelligence. Richard Boyland, an author who makes money from imagining Star Children are real, says that these kids are psychic, have a world-historical mission, and “are compassionate.” Well, that settles it! They are clearly extraterrestrials since we all know that humans are opportunistic, self-interested ego maniacs. No, wait… That’s ancient astronaut theorists. Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot: Could they be ancient astronaut theorists? We move to Greece in the sixth century BCE to hear the story of an infant who survived only on the mountain dew, called Astrasus or Astraios (it varies by author), whose name is related to the word for star. His story is given Porphyry’s Life of Pythagoras 10: Diogenes, in his treatise about the Incredible Things Beyond Thule, has treated Pythagoras's affairs so carefully, that I think his account should not be omitted. He says that the Tyrrhenian Mnesarchus was of the race of the inhabitants of Lemnos, Imbros and Scyros and that he departed thence to visit many cities and various lands. During his journeys he found an infant lying under a large, tall poplar tree. On approaching, he observed it lay on its back, looking steadily without winking at the sun. In its mouth was a little slender reed, like a pipe; through which the child was being nourished by the dew-drops that distilled from the tree. This great wonder prevailed upon him to take the child, believing it to be of a divine origin. The child was fostered by a native of that country, named Androcles, who later on adopted him, and entrusted to him the management of affairs. On becoming wealthy, Mnesarchus educated the boy, naming him Astrasus, and rearing him with his own three sons, Eunestus, Tyrrhenus, and Pythagoras; which boy, as I have said, Androcles adopted. (trans. Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie) What Ancient Aliens doesn’t tell you is that Antonius Diogenes, the originator of this story, was writing a novel, not a history. His Incredible Things beyond Thule was a romance, written 800 years after the events it describes. It is literarily dependent on Lucian’s sci-fi novel True History, which tells of an ancient Greek voyage to the Moon and battle with Moon monsters.
Interestingly, Porphyry seems to think the novel was history, while Photius, who preserved the longest excerpts of it, recognized it as a novel and praised it for making fiction seem so believable (Biblioteca codex 166). This doesn’t stop Giorgio Tsoukalos et al. from speculating that Astraios was a Star Child who delivered to Pythagoras knowledge of triangles. (Aliens love math.) Bret Oldham, who writes about how Grey aliens genetically engineers humans, asserts that in addition to the two “strands” of DNA that make up the double helix, there are other, “dormant” strands of DNA waiting for aliens to activate. So why does the show not show us these strands under the microscope? We then hear complaints that “junk” DNA is actually alien DNA and that “every human being is part alien,” in Tsoukalos’s words. After the break we look at a hydrocephalic skull from Mexico, which the show dutifully acknowledges before asserting it is too “unique” to be hydrocephalic. Lloyd Pye, of the Star Child Project, discusses this from beyond the grave, having died on December 9. Why is someone killing ancient astronaut theorists? He is the third talking head from this show to die since its launch in 2010. What don’t the aliens want you to know? Mike Bara calls the skull a hybrid of a human and “something else,” and the Pye claims it looks like a Grey alien. Yale University Medical School’s Steven Novella determined that the child died of congenital hydrocephaly, and DNA tests in Vancouver in 1999 found normal human X and Y chromosomes. Suddenly, though, once Pye started trying to make money off of the skull after 2000, new tests “revealed” no Y chromosome, and then later no X chromosomes, making it first an alien-human hybrid and then a completely alien creature, as Pye’s developing claims necessitated. I’m confused, though: How is it that this skull is an alien-human hybrid if child geniuses with normal skulls are, too? Did the aliens somehow get better at mating with humans? How, precisely, does that work if even animals as closely related as humans and chimpanzees can’t interbreed? As we pass the halfway point, the show asserts that the 562 recognized Native American tribes in the United States (Canada apparently doesn’t count) have myths of Star Beings who fertilize human women to produce hybrid children. Interesting, isn’t it, that the show dances around the most famous “Star Child” of all. Who else do we know who was associated with a wandering star and was born of the mating of a human female with an otherworldly being who came down from the sky? You see, the Hopi and other Native Americans are possessors of “wisdom” but, being the Other, can’t be expected to understand their own religion and mythology the way “we” can. By contrast, the viewers of this show, who are almost all white and Christians, can be flattered that their Star Child really is a divine being. The hypocrisy is obvious but still startling. This leads us into a discussion of the Blue Star Kachina, which I wrote about last year. The myth of the Blue Star and the extraterrestrials it is supposed to summon originates in 1963, in mystic Frank Waters’s Book of the Hopi, from which it entered into fabricated Hopi prophecies of the allegedly real “White Feather,” a fake created around 1980. I don’t give any truck to a prophecy that was made in 1963 as any ancient tradition, and I’ll repeat that I could find no reference to a Blue Star or Blue Star Kachina in any literature on the Hopi prior to 1963. After this we go to Tibet to listen to the story of the first Dalai Lama and then that of the current Dalai Lama. Because the Dalai Lamas are identified as children they are supposedly Star Children, which presupposes that you subscribe to the idea that the Dalai Lamas are in fact reincarnations of one another and not just a religious belief based on coincidences and hope. David Wilcock introduces the idea that a “soul aspect that is from the gods” (here he corrects himself and rephrases that as “the extraterrestrials,” pointedly making the case that there is no meaningful distinction) descends from the heavens and couples with humans, and yet again no mention of Jesus to whose story this claim would apply even more perfectly than the Dalai Lama. Nikki Pattillo, who believes she converses with angels, asserts that human souls come from across the universe to take over human bodies. After the commercial we listen to the story of a guy in Texas who encountered two adolescents who wanted money one night in 1996. The man says that the kids’ eyes were “solid black,” so he drove away. After he published his story on the internet, other people started imitating the story and ascribing their encounters with “menacing” youths to the “Black Eyed Kids.” However, as Snopes.com reported, the recent flood of activity dates only from February 2013, with the release of a video on the “Weekly Strange” MSN video site in conjunction with a horror movie called…wait for it…Black Eyed Kids. It sounds like people seeing things in the dark when upset or scared; at any event, even the most credulous observers say the phenomenon began in 1988, which is not ancient. Is it entirely a coincidence that the movie and the internet hype emerged right after Weatherly published his book on the Black Eyed Children in 2012? After the break, we decide to bring up Edgar Cayce, the so-called “sleeping prophet,” who was, frankly, wrong about most of the world-historical claims he made, most of which were derived directly from Theosophy. Cayce announced the arrival of Theosophy’s Fifth Root Race, which he said would come in the 1990s or 2000s, the time when many of today’s “Star Children” were born. George Noory says that the Fifth Root Race are Star Children genetically manipulated by ETs for some unknown “future event.” So how do psychic powers fit into this? Do the aliens encode their secret plans in the akhashic record for Cayce to read, or is this some kind of occult knowledge that they didn’t realize he would be able to read and disclose? It seems sloppy, and I can’t really follow the logic. I thought the aliens controlled all of history and silenced all opposition. No, wait… that’s the Smithsonian. As the show ends, it offers tips on how to recognize Star Children, drawn from alleged Chinese accounts of psychic children of the 1980s. Listening to Jonathan Young, Ph.D., “founding curator” of the “Joseph Campbell Archives” speak credulously about these paranormal events made me question exactly who this frequent Ancient Aliens talking head really is. I always thought he had some actual training in mythology and folklore. It turns out he’s actually a psychologist who studies the psychological functions of storytelling. He fell into Joseph Campbell’s orbit, but the fact that he apparently believes in telekinesis and psychic prophecy suggests to me that he has moved well past an academic understanding of mythology. Weatherly finishes us off by telling us that Star Children “vibrate” at a “higher level of resistance” than other humans. Vibrations? Really? Childress rhapsodizes that alien genetic experimentation will lead to a Jetsons-style super-civilization “that the extraterrestrials have planned for us all along,” sounding like nothing so much as an overconfident preacher rhapsodizing about the Millennium and the coming of the New Jerusalem. There is no appreciable difference in the concepts. I am sick to death of listening to Ancient Aliens becoming a crackpot cult of New Age religion. So if you think that your child is actually an extraterrestrial hybrid, don’t listen to these idiots. You need immediate psychological help before you do serious damage to your child. It cannot possibly be healthy for children to grow up thinking they are alien hybrids with supernatural powers. This is one episode that crossed from silly quackery to something more directly harmful.
2/8/2014 02:59:20 am
Nancy Ann Tappe created the concept of Indigo children. She died in 2012.
2/8/2014 03:02:59 am
David Weatherley, "The Black Eyed Children" (Leprechaun Press, 2012)
2/8/2014 05:06:10 am
Bret Oldham, "Children of The Greys" (House Of Halo, 2013)
2/8/2014 05:21:35 am
Clint Knapp
2/8/2014 06:00:30 pm
Doreen Virtue takes this one step further to claim there are now CRYSTAL CHILDREN- the generation after Indigos, who are now allegedly all in their mid-20s to 30s. Crystals are apparently even more psychically powerful than the Indigos and blah blah woof woof.
7/4/2014 09:08:28 pm
2/12/2016 07:51:27 pm
There are really interesting anomalies in history and sometime archeologists make statements that are almost as dumb as the new agers but this whole other world that exists on the Internet is becoming dangerous I.e. the So Oregon militia who's already warped understanding of Christianity which is coupled to these moronic conspiracy theories involving; greys, secret govt, warped understanding of DNA and illuminati that has fed these peoples emotional needs by promoting their specialness because they know the real truth and, more importantly, allows for a huge and growing feeling of martyrdom. Put this together with guns and you have a dangerous movement occupied by violent emotional cripples. I guess I'm preaching to the converted but I can't believe how far this crap has moved into WASP suberbia. I come across statements made about things like the Noah's ark (just yesterday) an it's frighteningly clear that not only do they believe the story but they are completely confident in their ignorance! THEY HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF OR BOTHERED FINDING, HOW SCIENCE AND EDUCATED HISTORY VIEWS THESE THINGS! All they know is they are persecuted by "orthodox sciences and archeology" for their special belief in the "TRUTH".......sigh
2/8/2014 05:10:17 am
What if Isaac Newton had five years of formal schooling
2/8/2014 07:38:04 am
This episode name-dropped JOHN HAWKS and a paper about the small ongoing mutations in our genome over the past ten thousand years, and our increasing rate of the same before picking up on the DNA sequences from the Denisovan fossil fragments. Speculation is that its HOMO ERECTUS DNA entering their genome, not "space visitors" and this is where science tends to be at today. An educated guess is that the Denisovans were like PEKING MAN or are more evolved versions of PEKING MAN, who is a branch of Homo Erectus.
Cathleen Anderson
2/8/2014 06:20:39 am
Someone gave me a copy of the Indigo Children book about 14 years ago. I can't remember who it was, but he thought my kids were indigo children.
2/8/2014 08:11:02 am
I have great difficulty at watching more than 15 minutes of Ancient Aliens.This is somehow akin to self inflicted mutilation.Jason`s review is impeccable,I don't think there is anything to add to the topic,but since the program made reference to the Dai Lama, I don't understand Western fascination over Tibetan Buddhism & the figure of the Dai Lama "The Ocean of Wisdom",the megalomaniac opportunistic crackpot.In 2008 the Dalai Lama acknowledged that his organization funneled millions of dollars in CIA funding to a Tibetan paramilitary group.The Ocean of Wisdom",the notorious paragon of human rights) is the same man who maintained close association & friendship with individuals such as Shoko Asahara,Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Bruno Beger,former Nazi Henrich Harrer,Miguel Serrano head of the Nazi Party in Chile and the author of several books that elevate Hitler to a god-like status.....
2/12/2016 08:14:16 pm
Are those really documented? The charges against the Dalai Lama I mean, awful. Having read many news reports about the colonization of Tibet by the Chinese which makes our treatment of native Americans look like we treated them as honoured guests. Pretty ugly what the Chinese have done and if I were the Dalai Lama I'd be over joyed to get money to stick it to the Chinese.
2/8/2014 09:07:21 am
"The program can lead parents to believe that their children are extraterrestrial beings."
2/8/2014 09:23:33 am
You obviously have never read the email I receive from viewers of the show. You cannot fathom how badly a small but important segment of the viewership want to believe what the show is selling. At least twice a week someone accuses me of trying to suppress the truth about aliens by attempting to discredit these brave truth seekers.
Alien Asshole
1/4/2020 07:11:51 pm
Your sarcasm and style of writing and ignorant statements on the topic of star children or aliens on your stupid blog is so ridiculous and backup up by absolutely no empiracle evidence to prove the contrary. Their is significant evidence of alien abduction and modification of dna in humans.
2/8/2014 09:11:49 am
You know things are bad when AA is promoting ideas that even Warhammer 40,000 has backed away from.
2/8/2014 10:46:20 am
In some alternate universe, Giorgio presents a popular television show broadcast around the Imperium, in which he waves his hands around and talks a lot about an ancient race of aliens who love pyramids and are just waiting for the right time to announce themselves to humanity and reclaim their vast galactic empire.
2/8/2014 11:12:18 am
The Indigo Children fantasy is pure swill - but I am sure new fantasies will stoop to even lower levels in the future - it's inevitable.
2/8/2014 11:55:46 am
David Childress all waxing maybesophical on the "ancient Slann tablets" that "experts" "may" "say" "reveal the plans of the Old Ones."
Shane Sullivan
2/8/2014 12:23:08 pm
And David Wilcock as an unwitting genestealer cult leader.
2/8/2014 02:32:31 pm
And Graham Hancock; forever searching for evidence of mankind's super-advanced past, coloring his hyperdiffusionism with spirituality, is one of the Adeptus Mechanicus searching for relics from the Dark Age of Technology.
Dave Lewis
2/8/2014 03:15:50 pm
I listen to at least a part of Coast to Coast AM every day to see what the hottest paranormal topics are. Most of the time there's nothing new so I turn it off. A few of the guests are good story tellers and hold my interest. Whitley Strieber usually weaves a good tale. I've noticed that most of the ladies that are guests on the show are very new age oriented and about all they say is we can increase our frequency by meditating and be happier.
Clint Knapp
2/8/2014 06:22:13 pm
I still listen daily after it goes off-air and winds up on YouTube, and commented above to point out Doreen Virtue's "new" variation of the Indigo Children theme: Crystal Children!
2/9/2014 09:11:31 am
Jenny McCarthy, used to claim that her son was an 'Indigo/Crystal Child', then she decided he was 'Vaccine Damaged'. I really feel sad for the boy, since going from being told he was a 'New Age Messiah' to 'Victim' must have been rough.
Clint Knapp
2/9/2014 09:37:08 am
Last I'd heard, she since had some actual doctors look at the boy and determined he wasn't even autistic at all after that whole debacle where she claimed to have "cured" his autism with a diet change.
2/9/2014 02:19:52 pm
If they would market themselves as fiction writers I'd respect them. But I can't stand idly by as they peddle to the masses what can be best described as stupidity. Like the world needs more of it.
2/9/2014 04:54:23 am
I agree, sometimes C2CAM does have some funny guests with interesting stories. I particularly enjoyed David Paulides' insinuation that Bigfoot is the mountains abducting berry pickers, children, and manly looking women.
Dave Lewis
2/9/2014 12:39:00 pm
Coast to Coast AM fired their Saturday night host John B. Wells. He already has a internet show Caravan to Midnight. I listened to the first show with guest Jim Garrow who finds a conspiracy under every rock. I find conspiracy theory stuff boring. I really like a spooky story that scares the heck out of you. I guess I'm jaded because the only thing that scares me any more is people who are more heavily armed than me!
Alien Master
2/9/2014 10:50:47 am
Ah the close minded people of this world really saddens me. Your so caught up in the fact that we are superior life forms and the only life forms that exist is on this little spec of dust in the endless ocean of the universe. Yet nobody can seem to prove that we are without that little unknown spector of doubt.
2/9/2014 10:33:17 pm
"Yet nobody can seem to prove that we are without that little unknown spector of doubt."
11/23/2014 02:17:47 pm
Why are the proposed aliens always anthropomorphic? If we ever encounter sentient ETs, they won't look like us, nor would they be able to hybridize with us for the same reason that they won't speak any human languages. Different planets, different environments, different selective pressures. Alien life might not even be based on carbon for all we know. A world with methane lakes and seas like Saturn's moon Titan might have life that eats acetylene instead of sugar while inhaling nitrogen and exhaling methane. There could be metal-oxide-based life born of worlds too inhospitable for organic life. Whatever we find, if anything at all, it will not be anything like what we know here on Earth. Humanoids like the ones we see on Star Trek, Please Teacher!, RahXephon, Tenchi Muyo, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Dragon Ball, The World of Narue, Trinity Blood, Eureka Seven, and Stargate are right out. Within each of these franchises, the aliens are all based on the same template as humans but with their own unique modifications such as weird ears, funky foreheads, strange hair/eye colors, and definitive behavior disorders. They're all essentially the same thing and the fact that they can all interbreed suggests they must be closely related subspecies at least within the same genus and thus derived from the same source. But if they evolved separately, unrelated, independently, each on distant planets, we should expect their most fundamental physiology to be dramatically different (e.g., Vulcans have copper-based hemoglobin and thus green blood, Time Lords have two hearts, Saiyans can survive in the vacuum of space). And we're supposed to expect viable hybrids to be plausible? THEY CANNOT BE UNIQUELY ORIGINAL YET SUPERFICIALLY IDENTICAL, INTERNALLY INCOMPARABLE, AND GENETICALLY COMPATIBLE ALL AT THE SAME TIME! In our biological reality, there can be and have been instances of convergent evolution where members of once-divergent taxa later play identical roles and adapt accordingly (e.g, wolves, hyenas, and thylacines; winged insects, pterosaurs, birds, and bats; foxes and Malagasy civets; saber-toothed cats, barbourofelids, nimravids, the creodont Hyaenodon, and the sparassodont Thylacosmilus; crocodilians, phytosaurs, temnospondyl amphibians, thalattosuchians, and basal cetaceans such as Ambulocetus) but they'll never become the same and can never hybridize. It might look like a duck, walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, but that doesn't make it a duck. The physiology of an organism determines what it is. The more distantly related they are, the deeper you have to look for similarities but if they're related at all, then the deeper you look, the more similar they'll be.
An Over-Educated Grunt
2/9/2014 01:04:46 pm
This was an intensely frustrating episode. They couldn't even stay internally consistent through the episode. Are the Star Children literal human-alien hybrids? Are they in mental contact with otherworldly entities?
2/9/2014 01:08:32 pm
They start them young now. Imagine, a whole generation of baby Tsoukaloses all waiting for the Anunnaki to return and start making ninja turtle hybrids!
An Over-Educated Grunt
2/10/2014 09:23:31 am
You'll be happy to know that as soon as I pointed out that this meant that the Krang were behind the Ancient Astronaut theory, he immediately started yelling at me about how Cthulhu was the original ancient alien.
Shauna O
6/30/2014 10:46:31 am
Its all symbolism people, the anunnaki is really a figure for yourself, a mirror really...just like jesus is...the anunnaki "those who came down from the heavens" are your higher self...they are the part of you that exists in the here now space/time continuum. the part of you that is the infinite creator of all that is. i met them as a child, they visited me once, tall beings they were...i would always say to my dad too, "i love you from here to planet x" and now that i'm older it all makes sense. i might sound crazy but they've connected with me since i was a child...weird thing is too is i was born with black eyes and black hair. These indigo/crystal/rainbow/light beings are basically showing you how to become in touch with the part of you thats been suppressed since the beginning of the industrial revolution...we are all one conscious entity, vibrating with individual frequencies but together we make a symphony. by knowing ourselves we can stand up and create a society where everyone is equal, no struggle for necessities like food, water, electricity, clothes, shelter, medicine...mother nature provides! we have been uncnciously brainwashed by our government...they tell us what to do basically, they are the puppet master...NOT FOR LONG. snip the cords and grow your own wings. dont be afraid either because there are so many people working collectively to make our new earth a reality, we are called the rainbow family of living light. 7/3/2014 12:17:26 am
with that horrible hairdo. a sideways mohawk. (isn't that how some alien variety on Babylon 5 used to wear their hair?)
2/9/2014 02:24:01 pm
It's called the throw-crap-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks paradigm, or a reasonable facsimile.
2/9/2014 01:23:51 pm
the star child is not hydrocephalic, there is a Pye video which shows the difference. there are serious other oddities about it, and on top of that no amount of head shaping is going to increase cranial capacity. While the Ancient Alien thing is hogwash, and perhaps part of an ominous agenda (since it tracks to Theosophy as does the New Age Movement and Nazism see http://cumbey blogspot.com and her book The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow), the presence of something alien extremely strange is evident if you don't blindly rely on either of two things: the standard authorities or the drooling admirers of supposedly all good and all wise aliens (who are probably genocidal for our alleged good and the alleged good of the earth if they are anything like some New Age Movement big wigs like Barbara Marx Hubbard and they probably are given the kind of New Age sounding crap alleged aliens and some real ones have spouted)
Only Me
2/9/2014 04:20:29 pm
Ah, yes, the old "don't trust the authorities" gambit.
Christine Erikson
2/9/2014 06:16:58 pm
it won't do it in the same way, and a hydrocephalic child won't live long enough to be having adult type teeth. It is also unlikely it would get that bad in the first place, everybody was doing trepanation in those days.
2/11/2014 03:11:45 am
if our species once had a vast genetic diversity whereby 15
2/11/2014 03:18:05 am
the Star Childe's skull has a symmetry.
3/16/2014 07:56:27 am
History Channel should be about WORLD HISTORY!!!....not effing made up aliens, pawnshops, and what not! Shame Shame Shame on you History Channel...why don't you just go ahead and add Honey Booboo to your list.
11/23/2014 01:17:53 pm
I miss the days when TLC stood for The Learning Channel and History Channel focused on HISTORY. At least give us back the Hitler Channel days. Sure, World War II is overrated, but at least it's real history.
I did not see the program but from the description and from the names of some of those that appeared it was obvious and pathetic tosh.So sad that that something like the History Channel should have something like this that clearly is not history or even reasonably debatable views on history.Just nasty mind rot that prevents people from doing any thinking whilst promoting irrational nonsense as challenging to the establishment special insight.
3/16/2014 04:12:16 pm
Not just History Channel, even Discovery Channel and National Geographic are joining in, I don't remember which one of these was showing so-called evidence of mermaids! What the effing f!
yram,are they?It gets worse.Sometimes you just cant make it up fast enough to be over taken by some idiot fantasist.Wait for it but soon someone will say that mermaids are aliens or that they can teach you to tune into your inner mermaid energies or recall your past life as a mermaid.No matter how absurd and how far I put my tongue in my cheek someone will do it,write a book,get on TV and get a following.
Are they?It gets worse.Sometimes you just cant make it up fast enough to be over taken by some idiot fantasist.Wait for it but soon someone will say that mermaids are aliens or that they can teach you to tune into your inner mermaid energies or recall your past life as a mermaid.No matter how absurd and how far I put my tongue in my cheek someone will do it,write a book,get on TV and get a following no matter how absurd.Mostly I think that these people are gullible,occasionally one can spot even remotely clear evidence of mental health issues.
8/3/2015 12:07:40 pm
To the person who said "idiot fantasist", are you even a genius at all?? Mental health issues? Oh so you think you are completely normal? Just bcs it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean that those people are less "normal" than what you think you are. I hope someday you are mature enough to accept things that are completely beyond today's standard of science and logics. I mean, you don't have to accept their statements, but accept and understand the fact that people are different that they have their own stories and experiences and goals. Taste your words before you speak :)
BENjamin van der weerd
7/2/2014 10:55:02 pm
I like seeing all the alien pichis.
11/23/2014 01:16:30 pm
Could one of those black-eyed kids be Sister Abigail?
1/3/2015 08:00:48 am
The 'black eyed kids' coming to your door sound like kids in shock. This show is telling people to turn their backs on kids coming to their door whom probably just suffered from a horrible accident!
the one who knows
1/6/2015 04:12:57 am
Star children....gifted ones, we all have abilities, some know without being told or taught. Some experience things we don't understand and fear these abilities. Trying to fit in with others for fear of ridicule or being locked up in an insane asylum. Ask yourself have you ever finished someone's sentences before. Have you ever had a dream of something leading up to a loud noise and you awake to thunder. Have you seen the future or had a waking dream of something to come. Have you ever been visited in a dream, throughout your lifetime by something unspeakable. Star children are the same as anybody else but with some abilities more tuned. Some fear their abilities and their visits, from whatever..... Star gifted children whom grow to adults are great people whom see the good in all man kind knowing that while they try to "influence" mankind to love one another to do good plus so much more...there is the others who try to do the opposite. For every good there is an evil. This is the first time I have shared anything with the general population. It is a fact that star children's brains work differently....E.E.G. will show the proof some seek. Some know some believe and some fear with disbelief. Knowledge and history will be the key to the answers so many seek. Look into the mirror and ask yourself is it possible?
2/4/2015 12:25:18 am
hmm,... so anybody knew anything about Nicola Tesla?? it doesn't matter who you are in particular, as terrestrial or earthly or something blah blah, but one this is sure no human fit in any limited geastures like this. But humans are from stars is nobleness, and from earth is humbleness, surely. It is obvious that one cannot fit in any category cause everybody lived many lives, as life is constantly exsists, without death and birth, in which we may be simply choosing our lives with different tastes, where one can only learn, and whatever it is simply as past. So one can be lived more than once, no matter for what and where. But will be going to evolve everytime and at everymoment, where there is no comparisions and no judgements, what makes a human being unique, and must be. Many have past recollections not to get confused or to think of it, but onlt to realize that everybody are connected in which universe is within, so is home. And now as human which is of course is also a name only on Earth. So next time just thinking, if i am in some other place in future in other time dimension, then may be i will only get recollected as i was a human on Earth?? yeah.. and so what,? Question is from where you came, but where you are going and why?? .. only now is possible, so its better if we with respect evolve each other and instead of getting confused, simply observe more and breath more.. ;)
5/22/2015 11:51:42 pm
Many of you commenters seem to have followed and studied mythology, urban legends, even physiology we know to date, etc. Things I find tedious in both the Star Child program and your comments are: the show's over-reaching assumptions and conjectures; your cringe-worthy arrogance and sarcasm. You're just helping to further popularize AA by both viewing the programs and keeping the people producing these websites employed with your silly debates. Why try so hard to convince others of your intelligence and that you have a grasp on an over-rated pseudo-issue? Maybe you're needing to avoid the difficult and painful real issues on this planet? This would be my main theory. In describing the History Channel producers, loyal viewers and commenters, pathetic is the kindest adjective I can use.
Unending Sun
5/23/2015 11:15:31 am
I find it laughable that you have such animosity to Ancient Aliens and their "beliefs" or "opinions". They are outlining theories and include actual truths and histories in their programs....essentially, I just look at the programs as other options aside from the lies and manipulations we have all been fed in our societies. When you or anyone else can prove to me definitively that all their "theories" are incorrect, that maybe we'll have something to discuss. But you won't be able to do that, because you cannot prove anything of your own beliefs. But until then I welcome all historical documentation and theories that think "outside the box" of societies dumbing down. There is so much more that we don't know about humans, possible extra terrestrials and quite frankly our entire universe, how it was formed and what else is "out there". Take a breath and try not to get your panties in such a bunch. LOL
7/26/2015 07:42:59 am
Secrets of the Pink Kush: I personally believe that Jason Colavito is a shill and there many others out there acting as shills (Alex Jones, George Noory, etc.) and even pretending to be his adversary. This is why Jason and his minions (Scott Wolter told me that one) inaccurately report on other valid hypotheses and theories. The ancient astronaut theorists are correct in what they state, as evidenced by history, except for one small detail, they are NOT aliens. They are actually tetraploid humans and the scientific evidence with supporting empirical and physical evidence is now available in my book Secrets of the Pink Kush (available sometime in August 2015). If you read my book and compare the actual contents to what Jason or EP wrote then you will easily see their bias and outlandish errors that they made in their futile attempts (only ad hominem attacks) to debunk what I discovered purely by accident. This should be the biggest story of 2015 but I am well aware of these shills who will attempt to ignore or block this new scientific and truthful explanation. Chapter 10 explains why they are shills. My book debunks the debunkers. Trust no one, not even me and I encourage you to please do your own research in order to discover the truth.
12/1/2016 08:29:22 pm
My whole life I have had "natural curiosity", I have fluttered from one subject to another, my goal was to learn everything. So, much time has passed, I still love to learn, I am a healer a alchemist. As a child, I recall 2 years old, feeling my hands, they felt as if they were huge, this went on for years.My parents completely ignored my psychic gifts, knowing things, sensing, feeling, see, all of it, my whole life.
7/29/2020 01:49:14 pm
I live in central Utah where there are many alien/hybrid communities living beneath the Rocky mountains here.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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