Each week I struggle to come up with a way to review Ancient Aliens that will be somehow entertaining enough to justify struggling through another iteration of the same old material. I must confess that I am beginning to run out of ways to say the same thing in different ways. This trouble extends to Ancient Aliens itself, a show that is fading into televisual wallpaper. Last week, for example, when the program discussed an alleged Sphinx on Mars, I recalled the photograph from its appearance on Unsealed: Alien Files but had completely forgotten that it has also appeared on an earlier episode of Ancient Aliens since every segment of the show has slowly blended into one long, shapeless blob. Fortunately, Ancient Aliens S07E08 “Aliens Among Us” has a slight novelty factor in that it seems to be drawing on the recent controversy over NSA spying to speculate about whether extraterrestrials are monitoring humanity’s every move via closed circuit cameras and spyware. We open with a recap of last year’s Edward Snowden controversy, with Mark Dice, an Illuminati conspiracy theorist (and author of Illuminati in the Music Industry), presenting himself as a neutral analyst of government secrets. Giorgio Tsoukalos expresses bafflement that computers can help us learn “anything you want about a person.” The narrator suggests that aliens invented the internet to monitor us, and Tsoukalos states that extraterrestrials provide the tools to inspire ancient humans to develop the technology that would make technological spying possible. So because spies watch us, naturally we have to talk about the Watchers, from the Book of Daniel and the Book of Enoch, where in the latter they are associated with fallen angels. Outside of dedicated Biblical scholars specializing in the Enochian literature, I doubt there are many who have read more of the many and varied accounts of the Watchers across the ancient texts than I. I can then state definitively that the idiots on this show know nothing about this. The narrator claims that the Watchers took Enoch up to space in a fiery chariot, but this is wrong. In Book 3 (70:1-4), it is angels who send the chariot and take Enoch to the Lord of Spirits. The Watchers are completely separate. A potted history of the Watchers’ use of forbidden knowledge (6-8) is given, followed by a best-of compilation of the many culture heroes and gods like Viracocha and Osiris the show has in past episodes likened to the Watchers, to which they add the Anunnaki. It is, dare we say, the definition of culture hero for the culture hero to bring culture, but the Anunnaki did not bring culture to Mesopotamia. According to Berossus (Eusebius, Chronicle 7-26; Syncellus, Chronicle 28-30), the Babylonian culture hero figure was Oannes, the fish-man, who (with his other fishy friends) in turn grew out of the culture hero myth of the Seven Sages. According to Amar Annus in “On the Origin of the Watchers: A Comparative Study of the Antediluvian Wisdom in Mesopotamian and Jewish Traditions,” Journal of the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 19 (2010), the depiction of the Watchers in Enoch is in fact a Jewish reaction against Mesopotamian ideas about the Seven Sages—not the Anunnaki. After the break, we discuss nuclear security issues from the Nuclear Security Summit at The Hague earlier this year, whose triangular logo raises horrified reactions about the Illuminati. Dice returns to discuss the Illuminati, but the show prefers to allege that the Illuminati are an offspring of the Knights Templar (!), who in turn were in communication with the Watchers, which the Knights’ enemies mistook for demons. But even this is merely a revisiting of claims from earlier episodes. However, it’s worth noting that “experts” here like Kathleen McGowan Coppens and Jason Martell take the Catholic Church’s anti-Templar propaganda at face value, which puts them at odds with Holy Bloodline theorists as well as mainstream scholars. The show claims that the Templars’ key symbol was an eye, which it likens to the Freemasons’ eye and to the Watchers. I can’t find any support for the idea that the Templars used the eye as a symbol. The show claims that the Book of Enoch does not “tell of the Watchers’ departure.” This is false. The Book of Enoch clearly states that the Watchers were to be imprisoned for their sins (54:4): “These (chains) are being prepared for the hosts of Azazel, so that they may take them and cast them into the abyss of complete condemnation, and they shall cover their jaws with rough stones as the Lord of Spirits commanded.” But the Ancient Aliens crew believes that the Watchers survived the Great Flood (which, of course, they totally believe really happened) and are menacing us today. Here they confuse the Watchers with their offspring, the Nephilim, whose spirits are, in the apocalyptic and apocryphal literature, alleged to have been allowed to have a ghostly existence on earth after the flood (1 Enoch 15-16; Jubilees 10:11). The Watchers, as Jude 6 informs us, are bound in chains forever (cf. 1 Enoch 10:12). After the break we revisit a famous underground city in Turkey, profiled many times, which David Childress and others claim is a refuge where the Watchers hid out during the Great Flood. We also revisit the caves in Nepal that are high up in the mountains. David Wilcock says that they were built by people with “flying craft.” We revisit, too, the Ant People of the Hopi, a culture hero story so frequently made on the show that Codes and Conspiracies asked me about it when I talked to them back in September. All of this has been covered so many times that it becomes the kind of televisual wallpaper I complained about before. I seriously wonder if this show is made up of rerun segments, but I know that is not true since different talking heads have been swapped out to make the same points, often verbatim. Instead, I’ll just paste in my comments from S04E09, which are point-for-point on point: [The show] incorrectly claims the Sumerian Annunaki derive from Hopi words meaning “ant (anu) friends (naki),” a derivation not supported by any modern linguist. This is more Sitchin nonsense. The word actually means “those of royal blood” and has no relationship to Hopi words from 4,000 years later. One might as well relate them to “anno” and “gnocchi,” and claim they are New Year’s pastas from Italy. “Annunaki” is a conventional transliteration; the Sumerian term can also be transcribed as Anunna and Anunnaku, which are obviously different than the Hopi words. After the break, we travel to Muscat, Oman, to visit a cave to talk about the Djinn, the supernatural creatures of Islamic mythology. Because they can defy Allah’s will, the narrator tells us that they must be akin to the Watchers, who rebelled against God. Here they are on slightly more solid ground, since traditionally Iblis, who is identified with the Watcher Azazel, is often called a Djinn. All the same, it’s pretty clear that the Djinn were incorporated into Islamic lore from pre-Islamic cultures where they were gods.
But why deal with such complexities when we can argue instead that the Watchers drive flying saucers and are still abducting people today? Betty Andreasson Luca, a well-known “Christian abductee,” appears next to discuss her encounter with Grey aliens who dress like late-period Michael Jackson. She explains that the aliens who abducted her in a dream state were angels, and she calls them Watchers, a term I am all but sure she derived from the Book of Daniel (4:13): “I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven.” After the break, we’re still on the Betty Andreasson Luca case, and Linda Moulton Howe explains that abductees often report that aliens “know everything about them,” making them Watchers. This then leads into a review of the Betty and Barney Hill case, about which I have said about all I need to say in my article about the origins of that abduction in 1964 science fiction television series. Ancient astronaut theorist William Henry believes that he knows the mind and soul of these Watchers and knows their real purpose. They are “tweaking” humanity to “climb the evolutionary ladder.” Shockingly, though, the narrator allows that the Watchers who “survived the Great Flood” might not be responsible for alien abductions. Moulton Howe believes that there are different groups of Watchers, and the kidnapping kind are from the home world and are coming to check up on the Watchers who survived the Flood. Now since the canonical book of Jude tells us that the Watchers are not free and active in the world, I’m at a loss to figure out where they are getting these ideas except that they are (a) confusing the Watchers and their giant offspring (as given in Enoch) or (b) making things up to fill time. Either way, they don’t seem to have read the texts they pretend to explicate, unless they mean for us to take literally only selected verses that happen to match their mystery-mongering obsession with UFOs and abductions. After the final break, the show discusses Apple’s iCloud service, including the 2014 hacking of the cloud to steal celebrities’ nude photos. Dice comes back a third time to explain why the cloud should be viewed with suspicion since individuals surrender control of their data to mega-corporations. The narrator expresses concern over privacy and then asks if the aliens want to render us helpless and designed the cloud to steal all our data. This is confusing to me because Ancient Aliens has repeatedly claimed that the aliens have access to the Akashic Record, a supernatural iCloud that supposedly records all of the information in the universe. What do they need the Apple iCloud for? David Childress shows up to state that the beneficent aliens are “nurturing” “certain civilizations” (i.e. America) that conform to their technological goals, and then Linda Moulton Howe explains that the apparently bad Watchers are in league with world leaders (and here the show illustrates this with Barack Obama) and may want to do us harm. So: America = Good, but Obama = Bad. It’s as if, Moulton-Howe says, “there are political parties” among the aliens in outer space. And the space Republicans and space Democrats are going to war over how many social welfare vs. weapons programs the aliens should be spending their space dollars on. If war is politics by other means, ancient astronautics is social anxiety projected into space fantasy.
11/14/2014 03:14:05 pm
The greatest threats facing humanity: (1) government invasion of privacy, (2) international cooperation, (3) Apple, (4) Internet obscenity, (5) Barack Obama.
Mark E.
11/15/2014 01:57:33 am
Truthiness becomes historiness?
11/14/2014 03:41:00 pm
Wow, Childress is not looking good. He's all bloated and red. He really should adjust his medication.
11/14/2014 11:51:01 pm
The televisual wallpaper is essentially the "accepted wisdom," or "consensual reality."
11/15/2014 01:30:17 am
Fortunately, Ancient Aliens S07E08 “Aliens Among Us” has a slight novelty factor in that it seems to be drawing on the recent controversy over NSA spying to speculate about whether extraterrestrials are monitoring humanity’s every move via closed circuit cameras and spyware. We open with a recap of last year’s Edward Snowden controversy, with Mark Dice, an Illuminati conspiracy theorist (and author of Illuminati in the Music Industry), presenting himself as a neutral analyst of government secrets. Giorgio Tsoukalos expresses bafflement that computers can help us learn “anything you want about a person.” The narrator suggests that aliens invented the internet to monitor us, and Tsoukalos states that extraterrestrials provide the tools to inspire ancient humans to develop the technology that would make technological spying possible. (jason Colavito)
11/15/2014 02:01:48 am
"Fortunately, Ancient Aliens S07E08 “Aliens Among Us” has a slight novelty factor in that it seems to be drawing on the recent controversy over NSA spying to speculate about whether extraterrestrials are monitoring humanity’s every move via closed circuit cameras and spyware."
Only Me
11/15/2014 04:29:26 am
What about the ultimate "aliens among us" movie, They Live (1988), starring Rowdy Roddy Piper?
11/15/2014 04:30:25 am
"According to Amar Annus... the depiction of the Watchers in Enoch is in fact a Jewish reaction against Mesopotamian ideas about the Seven Sages—not the Anunnaki."
Anton (ANT - meaning "Ant", ON meaning "Evil")
1/7/2016 04:07:31 pm
Shane Sullivan
11/15/2014 06:53:35 am
I dunno if you caught this, Jason, but I believe William Henry said that the underground city in Turkey was said to have been built "9,000 years ago, right before the last Ice Age".
11/15/2014 07:00:59 am
Hi i've read this blog for a while now and if you're running out of ideas or material to write about. I 've search the web for a sceptical approach on the alien shown in the docu 'Sirius the disclosure project'. I thought the alien autopsy didn't not look realistic. My idea it's a 3D print..
11/15/2014 09:59:48 am
I can see your point. Ancient Aliens is truly running on fumes. I am of the opinion that all of the talking heads they use have run out of things to say and now just mouth the same statements over and over and over. I await for the episode "Aliens and potted plants."
11/15/2014 01:37:47 pm
It all comes back to if you can tell someone enough times a bold lie, it will appear to be true. They are spewing fictional stories and those belong on a fiction network where it is clearly defined as made up.
Joe Skales
11/15/2014 03:09:56 pm
{"The show claims that the Book of Enoch does not “tell of the Watchers’ departure.” This is false. The Book of Enoch clearly states that the Watchers were to be imprisoned for their sins (54:4): “These (chains) are being prepared for the hosts of Azazel, so that they may take them and cast them into the abyss of complete condemnation, and they shall cover their jaws with rough stones as the Lord of Spirits commanded.” But the Ancient Aliens crew believes that the Watchers survived the Great Flood (which, of course, they totally believe really happened) and are menacing us today."}
11/15/2014 04:03:56 pm
Mike Heiser is a Christian. What's your point?
11/16/2014 07:40:19 am
From time to time I find myself looking over the pages of Jason Calivitos -whatever) blog. Not because I am one who looks for people to pick fights with. (I have voiced my opinion here but in a intelligible manner and with respect to those who comment) But because Jason sure does like to talk about ancient aliens, don't you. So much so that there's no need for me to be debunking your debunking theories.
Only Me
11/16/2014 09:24:12 am
11/16/2014 10:22:43 am
For the record, that's exactly what I was going to ask. But then thought it wouldn't be nice enough... I guess I have peculiar priorities... :)
Ancient Alien History
11/16/2014 10:04:17 am
In order to discount something, you need not to point it out.but you did twice.....The point isn't clear, Funny, Obviously I'm say Jason is a proponent of A.A.Theory.
11/16/2014 10:24:55 am
Just out of curiosity, what is your native language?
Only Me
11/16/2014 10:42:29 am
proponent: n. 1.One who supports something; an advocate (Wiktionary.org)
Ancient Alien History
11/16/2014 11:31:48 am
Why do you ask? Because there are grammatical errors in my comment. is; nouns missing. These post or blog is unimportant and does not require my full attention. But thank for pointing out something that has to do with nothing. Your an American, I bet.
11/16/2014 11:45:40 am
AAH, are you saying there is a hidden agreement between
Ancient Alien History
11/16/2014 11:41:51 am
There's no need for me to look in the about me tab because as originally stated in my opening remark. Obviously I know of him and the statement about him being an advocate of A.A.theory is sarcasm because that's all he seems to post about.....forget it, I don't have time to dumb down comments......say what you will...You what else drives him mad? When people's comments stray away from the content of the post. No translation required.
Only Me
11/16/2014 11:52:24 am
Checks the right side of the page; sees "Categories".
11/16/2014 12:48:26 pm
In this case, "dumbing up" may be a more appropriate expression :)
11/16/2014 11:56:01 am
okay, cool.
Ancient Alien History
11/16/2014 01:05:17 pm
Only an idiot would have understood the dumb down version. I'm glad you understood but not happy that you dot have anything meaningful to say......Dumbing Up is not an expression or a phrase.....Stupid American.
Only Me
11/16/2014 01:23:32 pm
So what happened to "Not because I am one who looks for people to pick fights with"? Wait...are you going to tell me that was also sarcasm?
Dave Lewis
11/16/2014 01:24:42 pm
Azazel is mentioned in the Hebrew bible in Leviticus 16. On Yom Kippur two goats are selected and the high priest draws lots, one for the LORD and one for Azazel, often translated as the scapegoat.
11/16/2014 01:34:51 pm
Hmmm... tenuous...
Ancient Alien History
11/16/2014 01:40:27 pm
I never picked a fight. Did I. Are You an american too? Because I don't think you understand sarcasm. Maybe you should go over the text.
Only Me
11/16/2014 01:49:17 pm
Are you being sarcastic?
11/16/2014 01:49:18 pm
Ancient Alien History is clearly a person of remarkable insight and originality. He is bound to become an importnat contributor to this blog.
Ancient Alien History
11/16/2014 01:47:25 pm
Well its been fun. Not educational, but fun. I must leave now but you are now free to trash talk me and I won't reply. However I will come back on another day, as I always do. I don't know if your going to have the time that you will need to respond. As I understand its a Sunday so that means its a school night. Good night kids, Sleep tight. Don't let the ancient alien theorist influence you.
Only Me
11/16/2014 02:03:06 pm
There's no need to trash talk you. I hope Jason allows your comments to stand, as an example of the demographic AA caters to.
11/16/2014 02:06:24 pm
On the other hand, deleting his rather dull comments could generate some hilarious rage...
11/17/2014 01:33:29 am
"After the break we revisit a famous underground city in Turkey, profiled many times, which David Childress and others claim is a refuge where the Watchers hid out during the Great Flood"
11/17/2014 02:55:16 am
No, it all makes sense. See, an Ice Age is what happens when a Great Flood freezes over :)
11/17/2014 04:23:11 am
So now The Watchers occupied the cave...? I need to revisit that S2 episode and see what was said.
11/17/2014 10:29:30 am
I wonder if people visiting Denver make a lot of really bad "Mile High Club" jokes... :)
"Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus"
11/18/2014 12:21:50 pm
If A&E sent out an industry wise call for a brand new host,
3/5/2015 12:27:04 pm
No Jason...you're boring.
9/23/2015 06:38:21 am
I'd like to leave this here. For others to see. The watchers are good, they are set out to be bad but they honestly only want good for this world... I believe that they do survive the great wave and they are not bad... Trust when I say this. People want other people to believe they are bad but they aren't. I promise
Anton (ANT - meaning "Ant", ON meaning "Evil")
1/7/2016 03:56:08 pm
You "Promise" huh ?
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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