I guess when a favorite piece of evidence for ancient astronauts is debunked as little more than a hoax, you have two choices: You can accept the verdict of reason, or you can fight it. Ancient Aliens has made the unusual choice to try to rehabilitate the fake Dropa Stones, a hoax that first appeared in a German vegetarian magazine in July 1962 before being popularized by books like Peter Kolosimo’s Not of This World. The Dropa Stone hoax became popular enough that Sputnik magazine used a picture of one such stone as part of the cover illustration for an article on Uzbekistan “alien” cave art that Erich von Däniken later mistook for the art itself. The stones, it goes without saying, have never been shown to exist outside of the imagination of ufologists. Ancient Aliens takes the lack of evidence as proof of a massive conspiracy to suppress the truth. Segment 1 As might be expected from an episode on “The Alien Disks,” the show chooses to open in 1938, with the fictitious discovery of hundreds of the Dropa Stones alongside the bodies of Grey space aliens in a remote part of China. The narrator concedes that the first and only original report of the “discovery” was a “German magazine,” though its vegetarian and fringe nature is omitted. From this, the talking heads spin a wild tale of the translation of the stones’ tiny hieroglyphs and their story of how aliens crashed in China and could not return home. But all of this is a later invention, wrapped up in a conspiracy theory that the Chinese government seized the disks and denied their existence. “That means that at some point these disks were put away by museums, by archaeologists, who knows?” Giorgio Tsoukalos said. He assumes the disks exist and therefore declares that “archaeologists are afraid to investigate something just because the inscription on them reads that there was an alien visitation.” The show then cuts immediately to a fake story about a village of dwarves. I covered this years ago, where I discovered that ancient astronaut theorists misrepresented and lied about the news accounts of “dwarf” Chinese that they assumed were Grey hybrids. The actual news article, which they distorted wildly, reported that a cohort of Chinese villagers contracted a waterborne disease as children and experienced stunted growth. After accepting a hoax and a lie as truth, the show then decides that circles are evidence of aliens. Since the show has already declared triangles and the number three to be signs of aliens, they are beginning to run a bit low on geometric shapes. For those of you keeping track, the show already did an episode on circles as signs of aliens: Season Ten’s “Circles from the Sky,” though that one focused on crop circles. Segment 2 The second segment continues the theme that circular objects have a connection to aliens. They start with the Phaistos Disc, an artifact found in a Minoan palace but whose language has not yet been identified. William Henry suggests that it is a computer disk meant to be read by a machine from space. It’s probably either Minoan or Anatolian, but Giorgio Tsoukalos claims, wrongly, that Minoan mythology begins with sky gods bringing civilization to Crete—an impossibility since nothing of Minoan religious literature or mythology survives except in fragments reflected in later Greek myth. For an “expert,” Tsoukalos doesn’t seem to know about his subject matter at all. Following this, Tsoukalos goes gaga over a tablet showing the sun-god Shamash in a scene featuring the god, shown larger in hieratic scale (Tsoukalos mistakes him for a giant) sitting before a disc that in Babylonian faith stood for the god. You can see it yourself here, but I just don’t see an alien giving the little humans what Henry calls a “god button” for contacting space aliens. Conventional scholarship says that it represents a Babylonian king (far left) dressed as Shamash and receiving the symbols of the sun-god (far right), whom he represented on Earth. Segment 3 The third segment deals with the Inca and a mirrored disc representing the sun that, according to later accounts of Inca myths, the emperor Pachacuti used as a totem of divine favor. Golden disks representing the sun god Inti were a symbol of the Incan royal family, so the idea that there was a divine prototype for them is a fairly obvious myth to explain and justify it. Tsoukalos says that worldwide, cultures used circles in their worship, so both Tsoukalos and David Childress claim that circles are technological devices, and David Wilcock adds that they functioned like smartphones. The talking heads all agree that using a golden disc can open an interdimensional portal in solid rock, thus answering a question I raised many years ago: If they are so confident that symbolic false doors are portals to another dimension, why don’t they run headfirst into them at top speed? Now we have the answer—they need a golden disc that they conveniently aren’t able to access! They add that the most famous of all the Inca sun discs, the massive and sacred royal image of Inti in the Coricancha temple in Cuzco, was really a kind of Skype or Facetime for aliens, on the basis of claims that the Inca thought they could communicate with the god through it. This is about like claiming that a crucifix is a radio receiver because Catholics kneel before it when they pray. Segment 4 The fourth segment continues the Incan theme, sending David Childress to visit tunnels beneath Cuzco and Sachsayhuaman on the trail of the golden disc of Inti. But Scottish wannabe fringe history star Ashley Cowie tells a lie about the fate of the disc. In explaining three alleged fates, he says that many believe that that the disc was taken to the golden city of Paititi, which cannot possibly be a genuine Conquest era story since the Paititi myth is a fraud made up out of a laughably disappointing Jesuit manuscript, which I took the liberty of translating just to show how little truth here is to the myth. There is no golden city, or even much of a city. Anyway, the show suggests that the disc was returned to an interdimensional city under Titicaca, another modern distortion of an older story and sightings of the ruins of a temple build when the lake level was lower that I don’t really have time to get into because the show has already decided that it has had enough of the Inca and moves on into the silly idea that Guy Ballard was telling the truth about being taken underground to a mysterious Venusian city under Mount Shasta in the 1930s. I’ve discussed the Mount Shasta myths before, but there is no reason to suspect that there is a Venusian or Atlantean city under the mountain. Ballard’s version was an amplification and modernization of claims about Atlanteans first aired in Dweller on Two Planets half a century earlier. The story wasn’t true then, and it wasn’t true in the 1930s, or today Segment 6
The sixth segment repeats material about crop circles from earlier episodes because, like some demented Sesame Street, the Muppet-like talking heads uniformly tell us that this week’s subject is circles. “It’s appalling that in many cases governments have confiscated these materials, these artifacts, and won’t let anybody know,” George Noory says. The other heads tell us that the discs, many of which are fictitious, will connect us to space aliens and, as George Noory said, “might be the extraterrestrials themselves.” And I thought that was cubes like the Gurlt Cube, that so-called alien spying device! No matter, we have learned in this miserable hour that circles are spooky, archaeologists are afraid of them, and governments will stop at nothing to hide circles from us, except when they let Hausdorff take pictures of them, or when (like the Spanish) they are actively pursuing discs for their treasury, or (as in the Babylonian Shamash tablet) they display the “secret” in the British Museum for all to see.
9/8/2017 11:44:06 pm
This season's theme:
9/9/2017 09:14:43 pm
That's how the fringe actually works, there have even been cases where a fictional ghost story has been taken up by fringe writers and presented as true.
9/9/2017 03:52:23 am
You're a negative, angry, cynical, talentless and tedious writer. You're just bitter Ancient Aliens turned you down or hasn't approached you.
David Bradbury
9/9/2017 04:04:30 am
Joe Scales
9/9/2017 09:55:13 am
Allan, the topic of the show was Alien "Disks", not Alien... well, we know what you were looking for.
9/9/2017 01:18:25 pm
Please stop projecting your own feeling onto someone else.
An Over-Educated Grunt
9/9/2017 01:48:58 pm
No, your MOM's a negative, angry, cynical, and tedious writer!
Only Me
9/9/2017 11:43:29 am
“It’s appalling that in many cases governments have confiscated these materials, these artifacts, and won’t let anybody know,” George Noory says.
Shane Sullivan
9/9/2017 01:22:51 pm
I'm disappointed they didn't touch on one of my favorite pretend alien artifacts, the genetic disk:
9/9/2017 04:41:00 pm
Hi folks. I'm the afore mentioned lying wannnbe fringe star! Contrary to this brilliant blog review, check out my blog, it's full of new discoveries and some pretty cool history projects. I don't however write about aliens like this blogger. I did an interview on Ancient Aliens recently about ancient discs, but because an architect designs a church he is not by default a Christian. I also did a documentary with an Indian television company last month and I am not a Hindu now. So my appearance on AA speaks nothing of my personal beliefs.
Only Me
9/9/2017 05:14:24 pm
"If you want to be taken seriously by the masses you must address all the typos, grammar fails and the blog colour scheme simply has to go. Or your readers eventually will."
Only Me
9/10/2017 05:18:12 pm
That's not up to me. I don't own the blog.
9/9/2017 05:27:48 pm
What are you on about, son? Good job opening with two typos.
9/10/2017 06:03:34 pm
On August 30 you wrote: "It fits between ones fingers" 9/9/2017 06:38:29 pm
Ah, Ashley, I am honored that you have such little critical compulsion that you nevertheless felt compelled to react to a sentence of my article-length review with six paragraphs attacking me while defending yourself as a brand rather than as a purveyor of truth. I think you will find that the majority of the problems I and my fellow skeptics have with you is that you seem to have selected a brand and then slotted your work into it rather than tried to develop an actual body of work worthy of a brand.
You are astonished! So you call me a liar and expect a kiss in return? I stated 'some' people believe the disk was taken to...' They do. This is not a lie. I personally don't believe this, but it's a commonly held belief in Peru.
Joe Scales
9/11/2017 10:49:38 am
"Why tf did I do Ancient Aliens interview? Because I'm a presenter and it was great fun and paid a whack of bills. And nobody really takes it as seriously as you. It's part of our pop culture and I don't fear it. "
9/11/2017 11:48:35 am
I actually read your Penis article, as you know, and I wouldn't call it a "debunking". Your latest post above is riddled with typos. Are you still on that train? 9/11/2017 12:52:12 pm
Holy crap, Ashley. You seriously thought I was being literal in saying you sold your soul? Perhaps I should demand the receipt? It's a conventional expression, not a statement of faith.
David Bradbury
9/11/2017 03:44:39 pm
STV just reran an episode of "The People's History Show" and I can see that the main presenters would not be highly paid. 9/11/2017 08:06:17 pm
OK... Since Ashley won't share sources with us, I have gone to the trouble of tracking it all back to the original sources. Tomorrow I will present my findings.
David Bradbury
9/9/2017 06:38:32 pm
"My UK television show produces weekly documentary archives featuring the social and living history of Scotland. It is currently the second most viewed network series in the nation and now filming Season 5. How on earth did 'wanna be fringe' achieve that?"
9/9/2017 07:16:24 pm
I wondered and suspected what "the nation" meant. But David, I think you're being a bit harsh. After all, the man WALKED THOUSANDS OF MILES IN TEN YEARS. Admittedly, like a child or a cow, but still it's on his website so it has to count for something.
9/9/2017 06:45:51 pm
" If you want to be taken seriously by the masses you must address all the typos, grammar fails and the blog colour scheme simply has to go. Or your readers eventually will. "
Clint Knapp
9/9/2017 08:05:37 pm
Nothing says "more mainstream and less alieny maybe" like the banner at the bottom proclaiming "ASHLEY IS A FEATURED WRITER ON ANCIENT ORIGINS WEBSITE". Not to mention terrific grammar.
Joe Scales
9/9/2017 10:39:20 pm
Fringe... it's all about the image.
Lee Yarbreaux
9/11/2017 12:37:26 am
"...the blog colour scheme simply has to go."
9/11/2017 12:23:24 pm
Don't take Jason seriously. He's a self published blogger and author who loves to write non truths so that people like you notice him. He's a grocery clerk in his real job.
9/11/2017 01:42:13 pm
“He's a grocery clerk in his real job.”
An Over-Educated Grunt
9/11/2017 03:57:48 pm
Don't take Hank seriously. He sells propane and propane accessories, and knows very little outside that field, I tell you what. He's even a Cowboys fan.
9/12/2017 12:21:19 am
9/12/2017 10:35:56 pm
Hank: You want to make Jason out to be some sort of disgruntled loser who desires attention. The way I see it Jason is not doing this for attention. It's more like he's providing a public service, bringing to light the nonsense that the fringe and pseudo communities are pushing these days. It lets me know that I'm not the only one that sees a problem with this, and gives us a forum to talk about freely. Nobody gets blocked or kicked out for stating their opinions regardless if it agrees with Jason's. For you to come here and criticize him only shows that he's hit a nerve. And if people from fringe or pseudo beliefs are coming here and reading what we have to say means your reading it. That's great! Maybe you'll learn something. Maybe a small seed will get planted in your mind, and someday in the near future (hopefully) maybe that seed will take root and hopefully you'll start doing a little critical thinking of your own. good luck!
9/9/2017 06:01:25 pm
Talking heads say the darndest things.
An Over-Educated Grunt
9/10/2017 12:23:49 pm
Same as it ever was.
Titus pullo
9/10/2017 04:30:36 pm
Ok psycho killer! 😀
9/12/2017 06:47:55 pm
I am assuming that the poster AC is a 'pulic figure' who has been on TV and has celebrity status, so that means he is fair game. In terms of libel, this is an opinion site and not bound by that. You cannot prove defamation.
Joe Scales
9/12/2017 09:21:08 pm
Legal terms of art are not toys young man. Please find something else to play with. Nothing with sharp edges, of course.
9/16/2017 09:21:07 am
comments lol
9/16/2017 12:33:28 pm
Holy !..a good article but the fun was in the comments section..AC got torn a new one !
This episode was better than most, in a science fictional sort of way. No space lizards, biometric laser swords or anal probing fantasies.
10/21/2019 05:42:48 pm
Well SOMEone is spending most of his time trying to trash something he believes is not real. WOW. That's just so....mature. Innocent until proven guilty, neither true nor false before proven, though here you are, trashing a PROCESS. If they are wrong, good for them and good for you. They'll feel like fools. But if THEY are right and you are wrong.....ohohohohoho man am I going to remember you. Because you'll then be "an author and editor who made a fool of himself" instead of just leaving something be that is not a part of your journey. But as for the results, any discovery takes time. Whether the result is to be true or false. It took time to discover what temperature was needed to melt ore, it took time to discover how the seasons worked and when to plant and harvest, it took time for the Higg's Boson to be discovered and it took time to discover black holes even though Einstein predicted them....predicted....with variables only he perceived at the time and others thought to be hypothetical, until they were proven. So cheer up and drink a chill pill buddy.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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