The Pentagon has denied Elizondo’s claim. After the Pentagon’s denial to Keith Kloor of The Intercept came under fire, from apologists for To the Stars, The Black Vault’s John Greenwald tried to get more information, and received the same results. Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough told him: Mr. Elizondo had no assigned responsibilities for AATIP while he was in OUSD(I) [Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence]. DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency] administered AATIP, and Elizondo was never assigned to DIA. Elizondo did interact with the DIA office managing the program while the program was still ongoing, but he did not lead it. Greenwald also tried to get a follow-up comment from Hal Puthoff about his claim [edit: made to Greenwald] to have worked on AATIP under Elizondo in 2008 when Elizondo claims not to have led AATIP until 2010 and possibly not at all. Puthoff declined to return Greenwald’s call. The controversy has plenty of echoes with the sketchy claims of Bob Lazar, a convicted felon whose many stories about his life and times failed to find evidence in the documentary record. Lazar, of course, has claimed that the lack of proof is itself proof of a vast conspiracy to make him look like a fraud. For several years, Lazar has claimed that flying saucers run on element 115, better known as Moscovium, which had not been synthesized at the time he first made the claim but which now has. With a half-life of 0.65 seconds for its most stable known isotope, it would not seem to be an ideal candidate for UFO fuel. A stable isotope remains hypothetical. Segment 1 You will forgive me if I am perhaps a bit brief in parts of this review. I just don’t care about UFO propulsion systems and find it hard to get interested in the show’s efforts to turn Star Trek into reality. As you might imagine, the show opens with a potted history of the so-called Roswell Incident, and George Knapp shows up to demonstrate that I am entirely justified in seeing the KLAS-TV reporter as a biased advocate for fringe ufology, though perhaps one blinkered enough not to realize it, or cynical enough to think he can get away with pretending to be a neutral observer. From there, the show summarizes the many claims of Bob Lazar, using footage from Jeremy Corbell’s documentary, produced in conjunction with, of course, Knapp, whose work formed the basis for Corbell’s two films from 2018, the one about Lazar and the other about Knapp’s other hobbyhorse, Skinwalker Ranch—once owned by Robert Bigelow. It’s all a big incestuous circle jerk, and Ancient Aliens has approached the circle and started giving reach-arounds in the hopes of being let in. After all, Ancient Aliens is more valuable as a brand than the claims of ufologists or dubious whistleblowers or even To the Stars, so it’s only fitting that it should muscle in. Anyway, this first segment is basically just a big commercial for Corbell’s documentary, and Knapp tells us that a “piece” of Moscovium would prove Lazar was telling the truth and the U.S. government has alien technology. I don’t really follow that, since one doesn’t follow from the other, even if it were possible to stabilize Moscovium so that it did not have a half-life of less than a second. (A hypothetical isotope with one more neutron that the heaviest known isotope is suggested to possibly be stable.) Corbell shows up to promote his movie, and the show suggests that the FBI raided Lazar’s business last year not because of the reason given in the search warrant—that they were searching for records related to the sale of nuclear material—but because they were secretly searching for Element 115. Segment 2 In the second segment, the show discusses Soviet efforts to philosophize about alien civilizations, and Star Trek and Star Wars are explicitly cited, because this show is basically sci-fi cosplay nerd porn. We hear speculation about what it would mean if humanity were to develop the technology to colonize other planets and travel to other galaxies. This leads, through an awkward transition, to a recounting of the first synthesis of Element 115 in 2003. The narrator asks if Moscovium is the same element that Lazar said powers UFOs. Nick Pope and the narrator both suggest that there is a conspiracy to fabricate the discovery of Moscovium in order to discredit Bob Lazar. According to Pope, all of physics has conspired to pretend that Moscovium is unstable in order to distract from the element’s use as fuel for flying saucers. By “pretending” it to be unstable, they supposedly make Lazar look crazy. I’m not sure that it required that much effort. The show certainly put no effort into providing any evidence of this alleged conspiracy. Segment 3 The third segment discusses the Soviet space program and an early Soviet UFO sighting from 1948 at Kapustin Yar, which has taken on many themes from the Roswell myth, including a crashed spaceship, dead aliens, and recovered technology. Like the Roswell story, the myth is mostly a modern invention, popularized by—yes, you guessed it—the History Channel, which has pushed the story into the public consciousness since at least 2005’s UFO Files episode on the so-called “Russian Roswell.” This leads to a discussion of the so-called Nimitz UFO incident, which is the sine qua non of Unidentified and therefore an important connection between the two History shows. Many skeptics have debunked the sighting and the attendant video, including the differing stories being told about it, but the show goes through elaborate descriptions of how it thinks the supposed craft flies. Lazar says, for example, that Moscovium produces its own gravity! Segment 4 At any rate, no one bothers to explain why we are to assume that the object is an intelligently piloted craft from a non-human intelligence, which would seem to be the kind of thing that would require at least some argument. Even if you were inclined to view the object as coming from space, how do they know, for example, that it is not a weird ball of unknown cosmic energy skipping through our atmosphere like a rock skipping over water? Surely there is as much evidence for that as there is for flying saucers from an alien civilization. In a more serious vein: What makes them think it is technological? I’ve never quite understood why people seeing things in the sky leap to alien spacecraft, except that the myth of the UFO tends to govern how people process ambiguous inputs. Mike Bara and Rocket City Rednecks physicist Travis Taylor visit a visual effects expert to analyze the GIMBAL video, but lacking much insight into how the video was shot, they mostly speculate wildly without recourse to facts. They speak, for example, about a “light source” behind the “craft,” but they don’t seem to recognize that the video was shot in infrared. Segment 5 The fifth segment has Bara and Taylor claim that the GIMBAL video demonstrates Bob Lazar’s anti-gravity propulsion system in action. Taylor says “My skin is tingling from this!” as he concludes that the “craft” is surrounded by a bubble of coldness created by what George Knapp says Pentagon officials call “special materials,” and Knapp adds that such materials “sound like Element 115 to me.” David Childress chimes in that the right-wing fantasy of the Deep State is true, that the Deep State is “essentially the military,” and this secret state is already colonizing other worlds without our knowledge. I guess that’s why Trump launched the Space Force—which is less a political jab than an acknowledgement that Ancient Aliens had an episode last season celebrating both Russia and Trump’s proposed Space Force. In the show’s rough and inconsistent continuity, this counts as a callback. Segment 6
In the final segment, the show returns to Russia to describe how Russia plans to synthesize more Moscovium in order to harness its potential to release energy. It is odd, though, that the show elides U.S. and Russian government efforts and treats them as one and the same, for reasons that seem unclear but seem to be of a piece with the show’s continuous celebration of all things Russian. Knapp claims that the U.S. has alien technology, which is of course a completely fair and unbiased journalistic evaluation of the facts, and Childress delivers a kumbaya that he hopes all militaries can work together to launch us into a new age of intergalactic travel—even though he just said that the Deep State is already colonizing other planets. Foolish consistency and all that.
Scott Hamilton
6/14/2019 11:05:54 pm
Wow, Childress is out of touch with the Qanon movement he's obviously trying to appeal to. In Q mythology, the Deep State is basically everything but the military, and the military recruited Trump to run for president. I mean, it's not like that makes sense (the military has the guns... why would they need a geriatric con man to battle a bunch of desk jockeys?), but you need to talk to loonies in the language they understand.
6/15/2019 01:35:18 am
Are you the Scott Hamilton who was a radio talk show host in Little Rock during the 1990's?
6/15/2019 01:46:21 am
I almost pity the conmen who've invested decades into UFO crap and are suddenly forced to adapt to the new post-Trump era of conspiracy theories. They've devoted their lives to building up this climate of paranoia and now a new crop of charlatans have hijacked it.
6/15/2019 09:45:58 am
Please leave the knee jerk political baiting to Jason.
Accumulated Wisdom
6/15/2019 04:28:00 pm
Scott Hamilton,
6/15/2019 04:50:36 pm
How do you feel about the Tom Clancy novel (and movie) The Sum of All Fears?
Accumulated Wisdom
6/15/2019 08:21:17 pm
I'm good, dude. Just relaying the result of some "talk to me after class" moments. I didn't even mention their FEMA camp rants, Georgia Guidestones rants, and other paranoia tirades. Now that I think about it, they all mentioned the alleged military coup against FDR.
6/15/2019 11:12:01 pm
Speaking of Georgia Guidestone rants:
6/16/2019 12:19:32 am
Hmmm, I heard a Cheney interview where he said he never said any such thing. So you can cite the Cheney interview, right?
Accumulated Wisdom
6/16/2019 01:32:00 am
How many times are you going to repost your copy, and paste job from SW's blog? The GGS was the intended gift to the survivors of a perceived, nuclear holocaust. It's obviously incomplete, as the monument states,
6/16/2019 09:49:42 am
I don't know Anthony. How many times are you going to get stuff wrong? Parroting Brad Meltzer's position doesn't make you right. Not that I'm unhappy to see you posting your nonsense again on Wolter's blaugh. It's endlessly entertaining.
Accumulated Wisdom
6/17/2019 02:19:43 pm
I'm not "parroting Meltzer". During a "talk to me after class" meeting, my Economics Professor posed one critical question...During the construction of the edifice, what was the major fear due to the political climate of the time? The answer was Nuclear War. If, I am "parroting" anyone, it's Professor W. We had multiple discussions on UPCs, and data collection.
6/17/2019 02:46:56 pm
Well, that's quite a generalization. I was an adult in 1980 and wasn't worried about nuclear war (lower case). The Doomsday Clock was at 7 minutes to midnight which is not bad. Of course I can't speak for the Iowa Eugenicists' Guild.
Accumulated Wisdom
6/17/2019 07:24:20 pm
If, you were an adult in 1980...At what age, did you lose the ability to act like one?
6/17/2019 08:21:13 pm
Sick burn, Dudebro!
Yeah, well
6/14/2019 11:50:05 pm
The evangelists beat David Hatcher Childress to it with the story of the Annunciation.
Accumulated Wisdom
6/15/2019 10:45:02 pm
"evangelists beat David Hatcher Childress"
David Evans
6/15/2019 09:08:51 am
I wonder why these loons go straight to intergalactic travel. They are free to postulate advanced civilizations and habitable planets in this corner of this galaxy, which would make talk of travel to them marginally less incredible.
6/15/2019 10:30:08 am
This is all so preposterous. Been away from this stuff, did not know Lazar was still alive and doing his con job. Looked on his website and he appears to be selling repackaged chemicals, lab equipment and cheap Chinese knockoffs. Appears to have some fascination with radioactive crap. Hope he fries the rest of his brain cells. The really sad aspect is that the History Channel is marketing this bullshit to people who appear not to have a critical thought. Maybe Bigfoot can make a comeback or Appalachian moonshine. Where is Tickle?
6/15/2019 12:52:32 pm
Don't knock cheap Chinese knockoffs. They make a lot of the electronics in the U.S. go and are a boon to hobbyists. Lazar's been running United Nuclear for decades, but how nice it is to hear you wish him to come to harm.
6/15/2019 03:44:16 pm
Neutral as to the health and well-being of M. Lazar. If he wants to play around with radioactive compounds and burn his insides out, more power to him. As for him shipping radioactive compounds to my kids, or mercury in any amount, with only an adult signature needed, that is past borderline irresponsible.
Bob Lazar Biography is out
6/15/2019 04:03:08 pm
You can buy that if you want to knock yourself out with even more crass moronic nonsense
6/15/2019 05:12:12 pm
"China buys little from us"
6/15/2019 05:04:46 pm
"Hope he fries the rest of his brain cells."
6/15/2019 08:01:23 pm
Go back and learn about exposure and dosage. Your liter of vodka on the table is not the same as the liter of vodka in your stomach. How many bushels of soybeans or corn has China bought from us? How much steel? How many pigs? How many electronics? This is off topic, I am done.
6/15/2019 10:28:18 pm
I used to work for Louis Dreyfus in commodities futures and I can tell you a LOT of soybeans and corn... It's like you don't even follow the news. Have you even heard of the recent kerfuffle over soybean sales to China?
6/15/2019 10:41:00 pm
A jar of U-238 is perfectly safe. I'm just trying to help you protect your fragile children by advising them to stay away from granite countertops, the outdoors with its radioactive ores and gamma rays, basements with their radon, smoke detectors with their radioactive americium payload, and sushi.
6/15/2019 11:26:41 pm
So what was the balance of trade with China in 2018? Eat as much U-238 as you wish, makes no difference to me. And how much corn and beans has China bought from us in the last year? Do not you know when to stop or are you just annoying on Saturday?
6/16/2019 12:32:57 am
You moved the goalposts, the goto move of someone who's been called out on BS.
6/15/2019 12:12:05 pm
I can't believe that Lazar and Knapp are still around spouting the same crap that got them discredited years ago.
Lazar & Knapp
6/15/2019 03:44:42 pm
Still not as bad as the PLO
6/15/2019 03:45:42 pm
Shameless terrorists and their supporters are shocking
tom mellett
6/15/2019 03:55:54 pm
6/15/2019 03:58:08 pm
Had the supporter of the Sunnis saying not to criticise Christianity
PLO Terrorists
6/15/2019 04:00:58 pm
Not an agnostic or an atheist
6/15/2019 07:25:34 pm
E.P. Grondine
6/16/2019 01:30:33 pm
Why hello, shit for brains.
Tired of Mr. Grondine's Language
6/16/2019 01:47:27 pm
Jason, don't you think some censure at least is due a poster who regularly addresses others as "shit for brains"?
6/16/2019 05:29:02 pm
Not entirely sure who he's addressing here.
Accumulated Wisdom
6/15/2019 09:20:27 pm
tom mellett
6/15/2019 03:48:42 pm
6/15/2019 03:59:16 pm
Still talking seriously about nonsense
tom mellett
6/15/2019 05:49:30 pm
As a tribute to the recently deceased Stanton Friedman, I post his short takedown of Bob Lazar, first written in 1997 and updated in 20111
tom mellett
6/15/2019 06:47:00 pm
Richard Dolan just put up a new video and reveals his 99% certainty that the source of the documents is the astronaut Edgar Mitchell who died in 2016
tom mellett
6/15/2019 07:22:01 pm
Richard Dolan received this email from Hal Puthoff 3 days ago.
6/15/2019 07:42:46 pm
The only reason that Puthoff or Elizondo MIGHT still have a USG Security Clearance of ANY KIND, is because once a clerance level is obtained, the Govt. is too lazy, or too reluctant to rescind it, unless you've really, really, really darkened their toilet paper - figuratively speaking. 6/15/2019 10:46:39 pm
It really takes the piss out of the whole concept of the "Unidentified" series, doesn't it?
Tired of Mr. Grondine's Language
6/16/2019 01:49:46 pm
Jason, don't you think some censure at least is due a poster who regularly addresses others as "shit for brains"?
6/16/2019 11:28:56 am
More on Elizondo. With apologies that some of it is repetition.
tom Mellett
6/16/2019 06:16:30 pm
Not to worry, Jason! The greatest American physicist to come out of Brooklyn since Richard Feynman will be the guest of George Knapp on this Sunday’s Coast to Coast AM
David Evans
6/16/2019 07:03:15 pm
The amount of spacetime bending implied by #5 and #7 would have huge gravitational effects on the nearby sea surface. These are not observed.
tom mellett
6/16/2019 07:45:14 pm
Good point, but that's where the metamaterials come in -- Jack covers that starting around the 9 minute mark of this video interview.
6/16/2019 08:37:45 pm
It can easily be seen that Sarfatti is an idiot because he only refers to Bohm when he speaks of quantum mechanics. Bohm did solid work in QM but anyone who refers to him solely and can't stop talking about him is ipso facto an idiot.
tom mellett
6/16/2019 08:47:03 pm
Yes it does. To zero-g actually, because the inhabitant -- be they EBEs or AI robots -- all experience zero gravity inside the tictac completely independent of the observed acceleration outside the tictac that Fravor and the other pilots saw on their Top Gun cameras..
6/16/2019 09:15:10 pm
At this point I honestly can't tell if you're sincere or doing performance art so I'll ask the obvious followup question: Do the occupants experience acceleration, which even in a zero gravity environment is indistinguishable from gravity?
tom mellett
6/16/2019 10:12:15 pm
Well, I can't tell either, so that makes two of us.
6/16/2019 11:47:47 pm
OK, jabberwocky. "Time-like geodesic" bollocks. The ISS is constantly accelerating in that it is constantly changing direction due to Earth's gravity. Absent visual cues this acceleration cannot be felt. Note the speed remains constant.
tom mellett
6/17/2019 12:33:08 am
What you say is all true in the case of the ISS because there is no warping of the spacetime metric, neither inside the ISS, where every astronaut is indeed falling to the earth with an acceleration of 0.89g = 28.5 ft/s/s (instead of 32 f/s/s near the earth's surface) nor outside the ISS as we look up at it from the earth..
David Evans
6/17/2019 03:46:08 am
Tom Mellett:
6/17/2019 10:01:44 am
"Maybe look at Miguel Alcubierre's warp drive"
6/17/2019 10:24:11 am
"there's no real relativistic difference between us and the ISS"
6/16/2019 09:46:58 pm
You guys are hella funny ...
tom mellett
6/16/2019 10:17:10 pm
Axolotl! And if you're really nice to me, I'll even say "potrzebie!"
E.P. Grondine
6/17/2019 12:11:24 am
Hi Jason -
Tired of E.P. Grondine's Language
6/17/2019 02:04:40 pm
The actual headline:
6/18/2019 04:22:37 am
Ancient Aliens and America Unearthed - still not as bad as The PLO
6/18/2019 02:40:44 pm
People still get upset about how the American Indians were treated, but when newly-minted Israelis with UN acquiescence did the same thing to indigenous Arabs everything was jake. Gaza is basically a reservation but with much stricter rules and more oppression. The West Bank will never be Arab in governance again but that is Jordan's fault. You can be Jewish with a UN Laissez Passer but still be hassled for hours by Israeli security forces while trying to enter Gaza on official business.
6/18/2019 04:24:41 am
The PLO - some people need to look at themselves
6/18/2019 04:32:55 am
Got the Hezbollah and those tunnels involved as well.
6/18/2019 05:03:26 am
Machala seems to have drifted to this Blog because of anti-Semitist prejudices?
Oh no.....
6/18/2019 05:19:23 am
Oh no... Political overtones exist beneath the surface of this Blog.
6/24/2019 03:48:22 pm
I farted!
Matt Agajanian
6/27/2019 06:12:07 pm
Hi all, Riddle me this:
Kent Againian
6/27/2019 11:08:52 pm
How can you see the ISS, the moon, comets, meteors, or in bygone days the Space Shuttle and Apollo V launch vehicles? I'm guessing they estimate speeds but don't estimate distances, and the main thrust of the reports is not so much high speed but apparent rapid changes in direction. Also it has yet to be proved that "they" are seeing solid objects.
Matt Agajanian
6/27/2019 11:27:27 pm
Thanks for the explanation.
Kent againian
6/28/2019 04:23:19 pm
Didn't mean it as explanation, rather speculation. "Blue sky thinking" if you will.
Matt Agajanian
6/28/2019 06:45:22 pm
Hi Kent. That helps me put it in perspective.
the bob lazar galactic trust
7/11/2019 04:16:51 pm
Robert Scott Lazar is a man of few words but awesome graphics. His website is awesome because he only needs one page to reveal the truth about UFO propulsion. You will become awesome too when you read it and learn how you can travel to whatever galaxy you want.
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