Segment 1 The first segment discusses the recent Navy guidelines for reporting UFO encounters, and it falsely alleges that the guidelines are a sea-change in government policy. The guidelines weren’t intended as such, and the opening gambit has no connection to anything that follows. Instead, we start talking about the early stages of the U.S. nuclear program, followed by the results of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, which at one point they illustrate with a computer-generated illustration of Hiroshima’s ruins on fire. The talking heads discuss how strange lights in the sky were seen around nuclear test sites, and it relates Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of nine arc-shaped small objects (wrongly described as discs) to the Hanford plutonium processing center. It claims that this center was “near” the Arnold sighting, but their own map shows it being hundreds of miles away. After this, the show returns to the fake Roswell Incident, which has been debunked too many times to deal with here. Next, the show repeats material from their show about Soviet UFO encounters, and their claims about the “Russian Roswell” are no more convincing this time than the last two or three times they made them. Segment 2 My critics might scream bloody murder that Ancient Aliens isn’t meant to appeal to old conservative men, but why then are all the commercials for pick-up trucks, “made in America” pick-up truck accessories, beer, dress suits, meat, and hunting goods? Anyway, the second segment begins with Soviet nuclear research and the subsequent Cold War nuclear competition between the superpowers. An old Look magazine article from the 1950s claiming that the Air Force gave out cameras to help servicemen capture UFOs on camera near nuclear sites is cited as proof that aliens are obsessed with nukes, but it’s really just evidence that the Air Force tried to determine whether the reports the public made about UFOs had any reality to them, and if that reality was a national security threat. When they figured out it wasn’t, they stopped. Relating a story from the 1960s about a UFO supposedly caught on a military film of an ICBM launch, the show realizes that they had to actually label their video a “recreation” because it would be unethical to pretend otherwise. No such video exists in reality, according to the Pentagon, but the show tells us that it must because somebody once said it did. It’s thin gruel to build a case on. Segment 3 The third segment covers the 1967 incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base, a story that has expanded in the telling over the decades. The modern version is that UFOs disabled the nuclear weapons site and shut down its nuclear missiles. Skeptics claim that the event was actually due to an electrical failure. Giorgio Tsoukalos goes out to the Minuteman National Historic Site, a museum preserving a 1960s-era nuclear site, in order to “investigate” the incident by listening to the testimony of a UFO believer who was a member of the Air Force working at Malmstrom in 1967, some 52 years ago. Not to put too fine a point on it, but as I discovered this week, even those of us with sharp, clear memories can be blindsided to discover that our memories don’t match the past. After five decades, I credit his testimony less than I do my own memory of just two decades ago—and I apparently remembered only partial, whitewashed versions of events I thought I knew backward and forward. The segment ends by alleging that the government conspired to cover up the story. Segment 4 The fourth segment continues the story of Malmstrom, alleging that an investigation found no electrical problem and that the government ordered everyone involved to stay silent. Honestly, all I could really think about during this dull segment of evidence-free walks down memory lane was that Giorgio Tsoukalos has put on weight and his hairline is retreating faster than a UFO in the presence of a video camera. I say this as someone who went nearly bald at 30. Anyway, the show claims that Malmstrom might have been an “attempt” by aliens to force us to abolish nukes. Then the show repeats material about the Rendelsham Forest incident and the Byelokoroviche, Ukraine incident, a weird story first reported by ABC News in 1995. As I discussed when Unexplained Files used these exact same examples in their episode on the same topic, “The first version of the story made the UFO 2,900 feet wide (yet somehow unseen except by about four people) but said that just one missile had a signal light briefly light up for less than 15 seconds, indicating that a launch code had been entered; now the story has grown into a much more frightening myth of imminent nuclear catastrophe.” Segment 5 The fifth segment revisits the very familiar claim seen in episodes stretching back to the 2009 pilot that Mohenjo Daro was destroyed by nuclear weapons, its buildings vitrified into glass, its people massacred. As I wrote in my review of a 2017 episode on the same topic: In this version of the telling, the show sees no contradiction between asserting than only 43 (actually 37) skeletons have ever been recovered from the city and William Henry telling us that many bodies were found and some bodies were found arm-in-arm where they fell during a nuclear blast. (They were not; the bodies found were not contemporary with one another, and they were buried in graves.) We hear that the site was “vitrified” through supernatural or nuclear explosion, but as the video clearly shows, the buildings of the city are not all turned to glass. There is some vitrification, but it isn’t of building but fire-hardened pottery, from a dumping ground where vitrified pottery was buried. The nuclear explosion must have been pretty special if it left the entire city standing, and its mud brick buildings unburned, un-cracked, and still in good condition down to this very day. Childress repeats the lie that archaeologists found thousands of people dead in the streets. As mentioned, only 37 skeletons had been found, and they weren’t lying dead in the street, holding hands, as Childress claims. His claim that the skeletons were radioactive was Russian propaganda, which the show repeats uncritically because Ancient Aliens has a long history of displaying love for Russia. The claim that Sanskrit texts provide accurate descriptions of nuclear fallout and radiation poisoning is a lie that I exposed almost a decade ago by actually reading the real texts. Ancient Aliens is repeating Soviet propaganda and lies from Morning of the Magicians that should have been obviously false even in the 1960s. Segment 6
The final segment repeats material from “The Alien Agenda” episode from 2017, giving credence to Paul Hellyer’s paranoid ranting. He may have once been a Canadian government official in the 1960s, but he didn’t become a UFO believer until the 2000s, when he saw a Peter Jennings UFO special and decided that Earth was involved with multiple species of alien. Linda Moulton Howe confidently asserts that aliens are mad because nuclear weapons are “tearing into other dimensions” where “intelligences” live. I’d love to hear what her source is for that bit of fact-free garbage is. Did she interview an alien? Or did an intelligence from the Phantom Zone tell her to kneel before Zod? I don’t know about you, but I will take the next month away from the show to enjoy my Friday nights. If last week’s audience of just 869,000 live plus same day viewers is any indication, the fact that fewer than 900,000 people have been watching the show for the past month suggests that a third of the show’s usual audience of 1.2 million have already preceded me in taking an Ancient Aliens holiday.
9/6/2019 10:53:53 pm
Review of review: admitted protector of pedophiles and rapist resorts to mentioning how a person looks heavier and is losing hair.
9/7/2019 02:25:52 pm
I look forward to your account of that time Jason raped. Your move.
9/8/2019 01:54:51 pm
Sorry, I got confused. I'm the rapist.
Harry Henderson
9/10/2019 11:12:25 am
Really, I don't think that farmer who's male ram you screwed will ever press charges.
9/7/2019 12:50:38 am
I like the attempt at tying Hanford in the late '40s into a conspiracy theory. It was one of the most important places on Earth at that time and deserves to be mentioned in historical fiction.
Anonymous antifa member
9/9/2019 11:32:28 pm
Today, the federal government effectively subsidizes the Tri-Cities area by funding the Hanford Plant for purposes of cleanup and containment of nuclear waste. Strangely, it’s also a deeply conservative region that hates the tyrannical federal government.
Tri-Cities Resident
9/10/2019 03:09:06 am
So what the flying f*ck is your idiotic libtard point? Would you rather we do nothing and just let all of that toxic radioactive waste contaminate the soil and water supply which would lead to the deaths of millions?
9/10/2019 01:25:56 pm
Angleton had a good idea back in the 60s: reroute some of the radioactive material to Israel so they could safely enclose it in bombs rather than poisoning people by leaving it laying about.
Kent Scales
9/7/2019 01:04:33 am
"My critics might scream bloody murder that Ancient Aliens isn’t meant to appeal to old conservative men, but why then are all the commercials for pick-up trucks, “made in America” pick-up truck accessories, beer, dress suits, meat, and hunting goods?"
Doc Rock
9/7/2019 10:46:31 am
Given the statements just in the past two weeks by candidates for the Democratic nomination about fossil fuel, automobiles, guns, eating meat, etc. one might see some relevance to that statement. But then again I know more than a few Dems who wear Mossy Oak and drive a gas guzzling pick-up with a gun rack. I suspect a lot of them will decide to go hunting instead of voting on Election Day.
Joe Kent
9/7/2019 01:15:50 pm
Yeah, it's like saying you're a Republican if you own a screwdriver. Calm down everyone, the analogy is screwdriver to pickup truck, not gun. Of course that works too.
9/7/2019 05:00:15 pm
So, you mentioned queer old conservatives and young gay liberals. Sounds like you're the one intentionally blocking something out. Why not come out yourself?
Joe Kent
9/7/2019 11:35:48 pm
Oh there's no coming out needed, girlfriend! I'm as gay as the day is long and can suck cock for miles with a smile.
9/8/2019 10:50:30 am
In that case, you da man!
Joe Kent
9/10/2019 10:38:20 pm
Only racists use the White Pages. Why are you a racist?
9/12/2019 10:22:11 pm
Yes I’m racist! Everyone who isn’t green sucks!
Kent klark
9/7/2019 10:13:40 am
Body shaming is a great way to review a tv show.
9/7/2019 12:09:01 pm
Why conservatives will never get the black vote
9/7/2019 12:53:45 pm
To counter the liberal media bias of the time, I guess people should have been reading William F. Buckley’s Weekly Standard in the 1950’s when he wrote “Why the South Must Prevail.”
9/7/2019 01:02:21 pm
National Review
9/7/2019 02:22:19 pm
Buckley to his credit also argued for jury nullification in that very article. And also to his credit said:
Anonymous Turd
9/8/2019 11:03:10 pm
So the standard response to any criticism of someone if it lights your tampon string is "at least he never killed 11 people." Brilliant contribution to the discussion.
9/9/2019 10:20:42 am
And you think period shaming is preferable? I should get to a menstrual hut until I'm ritually clean enough for you?
9/7/2019 12:21:00 pm
"...After five decades, I credit his testimony less than I do my own memory of just two decades ago—and I apparently remembered only partial, whitewashed versions of events I thought I knew backward and forward..."
9/7/2019 02:35:05 pm
9/7/2019 05:45:41 pm
I was thinking further back in time than the Third Reich and the Holocaust.
9/7/2019 11:23:45 pm
Huh, that's interesting. You think Donald Trump is worse than Stalin and all Holocaust deniers?
9/8/2019 02:35:13 pm
9/8/2019 03:16:59 pm
You've known Trump since he was 23? I suspect "I've known Trump since 1969" means you got fired in 1969 and retroactively blame Trump. Don't be someone who cannot cope.
9/10/2019 07:18:46 pm
How do you account for all the births in Auschwitz? With extra food rations for pregnant women?
Kentie McBoogerballs
9/7/2019 11:38:56 pm
Chapter 1: Douglas had to poop. His butt was all stinky because he had to poop so badly. There was a gross woman named Rebecca who was sunbathing all naked, and she was fat. Douglas walked up to her and said, "I need to poop." "Okay," Rebecca replied, "I like poop." Douglas squatted down [turns the page] over the fat sunbathing lady and went poop. The poop sat there on Rebecca's boobs looking like a wiener.
9/8/2019 01:56:41 am
Finally! The guy Jason raped cones forward!
Phil McCrackin
9/14/2019 09:31:27 am
That’s a story of the ages. I can’t wait to read the book. McBoogerBalls will go down in history as a true author, statesman and all around “greatest of all time” storyteller. Well done , McBoogerBalls. Well done. I also anticipate the 2nd installment relating to the “wiener turd” on the ladies cleavage.
Hugh Janus
9/14/2019 09:53:13 am
Mr. McBoogerballs literary works are found to contain some of the best writing in the history of language! His tome on the guy that sharted on a fat broads lung-warts was true literature. That book will be used in advanced lit classes for years to come.
An Anonymous Nerd
9/8/2019 10:47:20 am
Dear defenders of the Fringe/Right that pop onto these comments when Mr. Colavito reviews these shows:
Booger scrotum fan
9/14/2019 10:02:18 am
As a literary agent, I highly recommend the advanced wisdom of Mr McBoogerballs. He is a giant among writers. The prose that deeply describes the bacon strip left on a ugly fat bitches sagging tits (after booby-screwing) is simply brilliant. His deft handling of verbiage requirements describing fecal lubricants for the rolls of fat contained within the cottage-cheese-like butt texture is overwhelming. I can n
e.p. Grondine
9/8/2019 03:52:38 pm
Look, Asshole.
E.P. Grondine
9/8/2019 10:15:52 pm
Jason, this is not me.
R. Smullyan
9/8/2019 10:41:00 pm
Sending a message saying "This is not me" is a problem.
Not me
9/8/2019 10:43:10 pm
For the record?
Wiki Forever
9/9/2019 10:17:34 am
"Plagiarism is not in itself a crime,"
Doesn’t need wiki
9/9/2019 05:00:53 pm
While there is no actual crime labeled “plagiarism,” the act could constitute criminal fraud under certain circumstances. I’ve never heard of it being criminally prosecuted in the US though.
9/8/2019 10:46:44 pm
Oh that's great!
9/9/2019 09:53:52 am
What the heck is going on with these comment sections lately? Not that they aren't amusing!
Doc Rock
9/9/2019 12:03:03 pm
The comments here are relatively mild compared to before the various members of the Kiddie Table started taking their meds and/or learned to be a bit more selective in picking and engaging their targets.
I.P. Grondinely
9/9/2019 01:02:30 pm
Look, Asshole.
Rainbow unicorn
9/9/2019 02:44:21 pm
Tony S., maybe you find homophobic and misogynistic jokes and gratuitous foul language to be funny, but I certainly do NOT and I wiIll henceforth be boycotting this blog!
Don't scare the horses or eat Turing's apple
9/9/2019 03:29:39 pm
If you think saying "queer" is homophobic, take it up with, if you think calling Jason a pedophile rapist is misogynistic take it up with the posters, and if you think "gratuitous" foul language is a problem take it up with E.P. Grondine but do it quick because he's old and death-bound. With any luck, this month.
The Squad
9/9/2019 03:51:10 pm
By posting a protest here hasn't Rainbow already taken it up with the posters, including E.P. Grondine or anyone else who the shoe fits for that matter. Great lecture to someone suggesting that they do something that they have already done. What is next telling Jason he needs to review the episode of Ancient Aliens that he just reviewed here?
Curvy Coed Creampie Session
9/9/2019 05:37:09 pm
Usually when people say they're leaving it really means "be on the lookout for my next post."
9/10/2019 01:07:02 am
My characteristically dark foreboding notions and turbid thoughts have been eradicated by the many hilarious contributions to this blog.
Free editing service
9/10/2019 01:54:32 am
“Turgid” would be a more appropriate description of whatever thoughts inspired your worthless contributions.
9/10/2019 01:36:59 am
And now back to turbid...
9/10/2019 07:07:45 pm
Fortunately we have several atomic weapons stored in underwater facilities off the coast of the Carolinas and Spain.
Joe Scales
9/10/2019 08:24:41 am
"My critics might scream bloody murder that Ancient Aliens isn’t meant to appeal to old conservative men, but why then are all the commercials for pick-up trucks, “made in America” pick-up truck accessories, beer, dress suits, meat, and hunting goods?"
9/10/2019 07:03:01 pm
I don't watch the show so I don't know about "all the commercials" but...
The Squad
9/11/2019 11:23:16 am
How many Republicans compared to Democrats are vegan, vegetarian or advocate for greatly reducing meat consumption.
9/11/2019 12:26:00 pm
9 mm, the favorite round of African-Americans and the cops who make their Lives Matter. .223 is what the taxpayers buy to slaughter and otherwise bother Iraqis, Afghans, and Syrians.
Doc Rock
9/11/2019 01:22:19 pm
Joe Scales
9/11/2019 02:22:52 pm
"Its basic common sense in advertising and TV programming and a commodity that you are sadly lacking"
9/11/2019 03:19:22 pm
I suspect you don't know even one black gang-banger. And as Mr. Grondine has pointed out a man is judged by how many black friends he has.
9/12/2019 01:07:15 am
Joe Scales
9/12/2019 09:53:03 am
Bezalel, you imbecile. I'm not going to waste an argument on partisan puppets or people who have clearly shown they use Google for brains; as if the simple act of contributing here makes them smart somehow. I used to just ignore them, but when their ankle-nipping becomes incessant, then they get my rebuke accordingly. They're the ones choosing to engage. Otherwise I'd be fine simply letting them revel in their imbecility.
Larry Tate
9/12/2019 01:32:51 pm
Joe makes an excellent point, said no advertising exec or market researcher ever. This is what happens when people meet their spouses at family reunions and then procreate.
Joe Scales
9/13/2019 09:32:57 pm
Well Mr. Tate, though Darin never had the balls to tell you what a brown-nosed, running dog you are... I'll do him a solid. Actually watching Ancient Aliens commercials at the moment. Though you trust our host to be free of bias, I certainly wouldn't take such a leap of faith. And yeah, other than the usual insurance company commercials, push for rental cars and wireless provider plugs... I did see one push for what seemed to be "meat". But lo and behold... it was for an "Impossible Whopper". Yeah, a veggie burger. You imbecile. Ancient Aliens is pushing veggie burgers. There's the beef.
9/14/2019 04:10:26 pm
Joe Scales
9/14/2019 09:48:12 pm
Oh, the old rubber and glue thing.
9/15/2019 11:51:22 am
9/15/2019 02:39:27 pm
"Except Jason never said anything about a "Impossible Whopper".,
9/15/2019 04:25:26 pm
Also, Jim, and just to be clear you say:
Twiddledumber's Bane
9/15/2019 06:37:58 pm
Bloody Murder
9/15/2019 06:55:29 pm
"My critics might scream ... meat, and hunting goods?"
Joe Scales
9/15/2019 11:04:24 pm
Jim, you imbecile. How many times did you tell yourself you won that last exchange? By doing what... that last word thing. But I'm glad you linked to it. That's the one where I cornered you with the same argument I'd been making all along. The one you missed. The one google couldn't figure out for you. And for that last word, you even quoted it again.. and amazingly said I had somehow moved the goalposts. Jim, you imbecile. You're really that stupid. That dumb. That ignorant.
9/16/2019 12:23:18 am
So, a week after Jason reviews Ancient Aliens, Joe sees a commercial on TV flogging veggie burgers. Joe then deduces that when Jason used the word "meat" he really meant " veggie burgers" because,,,,er,,,,um,,I dunno,,,,I just saw a commercial for a razor, so maybe Jason was talking about a razor ?
9/16/2019 02:02:02 am
Jim. "So, a week after Jason reviews Ancient Aliens, Joe sees a commercial on TV flogging veggie burgers."
twiddledumber's bane
9/16/2019 09:48:05 am
Joe Scales
9/16/2019 10:10:35 am
"What a pair of clowns you two are."
9/16/2019 11:09:31 am
Tweedledum :
Joe Scales
9/16/2019 11:28:46 am
Jim, you imbecile. I wasn't addressing you. I know this hurts... but you are simply too stupid to engage in rational discourse. So I am left again with pointing out the obvious. You are an imbecile. That is my only response to you. For this and all other times you stupidly choose to mischaracterize reality as you nip at my ankles. Jim. You are an imbecile.
9/16/2019 11:54:45 am
Joe Scales
9/16/2019 12:44:52 pm
"So, like, who were you addressing ?"
Larry Tate
9/16/2019 01:15:17 pm
After the Trump rally lets all head to Burger King for a round of veggie burgers, said no one ever. It is common sense to engage in market saturation advertising when rolling out a new product like the veggie burger. The surprise would be not seeing this ad all over the place. Common sense, Tyro, common sense.
9/16/2019 01:25:25 pm
Jim. Facts not in evidence. You make an assumption that Mr. Scales saw a rerun rather than the first broadcast of the episode and argue as if that were true. Jim.
Joe Scales
9/16/2019 01:36:53 pm
Just slink away Mr. Tate. Like the rest of the brown-nosers here, you're not really helping Jason confront his bias issues.
Twiddledumber's Bane
9/16/2019 04:19:06 pm
9/16/2019 06:17:35 pm
Bane: In a world without DVRs or BitTorrent or on demand viewing from one's cable provider or any number of streaming services that would be a good point. Lacking evidence or testimony it's not so good. You need to keep up with the times.
9/16/2019 06:23:28 pm
Twiddledumber's Bane
9/16/2019 07:15:50 pm
Many names:
9/16/2019 07:44:53 pm
"Cool, so you have evidence Jason saw the same commercials as what Joe describes ??????? Show me there big fella !!! Lol I thought not."
9/16/2019 08:59:38 pm
"That's a Jim strategy. Your alter has taught you well. Or did you teach him? You're asking me to know whether Jason or Mr. Scales walked out during a commercial break or did not. Jim."
Joe Scales
9/16/2019 09:05:32 pm
"Way to not engage me ! "
9/16/2019 09:37:54 pm
"Exactly Kent, so you agree with me that Joe is making a bunch of evidence free assumptions and is out of line."
9/17/2019 10:35:48 am
Joe Scales
9/17/2019 11:29:56 am
To the person who changes their moniker each time they nip at my ankles on this board. I apologize for believing you to be this Bane character. Bane has now been revealed to be a psychotic imbecile, who likely also is learning disabled, created to bolster his own posts. Perhaps to avoid such confusion in the future, I will have to stop responding to those that change their screen names with each post, as I have stopped responding to the psychotic imbecile in question. Unfortunately, him being both psychotic and moronic, I don't expect the same courtesy in kind.
9/17/2019 11:55:45 am
Doc Rock
9/11/2019 09:39:27 pm
Can anyone translate from the Tudlawese? This version of him is particularly tough to read although perhaps it might make more sense if I had not limited myself to two glasses of chard at the Olive Garden this evening.
Horse Worshipping Nacht Hag
9/11/2019 11:24:31 pm
"Can anyone translate from the Tudlawese?"
Jr. Time Lord
9/11/2019 11:56:15 pm
"I need about tree fiddy."
9/12/2019 12:14:21 am
If you wish to scrye the Tudlaw scree?
Jr. Time Lord
9/12/2019 02:53:03 am
"My critics might scream bloody murder that Ancient Aliens isn’t meant to appeal to old conservative men, but why then are all the commercials for pick-up trucks, “made in America” pick-up truck accessories, beer, dress suits, meat, and hunting goods?"
9/12/2019 06:09:23 am
How do you know what Jason thinks?
Soul Sucked
9/14/2019 12:21:45 pm
Sounds like the commercials on Alex Jones show.
9/14/2019 09:24:26 am
e.p. Grondine
9/22/2019 01:28:26 am
I've oozed my bodyweight of goo in a giant sculpture yet no one listens to me..
9/22/2019 12:28:52 pm
I've seen your sculpture by the light of a gibbous moon... I fled.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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