Segment 1 The first segment describes the July 2019 internet joke asking readers to “storm” Area 51 in the hope of seeing the aliens rumored in UFO circles to be housed at the secret Groom Lake Air Force facility, using news clips provided by NBC News. The FBI visited event originator Matty Roberts asking him to report any attendees who had been “radicalized.” Roberts turned the event into a festival called “Alienstock,” but when the talking heads talk about “efforts” to “scale down the rhetoric,” the narration uses anti-government rhetoric (they say visitors “refused to be intimidated” for example) and blames the government for stopping a citizen revolt, carefully ignoring the fact that the show’s own talking heads, including Giorgio Tsoukalos, took to social media to tell their fans not to break the law by trespassing on the Groom Lake base. “I do not condone anarchy,” Tsoukalos said at the time. Tsoukalos went on to say back then that Area 51 “isn’t the place” where any alien evidence could be found. Somehow, however, that conclusion became inoperative as soon as the show decided to spin an hour out of thirty-year-old Area 51 conspiracies. Tsoukalos is a producer on the show, and yet he appears here (albeit only once, in a clip clearly taken out of context) in an episode premised on the exact opposite of what he claimed on social media to believe. Segment 2 The second segment traces the history, real and fictional, of Area 51. Jeremy Corbell, the filmmaker who made bad documentaries about Skinwalker Ranch and self-described Area 51 whistleblower Bob Lazar, travels to Groom Lake with Nick Pope to film an on-location segment for the show. Corbell has a financial interest in Bob Lazar, who has a financial relationship with the publisher of his autobiography, To the Stars Academy, which in turn has a financial relationship with both Ancient Aliens talking head Moulton Howe and the History Channel, which producers TTSA’s flagship show, Shameless… er, Unidentified. It’s all very incestuous, with everybody making money in a big daisy chain, or perhaps circle jerk depending on how much you think they are simply pleasuring themselves. Segment 3 The third segment deals with Lockheed Martin and a UFO sighting reported by the head of the company’s Skunkworks, Clarence “Kelly” Johnson, who went on to scout the location for Area 51. The second director of Skunkworks, Benjamin Rich, invented stealth air technology, and we get some hearsay from a colleague that Johnson offered a deathbed confession about UFOs and super-advanced technology. Then the show dips into the almost certainly false claims made by Bob Lazar, which the show has already covered on many occasions, including a June episode based on the same Corbell film recycled here for this episode. But that has to wait for a commercial break. Segment 4 The circle jerk gets another dick when George Knapp gets added to the mix in the segment derived from Corbell’s film. You’ll recall that Knapp attacked me in an interview a year ago. Knapp, who recently launched his own UFO news site under the auspices of his employer, Nexstar Media Group, made his name in ufology by promoting Lazar’s outlandish claims in 1989 on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, and once again it’s worth noting that Knapp wrote a book about Skinwalker Ranch at the behest of Robert Bigelow, who took government cash to study UFOs and space ghosts at Skinwalker Ranch and whose team members now work for TTSA, a company that I remind you has a financial relationship with the History Channel. Knapp also secretly lobbied then-Sen. Harry Reid to give Bigelow more cash by helping feed Reid UFO info and facilitating communication between Reid and Bigelow. Knapp and the ex-senator now have a regular series of conversations about Reid’s UFO interests. The segment includes footage from Corbell’s Bob Lazar documentary, which the show is promoting directly with repeated references to the documentary, by name, over and over. Segment 5 The fifth segment talks to a former Air Force pilot named David Fruehauf who claims to be able to corroborate some of Bob Lazar’s claims. Fruehauf only speaks about the details Lazar gave about how government workers commuted to and from Area 51, and when he begins speaking about UFOs, it is obvious that he has no actual firsthand experience about UFOs but is instead arguing that if Lazar got the commuting details right, then he must be right about space aliens. That’s illogical. Ultimately, while skeptics contend there is no evidence Lazar worked at Area 51, it really doesn’t matter since someone who worked there could lie as easily as someone who didn’t, maybe even easier. (Alternately, he could have gleaned key details from people who actually worked there.) Some conspiracy theories are presented to suggest that the Pentagon is trying to discredit Lazar, but he has done a good job of that on his own over the years. He pleaded guilty to pandering, underwent bankruptcy, and started a company selling nuclear material only to have that company plead guilty to several criminal charges. Segment 6
The final segment returns to the Area 51 “Storming” and repeats material from the first segment before suggesting that the gathering of UFO enthusiasts last September is the start of a “social movement” that they hope will grow year after year into a major mainstream global festival and protest movement. Gee, I thought that’s what Ancient Aliens’s AlienCon was for. The show expresses hope that the “next generation” of UFO researcher will come out of the movement, thus perpetuating an endless cycle of ignorant grifters demanding a “disclosure” that will never come. Nick Pope says that “a new generation” must “demand answers” from the government. If they really believed that, they might try running for office and gaining power, but apparently that is a bridge too far, more unrealistic than imagining that a shitty History Channel talking head show might change the world through speculation.
11/15/2019 10:51:20 pm
Holy Jaysus Christopher on a crutch.
11/15/2019 10:53:58 pm
"Eyes", not 'yes'.
11/16/2019 01:48:38 pm
Jason, you've shown that TTSA paid LMH $35K, you haven't shown she has "a financial stake in" it.
11/16/2019 02:27:47 pm
"In U.S. courts a dying declaration is one of the exceptions to the hearsay rule. Just sayin'."
11/16/2019 02:56:53 pm
Perhaps you'd like to enlighten us on to whom the dying person makes the statement and how that differs from your "third person"?
11/16/2019 05:12:03 pm
"(2) Statement Under the Belief of Imminent Death. In a prosecution for homicide or in a civil case, a statement that the declarant, while believing the declarant’s death to be imminent, made about its cause or circumstances."
11/16/2019 06:04:56 pm
Thank you for making clear that you don't understand that a written statement is ipso facto not "hearsay" you aggressively stupid racist idiot who thinks rape can be fun and entertaining. Now, which word did I misspell?
11/16/2019 06:55:23 pm
Except no one said Johnson's deathbed confession was heresay. You are misunderstanding or deliberately twisting what was said.
11/16/2019 08:04:40 pm
What part of calling it hearsay is not calling it hearsay, Rapebro?
11/16/2019 09:27:11 pm
The hearsay my friend, was from a colleague, saying that there was a deathbed confession. You seem to be presuming that the confession was said to the colleague, this is unclear it could well be third or forth hand scuttlebutt.
11/16/2019 09:46:44 pm
At least nothing said by Jason which is what you are arguing.
Relics of UFOs
11/16/2019 01:40:14 am
Relics of UFOs
11/16/2019 01:51:07 am
Supernatural Science, Episode 2: Miracles of Faith: Or Creations of Chemistry? (1999)
Putting this into context
11/16/2019 04:59:43 am
Any flying saucer approaching Earth would be picked up by the world's radar systems. We would know about it in 5 minutes and it would be no secret. All the stories about flying saucers and contactees are a load of rubbish and we should be looking at the people who are telling the stories and not looking at the skies. The Radar Systems are looking at the skies and they don't see flying saucers.
11/16/2019 01:01:01 pm
You have some interesting ideas about radar.
Putting this into context
11/16/2019 02:12:03 pm
Some people have got some funny ideas about solid metal spaceships travelling many times faster than the speed of light and not crashing into planets, suns and meteors in the process.
11/16/2019 03:00:47 pm
Then perhaps you should take it up with them.
Jr. Time Lord
11/16/2019 03:08:57 pm
One doesn't want to travel "through" space. One wants to have space move "around" them. The metal ship never moves.
Putting This Into Context
11/16/2019 03:28:49 pm
That only works in KPAX
Kneel Armstrong
11/19/2019 11:52:09 am
Cause it's not like NASA uses radar.
E.P. Grondine
11/16/2019 12:05:05 pm
Hi Jason -
11/16/2019 12:32:12 pm
"You also have to remember that for many people AA is simply fun, and entertainment."
11/16/2019 01:17:14 pm
You have some interesting ideas about rape.
Jr. Time Lord
11/16/2019 01:46:31 pm
11/16/2019 02:08:19 pm
11/16/2019 02:02:39 pm
11/16/2019 02:22:44 pm
She sold it to him and he to them, but since he is them, it's all the same thing. And Linda wasn't very clear about knowing whom she was dealing with and probably thought one to be the other since they are both, something like the Catholic view of the Trinity.
11/16/2019 03:27:52 pm
Jason, don't go all Jim on me. You said Linda Moulton Howe (hereafter referred to as "she", "her", or "LMH") sold the space junk to TTSA for $35K. Assuming a cost basis of nothing, that's $35K of taxable income you're asserting LMH has. Now you say that DeLonge acted as a pass-through entity and transferred it to TTSA for $35K at no profit to himself? In what universe does that make sense?
Mikey Likey
11/16/2019 04:26:04 pm
You said Linda Moulton Howe (hereafter referred to as "she", "her", or "LMH") sold the space junk to TTSA for $35K. Assuming a cost basis of nothing, that's $35K of taxable income you're asserting LMH has. Now you say that DeLonge acted as a pass-through entity and transferred it to TTSA for $35K at no profit to himself?
11/16/2019 04:37:00 pm
Mikey Likey
11/16/2019 04:42:21 pm
The whole point of a corporation is NO THEY ARE NOT THE SAME.
11/16/2019 05:00:01 pm
It means I don't work for you.
Kent is Anthony Warren
11/16/2019 07:05:58 pm
That's your silly fault for being the offspring of Laurel & Hardy 11/16/2019 10:51:13 pm
Vice magazine reported this week that Howe confirmed selling the metal for $35K and said that she sold it to TTSA. Since TTSA reported that it purchased the metal for the same price from DeLonge, the most parsimonious conclusion (unless everyone is lying) is that DeLonge fronted the cash and got repaid. Since he is literally the president of the company, it's not really a major difference except to bean counters and to lawyers giddy about being able to keep Linda Moulton Howe's name out of SEC forms.
11/17/2019 08:01:29 pm
I don't think the goal was to keep LMH out of the filing. Do they have to file a form when they buy office supplies? My guess is that the filing is required when an officer of a publicly traded corporation does business with the corporation of which he is an officer. Emphasis on "guess". It may even be voluntary and not required at all. I don't know.
11/19/2019 04:24:02 pm
Tm DeLonge is worth about $80 million. How much money is there really for trying to "grift" about UFOs that someone worth that much would really give a shit? Or is it actually possible he firmly believes the ET hypothesis? Maybe he believes the multiple fighter pilots and military personnel, radar and video evidence?
11/19/2019 04:57:18 pm
Who knows his motivation ? You don't. Perhaps he is simply an attention whore or a penny pincher.
11/17/2019 06:27:27 pm
So, back in 2005 there was a program called "Worlds Strangest UFO stories". It's hilarious because it is designed to poke holes in most alien theories. I actually purchased the series from Amazon, so I never lose it because when I need a good laugh, it works. While Giorgio T and his hair aren't in this series, Erik VD, Nick Pope and Jason (want to buy a used car?0 Martell are. Jason Martell looks like the idiot he is, but the most interesting things about this episode his Nick (deer in the headlight) Pope stating that while a part of the British Ministry of Defense he saw no evidence of UFO activity. Of course he was a low level bureaucrat so that is probably true, but it's awesome to see these guys. OH! David HC is in this too!
Earth aliens
11/17/2019 09:01:01 pm
I think the aliens might be from underwater or underground. If another intelligent species exists, then it’s more likely that it’s here in earth since the best candidate for a planet with intelligent life is that one where we already know an intelligent species has evolved.
11/18/2019 12:36:40 pm
Maybe it's because that's where most of the people are.
11/20/2019 11:55:59 am
All of the claims that Jason makes about how AA is aligned with a conservative ideology drives me nuts. I personally am a conservative. I live in the Bible Belt and almost everyone I know is conservative. My father is very liberal and he raised me to be liberal, but we just didn't see the world the same way. I don't really buy into Christianity, but I know a lot of people who do. I definitely see Jason's points about AA being twisted, incestuous, opportunistic, etc. But conservative? If he really believes that, he doesn't understand what it means to be a conservative. Whatever, I guess it's impossible for anyone to be truly impartial. All I can say is that nobody I know (and I mean not one single person) buys into the rain of crap pouring out of shows like AA on the History Channel.
Bubba Fett
11/20/2019 12:37:06 pm
Try actually watching America Unearthed or Ancient Aliens in a room full of rednecks and get back to us.
11/20/2019 03:59:59 pm
To be fair, rednecks ARE super scary.
Larry Tate
11/20/2019 04:38:29 pm
Scary but absolutely in love with the new Burger King veggie burger.
Doc Rock
11/20/2019 05:19:40 pm
Joe Scales
11/20/2019 01:18:48 pm
Jason often associates two things he doesn't like, Fringe Theory and Conservative politics, generally with only confirmation bias as the motivating factor. However, he didn't do that with this one. Apparently for Jason, a Democrat politician actually getting in bed with the Fringe must be an anomaly, and not a reliable prognosis for future trending. I suppose however, you could consider Reid to be conservative... and tar him accordingly.
11/20/2019 02:44:19 pm
If by confirmation bias you mean using facts to make a solid argument regarding current trends then he is guilty as charged. But none of this is registering with you, is it McFly...
Joe Blow
11/20/2019 04:44:36 pm
Joe often associates two things he doesn't like, Jason and Democrats, generally with only confirmation bias as the motivating factor. However, he didn't do that with this one. Apparently for Joe, a Republican politician actually getting in bed with Putin must be normal, and a reliable prognosis for future trending. I suppose however, you could consider Trump to be a traitor ... and tar him accordingly.
11/20/2019 05:04:10 pm
At least he didn't look into Putin's eyes and gaze into his soul. - Bush
11/20/2019 06:42:39 pm
"At least he didn't look into Putin's eyes and gaze into his soul. - Bush"
11/21/2019 12:56:30 pm
So abrogating a missile treaty and selling weapons to Ukraine is doing Putin's bidding? For the record I think these are both bad ideas, but still...
11/21/2019 04:45:09 pm
11/22/2019 11:55:28 am
Yes it was Yeltsin you incredibly aggressively stupid idiot. It's a well known story. FDR and Churchill did the same dance.
Jimmy the Greek
11/24/2019 03:53:29 pm
"Do you also think I was saying Reagan signed a treaty with Putin?"
11/22/2019 01:28:21 pm
Sorry Kent, I wasn't aware that the word "him" refers to a Soviet or Russian leader rather than the specific person being discussed.
11/22/2019 05:35:27 pm
"By the by Comrade, can you tell me why you don't approve of selling weapons to the Ukraine ? This seems to really, and I mean really with a capitol R, to only benefit Putin."
11/22/2019 06:33:09 pm
Hey Kent, do you do "English" ?
11/22/2019 08:40:51 pm
Jim. JIm. Nitpicking is not my thing but I will speak to you in your language.
11/23/2019 09:21:16 am
11/24/2019 02:15:36 pm
"Comrade Cop Out cannot answer because there is no answer that does not reveal his Russian sympathy's.
11/24/2019 02:08:10 pm
It just keeps getting better. Memo to Jim: Join the rest of us in the 1990s, won't you?
11/24/2019 02:42:18 pm
"On 9 August 1999, Putin was appointed one of three First Deputy Prime Ministers, and later on that day, was appointed acting Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation by President Yeltsin"
11/24/2019 05:34:50 pm
Your lack of knowledge of Russian and your shifty eyes, one might even say short eyes betray you, Comrade. Jim.
Double Jeopardy
11/24/2019 10:10:05 pm
I'm confused. What the hell?
11/25/2019 12:14:42 am
Psssst. Double Jeopardy, keep this on the down low !
11/25/2019 12:23:25 am
Double psssst. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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