Segment 1 Oh, nothing gets Ancient Aliens off to a better start than Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. The segment opens with Carlson’s Fox News Channel interview with Trump in July in which the smarmy Fox host pressed the president on UFO conspiracy theories, leading Trump to say that he didn’t believe in flying saucers. Trump and the Republican Party have legitimized conspiracy theories over the past few years, and the talking heads on the show go bonkers celebrating that the conspiracy theories are no longer “fringe.” Nick Pope interviews Carlson, who is even smarmier on Ancient Aliens than he seems on his own show, claiming to believe in UFOs and UFO-related government conspiracies at one point and not to in another. He doubles down on government conspiracy theories and says he is “starting to believe” that the government has UFO wreckage, though (but of course) he can’t reveal his source in the government who told him that there is “physical evidence.” He says that after three UFO segments on his show, critics no longer complain about his UFO coverage. He vastly overstates how much the public beyond the 3% of Americans who watch his show care about his story selection, but there is also the fact that it’s hard to continue to be outraged over repeated eccentricity. As for that “physical evidence,” well, we know that the Pentagon had been looking into Art’s Parts-style metal slag under Robert Bigelow’s auspices long before they contracted with To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science to test still more of it, and has been claimed to have its own pieces of such slag, so it seems that we are just seeing the (likely) industrial waste of the past recycled into “physical evidence” that can be trotted out in support of implied—but never explicitly stated—UFO “wreckage” and crashed saucer narratives. It’s like Inception if everyone had been lobotomized. Also, fuck Tucker Carlson. That wannabe white nationalist is, of course, right at home on the History Channel, but in a better world he should be a persona non grata on any network with an ounce of respect for its audience. Pope and Carlson also make excuses for Trump in order to imagine a UFO reality that Trump denied. Segment 2 The second segment discusses the Navy’s changes to UFO reporting and the claims of U.S. senators to have received UFO briefings. The show neglects to note that the Navy changes were related to History Channel partner To the Stars and that the senators only requested UFO briefings after hearing about To the Stars’ claims on the History Channel. Pope claims that this media-government revolving door of fantasy is actually part of an elaborate stage-managed plan to prepare the public for the reality of space alien encounters. I’m not quite sure how that would work, since it implies that the aliens are either devoid of agency or are active conspirators, since, in theory, they could simply land in a public place at any time and blow all the government’s decades-long plans to hell. Carlson returns in this segment to claim that there is “social pressure” in the media to scoff at aliens in order to avoid being seen as unserious. I laughed out loud when Carlson railed against government lies, claiming that we are experiencing “social breakdown” because of government deception and the lack of trust the public develops when the government creates fictions and falsehoods and hides the truth. About aliens. I mean, seriously: Does he not hear himself? What, exactly, does he think are the effects of Trump’s thousands of documented lies? Carlson sounds perfectly reasonable when speaking in the abstract about a hypothetical UFO problem and then turns right around on his Fox News show to propagandize and lie on behalf of a liar. Segment 3 The third segment rehearses the fictitious ufology narrative of the Roswell UFO crash, asserting that a “shadow government” has been covering up a flying saucer crash and the resulting alien contact since 1947. The segment alleges that the Air Force and CIA intentionally skewed their subsequent UFO investigations in order to suppress the “truth” and engage in social engineering to suppress UFO belief. The show says the government “silences” UFO believers. The existence of shows like this give the lie to the idea that there is an all-powerful government control mechanism keeping the public from believing in UFOs. The segment returns to a number of old UFO “investigation” chestnuts they have repeated many times before, including in recent episodes from this season, and there is no reason to repeat them here. The segment ends with a teaser that Russian President Vladimir Putin is hunting for our UFO secrets. I guess it’s progress that the show that once delivered an hour-long love-letter to Putin and Russia now describes him as the “enemy.” Of course, that was the party line when this show was assembled in late summer. Now, in the late fall, Russia is the friend of the Administration again and we have always been at war with Ukraine. “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered...” and all that. Segment 4 The fourth segment discusses the 1960s Brookings Institute report claiming that the existence of aliens would cause social upheaval and economic chaos, but I find it interesting that the show frames the entire discussion around the middle twentieth century. We’ve actually experienced this several times, in 1835 (the famous Sun newspaper Moon Hoax), in the 1890s (Percival Lowell’s Martian civilization), and a number of lesser incidents less widely believed. And yet civilization didn’t collapse when large numbers of people genuinely believed alien life had been discovered. Much of the segment discusses the UFO videos from the Navy promoted by To the Stars a while back, and the show wonders why the government won’t come clean about what they know of UFOs, though they come very close to realizing that a lot of what is kept hidden is basically just the Pentagon hiding their next-generation air technologies. Old FBI documents from the 1940s show that the future Air Force all but openly admitted as much at the start of the UFO era. There isn’t really much reason to suspect anything has changed since, though the show speculates that these aerial technologies were reverse engineered from crashed flying saucers. In this segment, the “enemies” of America are illustrated with images of a Chinese military parade instead of Russia’s president. Apparently they didn’t get the message that the whole evil China trade war flap is over and now Trump “stands with President Xi” in suppressing anti-Chinese demonstrations in Hong Kong. They are a couple of months behind the times. Segment 5 The fifth segment discusses other world governments’ UFO investigations. David Childress notes that this has been going on for more than 70 years, but instead of drawing the right conclusion—that no one has found any actual evidence of aliens, hence the reason there is no real evidence that has ever leaked—he instead concludes that other governments have huge archives of secrets that Nick Popes says the U.S. pressures its allies to keep secret. The segment then moves on to America’s “enemies,” defined as Russia and China. The show repeats material from their special episodes devoted to UFOs in Russia and China, but this time the show is not laudatory. Instead of praising the countries as they did in those episodes, the show complains that the two countries are too secretive and that Putin in particular won’t disclose anything about UFOs because it could threaten his grip on power. (This is belied, of course, by the fact that Russia has promoted UFO conspiracy theories for at least 60 years, and Russian bots have been documented spreading UFO conspiracies and ancient astronaut theories online. Clearly, Putin isn’t averse to using UFO info for power.) The segment returns to Carlson, who rails against government secrecy, again making reasonable points, but largely when talking about UFOs rather than actual issues that might have real political consequences that he doesn’t like. After all, despite calling here for government to release reams of classified documents, he has had no problem with Trump hiding the records of his alleged wrongdoing from Congressional investigators. It’s easy to be principled when you don’t expect actual consequences that might impact your own power and privilege. Segment 6
In the final segment, we review a 2010 conference at London’s Royal Society that failed to develop a plan for what to do if extraterrestrial life were ever detected. The show wonders why the world’s governing bodies lack a plan for handling ETs. Weirdly, the show uses a picture of Edward Snowden in discussing the possibility that “whistleblowers” might expose government UFO secrets. This is weird because Snowden told Joe Rogan recently that he did look for America’s UFO secrets only to discover that we don’t have any. There is, he said, no evidence of a UFO conspiracy or any recovered wreckage. Democratic operative and UFO believer John Podesta also appears in this segment in recycled footage shot for an earlier season of the show. The segment ends with Carlson and Pope thanking each other for massaging one another’s egos and Carlson bragging about having a private Air Force One dinner with Trump.
11/23/2019 12:34:51 am
OMG, you have talked me into watching this show for a second time in my life. (at least part of the show)
Angela Dodson
11/23/2019 02:00:57 am
This is the worst episode ever. I'm so disappointed. There is nothing I love more than relaxing on Friday night with Ancient Aliens and get away from all things Trump. Then YOUR PREVIOUSLY CREDIBLE PROGRAM features POSUS and Tucker Carlson ?? I thought I was hallucinating. Please DO NOT EVER do this to your intelligent audience again.
11/23/2019 08:07:35 am
In light of current events, you would think they would have had the common sense to not air and deep six this episode forever.
11/23/2019 07:14:26 pm
Why? If there was blackface in the episode I must have missed it. That said, I'm not a total rube. I recognize that Canada has a special "people we like" exception for blackface.
11/23/2019 08:03:42 pm
You don’t have to go as Trudeau, Joe/Kent. You already have your very own blackface character: Americanegro.
Phony Balony Kent
11/25/2019 12:20:51 pm
Kent sez,,,Why? If there was blackface in the episode I must have missed it.
11/23/2019 01:13:07 am
Jason, you DO know who launched an institutional initiative to mainstream the term "conspiracy theory" right? Hint: it's initials are C & I & A.
11/23/2019 03:05:01 am
I knew there was something I was missing.
Henry Kissinger
11/23/2019 12:07:39 pm
There is a US Mission and a US Consular Agency in Geneva. Someone could be credentialed as an attache via the US Embassy in Bern but serve elsewhere. Or they maybe simply be registered by title at the embassy while serving in a different diplomatic mission. Diplomat is a generic term that can cover a wide range of positions and activities. Attache is a generic term that can cover a wide range of positions and activities. Some room significant gray areas as well.
11/23/2019 01:20:41 pm
Yes, I know. For once I checked my facts first instead of relying on my knowledge. Having known the US Consul in Vietnam during the war, I know State Department people differentiate between consulates and embassies, diplomats and staff, tech support and Attaches. Having known some CIA people (who hasn't?) I know they know what their cover identity was. That's kind of Double Nought Spy 101.
Henry Kissinger
11/23/2019 01:56:29 pm
"Having known the U.S. Consul in Vietnam during the war" and "having known some CIA people.". Different times, different places, different people, different policies, different methods. Hard to take anything else said seriously when you lead off with the weak "I know a guy...." strategy and your frame of reference is Saigon circa-1970.
11/23/2019 02:13:27 pm
Repetitio mater studiorum est.
Fatty Arbuckle, Jr.
11/23/2019 07:46:50 pm
"Kent's" only interaction with diplomats ever was his frantic calls from a Bangkok police station to the US Embassy to Thailand. 11/23/2019 06:45:03 am
Oh for Pete's sake, I even included a direct quote from "1984" so even the obtuse would understand the reference to the famous line about having "always been at war with Eurasia."
11/23/2019 02:05:31 pm
What part of "Memory Hole" told you I didn't get the reference?
11/23/2019 08:09:00 pm
Don’t feed the troll, Jason. He’s getting full on ankle meat.
Joe Scales
11/25/2019 01:16:48 pm
Segment 4 also featured more from Podesta, filmed on set like the other talking heads. May have been recycled... but there he was. In bed with Ancient Aliens, and picking up a check. You know why? Because fringe history and conspiracy theories appeal to imbeciles of all political stripes. Despite our host's blinders in this regard.
11/26/2019 10:21:31 am
Joe Scales
11/26/2019 12:42:30 pm
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/25/2019 12:09:30 am
I don't think it matters to Jason if there's no evidence that Tucker Carlson is a "wannabe white nationalist"; the charge has been made and that's what's really important. It's stunning, that Jason claims to be a strict adherent to the scientific method, demands strict proof from others, but when held to the same standard.......chirp, chirp, chirp...
Carl Sagan's Former Mistress
11/25/2019 10:17:49 am
On the other hand, he didn't devote a couple thousand words here to asserting that thousands of years ago aliens came to earth and created humanity by experimenting with monkeys or that aliens used tractor beams to lift rocks to build the pyramids.
Joe Scales
11/23/2019 10:43:51 am
So Trump doesn't go for the alien nonsense and to reward him you lay it down as follows:
11/23/2019 11:11:27 am
Hahahahahaha, Russian trolls say the funniest things.
Joe Scales
11/23/2019 11:16:39 am
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/23/2019 04:56:39 pm
65 articles referencing Podesta? It's no 48,500 but still shockingly low.
11/23/2019 05:06:08 pm
Are you lost, you don't know how the comments work do you ?
An Anonymous Nerd
11/23/2019 12:58:50 pm
Regarding Podesta, your comment is demonstrably incorrect: Mr. Colavito has ridiculed him a number of times. Google comes up with about 65 articles that reference him and as far as I can tell it's all in a negative context.
11/23/2019 01:29:42 pm
"You keep winning."
Joe Scales
11/23/2019 02:55:27 pm
"Here's where you call me an imbecile..."
11/23/2019 03:40:26 pm
I'd be interested to hear how you came up with "about 65". I'm not confident you understand how Google works, but briefly, it returns
11/23/2019 03:56:22 pm
"Jason Colavito" Podesta
11/23/2019 04:00:20 pm
Jason Colavito Podesta
11/23/2019 04:04:21 pm
Kent's link:
11/23/2019 04:17:15 pm
I'm not confident you understand how Google works, but briefly, it returns
11/23/2019 04:40:01 pm
Nerd:, "Google comes up with about 65 articles that reference him"
11/23/2019 04:44:34 pm
11/23/2019 05:10:24 pm
So it's your dream to insert your penis into my anus? Many have dreamt this dream. I'll just think about baseball, but Yog Sothoth doesn't want to know what you're thinking of.
Oral Roberts
11/23/2019 07:25:02 pm
Kent/AmericanNegro loves to work a wide range of overt sexual references into his insults of others. When the tables turn even slightly he is suddenly puritannical in his attitude toward internet smack talk.
11/23/2019 07:40:03 pm
Oral's link:
Gary Glitter
11/23/2019 08:00:27 pm
Word is that Kent actually deeply resents his parents. Says his Father in particular did not rear him properly. That's why he manages to work in sexual references on a regular basis and then makes an issue of it when someone else brings it up from time to time. Lifelong sexual frustration complicated by the court ordered chemical castration that leaves only this blog as an outlet for his impulses especially since the local public library put in that porn filter on their network.
11/23/2019 08:13:53 pm
Well everyone knows Joe Kent’s a raging hypocrite. so his flip flops concerning language aren’t a surprise.
Cousin Walter
11/23/2019 08:20:33 pm
An Anonymous Nerd
11/23/2019 09:19:51 pm
Well looks like I triggered Mr. Scales, and a few others, again. I have, Mr. Scales, explained the wild conspiracy fantasy you supported in our exchange on the comments to this article:
11/23/2019 09:59:08 pm
The numbers vary a lot it seems. I get 43 then 42 results on 2 quick searches using what you posted. ( both said about 50 until the last page which showed the exact numbers.)
An Anonymous Nerd
11/23/2019 10:11:36 pm
[[So, to restrict a search to a certain site you type in what you are searching for, space, site: and then the site address ( correct ? ]]
11/23/2019 10:20:40 pm
Great,thanks !
Joe Scales
11/23/2019 10:42:58 pm
"I have, Mr. Scales, explained the wild conspiracy fantasy you supported in our exchange on the comments to this article..."
Pretentious Kent
11/23/2019 11:07:39 pm
Lupus non timet canem latrantem
11/24/2019 12:38:14 am
Kent: "Again, I think there's a lot of not understanding how Google works going on with you guys."
Phony Baloney Kent"s Cow
11/24/2019 01:33:03 am
ਮੂ ਮੂ
11/24/2019 03:04:37 am
Giorgio Crisp dude! Is that your best? Disappointing.
Joe Scales
11/24/2019 09:56:56 am
What's truly funny, is that these imbeciles are going on about how many times Podesta is mentioned everywhere except the specific point of my original post; in Jason's current review. And right there in a nutshell is why it's not worth attempting any sort of rational discourse with these people. Myopic partisanship runs too rampant within them. Again, why politics makes you sloppy and gives you the appearance of ignorance. That's always been my point; which they prove on a near constant basis.
11/24/2019 10:26:50 am
11/24/2019 10:50:47 am
11/24/2019 03:24:57 pm
I don't know this fellow, but he seems to have his head screwed on straight though we do part ways at some point..
11/24/2019 03:39:55 pm
I am going to quit talking to you now Joe.
11/24/2019 03:47:00 pm
Lance Corporal Obvious
11/24/2019 04:30:35 pm
Word on the street is that Kent can't stop self-incriminating when it comes to multiple troll identities. Just like he just did here. OOPS!
11/24/2019 05:05:13 pm
Hey Lance Corporal Obvious, what do you think of a white guy posing as a black guy spewing racist remarks about white people ?
11/24/2019 05:45:30 pm
That's a terrible thing to say about Premier Obama! Are you a closet Trumpinista? Say it ain't so! Jim.
11/24/2019 05:48:01 pm
Nice finds, Jim. I’d forgotten those prizewinning comments by our resident minstrel. A man after Trump’s own heart.
An Anonymous Nerd
11/24/2019 08:09:53 pm
[What's truly funny, is that these imbeciles are going on about how many times Podesta is mentioned everywhere except the specific point of my original post; in Jason's current review.]
Joe Scales
11/24/2019 09:38:07 pm
"You spread some bunk, and I debunked it."
11/24/2019 10:47:59 pm
Typical Joe/Kent. When he’s been owned and has got nothing to come back with, he starts spamming the same nonsense over and over in an endless loop of idiocy.
11/24/2019 11:07:01 pm
You know what's funny ?
Joe Scales
11/25/2019 11:51:22 am
Jim won't stop. Jim can't stop. He's obsessed with Wolter, so he pesters him nonstop creating multiple new screen names to do so on his blog. He's also obsessed with Patrick, whose facebook site Jim visits regularly, then Jim comes here to report on it despite having nothing to do with any topic Jason is currently covering. Likewise with his unhealthy fixation on Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. And these are just the ones we know of. Where else is this trolling and cyber-stalking taking place by this lunatic?
11/25/2019 01:02:28 am
..I recall back when Bill and Killery Clinton were in the White House the latter often referring to a "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"...can Jason Cabluto be so Nyeeve?
11/23/2019 01:51:30 pm
"Daddy Issues" might explain a great deal about the UFO conspiracy people. It might also explain the "taken", "sleep paralysis" and other stuff.
No One Cares
11/23/2019 09:50:27 pm
I think the Daddy Issues are quite clear in the opening of this review.
11/24/2019 08:25:50 am
Libs are only about conspiracies these days.
Prospero 45
11/24/2019 06:25:40 pm
As a frequent, but not daily visitor to this excellent website, I sometimes forget just how tedious and smug some of the regular commenters are. Thank you all for reminding me.
12/14/2019 10:30:53 am
Seconded, but then I'd (respectfully) also welcome fewer ad hominems from Jason. He sets the tone, after all.
11/25/2019 11:42:39 pm
I wonder if Scott Wolter is upset that he's been replaced by some younger dudes.
11/26/2019 02:02:19 am
Must be apologetic to the supernatural and paranormal found in The Bible and Judeo-Christianity. Don't forget that blah-blah-blah. You're probably connected with some preaching Ministry yourself.
John Q
1/10/2020 07:54:42 pm
You have no credibility anymore, typical fascist simpleton.
Nick Danger
2/25/2020 04:12:22 pm
"Also, fuck Tucker Carlson. That wannabe white nationalist is, of course, right at home on the History Channel, but in a better world he should be a persona non grata on any network with an ounce of respect for its audience."
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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