More to the point: The episode, following last week’s, serves as another excuse to recycle outtakes from their 2018 episode about Sardinia, which was literally called “Island of the Giants” and covered much of the same material. You can read my review for the background on the long history of trying to apply biblical giant mythology to Sardinia. Another chunk came from the 2014 In Search of Aliens episode “The Mystery of the Cyclops.” My review of that episode is here. I know the pandemic has wreaked havoc with TV production, but the blatant reuse of old material without even the gloss of pretending to be new is especially obvious and outrageous in this hastily fabricated pandemic season. Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Biblical Nephilim Again
12/11/2020 11:58:25 pm
Nephilim were simply the mighty enemies of ancient Judea - Goliath was depicted as a giant for that reason. Enemies were allowed to engage in nuptials with the females of the countries that they occupied - Patrick McGoohan who played Longshanks in "Braveheart" made that clear when he said the English conquerors had the right to have carnal relations with Scottish women.
Another 45 minute episode
12/12/2020 12:09:33 am
Another 45 minute episode that can be demolished in under 45 seconds
eric h
12/12/2020 12:56:06 am
If they think megafauna bones are from giants, wait until they discover the giant sloth coprolites in the American Southwest. Then, the unfossilized dung and skin in caves in South America will prove the Giants still walk among us!
Anthony G.
12/12/2020 02:28:52 am
"The segment describes the cart ruts on Malta, previously seen on both Ancient Aliens and In Search of Aliens, and which I covered in my earlier review."
12/15/2020 11:10:50 pm
Anthony G
12/17/2020 12:43:41 am
You're the guy who got this wrong: "I think it's 0.6° separation."
Anthony G.
12/20/2020 09:26:18 am
"How does your imaginary team get the 50 ton stones up the ramp?"
12/22/2020 03:29:40 pm
You sound like someone who's never actually tried it.
Anthony G.
12/22/2020 08:56:02 pm
This is easily demonstratable with a brick, marble, and pencils. You can use spaghetti noodles instead of pencils if you want to go really slow.
12/23/2020 10:57:14 am
Anthony is correct.
12/23/2020 04:29:29 pm
Jim, Thank you but I don't do undescribed youtube links ever since getting hit with a salespitch for handcrafted Bic lighter sheaths. Stranger danger.
Anthony G.
12/31/2020 05:37:03 am
Thanks, Jim. That's pretty much the same idea. I did like his metal contraptions for pushing stones along. You can do something similar by attaching logs, or wood bundles. Allows you to go uphill and put on the brakes.
12/12/2020 09:00:01 am
Ancient Aliens reminds me of an old farmer who had a mule. He told me that I can think of my mule as a race horse, but thinking it is anything other then a mule still doesn't make it a race horse.
Doc rock
12/12/2020 11:43:15 am
If there were once giants roaming about all over you would think that some of their remains would still pop up from time to time. Hard to believe that every last great pumpkin sized skull had been found and consigned to the Smithsonian's super secret burn site over a century ago.
E.P. Grondine
12/12/2020 12:19:42 pm
Good morning -
12/12/2020 12:31:20 pm
I am taking no credit for Mayor's work. If you clicked the link I provided, you'd see that she was recapping a widely reported Victorian conclusion that fell into abeyance in the 20th century. I only point out that I have collected that 19th century material to make obvious what has been known for centuries.
E.P. Grondine
12/12/2020 10:24:02 pm
Hi Jason - A plug by name for her work would have been nice.
12/12/2020 01:20:17 pm
E.P. :
E.P. Grondine
12/12/2020 10:27:53 pm
Hi Jim -
12/13/2020 08:45:21 am
The other crap I cite is directly from Jason Jarrell's Blogsite where he and his wife appear to concoct some bizarre conspiracy theory whereby Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates and Jarad Kushner are in cahoots with Trump (the first Beast or political ruler) to use the covid vaccine to lay the mark of the beast on the American public and thereby allow the devil to steal the souls hundreds of millions of Americans.
William Smith
12/13/2020 10:42:46 am
Keep up the fight E.P. Grondine - you will find the monkeys in the trees that have a alligator mouth and a hummingbird ass will always talk like Kent and Jim. Their speciality is to through shit on the wall to see if it sticks.
12/13/2020 10:50:31 am
Why would Dragoo be called a wacko? He conducted excavations that uncovered skeletal remains that field measurements estimated to be a bit over 7 feet.
12/13/2020 02:44:59 pm
Dragoo is a whacko, as big a whacko as Jason Jarrell. Have to side with Enemy From The North on this one. He's often wrong ("no Search function"!) but you have a history of aggressive nonsense and a pottymouth..
12/13/2020 06:01:45 pm
Ah, Billy Smithy, nice to see you. Believe your comment is quite fitting for yourself. There is no one who can sling it like you. You and Eddy P are almost, not there yet, but near to the likes of Wolter, Muir and Ruh. You and Eddy P could be considered the sidekicks of stupidity. Maybe your beloved Sclovus got wacked by a comet impact while he was grinding magnetite.
Doc Rock
12/16/2020 11:23:23 am
E.P. Grondine
12/16/2020 11:51:42 am
"Don Dragoo was a respected professional archaeologist who did a metric butt ton of fieldwork and produced dozens of site reports, articles, and monographs. He simply reported on uncovering skeletal remains estimated at around 7'2" at a site. He wasn't a wacko but rather has had this information appropriated by wackos to support the existence of nephilim, a race of giant Indians, supersized Israelites or whatever nonsense wacko people might come up with if they hear about an NBA sized skeleton popping up.."
12/12/2020 01:28:20 pm
"I'd like top mention how amusing it is to have shit thrown at me"
E.P. Grondine
12/12/2020 10:36:09 pm
Why hello Kent -
12/13/2020 12:27:38 pm
So, Eddy P, you refer to hard data. Where is it? Where is your actual proof of impacts during the time period you refer to? Where is your proof of sea-faring copper trading giants? Your hard data resides in your imagination only next to what you are smoking at your pow-wows. Science is science, history is history, and Eddy P is, well, you know.......
E.P. Grondine
12/14/2020 09:32:52 am
Hi Paul -
12/14/2020 01:03:01 pm
12/14/2020 01:46:00 pm
There may be some valid research in the three you list but as Kent mentions, there is a lot of wacko also. Not interested in pursuing your wacko train. As for primacy, you can jump off that boat, too. Halley, Donnelly and a host of others came before you and many will come after. The only thought process that you are using is an imaginary connect the dot and whack the moles. Your cosmology is not well thought out, nor rational. So, you insult. Oh, why didn't the bison die off in your extinction event? Or any of the other mega fauna across the world? The impacts were extensive but the effects were localized? You got nothin".
12/14/2020 03:12:58 pm
E.P. Grondine
12/15/2020 10:04:34 pm
Paul -
Bubba Alzheimer
12/17/2020 06:40:54 am
I dont think that megafauna means what EP thinks that it means. The American Bison is as big or bigger than pleistocene horses and ate as much or more.
P.G. Grenadine
12/12/2020 12:28:28 pm
The height gene is EXPRESSED!!! Like my glands. mtDNA, the haplogroup! PIE! Even today Indian giants are hidden on the reservations. I am 1/8 Merovingian, I have given you my DNA.
Bob Jase
12/14/2020 04:45:19 pm
1/8 Merovingian? Your family musta really been into incest for that to be true after 30 generations.
The Rooster
12/12/2020 06:03:36 pm
Great post Jason! Absolutely ferocious.
The Rooster
12/12/2020 07:37:55 pm
The Rooster
12/12/2020 09:02:34 pm
So? Look.
The Rooster
12/12/2020 10:30:21 pm
And? Why's it Men?
The Rooster
12/14/2020 01:55:53 am
William Smith
12/13/2020 10:31:02 am
The Giants are a subject that is often depicted as real from an early age like the Jack and the bean stalk story. The Grave Creek Tablet Vindication by Michael Burk was just released. His short story is a report of only the facts and original notes of the on site personal Abelard Tomlinson who found the tablet in the upper Grave Creek Mound Chamber in 1838. When you challenge these stories you find in most cases the potential mistakes made by early explorers just may have a different story. The tablet was said to have been found in the upper mound chamber between a 11 foot giants legs. Then reported at another set of notes was the giant was 7 feet tall. The double standard of size is not the only give away because the notes also indicate the tablet was first discovered by a helper as he unloaded a wheelbarrow of dirt.
12/13/2020 06:33:35 pm
Ah yes, William Smith, the idiot who thinks magnets have "declination" based on where you dig them up and that there's such a thing as a non-magnetic compass needle..
William Smith
12/17/2020 09:03:24 am
Any Boy or Girl Scout will tell you the magnetic needle on your compass hand will be off if you travel east or west. Most aircraft pilots, ship navigators and all Portuguese sailers and over 90% of high school graduates understood this natural declination. Drake mentions it in his log book many times in the 1500s. It came in play around 1250 from Arabia to the Western Europe. It was used and taught at Henry the Navigators school of navigation which was for many years the military secret that allowed Portugal to lead during the age of discovery. It was the basis for the construction of the lodestone compass found in a cave in N.Y. by Jackson and ended up with Don Rhu which allowed Scott Wolter and Zena Halbbern to fabricate bull shit stories for publication. As for magnets their are natural and manufactured. Natural can be found by measuring thereon content in any stone. When you are looking for natural magnets you can use a simple man made hand held compass by holding it next to a stone. White stones have little iron and in most cases are non-magnetic, Dark or red stones in many cases have iron in their make up and will deflect the compass needle. A good example of the use of stones of color during construction of ancient sites is the Newport tower. The white non-magnetic stones identify alignment to true north. The dark magnetic stones are used to identify magnetic north. The builders marks at the top north of the tower consist of two triangle stones. A white non-magnetic stone marks true north and a dark magnetic stone marks magnetic north at the time of construction. They indicate a 17 degree positive reading as read on the compass and represented by the cartographer during construction by a hooked X with the hook on the right leg to indicate the position of the magnetic needle on the lodestone compass hand.This hooked X is used only in the USA and 22 times on the Kensington Rune Stone and 74 times on the Spirit Pond stones. All were carved by John Scolvus when he was the Cartographer from Denmark sailing with fleet commander from Portugal Joao Corte Real. Today the declination at Newport is 15 degrees west as it drifts east over time. The last time it was 17 degrees was late 1472. Also recorded on the Naragansentte Bay rune stone. The 17 degrees at the 41N latitude today is about 300 miles east in the Atlantic. The Kensington Rune Stone is located on the zero magnetic declination line and is supported by the many triangle drilled holes to gather local magnetite to activate the lodestone compass. This took place in 1472. The 1362 date on the stone land claim was back dated by John to re-claim the pole line made 65 miles west of Kensington by an earlier expedition. Speculation is that Pal Knutson was the first to mark the west boundary of Vinland, because the mothers of the Kings of Portugal and Denmark were sisters and well aware of the New World called Vinland from the legends of the Viking fisherman and the sisters family history. Yes you can make a non-magnetic needle of .020 shim stock and place it in a plastic cup lid on top of a film of water and hold it over a dark stone to function as a compass or you can hold a known magnet under the needle and turn it as desired. Any idiot can do that. Yes their are additional stones that support the KRS, however Scott Wolter does not have the list.
12/17/2020 07:14:15 pm
Billy, you pound a rock to smithereens, dump it into another rock and the needle points to a meaningless direction. Kinda like your thoughts.
12/13/2020 08:11:05 pm
I know I am going to regret this but:
William Smith
12/17/2020 09:40:09 am
Fish net anchors were used in nets when removing the cod fish from the stone V man made fish traps that still exist today off the shore of Newport R.I. Today these stone V traps are about 5 feet lower than when in use by the Portuguese fisherman at low tide. Small 8 man boats were used as tender ships for the main Caravel.
12/18/2020 08:47:25 pm
Billy, since the Grave Creek stone is a proven fraud, your whole theory goes in the trash bin.
E.P. Grondine
12/14/2020 09:50:39 am
Hi William -
William Smith
12/14/2020 12:28:25 pm
EP - Thanks for the advice on the Grave Creek Tablet and reported Giants found with it. My research is unrelated to the people mentioned who have expressed their opinion and end the end claim it is another fake. Lepper can say it is a fake, He has claimed other stones as fake, however he can not back up his fake claim. I can not post on this site the photo of the reproduced Grave Creek Stone, however the top three lines consisting of 25 symbols (not letters) are a message that explains the location and supports the 4th line map on the stone. The map shows the voyage starting in the mid-atlantic 6 magnetic declination degrees west of Portugal main land at zero declination, it ends at zero pole line marked at Kensington Mn. with a longitude mark to identify the grave creek location the journey to west Vinland. I frankly do not give a dam what Lepper, Wolter, and many on this site try to attach to unsupported facts.
12/14/2020 08:44:16 pm
Priceless, Billy and Eddy arguing unsupported facts.......
William Smith
12/15/2020 09:34:01 am
This is not at all to distract from Lepper, Jason , Wolter, EP or the Smithsonian or any one else, however when you look at the poor research and what replaces a giant in an Indian mound that has a tablet with 14th century markings and a map at its bottom may for ever be hard to prove as fact. When you look at the published history and not physical evidence you will see the publishers of the history are the problem. The Smithsonian is at the top of the list of poor handlers in that they lost the original tablet and published giant skeleton. After the experts have voiced their expert opinion over the years and the 11 foot giant was reduced to 7 foot as well as the original tablet is lost and replaced with clay copies. Any opinion can work today, hell you could say the Templars shit the tablet and a big Templar died from constapation.
E.P. Grondine
12/15/2020 11:55:41 am
Hi William -
William Smith
12/15/2020 05:36:35 pm
EP - No problem, I will not address the second half of the Michael Corte Real journey, as it supports the first half. This link may show one side of the coin, however the back side ends up in New Mexico, not by Spanish but Portuguese and Hebrews.
12/15/2020 09:00:18 pm
Billy and Eddy, need to look up James W Clemens, probably even here on Jason’s blog. As for short legged bison, there were plains bison and woodland bison, but bison with short legs? Maybe try pigs. And misidentifying a bison skeleton for a human giant? Last time I saw bison they had hooves and horns. Now if you were talking about Vikings.....
12/15/2020 11:21:55 pm
Miguel Corte-Real was a Portuguese, not very popular with Canadian American Indians. Evidence of his reaching what is now the U.S. is best described as as skimpy.
E.P. Grondine
12/16/2020 12:14:30 pm
Paul - Anyone and everyone who works through Eastern mid-atlantic area contact records is familiar with the Easter Bison. Your own ignorance of them is not my problem.
12/16/2020 05:21:38 pm
Eddy, what the hell is an Easter bison?
E.P. Grondine
12/16/2020 08:33:58 pm
Paul - Eastern bison were animals about which you know nothing. But then as you are not an archaeologist or historian working with contact period records, you have no immediate need to know anything about them.
12/17/2020 03:36:22 pm
Eddy, you might get a check when your information sells. Unfortunately for you, pseudo is bull****. As for your eastern bison, the ones that you refer to, the ones that went extinct, how do you know their jumping habits? Forgot more about bison than you will know.
William Smith
12/17/2020 06:06:49 pm
E.P. - You do not need help, however in that Kent made a statement that Michael Corte Real was known in ancient Canadian Indian folk lore is bull shit again. Michael Corte Real was never in contact with Canadian Indians.
12/18/2020 08:54:10 pm
Billy, that is funny. You have to cite a government document about bison. Shows you do not know what you are talking about. You are probably one of those guys that are looking in the distance when walking through a cattle yard. And you still have not explained how anyone digging in graves can mistake a bison skeleton for a human skeleton.
12/19/2020 09:52:11 pm
12/13/2020 12:51:37 pm
Pardon my off topic post but I thought some here might find this humorously interesting.
Great stuff
12/13/2020 06:08:19 pm
Thanks for that info.
12/13/2020 10:17:16 pm
Actually baptismal records were introduced in the early ADs, in a little place called Galilee.
A Difference
12/14/2020 12:47:33 pm
There's a difference between a Census and a Baptismal Register and that - assuming for argument's sake - there was a historical Jesus - could not have exited before his alleged death and resurrection.
12/14/2020 04:20:42 pm
So the name John the Baptist doesn't ring even the tiniest bell with you? Ever heard of a book called the Bible? Pretty sure it records a Baptism but you probably know best.
John the obvious
12/14/2020 07:18:12 pm
Joe kent is whipping up a great fruit salad with that apples and oranges logic.
12/15/2020 03:13:15 am
Even assuming that John the Baptist existed, how can a Census be accepted as a Baptism Register (duh, accepting Luke's Nativity story is historically factual, since it is contradicted by Matthews nativity story).
12/15/2020 10:02:11 am
Looks like Muir is not the only one trying to get on the Trump gravy train.
12/16/2020 09:39:46 am
12/15/2020 10:27:54 am
Further to Pulitzer's nonsense, it looks like one of the top Trumpy lawyers has taken up the call !!!!
12/15/2020 08:06:12 pm
Leaving aside the many many many enormous problems with the Biblical account of the Census of Quirinius, leaving aside the scholarly consensus, we can absolutely *ignore* the problems with the varying Nativity accounts disagreeing because the supposed baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist supposedly happened when he was around 30 years old, far from any Nativity account.
12/16/2020 12:39:08 pm
What are you talking about Kent ?
12/16/2020 04:04:54 pm
In the sense that "in the Jordan River" is a technical geographical term for "five miles north of the Dead Sea" you are quite correct. If you want to argue that Galilee ended at the water's edge, that's your lookout.
12/16/2020 07:42:22 pm
Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River almost 90 miles south of the southern-most boundary of Galilee.
12/17/2020 05:01:44 pm
Yeah, where have we heard these stories before. I seem to recall when Trump was elected president, that some news hounds with AP or some other agency ,went to the town his grandfather or great grandfather lived in before coming to America. The citizens were asked Aren't you excited about this?"The president coming from your town? And the answer was Nah.They could have cared less. And everyone is a merovingian nowadays and everyone a Knights Templar. I could claim I'm related to Mad Ludwig of Bavaria and Kaiser Wilhelm too.Who knows, maybe I am, but right now any trip to Nuremberg to see the family history book is out of the question. Grandma definetly had relatives who were knights, only they belonged to the Livonian Knights of the Sword in Riga.The Gestapo ferreted that out when her first cousin,Reinhold von Lilienschild was accused of being jewish.Wasn't jewish at all, but fled Germany because they were going to arrest him anyways. Think this business with Trump is a pipe dream.
E.P. Grondine
12/17/2020 01:40:30 pm
"Don Dragoo was a respected professional archaeologist who did a metric butt ton of fieldwork and produced dozens of site reports, articles, and monographs. He simply reported on uncovering skeletal remains estimated at around 7'2" at a site. He wasn't a wacko but rather has had this information appropriated by wackos to support the existence of nephilim, a race of giant Indians, supersized Israelites or whatever nonsense wacko people might come up with if they hear about an NBA sized skeleton popping up.."
12/17/2020 03:34:56 pm
The "wackos" are easy to identify.
E.P. Grondine
12/17/2020 06:39:03 pm
"The "wackos" are easy to identify."
Doc rock
12/17/2020 04:44:26 pm
I think it is time to break out that bottle of absinthe that I have been saving for a particularly rainy intellectual day.
E.P. Grondine
12/17/2020 06:44:46 pm
I do not know if you could sneak absinthe into the bar at the AAA, but you have stumbled into material that could serve you well for the rest of your career, if you have guts enough to use it. In the end, sticking with the data will serve you well.
12/17/2020 07:12:08 pm
And I'm going to treat my body like an amusement park with a Glamour magazine but in either case I fail to see the relevance.
E.P. Grondine
12/18/2020 08:38:40 pm
Kent, you fail to see the relevance because you do not work in this field.
Doc rock
12/19/2020 02:40:50 am
I'm retired so there is no rest of my career to be served well by acknowledging that a relatively well known monograph mentions a set of skeletal remains that were estimated to be roughly the same height as the center on my favorite college basketball team.
E.P. Grondine
12/19/2020 09:55:10 am
Hi Doc -
12/19/2020 02:34:42 pm
"Kent, you fail to see the relevance because you do not work in this field."
12/17/2020 05:09:56 pm
"The last time I spoke with him, Jason Jarrell had enough excavation reports on the large sized skeletons to fill yet another book. Take a look, as he is no crank."
E.P. Grondine
12/18/2020 08:21:29 pm
Ales Hrdlicka was a well known racist. His suppression of large Native American remains is well known.
12/18/2020 11:33:58 pm
Are those two sentences connected ? Or do you and your buddies always start with character assassination,, seems to be becoming a bit of a pattern.
12/22/2020 05:37:42 pm
I for one would be interested in hearing Mr. Grondine laying out the details of Mr. Hrdlička's racism. I'm always up for a good dancing bear show.
12/17/2020 07:18:15 pm
“We have this peculiar situation where the field is split into two factions, those who have excavated these remains and those who do not know s*** but are very willing to vocally share their ignorance.”
E.P Grondine
12/18/2020 08:30:37 pm
Hi Paul -
12/19/2020 12:22:04 am
No need, Eddy P. Could not stomach your garbage. See there is a Holocene Impact Working Group composed of actual, researchers with credentials, that has been around long before you put out your self-published nonsense. Why have they not asked you to be in their group or cited your work? Think that even you can figure that out.
12/19/2020 10:10:55 am
Hi Paul -
William Smith
12/19/2020 10:13:24 am
EP - I agree with your work and process for looking at traditional histories and excavation reports. The subject of The Grave CreeTablet is best recapped in the 2020 book on the same by Michael Burk. The base of this short publication is the personal Notebooks of Delf Norona. Well worth the $7.00 from Amazon. When you look at the details of the actual finders notes you will read of another small tablet that was discarded. What is not in the book and my reason of interest in the subject is other fish net anchors that help translate the 25 symbols and map that is on the clay cast of this well studied artifact. The book only reports the finding facts and following miss-handling of the same. It is the modern day self appointed experts like Scott Wolter, Jim, Kent, Paul that distort and confuse the listeners who want the truth.
William Smith
12/19/2020 10:31:28 am
E.P - This is to let you know the THOR group backs your professional manner of research and will always share information that may lead to the facts. The group of three on this site continue to talk with a alligator mouth and a humming bird ass. A good example (Ah, Billy Smithy, nice to see you. Believe your comment is quite fitting for yourself. There is no one who can sling it like you. You and Eddy P are almost, not there yet, but near to the likes of Wolter, Muir and Ruh. You and Eddy P could be considered the sidekicks of stupidity. Maybe your beloved Sclovus got wacked by a comet impact while he was grinding magnetite.) I assure you people who can not read or understand a compass are lost.
12/19/2020 03:39:16 pm
Don't see where HIWG is exclusive to geologists and I would hope that there will continue to be reputable archaeologists and historians working the Andaste and every other nations' history indefinitely. That is more your hell. Just as science is.
12/19/2020 03:09:30 pm
William Smith
12/19/2020 03:19:41 pm
I find it amusing when the self appointed experts show their stupidity when using Star War movies as a reference to the history and legends of the Native Americans. (Miguel Corte-Real was a Portuguese, not very popular with Canadian American Indians. Evidence of his reaching what is now the U.S. is best described as as skimpy.
12/22/2020 06:39:12 pm
Still not Star Wars. Dude, what the heck is your major malfunction?
E.P. Grondine
12/19/2020 07:16:06 pm
Well, Paul, once again you are demonstrating your complete ignorance of the field.
12/22/2020 07:52:04 pm
What field are you talking of other than those who are suffering from some type of insanity? You certainly have no particular claim on any type of esoteric knowledge. And you certainly are not rational. And you certainly aren’t part Shawnee, the insane Dr Muir proved that in a 2015 exchange with you. So to put it nicely, about the only field that I see you in is one deep in bull****.
E.P. Grondine
7/1/2024 06:10:26 pm
Hi Paul -
William Smith
12/22/2020 05:25:12 pm
Their is no 1488 on the Grave Creek Stone. The stone was carved in or after 1511 and is supported by 19 other stones on the Michael Corte Expedition that started in 1502. Michael was a fisherman and navigator that did not have runic skills other than symbols and maps relating to the secrets of the Portuguese Knights of Christ lodestone compass and magnetic declination. Their are over 20 stones and sights that support one another as well as Native American Indian legends. Check the legend at The Falls of the Ohio, when you study the 6 knights in armor, coins and Turkish Helmet with a m=nose guard. The experts call it a Spanish Helmet however the Spanish had no nose guard. The 25 symbols on the Grave Creek stone are (With a sun dial compass- the latitude reading- at this location- pointing north -the sun dial -new reading of latitude -is one unit less -than old latitude,- the west longitude - is lower -than the old,- the new longitude east and west- is getting less- as measured with the sun dial -at true north-. At our old sun dial location- were attacked by native Americans with- bow and arrow,- We are Knights of Christ (represented by the triangle as on the Newport Tower).- The map below shows we are from the east coast going to west Vinland.)
12/22/2020 06:24:14 pm
So you're all in with the No 1488 Faction? You seem to present a translation ("We are Knights of Christ..."). Would you care to outline how you arrived at it?
12/22/2020 07:54:27 pm
Certainly, the Grave Creek Stone was carved after 1511, try something like 1830. Can you spell H-O-A-X?
12/23/2020 03:38:45 pm
"If anyone knows how to correct Wikipedia, I'd like to know."
Anthony G.
12/23/2020 10:36:29 am
Mr. Smith,
William Smith
12/31/2020 01:19:48 pm
It would be good to understand what the hell you are talking about and just why you are stating I said the bull shit you address as on Wikipedia. I do not connect the North Star or any other star but the sun to navigation. You need to re-read the post to see who is full of shit SIR before you continue to express your stupidity.
Anthony G.
1/1/2021 10:52:11 pm
Yes, William. I got two super spreaders confused after reading their online bromance of bullshit. It happens when a new muscle relaxer kicks in on you halfway through. I stand behind everything, I said. You are one of many who simply makes up shit and quote from Wikipedia like it's the infallible online Word of God. It's not. I simply provided one example, where they attribute something to a 17th century person which can actually be traced back to the 1400s. I was making an analogy between Wikipedia and you, William. Your information is hundreds of years too late to be relevant to the discussion.
William Smith
1/2/2021 10:20:56 am
Anthony- At least I give you credit for correcting your statements which is more than the other self appointed experts on this site.
1/2/2021 02:25:16 pm
Perfect logic. To use false and acknowledged hoaxes to prove an additional hoax. Makes perfect sense, not. What an idiot!
1/2/2021 04:51:59 pm
"6- The 4 sites and stones in New Mexico
1/3/2021 06:18:28 pm
That's interesting.
William Smith
12/23/2020 10:53:24 am
THOR can support 1511 on the Grave Creek Stone - Unlike Kent 1488 date or Paul's 1830 date. Which has no basis. THOR can also support the 1472 carving date on the KRS. and will do so in short time.
12/23/2020 03:18:40 pm
It's totes adorbs that you think I was presenting the number as a date. I simply asked a question. The object of the exercise was to get you to say the number over and over. Think about it.
William Smith
1/2/2021 01:49:57 pm
THOR can also support the 1888 date on the Kansas City Slater Rune Stone, because we went to the site with a group of researchers who took soil core samples that indicated the site was not old, however after proper translation of the runic letters and symbols on the stone we found it was carved in 1888 by Mr Slater in recognition to a wedding. Our work is recorded with the State of MO. archaeology department and is the only academic rune stone in the USA that is recorded and accepted as authentic.
1/2/2021 08:15:50 pm
It would be interesting to hear how your "team" dated the dirt.t
William Smith
1/2/2021 09:36:30 pm
Paul and Kent use the acknowledged hoaxes, and the sniff and if test to do research. Their words not mine. I guess that is a good way to say they have their head up their ass.
William Smith
1/2/2021 10:15:56 pm
Kent - You do not use the sniff or if test. You use a test approved by the state you are researching for testing Stone Age under the soil. You first contact the state agriculture department and find out how much time it takes to make virgin soil in the area you are working. You then take a core sample of the soil with a soil extractor tube that is calibrated in cm,s. You sift 1 cm at a time through 4 stages of screen and record the stones in size, and numbers for each cm of soil. When all stones have been removed from the core sample in their proper depth from the surface you look at each stone under microscope to see if it is formed with a chisel and has sharp corners or if it has rounded corners formed by nature. When you find the depth of soil above the sharp corner chips collected below the rock carving you compare this to the new soil rate from the Agriculture department. In the case of the Kansas City Slater stone the chips were less than 1 cm below the surface and the rate for that location was 1 cm/100 years. This made the carving date of 1900 +_ 50 years, 2010 - 100 years = 1910 =or- 50. OR 1888. THIS SOIL TESTING PROCESS WAS MADE BY MYSELF AND APPROVED BY DR RALPH ROWLETT (RETIRED PROFESSOR IN ARCHAEOLOGY AT UNIVERSITY OF MO.) It was also used at The Newport Tower, The Heavener Oklahoma site and a few others like the Michael Corte Real camp site in Northern Mass. (500 years old). I am a retired engineer and proof is at the six sigma level which separates it from fact and fiction.
1/2/2021 10:59:51 pm
So you date dirt by looking for stones with corners. When were chisels invented son? The Egyptians had chisels. SMFH.
1/3/2021 12:03:59 am
1/3/2021 12:44:23 am
And just maybe, the carver had dated the stone 1888? Christ.
1/3/2021 03:39:23 pm
"You use a test approved by the state you are researching for testing Stone Age under the soil."
William Smith
1/3/2021 10:21:31 am
Paul and Kent _ I do address rational people, that is why I choose to not address you as I have stated in the past on this site. GOODBY
1/3/2021 03:30:36 pm
1/3/2021 04:21:02 pm
1/3/2021 06:53:55 pm
Billy M Goodby, has a nice ring to it. Perhaps it will stick this time. As for your delusional, fantastical unreality, perhaps you should check in with Hear they do wonderful work. Perhaps you could get Eddy to join you since he claims to be Shawnee. I would believe your THOR group would find an appointment acceptable, especially as THOR consists of you, your wife, dog and one other.
Not William Smith
1/3/2021 06:58:41 pm
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January 2025