In only the second episode of In Search of Aliens, it has quickly become clear that the “aliens” in the title are little more than window dressing for what is otherwise a rather amorphous program that orbits around two foci: Giorgio Tsoukalos’s cult of personality and the broadest definition of fringe culture. This episode, S01E02 “Nazi Time Travelers,” focuses on the so-called Nazi Bell or Die Glocke, a device with which I was not familiar before Ancient Aliens started going on about it on various episodes. Tsoukalos, however, descended into the disturbing in this episode, explicitly citing an anti-Semitic book banned in many Europe countries as a source, and asking a man with documented racist opinions to discuss the Nazi Master Race and their achievements. The sad thing is that I don’t think anyone involved on this show—from Tsoukalos himself down to the production staff—has any idea what kind of material they are putting out on the air. It turns out there was a good reason I hadn’t heard of the Bell. The story of the Bell begins in 2000 when a Polish journalist named Igor Witkowski claimed that a Polish military official showed him secret documents describing the so-called Nazi time machine in 1997. The Bell does not have any independent evidence to confirm its existence, and these alleged documents have never been revealed because, conveniently, Witkowski said he was not allowed to make copies. From here, the story entered fringe culture through the work of Nick Cook, Joseph P. Farrell, and Jim Marrs. The Discovery Channel, the Science Channel, and Ancient Aliens all broadcast speculative claims about the device, culminating now in In Search of Aliens devoting a full hour to a device few outside of fringe culture think actually existed. In short, it looks to be a hoax, or at least a wild exaggeration. Tsoukalos is devoting this hour to Nazi occult interests and so-called Wonder Weapons, particularly the Bell, using recycled animation from Ancient Aliens. Tsoukalos asks whether aliens were behind the Nazis’ wonder weapons. If so, they did a piss poor job of it. Tsoukalos opens the show by claiming that some believe the Nazi scientists who were brought to the United States after World War II were “diabolical minds” who brought “secret knowledge that may have had an extraterrestrial origin.” He meets with Witkowski and simply accepts Witkowski’s version of events at face value, which is sad because there is no documentary proof that anything Witkowski says is actually true. The show does not give the audience enough information to understand the threadbare evidence for Witkowski’s views. According to Witkowski, the Nazis were engaged in Project Chronos, which Tsoukalos says is named for “the Titan god of Time,” and thus refers to time travel. He is following late Alexandrine confusion in which Chronos (Time) was conflated with the Titan Kronos (Cronus), the king of the gods before Zeus. Chronos was a personification of time and not one of the Titans. Although it is a very small point, the confusion over the word Titan shows that Tsoukalos (and his researchers) know very little of the mythology they claim to have mastered. Witkowski and Tsoukalos travel to “The Henge” near the Wenceslaus mine, a famous 1943 or 1944 concrete ring vaguely resembling Stonehenge that fringe theorists suggest was used as a launch pad for the Bell. The structure is almost certainly the remains of a planned industrial cooling tower at a Nazi research base. “I’m speechless right now,” Tsoukalos says. “I don’t even know what I’m looking at.” Witkowski claims that there is an entire buried city beneath the Henge, and the two men explore various tunnels and bunkers. Witkowski claims that the Bell was an anti-gravity device caused by a “high energy vortex,” whatever that is supposed to mean. Tsoukalos says that the vortex can be caused by spinning balls of mercury, which he likens to floating UFOs. The show gives us a shot of Witkowski’s book, open to the page where there is a drawing (known to me only from internet postings) of a flying saucer labeled the Vril 9, named for Theosophy’s adaptation of the science fiction substance vril, from Bulwer-Lytton’s novel, The Coming Race. Here’s the hilarious part: Tsoukalos refers to vril as a form of “power in ancient Tibetan and Sanskrit texts.” Yes, the “ancient texts” written by Helena Blavatsky in the 1870s and 1880s, based on an 1871 sci-fi novel. Great work, Giorgio! Witkowski agrees that vril is an antigravity power source. After the break, Tsoukalos visits a gorgeous building in Lower Silesia that I would very much like to have known more about. Instead, Tsoukalos tells us that it “has been widely reported” that the Nazis were obsessed with obtaining religious artifacts and studying the occult. Well, Heinrich Himmler was for sure, but the Nazis in general? Not so much.
The more Witkowski talks the more obvious it is that his ideas are just a recycled reflection of 1960s fringe claims about Nazi occult science, such as those from Morning of the Magicians. He asserts that the Nazis incorporated ancient secrets into their technology and that they were searching for alien life. Tsoukalos likens the Nazi UFO to vimanas from “ancient Hindu texts.” Just as he did on Ancient Aliens an hour earlier, Tsoukalos conflates the actual Sanskrit epics with a fake one written in the early 1900s. My criticism from the previous hour still stands: Claims for Hindu flying saucers come from the “Vaimanika Shastra, an early twentieth century fraud that falsely claimed to be an ‘ancient’ text channeled psychically from the past. The Mahabharata has no flying UFO-like spacecraft. It has flying chariots and floating cities, and the Ramayana even has flying palaces transporting monkeys.” Tsoukalos sees the flying palaces and flying cars with giant wheels as uncannily similar to modern UFOs. He also likens the shape of the Bell to Buddhist stupas, a claim he made long ago on Ancient Aliens. This is all silly stuff, but suddenly the show takes a very dark turn. Tsoukalos cites Jan Van Helsing’s 1993 book Secret Societies, and this is extraordinarily disturbing because, as I reported in reviewing an episode of Ancient Aliens years ago, “Van Helsing’s name is a pseudonym, chosen in honor of the famous vampire hunter, because van Helsing believed Jews were bloodsuckers who used the Brotherhood of the Snake to control the world.” The author, whose real name is Jan Udo Holey, had his books banned in France (where he was convicted of inciting anti-Semitic hatred) and other European countries for their anti-Semitic claims. (Van Helsing claims he is not anti-Semitic, just opposed to the stranglehold Jews have over global finance and culture.) Let us very clearly state this: Giorgio Tsoukalos is citing an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist who believes in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to “prove” that the Nazis captured a flying saucer in the 1930s. More bluntly: In a show about Nazis, he is citing an anti-Semitic author on the glorious achievements of Nazism. What is wrong with the H2 network? Why do they keep going into the depths of racism and anti-Semitism? I’m also uncomfortable with Tsoukalos returning to Switzerland (well, let’s be frank: they filmed all the Swiss scenes in the series at once) to speak with Erich von Däniken about Nazis. I am uncomfortable again because von Däniken has expressed wildly racist views. In Signs of the Gods (1981) he once wrote, “Was the black race a failure and did the extraterrestrials change the genetic code by gene surgery and then programme a white or a yellow race?” Asking a racist to comment on the Master Race is rather awkward in the best of cases. I don’t think Tsoukalos has ever though through his sources deeply enough to realize that he’s working with racist and anti-Semitic material. Von Däniken asserts that stupas are stone copies of flying saucers, but the stupas did not originate as bells but rather as burial mounds. The bell shape is a stylization of the original “heap”-shaped burial mound. Von Däniken bizarrely asserts next that Lord Pacal of Palenque’s famous coffin lid depicts a stupa (!) despite not being bell-shaped. It is, he said, “a flying machine.” You can only make it look triangular by picking and choosing which lines to highlight on the rectangular coffin lid. “This is all garbage,” von Däniken says. Sadly, he’s not referring to his own ideas but rather to a straw man version of skeptics’ claims that mythology is fictional rather than a literal account of history. So does he accept that vimanas transported monkeys, as the Sanskrit texts claim? Or are those more of the Black people he thinks are a failed alien experiment. As he once wrote, “…in his new environment the black man would also have to lose his curly hair, his prominent dark eyes and protruding lips, otherwise he could never become a white man.” Translation: Blacks are primitive! Von Däniken asserts that Nazi rocket scientist Hermann Oberth and his colleagues “were studying the Hindu and the Vedic texts, definitely.” He claims Oberth told him that the Nazis were working on a bell-shaped device, but nothing von Däniken claims Oberth said supports the idea that they were actually adapting prehistoric technology. After the break, Tsoukalos decides to investigate whether time travel is possible. I don’t care about this because it has nothing to do with ancient history, but it’s worth noting that physicist and ufologist Stanton Friedman shows up to give Tsoukalos a lesson on time travel, at a diner in Pittsburgh. This quickly descends into allegations of a U.S. government UFO cover-up, though Friedman claims to have no knowledge of how any of this could relate to time travel. Tsoukalos wants to know if the Bell is aerodynamic—even though there is no Bell, no proof it existed, and no genuine documents to tell us what its exact shape (if it existed) actually was. Honestly, I skipped this segment because I did not care about watching wind tunnel tests of an imaginary version of the Bell—which doesn’t even match the computer graphics version used elsewhere in the show! This leads to the Kecksburg UFO event. Why? Because Joseph P. Farrell speculated that the 1965 Pennsylvania fireball was the Nazi Bell shooting forward in time. Ancient Aliens let Jim Marrs ramble on about this in S04E09 “The Time Travelers.” The allegation is that the object that crashed was cone-shaped. Some news reports claimed NASA said in 2005 that the object was a crashed Russian satellite, though those stories have since disappeared. Most skeptics and scientists believe it was a fireball meteor. Tsoukalos does not mention this and allows Stan Gordon to give a wide variety of fringe explanations, including antigravity technology and time machines. In a bit of fringe television circularity, the pair travel to view a model of the Kecksburg “object” that was actually created by Unsolved Mysteries and then gifted to the community. The model, located near the local fire station, is shaped like an upside down acorn, and Tsoukalos says it’s “sort of blowing my mind” because it looks somewhat (but not exactly) like the Nazi Bell (as most rounded cones do). No one mentions that the model was from Unsolved Mysteries, all the better to make it seem to be a quasi-official acknowledgement of the truth behind the crash event. So, as we sputter to a conclusion, Tsoukalos asks if a Nazi time machine crash landed in Pennsylvania in 1965. “I’m not saying this is what happened, but just the possibility is mind-blowing.” Unwittingly, Tsoukalos seems to have uncovered the raison d’être for science fiction. As H. P. Lovecraft said in the Whisperer in Darkness, “To shake off the maddening and wearying limitations of time and space and natural law—to be linked with the vast outside—to come close to the nighted and abysmal secrets of the infinite and the ultimate—surely such a thing was worth the risk of one’s life, soul, and sanity!” Some people find this release in fiction; others insist that fiction is fact in order to achieve that same level of mind-expanding bliss. And some people pretend that anti-Semites and racists have some good ideas about what the Nazis were really up to. Note: This post has been edited to remove the name of a Prometheus Entertainment staffer because she informed me she did not work on this particular episode.
8/2/2014 04:47:21 am
Time Travel is only something relevant to the fantasies of homo sapiens
8/2/2014 04:50:35 am
Time Travel scripts that have destroyed films
Titus pullo
8/4/2014 11:02:18 am
The final countdown or better called the final letdown
Lee Walker
2/10/2021 04:35:29 pm
Correct on both.
8/2/2014 04:51:54 am
They could do a spoof Terminator film where John Connor fathers himself
8/2/2014 05:22:27 am
The actual Terminator was odd enough: "Hey, Kyle, you're a rock solid dude - I'm gonna send you back in time to before you were born so you can plough my mom, create me, then die so we don't have any weird "Two Kyles, One John" thing. Awesome. Bon Voyage, etc., <hits teleporter>"
8/2/2014 08:16:09 pm
Time Travel is homo sapiens bullshit brain disease
Shawn Flynn
8/2/2014 04:55:03 am
I thought I saw the crazy haired bastard in town a while back. I remember thinking it wasn't him because why the hell would he be in Pittsburgh? I guess I shoud have known the answer was the obvious, "hindu alien time traveling Nazis". Do they have a fringe theory madlib book or something?
8/2/2014 04:55:41 am
So fictional archaeologist Indiana Jones punches Nazis.
8/2/2014 04:58:29 am
It did seem to be pro-Nazi propaganda in places, didn't it?
8/2/2014 05:07:09 am
I'm going off your description on this. You provide a valuable service because honestly, I can't stand tv at this point. I can handle bizarre and idiotic claims, but not at the glacial pace of television with its never-ending repetition and padding.
8/2/2014 05:17:49 am
>> It did seem to be pro-Nazi propaganda in places, didn't it?
8/2/2014 05:58:46 am
tv is going downhill.
8/2/2014 05:30:59 am
Anyone else angry that NASA was even tangentially connected to a display of 2 grown men (both AA regulars) failing to understand even the most basic concepts of aerodynamics?
8/2/2014 05:50:59 am
8/2/2014 06:13:19 am
I've corrected the references to Pushpaka. A few million words between all the Sanskrit texts, and it becomes too easy to confuse them!
8/2/2014 06:41:13 am
Even if you're a Hindu scholar of scribe, apparently. Some of the confusion surrounding 'vimana' may have to do with the fact that no one can tell anymore whether some passages are corrupt or ungrammatical, nevermind whether they are literal or metaphorical.
Scott Hamilton
8/2/2014 06:01:03 am
Wait, is Van Helsing now claiming that the Nazis (or their precursors) captured a flying saucer? That seems like a new development I haven't heard about. It's been a while since I read Secret Societies, but as I remember it he was claiming that the Thule society (or whoever) had acquired the plans for flying saucers via channeling, and were flying them around in the 1920s.
8/2/2014 06:16:00 am
I've never read the book. On this show, Tsoukalos says that the book claims that the Nazis recovered a crashed UFO.
8/2/2014 06:37:41 am
It does. The Black Forest incident of 1936.
8/2/2014 11:10:13 am
@ EP
8/2/2014 12:24:28 pm
@ Zach
8/2/2014 05:30:29 pm
@ EP
8/2/2014 05:38:16 pm
As you can see below, it's actually nonsense some Nazis made up because they wanted to get in on the UFO action... Which is much worse, I'd say...
Scott Hamilton
8/3/2014 03:59:55 am
It didn't sound right to me that Van Helsing claimed that the Nazis found a crashed saucer, so I dug up my copy of Secret Societies. The claim is not Van Helsing's. He mentions the alleged 1936 Black Forest crash twice, once in the introduction, and once in chapter 33, but he is dismissive of the claim, saying, "there is practically no proof of that, and no living eye witnesses are known." He attributes the story to Herbert G. Dorsey, and when he writes about it he puts "extraterrestrial" in scare quotes, presumably to keep open the possibility of fitting it into his preferred mythology as a crashed Thule saucer. 8/3/2014 05:56:06 am
If the claim isn't supported by the book, that makes it even stranger that Tsoukalos would cite the anti-Semitic author as a source. Did he just want to get Van Helsing's name on the air? He could easily have made the claim without mentioning him at all. Heaven knows he makes up enough stuff on his own.
8/3/2014 06:40:20 am
@ Scott Hamilton
8/3/2014 06:49:25 am
Van Helsing says: "According to Herbert G. Dorsey and other researchers they had, beside the construction plans the Vril-Gesellschaft had received through telepathic contact with extra-terrestrials, a non-terrestrial saucer that had crashed in the Black Forest in 1936 and whose undamaged drive had proved a great help to the Germans. But there is practically no proof of that, and no living eye witnesses are known."
8/2/2014 06:31:47 am
I have heard/read that as one version, but don't ask me where. Once I hear someone talking about the "Bell" I stop listening as they're obviously full of shit.
8/2/2014 06:38:58 am
There are a number of topics I have on that list. The first one was probably chemtrails, though more have been added. Red Mercury of course. People still going on about the TR-3 Black Manta (as anything other than a misunderstanding of long-since obsolete UAV programs). I've had to take Nephilim off the list simply because they're too important to understanding the trajectory of pseudoarchaeology.
8/2/2014 07:45:56 am
The best (and only good) part of the show was near the end when Giorgio was narrating his trip to look at trees and he said, "This is highly speculative..." I just had this moment where I wanted to see Giorgio break down in tears as he realized his entire career was based on ridiculous speculation and thus was meaningless. Of course, I shouldn't have held my breath. Giorgio isn't nearly self-aware enough to have that kind of existential crisis.
8/2/2014 08:57:53 am
Yeah, about that
8/2/2014 09:04:19 am
The "money" bit I buy... the "beautiful ladies" bit... not so much.
8/2/2014 09:11:30 am
Unless it involves being a former head of the American Nazi party or similar activities, I don't really care about the personal lives of these folks.
8/2/2014 12:26:58 pm
@ Gregor
8/2/2014 05:48:42 pm
@ EP
8/2/2014 05:55:08 pm
AND he gets to do that in spite of openly relying on Neo-Nazi mythos on network television! :)
8/2/2014 06:41:54 pm
@ EP
8/2/2014 06:49:57 pm
Von Daniken is still a million times better than Ralf Ettl, Norbert Jürgen-Ratthofer, Jan Van Helsing, and the rest....
8/2/2014 09:43:48 pm
Richard "Dick" Neimeyer
8/3/2014 09:50:11 am
I would doubt Giorgio makes enough money to afford a bunch of beautiful ladies for his bed of money.
8/2/2014 01:48:58 pm
As far as I can tell, the Nazi Time Machine idea may (and I stress may) have originated in the 1988 novel "Lightning" by Dean Koontz, though from memory his time machine bore no resemblance to Die Glocke.
8/2/2014 09:52:03 pm
First off - one of my favorite books, and easily my favorite Dean Koontz novel.
8/3/2014 07:08:46 am
You know Poland was an independent country, right? In fact, probably the most independent of all the Warsaw Pact countries.
8/3/2014 07:41:19 am
They were all "independent countries". You know, right up to the point that Russia felt they weren't being sufficiently Communist. No Warsaw Pact country was beyond the reach of the USSR, and it strikes me as misleading to imply they had the authority to act with anything approaching true autonomy.
8/3/2014 07:47:33 am
I never claimed they weren't within the Soviet sphere of influence.
8/2/2014 01:59:50 pm
Should have mentioned the wind tunnel testing of the Nazi Bell as if it were going to move sideways rather than forwards, as in the top would the front.
8/2/2014 02:16:35 pm
Zach asked whether AA references to Nazis recovering UFOs are all based on Jan Von Helsing's anti-semitic wiritings. I have nothing better to do on this Saturday night, so I found some potentially interesting answers. As usual with the these people, the truth is quite depressing.
8/2/2014 03:32:48 pm
Good post.
8/2/2014 03:35:46 pm
You know what would be really cool? If someone went through the relevant AA shows to see if they can find any allusions to the works of Ernst Zundel (another Neo-Nazi UFO popularizer). Zundel is SO notorious as a vicious anti-Semite and Holocaust denier that it really could get A&E to take notice.
8/2/2014 03:51:16 pm
Considering how many shows History has done on Nazi wonder weapons, UFOs, etc., I doubt it would phase them in the slightest.
8/2/2014 03:54:22 pm
Zundel is one of the two or three most notorious living Holocaust deniers. It would totally raise a stink no one wants to deal with (especially if Jewish groups got wind of it).
8/2/2014 02:33:06 pm
I'm sure if the Nazis had a time machine then the entire universe would be speaking German now, even the ancient aliens. Unless they just really suck at time travel. They can't kill Hitler, so what exactly are the Nazis supposed to do with a time machine?
8/2/2014 02:44:07 pm
It's even stupider than that. These people claim that during Gulf War I Saddham Hussein was aligned with the trans-temporal Greater Third Reich... Yet somehow managed to be utterly humiliated by the US and allies...
8/2/2014 03:24:13 pm
A war of course fought over the stargates in Mesopotamia.
8/2/2014 03:28:47 pm
"A war of course fought over the stargates in Mesopotamia."
8/2/2014 09:26:04 pm
Do these people even read the shit that they write? I cannot fathom how anyone can take these ideas seriously enough to actually find them credible. This has to be a giant scam. There is no way anyone can actually believe that. It is beyond absurd and beyond parody.
8/2/2014 10:02:47 pm
8/3/2014 07:21:14 am
Gregor, I think the truth is even sadder than that.
8/2/2014 02:42:08 pm
I know it is only two episodes in but, is EVD going to be on ALL of them? Is this really a co-production between our "favorite" hair guy and EVD? Just wondering, I do not think it aids Giorgio in any way to keep having EVD on every episode, but that is just my opinion, others may vary of course.
8/2/2014 03:09:27 pm
If you want to get a taste of what Van Helsing is really all about (and he isn't the worst of the bunch, mind you), here three passages from a recent book discussing esoteric Neo-Nazism (Goodrick-Clarke's Black Sun):
8/2/2014 03:13:05 pm
We've come full circle. History got the Nazis back into the "Hitler Channel." Just now, they're helping create content for the channel, rather than being the content of the channel.
8/2/2014 03:17:27 pm
And David Childress & co. are creating content for the Neo-Nazis. (Seriously, Van Helsing even references Childress and everything.)
8/2/2014 03:46:16 pm
I used to read a well-known conspiracy theory aggregration site in the 2000s, which had the same effect, the anti-Semitic and other creepy elements becoming clearer with time.
8/2/2014 04:01:35 pm
That's how the Nazis win. (I know it sounds like a bad joke, but unfortunately it's true.)
8/2/2014 10:08:34 pm
I know it's a serious matter... but I laughed out loud when I read:
8/3/2014 06:43:28 am
Unfortunately the passages I quote do not adequately capture the full extent to which these people are despicable scum.
Only Me
8/2/2014 03:41:00 pm
This is the most stupid garbage - that was shat out by radioactive rats with rotten assholes - I've read since looking into the claims of Billy Meier.
8/2/2014 03:45:08 pm
Only these people are most likely not retarded. They are insidious and cynical cult leaders.
8/2/2014 04:41:13 pm
Also, the clearly know how to appeal to maladjusted young males. A lot of their visual material just screams "If you join us you get to have sex with hot blonde Nordic alien babes from Aldebaran!"
Only Me
8/2/2014 05:24:31 pm
And then you have the other head of the hydra, folks like Kyle Bristow, pumping out fiction that feeds the white nationalist movement...which also appeals to maladjusted young males.
8/3/2014 07:11:21 am
Does Kyle Bristow run his own NAZI CULT?
Only Me
8/3/2014 07:56:33 am
No, but just like most of fringe theory, both angles become a circular, self-supporting ideology.
8/2/2014 03:20:08 pm
OMG there is so much wrong with this episode! I also saw this travesty and wondered about that goofy time travel connection too, but since I think others have already been there about it, eh why not again.
Sue Johnson
8/2/2014 03:40:43 pm
I like the way you wrapped things up in the last paragraph. Ever since I first stumbled across Art Bell reruns (which I love) I've been struggling to understand the mindset that takes fiction as reality. I think you're right - there's an unmet desire for mind-expanding bliss that factors in here which can provide cover for malign agendas.
8/2/2014 08:15:21 pm
The whole subject matter is bullshit without having to think about it.
8/2/2014 09:13:39 pm
Actually, the Kecksburg "UFO crash" had nothing to do with any satellite. It was the Great Lakes Fireball of December 9, 1965, widely seen across the eastern U.S. and Canada; many observers mistakenly thought that it has crashed nearby.
Richard "Dick" Neimeyer
8/3/2014 09:55:59 am
Did anyone notice from Stan Friedman's body language that he wished he was somewhere else? I trust all of Giorgio's interviews were much longer than five minutes long. Perhaps H2 can provide the full interviews on its website. Jason, there are a lot of references to the "bell" including several books on the subject. I share your skepticism on the actual existence of the so called "de glocke" or however it's spelled. Needless to say the 1965 Kecksburg event is to a degree interesting. I had to laugh at Giorgio's reaction to the perhaps inaccurate replica of the Kecksburg object.
8/3/2014 09:46:35 pm
i held back... i was very patient...
8/4/2014 04:01:32 am
8/4/2014 12:08:40 pm
i was too lazy to correct my typo...
9/10/2014 04:35:25 am
Project Paperclip and or otherwise, lets also rule out
8/4/2014 10:33:53 am
>>>“I’m not saying this is what happened, but just the possibility is mind-blowing.”
8/8/2014 08:08:08 pm
Or in the case of AA: " As ancient alien theorists believe......."
11/2/2016 09:58:06 pm
Ancient astronaut theorists say "Yes"
8/6/2014 10:59:41 am
I have been to Kecksburg. Pretty country but NOTHING there and I mean nothing. The acorn sits atop a platform on a small slope behind the fire hall which has a bar and the UFO museum. There is nothing else in this town. The "museum" is a broom closet with a bunch of Stan Gordon books, some overpriced mugs, tumblers and shot glasses and a slew of hoodies and tee shirts promoting the local FD. That is it. Also a few DVD's. Mainly it's the focal point for the UFO days festival held in July to bring tourists in. Been there. done that.
9/8/2014 08:09:10 am
Well, it's quite diappointing episode. Nothing new and nothing surprising.
Chris walkup
3/11/2018 02:37:36 pm
Well your whole article seems to be just race baiting and judging other peoples statements from years ago. Anyone can take anything out of context.. I truly believe there are no aliens and all of the technology has come from humans which the government perpetuats as aliens to not let the public know of out technology.
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