Last month the Roswell Record incorrectly reported that a small stone found by Robert Ridge in December 2004 eleven miles from the supposed 1947 flying saucer crash site in New Mexico would be featured on Ancient Aliens this month. Instead, the object, known since 2008 as the “Roswell Rock,” is the focus for this episode of In Search of Aliens, S01E04 “The Roswell Rock.” The small stone is carved in low relief with a layered image composed of a background of a circle surrounding a square atop and overlapping which are carved two smaller circles each inscribed with a crescent and a circle. The design is identical to that of a crop circle that appeared in Chisledon in England on August 2, 1996, which was almost certainly a human-made hoax, so a cynic might well argue that the rock was a similar copycat hoax. As we shall see, the Roswell Rock version is cruder and less perfect than the 1996 crop circle, suggesting it is a copy. One would expect the aliens to do better work. Giorgio Tsoukalos has come to Roswell, New Mexico, “which is ground zero for modern day UFO researchers,” to see this rock. Tsoukalos, driving a black SUV with an “ancient aliens on board” bumper sticker, says that the Roswell UFO crash has been “done” too many times to bother with (largely because it’s not a UFO crash), and he says he’s only interested in the rock. Naturally, this pretense lasts only as long as the title credits since the very next scene begins to recap the Roswell UFO crash, which the show intends to imply has something to do with this rock throughout the hour, simply assuming that viewers believe that the U.S. government really did suppress the crash of an alien craft. Tsoukalos suggests that the Roswell Rock is evidence of the flying saucer crash, which at first glance suggests that aliens use earth rocks as ballast or something similarly stupid. He will later reveal that he thinks the rock is a cosmic key and/or a lunar calendar. Aliens do not use smartphones and must therefore keep their apps on rocks. Tsoukalos examines the rock and suggests that the carving on the rock, which is magnetized, resembles Egyptian obelisk carvings. Ridge demonstrates the magnetism and performs a feat of prestidigitation—one I’ve done myself and know how to do. He holds the rock in the palm of one hand and pushes his other hand toward it rapidly and repeatedly, using the air blasts generated by the push to make the unbalanced rock seem to wiggle and move. Tsoukalos says that the rock is reacting “to your body energy.” I do not believe Ridge realizes that he is performing a simple magic trick. Ridge and Tsoukalos take a helicopter out to the site where Ridge found the rock, but as Ridge talks of “the crash” and “the skip site” (where the saucer bounced while crashing!), it’s clear that Ridge isn’t just a disinterested observer but a true believer in the Roswell myth in its most elaborate post-Stanton Friedman form. Tsoukalos goes rock hunting with Ridge and tries to compare natural rocks to the polished and worked Roswell Rock and unsurprisingly concludes that they do not match. He therefore visits Linda Moulton Howe, a fellow ancient astronaut theorist, to get her opinion on the rock and its relationship to the 1996 Chisledon crop circle. Howe says that the rock and the crop circle as “exactly identical” but the show’s own graphics demonstrate just how far off the rock is from the more geometrically perfect crop formation, almost as if a carver were freehand carving a copy from a photograph. Howe claims that the crop circle must be alien because it appeared quickly, and she claims that it represents lunar astronomy. In 1996, the symbol was found beside another crop circle that seemed to represent the path of the moon relative to the earth, almost as though earthbound humans had designed and planned it. Frankly, what amazes me most is that Howe’s open-plan home is sparsely furnished and blandly decorated. For such a colorful dresser, you’d think she’d be into colors other than beige. Leaving that aside, Howe says that no one has proved the Roswell Rock “to be a hoax,” which is a bit of a baffling statement since there is no evidence anyone intentionally carved the rock to fool anyone, or that Ridge is in any way dishonest. What “hoax” is she referring to? A human-made rock can still be a legitimate artifact, even if Howe isn’t aware of its original purpose. After the break, Tsoukalos and Ridge meet with stonecutter David Sadler to see if sandblasting can replicate the carving. Sadler explains that every cut on the rock can be duplicated with known carving techniques. (No fooling!) Although Sadler’s finished piece looks almost exactly the same as the Roswell Rock in the comparison shot, Tsoukalos insists that they are very different, even over Sadler’s objections that the type of rock used was different and the sandblasted piece has not been as carefully finished and detailed since he literally just completed the sandblasting seconds earlier. Tsoukalos doubts an exact match is possible, but I side with Sadler that if he had 30 days rather than 30 minutes, he’d have made a perfect duplicate. (Update: As Tracy points out in the comments, an exact replica has already been produced.) Tsoukalos and Ridge go to meet a geoarchaeologist, Bill Doleman, for yet another opinion. Dedicated fringe viewers will remember Doleman from the old 2006 Sci-Fi Investigates series (with ufologist Richard Dolan and Survivor contestant “Boston” Rob Mariano), where he investigated paranormal claims. He also led an archaeological dig for the Roswell UFO, documented in another Sci-Fi Channel show, The Roswell Crash (2005), with Bryant Gumbel. Doleman proposes grinding into the rock to see beneath the patina, but Ridge refuses. Doleman concludes that the rock is not native to the region, but why would it be? The geoarchaeologist does not identify the type of rock.
Finally I realize whom Tsoukalos reminds me of when he says “wild” for about the tenth time this episode. That was the catch phrase for the second European-accented Mr. Freeze from the old Adam West Batman series (played by Otto Preminger, the second of three actors in the role), and Tsoukalos certainly seems like he would fit in seamlessly in that comic book universe. Tsoukalos tells us that the carving of the Roswell Rock is so clean it seems like it was done with a knife (thus negating his earlier claims of impossible carving) before telling us that it looks just like the carving of the rocks at Puma Punku, “which many scholars believe to be more than 10,000 years old.” That is not true in any sense unless by “scholar” you mean “fringe historian copying Arthur Posnansky.” Puma Punku is and remains less than 1500 years old according to every mainstream archaeologist. He immediately reverses course and declares the Roswell Rock the work of unexplained alien technology. After the break, Tsoukalos, Doleman, and Ridge investigate the rock’s magnetism with the help of an electrical engineer, who is conducting the tests in his garage, presumably because his employer wouldn’t let him use his laboratory for a show about aliens. The engineer concludes that the rock is magnetized, which we already knew. Ridge finally agrees to let Doleman use a grinder to cut into the back side of the rock, and Ridge cries when the rock is scratched. Doleman concludes that the rock is a fine-grained sandstone impregnated with magnetite. Checking for myself, I see that according to the U.S. Geological Survey, New Mexico has many beds of fine-grained sandstone, particularly Dakota Sandstone, which is very similar in grain and color, and black sandstone, which contains magnetite. None of this, of course, requires the rock to be from New Mexico—anyone could have carved it and dropped it while out saucer hunting between 1996 and 2004. Ridge is still crying when Doleman declares the rock to be, yes, a rock. Even Tsoukalos eventually finds it unusual that Ridge has made the rock “a part of him”—that his identity is so closely tied with the rock. The men then visit a radiologist to do a CAT scan on the Roswell Rock. After the break, the CAT scan reveals that the rock does not have anything inside of it. So, at the end of the hour we’re where we started: The rock is a rock, and there is a carving on it that can be closely replicated with enough time and trouble. Tsoukalos instead concludes that the rock was soft when it was impressed with its design and the rock then hardened around the design. Therefore, he says, the Roswell UFO may have crashed in 1947 while looking for this rock, which he claims could be some kind of cosmic key or perhaps a lunar calendar. “That is pure speculation,” Tsoukalos says, “but that does not prohibit me from asking questions.”
Clint Knapp
8/16/2014 04:29:56 am
This one gave me the best laugh of the whole article: "Frankly, what amazes me most is that Howe’s open-plan home is sparsely furnished and blandly decorated. For such a colorful dresser, you’d think she’d be into colors other than beige."
8/16/2014 04:46:12 am
While I sympathize, at this point it isn't like Tsoukalos is an unknown quantity. He decided to align his business with the guy, presumably AFTER putting his name into google and seeing that he's a living internet meme.
Clint Knapp
8/16/2014 05:16:17 am
That's fair. It does depend also on what he was actually told he'd be doing. It seems unlikely "Ok, we're going to have you try to recreate this rock carving, but we won't let you finish it before declaring you incapable." was part of the pitch.
8/16/2014 05:53:35 am
@ Clint
8/16/2014 08:52:10 am
>>People have done stranger things for 15 seconds of fame...
8/16/2014 09:06:24 am
@Clint, that's something I try to teach my students, that once you're dealing with tv people, you're dealing with snakes (and not the Icke-ian kind). We actually do an exercise where students are charged with ethical issues surrounding a donated collection of artifacts, and they can decide whether to cooperate with a tv production crew. It isn't the best decision.
8/16/2014 09:07:31 am
I would clarify that I'm talking about documentary tv, not news. While news has a host of problems, the experience of colleagues, and myself, with news has generally been a lot more neutral to positive.
8/16/2014 09:25:47 am
I'd always have my own camera rolling during the interview, just in case.
12/28/2014 12:51:38 am
True, but that doesn't mean he knew he'd be set-up like that. In fact, he seemed quite calm and willing to educate them - explaining how the stone could be cut. It was only after the thirty minute rough draft when suddenly Tsoukalos started quickly making his declaration/conclusion that it was not the same that you could -even in Tsoukalos edits - see that Sadler realized what they were doing, and insisted they mention he had THIRTY minutes to do this, and that he believed he could recreate a more refined version with more time if that's what they wanted.
Manuel Sousa
3/17/2020 04:24:10 pm
Thank you for your analysis if the faked rock. It's what I was thinking also
Only Me
8/16/2014 12:57:09 pm
I think the interaction with Tsuckalotus and Mr. Adler *must* have been edited.
8/16/2014 01:43:57 pm
Aldrin (looking down at Tsoukalos motionless on the floor): Now that's what I call (puts on his shades) "reacting to body energy." Yeeeaaah!
Only Me
8/16/2014 01:54:44 pm
You, sir, win 100 Internets :)
8/17/2014 05:45:36 am
I endeavor to give satisfaction :)
8/19/2014 10:12:40 am
HAHAHAHahahaha, I usually do not reply to what I read on line, but after reading your comment Clint, I almost pissed my pants laughing when you hit a bullseye with the name of that idiots hairdo. I have seen him in the past and wondered who would be retarded enough to not only go out in public with your hair like that, but to have the audacity to go in television as well. Bed-head is by far the name I will use in the future to indicate that clown, it is certainly more appropriate then "retard" which I have been using for the past few years.
the name u trust
8/22/2014 05:29:01 pm
I call it the shock-tard hair-do. it's....shocking..
8/27/2015 08:12:47 pm
What a kind and intelligent criticism of Mr. Tsoukalos and his physical appearance none of which disproves or proves the authenticity of the so-called Roswell Stone.
9/14/2015 09:22:01 pm
8/22/2014 05:24:30 pm
haha, that's funny. I keep thinking that somewhere in space, the original Voyager is out there in all it glory, only to be rediscovered by future human space travelers in passing saying something like, "what's that piece of shit floating out here?" lol...
8/29/2014 12:21:37 pm
Funny...watching this crap reveals where all the D- students end up. Famous and on TV dishing out bullshit. Gotta give them their props, they've figured out how to make a living despite the low IQ and inability to use rational thinking. Only in America! I love this country!
12/31/2014 07:23:34 am
It's not just the U.S. MR. Masaru Emoto claims a doctorate in "alternative medicine". His real background is in INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. America doesn't have a monopoly on hucksters making a living off of bullshit. Hell, Erich von Däniken is originally from Switzerland and has built a life on lying, cheating, and stealing, long before the late great Eddie Guerrero made it cool. He ran a hotel and stole money before he became an ancient astronaut crank.
6/19/2015 06:55:40 pm
Leave his hair alone. My wife and myself like it. Makes him look very cool.
9/7/2015 07:11:45 am
1. i reckon the theories expressed on this show and others of its ilk are about as worthy of serious consideration as trying to measure the size of the holes in the celestial firmament that allow light through at night.
8/16/2014 04:42:38 am
assuming it has any age to make it older than our
8/16/2014 04:46:44 am
Oh dear. I wonder if Giorgio is thinking of the man of Steel movie? Maybe the rock is a key to an ancient ship from Krypton?
8/16/2014 04:53:41 am
"The design is identical to that of a crop circle that appeared in Chisledon in England on August 2, 1996, which was almost certainly a human-made hoax, so a cynic might well argue that the rock was a similar copycat hoax."
8/16/2014 04:58:24 am
luv --- if i am correct about our Pre-Revolution river rock,
8/16/2014 07:04:28 am
Nurse! Nurse! The patient's restraints have come undone again!
8/16/2014 09:40:01 am
A hoary copyright from the time of George Washington
8/16/2014 05:51:03 am
It's been done. The Roswell rock and all it's properties has been reproduced. Check it out.
the rarefied art of giving credit where credit is due
8/16/2014 08:29:22 am
The rock found by Robert Ridge, although obviously sandblasted, does not have that fresh and very contrasted look about it. There is no color difference and the sandblasted part has a peculiar shininess to it. I think it was this unnatural shine on such an obviously textured surface that caused people to be so quick to label it as being fake somehow, even though they often couldn’t quite articulate what it was about it that bothered them so much. Sometimes they said it looked plastic, or painted.
8/16/2014 08:33:01 am
Hint: This is still spam. Also, common courtesy requires at least indicating that you're quoting this.
8/16/2014 09:20:27 am
EP --- did you click on the link? yes i did a direct quote.
8/16/2014 09:24:09 am
8/16/2014 09:28:08 am
Tell us how it feels to have your posts deleted by the dozen and everyone tell you how terrible you are.
8/16/2014 09:34:19 am
EP --- you are my worst critic in more ways than one.
8/16/2014 09:38:50 am
I wanted nothing of yours (neither did anyone else). Because you cannot offer anything of value to anyone.
8/16/2014 05:51:19 am
It's been done. The Roswell rock and all it's properties has been reproduced. Check it out.
8/16/2014 08:24:15 am
We all should thank the two artists at
Thanks for finding me Tracy, and thanks Jason for including the link.
8/18/2014 10:21:17 am
Hi Ron,
EP - The pricing varies in a huge way because the Roswell Rock is so weird, all the work goes into finding a rock that has all those properties. If I were to find a big supply of them. I would be able to sell them for at a low cost. But being how hard it is for me to find them so far... for example, I have about five of them right now that do "the spinning thing", but 4 of them look like garbage, so I won't sell them. One of them though looks awesome - so I won't sell it either, cause I don't know when I'll run across another like it.
EP - The pricing varies in a huge way because the Roswell Rock is so weird, all the work goes into finding a rock that has all those properties. If I were to find a big supply of them. I would be able to sell them for at a low cost. But being how hard it is for me to find them so far... for example, I have about five of them right now that do "the spinning thing", but 4 of them look like garbage, so I won't sell them. One of them though looks awesome - so I won't sell it either, cause I don't know when I'll run across another like it.
8/18/2014 11:28:21 am
Thank you, Ron. I have a follow-up. Suppose you (or another sandblast artist) were provided with the rock. How much would it then cost to produce something like the Roswell Rock out of it? A lot can go wrong with the customer choosing the rock because most of them don't work well for a variety of reasons. but in the case of it all going well, it would be a relatively low cost thing. I was thinking the same thing after that other post. It does drastically reduce the labor, I might look into setting up something on my site. for doing that.
8/16/2014 05:56:53 am
"I think it was this unnatural shine on such an obviously textured surface that caused people to be so quick to label it as being fake somehow, even though they often couldn’t quite articulate what it was about it that bothered them so much."
Clint Knapp
8/16/2014 06:10:58 am
Oh, lovely. Thanks for that one.
Mark E.
8/16/2014 08:19:39 am
Nice, thanks for the post Tracy.
8/16/2014 06:00:59 am
100,ooo Thanx for the link, Tracy! It is very abstract art!
Jay Calloway
8/16/2014 06:08:54 am
Whatever it is, wherever it came from, whoever made it, it's a fantastic-looking thing! I believe it has the combined powers of Count Petofi's mystical hand from 'Dark Shadows' and the mesmerizing blue Metebelis Crystal from 'Doctor Who'!
Rev. Phil Gotsch
8/16/2014 02:15:23 pm
So … Maybe the Roswel crashed spaceship was in reality a Tardis" … ???
8/16/2014 01:55:20 pm
The symbol on the rock is a "69" which is the astrological symbol for Cancer.
Only Me
8/16/2014 02:24:09 pm
Now that's an interesting interpretation I hadn't considered.
8/16/2014 02:45:11 pm
I think Sadler's version looks a bit more like 69 because it's unfinished. The "lhe other versions
8/16/2014 02:47:20 pm
...I meant to say that the loops of the other versions are detached from the hooked parts.
8/16/2014 02:56:29 pm
its abstract. its geometric. you need calculus
8/16/2014 03:43:03 pm
Okay, so I'm sure everyone here agrees that there is nothing particularly interesting about this rock as a human artefact. But why is there so much discussion of what is and isn't a good-enough replica? Isn't it obvious that this is a relatively primitive work? I mean, we have thousands of years' worth of things like this:
Only Me
8/16/2014 05:16:54 pm
Normally, yes.
8/16/2014 06:30:55 pm
And you don't think that, if we consider the rhetorical effect alone, pointing out that it can't be more difficult than a cameo isn't more effective than trying to replicate it (which forces more direct comparison with all the inherent wiggle room that implies)?
Only Me
8/16/2014 10:59:33 pm
Just based on the reactions the fellow that replicated the rock received from AAT supporters, your comparison, while valid, would be dismissed even more derisively than Mr. Adler's effort.
Clint Knapp
8/16/2014 11:56:38 pm
Charlie's testimony above as a machinist used to these methods got me thinking. While I myself have no direct experience with sandblasting, I do have friends who use sandblasting and water jets professionally to do much the same thing in marble and steel on a daily basis for everything ranging from countertop decor to machining parts for local factories. Which of course got me thinking; exactly who is Robert Ridge?
Clint Knapp
8/17/2014 12:02:11 am
Addendum, I do not mean to insinuate that Sadler actually did create the rock in the first place, only that such a possibility must be entertained. He runs a monument carving company; which isn't exactly the sort of business one would expect a body shop to enlist for extra work, but is the sort of place one might go if one say... wanted a rock carved.
William Brown
8/17/2014 12:51:56 am
To whom it may concern, I watched the In search of Aliens episode on the Roswell rock. It is obvious to me most of you didn't, the host didn't say aliens use rocks instead of cell phones, and about 80% of the rest of the comments where just as faulty. Now some where spot on, also Mr. Knapp the guy who owns the rock doesn't run a monument carving company he and the host went to a monument carving company to see if the rock could be duplicated. If you are going to lie remember, whenever you lie all ways include a little truth it makes the lie more plausible.
Clint Knapp
8/17/2014 01:14:32 am
I said that Mr. Sadler runs the monument company. Not Ridge. Ridge is the owner of the rock, and potentially the same Robert Ridge who runs an autobody shop in Roswell.
piece of tha rock
8/22/2014 05:41:24 pm
so, in conclusion...why is there a rock with a carving on it? it serves no useful purpose AND it just so happens to be in and around Roswell, NM, the mecca for UFO jingle. Yey, give these people a Dr. Pepper and like Giorgio Sucralose did, grab your leather satchel and get the hell outta town, lol. 1/27/2017 09:36:54 pm
Thank you, I need to find this man. I have a message for him. This is more then just a rock my friends. 8/17/2014 01:52:35 am
The line about the cell phone is a joke. It was meant to be funny. I was trying to humorously imply that making the rock as a lunar calendar is a bit ridiculous for space aliens, who presumably have computers and don't need them.
8/17/2014 06:53:25 am
Jason, you and I are trying to postulate a hypothesis
8/17/2014 07:16:21 am
"today's cell phones are way better than the communicators Spock + Kirk had in Star Trek!"
8/19/2014 02:39:36 am
If you pay the full amount for my one-way ticket to Mars, then I will thank you as i leave Earth orbit. Even if I live to 115 or 120 I think I'd have to live 30 years more in order to be alive when we as a species toy with the idea of actually leaving colonies on Mars. Again this is speculative, I'm postulating viable Mars colonies by about A.D 2075...
Scott wolter
8/17/2014 01:49:51 am
We need to chrck it for weathering. It could have been left behind by welsh or Norse explorers as a directional market to the lost alien ark of the covenant
8/17/2014 01:53:43 am
I'm sure I don't need to point out that this is not the actual Scott Wolter.
8/17/2014 06:36:08 am
yes... make it so!
8/17/2014 06:43:09 am
Hey ., can you "gag" your posting?
8/17/2014 07:02:36 am
50 years ago Leonard Nimoy talked into a prop as the
Jason D.
8/18/2014 06:53:46 pm
Surely it was really left by the Knights Templar searching for the Holy Grail and the Lost Tribes of Israel.
8/18/2014 06:59:45 pm
Also, it is the Ark of the Covenant. And Noah's Ark. Simultaneously.
8/17/2014 04:39:10 am
Your review is in the same league with the show. Speculation confused with fact. It is this or that because you said so.
8/17/2014 05:08:43 am
Care to offer some examples?
8/17/2014 07:24:33 am
I think the consensus is that "Ancient Aliens" and the version
8/17/2014 07:59:17 am
And here we go again...
8/19/2014 02:30:45 am's_Antarctic_Adventure
Only Me
8/19/2014 04:31:10 am
Alright, Dickey, what does your last post have to do with the Roswell Rock? Go ahead and explain yourself all the way out. I want to see how you spin your wheels on this one.
8/19/2014 06:49:10 am
@ Only Me
8/19/2014 12:31:26 pm
its simple. Shackleton eventually got his men rescued.
8/19/2014 12:41:45 pm
clearly the "roswell rock' was carved in the summer of '69
Only Me
8/19/2014 05:16:36 pm
Clearly, Dickey, your synapses are out of firing order. Shackleton's voyage has *absolutely nothing* to do with the Roswell Rock. The two events are NOT related in any way, though it was mildly amusing to see you try to weave a connection out of the ether.
8/19/2014 05:44:57 pm
Is .-jad-Dickey the same J. A. Dickey who once told Scott Wolter to run for office?
8/20/2014 09:07:45 pm
check the date.
8/20/2014 09:14:19 pm
my posting was sorta prior to the lil group
" . "
8/20/2014 09:46:41 pm
the thread i asked him the question has 200+ postings,
8/20/2014 09:55:00 pm
John Guzowski
8/17/2014 06:13:12 am
What bothers me is that the History Channel is giving a microphone to and legitimacy to these so-called ancient astronaut theorists bringing up issues that were debunked way back in the 70s' when Sitchin and von Daniken were trying to peddle this stuff. All these guys, including Tsoukalos, are just a bunch of writers, and or journalists, as opposed to someone with a doctorate in history, ancient cultures, or even archeology. I can see the History Channel maybe producing a special a year for ratings and entertainment value, but seven seasons of this nonsense and now Tsoukalos with his own show. The History Channel has completely delegitimized itself.
8/17/2014 07:22:03 am
I've personally collected hematite of roughly the same color, size, and shape of this "mysterious" rock in the area of Capitan Mountain. The show does make for some entertaining and hilarious BS couched in qualifying language a lawyer would love.
8/18/2014 10:23:46 am
Don't you hate it when you have the technology to travel across the universe, but then crash your spaceship during your galactic mission to find a small, carved rock?
12/28/2014 01:04:36 am
What really sucks is when you travel ten of trillions of miles (minimum), and then crash only half a mile from the novelty rock you were coming to get.....which was randomly sitting in the sand in New mexico....
Titus pullo
8/18/2014 12:30:33 pm
I'll take the blame for the Scott wolter post. It was a joke of course. I'm waiting for the episode on zero point energy or quantum teleportation as methods of ufo propulsion. Believe me it will come.
8/18/2014 06:39:11 pm
This space rock can be found at the gift shop at Roswell for a good price. It is made by the locals to sell to tourists and apparently fringe TV programs. LOL. PT Barnum would be proud. Even in space, there is a sucker born every minute.
8/19/2014 02:52:48 am
it takes us 20 minutes to send a signal to Mars...
8/19/2014 02:42:27 am
A little google searching shows that this rock is actually pretty unimpressive, compared to what professional rock engravers do; some examples are here:
Quatloo Jackson
8/21/2014 02:10:08 pm
Man. When I was a kid the rare UFO specials (1970s-80s) made you believe in possibilities. The Voyager, Viking explorers were exciting. The H2 Shows just disappoint. They are like phony sideshow acts at a state fair with Hairboy Whorio Pseudocolitis a modern barker minus the Barnum panache.
8/22/2014 05:16:51 pm
In my view Giorgio’s credibility took a big hit tonight. I think that they have probably exhausted the ancient aliens theories and are grasping at straws to keeps the checks coming in. Many of the theories aired on Discovery series appeared to abandon any science and simply exploit popular themes like big foot, crop circles and some others. I found it disappointing that he apparently has donned the robes of fame seeker and left his lab coat at home.
Only Me
8/22/2014 06:35:20 pm
Giorgio had credibility? He used science and therefore had access to a lab coat? You're just now realizing he is exploiting popular themes and seeking fame? Or that the show is way past it's shelf life?
8/25/2014 09:25:32 am
Setting aside the question of the stone's authenticity, why would anyone who is the proud owner of the rarest and most valuable object in the world sandblast it?
8/29/2014 04:43:46 pm
I need help with what I found .To look at it is not like holding it and looking at it.i tried to get people to help with it but it never happened .So I made my own videos two on youtu call {This is a skull of a grey} I tried to put a face back on it.Its also on my facebook.3d is what I need done to see the real face on E.T.s DADDY
9/23/2014 03:06:32 am
I considered all the information delivered on the In Search of Aliens Roswell Rock episode to be very informative - the best yet on the details of the anomaly of the stone itself after reading many articles. The Trolls and haters of Ancient Aliens and Giorgio Tsoukalos will give their diatribe and venom - but i respect the show and the man for his adventurous enthusiasm for a cosmic connection to life - yes he may have an agenda towards Aliens that blindsides him, like Erich von Däniken before him, they are controversial and push the boundaries of archeology - but isn't this a scientist job after all - stretch out and ask questions that others in the future may be able to answer like all scientists before them? A theory is just a theory until proven false afterall... This episode with all its controversy - the limited time for David Sadler to do a sandblast experiment was almost infuriating - seriously let the man do a good job before castrating him - this was really a little contrived to establish the Rock as the real thing - and i felt for Sadler - as even tho we see under a microscope that the lines are sharp and hard cut like with a blade - Sadler given time with finer sand may have done a very convincing copy. I doubt that sandblasting could give such a fine cut line - but let the man do his thing. Other than that the show was very informative about the subject matter and i totally was absorbed in it from beginning to end. Terrific stuff and i hope we get more seasons of this show and i hope that Giorgio Tsoukalos can re-evaluate alot of the debunking done on Ancient Aliens ... and put it out there - that we know nothing about our history on this planet... in fact we have been lied to and dis-educated ...
Somebody has to have visited at least one of the rock stores in Northern Michigan! You can purchase as many of those "Roswell Rocks" as you wish - 19.95 each. They are made using the process called Sintering. Maybe some of you have used Carbide Inserts in cutting tools on a lathe or mill? These inserts are made by compressing the base metal (Tungsten) in a mold and using enormous pressure. This process will create heat, of course... but care is taken to not exceed the melting point of the base material. Thus the high pressure and heat cause a permanent bond of the very fine powder material. I suggest that this "Rock" is made of powdered granite or some mineral nearly as hard. Color can be chosen when collecting the raw material to create the powder to be sintered. The biggest clue to the fact that this item was molded, was that all of the perpendicular surfaces has "relief" built into the shape to allow for the release from the mold. Did you notice the very small fillet at the base of the vertical walls in the design?
It is my opinion and belief that Giorgio Tsoukalos, aka "The BedHead Deadhead" (just coined that) is preying on people's tendency to misinterpret the basis of Science... A professional Scientist welcomes the Peer Review Process, and a credible Scientist has FIRST taken great pains to eliminate the obvious answers, thus ensuring that you're not wasting the time of your Peers. At best Mr.Tsoukalos's is an entertainer, and in that arena he has only a few peers, and both of them are Muppets!
10/3/2014 05:37:27 pm
It's interesting to me that this man has made a CAREER out of following (and negating) EVERYTHING that Giorgio Tsoukalos says... About everything. We get it. You think he's full of shit.
Galloway Grumblefield
4/20/2015 04:08:13 pm
Well, you got the negating part right.
11/25/2014 06:47:09 am
I live in Waianae Hawaii and there is a beach that we call black rock beach it is full of those. Rocks and the magnetism os caused by the volcanic ash inside the rocks they just aren't all carved onlike the roswell rock.
12/26/2014 08:26:32 pm
Someone needs to make a show on TV that just debunks all this ancient alien bs! its all made up all over the map and nutjobs! None of these Ancient Alien clowns know anything about real archaeology!
12/28/2014 01:05:28 am
What really sucks is when you travel ten of trillions of miles (minimum), and then crash only half a mile from the novelty rock you were coming to get.....which was randomly sitting in the sand in New mexico....
1/11/2015 09:55:21 pm
You guys are shame dolls
1/28/2015 05:30:52 pm
You people make me sick, how do you know there aren't aliens that came to earth thousands of years ago, or aliens that are still coming here? Do you know for a fact there is no such thing as aliens, spaceships and other populated planets? You people are just closed-minded and jealous of Giorgio's success on TV, get a life, losers!
8/27/2015 08:24:40 pm
You're correct. Every critic on this page fails to provide any evidence supporting their criticisms against those whose beliefs differ from their own. They demand evidence from others but Act as if they're somehow exempt from proving their statements.
1/29/2015 04:51:47 am
I doubt that aliens made that Roswell Stone. However, I do believe that it may have been created by ancient humans, and just happened to be near the so-called Roswell crash site. The human race has been around for a long time, and has risen and fallen from many high tech levels in the past. Are there Aliens? How many Stars exist with a similar system of Planets as our Sun? Billions and Billions..
3/5/2015 03:08:57 pm
My personal opinion is, it does not looked carved. It looks formed as if heated and put into a negative mold of the image imprinted on to the rock. Since obviously it can be replicated. Do so. Replicate it by carving proving once and for all its a hoax. I don't think you will be successful. I am not saying it's an alien artifact but it is unusual.
11/8/2015 08:21:46 pm
Bandot, your post really hits the nail on the head and you said it much better than I could. Well done.
Winston Von Poodledorff
3/6/2015 09:09:26 pm
This is a fascinating story of rocks, ufos, and crop circles. So perhaps this rock is an OOPArt (out of place artifact) that came through Hyperspace, and via strange synchronicities it has been "planted" here in this particular bioframe for a very specific purpose. 2015 will be a year of monumental transformation. We'll either have the horror of the Cabal's NWO or the beginning of the new paradigm. There will be "Wonders in the sky and miraculous signs on the earth below" so maybe this Roswell Rock is one of them, but regardless, we must keep our hearts and minds open, because I believe something very big is coming down the pike, so lets Keep the Faith and trust in God Almighty, and may God bless us all.
8/27/2015 08:19:15 pm
Excellent point.
3/30/2015 12:33:01 am
Please stop thinking that Georgeo is cheating us i like some of his ideas and he is a wise person I believe
Galloway Grumblefield
4/20/2015 04:06:42 pm
I'm inclined to believe it really is a rock.
8/27/2015 08:18:09 pm
I don't happen to believe in visitors from other planets but the fact the stone can be replicated using human technology doesn't prove the authenticity of the stone. In the end, the assertions the stone is manmade is based in as much or less evidence than that of the people who insist its extraterrestrial.
Harry Hui
11/8/2015 08:21:25 pm
This alien phenomenon is known as the fallacy if explaining the known with the unknown. Every single extraterrestrial claim is easily refuted because we could have and often do those things. Ancient humans had sciences we don't understand
12/1/2015 02:27:21 pm
if george is involved you know whatever it is is a scam. ridge made the damn rock i would guess for his 15 minutes.
1/5/2016 06:29:57 pm
The rock is polished crap. However, no one has evidence aliens exist or not. I hope one day there is evidence regarding the truth about aliens only because I want to see the look on the faces of the people that are wrong. How many people are going to look in the mirror and go "how could I have been such a dumb ass"? The sad thing is you keep watching programs that irritate you. There are other programs, DVDs Blu-Rays and God forbid, BOOKS.
1/19/2016 05:55:11 pm
The stone is the start-up key for the crashed space ship in 1947.
2/22/2016 10:21:56 pm
I had the same thought----it is a key to something
5/28/2016 08:54:24 am
The reason it is believed they come here is to spiritualise us instead of allowing kids with boxes of atomic matches.
3/24/2016 05:15:33 pm
Sorry, I just found this feed... Nobody in all the posts I read, ever tried to research how the Roswell Rock Circle first went public. Well it was me and my sister Debbie. Actually I helped Prometheus Entertainment put that episode together, I even let them borrow the rock copies I had made for comparison. Linda Howe even plagiarized our investigation on her website after we went public, and the A-holes at Prometheus put her on and not me. (go figure) Anyway, the following link is to my blog about the rock release. (03/21/11) Any further questions you may have, you can contact me at my site and.. there were a lot of good comments made here.
5/28/2016 01:46:56 am
I believe the Roswell rock symbol meaning that the Alien wants to unite their world with our world. They want to acknowledge us that they are coming in peace and wanting to learn our kinds with no negative impact. But we'd never answer them back.
5/28/2016 03:06:39 am
It's a key. It opens a door.
11/13/2016 11:50:01 am
I could just as easily claim it contains all the combined knowledge of the Jedi Knights.
Chris Waters
6/30/2016 12:46:34 am
Go back to the basic question: why in the world would an alien that can fly through space have need for a rock like this.
8/12/2016 08:20:54 pm
Just discovered this thread and enjoyed reading.There is a rock and a crop circle. They were made by someone or something, and for some reason. Question is, WHO and WHY!
Jeremy bryant
6/4/2017 04:31:33 pm
Full moon, half moon, half moon, full moon translates to year 2112
Tesselaar Romanoff
6/6/2020 07:04:04 pm
The Roswell Rock floats on top of water!.. Its a Seasonal Compass. It guild the people/farmers, when to plant their crops. It depicts the moon cycles, in relation to the earth.
6/6/2020 09:29:50 pm
The Science of Moon Phase Gardening, has been used for thousands of years. There are other such stones that float on water and can spin to North..
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