Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials: The Real War of the Worlds Frank Joseph | 320 pages | Bear & Company | Sept. 11, 2018 | ISBN: 9781591433248 | $20 At some point, a reckoning is going to come. I don’t know when, and I don’t know how, but this situation cannot continue. Every day, we watch as darkness overwhelms our country, and much of the West, a sort of self-created madness where one specific group—conservative whites—are increasingly willing to blow up everything America and the West ever stood for in service of the politics of ethno-nationalism and fear. This happens regularly in America, and the story usually plays out the same way. But while we wait for the better angels of our nature to undo some of the damage, I cannot help but think that the people who give aid and comfort to the worst among us must pay a price for their contribution to the wounds they inflict on our society. That is why I cannot but think that Inner Traditions International, the parent company of Bear & Company, needs to be dissolved. I have tried being amused by their enormous output of ridiculous New Age and fringe history sludge, but bemused resignation isn’t the right reaction when for the second time this year they publish another book by Frank Joseph, the former head of the National Socialist White People’s Party, a neo-Nazi, and a convicted child rapist. We live in a world where Nazis march through the streets and members of the current presidential administration give aid and comfort to them and their views. It is neither funny nor cute that a white supremacist should put out book after book to propagandize under the cover of “aliens” repugnant Nazi views. It is worth stating again and explicitly and as loudly as possible: INNER TRADITIONS PUBLISHES BOOKS BY AN ACTUAL NAZI. It doesn’t matter that Joseph got kicked out of the Nazi party, since he has spent the past three decades subtly infusing his fringe history books with Nazi ideologies about lost white races, the inferiority of minorities, and other touchstones of the white nationalist movement. The book under consideration today is Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials: The Real War of the Worlds, due out later this year. The book was originally supposed to be published by Red Wheel / Weiser in 2017 under the title The Real War of the Worlds, but Red Wheel declined to release the title for reasons I have not been able to discover. The current version comes with a glowing endorsement from John Brandenburg, a talking head from the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens. Brandenburg wrote a preface praising Joseph’s work and Joseph returned the favor by devoting part of the opening chapter to praising Brandenburg’s ludicrous claim that prehistoric Martians engaged in nuclear warfare. Brandenburg’s endorsement of Frank Joseph should have him banned from the History Channel for life, but sadly, it will not. Everyone will smile and nod and pretend that it’s perfectly OK to praise Nazis, and then go back to making Hitler fetish history porn programs. But let us repeat this carefully: The History Channel is OK with the people it pays to appear on its air praising Nazis. As for the book itself, it is a compendium of hearsay torn from the pages of tabloids. To give but one example: Joseph quotes Peter Waitzrik, who supposedly fought alongside the Red Baron in World War I, as claiming that the Baron shot down a UFO and that space aliens ran out. Even Joseph admits that the story doesn’t match the historical record, but he tries to rehabilitate it anyway, despite the fact that it was first published in the Weekly World News on August 11, 1998 (and later reprinted in 1999). “His appearance in a notorious American tabloid was enough for most historians to dismiss him as the perpetrator of an obvious hoax,” Joseph writes. But he said that Waitzrik only turned to the Weekly World News when no other paper would touch his story. Now, as it happens, I went to college with the son of one of the executives in charge of American Media, Inc., the parent company of the Weekly World News, in those days, and I got to see how the sausage was made back during the time when the tabloid still pretended its stories were true. (The Weekly World News admitted its stories were fake in 2004.) As I’ve mentioned before, I was sworn to secrecy not to reveal the truth about Weekly World News stories, but that expired when the tabloid admitted their own pieces were fake. The fact of the matter is that nobody working there much cared what they wrote. They would make up stories from whole cloth as needed, and they’d massage bizarre claims into humorous articles without doing much to check facts. Even though Waitzrik might have been a real person, the story from the Weekly World News is probably, at best, a “creative” interpretation of a very old man’s fantastical tall tales. There is little to say about the motley collection of shopworn UFO anecdotes that Joseph assembles. Most are familiar to those who have read any of the innumerable earlier works on military UFO encounters. Virtually none have any evidence to support the idea that they represent encounters with actual space aliens. Most are taken directly from earlier books. Virtually nothing is original. And, by the way, by “military,” he largely means the U.S. military, despite there being something like nearly 200 other militaries in the world. One chapter reviews a staple of Ancient Aliens, the allegation that the Admiral Byrd and the U.S. military engaged with UFOs in Antarctica. I’ve mentioned before that the claim comes from F. Amadeo Giannini's book The Worlds Beyond the Poles (1957). Giannini had use part of the script of the action movie The Lost Horizon (1937) and presented it as a transcript of a conversation between space aliens and Admiral Byrd, though the story was first told about the North pole before being revised to the South Pole. Joseph, of course, breaks from a focus on America long enough to devote a chapter to the Nazi military, and a second to the “German connection” between Nazis and space aliens. “The Axis experience with off-world vehicles was fundamentally similar to those confronted by the Allies, which lends these shared incidents some measure of credibility,” he writes. He takes some time to praise the Nazis for engaging in “exclusively an economic and scientific affair in Antarctica instead of a military one, like the United States, and he rhapsodizes over Nazi military feats and speculates about whether the Germans nobly tried to protect the world from the “truth” about space aliens at the South Pole. Due to his steadfast belief in noble, selfless Nazi heroes, he draws the most ridiculous possible conclusion about Byrd’s trip to Antarctica: He was helping ex-Nazis contain evil space aliens. From the foregoing facts, however incomplete, the most credible possible reconstruction of events, at least in general outline, begins in 1938 or 1939 with the accidental find by German Antarctic Expedition members of a base near the coast of New Swabia built and occupied by beings from another world who possessed highly advanced flight technology. Returning with this disclosure to Hamburg, Ritscher began organizing a return trip until its cancellation by the advent of war. One year following its conclusion, the former Kriegsmarine captain arrived in Washington, D.C., to share the Deutsche Antarktische Expedition’s discovery with his prewar American colleague, Richard Byrd. Somebody spent too much time watching The Thing from Another World and The Thing. And how is it that nobody at Inner Traditions objected to the idea that a Nazi author is writing a book praising Nazis as scientific and humanitarian heroes?
As the book meanders on, Joseph makes plain his commitment to accepting the testimony of anyone who once wore a uniform, however ridiculous, and equally his refusal to conduct any original research to confirm any of the claims. Instead, he accepts basically at face value absurd claims about dead aliens at Roswell, and the hoax Majestic Twelve documents. He also managed to get Stanton Friedman to help the Nazi author to make his case. Friedman told Joseph via email that a U.S. military craft had collided with an alien craft, and that there were three different UFO crashes in New Mexico in the twelve months surrounding 1947. The later chapters cover more recent encounters and are consequently more detailed, since the claimants are still alive to elaborate and because they are steeped in UFO lore and consequently fill their tales with greater detail. He includes some Canadian and Soviet material in later chapters, and a few references to the rest of the world, but he has a stubborn refusal to imagine alternative explanations beyond space aliens. At least some of the encounters described would have involved astronomical events, secret military weapons, spy planes, and even outright propaganda. What makes this book particularly strange is that Joseph’s writing is more detailed and clearer than his ancient mysteries writing. One might put it down to his fetish for the military, or that he is not really cut out to think holistically about the past, but the writing style is notably different. I hesitate to say that this is a better book—because he is a Nazi child molester, after all—but it is more engaging and better written than some of his others. Ultimately, I think that this is due to the fact that he is copying here from better books and has more detailed source material to work with, material he understands better. There is still too much Nazi fetishizing, and some projection of aliens as space Nazis. He suggests that aliens see humans as vermin who are despoiling the planet and should be eradicated: “No doubt, like good surgeons everywhere, they have already pondered prophylactic measures,” he says, apparently without irony. His solution to the “problem” of aliens is also a bit disturbing, suggesting that the United States—which he seems to view as the heir to Nazi Germany via its incorporation of Nazi scientists—should gain technological parity with aliens by shooting down their craft and reverse engineering their technology. The star rating for this book represents how I would judge it if it were written by an unsullied author. It is the star rating for the book as a book. As a work by Frank Joseph, it deserves negative stars—back hole or dark matter ratings.
5/29/2018 09:24:40 am
The slander by leftists is of course no surprise. Just curious how author defines “nazis”?
David Bradbury
5/29/2018 03:00:50 pm
When you start up a political party under the name of "National Socialist Party of America" and go to the Supreme Court for the First Amendment right to march through an area with a high percentage of Jewish residents, carrying swastika emblems, you should perhaps expect to be labelled a Nazi ...
5/29/2018 04:52:06 pm
I suspect it has something to do with "National Socialist Party" and swastika imagery.
Huh? What?
5/29/2018 05:58:40 pm
"Every day, we watch as darkness overwhelms our country, and much of the West, a sort of self-created madness where one specific group—conservative whites—are increasingly willing to blow up everything America and the West ever stood for in service of the politics of ethno-nationalism and fear.
Joe Scales
5/30/2018 11:34:49 am
"As a work by Frank Joseph, it deserves negative stars—back hole or dark matter ratings. "
An Anonymous Nerd
5/29/2018 06:15:05 pm
Well in this case it's pretty obvious who the Nazis are, as they call themselves that openly.
5/29/2018 06:48:28 pm
Looking forward to the citation of your source.
An Anonymous Nerd
5/30/2018 07:26:49 pm
Sources stating that Frank Joseph (aka Frank Collin) is a Nazi? Sure.
5/30/2018 07:52:50 pm
So not "call themselves" then.
An Anonymous Nerd
5/30/2018 07:57:45 pm
According to those links, actually, yes. You asked for a source, I gave you several. It's not my fault that you deny them.
5/30/2018 08:34:37 pm
So you either can't or are too lazy to post a quote where he "calls themselves Nazis." That's okay.
An Anonymous Nerd
5/30/2018 09:55:07 pm
For the benefit of anyone who is contemplating taking the "stickler" seriously: In the links I provided he identifies himself with the American Nazi Party and/or similarly named organizations, is depicted wearing a Nazi uniform, and the like.
5/31/2018 12:44:37 am
It's not an insult if it's true. You're too lazy to copy and paste a quote.
6/3/2018 10:11:25 pm
Americanegro, perhaps you do not understand how the process of "checking sources" works. When you demand sources, you are saying that you do not trust the person who made the claim--it is implicit in "cite your sources." Therefore, you should also not trust a random quote claiming to BE a source; it is YOUR laziness in refusing to go LOOK at the sources that is the problem here, not Nerd's. Nerd has done exactly as asked: provided sources.
5/29/2018 06:50:06 pm
He was once in charge of the American Nazi Party. Not hard to figure out.
5/29/2018 08:44:59 pm
That's true in the sense that he was never "in charge of the American Nazi Party." 5/29/2018 11:00:26 pm
Technicality. In those years, the American Nazi Party went by the name National Socialist White People's Party.
5/30/2018 12:33:43 am
Of course that is true but there was stickling to be done and I did it. I stand by my stickle,
5/29/2018 06:56:51 pm
Google Image Search for Frank Joseph/Collin. It's not a secret.
5/29/2018 02:18:34 pm
Wow you have captured my feelings about the times exactly. Maybe I'm a pessimist but you right about the circular nature of how this crap keeps coming around.
5/29/2018 02:23:10 pm
I am assuming that Mr. Frank's book has copious footnotes verifying his diligent investigation and giving proper attribution to his sources ?
Mary Baker
5/29/2018 05:44:25 pm
Moments after I read your article this morning, I came across
5/29/2018 06:48:38 pm
5/29/2018 06:51:30 pm
In regards to the times, Roseanne got cancelled after she made a racist tweet today. That shows that some companies at least will take a stand for what is right.
5/30/2018 12:59:59 am
I support the cancellation as the only possible move but let's face facts: They hired a bipolar/manic-depressive and fired her when her medical condition manifested. God help us if endometriosis makes Lena Dunham cranky.
5/30/2018 09:03:14 pm
Accusing a white guy of looking like a chimp is not considered racist since there is not the unstated implication of being an animal from Africa.
5/29/2018 08:05:47 pm
Sorry, we have plenty of fascists and nazis here who are ignorant of the fact that they fit the mold. The GOP is really unidentified and unaware Fascism, and even Nazism.
5/29/2018 09:40:36 pm
" We are in big trouble. Jason's first paragraph is accurate, as usual"
Joe Scales
5/30/2018 11:39:36 am
Yeah, Orang's diatribe is pure comic theatre from someone who cannot see outside of their shell.
5/30/2018 08:23:41 pm
6/3/2018 10:16:26 pm
...technically we've had a bloodless revolution every 2-4 years since 1789. I will point out, in the middle of this gloom and doomsaying, that we are not (yet) at a point of civil unrest or political self-sabotage as we were in the mid-1960s, and we managed to avoid a second Civil War then, if barely. We're in serious trouble, but there IS still some hope that we can get ourselves out of it before we're actually DOOMED.
6/2/2018 11:56:05 pm
Best summary of the trouble this country is in, thank you. We are literally hell bent on theocracy, sprinting to the cliff.
5/29/2018 09:06:51 pm
If there had been a pilot by that name in Jasta 11 at any time during the war, it would be known. The man identified as Peter Waitzrik in a group picture of MvR and his men in some of the newspaper coverage is in fact Otto Brauneck.
Titus pullo
5/29/2018 09:54:50 pm
Jason these horseshi$ books have been coming out for decades. Your recent hysteria about a growing alt right threat driven by a cabal if yes consevative and libertarian “white” men is over the top. Last week when u claimed classical liberalism was a gateway to the dark side i did a doubletake. U are starting to sound like a cultural marxist from the frankfort school and those intolerent sobs wanted reeducation camps for anyone who believed natural rights. Oh yes u recently attacked that idea as well. Trump pisses u off on fine. But labeling everyone from edmund burke to jefferson to batstait to hayek beliefs as a threat is going a bit far. I enjoy ur posts but your brush on consrvatives and libertarians is a bit too broad and red tinged
5/29/2018 10:35:04 pm
There is a difference, Titus, between small-c "conservatism" in the tradition of Edmund Burke, or even William F. Buckley, Jr., and the unrecognizable parody of it that passes under capital-C "Conservatism," but whose inconsistencies and hypocrisies mask the fact that it's basically a gloss on white identity politics. Burke wouldn't recognize the hodgepodge of cruelty and shortsighted profit-mongering that tries to pass itself off as traditional conservatism.
5/30/2018 12:49:58 am
Hey, you got a hammer? I'm pretty sure I saw a nail on the way in. You can't go wrong with Thomas Sowell's books and he's a great American Negro.
Only Me
5/30/2018 07:08:44 pm
Jason, perhaps you should have made that distinction within the post. Instead, you designated a specific group—conservative whites—as trying to tear down America or Western civilization in the name of ethno-nationalism. There is a large number of people who are white and identify as conservative that are NOT trying to do that.
6/3/2018 10:26:01 pm
Only Me, there are also a large number of conservative whites who don't realize they're contributing to the problem. Most of them sit there saying either, "Well, *I* don't see it happening, so it can't really be happening" or "This will all blow over with no harm done." In both cases, they're refusing to acknowledge harm that's ALREADY been done and are turning blind and deaf to what's going on politically. It's kind of like leaving your expensive car unlocked in a high crime area of a city: it doesn't make you a thief but it sure increased the odds of your car being stolen.
Joe Scales
6/4/2018 10:15:18 am
Well, now at least we know what the V stands for...
5/30/2018 08:28:37 am
Back in the 1990s I worked with an ultra-right-wing slob (I mean that literally, he weighed over 300 pounds and dressed like a hobo) who had been an editor at Weekly World News and told us all about how they sat around dreaming up the craziest crap they could think of, because they knew that a large part of the American public would believe it and pay them for it. I can only hope that your "day of reckoning" comes really, really soon, and that our poor country someday stops the pendulum swing of idiocy that has marked it from the beginning.
Joe Scales
5/30/2018 11:28:32 am
"Every day, we watch as darkness overwhelms our country..."
Huh? What?
5/30/2018 11:41:24 am
"Every day, we watch as darkness overwhelms our country..."
6/3/2018 10:27:03 pm
The chance for THAT to work passed by about 1499.
An Anonymous Nerd
5/30/2018 07:28:30 pm
No, Jason's correct and I'm glad he writes freely about it. I, for one, don't watch MSNBC.
5/30/2018 01:21:01 pm
I’ll never forget reading a copy of the Weekly World News and finding a version of the old vampire of Croglin Grange story retold as if it was something that happened last week.
Bill Morgan
6/3/2018 09:19:23 am
I will concede that most of what Jason has said in this post is mostly true.
6/3/2018 10:36:17 pm
I'm always amazed when people want to find "and medical care and enough money to buy food and housing with and not being shot for being the wrong color should not be luxuries for anyone" to be "criminal" this way.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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