Nevertheless, I don’t like seeing dead animals, and I’m tired of dead cows being roped in to phony supernatural narratives so we can gawk at their decaying corpses. As we have covered many times before, the cattle mutilation “phenomenon” was a creation of twentieth century myth-making, but the poor cow who started off The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, the History Channel’s glacially paced effort to clone The Curse of Oak Island, at least has the consolation that, being dead, it doesn’t have to suffer through any more of this show’s inane efforts to sensationalize disappointingly small mysteries. The myth of Skinwalker Ranch was created in the mid-1990s when Las Vegas journalist George Knapp, famous for his credulous reports about aliens in Area 51, began crafting it from stories told by the then-owners of the ranch. He grafted those stories onto local UFO/paranormal folklore from the 1974 book The Utah UFO Display to create a longer history for the ranch’s supernatural events. (In 1978, the “Uintah lights,” as they were then known, and their associated humming sounds were attributed to St. Elmo’s fire surrounding nighttime swarms of budworms “flying into high electric fields caused by thunderheads and high density particulate matter in the air.”) Nothing recorded in the 1990s, however, was particularly unusual by the standards of supernatural folklore until Robert Bigelow began to pour money into “investigating” and Knapp amplified the mystery with a book sensationalizing the ranch as the world’s preeminent paranormal hotspot. My home region of upstate New York, for example, could match the ranch in ghosts, psychics, angels, aliens, and so on. People tell stories. A lot. Money and publicity turn stories into legends.
I discussed Skinwalker Ranch in 2018 when I reviewed the documentary The Hunt for the Skinwalker, and nothing in the opening hour of the new series has changed my opinion of the ranch or the groupthink that has infested those who scare themselves silly imagining supernatural encounters there. The show opens with our cast of “investigators” standing around the body of dead cow in August 2019 screaming with delight because their radiation and EMF detectors spiked in the presence of the cow. Immediately they decide they need to run away because “something could be happening right now.” Thus ends the in media res teaser. We cut back to May 2019 to introduce our investigators, starting with Travis Taylor, who identifies himself as a scientist with decades of scientific and engineering experience. The show omits the fact that he is also a talking head from Ancient Aliens who has spouted inane drivel about aliens’ secret lunar colonies and other nonsense, or that is a former Curse of Oak Island guest looney who imagined the island to be a representation of the constellation Taurus. Taylor will say anything for cash, and here he is set up as the voice of reason and science. We’re off to a bad start. The other team members include “principal investigator” Eric Bard, scientist Jim Segala, ranch superintendent Thomas Winterton, ranch manager Jim Morse, security guard Brent “Dragon” Arnold, and ranch owner Brandon Fugal. The choice to dress all of the characters in black and white for their first boardroom meeting only served to highlight that the entire team is made up of middle-aged white men. Fugal speaks about the ranch serving as a place that will help him to understand the nature of the universe and dimensions of existence beyond the physical plane, and I can’t help but think that there is something symbolic about a group of middle aged white guys in a high-rise conference room thinking that they have exclusive access to the secrets of creation. The show sets up the “mystery” of the ranch by having Fugal relate the myth of the skin-walker, which the show implies is centered on the ranch. The Navajo skin-walker was a witch that could take the shape of animals, and as you might imagine, the skin-walker story is common to Navajo culture across the Navajo lands, not just around Utah’s Skinwalker Ranch. Fugal relates a 1911 newspaper story that residents near the ranch heard strange sounds, and a 1979 newspaper article about a UFO sighting in the area. Honestly, that is remarkably unimpressive for a “200 year” history of the supernatural. There is a haunted Native American mound in West Virginia that supposedly screamed whenever someone pierced it with a stake or shovel, and that story stayed current from the 1700s down to the late 1800s. That’s a damned sight better than this “history” of supernatural events. Fugal also discusses “medical” issues at the ranch, which he describes as mostly “nausea” and at least one case of partial paralysis, though no evidence is given to support the inexplicable nature of the paralysis. He finishes with, of course, more cattle mutilations, which he alleges cannot be explained by natural means. Naturally, we get even more pictures of dead and mutilated animals. Fugal then shows video footage of lights recorded at the ranch, including light illuminating part of a mesa, a spotlight shining up into the sky from atop the mesa, and a ball of light flying behind the mesa. Each is presented as a mystery, but you would think that rather than recording a spotlight shining up from the mesa for a few hours and wondering what caused it, someone might have driven up there and taken a look. I don’t see anything in the videos that couldn’t be fabricated easily if one were interested enough to do so. The failure to actually go and look when such things are happening robs us of the actual evidence needed to support the speculative ideas. The team gives Taylor some ominous horror-movie dialogue about the ranch “pushing back” against those who want to probe its secrets, and I am utterly amazed that this pushback recognizes the irregular borders of the ranch and stops right at the property line. The neighbors don’t seem to have half as many ghost problems, or to suffer nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea, or else they would do well to buy some extra Pepto Bismol and set up some bed and breakfasts to cater to the paranormal crowd. Seems like it would be pretty good, and easy, money. After the first segment ends, the setup phase of the pilot ends, and the show slows way down to ape the somnolent rhythms of Curse of Oak Island. Taylor arrives on the ranch. “Dragon” tells us the guards carry rifles because “we don’t know what we’re dealing with,” as though guns could kill poltergeists. Obviously, they are to warn off trespassers. We tour Fugal’s science center for monitoring and tracking activity on the ranch. Then come more cattle mutilation stories. Morse alleges that when the Utes and the Navajos came into conflict in the mid-1800s, the Utes cursed Skinwalker Ranch, and that started the supernatural phenomena. Imagine that: Magic words can call poltergeists down from other dimensions! OK, I’ll try: O friend and companion of night, thou who rejoicest in the baying of dogs and spilt blood, who wanderest in the midst of shades among the tombs, who longest for blood and bringest terror to mortals, Gorgo, Mormo, thousand-faced moon, curse this show and all who make it. Sadly, if that works, they might actually have a poltergeist to film next year, leading to more success, which would create the ultimate curse paradox, since the curse would un-curse itself! As the pace slows down for the second half of the show, Taylor is baffled by an anomalous reading of microwave radiation, and the men meet in a war room very closely resembling the one from Oak Island. Taylor speculates that nuclear fallout from midcentury testing may have something to do with the readings. The men claim to be afraid to dig holes for fear of unleashing evil powers in the Earth. Winterton alleges that after digging a hole on the ranch he contracted a “medically impossible” swollen lump on the back of his head which caused him serious ongoing issues, largely because he had left the swelling untreated for several days until it had grown to the size of goose egg. Earlier intervention would likely have created a different outcome, but Winterton said he refused treatment until his wife forced him to go to the emergency room. Tellingly, the show does not have Winterton’s doctor testify to the impossibility of his swelling, nor do they share the actual diagnosis or medical records. Fugal says he is “not comfortable” with digging a hole in the ranch because there are “risks” he hasn’t shared with Taylor. The evidence is kept, Fugal says, under lock and key in a secret case, and Taylor actually sounds reasonable when he becomes upset that Fugal is hiding evidence from him. The show ends with a teaser for the next episode, when the contents of the secret case of evidence will be revealed. A trailer for the rest of the season promises appearances by Ancient Aliens regulars like Linda Moulton Howe and even more cattle mutilations and dead animals. Perhaps in our current climate, throwing back thirty years to investigate the popular paranormal “mysteries” of the 1980s and 1990, like cattle mutilation, is TV comfort food. Maybe the sluggish pace of Prometheus Entertainment’s Oak Island clone helps to lull viewers into a cocoon of warm familiarity. Quite possibly, those watching a network whose average viewer is a white man around 60 years old like seeing (very) slightly younger white men pretending to take decisive action and pretending to master supernatural power. But what I see is a slow-paced effort to reproduce Curse of Oak Island by creating another impenetrable “mystery” that can be spun into a male-bonding pseudo-soap opera as tiny crumbs of information play out over endless episodes. Regardless of whatever secrets actually lie beneath Skinwalker Ranch, the Secret of Skinwalker Ranch isn’t about to blow the lid off of anything, lest it ruin their business model.
4/1/2020 02:02:30 pm
"For fuck’s sake, did they have to start with a dead cow?"
Dr. Whodat
4/1/2020 11:48:33 pm
I was thinking the same thing!
Doc Rock
4/2/2020 12:12:44 pm
One will rarely be wrong in predicting what form the stupidity will take on shows like this. Its a continual rehash of the crap one could read in paperback books and see on cheesy "documentaries" going back to at least the 60s and 70s. Jason could have probably written the review without even watching the show.
4/2/2020 01:28:38 pm
"Jason could have probably written the review without even watching the show."
Doc Rock
4/3/2020 07:43:17 am
Well, since they are bringing Indian lore into the mix then you can see the Wendingo or the shapeshifter angle coming a mile away. Did they go with four-legged wolf or play the dogman walking upright game?
4/3/2020 09:41:24 pm
I think it was just your regular run of the mill bulletproof wolf.
5/24/2020 03:32:52 pm
Yes, i got whiffs of smell the first episode.. My bullshit meter went
Michael F Augustino
10/11/2022 07:35:47 pm
I agree the whole series is a joke. But what white people have to do with it is beyond me, everything isn't about the color of your skin. 4/15/2020 01:01:04 pm
Jason Colavito you are brilliant and adored your opening words about this show! My sentiments exactly. The Real estate tycoon who bought this property has finally found a way on how to recoup his coins via the 'History Channel'.
4/15/2020 01:35:47 pm
This show reminds me of Discovery Channels mega shark show Debacle. What really got me was in the third episode where the drone would not fly they were being filmed from another drone. It’s middle aged Rich white guys wanting to do anything to be on TV syndrome. This is made up not a documentary as it portrays. I would not be surprised if they deliberately killed the cow in the opening of show for dramatic effects. I have a friend who has a ranch very close & he states that in 45 years he has never seen anything strange except for unknown lights which have been explained & are VERY common in that region. Also cows & calf’s die. The mutelation of cows has been debunked years ago. If they are so concerned why are there not scientists all over this? BECAUSE ITS ANOTHER FAKE TV SHOW.
5/6/2020 02:38:01 pm
I did not read all of these , but what got me in the first episode , is the batteries , why didn't the batteries go dead in the RF meters and such
9/15/2020 11:03:00 pm
Good point.
5/13/2020 03:12:27 am
Aloha Jim,
5/12/2021 11:24:20 pm
Did anyone else notice the cow that died of pneumonia was black and white and when they go look at it with an expert and say it’s been there a year and no predators touched it and it is brown??
6/19/2022 12:37:58 pm
I also noticed that about the dead cow. How in the hell does the cow turn from black to brown? With that I began to search for comments regarding the validity of this show. I was "tricked" to watch the first several episodes though.
First Time Long Time
4/1/2020 03:50:42 pm
Middle aged white men are just the worst.
Dr. Whodat
4/1/2020 11:55:05 pm
You would think that given how long Natives have lived in the area the show should have hired at least one. They could fill us in on Skinwalkers, and the pre-Columbian history of the area.
4/2/2020 01:45:48 pm
No, poison ivy. It's killed thousands of archaeologists in this year alone.
4/8/2020 01:31:14 am
Actually I live on the reservation in the uintah basin and Utes avoid the place. The Ute police (BIA) have expressed their discomfort even being called to the gate of the ranch.
Doc Rock
4/10/2020 09:18:48 am
Do the Utes avoid the place because they think it is full of evil spirits or because they want to avoid a bunch of crazy heavily armed white people running around locked and loaded like it was a zombie apocalypse?
4/10/2020 05:54:36 pm
One man with a varmint rifle and one man with a shotgun isn't "heavily armed". I'd classify it as "two guys I'm not worried about." And I don't own a gun.
Doc Rock
4/11/2020 11:39:36 am
I know what a 12 gauge pump action street sweeper with the plug removed and loaded with 00 buckshot or slugs can do. It's not like an episode of Little Rascals where farmer bob has his old single shot squirrel gun loaded with rock salt to scare the kids out of his watermelon patch.
4/11/2020 02:46:20 pm
Street sweepers are not quite illegal but tightly regulated in the U.S..
Doc Rock
4/11/2020 09:36:57 pm
Streetsweeper is like Riot gun, assault rifle, gut gun, or a biblical passage, they can mean many things to many people. Google up photos of the Remington 870 Magnum Streetsweeper and compare some of the pics to what the one dude is toting in the pic in Jason's article. They look much like what "heavily armed" members of a SWAT team are carrying while going about their business. Quite legal in most places. Minus the black paint and 00 buck it is a quail gun. Legality is a moot point since folks out West tend to make up their own gun laws as they go. Besides, after that second load of 00 buckshot in the face from a trigger happy guard that thought you were a werewolf, does it really matter what the barrel length was or the shell capacity?
4/4/2020 08:52:37 pm
Hey, I resemble that remark!
2/27/2021 08:23:40 pm
How depressingly tiresome to hear the term’middle-aged white men’ yet again. It has zero besring on the topic at hand. Grow. Up.
Jesse de Lacy
2/27/2021 08:26:35 pm
How depressingly tiresome to hear the tiresome term ‘middle aged white men’ yet again. It has no bearing whatsoever on this topic or this show. Just grow up already.
4/1/2020 07:34:33 pm
OMG,,, what a waste of time.
5/2/2020 02:07:54 pm
Not me, I’m bingeing on Ray Donovan! Lol!
jack tripp
4/1/2020 08:00:12 pm
lol, the dunce get a bump on the head from hitting his head on something, then like a simpleton doesn't get it checked out.
4/2/2020 01:48:49 pm
He's a simpleton because he got a booboo and didn't go to the Emergency Room? Screw Jesus, *I* wept. We truly are living in the age of Homo Can'tcopeabitacus.
4/8/2020 01:35:55 am
Actually it wasn’t days that he waited to go in. It was hours. And as his sister I can tell you it was terrifying to see him like that. The doctor had only seen the likes of trauma in soldiers at war (doc was in military). And to lay aside the claim the doctor wouldn’t go on the show, they tried but the local hospital administrator refused to let the doctor on the show. As to his reasons I know not. The doctor did want to, even offered to do the interview away from the hospital but was denied.
4/8/2020 10:34:43 pm
Assuming you are who you say you are I wasn't criticizing your brother, but the previous poster "Jack Tripp".
4/1/2020 10:36:45 pm
Hi, Jason.
4/2/2020 07:51:48 am
Yeah Ok Kent
4/2/2020 09:03:37 pm
Okay: 😅
An Over-Educated Grunt
4/2/2020 09:15:53 am
You must be new around here.
4/2/2020 01:56:45 pm
I see I've acquired a stalker (Hi Bezalel!) but you'd be surprise how many black folk are into all sorts of New Age nonsense, Tony Robbins, chlorophyll juice in the refrigerator... It goes back at least as far as Moorish Science. Black Hebrew Israelites (racist), MOVE (deluded), NOI (spiffy)...
Karl Hungus
4/4/2020 11:16:28 am
According to The Dude you can occasionally find black folks who are into The Eagles.. However, with this country's demographics and history you will rarely lose by betting on white for proclivity for certain things.
Kurt Stallings
4/4/2020 02:32:14 pm
Jason has been all over reporting and documenting the white supremacist assumptions on these programs (and their antecedents in "literature" and popular media) and paid the price for it. He keeps plugging away and I appreciate that about him.
4/1/2020 10:44:40 pm
Sadly, I fear that not too many people have heard of skinwalker ranch and therefore will time in, if they are remotely interested in this sort of thing. Fortunately, if they google for more info, they may happen across this site to set the record straight.
4/1/2020 10:54:17 pm
So bad!!! Jason if you are going to be reviewing this show, I’ll just read your reviews. They will probably be more educational. Although I’m sorry you have to watch this show.
4/2/2020 09:24:15 am
Jason has been "taking one for the team" for years now. :)
4/2/2020 06:47:24 am
Its an anti-intellectual militia, not anti-government. After all, Bigelow took DOD $ to investigate.
Joe Scales
4/2/2020 11:50:22 am
"The choice to dress all of the characters in black and white for their first boardroom meeting only served to highlight that the entire team is made up of middle-aged white men. Fugal speaks about the ranch serving as a place that will help him to understand the nature of the universe and dimensions of existence beyond the physical plane, and I can’t help but think that there is something symbolic about a group of middle aged white guys in a high-rise conference room thinking that they have exclusive access to the secrets of creation."
4/2/2020 01:37:08 pm
You know Jason is white right ?
4/2/2020 04:49:10 pm
No, I don't know that because I don't see color. But from the photos I've seen he could be half western Chinese or Filipino. Does it affect me? No.
4/2/2020 05:43:05 pm
4/2/2020 08:00:04 pm
Again with Kent responding to Jim’s retort to Joe scales lmao; one would think he’d learn from the first time around
4/2/2020 08:17:58 pm
Sounds like you're asserting that Jason is white. Don't know, don't care, and this will be that rare internet phenomenon, my lost post in this thread.
Joe Scales
4/4/2020 09:46:45 am
"Again with Kent responding to Jim’s retort to Joe scales lmao; one would think he’d learn from the first time around "
Joe Scales
4/5/2020 09:38:21 am
"Sounds like you're asserting that Jason is white."
4/2/2020 02:53:49 pm
The TV show "Black-ish" does this well in its conference room scenes where the white CEO calls his white son "Sweetheart", the black guy Charlie mentions his neglected son "Eustace" or his gun and there's some woman who's marginalized.
Joe Scales
4/4/2020 09:44:14 am
Never saw the show, but I do recall one of those, "Tonight... on a very special episode of Blackish..." That sort of thing always used to be a telltale sign of "jumping the shark".
Ginger Farkus
4/7/2020 05:44:18 pm
Sure he can...he knows exactly what he's doing when incorporating the '60 yr old white men' theme. C''re not up to date with our 'enlightened ' generation of the New Millennium!😏
Eman Liame
4/9/2020 11:21:23 pm
He's getting offended on other people's behalf over something that's not even offensive or race related, just silly. The show's premise is silly.
4/3/2020 12:44:42 am
It's okay to be a "White" person while simultaneously wondering why this is all a "White" thing.
4/3/2020 05:16:29 pm
The Original Man, Adam Kadmon, was white but then white devils stole his whiteness from him. So we find ourselves in the situation of today. Remember every day is a gift and that's why it's called "the present". TOHAM KUM RAH.
Not Kent
4/4/2020 01:45:06 am
You're always going to be able to out-Qabbalah me, Sweetheart.
4/4/2020 01:42:55 am
People tell stories. A lot. Money and publicity turn stories into legends.
4/4/2020 01:25:46 pm
Z, you do realize it is incumbent upon those making the incredible claims to provide proof of their claims. ?
4/4/2020 07:09:39 pm
Hearty +1
4/5/2020 09:42:05 am
This is were you wrong. The burden of proof is on EVERYONE who makes a claim, regardless if the claim is incredible or not.
4/5/2020 11:10:42 am
Apparently the burden of proof is now on Z, because he is the one that is making the claim I am wrong.
4/5/2020 01:39:10 pm
I didn't make any claims myself (and I don't need to), just pointed out the fact that Jason did not provide any evidence that the NIDS team perpetuated a hoax.
4/5/2020 06:33:01 pm
That's pretzel logic at its best. Nonsense.
John Hyatt
4/4/2020 02:29:06 am
I knew this was all nonsense years ago when a video linked by an unnamed website purporting to show anomalous lights at the "ranch" was nothing but an LED flashlight that cycled through colors and switched colors, because I have the exact same flashlight and recognized the effect! Skinwalker Ranch is a load of CRAP!
4/11/2020 12:39:16 am
I knew this was all nonsense until my husband came home from work one day and said "You know the weirdest thing happened this morning.I was driving to work and there were a few cars pulled over to the side of the road. I slowed down and noticed the drivers etc... were looking up. As I was wondering why they were pulled over I looked up and out of the corner of my eye I saw this split in the sky and you could see another sky behind it." He said he pulled over too to look at it. This was in Randlett Utah and my husband was a huge skeptic of anything paranormal. But he said this anomaly was super weird. It was weird enough to make people slow down and pull over and watch it. I mean you have to keep an open mind about things. I think this show is interesting.
4/4/2020 05:18:44 pm
I heavily rolled my eyes the second I saw the two "security guards" dressed all in black, one carrying an AR-14 and the other a shotgun. Right then I got exactly who these shows are for: Southern, middle-aged, NRA-supporting MAGAs.
4/4/2020 11:18:44 pm
"I heavily rolled my eyes the second I saw the two "security guards" dressed all in black, one carrying an AR-14 and the other a shotgun."
4/4/2020 06:54:11 pm
The classic woah is me Jason blog in which everything is racially motivated. Is your nickname Dragon?
Doc Rock
4/4/2020 08:22:34 pm
Welcome to America where the biggest assumption is that "it's about race" and the second biggest assumption is that "it's not about race." Or maybe the other way around. Even if a particular assumption is wrong you can still be perfectly right much of the time. Just don't assume that you are right all of the time either way.
Tony C
4/5/2020 10:48:28 am
I actually forced myself to watch the episode! It was similar to driving by an auto accident and with a sic inquisitiveness, looking for bodies. The "Security Guards" part was a joke! They would have been better dressed in Ghost Buster memorabilia than the weapons they had and how they were dressed. The cow mutilation is really so overplayed. Now if one of the "security guards" were found mutilated, THAT would stir the shit up!
4/5/2020 07:29:19 pm
Jebus, those brainiacs at Skinwalker ranch mounted a magnetic compass to a balloon to take data. hahaha
4/5/2020 10:02:35 pm
Cars have compasses.
4/6/2020 10:54:09 am
Kent, I expect you are nitpicking to start an argument with you trying to play "gotcha" (as Wolter would say).
4/6/2020 03:34:30 pm
Not in the least. Now it's "traditional compass". Okay,
4/6/2020 07:07:50 pm
Are you a child that I have to explain everything to you ?
4/6/2020 11:19:42 pm
Jim, I don't see the need for the insults. But whatevs. Your post says what it says. You have only to complain.
4/7/2020 10:14:23 am
""Trolling" is often internet code for "caught my mistake". Sad."
4/7/2020 12:08:21 pm
I feel like i just got scammed. They should have started the show with all the facts, video footage for 5 minutes,. Artifacts tested independently. Independent eyewitnesses. And exactly whAt they scoped after they bought and how they planned to get proof. If they do not have 5 hours of live footage that is indisputable, its all one big hoax. We don't want stories of bigfoot or a chupacabra, with ignorant people bulling everyone a bunch of fake stuff is real because they say so. So sad, why is Travis listing to these uneducated people as if they went to college.
4/7/2020 12:56:55 pm
Wow. What an incredible show. I knew shadow science was real. I also have a casio compass, led flashlight, infocus projector, safe range emf magnetic field reader, Water finder, thermal camera, white noise digital recorder that detects white noise, a 5 foot auger drill, and i have been reading and practicing remote viewing for years, i have been studying Chris Angel to understand the magic the monster has. I use drones to take pictures daily. I have the same experiences on my property. I have been investigating it for 29 years and my parents grandparents have Heard of people sayingbthey have seen terrifying things. My ranch is called Skadegamutc Ranch. This creature Has has thrown curses on our pets and some of the rabbits. The rabbits are no longer terrified of the dogs and have red pupils at night when i shine my led on them. He comes out at night and my great grandpa’s second cousin’s’ step mothers sisters one time friend had seen him and been bitten by the monster called Skadegamutc when she was 4 years old. We are also live on a native american ground. One day i was digging a trench to put my new well pipe in and the shovel snapped, the sharp wood cut my jeans and stabbed my leg. I never dug again. I never even drive vehicles on the land because just the weight of our tractor puts holes in the ground that may upset the monster and kill or stab someone. This is real i have had the same experience. I have not been able to catch it on tape or get physical evidence because the monster wont let me. I will not let Investigators in because their nonbelief creates a disturbance Real bad things happen. I let my cousin come on the property who is an atheist and does not believe in monsters. The next day it rained for 8 hours and my roof was leaking., on that same day my coffee pot broke. Our ranch is on Abenaki tribal land. Sometimes the shadows from the clouds make the monsters visible with the moon light in the fall. I am writing a book , i sell coffee mugs, t shirts, videos of tge ranch and on my website, you can donate funds to help is catch the monster.
4/7/2020 01:02:20 pm
Wow. What an incredible show. I knew shadow science was real. I also have a casio compass, led flashlight, safe range emf magnetic field reader, Water finder, thermal camera, white noise digital recorder that detects white noise, a 5 foot auger drill, and i have been reading and practicing remote viewing for years, i have been studying Chris Angel to understand the magic the monster has. I have the same experiences on my property. I have been investigating it for 29 years and my parents grandparents have seen terrifying things. My ranch is called Skadegamutc Ranch. This creature Has has thrown curses on our pets and some of the rabbits. He comes out at night and my great grandpa’s second cousin’s’ step mothers sisters one time friend had seen him and been bitten by the monster called Skadegamutc when she was 4 years old. We are also live on a native american ground. One day i was digging a trench to put my new well pipe in and the shovel snapped, the sharp wood cut my jeans and stabbed my leg. I never dug again. I never even drive vehicles on the land because just the weight of our tractor puts holes in the ground that may upset the monster and kill or stab someone. This is real i have had the same experience. I have not been able to catch it on tape or get physical evidence because the monster wont let me. I will not let Investigators in because their nonbelief creates a disturbance Nd bad things happen.
4/8/2020 12:59:47 am
I TRIED watching it but found it ridiculously stupid. I agree that the cast of characters are straight out of central casting! Everything they “reveal” HAS an explanation. These bozos are preying on the ignorance of the masses by pretending they are sooooooo fearful of the unexplained that the audience will sit spellbound. Think for a second people! IF all they say happened ( they provide no verifiable documentation) why are they still there???? You’ve got “ranchers” afraid of the dark and ranch employees sooo traumatically injured( again no proof) that any real rancher must be laughing his butt off!😂. Just another show trying to spin off a show for GREED.🤮
Been on a reality tv show episode
4/9/2020 06:16:04 pm
Why are they wearing same clothes.. day to day? I mean at night they have on coats... but everyday? And when the people who were there to survey... they didn't carry any equipment out of sink hole site? Don't you think the camera men would be freaked? .
True Believer
4/15/2020 12:13:26 am
I am amazed that there are people who don’t accept statements and info the show puts forward in this highly factual, well documented, scientifically based documentary,
4/8/2020 01:55:15 am
Whether it’s Curse of Oak Island, Gold Rush, Skinwalker Ranch or Alaskan Bush People, one thing happens to the cast...they become wealthy from their episode paychecks so nothing has to be found, discovered, long as viewers keep tuning in and the commercial revenue comes in to pay them, these shows will go on and on. Rick on Oak Island is now a multi-millionaire. He was a postal employee before the show. Todd Hoffman never found much but failure in his gold digging...except now he’s a multi-millionaire from show payments and royalties. These shows are cash cows for the cast and we who get sucked in are the mentally mutilated. All those hours wasted waiting for treasure and aliens and Dave Turin’s lost mine filled with gold. But wait, next week THIS will happen! (Think last week on skinwalker when they open the secret case for the astro phy guy and it looks like he’s gazing upon an alien’s shriveled head. You eagerly wait and tune in...they open the case and it’s (hide the children) it’s...a....magnet....pffffffttt. Click. Goodnight.🥱
4/8/2020 10:42:15 am
A magnet !!!! Aw man, you should have invoked the "Spoiler alert clause". I was hoping to be disappointed watching the show, you have pre-dissappointed me, dagnabit !
4/8/2020 01:17:22 pm
Of couse they are not allowed to dig on the ranch. The real reason is that they don't have mineral rights. It goes back to the "oil rush" and "gold rush" days. Many properties in the west don't include the mineral rights. God forbid they should discover oil or some other valuable minerals. If you leave out that fact, it sounds like you can't dig, period.
4/8/2020 06:20:16 pm
The owner seems so stuffy, and mightier than thou. I think this stuff is so phony. Trying to copy oak Island.
Ema Liame
4/9/2020 11:17:41 pm
It's phony as heck because the previous owners did studies for years and came up with jack and/or squat.
4/10/2020 03:56:51 pm
4/8/2020 11:58:58 pm
Wednesday, April 08, 2020
4/10/2020 04:50:35 pm
Just f*%#~^& DIG !!
4/15/2020 01:52:16 am
why in every episode are they wearing the same damn thing. does not matter how many days later....same outfit! It's like it was filmed all in 1 day!!!!
4/15/2020 02:03:27 pm
Funny how their batteries died BUT not the camera batteries... Hmm.. smells like another Blair Witch BS attempt
Gary Sternemann
4/16/2020 10:49:57 am
OK, I'll admit I thought the show would be interesting, nope I was wrong. I thought it was funny how the show didn't identify everything to the "actors" oh shoot I mean investigators. Having Brandon Fugal tell one of the actors to show what's in the box. of course the music comes up at that point.
4/17/2020 11:31:50 pm
What is the haunted mound that screams? That sounds interesting
True believer
4/22/2020 12:29:09 am
Well things are kinda slow at the old true believer spread. I did figger out what cause the VOC reading spike on my trusty belt mounted VOC meter when I got sucked down the prairie dog hole. Who’d a thought that a fart from one those little critters was a violatile organic compound.
Anita Schnetzka
6/9/2020 08:00:52 pm
Quite frankly I love the show!! Keep an open mind because the world beyond may not be what we may think
Robert Eckrich
4/22/2020 12:38:03 am
I’ve watched the first four episodes, and the conclusion I draw is that these “investigators” are stuffed full of more sh-t than a Thanksgiving turkey.
4/23/2020 07:29:04 am
I loved the reflector they made from al foil taped to a board in episode 2 - the whole family was rolling on the floor in stitches! Best comedy show of the year!
Robin May
4/24/2020 03:23:32 am
Your article is well-thought out and you supported your thoughts. But really, “For fucks sake”?? If you don’t see why that is wrong let me just say I almost didn’t continue reading. Your audience might be larger if you allowed more of your intellect to show through. Your article became so much better when you left the profanity out. Be smart, you’ll sound so much smarter.
Mickey J
6/19/2022 12:45:16 pm
Well said, Robin.
4/27/2020 10:11:56 am
Just like the show the comments are filled with middle aged white men that can't be bothered to open their mind. If I told you interdimensional portals could be a thing you'd probably piss and moan that stuff is science fiction.. Although NASA would disagree with your stupid opinions.
Ang O
4/28/2020 01:12:12 pm
Thanks Todd, I almost did not make it to the bottom due to so much hoopla.
8/4/2020 05:02:37 pm
Don’t have your mind so open your brains are spilling out. That seems to be a very common issue with ufoologists, they believe without evidence and anybody asking for evidence isn’t open minded enough.
John Sawyer
7/15/2021 07:02:00 am
Todd, that NASA article makes no claims about "interdimensional portals"--here's what it actually says:
5/20/2020 12:06:29 am
As a certified apple iphone tech, the big shot needs to buy the ranch super and the security guard new iphones
5/27/2020 12:55:41 pm
I disagree with the author. If you know the spirit world and what is happening there all the findings on Skinwalker Ranch is very real. There are o natural explanations for this but one thing is certain. The spirit world is more real than the physical.
5/29/2020 06:56:15 pm
Yeah, the show is utter trash. It's just another indicator of how far the History channel has degenerated over the years. However, you seem quite obsessed with the fact that the cast is all white and middle-aged. So what if it is? BFD. Seems a little racist to me. Self-loathing much?
5/30/2020 01:09:54 am
I haven't read all of the comments but this show is hilarious. I grew up in the area, and it's funny that none of us who grew up there ever heard anything about the "Skinwalker Ranch" It was just another piece of farm land. We rode horses down the gulch and amazingly never saw anything "paranormal" and believe me, if me and my friends would have heard anything, we would have been all over that place. I'm in my 50's so you would think I would have heard something right? I knew that people would start claiming to have known all along and what ever else. Hmmm...Why would they take so many decades to say anything? The show is beyond stupid. It's insulting. I do know people who have never even been there telling me how they believe all of it because you know...Aliens and shit. I'm just so glad I found a place where people have common sense and aren't gullible to total Bullshit.
7/17/2020 07:46:07 am
there are many things wrong with your posts
9/6/2020 11:23:45 pm
I watched the first episode tonight. Half way through I immediately searched out how fake this show actually was. I must say how happy I am for stumbling across this review. You accurately depicted everything I felt well watching this show and found tons of humour in it.
9/25/2020 08:39:28 pm
Due to radio, tv, cellular network activity you can expect RF readings almost anywhere these days... but a wrong interpretation of those readings you don’t really expect from scientists.
2/19/2021 12:24:13 am
The date given of May 31, 2019 is wrong for the full moon that's seen in the night sky! That date had a crescent moon. What's up with that?
John Sawyer
7/15/2021 07:16:25 am
There's only one possible explanation: Skinwalker Ranch is so mysteriously powerful that it can affect the phases of the moon. In fact, it may even be the force that has CONTROLLED the moon's phases ENTIRELY, maybe since the beginning of time.
3/8/2021 11:36:26 pm
A real estate mogul bought the property with the intention of making a tv show about it. Why is he keeping cows there to begin with unless he's hoping to find them mutilated? Seems extremely suspicious.
5/2/2021 01:32:52 am
I have no doubt the program is staged. In the critique, the author keeps degrading them as "Middle aged white guys." How trendy! Does he self loathe? One can write an intelligent article without perjoratives and insults. Content wins; one can be humorous without insulting the targets of the article.
Deborah neal
8/8/2023 05:23:21 pm
I enjoyed the comments!☺ I don't know if I interpreted everything as you would, but to me, theses reality shows are ran by old white men from what I see, which is true, Barnum and Bailey, there's a sucker born every minute, you don't know until u pull back the curtain, Brooklyn Bridge sold, 3 times, I've enjoyed this, as my brother tells me, anything can be sold, thank you!
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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February 2025