Yesterday I began my look at Zena Halpern’s Templar Mission to Oak Island. Today, for better or worse, I continue. To refresh your memory: We previously discussed the supposed mystery of a brass box with alchemical and astrological symbols that a man named William D. Jackson claimed to have stolen from Bannerman Island in New York in 1969, a mystery that Halpern learned about from an alleged secret agent named Dan Spartan of the (likely fictitious) Spartan Agency who fed her information through typewritten letters sent from false addresses. Chapter 2
The second chapter opens with some of the evidence that Halpern only vaguely alluded to in the first chapter. The first piece of evidence concerns an archival record stating that Francis Bannerman VI purchased a small brass “device” from a J. Roche, Order of St. Andrew on April 22, 1906. According to the receipt (if genuine), the brass box featured a pentagram and “strange characters,” and it came with a Latin certificate from G. Benvenuto of Italy, written in 1820, describing the manufacture of the unusual curio. Bannerman paid $3.65 for the piece, which seems to be a rip-off for an early nineteenth century alchemical curio. Weirdly, Halpern insists on describing the brass curio as a “device” even though the provided photocopy of Bannerman’s receipt clearly identifies it as a “paperweight.” The receipt states that Benvenuto’s text identified the object as a “navigational tool.” My assessment is that the engraving was designed as an astrological / astronomical chart of some sort and therefore was “navigational” in that sense. The date of 1820 seems about right for the object, though not the materials allegedly found within. The open question is whether the current brass box is the one described or a modern fake. That I cannot judge. Obviously, without access to the original, there is very little we can say from a photograph. Halpern, however, concludes that Benvenuto merely was a middleman and that the object is much, much older, but her reasoning is strange: William Jackson, who likely read the same document Halpern did, alleged that another Benvenuto, living centuries later, sold him a secret Templar document. Thus, the Benvenuto family is somehow intimately entwined with the “mystery,” not least because one of that name wrote a letter to Henry I Sinclair, Earl of Orkney. The trouble is that “Benvenuto,” meaning welcome, is and was a very common name, both first and last, meaning that it is quite difficult to establish any sort of connection. Sadly, Halpern simply accepts the reality of the Zeno Narrative and concludes that Sinclair masterminded a secret network stretching from America to Scotland to Italy. To defend this, Halpern enters into evidence “letters” from the 1700s that she says came from “the Jackson collection.” She does not identify where the letters came from originally, nor has she seen the originals. There are also no photographs of them. They exist only as typewritten transcripts, and I will be blunt: They seem fake. The writing has none of the characteristics of eighteenth century prose, and they sound odd and clunky. The digitized copies of computer-typewritten transcripts (in Times New Roman) included in my edition of the book are too blurry to read every word, but none of the expected mannerisms of Augustan prosody manifest in the writing, and numbers are given in decimal form, unusual in the eighteenth century, when fractions were the preferred notation. Oh, right: the content. The letters claim to describe how to use the device to navigate by the stars and Venus and allege a conspiracy to encrypt said information in “cipher form” (i.e. Theban) to hide it. Really? I mean, come on, the description is hardly very different from an astrolabe. What, pray tell, would be the point of hiding anything? Chapter 3 The third chapter returns to the dubious discoveries of William Jackson, who in 1981 (if we accept the document dates) claimed to have had a 1913 journal that detailed a dramatic escape from captivity by one of Bannerman’s distant Scottish relatives and his secret mission to San Sigismundo in Cremona, Italy to find a secret document that would provide the “key” to an unnamed mystery. Afterward, it seems to say that he went to Africa and crossed to America to go to Hunter Mountain, then the site of a logging operation, and today a famous ski resort. Here is where things take another sad turn. Halpern notes that she has received all of this information piecemeal from super-secret secret agent Dan Spartan, of the CIA-adjacent Spartan Agency. Halpern never met Spartan, nor did she ever speak to him. Instead, in the mid-2000s, she simply received regular packages with “clues” and excerpts from Jackson’s 1981 investigation. Spartan implied that he could not reveal any verifying information because of his “employer,” which Halpern took to mean the CIA. Spartan, who claimed that the “paranoia” of the American post office required him to create fake addresses to send his missives from, nevertheless signed his allegedly real name to them. I don’t suppose Halpern noticed that “Dan Spartan’s” letters and all of the other letters from the whole cast of characters seem to share certain punctuation quirks in common, such as an omitted comma in the salutation. It is beyond the scope of my interest whether the 1913-1914 journal and its accompanying maps and charts are authentic since a twentieth century document cannot speak to the reality of a twelfth century conspiracy. Halpern is working from a copy made by Jackson, she said, in 1970, and she claims to have two original pages. A skeptic might suggest that someone bought a couple of authentic World War I pages and concocted a larger narrative to frame them, or even that the supposed “original” pages were written on old pieces of paper. Convenient, isn’t it, that the original journal vanished after the 1970s? Halpern says that Jackson damaged some of the journal in the 1970s by dousing it in chemicals in the search for invisible ink that he claimed told of a secret trek to upstate New York in search of Templar secrets. “Dan Spartan” handed Halpern the secret code when she didn’t find it herself, and explained how to use misspelled words in the journal to “reveal” Hunter Mountain, near Halpern’s own home. Halpern also expends much energy trying to fabricate a secret society in Scotland called the Order of St. Andrew going back to the Merovingians (!), but it might instead refer to any number of organizations, from the the Russian order of knighthood of that name, to (perhaps most likely) the Scottish fraternal lodge founded in 1872, and the Anglo-Scottish knightly order called the Order of the Thistle, which also went by Andrew’s name. Alternately, the receipt my even be a fraud, but sine Halpern says it exists in a Delaware library, I will assume it is real. Just for fun: Halpern says that a secret Templar document in Jackson’s possession refers to the “Book of Enoch,” which means that our friends the Watchers have a spurious connection here, too! Chapter 4 This chapter analyzes the 1913-1914 journal and the supposed secret code contained within. The incorrectly spelled letter of the first word of every twelfth line spells out their target: Hunter Mountain, here listed in “code” as being in New Amsterdam, the old name for New York. The “code” is so secret that the actual text of the journal specifically states in plain English that the writer headed to “New Amsterdam” on a ship called Quetzalcoatl provided by the mysterious “Order.” My, but the writer did such a great job of keeping the Order and its business secret. Halpern’s analysis of the journal is predicated on a set of beliefs she did not introduce, explain, or defend before using them as evidence, namely the allegation that a “Templar Document” existed in the aforementioned Italian church and is tied to the “Order” whose existence she has not yet established. There is so much speculation that I don’t think there are any actual facts involved whatsoever. Once again, the entire argument rests on accepting that a particular text is genuine, based on uncritical acceptance of “Dan Spartan” and his correspondence delivered from a false address. Chapters 5 and 6 This chapter investigates a secret story discovered in the journal when Jackson applied flames to the pages to reveal invisible ink. It strikes me as odd that the handwriting in the secret code is very similar to all the other handwriting on every document in the book (the G’s for example always feature a rather pronounced crossbar, and all of the N’s are distinctively sharp), but that’s just me. I don’t have a way of quantifying the similarity, especially given the low resolution of the images, meaning that I can only speak from general impressions. My impression is that the writing is all by the same hand. It also strains credulity that all of the people across time all chose to write in block letters when cursive was the preferred style for many centuries. Using this dubious document, Halpern discovers a description of and coordinates for extremely local monuments near her home. I’m going to pause here and note that I am a lifelong New Yorker. My home in Albany is pretty close by to Hunter Mountain—just 50 miles away as the crow flies (about 60 by car). I have literally never heard of any of these “sacred paths” and “prominent” features, like the Devil’s Tombstone, a large rock that marks a state park and campground there. (The rock, a boulder carried down from the mountains by a glacier, was named by Dutch colonists.) The information is hyper-local, and I can’t fathom how a secret international order dedicated centuries to such an obscurity. Even guides to state parks put it below the more famous chair-shaped formation atop the mountain. And just for fun: Hunter Mountain is a recent name, bestowed by John Hunter, its former owner. It had been Greenland Mountain down to the middle 1800s. Would someone in 1913, writing of New York as New Amsterdam to “hide” the truth, have neglected to encode the mountain’s name with its older form? The bottom line is that this whole story looks more and more like a hoax, and I’m not sure what value there is in continuing to look into claims that appear to have been carefully designed to flatter Zena Halpern. How lucky for her to live practically atop a secret Templar treasure trove and to have a super-secret secret-squirrel deliver the proof to her as needed.
David Brody
4/7/2017 11:44:50 am
100% of reviews on this blog are 100% negative. Visitors here should understand that. These are not “reviews” in the traditional sense, where shows and books are analyzed and critiqued. This is a site where a particular world view is espoused and defended. Jason is not a “critic”—he is a preacher with a small, rabid group of followers who zealously attack those who view the world differently than they do. They have the right to do so, just as Flat-Earthers and deniers of global warming have the right to defend their viewpoints. But visitors to this site should understand what this blog is: It is a place where contrary views are attacked. Not critiqued. Not analyzed. Not weighed. Attacked. Ironically, Jason is not so different from those so-called “fringe historians” he condemns. Where they see 100% certainty in their revisionist history claims, he sees 0% possibility—he has concluded all their claims must be bogus even before he “analyzes” them. Jason and those he despises are, in reality, two sides of the same coin. Of course, neither side is completely right. The world is more nuanced than that. But nuance is something readers will not find here. This is a place for preaching, for true believers.
4/7/2017 12:04:00 pm
Perhaps instead of of attacking Jason you could point out where he is mistaken ? Don't forget to add some real proof.
4/8/2017 03:17:15 am
Okay You Pathetic Acolytes,
Only Me
4/8/2017 04:04:25 am
Clues, Steve? You mentioned a blog and Facebook isn't really a blog.
4/8/2017 08:25:54 am
They talked about Zena Halperns health repeatedly on that abortion of a tv show curse of oak island. Based on her "research" she could have just made it up though.
4/8/2017 02:02:55 pm
So after all that spittle and insults and accusations of defacto plagiarism, you're mad because Jason mentioned Ms Halperns' health, with the idea that that info was stolen. Something anyone could have learned by doing basic research, but clearly, he stole it.
4/11/2017 02:34:55 am
No, WEATHERWAX, or whoever the hell you are, hiding behind your strange moniker.
4/11/2017 05:52:01 pm
I may be nothing but a useless asshole acolyte, but it's pretty clear the comprehension issues are yours, along with lots of other issues. Honestly, Kathleen's vision of you is the most generous I can come up with.
12/14/2018 01:44:31 pm
So, um, Steve.... Zena has died so I think maybe she did have some serious health issues.
4/7/2017 01:38:45 pm
The question is not whether the world "is more nuanced" but whether there is any credible evidence to support the views evaluated. To insist on more than idle speculation that something "could have happened" is not what I would call "100% negative." I notice your screed is devoid of any examples--from today's post or otherwise--of any alleged evidence that he ignores or unreasonably criticizes. It makes me wonder what pet theory of yours Jason has debunked. The only irony here is that you've chosen to offer a "100% negative" review of Jason's blog without offering an iota of evidence in support of that review. You'll no doubt consider this an attack on someone with a different view when in fact it's only an insistence that claims made be supported by evidence.
4/7/2017 02:45:48 pm
I searched this site for "Brody". 4/7/2017 02:45:52 pm
David Brody is a novelist (who based a villain on me) and a friend of Scott Wolter. He advocates for a number of claims related to the Newport Tower, the Westford Knight, etc.
4/11/2017 02:36:57 am
You're right Jason. It's all about you.
4/7/2017 02:07:43 pm
"Nuance" is the charlatan's Astroglide.
An Over-Educated Grunt
4/7/2017 03:52:50 pm
You, sir, are the Zardoz of the comment section, a big head floating through and vomiting inanities masquerading as profundities.
birdy mama
4/7/2017 04:55:14 pm
Would Sir care for a fresh bowl of Wheaties?
Exaterressial Assonaut
4/9/2017 10:09:22 pm
I hope he doesn't have and wear a copy of Connery's outfit from Zardoz! Eek!
4/7/2017 04:18:25 pm
"I'm being attacked" is the sad cry of people who don't understand what critiquing really is. Hint: a critique points out the shortcomings of a piece of work so that the creator can fix them. Unfortunately, fringe writers seem to be too emotionally invested in their own work to step back and really look at it. This, sadly, prevents most of them from improving their skills.
Joe Scales
4/7/2017 05:03:04 pm
The point of the site counselor, is to point out fraudulent historical takes masquerading as actual scholarship. So I ask you then, are you here strictly as an advocate for those alleged to be perpetrating fraud or a co-conspirator?
4/7/2017 05:37:15 pm
You should have told readers that you are in the book and were an active participant in the hunt for Templar-Jewish-Bloodline treasures in Halpern's backyard. That wasn't very nice, David. And you accuse me of bias.
David Brody
4/7/2017 06:25:14 pm
That's just silly, Jason. I made no effort to hide my involvement--my name is in both the book's Acknowledgements and text. And from prior posts here (and private emails to you), you know I consider Zena a friend.
Steve StC
4/7/2017 09:38:04 pm
Not sure where your sweaty fingers and your keyboard dug up the completely inaccurate idea that Hunter Mountain is "in Halpern's backyard" you idiot. She lives over 3 hours from Hunter.
Steve StC
4/7/2017 09:42:03 pm
Oh my, I forgot to qualify my remarks by saying that I'm friends with Zena Halpern and helped her with certain parts of the research for her book which mentioned the Sinclair / St. Clair family and the de Morevilles. I also built her website for her. Oh... and once she had dinner at my house with my family. Oh... and she was part of a conference I put on using Blog Talk Radio to explore early trans-Atlantic Contact. 4/7/2017 10:05:24 pm
Ah, Steve, I guess it depends on your perspective on the backyard. From up here in Albany, everything in the lower Hudson Valley is the "backyard" of New York City. Up here, we look toward the Adirondacks and not the Catskills as our mountain backyard, and a 2- or 3-hour drive to get somewhere is pretty standard. Down in NYC, you probably consider everything north of New Rochelle to be as far away as the moon.
4/7/2017 10:07:28 pm
Steve StC ; Could you please direct me to this blog of Pulitzers. Thank you.
4/7/2017 10:32:00 pm
Are you now pretending you knew that Ms. Halpern lives 3 hours away from Hunter Mountain? I hereby accuse you of wholesale inventing her proximity to Hunter as one of your convenient lies to skewer her.
4/7/2017 10:42:09 pm
Where is the treasure commandos blog? I've never seen it. What info did Jason appropriate?
4/7/2017 10:42:57 pm
By the way, Jim, do a little digging on how Jason Colavito crafts this hate blog and presents certain statements with links to sources, and other more damning statements with no link to his source.
4/7/2017 10:48:48 pm
I acknowledge your comment Fawkes. Thanks so much for your opinion.
4/7/2017 11:05:57 pm
Steve StC: I'm trying to do a little digging, but I can't seem to find Pulitzer's blog that you claim Jason got information from. Could you help me out and direct me to this blog?
Only Me
4/8/2017 03:20:46 am
Everyone, this is apparently the part that has given Steve an apoplectic fit:
4/8/2017 03:56:46 am
Uh Merely You,
Only Me
4/8/2017 04:08:25 am
If it's a bullshit story, then it's your word against Pulitzer's and you both have zero credibility. 4/8/2017 06:38:38 am
What the heck? Yes, Pulitzer is one source. Wolter and others also mentioned it to me via email when berating me for even discussing such a frail little old lady. They also made accusations that I cannot repeat here. Thus, "friends" plural. But because I haven't confirmed it myself, and "terminal" illness is a rather serious thing to say without proof or permission, I thought it kinder to merely allude to it. It is also nothing I've ever tried to "hide." I've mentioned it before, with Pulitzer's name attached. I didn't feel the need to repeat the whole story again since it isn't relevant and, unfortunately, would involve having to describe Pulitzer and Wolter's dozens of missives and the involvement of our lawyers in an unrelated issue, all of which is irrelevant.
4/8/2017 08:30:30 am
So...the blog is Facebook? That's not a blog. 4/8/2017 09:11:10 am
Pulitzer blocked me from his Facebook page long ago. I couldn't go searching for a link if I wanted to.
4/11/2017 02:42:51 am
So which is it Jason?
4/11/2017 02:50:40 am
Either way, you found it convenient to dig up some dirt by J. Hutton Pulitzer, whom you loath, but you dare not credit his dirt for fear of using someone you hate as a "Primary Source." It's OK to quote a lie as long as you can use it to besmirch another enemy. (The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right Colavito?).
4/7/2017 10:19:54 pm
It isn't Jason's job to provide the analysis and research that the various authors who are "criticized" here do not perform themselves in their own publications. If someone disputes his claims, then they are free to post factual information that can be verified by anyone..
4/8/2017 02:45:09 am
Okay Turds, here’s the part Colavito is not man enough to admit. There is only one place where your master could have picked up this knowledge and typed it into his sweaty keyboard: “Halpern is ill with what her friends have described online as a very serious illness, though I have no knowledge of her current health status.”
Only Me
4/8/2017 03:24:25 am
Look above SDO's comment for the answer, Steve.
Joe Scales
4/11/2017 11:02:48 am
Who could have known that Shelly Marsh was a Sinclair...
terry the censor
4/10/2017 04:47:17 pm
@David Brody
Seymore Butts
1/29/2019 07:57:52 pm
4/7/2017 12:14:59 pm
Funny how these trolling unknowns can mock and critique in long unbroken paragraphs and yet have no blog of their own, no following, and come here to mock some other critical site just because they want to.
Bob Jase
4/7/2017 01:32:18 pm
Well, at least she isn't claiming to have psychically channeled this crap.
4/7/2017 03:48:02 pm
From your description, it sounds like someone signed her up for the Mysterious Package Company or some similar organization that sends out periodic mysterious mailings.
4/7/2017 06:01:56 pm
I wonder if the "Spartan Agency" is the product of somebody misremembering the name of SPARTA, Inc., the defense contractor? Probably just a coincidence - they're systems analysts, not spies - but I thought it might be worth throwing out there.
Only Me
4/7/2017 07:56:17 pm
Man, Zena must be *thrilled* to be experiencing her own real-life National Treasure: Book of Secrets. Too bad it definitely exhibits the characteristics of a hoax.
4/7/2017 10:38:37 pm
Have you purchased the book and read it Merely You???
Only Me
4/7/2017 10:58:41 pm
Just when I think you can't possibly be more of a white knight and belligerent, you go and redeem yourself. In return, I offer this:
4/7/2017 11:24:28 pm
Anyone who's abusive and keeps saying "sweaty" is someone I want to side with, issues with drinking be damned!
4/8/2017 02:32:19 am
From Merely You, above - "Man, Zena must be *thrilled* to be experiencing her own real-life National Treasure: Book of Secrets. Too bad it definitely exhibits the characteristics of a hoax."
Only Me
4/8/2017 03:02:10 am
And yet, Steve, you are following your typical modus operandi: arrive, hurl insults and avoid addressing, in a substantive way, any perceived grievances you have. You're a child calling
Ed Wensell
4/9/2017 05:17:55 pm
I'm typing a research paper for school but all I can think about is how sweaty my keyboard has become.
4/11/2017 12:59:03 am
So Merely You has reduced Colavito's hate blog to the status of a book review site. Your hero Jason must be so pleased.
Only Me
4/11/2017 08:20:00 am
I see you're still trying, and failing miserably, to white knight, Steve.
12/5/2018 07:23:06 pm
wow! So I found this blog when trying to find the actual document that was shown on COO this week as Rick was boxing up the research left him by Miss Zena. Since she died this past Summer I guess she was nearing the end of her life when discussion of her book devolved into a temper-tantrum about whether she was ill or not and if the mention of an illness needed an MLA source citation or not.
Titus pullo
4/7/2017 09:05:51 pm
While I sometimes disagree with Jason's political views his commitment to researching from primary sources to following the chains of myth using critical reasoning is superb. It's easy to reject idiotic claims like Minoan copper miners in the Great Lakes based on how outrageous that sounds but Jason dissects these claims with critical thinking and evidence.
4/7/2017 09:56:25 pm
4/7/2017 10:40:28 pm
You mean primary sources like the blog of J. Hutton Pulitzer? He should at least provide a link to that source so we can all have a good laugh at this pathetic attempt at "primary source" research.
4/8/2017 12:04:55 am
"You mean primary sources like the blog of J. Hutton Pulitzer? "
4/8/2017 12:18:27 am
I'm not reading Pulitzer's blog until Jason reviews it and tells me what to think about it.
4/8/2017 12:34:11 am
What Pulitzer Blog ? How can one give a link to something that doesn't seem to exist ???
4/8/2017 02:25:51 am
SmallNicky wins the prize merely for admitting the truth. And Jason won’t point a link at J. Hutton Pulitzer’s blog post (“primary source”) in which he lifted something he put in his “critical review.” Or will you Jason?
4/8/2017 08:36:02 am
Be careful when you use a term like primary source. You, and people like you, can't seem to figure out what terms like that mean. (See: peer review)
Clint Knapp
4/8/2017 11:57:39 pm
Hi Steve,
Joe Scales
4/7/2017 10:39:30 pm
Friends don't let friends poison the well of knowledge, or drive drunk I suppose.
4/7/2017 11:31:15 pm
If Mr Brody or Mr stc could answer a question- the image of the drawing of the disc map thing shows a crude outline of north and south America. Yet it shows Europe as a blob in the upper right hand corner. Why would they not accurately depict the European coast on a navigational tool?
Joe Scales
4/8/2017 10:57:08 am
No, no, no Big Nick. We won't have any of that here. You know, debating actual points, contradictions and falsification of history. The issue now is how can you know a sick old lady is actually a sick old lady. That's the real question we should be asking and absolutely no credibility can be had for this site absent rectification for this key concern.
4/11/2017 03:06:54 am
No, Joe,
Joe Scales
4/11/2017 09:37:11 am
Hey Steve, weren't you that idiot that followed Wolter around through European churches making all sorts of things up on his show right before it was canceled? Nodding in imbecilic agreement to outright foolishness that a grade-schooler could debunk? And you call me an "acolyte"?
4/8/2017 02:30:28 pm
Hi Mister Saint Clair. How's the head today? Wow, you really tied one on last night! Do you remember any of it? Well, in a nutshell you came here to Jason's Facebook page and insulted his fingers. Good times!!
4/11/2017 01:15:17 am
To the person who has nicknamed himself "AMERICANEGRO" - I came to this site to point out that useless assholes like you are useless assholes.
4/11/2017 02:09:10 am
Weeeel, to be fair, Cap'n Steve, your posts do sound like someone who's had a snootful and is out to set the world to rights, and the profanities flow in the midnight hour. The alternative is that you post drunken sounding nonsense riddled with personal vendetta and profanity when you're stone cold sober.
4/13/2017 02:09:56 am
So you Mr STEVESTC troll/read this site on a regular basis. Obviously enough to know who are regulars to the site, and how often they post.
4/8/2017 04:17:34 pm
Oh look, Scott Wolter has a blog entry noting some errors in Halpern's book;
4/8/2017 04:22:16 pm
Did he type it with his sweaty fingers?
4/8/2017 04:29:11 pm
He keeps a good supply of crumbs on his keyboard to absorb the sweat.
4/8/2017 05:11:24 pm
On top of that, J. Hutton Pulitzer posted on Facebook (at least on the one page he still lets me see) that this is part 1 of a "20 Part Vetting and Correction" of Halpern's claims. So does that mean that Brody and St. Clair will walk back their attacks now that their bosom companions have decided the book is worthy of 20 posts of complaints and corrections? I only needed three.
4/8/2017 07:56:23 pm
Most likely Pulitzer running his mouth trying to be relevant.
Joe Scales
4/8/2017 10:46:36 pm
The vetted version will no doubt cost more...
4/9/2017 05:57:01 pm
Or, it may be included in the Solomons Secret package, which is why the orders were delayed for so long !
An Over-Educated Grunt
4/10/2017 02:00:19 pm
Sweet merciful crap! Who wants a twenty party anything from Treasure Force Commander and shoulder holster sandwich aficionado J. Hutton Pulitzer? He's like Dave Childress without the fun!
4/11/2017 01:05:23 am
Wow Colavito. You are so fast and loose with the facts. Do you have a shred of evidence that David or I are "bosom companions" of J. Hutton Pulitzer?
4/11/2017 01:43:25 am
4/11/2017 02:01:23 am
Again with the turd talk! What is your beverage of choice tonight, Cap'n Steve?
4/11/2017 02:03:13 am
4/11/2017 02:24:11 am
Such a high-minded group you have here Colavito. The acolytes very rarely contribute more than nasty commentary. And those that do find it, like you, via Google search and nothing more.
4/11/2017 03:21:49 am
Steve, seek help, you are clearly unhinged.
Only Me
4/11/2017 08:34:43 am
I happily accept your invitation, Steve!
Joe Scales
4/11/2017 09:43:40 am
I do suppose that lunatics and their rantings bring a certain amount of traffic to the site. Let's see some hands, who appreciates a good train wreck?
4/11/2017 09:55:56 am
Hand up, holding my elbow with the other hand.
4/11/2017 11:12:08 am
It's fascinating isn't it ? Does anyone have any guesses as to who might be the puppet master that is pulling little Stevie's strings ? It's fairly obvious he is being fed this crap when you consider he didn't even know the source of Pulitzers words. Continuously saying it was coming from a non existent blog !
4/11/2017 02:41:37 pm
Considering the times that he starts his online rants, if say the man pulling the strings is named Johnny Walker
4/16/2017 10:08:01 pm
Wow person who calls himself Jim,
4/17/2017 04:21:21 pm
Little Stevie : Now, Little Stevie, stay with me because this may seem complex to you.
4/17/2017 11:39:12 pm
Oh and Little Stevie ; Piggy backing onto the first comment after the fact does not change the time stamp ! You clearly changed your story from Blog to Facebook after you were repeatedly asked about the source of the non-existent blog by myself and others !
Valerie Duffy
4/11/2017 02:21:20 pm
I don't understand all the vitriol about Zena's health and the source of that information. What about the book? I've read it, cover to cover. I found it full of historical errors and just plain silliness. If someone is interested in true Templar history, I recommend books by Regine Pernoud, Jonathan Riley-Smith, and especially Malcolm Barber.
4/11/2017 02:24:40 pm
Thanks for the info.
Joe Scales
4/12/2017 10:26:08 am
"I don't understand all the vitriol about Zena's health and the source of that information."
Horace T. Quagmire
1/29/2019 08:11:15 pm
Deb Minter
5/15/2023 07:29:48 pm
All this desperation to discredit a sceptic when there is absolutely no verification that the Zena Halpern theory was ever anything more than a fantasy, an invention of a woman who wanted desperately to validate her life’s work.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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