Robert Schoch's Wacky Easter Island-Gobekli Tepe Theory: The Hypocrisy of Alternative Dating8/15/2012 Yesterday I examined geologist Robert M. Schoch’s attempt to radically revise human history by claiming that the Easter Island writing system, traditionally dated to c. 1200-1500 CE, is in fact 10,000 years older. This claim appeared in part one of a two-part article. Today, let’s take a look at the second part, “The Mystery of Göbekli Tepe and Its Message for Us,” which appeared in New Dawn magazine’s September-October 2010 issue. In this article, Schoch explores the Turkish site of Göbekli Tepe, a complex of carved stone circles erected around 12,000 years ago. This site is spectacular, and its existence has called into question the accepted narrative of the development of civilization because there is no evidence of agriculture, permanent settlement, or any of the other hallmarks of civilization at the site. In short, it appears to have been built by hunter-gatherers coming together for ceremonial/ritual purposes. But for Robert Schoch, that’s not good enough. It has to be something more. Schoch begins his article by recounting how “had the temerity” to radically re-date the Great Sphinx at Giza to 7000-5000 BCE based on his claim, unsupported by other geologists, that the monument was eroded by precipitation rather than forces common to the area’s desert environment. Schoch admits that Egyptologists refused to recognize his revised dating due to the complete lack of any archaeological evidence for a civilization living and working around Giza in 7000 BCE. He quotes Egyptologist Mark Lehner in order to set up a clever straw man argument: Do you see where this is going? Göbekli Tepe was constructed by hunter gatherers without cities; therefore, the Sphinx was, too. QED. It’s a cute argument, and it superficially makes sense. However, at Göbekli Tepe we have evidence for the people who built the site, including the temporary settlements they used while building it, a thousand-year-long record of their occupation, the trash left over from the food they ate, examples of the tools they used, and so on. The stone circles do not exist in isolation. There is none of that at the Sphinx. Lehner’s quotation is a straw man; there is still no context for a people who would have built the Sphinx in 7000 BCE.
Schoch works hard to marry his context-free re-dating of the Sphinx to the undeniably authentic Göbekli Tepe, but he fails to mention that Göbekli Tepe is merely the oldest example of cultural expressions in the ancient Near East that form a continuum, including such sites as Jericho, the oldest continuously-inhabited settlement in the world, dating back to 9000 BCE, and Çatalhöyük from 7500 BCE. Both sites are relatively close to Göbekli Tepe. (Much closer than the Sphinx.) There is nothing comparable in Egypt. The Turkish site is not, as Schoch asserts, evidence of “high culture and civilization” as conventionally defined (cities, agriculture, craft specialization, ascribed social status, etc.) but rather, like the effigy mounds of the Native Americans, examples of the collective religious efforts of widespread tribal groups coming together on occasion, both for the spiritual purpose of celebrating the gods and, most likely, the secular purpose of finding mates outside the family group. Compare, for example, a rural barn-raising and square dance. Schoch argues that the pillars at Göbekli Tepe and the moai at Easter Island are closely related because they both depict stylized human figures with thin hands—you know, just 11,500 years apart with no intervening cultures either in time or space. The moai, one might note, depict large Polynesian heads, while the Turkish pillars are shaped like the letter T and have no heads. Also, the Turkish site features a carving of a bird as does Easter Island does. Could it be due to the fact that there are birds in both places? “In counterargument, I question whether we really know when Easter Island was first colonized,” Schoch says. Well, yes, we do, and as a geologist he should have some sort of connection to reality and understand how archaeologists date sites. There is an argument among scholars whether Easter Island was settled as early as 300 CE or as late as 1200 CE, but no one supports a date of 7000 to 10,000 BCE. Isn’t it weird that Schoch celebrates radiocarbon dates when they place Göbekli Tepe at 10,000 BCE but when they place Easter Island in the period of 300-1200 CE suddenly we can’t “really know”? That’s what happens when you cross over from science to pseudoscience: Suddenly evidence is transactional, applicable only when it supports your crazy theories. Schoch claims that the depictions of snakes on the Göbekli Tepe pillars represent plasma clouds from the (assumed but not proved) major solar coronal mass ejection of 9700 BCE, which was incidentally after the earliest radiocarbon dates for Göbekli Tepe. Therefore, Schoch reverses course again and abandons all reality in favor of a bizarre fantasy. In his mind, the people of Göbekli Tepe recorded the plasma clouds for posterity on the stone pillars and then buried their circles to run and hide from these same plasma clouds, this despite the fact that the circles were built and buried in succession over centuries, not all at once. It couldn't be that they depict, you know, snakes. We're supposed to assume the ancients were unimaginative enough that they felt compelled to record sky lights for all time by tracing their shapes in stone but so imaginative that a carving of a snake could not be a snake but instead sky plasma. It is an insult to the master craftsmen of Göbekli Tepe and their deeply held spiritual beliefs to fantasize that they were little more than stenographers for imaginary plasma clouds.
Gordon Pitt
10/13/2013 03:43:19 pm
I find this very interesting. Regardless of right and wrong...I am so glad that Schoch is an agitation...and you are writing this. Certainly there are questions posed by interested parties. It's all about fringe opinions based on years of education. Not everyone steps into this type of opinion based archaeology. When I say opinion you know I mean just filling in the blanks. So much passion (money?). I really enjoy all of it. BTW there are still many unanswered questions. Never stop exploring....please...
Cliff R
1/24/2014 11:39:09 am
Your comment that Schoch's theory about the age of the Sphinx is not supported by other geologists, is incorrect. Watch the original TV show where that theory was put forward. Note the debate between geologists and archeologists. All the geologists agreed with Schoch on the merits of his scientific and geological argument. The Archeologists were the one's that did not agree. Their argument essentially amounted to, he and the geologists cannot be right... because if they are we would be wrong. Yeah, that's really scientific.
1/24/2014 11:49:17 am
The state of the argument in the early 1990s is not the state of the argument today. Schoch made geological arguments that seemed logical at the time but were disproved by further research.
3/5/2014 12:33:45 pm
"Schoch made geological arguments that seemed logical at the time but were disproved by further research." Would you care to post the research that 'disproved' Schoch's theory. Proof is more convincing to the readers than simply making a blanket statement in an article. 3/5/2014 12:38:24 pm
August Matthusen among others discussed the flaws in Schoch's research back in the early 2000s:
3/17/2015 08:49:07 am
Any geologist with a vested interest in egyptology has responded to Schoch claim. For the recorded it's been a noted feature of the monument since the 1950's and not a something Schoch discovered nor claimed to. Rebuttals go both ways, including the relevant returns from Schoch. Just look at wiki to name the most relevant ones.
12/14/2016 07:58:48 am
The article you have written has clearly demonstrated your inability to accept that academia is not always the truth. It's just what the establishment is telling us what they think the truth is at this moment in time. When a scientist offers an alternative, surely we should consider it without any judgement until it is completely and utterly disproved. In Schoch's work we can see there is something that needs looking into. It may have some flaws in its wackiness but there are some leads. New discoveries are being found all over our planet and they are all pointing to the questions we need to ask about ancient knowledge and the civilisations that preceded ours. We need to open the door and look inside not lock it up and disregard. I understand there is an establishment in place, fearful of the consequences resulting from a new order, but the truth has to be known.
Jason is a pedophile
6/9/2019 03:11:18 pm
Jason is such a history denier. he's trying so hard to hide the truth because it doesn't fit in with some stupid narrative that doesn't make any sense.
3/12/2014 11:57:32 pm
how do we realy know taht it wasn"t just a dream four them??/ li9ke, from a sleep?? D:
Keef r
3/22/2014 01:33:46 pm
When I saw the pilars at Gobekli Tepe and the hands I immediately saw the connection to the Moai and also the artifacts from the site that are in the Gobekli Tepe museum. The writings/hieroglyphics at Easter Island are similar to those in the Indus Valley. I've nevver heard of Schoch, but there is definitely a similarity with these places that is very plain and clear to see. And the theories about the Giza Pyramids and the age of the Sphinx is all very logical and credible and is alot more logical to see and believe than the Egyptology theory. But science will never accept it because it will question the theory of evolution because despite the very clear objective evidence around the world of intelligent humans many thousands of years ago, it doesn't sit with Darwin's timeline of events. There was an ice age so maybe telescoped had been developed but the lenses were made from polished ice. It's just a theory that would explain why no lenses found but to be honest I think the oceans washed almost everything away
James Hellmann
3/9/2020 12:49:53 pm
Nicely said
art hern
7/15/2014 08:12:55 am
They've recently discovered that the moai of easter island have bodies and what is seen is only about 20% of the statues. There isn't enough dirt flying around the tiny island that would explain the amount of sediment that has built up to bury the moai. Carbon dating hasnt been done on the base of the newly dug out moai. Also a huge flaw with any type of carbon dating is that it does not date the stone. If I found an island with huge statues damn right I'd take credit for making them too!
Happy Jack
12/20/2014 07:00:26 pm
Actually, geologists by and large have no problem with Schoch's theory of water erosion on the Sphinx. It wasn't accepted by Egyptologists, geologists will tell you it's fairly obvious, it's not even that difficult to identify, so the idea that it's still not given its due is a little mystifying. And why do people have no problem accepting that Gobekli Tepe was built by hunter gatherers, but then scoff at the idea that hunter gatherer societies were not sophisticated enough to build any other great sites from antiquity? If they could build Gobekli Tepe then the sky was the limit so speak, to suggest that a base of such knowledge was simply forgotten for seven thousand years until the pyramids came along is a pretty big assumption. The very presence of Gobekli Tepe ought to throw great doubt upon the theory that hunter gatherers were simple and unsophisticated, clearly that was not the case. The foundation of this level of knowledge could not have appeared completely out of nowhere, it represents a history, a legacy of sacred and profound information. Therefore logic would dictate that hunter gatherers, at least certain populations of them, were aware of this history of sacred knowledge. It also offers a tantalizing and not illogical idea that civilization may have occurred at certain points in the ancient past. It is only the modern paradigm that says that ancient peoples were ignorant, the evidence of erosion on the Sphinx clearly demonstrates that whoever built it was highly sophisticated, and if that happens to coincide with a time of Hunter gatherers, then it suggests that the modern paradigm is now out of date. In order for the Sphinx to be so heavily eroded it would have had to be built at least about 10 thousand years ago, but it may be even older, the evidence suggests the latter and not the former, don't forget that the particular region it sits in has been dry for thousands of years. It's a case of evidence vs belief, time for evidence to matter again.
1/20/2015 05:35:43 pm
Jean Piere Houdin described the errosion around the sphynx and how it occured during conventionally believed timelines quite well. Really worth a read. Happy to entertain Shochs ideas but as a scholar with a theory on the line he should feel compelled to respond to a detailed analysis like Houdin's. Love to see it.
Steven Damian
6/4/2018 11:42:45 am
I'm not gonna say I'm well versed in any of this, because I'm not. But I have watched the debate Schoch was in, listened to what he had to say and what other people have had to say in rebuttal. So far what I see is that the only reason the sphinx date was set to what it is was because of one piece of graffiti on one stone of the sphinx. So with the actual evidence of water erosion combined with the other couple things Schoch has put forth, it seems pretty clear the original date is wrong. Who knows if schoch has the right idea of when or how, but at the very least he's proven the original date was incorrect. Also your article sounds super pretentious. Stop being a douche, redacting the sphinx isn't a personal attack on you. Quit being a little bitch.
Ian Pavich
1/20/2018 06:59:56 pm
I greatly admire Dr. Schoch for his original creative thought. My questions are of Physics. Would not sand blown by wind show eddies and currents similar to sand carried by flowing water? If so, couldn't such movement of air and sand have eroding effects similar to those of sand and flowing water?
Happy Jack
12/20/2014 07:22:30 pm
One more thing, there is evidence of earlier development in Egypt, the problem is that a lot of it happens to be at or near the same site, the underground chamber at the great Pyramid, the Osirion, and of course the Sphinx itself. And do not forget Nabta Plya (forgive the spelling, it's late), evidence of sophisticated astronomical alignments shown in those formations seem to suggest that the ancient Egyptians spent thousands of years learning new ways to express this sacred science. It's fascinating how the knowledge appears to predate civilization, and that could mean that hunter gatherers invented this knowledge, or inherited it from an even more ancient civilization, one far beyond even the most extreme suggestions of Schoch. He's really quite conservative in his analysis, John Anthony West goes much further back, but not beyond what the ancient Egyptians said of themselves.
John Queripel
1/22/2015 09:49:41 pm
The evidence to support a significant 'hole' in our understanding of ancient history is, thanks to the likes of Robert Schoch, Christopher Dunn and others quite overwhelming. I find it quite astonishing when there is unequivocal evidence that construction of many of the megaliths, the great Pyramids in particular, granite boxes in the Serapium and many more examples demonstrate a skill completely impossible even 50 years ago and in some cases possibly beyond modern facilities. This being the obvious case then there is a problem with our understanding of some distant historical periods and a new consideration of the ancient past needs to be open minded and take into account many of the 'coincidental' similarities and artefacts from around the world. Why there seems to be such a reluctance for established ideas and those who hold them to admit the current
5/22/2015 07:57:56 pm
5/22/2015 08:00:20 pm
Snake McJake
8/27/2016 10:15:40 pm
Grim Black Man - where does John mention anything about aliens? It looks like you are grasping the thorns of Hawass style Egyptology a little too tightly. John seems right to me.
9/11/2016 01:51:05 pm,d.cGc
3/16/2015 10:32:16 am
Well said that man complete denial is I think the term your looking for they won't budge thought they will keep the bs rolling till there's nobody's listening
Mr sayanshaka
4/25/2015 01:09:00 am
Mr Colavito,
5/22/2015 07:53:18 pm
10/20/2015 11:50:23 am
The island was deforested during the construction of the moia which lead to the collapse of their society. Soil erosion is caused when the roots of a tree prevent the top soil from ERODING away. Many areas today like Madagascar have lost so much top soil due to soil erosion and deforestation that astronauts today say that it looks like madagascar is bleeding red because all the top soil is washing off into the ocean. Tons upon tons of top soil and Fertilizer actually have to be brought in to certain areas to allow for farming. Soil erosion at Easter island should have washed the heads into the ocean along with all of its top soil along time ago, not bury them up to their shoulders. Problem here is that archeologist don't want to admit that all of their research was false, and the moai are a lot older than they originally concluded.
9/11/2016 02:03:35 pm
Ironically it seems (by the way "it seems" is quite a common phrase used by Mr. Schoch) Mr. Schoch makes very large attempts to dismiss major findings from other educated scholars with degrees without citing much evidence. His commentary lacks specific details for people to identify what he is referring to, he speaks in very general terms and he doesn't photograph his evidence to prove his point. When dismissing archeological findings or making points, a scientist should track his evidence through archeology and be specific so his peers can go to those sites and make their own observations and perform their tests.
5/22/2015 07:58:35 pm
Schoch is a joke! he has no credibility with anyone anymore!
the dude
9/18/2016 04:42:17 pm
actually its you who are making a joke of yourself with your ad hominem attack. Dr Schoch represents the views of a growing proportion of intelligent people who have realised that there are huge flaws and downright lies in a lot of what we are taught. From vimanas to tectites to megalithic structures to forbidden archaeological discoveries it is now clear that there was an ancient global high civilisation that was destroyed by a cosmically caused global catastrophe causing mass extinctions which pushed us back to a semi-primitive state. It seems you have a problem with things that challenge your paradigm/mindset...cognitive dissonance I believe its called. By the way our education,media,economic institutions and system and politicians are owned and controlled by a psycopathic elite whose desire and intent is to keep us in ignorance... btw how can soil EROSION bury anything. You know soil erosion means that the soil is washed away into rivers and the sea right? As for the so-called mason marks 'found' in the Great Pyramid by Howard Vyse it is now known to be faked by the man himself firstly because he screwed up and used the wrong cartouche, secndly because he was actually seen entering the pyramid with paint and brush the night before the discovery of the marks which somehow had not been spotted the day before and thirdly because two german university students snuck in and scraped off some of the paint and by chemical analysis proved it was from the nineteenth century. Go do some homework and wise up...
Tony Ferrol
2/27/2019 03:08:07 am
That Vyse "faked" the graffiti in the GP is demonstrable rubbish, still peddled by writers such as Crighton in order to sell a few books.
Chris Knight
8/1/2015 09:39:19 am
Jason Colavito is a proven idiot who has no right to sound off his ignorance in the face of a serious researcher such as Schoch. The quarry for the granite heads is 100 meters below the current sea level meaning they are circa 10000 years old.
William Fenton
10/17/2015 07:07:01 pm
The reason the statues are so buried is because of deforestation, the situation of soil 'sliding' (I don't remember the technical term) is well documented and is nothing short of a natural disaster.
William Fenton
10/17/2015 07:04:32 pm
I actually never saw the much-older Sphinx hypothesis to be that far out of the reasonable. It's true that the head is very oddly proportioned. The concept of it being a modified much earlier monument doesn't seem that crazy, however the idea it was carved by anyone other than simple hunter gatherers (just starting to learn how to settle) is too far fetched-- no way was there some massive lost civilisation preceding Egypt. There'd be evidence for that. But a simple stone statue with a lion's head? That doesn't seem mad to me.
9/11/2016 02:11:38 pm
"There'd be evidence for that."
the dude
9/18/2016 07:14:54 pm
the pyramids at Giza were nuclear power plants. The other pyramids were attempts to copy them... see the book 'Before the delusion' and also this webpage
Nothing from our past should baffle us. After all is said and done we're supposedly the pineacle of evolution, our civilization is the best that's ever existed on the face of the Earth. We spacecraft, jet planes and smart phones, yet despite all this still we argue over the ruins of our own past. They confuse us and are enigmatic at best. There has to be a reason, it isn't made up. There are definitely questions and the reason for this is simple, no one with any common sense can swallow the BS that the establishment is dishing. There is this individual named Frederich Moss who created a scale, which rates the hardness level of natural materials. Copper cannot be used to chisel granite, basalt or diorite, maybe limestone, but that's it. Copper cannot drill into granite, even when using sand as an abreassive. Any engineer will tell you this without any reservation. This is only one of the many impassible problems one would encounter when you begin to peel of the layers upon layers of baffling issues that come up when hunter gatherers or the next best thing are given credit for building the mega structures all over the world. What are Egyptologist? What are archeologist? Certainly they are neither architects or structural engineers and even these more qualified people would have trouble dealing with the challenges these structures present. I'm not an ancient aliens theorist, I don't know if I can completely get behind the whole super advanced ancient civilization theory either, but the truth is that no one has conclusively answered anything and the mystery still baffles us. I saw this documentary with my kids, concerning a sculpture called Levitating Mass, which is located I believe in the LA Art Museum. It's a three hundred forty ton rock sitting on two concrete rails. The documentary is about how the stone was transported from the quarry to its final resting place. It took two specialized rigs, a bunch of equipment and a specific route so the weight would not damage the roads. Think about that when you consider that the Egyptians left a twelve hundred ton obelisk in the quarry, because it cracked, if it hadn't they would have used it. Why were they working with such huge stones if this is difficult for us now? BAFFLING!!!
9/11/2016 02:25:03 pm
Boredom? Religion? Demonstration of power? Greed? Why do certain people live in large mansions when they are one person and don't need a mansion to survive? No one will ever be absolutely conclusive because we don't have a time machine to actually see what actually occurred, but their is strong evidence to predict how things happened and that's what one needs to work off of. Might as well just conclude that it was Aliens. We are the "aliens" who have flying space crafts and are performing unbelievable feats today and we have been doing so hundreds of thousands of years go as well. Why did an artist like Leonardo Da Vinci spend months to years working on a piece of artwork? What meaning is there? People have tons of time and how they use that time has a multitude of factors. Think of the large cathedrals that took hundred of years to build. Some architects who started the projects never got to see the finished product.
Blue Tuatara
1/28/2017 11:33:20 pm
I find it Interesting that you reference cathedrals that we know have taken 100+ years to complete... generations of stone masons etc.
9/2/2017 01:20:45 pm
Blue Tuatara, you are a idiot.
9/16/2016 02:45:02 pm
I heard a podcast where Mr. Colavito is being interviewed by the Ancient Aliens Debunked documentary guy. Mr. Colavito expressed his opinions quite well and to be clear he's not an unreasonable individual, after all, he's not making any outlandish claims. The one thing that bothered me was a comment that he made in reference to the possibility of an older and more technically accomplished civilization. His thought being, that if there was something more, where is the evidence. I've stated before on this site, that I am not an ancient alien or astronaut theorist, and although there may still be structures and ruins to be uncovered below the water, nor am I a follower of a mythical sunken island theory either. With that being said, we have to be clear that the evidence put forth by orthodox archaeology for what our ancestors used to built many of the sites in our planet, just doesn't cut it, at least not for me. More sophisticated tools than a copper chisel, sand as abrasive and some hard pounding stone has to be put forth to explain away the huge amount of impressive megalithic and small detail constructions, which cover the entire globe. Take the Serapeum in Saqqara Egypt. How does one explain away the extremely perfect right angles, the mirror finish and the perfect cuts that make up these seventy to eighty ton sarcophagus. One engineer simply said, "what is the point of all this perfection, it's just not needed."
Blue Tuatara
1/28/2017 11:49:27 pm
Mat... it seems we we are on a similar page,
Phite Onn
2/3/2017 07:13:36 pm
3/23/2017 05:11:31 pm
The very fact that the Great Pyramid exists proves that a highly advanced society existed prior to the end of the most recent ice age. The knowledge used in the architecture and construction of just this one monument is the culmination of tens of thousands of years observation and experimentation by people who were intellectually equal to any of us walking the earth today(and undoubtedly superior to some blog authors).
Bob Dok
7/15/2017 10:35:51 am
When is so easy to transport xxxxxx tones at once maybe you can share this secret.with us.I try to understand that without basic tire and petrol can do this realistically.I just wonder how much energy someone need to pass one small bump on the road to move these gigantic blocks.These explanations sound like Christmas stories to laymen and that is fact
7/16/2017 08:15:38 pm
I'd just like to go on the record and say this entire blog is nonsensical and filled with circular logic. ie "it cant be possible because we know these people could not have done it."
8/25/2017 11:27:42 pm
Ditto !!!
8/25/2017 11:49:44 pm
I find it rather curious that all of the sceptics and naysayers of theories of advanced techonology (sometimes superceding what we have today) being utilized by the ancients in the building of the Giza pyramids, fail to acknowledge a well documented fact.
9/2/2017 01:24:58 pm
You are a idiot. If any evidence comes to light contradicting your pet theories you ignore it or scream "cover up!" Stupid idiot. No wonder Trump won with idiots like you.
10/11/2017 10:03:12 am
i think its jason trolling his own
Tony Ferrol
2/27/2019 03:16:38 am
So until a pyramid is built using the same tools that the Egyptians used, Egyptology can't say a thing...but pure conjecture about ancient technology has to be the contrary, despite no culture, no advanced tool, no written word regarding this tech or tomb depiction of said technology has been found. Why don't you replicate this tech and prove everyone wrong?
12/6/2017 11:00:38 pm
You mentioned data about what the Gobekli Tepe people ate, and a good amount of artifacts... where is a good resource or information on this stuff? Thank you. (Intial sourcing within or at the end of the article would've been helpful but I'm not your professor so I'm not giving out grades haha)
When I came to my small Florida city 32 years ago there was an antique parked fire truck. It has not been moved and has deteriorated over the years. In another 30 years or so it will have collapsed into a mound of material. What will be left after 100 years? In only 1,000 years wind and rain will have removed all traces of this interesting relic. Now think of 10 thousand years! Is it possible that an ancient guru said to his peers, "Hey guys, it looks like the only stuff we can play with to leave evidence on this planet of our existence are stones and the bigger and more obvious the better." Then postulate mega cataclysms, covering of fishing and trading coastal cities by 350 to 400 feet of glacial melt sea water, earthquakes, volcanoes, intermittent torrential rains, CME scorching, and pillaging by later hominids. The guy was brilliant. Perhaps it was his progeny that passed on centuries of empirical data such as equinoxal precession as well as tales of flight, instructional gods, global flood, auroral scenes, etc. Just wondering.
Joe C.
7/14/2018 11:38:15 am
Even if this article is full of factual evidence, and categorically refuted all claims made by the opposing party, the way in which you deliver your opinion is marred by anger and distain, instead of clear-headed, and unbiased tones. Even if you are right, I can’t trust your opinion as it is driven by resentment rather than reliability. Just a thought.
8/6/2018 06:08:38 pm
I can't believe you would call yourself anything but a hack job. You should really shut the fuck up about shit you know nothing about faggot
Dr. Conley Powell
6/6/2019 04:28:41 pm
Nearly all the comments on Colavito's article are by ignorant crackpots...many of them really ignorant and really cracked. Do rational and well-informed people not visit Colavito's site? Or do they visit, but don't post comments?
Dr. Conley Powell
6/6/2019 04:33:09 pm
By the way, if anyone can read Schoch's book "Forgotten Civilization" and say that he is not a hopeless crackpot, there is no point in talking to that person.
George essence
11/5/2019 01:51:15 pm
The anthropological approach of Hamlets Mill provides many connections with world wide that apply here. The myths of reincarnation, the rescue of souls from the Underworld. Birds are an aspect of the gods, whose children we are we are scribed to be. The guide us in the afterlife,this relates Hopi legend and Druidic myth.
Dr. Schoch makes a very strong argument for dating of the Sphinx, and it is not a huge leap to make the assertion that the stylized human figures at Gobekli Tepe, and the Moai of Easter Island might be related in time. There are just too many similarities between them to be coincidental, and who's to say that the Moai were not made by earlier people. I am absolutely convinced that there was at least one, high civilization on Earth long before the Ice age, and that they were decimated by a global natural calamity. Dr Schoch's theory about the instability of the sun is not without scientific merit. I think that perhaps, very ancient structures like Gobekli Tepe, were likely constructed by those who survived the holocaust that destroyed the previous civilization. Keep in mind that a major solar eruption could reduce the current human race to a handful of survivors, forced to hunt and gather just to survive.
6/1/2022 11:10:04 am
your tone in this article is obnoxiously patronising and arrogant!
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