Yesterday I discussed a weird local Romanian fringe claim about Black Knights and the Force of Neutrality that seems to have originated with Romanian politician Codrin Ştefănescu, who attributes it to a medieval text that no one has yet proved exists. This got me curious about some of the finer points of the fringe claim, and in turn this led me to a self-published book by a Romanian author writing under the name Raven Alb. J. The book is called Why and How the Ice Age Ended & the True History of the Pontic (White) Race (2012). The title pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the weird racism underscoring the text, but it’s particularly interesting in the way that more mainstream American fringe theories have been overhauled to help place the Romanian people at the center of world history. Our author took inspiration from William Ryan and Walter Pitman, who claimed that the Black Sea flooded catastrophically at the end of the Ice Age. To this claim, our author adds the pole-shift theory favored by such fringe writers as Immanuel Velikovsky and Charles Hapgood and adds to it Ignatius Donnelly’s racist view of Atlantis as a paradise for white people before Noah’s Flood. Our author, though, does the American authors one better by relocating Atlantis to glorify Romania, arguing that Atlantis was itself the continent of Europe and that its capital was located in the Black Sea, off the Romanian coast. Therefore, when the Black Sea flooded, the only true people of Atlantis—the whitest of the white folk—left in their original homeland were the people of Romania, the inheritor of ancient glory and the true indigenous Europeans. But wait: There’s more! While “academics” might argue that the Romanian language is a Romance tongue derived from Vulgar Latin with contributions from Slavic languages and Greek, our author knows better: It’s the best surviving version of the prehistoric language of the purest Aryan stock! The cradle of the white race was located in that bowl called Pontus (the Black Sea of today) and a great civilization existed before the Great Flood. Their language reached its highest peak before the flood and after that it degraded into the languages of today. Greek and Latin reached high points, but never got close to the height of the Atlantis people’s language. Romanian is closer than any other to the original language, because those people never left the land. I prove in this book that Latin descended from Romanian and not the other way around. Romanian is a highly deteriorated form of the original Pontic language (I call the White Race “Pontic” and their language as well), but one can still connect the words way back; I even managed to reach the very first words. Only with the Romanian language is that possible, and if I hadn’t known the language to the extent that I do, this book would never have been written. The author goes on to explain that the Romanian language is true tongue of God and that the “Semitic” languages (Hebrew, Arabic, etc.) were invented in the early Middle Ages, by a mongrel race that usurped the place of the true Jews, who were, of course, “part of the Pontic race” and therefore very white.
Only in Romania would such a claim even have a shadow of respectability. It’s a close cousin of the theory on the other side of the Black Sea, in Georgia, that Georgian is the first and greatest language and the origin of Greek, etc. Anyone outside the culture can easily recognize such claims as nationalist pseudo-history, designed to reverse the tides of history and elevate a relatively powerless country above the titans of Western civilization in terms of age, honor, and prestige. In the case of Romania, this claim transparently appropriates American fringe ideas in service of Romanian greatness, alongside a clear effort to give a spurious antiquity to Romanian civilization by creating a fictitious origin myth that prioritizes the colonized (Romania) over the colonizers. Rome ruled Dacia, the core of modern Romania, from 106 CE down to 275, and intermittently until the mid-300s, and the second Rome, the Byzantine Empire, was a predominant influence in the Middle Ages. It’s strange that a brief occupation held such an outside influence, but the subsequent history of the region was one of repeated immigration, migration, colonization, and conquest, which left Romanian identity centered on the Romanian language, though the exact reasons for and methods of the language’s medieval survival are unknown. The language itself isn’t attested before 1521 in written documents, which actually led to an early attempt to suggest that it wasn’t a direct Latin derivative but had emerged from medieval Italian. All of this nationalistic pseudo-history seems ridiculous, and certainly this self-published book isn’t going to replace traditional history any time soon. But it is merely the most extreme version of a nationalistic drive to rewrite history in the name of glorifying the homeland. Here in the United States, we see this in the decisions of various governmental bodies to approve or reject high school textbooks based on how much they celebrate specific political positions and cultural myths. Texas is particularly notorious in that regard, but many states have routinely whitewashed slavery and the Civil War, for example, while fetishizing the Founding Fathers as omniscient demigods. Meanwhile, this week in South Korea teachers protested after the conservative government ordered all schools to use new, government-approved textbooks that critics say minimize negative aspects of South Korean history. Even the government admits the new books were purposely designed to inject conservative opinions (particularly about the greatness of the current president’s father, the former president who rose to power in a coup) into historical narratives because conservatives were upset that the eight textbooks already approved for use during the brief non-conservative government of 2003-2007 gave too much weight to “left-wing” views. Conservatives argued that history must be written to “glorify” the nation, which is propaganda rather than history. South Korea is hardly the only country to see the control of history as a way of instilling loyalty to the nation and the government, but this controversy speaks to the dangers of letting nationalism and emotion determine our understanding of the past.
Ralf Buelow
12/2/2015 11:56:31 am
Meine Herren, I strongly protest ! There is a well known German philologist, Erhard Landmann, who showed that each ancient language is derived from - you may guess it - Old German. Here is an English-language text written by him:
12/3/2015 12:11:31 am
I read the pdf you linked to and I'm curious. His paper reminds me of two other claims that I read years ago.
Ralf Buelow
12/3/2015 12:56:32 am
Dankeschoen for reading, but no, Landmann is not respected by any other linguist.
12/2/2015 01:31:45 pm
“One notices the very special role which many of our authors ascribe to France, as the nation which will eventually lead the world to salvation; [Jean] Parvulesco, for instance, says that France has inherited the spiritual leadership of Tibet. On the other hand, we have heard more than enough about those who attributed a sacred mission to the German people. In Britain, a strong movement clings to the national myths of King Arthur and Glastonbury: Britain, they say, will answer the call to lead a spiritual instead of an earthly empire. In Italy, [Julius] Evola believe in the sacrality of the Caesars, and hoped for its revival in the next-best form of Facism. American philosophers such as the late Manly Palmer Hall write of the secret destiny of the United States, laid down by those masonic illuminates, the Founding Fathers. Theosophists look for the Sixth Root Race to appear on the beaches of California, or Australia. Miguel Serrano put his trust in Chile and its South American neighbors, obedient to a reversal of polarities in a world that has too Long been north-heavy. Père Martin seems to think that the ‘Grande Monarque’ will come from French Canada. And what of Holy Russia? What of the inhabitants of Poland who think that they are under the special patronage of the Virgin? What of Prague, capital of alchemy and Kabbalah, heart of Europe and the best hope of the former Communist satellites?”
12/2/2015 01:41:23 pm
The nations like Romania and Georgia are experiencing an identity crises after their years of Soviet domination.
Mina V
3/26/2018 02:47:18 am
Shane Sullivan
12/2/2015 01:58:00 pm
"The author goes on to explain that the Romanian language is true tongue of God and that the “Semitic” languages (Hebrew, Arabic, etc.) were invented in the early Middle Ages..."
12/2/2015 02:06:17 pm
I don't think it occurs to them to look beyond themselves and what they think they know.
Only Me
12/2/2015 02:31:24 pm
Pam, you just brilliantly summed up the whole of fringe in one stroke.
12/2/2015 03:27:27 pm
*blushing* Thanks. :)
Bob Jase
12/2/2015 04:11:55 pm
Akkadian, as were Egyptian, Babylonian, etc, was a written language and not a spoken language, i.e.: people could read it and write it but not say what it meant.
Shane Sullivan
12/2/2015 05:14:24 pm
I used to do that with French.
Raven Alb J
3/17/2017 11:07:52 pm
Where did you people came with the things you are saying?
5/17/2017 03:34:08 am
Ioane, nu-i asa ca e stupefiant de constatat cum unii se inghesuie sa citeze inainte sa citeasca cu adevarat ceva?
Raven Alb J.
6/28/2017 04:04:27 pm
Thank you Michael for your great comment on 5/17/2017 03:34:08 am. I wish it was in English so everybody would see your ability to express yourself in writing.
9/12/2017 07:09:52 am
don't let the nay sayers get you down, shoot me a email or look for me on Skype friend.
Mina V.
3/24/2018 03:16:07 am
Dear Raven Alb, I am a Romanian and after studying very hard in the last year about history, prehistory, Bible, linguistics, last archaeological discoveries, NOT only totally agree with you, BUT I have more and more proves to clarify this fact...I mention TODAY it is the first time I heard about you. I did not read your book....but I found the prove of OUR LANGUAGES / Romanian and English true ROOTS...
raven alb j
3/25/2018 01:51:56 pm
Mina v
raven alb j
3/25/2018 02:01:49 pm
Mina V and anyone else interested.
Mina V.
3/26/2018 02:44:22 am
Raven Alb...thank you for directing me on the site. I am also writing a about about some common topics as you...even DNA shows the true facts in your book...if DNA tests are not enough for your contestors...let them sinking in their ignorance...cainii latra..caravana trece...God bless Romania...
Only Me
12/2/2015 02:42:54 pm
"Atlantis was itself the continent of Europe"
12/2/2015 03:22:44 pm
All true, but you've got to admit it's a refreshing twist on the whole lost continent / island scenario. In one fell swoop he's solved the mystery of Atlantis (I know it's not really a mystery, but these guys don't ) established who the first people of Europe were, and what the first language was which, of course, was God's own tongue.
Only Me
12/2/2015 03:55:16 pm isn't perfect. He forgot to include the Watchers, Nephilim, giants and pyramids.
12/2/2015 04:21:45 pm
Isn't Bosnia owner of the world's oldest pyramids? :)
Only Me
12/2/2015 04:27:00 pm
Nnnnoooooooooooo! Let's not talk about that. :P
Mina V.
3/26/2018 02:51:47 am
did you think about a reality of the Poles shifting in the remote past ? What was East is West nowadays...and viceversa...Truth is only ONE...:)))))
12/2/2015 07:05:39 pm
"but it’s particularly interesting in the way that more mainstream American fringe theories have been overhauled"
12/2/2015 11:37:53 pm
It's terrifyingly hilarious. :)
Raven Alb J
1/10/2016 07:06:31 pm
You made an excellent observation, but how many people do understand what you pointed out.
9/12/2017 07:08:22 am
Hey friend lost your email I wish to write you do you have a email or other form of communication I could send to you? Looking forward to more uncovering of truth.
Mina V.
3/26/2018 02:58:38 am
These connections and similarities can be explain very simple...Romanian and English have same roots in a common ....PURE ...language...I was going to the roots...and this roots are not standing in Latina vulgata...Latins is only a sister language NOT a mother language of them...
12/4/2015 06:42:59 am
Raven Alb J
1/4/2016 06:17:13 pm
I wonder if I am allowed to defend my writings in this debate where nobody read my book, but know so well what is in that book.
"Only in Romania would such a claim even have a shadow of respectability." - that is offensive and false. The claim doesn't have any shadow of respectability in Romania even if Codrin Ştefănescu told you about it. He is not much respected, either. Also, he is a politician, not a historian.
Raven Alb J.
3/22/2017 12:29:19 pm
Below is a lexicon of the word CAL (horse) and related words.
Mina V.
3/26/2018 03:02:15 am
@ Gabriel...could you expain us WHY those Romanian citizens that insist some Romanians are"dacopaths"..suffering of "dacomania"..are only of Jewish religion ?
8/30/2017 01:15:33 pm
Maaan , why are you talking in this article like actual romanians care about this theory ? this theory was promoted largely by a hippie new ager called Daniel Roxin but no one takes him seriously , he is basically a meme !
raven alb j
12/20/2017 02:50:09 pm
Vlad! let me point out that my book was published way before that imbecile Daniel Roxin was ever heard of. He and you are doing much damage to your nation; him because he does make claims without any proof, and you, because without ever reading a decent book in your life, pretend great understanding, wisdom and decency. You have none of those, nor do you have any ability to express even simple expressions in a decent manner. Do you think that you fooled anyone with any common sense?
12/20/2017 03:18:40 pm
If I were you I wouldn’t worry what these people are writing. Too many scientists are recovering the true history of the descendants of the pelasgians/Thracians/Aryans now and history will be rewritten. More and more scientists will bring more and more proofs to support your work.
12/20/2017 05:59:42 am
According to German scientists Atlantis was in the Black Sea and the surrounding area. The article you can read here This is the region where the first human civilization on earth was built too and which became the mother of all civilizations. Currently British and Bulgarian team of scientists is working in the Black Sea to uncover more about the sunken cities. The only thing they need to correct is their claim that the Greeks descend from the Atlantheans. It is the Thracians who do and the modern nations of Bulgaria, Romania etc excluding Greece and Turkey. Since the Greeks are Ethiopians and the Turks are recent migrants from Asia and Africa.
12/20/2017 06:04:19 am
You can watch the history channel documentary about the Black Sea Atlantis too
12/20/2017 06:10:39 am
You can also watch this documentary about the Black Sea deludge
raven alb j
12/20/2017 03:25:28 pm
1/3/2023 08:51:57 pm
I know so ittle Romanian and less nahuatl, but the cultures are unmistakeably linked. Huipil embroidery and vyshyvanka are almost identical, and then you get into pillows and runners with identical greek key found in Egyptian cave temples. When Guatemalans add an l to ocelot and get ocelotl, I want to keep one in a palatul. The island Atl sunk, and they came to latin americam so the Black Sea probably sloshed at the same time Plato syncs with the Atl story.
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