Last month Scott Wolter accepted a made-up award from a controversial podcaster known for racially inflammatory statements for what the latter described as Wolter’s “pioneering” work promoting the “truth” about the early history of the white race in North America. On April 22, Scott Wolter appeared on The Right Perspective podcast, and the show’s host, “Frank from Queens,” was celebrating World Solutrean Day. Under the authority of the so-called World Council of Solutrean Elders, the host declared Wolter their Solutrean 2014 Man of the Year and awarded him a fictitious quasi-Paleolithic name, “He Who has been Blessed by the Ancestors.” Frank from Queens, who does not identify himself with a surname, said that Scott Wolter is a “pioneer” revealing the “truth” about the Solutrean conquest of North America “40,000 years ago,” which makes white Europeans the first Americans. “That’s a high honor, and I sure appreciate it,” Wolter said. He seemed genuinely surprised by Frank’s award and somewhat flummoxed by it. “Thank you so much,” he told Frank. So far as I can tell the “Council of Solutrean Elders” was made up by Frank himself, as was World Solutrean Day, an alleged holiday Frank has promoted since at least 2009. Frank from Queens became locally famous for his frequent and aggressive calls to New York area radio talk shows, and he started The Right Perspective because he felt that conservative talk radio went too far in censoring his most extreme rightwing opinions, according to his podcast’s website. The podcast, which also airs over shortwave radio, bills itself as New York’s “most conservative” broadcast. Frank is also more than a little racially insensitive in his language, talking about “Asiatics” and “Caucasians” (which he pronounces caw-cay-zeean), and rejecting the idea that Kennewick Man could be non-Caucasian because he “looks like Patrick Stewart.” Frank is also “very angry” because the reburial of Kennewick Man’s grave is a “crime against science” that is “completely covering up” the possibility that white people once had a civilization in the Northwest. Even Scott Wolter seems a little uncomfortable by some of Frank’s loud and angry assertions, though he offers mild agreement that reburying the site “raises some red flags.” But let’s not mince words. Frank from Queens is a known racist who was cited by Anti-Racist Canada for his extreme “White Nationalist” views. Anti-Racist Canada quoted Frank as follows: Please tune into The Right Perspective on the week of April 20 for World Solutrean Day! Please, tell your children that Our Great White Solutrean Ancestors settled this land and were destroyed! Ours were a peaceful people, who welcomed the Beringians in peace, and were paid back in DEATH! They left little trace, because they honoured nature and lived lightly on the land. Their great cities were organic entities that blended with nature, not against it! They had no word for WAR, but were a kind, peaceful, gentle, loving people. Our elders teach us this, and you must teach others! One People, One Culture, One Race! Frank’s podcast twice hosted South African white separatist Eugène Terre’Blanche, who had called for a white-dominated Boer homeland, and he extensively covered his 2010 murder by a black man, eulogizing the controversial politician as a hero.
This information is not hard to find, and it turns up in even a cursory Google search for Frank and his podcast. In fact, Frank from Queens has been widely known as a racist since at least 1994, when New York magazine described him as such in its October 24 issue. There, the magazine quoted Frank from Queens as describing minorities as “human garbage” and students at historically black Howard University as “savages” and “rabid dogs.” Frank called Martin Luther King, Jr. a “whoremonger” and praised Louisianans who voted for David Duke. Frank also was quoted as calling gay people “sexual degenerates and perverts.” Why does Wolter associate himself with known racists and hatemongers? It is hard to imagine how Scott Wolter could be ignorant of Frank’s views, especially since this was Wolter’s third appearance on the podcast. If he claims otherwise, he is either disingenuous or singularly obtuse. I reached out to A+E Networks, the parent of H2, for a response, and my question was redirected to the new publicist for H2. As of press time the network has not responded. I will post when and if H2 chooses to respond. In this edition of the show, Frank talks about more white people whose ancient remains have been “suppressed” and explains his reasons for believing archaeology is trying to hide Old World dominance over the ancient Americas: “There is from the archaeological establishment I believe a conspiracy to suppress evidence in this. It’s almost anti-Copernican. They live by an orthodoxy, and they don’t want that orthodoxy upset” because of their financial interest in the Clovis paradigm. He talks about how America Unearthed “pulled me into a whirling vortex of Solutrean memory,” and it is plainly evident that Frank from Queens has reasons far beyond science for wanting to see the Solutrean hypothesis installed in school textbooks. As we saw from his quoted comments above, he believes that Native Americans (or “Beringians” as he calls them, for he feels they are interlopers in a White Eden) committed genocide against his ancient white heroes. Wolter agrees with Frank that academics are suppressing the truth to protect “old” ideas, which is of course ironic since Wolter’s ideas first appeared in the late 1700s and early 1800s among imperialists and anti-Masonic conspiracy theorists. Wolter tells Frank that “it’s going to become an accepted fact that the Templars were here” as a result of his research, and he agrees with Frank that science “isn’t any different than the Inquisition” because of the politics and suppression of truth. It was not clear that Wolter understood that Frank was referring specifically to truths related to the white race. Frank asks Wolter about Quetzalcoatl, whom he considers to be a Caucasian: “How could people who were totally isolated from the Old World, how could they have described a bearded white men from the east when we know that (1) Berinigians don’t grow bears, and (2) if you haven’t seen a white man, why didn’t they describe him as purple?” Wolter laughs and agrees: “He was probably bearded white man from the east. It’s probably that simple. That’s a factual statement. It’s a true statement. That’s who this person was.” Wolter says that academics refuse to admit that Quetzalcoatl was white. This is false on many levels. First, Native Americans can and do grow beards. Second, Quetzalcoatl was not called white in genuine pre-Conquest Aztec sources. There he is typically depicted as having black or green skin, and where he is associated with the color white, it is in his role as the guardian of the west, which the Aztecs sometimes identified with the color white. Nevertheless, Wolter appears to believe that Native Americans literally worshiped white Europeans as gods. The idea of a white Quetzalcoatl comes from a description first offered not by the Aztecs but by Gerónimo de Mendieta in Historia eclesiastica Indiana 2.10: “He was a white man, of portly person, broad brow, great eyes, long black hair, and large round beard” (trans. Hubert Howe Bancroft). He was probably citing research conducted by Andrés de Olmos after 1533. This was amplified by Juan de Torquemada in Monarchia Indiana 6.24, who is obviously citing Mendieta: “It is said of Quetzalcoatl that he was a white man, large-bodied, broad-browed, great-eyed, with long black hair, and a beard heavy and rounded. […] The people also of Yucatan reverenced this god Quetzalcoatl, calling him Kukulcan, and saying that he came to them from the west, that is, from New Spain, for Yucatan is eastward therefrom” (trans. Hubert Howe Bancroft). Most scholars after the 1960s have considered this to be a Spanish imposition with little grounding in actual Aztec or Maya lore. While the Aztec may have sought to identify the Spanish with the returning gods, most now believe that the detail of white skin came about later, after the Conquest. References to the east reference the land from which Quetzalcoatl was expected to return, not whence he first came. After this, Fred asks Wolter more questions about, and I quote, “great white gods” in the Americas, and Wolter talks about why scientists need to accept “inscriptions” as evidence, while Fred talks about the need to find more “white” skeletons. Wolter then claims that the Smithsonian purposely suppressed white skeletons—“the ones you and I are looking for”—in order to bury the truth about prehistoric white visitors. He accuses the Smithsonian of “destroying” the bones of pre-Columbian white visitors to America. Frank concluded the show by reminding listeners to call Native Americans “Berinigians,” presumably to deny them indigenous status. Wolter uttered no condemnation of these racist remarks and instead thanked Frank from Queens for awarding him a Solutrean honor in the name of what Frank sees as the Solutreans murdered by the “Beringians” in a race war. During the podcast, Wolter seemed not to fully recognize attempts by Frank to direct the conversation back to white dominance, but in repeatedly agreeing with Frank, Wolter gave the impression that ancient white people are “the ones you and I are looking for.”
5/11/2014 02:42:27 am
At least Lewis Spence had the intellectual integrity to rebuke the Nazis, castigating them as Satanists
5/11/2014 05:10:33 am
Steve StC - of course
5/11/2014 10:40:58 pm
The Rosslyn myths are all made up
Steve StC
5/11/2014 03:14:05 pm
"…accepted a made-up award…"
5/11/2014 03:36:58 pm
Wow. Class act buddy. Still doesn't explain why, if Scott was so uncomfortable with Frank's speech that he was still willing to stay on it. And considering the fact that Frank is a white supremacist on a well known radio program started by Hal Turner, who is also a well known Neo-Nazi and white nationalist. If Scott was remotely responsible he would have just gone on some show like Coast-to-coast. Not a garbage right-wing network that supports the politics of racists and anti-Semites.
5/11/2014 03:53:22 pm
Heh, I'm glad somebody else pointed out that all awards are made up. I laughed out loud at Jason's bias when I read it, but didn't even bother pointing it out since nobody learns anything new here. 5/11/2014 04:44:23 pm
Steve StC
5/11/2014 05:00:55 pm
Tara and Walt, 5/11/2014 05:30:47 pm
Steve StC
5/11/2014 05:36:51 pm
I appreciate the input, Tara, and I definitely will speak to Scott about this.
5/11/2014 05:48:54 pm
Scott really does come off as a nice guy who loves to talk to anybody about anything. I haven't actually been convinced of anything he's covered on AU, but I still watch just because he's obviously having fun doing what he's doing, and it makes for entertaining TV, unless you're the angry, bitter type of course.
5/11/2014 06:05:33 pm
Steve, I could probably tell you in advance how Jason will deny his "award" bias and how he'll explain the difference between "legitimate" and "made-up" awards, but then I'd just be spoiling it for everyone else who hasn't already banged their head against that wall. 5/11/2014 06:09:51 pm
In order to understand the reactions,I think we have to to understand the general mindset in regard to issues related to extreme political ideologies,particularly on the right.
Only Me
5/11/2014 06:31:04 pm
I'm here, Steve. What do you want? 5/11/2014 11:52:17 pm
All awards are made up by someone, but this one was made up by one individual and does not appear to be recognized by any outside media or groups. If I instead said only that Wolter accepted an award, Steve would blast me for pretending that Frank's award had import beyond Frank from Queens. In other words, Steve's only concern is protecting Scott Wolter from criticism. 5/12/2014 02:49:21 am
5/12/2014 02:57:11 am
Tara, perhaps I misunderstand your comment. But it makes me think about the old political story about the reporter who asked a senator if he was still beating his wife. Thought the senator never beat his wife the insinuation was there. By suggesting that Jason called SW a racist does not seem to acknowledge the point that he has repeatedly said the SW is NOT a racist. Some others here have often chastised Jason with this false allegation and like any insinuation often and loudly repeated, it begins to take on a life of its own. 5/12/2014 03:04:43 am
Scott Wolter is not a racist, but he seems to be willfully blind to the racial motivations of those who pursue the same line of argument. This leads to outrageous situations like this one, where he seems genuinely oblivious to the fact that he accepted an award from a racist for service to the white race. 5/12/2014 03:09:58 am
Jason. 5/12/2014 03:12:50 am
Matt Mc
5/12/2014 03:18:14 am
Tara, 5/12/2014 03:44:28 am
Matt Mc
5/12/2014 04:01:58 am
Tara, I hope so. Like you I might disagree with Scott on many things and I might come across as sarcastic at times but I do wish the best for him in his career as a fringe author. I do think Scott is a very smart person and a little retweaking of his overall approach and he could be a good thing for the fringe world. I think he still does not truly understand what a public persona is. Like his dealings with racist I was also troubled by him bringing his family into the show. These blending real life with TV life always lead to trouble down the road.
5/12/2014 10:52:33 am
"it was very clear that Scott doesn't delineate "white race" in his ideas of the Templars who came over here first. In fact, Scott wouldn't raise an eyebrow if there were members of the Knights Templars whose ethnicity was from Africa."
5/12/2014 11:49:30 am
At the risk of sounding cliched, isn't this fable what this debate is about?
Steve StC
5/12/2014 01:54:00 pm
"Varika" (or whoever he is), as usual, doesn't know his elbow from his medieval history. This is like shooting fish in a bucket.
Only Me
5/12/2014 06:23:40 pm
"In my experience, standing up to Internet hatred works. It is the only way to shut down those who incite hatred on the web." 5/12/2014 09:32:11 pm
Only Me,Steve St Clair,Jason
Normandie Kent
10/31/2017 05:24:41 am
So the pathetic " Frank from Queens" and Loser Scott W. has to appropriate Psuedo Native American Cultural Naming patterns and customs, because they have no White European ones they can think of?! Lol! How pathetic! Also Solutreans that MAY have come over would of been a small subset of the larger population that stayed, but then were wiped out by the new Magdalenians , who were wiped out by the modern Europeans, Middle eastern farmer ancestors. So that would mean that only all modern Native Americans are the best proxy for the ancient European and Siberian upper Paleolithic Hunter and Maritime-Fisherman seafarers. It looks like modern Europeans are newcomers to Europe, and even later comers to the Americas. Poor Frank he must be feeling quite inadequate lately, Scotty W. is a joke, so is his show! Ha! Find some real European culture In Europe dude, your looking in all the wrong places, before Muslims build mosques on Stonehenge and The hill of Tara! Dopes!
5/12/2014 03:27:40 pm
Great job Jason! Looking forward to hearing if you get a response from the H2 contact person.
5/18/2014 11:07:46 am
Yes, I'd really like to hear if H2 responds to Jason. For what it's worth, I just wrote to H2 and its networks to share that I recently learned about this dubious honor and am deeply concerned about it. I recommend others do the same if they're still concerned.
5/11/2014 02:44:47 am
Well this should set off a few people to defend their personal friend Scott Wolter. I don't think Wolter is racist, but he sure does make poor choices in who he hangs out with. The issue seems to be more of a willingness on his part to associate with anyone who will give him a venue to push his own controversial ideas. One of his close personal friends needs to have a talk with him.
5/11/2014 02:57:54 am
One word explains it: Publicity.
Uncle Ron
5/11/2014 05:09:02 am
Agreed. And given the vast amount of wasted verbiage the last time SW was mentioned here I suggest that when his friend does chime in we all simply refuse to respond. He is a provocateur and this is his game. Let's not encourage him by participating.
5/11/2014 05:31:38 am
try to be very polite to the "Rev" as we all sit back and wonder 5/11/2014 04:11:37 am
As a South African, I'm surprised to hear that anybody in the US supported Eugène Terre’Blanche... That man was a joke and anybody who associated with him is also.
Matt Mc
5/11/2014 04:14:43 am
I also have found in life that most racist have a tendency to say I am not a racist and deny claims of racism placed upon themselves and their associates.
5/12/2014 10:59:52 am
...I hate to say it, but it's not really very hard to twist Christianity into a racist version thereof, given that the Jews of the Old Testament were--and given the history of the time, not unreasonably--really, really racist, and in the New Testament, weren't precisely as open and accepting as many modern Christians would like to believe. (The Epistles aren't exactly kind to non-Christians.)
Mark E.
5/11/2014 05:03:54 am
Wow! Wolter accepted an award from people that sourced their ideas from Kyle Bristow's "White Apocalypse"? Am I getting this right?
5/11/2014 05:06:14 am
5/11/2014 05:06:56 am
5/11/2014 05:08:08 am
Just a reminder that, going back well past ten thousand years ago, there may not have been any white people. I should see a study about this. Does anybody know when white people first showed up on the scene...anywhere?
5/11/2014 05:14:00 am
Gunn... even so, i really pity Sw's PR person,
5/11/2014 05:31:33 am
Beyond the Tums, if Wolter is really someone people care about, appearing on that podcast 3 times should be enough to lose the AU gig, in this era of political correctness. Unfortunately for him, I think him being able to keep his job means nobody gives a damn about anything he thinks or says.
5/11/2014 05:35:48 am
back in 2oo8 Alex Jones helped Dr. Ron Paul's POTUS bid.
5/11/2014 05:53:19 am
Mr. Alex Jones is infamous for both helping
5/12/2014 11:02:30 am
"in this era of political correctness"
Mark E.
5/11/2014 05:17:40 am
How about from Stanford himself:
5/11/2014 05:24:36 am
Missing the point of the Blog article, it's about something different
5/11/2014 06:23:00 am
luv... from what little i know of Public Relations
5/11/2014 05:07:13 pm
Above my comment, Jason has a commenter posting as "." otherwise known as "period"
5/12/2014 06:12:02 am
are you the person who does short "one liners"
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 05:32:09 pm
Yes …
5/12/2014 06:17:54 am
IMOHO --- game, set and match point
5/12/2014 11:06:17 am
I think you're mixing up "facts" and "opinions" again, Reverend. Neither the "Clovis First" nor the KRS have been proven to be FACTS at all. They're still in the realm of "opinion."
5/13/2014 01:03:59 am
No, investigating the Solutrean Hypothesis is not racist. Treating it as fact when there is sufficient data to make that strong a claim is kind of dodgy, though not necessarily motivated by racism. The things Frank from Queens is alleged to have said about Solutreans and their interactions with "Berigians" (or is it "Beringians"?) is clearly racist. So the question is: what is your BFF doing on his show?
Only Me
5/11/2014 06:23:27 pm
I would disagree with your statement, "It doesn't seem likely in my mind that the exact method of spear-point manufacture would spring up independently. Look at the details."
5/13/2014 03:51:56 am
Of course it is plausible that both cultures hit upon the same idea at roughly the same time. But when one begins to study these points beyond being simply flaked rocks with sharp edges, one will see very peculiar fluting, which, as I remember reading about, had to do with the art of flinging a spear into a creature and being able to withdraw the wooden shaft, minus the spear point.
Only Me
5/13/2014 04:59:43 am
Oh, early knappers were definitely intelligent, no doubt.
Scott Hamilton
5/11/2014 05:22:29 am
I wonder where the details about the alleged American Solutreans living in organic cities and having no word for "war" came from. Those are some very specific ethnographic details for a people only theorized to exist from a few stone spear points and a genetic study. Are they from the novel White Apocalypse? Or is there some other rationale beyond fiction?
Shane Sullivan
5/11/2014 08:05:34 am
More to the point, if his Solutrean "ancestors" were all killed by the "beringians", then where did Frank from Queens come from?
5/12/2014 11:17:13 am
Gotta be either way, because those made-up "Solutreans" could not POSSIBLY have been human. Not If they had "cities that blended into nature" and "no word for war."
Brian McLaughlin
5/11/2014 01:03:44 pm
Curious that if Frank from Queens considers "American Solutreans living in organic cities and having no word for "war" his true ancestors, why does he discredit their traditions with his blatant, warlike rants against Native Americans, African Americans and other minorities?
5/11/2014 05:22:43 am
Yes... the Vikings most likely readily sailed up and down
5/11/2014 05:23:44 am
Missing the point of the Blog article
5/11/2014 05:41:54 am
duckie... the Atlantic was never the obstacle.
5/11/2014 11:56:15 pm
duckie? What's that? Unusual grammar from an eccentric
5/12/2014 06:52:32 am
KIF --- we all have our moments of uniqueness.
5/11/2014 05:48:21 am
i made a 50/50 judgement call. i did not use the "R" word.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 05:59:43 am
5/11/2014 08:57:18 am
"Scott Wolter" Coddling, comment # too many! lol
5/11/2014 06:09:02 am
Rev. Phil... most seriously, i did ask Scott Wolter
5/11/2014 06:15:01 am
One of the most tiresome of Academic urban legends is the myth of the return of Quetzalcoatl, which goes hand and glove in with the myth of Quetzalcoatl has a "white" man.
Shane Sullivan
5/11/2014 08:14:37 am
"... Quetzalcoatl was not called white in genuine pre-Conquest Aztec sources. There he is typically depicted as having black or green skin, and where he is associated with the color white, it is in his role as the guardian of the west, which the Aztecs sometimes identified with the color white."
5/11/2014 05:00:28 pm
"Why isn't Scott Wolter going in search of smurfs?"
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 05:52:45 pm
There ARE real live "smurfs" … One of them was a congregant in one of my former parishes … (S)he drank colloidal silver in the (partially correct !!!) belief that (s)he thus gained some immunity from infections … Unfortunately, one irreversible side effect of drinking colloidal silver is that it turns one's skin BLUE ...
5/11/2014 06:04:20 pm
I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...
Shane Sullivan
5/11/2014 07:08:00 pm
"Unfortunately, one irreversible side effect of drinking colloidal silver is that it turns one's skin BLUE ..."
5/11/2014 07:15:02 pm
It would be awesome if one of the side effects could be that you become a member of the blue man group.
Matt Mc
5/12/2014 01:08:47 am
Here is a good article about the family from Kentucky that was know for having blue skin
5/11/2014 08:33:03 am
Sounds to me like these "white's were here first" proponents suffer from guilt over the slaughter of the native American Indians in the establishing of our country.
5/11/2014 09:12:30 am
The American Indians won a court case to destroy all evidence relating to an archaeological discovery proving they weren't the first settlers of America
5/11/2014 09:41:37 am
Would you care to share the details of this court case?
5/11/2014 10:22:34 am
It was on a 1999-2000 television documentary that I did not record. On the coastline, as far as I can remember, archaeologists discovered human remains and decreed they were of a different human type to the American Indian.
An Over-Educated Grunt
5/11/2014 10:40:00 am
I presume you refer to Kennewick Man, found in 1996; the remains were discovered in the Puget Sound area, and were not found to be related to any of the currently-local nations. I say "currently local" for a reason; the ancestry of Kennewick Man is still up for considerable debate, and none of the tribes found anywhere in North America are where they "started," for lack of a better word. Further, the land was owned by the Corps of Engineers, not the local nations; they attempted to re-bury as specified by NAGPRA, the governing law, but were unable to show a relation between the body and any of the local nations claiming membership. Since the remains were highly anomalous, they are currently in the care of the University of Washington.
5/11/2014 11:04:55 am
Thanks for the clarification. This was one documentary I didn't record and I regret it. It has never been repeated.
Mark E.
5/11/2014 11:52:47 am
KIF, the famous 60 Minutes episode on Kennewick Man is here: That may have been what you saw.
5/11/2014 12:40:58 pm
KIF, you seem rather hostile about Native Americans. Kennewick Man has nothing to do with mythical Soluteeans. Likely the remains are of a very early movement of peoples from Asia over the Bering Straits.
5/12/2014 07:15:48 am
KIF --- i actually sat thru the senate debate between
5/11/2014 09:59:37 am
maybe it would be more fun to talk about Pretzelcoatl instead. I saw this god on my kids' favorite show Bubble Guppies on Nick Jr.
Franken New York
5/11/2014 11:47:18 am
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't "World Solutrean Day" just happen to coincide with Hitler's birthday, April 20? Coincidence? I think not.
Mark E.
5/11/2014 12:30:37 pm
A holiday with a motto of "One People, One Culture, One Race!" being on Hitler's birthday? Let me think about that one some more.
Byron DeLear
5/12/2014 10:48:08 am
I find it ironic that this slogan is used to propel racist ideology. Because a competing, all-inclusive 'global citizen' ideal uses similar language. viz. humankind as "one family, one garden, one tribe, one planet," etc. 5/11/2014 02:25:51 pm
It didn't even occur to me that this was Hitler's birthday, but you're quite right that it is unlikely to be a coincidence. Thank you for pointing that out.
5/12/2014 06:07:16 am
Patriots Day in Massachusetts is April 19th and until
5/12/2014 11:18:13 am
So does Earth Day. Just sayin'.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 12:17:58 pm
Yeah …
5/11/2014 12:36:19 pm
But they didn't choose their birthdays, whereas World Solutrean Day could have been any day. The choice seems deliberate and is disturbing.
Matt Mc
5/11/2014 12:40:30 pm
To be fair it is also the day that stoners around the US celebrate smoking pot.
Steve StC
5/11/2014 05:10:13 pm
But it's so much for fun to be unfair, Matt MC (or whatever your real name is).
Matt Mc
5/12/2014 01:12:17 am
Steve I assure you that Matt Mc is indeed a shorten version of my name, I leave off the last part of my name for professional reasons mainly because I do not want inquiries about the people (politicians and athletes) I work with in the course of my day job.
5/11/2014 12:44:37 pm
A wide net you cast with that NAZI comment. Does that include all who participate here? Or just those who find SW's affiliations troubling?
5/11/2014 01:01:33 pm
And the students at Columbine High were killed. Thank you Mr. Wikipedia.
5/11/2014 01:17:20 pm
Whether the date was chosen deliberately or not, regardless, the person who created this pathetic excuse of a holiday is known for his racism and white supremacy. These are things that no ethical person of any type of science should affiliated with. Hell, these are things that no decent human being would affiliate themselves with, ESPECIALLY if they claim what they are promoting ISN'T racism.
5/11/2014 03:03:34 pm
Another person connected to this Solutrean silliness is Steve McNallen. You might not be familiar with him, but he is the founder of Asatru.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 03:45:14 pm
Dennis Stanford (Smithsonian Institution) and Prof. Dr. Bruce Bradley (University of Exeter) are NAZIS … because they took/take "the Solutrean Hypothesis" seriously … ???
5/11/2014 04:00:14 pm
Anyone who associates a skin color with the Solutrean Hypothesis has some issues. Those two do not.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 05:13:34 pm
BINGO … !!!
5/12/2014 07:26:17 am
agreed. it turns out Neanderthal red hair
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 03:45:20 pm
Dennis Stanford (Smithsonian Institution) and Prof. Dr. Bruce Bradley (University of Exeter) are NAZIS … because they took/take "the Solutrean Hypothesis" seriously … ???
5/11/2014 03:56:46 pm
What the heck are you talking about? Are you referring to Mark E.'s comment above? Because he doesn't call them or anyone else a Nazi, but is giving an informed answer to Gunn's question. Once again you are purposely misconstruing what people say to troll. You forgot to say something about standing up for your dear close personal friend Scott Wolter, who you are not a spokesman for or advocate of.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 04:01:59 pm
"Prof." and "Dr." are earned academic titles … and … Yes .. Persons who hold those titles DO self identify with them … Look it up ...
Prof. Dr. Mandalore
5/11/2014 04:11:20 pm
I have never heard of anyone using both titles simoultaneously to identify themselves; they are redundant. If you can demonstrate otherwise I will admit I am wrong.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 04:23:24 pm
"Dr." indicates that the person has a doctoral degree, e.g., PhD, MD, JD, et al ….
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 04:25:24 pm
"Mandalore" (whoever you are) …
5/11/2014 04:54:19 pm
Actually not all professors are doctors, although those with only masters degrees are dying out. My point is that no professors also use doctor when writing their name. They don't write Prof. Dr. Smith; they use one or the other, not both at once, even of both apply. Again, if you can show any proof, I will acknowledged I am wrong. But I doubt that you will.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 05:06:22 pm
"Mandalore" (whoever you are) --
5/11/2014 05:20:09 pm
Apologies; you did write that. Although it's still silly to call someone Prof. Dr.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 05:22:12 pm
"Mandalore" (whoever you are) -- 5/11/2014 11:39:01 pm
The "Prof. Dr." issue is a protocol convention. Here in the U.S., the convention is to identify a person by only one title. In Germany, a person may identify himself by all his titles, so it's not unusual to find an "Herr Prof. Dr. Dr.," though I gather this was more common in the past than it is today.
5/11/2014 04:11:02 pm
If that's the case then I will never take Stanford or Bradley as serious historians. People who agree with the Solutrean Hypothesis are obviously not Nazis or racists, but those that align themselves with the perspective of these ideologies that twist the already flawed hypothesis to begin with that are. This is where People like Frank from Queens comes into the picture and is why people like Scott Wolter, Dennis Stanford, and Bruce Bradley should distance themselves from these people.
5/11/2014 05:38:19 pm
Ok. You wrote that someone called Stanford and Bradley Nazis. That is a lie, so you are acknowledging that you are a liar. I think you are a disgrace to your title. I look forward to your next attempt at trolling.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 05:47:15 pm
"Mandalore" (whoever you are) --
5/11/2014 07:28:31 pm
Fun fact: His title is actually "Harry"
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/11/2014 06:16:17 pm
"'Scott Wolter' Watch," Day 476 … and counting ...
5/11/2014 07:20:26 pm
I'm still waiting for your riveting tales of visiting the Burrows Cave...
5/12/2014 01:05:59 am
As I read Jason (who should feel free to correct me if I am wrong), he is not saying that Wolter is a Nazi or a racist - in fact, he has made the point that Wolter is not a Nazi or a racist. What Jason is complaining about is Wolter's lack of judgment in drawing from and associate his name with Nazis, racists and other crackpots, such as Alan Butler, simply because they happen to share - for their own reasons - the view that pre-Columbian European contact with America was much more extensive than academic experts in the field believe the evidence supports.
An Over-Educated Grunt
5/12/2014 03:08:15 am
Oh for crying out loud.
5/12/2014 07:31:17 am
excellent take on stalinism!
5/12/2014 04:53:00 am
The outrage of Wolter's fanboys is particularly absurd because Jason has previously dedicated an entire post *defending* Wolter from the same accusations he's being accused of making.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/12/2014 07:24:02 am
5/12/2014 11:26:24 am
From Merriam-Webster:
It ate this part
5/12/2014 11:28:03 am
fan-boy, n.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/12/2014 03:31:03 pm
Try looking up:
5/12/2014 02:54:53 pm
OK, how about "fanpersons"?
5/12/2014 07:34:40 am
"More troubling to me is the fact that he's either supremely clueless, or he's decided his "history is wrong" mantra trumps any other moral responsibilities. Since using the name Scott Wolter leads to hysterics around here, let me use a different example to illustrate the problem."
5/12/2014 07:39:11 am
" i made a 50/50 judgement call. i did not use the "R" word.
5/12/2014 07:43:40 am
lets all indeed keep doing a tidy tiptoe dance around
5/12/2014 03:10:45 pm
" he is obviously not running for public office in any hurry..."
5/12/2014 07:48:49 am
rosalynn carter had no idea who she once was standing next to!
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/12/2014 05:28:51 pm
"'Scott Wolter' Watch," Day 477
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/13/2014 05:23:44 pm
"'Scott Wolter' Watch," Day 478
Only Me
5/13/2014 06:28:54 pm
Phil Gotsch Propaganda Watch: Day 18
Matt Mc
5/14/2014 12:20:32 am
Day 18?
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/14/2014 01:25:44 am
I agree with the visitor (above) who denounced the gossipy nature of the blog …
Todd McCarthy
5/14/2014 01:59:13 am
You claim to value honor, integrity and loyalty Mr. Gotsch, then you should stay far away from Wolter. Rest certain you don't know him as well as you think you do. It's like defending someone like Sterling(minus the racist part), you should be very careful with where your words of support go without knowing all the facts. Your friendship is noble but lacks information.
Only Me
5/14/2014 03:06:33 am
Sorry, Matt. I began my count on April 27th, the day Phil started his lie about Jason's intentions and distorted what was actually written. As long as the deception is fed, I'll be keeping track.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/14/2014 02:54:20 am
Scott Wolter is NOT a "racist" or "racialist" or any such thing ...
Matt Mc
5/14/2014 03:43:13 am
But he does associate and work with them. Including his good friend and associate who despite using ethic slurs and then claiming ignorance of not knowing his statements where ethnically motivated. Funny how people who make racist statements are so quick to hide behind ignorance (it is ironic) and are quick to make claims that their friends are not racist.
5/14/2014 05:39:05 am
Could Rev. Phil Gotsch himself be a racist? Stay tuned to find out!
Matt Mc
5/14/2014 06:16:54 am
No I do not think Rev is a racist. He however has shown that he (like many others) will resort to mocking a persons ethnicity in his attempts to insult people. So not a racist in the "I hate x people" but will used racist statements in an attempt to hurt or provoke. Which in my mind is just as bad and very un becoming of a person of faith.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/14/2014 08:11:41 am
No …
Matt Mc
5/14/2014 09:01:48 am
expect answer as I predicted.
5/14/2014 09:05:40 am
Rev. Phil Gotsch Watch: Day 1
5/14/2014 07:21:34 pm
No he's not. He just lends his name to some. And in so doing, lends strength to them. Or in this case, to the one.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/14/2014 10:31:14 am
Yes …
Matt Mc
5/14/2014 12:17:39 pm
I notice you left off respect... interesting.
5/14/2014 03:37:58 pm
Am I the only one to immediately think of John Cena's "Hustle. Loyalty. Respect." whenever the good Reverend says that?
Matt Mc
5/15/2014 05:28:51 am
Rev also I thought you wanted us to talk about the "FACTS" so let us not get distracted by distortions and speculation please.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/14/2014 03:27:47 pm
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/14/2014 05:10:39 pm
"'Scott Wolter' Watch," day 479
Daniel Antonioni
5/15/2014 04:31:14 am
Do you and Steve receive money to do this?
Only Me
5/14/2014 06:57:50 pm
Phil Gotsch Propaganda Watch: Day 19
Only Me
5/15/2014 05:50:12 pm
Phil Gotsch Propaganda Watch: Day 20
Only Me
5/16/2014 07:03:57 pm
PGPW: Day 21
5/14/2014 07:26:07 pm
Tired Joke Watch day # hasntbeenfunnyfor a long time
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/15/2014 01:42:37 am
I agree that gossipy nonsense is a sick horse that ought to be euthanized ...
5/15/2014 02:34:32 am
Oh I see what you did there. Clever. (Rolls eyes)
5/14/2014 08:11:25 pm
I hereby bestow upon the Rev. Phil Gotsch the inaugural Scott Wolter Loyalty Award.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
5/16/2014 06:30:10 am
"'Scott Wolter' Watch," Day 480
Why are you trying to take indigenous Indian history away from us. do you not have history of your own too claim, it is sad enough that you claim we worshipped you people as gods becaused we believed in the great father we believed in the clouds that would bring us rain that why we did our dances too propititae the earth with the sky not to you or your kind. the reason we did not make good slaves was because we were not tricked by you or your religion like islam and Christianity you when you practice another person religion you put them in power you did it to other races we did not copitulated to you or the arabs we defiled you
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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