On December 12, former America Unearthed host Scott F. Wolter appeared on Mars conspiracy theorist Richard Hoagland’s amateurish podcast The Other Side of Midnight. It was weird. Much of it was the same repetitive blather about Wolter’s greatest hits, particularly the Kensington Rune Stone, but listening to him try to discuss his ideas with a man who thinks the universe is filled with ancient alien ruins makes it an unusual exercise in mutual delusion.
Wolter takes time to discuss the recent appearance of pillar-like metal monoliths in remote locations. Wolter said that the CIA is behind the appearance of the monoliths to try to distract Americans from Donald Trump and COVID-19. “I’m wondering if maybe these monoliths are a way of getting people’s attention and getting them to step back” from news events. “Maybe it’s a group in our own government or other governments” trying to make “the collective consciousness” change. “I think it’s brilliant, quite frankly,” Wolter said. The monolith that started the trend had been installed in a remote part of Utah around 2016, according to Google Earth data, and apparently the CIA was playing a very long Deep State game against Trump.
Hoagland claims that the Utah monolith (which he calls a “hyperdimensional tetrahedron” and an “energy signal”) is located near three-dimension sculptures of deep antiquity that are too “sophisticated” to be the work of Native Americans, and therefore, the monolith is an alien artifact pointing toward secret codes explaining how space aliens genetically engineered humanity. There’s also some weird numerology that Hoagland says proves that the monolith relates to the movie National Treasure and is a key to a lost library of ancient alien wisdom. He claims that examining the monolith will play an “important” role in “disclosure.” “We’ve got the keys to the kingdom!” Hoagland exclaims. “That was pretty good!” Wolter replies. At one point, Hoagland discusses how the monoliths supposedly represent the “number of the Beast,” spirituality, and a vast conspiracy to point toward “what the hell” humanity really is, and whether space aliens are actually humans who live on other planets—an old Contactee claim from the 1950s, born of the Shaver Mystery before that, and Theosophy before that. Wolter and Hoagland end up engaged in a confusing tete-a-tete about the question of whether aliens are real and whether a secret cult is using “memes” to transform humanity. Wolter takes a Gaia-theory approach and speaks messianically about the message of the aliens or Templars or whatever being the need to care for the living Earth. It’s a real meeting of the minds. I recalled an old line about how the White House never played host to as much genius as when Thomas Jefferson dined alone. This is kind of the opposite of that. This goes on for hours, discussing secret technological secrets in sacred texts, alien help with prehistoric monumental alignments, forbidden alien ruins on Mars, etc. For a while, they talk about the Newport Tower. Wolter tells his usual—and very long—story about meeting a ghost or interdimensional space alien spirit (an “attractive” woman) at the Tower in 2007, and Hoagland declares that she is really an alien from Sirius (“one of the main drivers of contemporary human evolution” he says) because she was in the presence of a dog, as in the Dog Star. Apparently, space ghosts are like Greek gods and always travel with their symbols. At least if it were Persephone, she’d have brought pomegranates to share. In this telling, the woman claimed to work in public relations, took a picture of Wolter with his camera, and walked away when he wasn’t looking. Obviously alien space ghost behavior. (He claims it happened so fast she must have dematerialized, but more likely is that he wasn’t paying attention to how long he looked away and thought he had looked away for less time than he really did.) Wolter tells last month’s story about the U.S. government allegedly contacting him to serve as an agent of disclosure. He says that he does what he does to educate the public about the real tenets on which America was founded and to “take a step back” and realize that there are higher powers—alien and divine—that rule over and guide us. It’s the typical quasi-spiritual claptrap popular among the Contactees in the 1950s, but is interesting that now it is wrapped up in a worship of the federal government as the holy, holy, holy arbiter of sacred truth that we didn’t see back in the 1950s. In those days, the government was the enemy, not an object of lust. “There is no more important work I can ever do,” Wolter says, than to propagandize for space aliens on behalf of the government, and he launches in a harangue about the failures of politics and corporations and how humanity must “rise up” to right the wrongs on our planet. It’s disturbing how aliens, apocalypse, and salvation narratives fold into one another in a parody of an evangelical tent revival. “None of this is coincidence,” Wolter says of the pandemic and Disclosure and ancient history, and he darkly implies that there is “no time to waste” as some unknowable revelation is about to explode. They talk about alternative paradigms and fake news. “No wonder we can’t agree on reality,” Hoagland said. Um, Richard, maybe you bear some of the blame for promoting fake science and fake history? Just a thought. Wolter throws in some jabs against the Smithsonian—a “pack of liars,” he says—apparently unaware of the disconcerting contradiction between his “trust” in the government to anoint him an agent of Disclosure and his assertion that the same government (or its wholly owned subsidiaries) are actively suppressing “truth” as part of an evil plot.
12/14/2020 03:46:22 pm
Wow, did you listen to the whole interview ?
The Rooster
12/14/2020 08:05:33 pm
Nice! Perfect strike!
Anthony G.
12/14/2020 10:13:41 pm
Jupiter and Saturn will come within six degrees of each other on the Winter Solstice. I would hardly call that "appearing as one".
12/14/2020 11:16:04 pm
Are you fact checking my last post Anthony ?
Anthony G.
12/15/2020 09:41:15 am
"Are you fact checking my last post Anthony ?"
Darold knowles
12/15/2020 11:38:31 am
Shakespeare’s First Folio was also published in 1623. Coincidence?
12/15/2020 01:12:52 pm
Well Anthony, my original comment was mostly and intentionally nonsense, as in sarcasm. That fact you would criticize intentional pseudo nonsense is funny enough, the fact that you would dispute the only part that is actual and accurate with your wrongful nonsense is hilarious.
12/15/2020 01:56:39 pm
Anthony is right in the sense that "six degrees" is common astronomical terminology for "a tenth of one degree" and in the sense that the last conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was in 1623 which is astronomical shorthand for the year 2000; Jim is right in that the conjunction of 1226 was more easily observed by a greater number of people because of not being right next to the sun.
12/15/2020 05:47:58 pm
As Usual Kent is out to lunch.
Anthony G.
12/15/2020 08:57:15 pm
12/15/2020 11:16:18 pm
Anthony G
12/16/2020 01:25:29 pm
Bezalel, I'm not sure what these two are on about, but they (maybe?) seem to not get the difference between degrees, minutes and seconds.
12/16/2020 01:36:35 pm
"As Usual Kent is out to lunch.
12/16/2020 04:05:57 pm
Lol Kent,, how I am supposed to tell the difference between your asinine comments and sarcasm ?
12/16/2020 06:09:06 pm
Both statements still true, as anyone with access to a map or the internet can attest. And the BATFE (and FAA, FCC, FEC, SEC, M&M Fetc.) is still issuing regulations which have the force of law using the regulatory power delegated to them by Congress.
12/17/2020 12:04:55 pm
What Mr. Bogan or whoever is saying is simply that you will be able to see both planets without moving the telescope.
12/18/2020 11:12:11 am
12/18/2020 09:41:55 pm
Always nice to hear from the human tubesock.
12/19/2020 08:47:44 am
" easternmost point in all U.S. territory by longitude"
12/19/2020 03:14:42 pm
Eppur se muove.
Anthony G.
12/20/2020 09:10:05 am
"Now it's your turn Anthony. Explain why "TELESCOPIC VIEW are the two key words". I'll wait."
Steve zahn
12/20/2020 12:56:14 pm
Kent does know that whales only inhabit two places on earth, the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere. He gets that right.
12/22/2020 03:21:34 pm
Oh Anthony. Explain why "TELESCOPIC VIEW are the two key words". I'm still waiting.
Anthony G.
12/22/2020 09:02:31 pm
You must think my vision is average or piss poor. I know what a conjunction is and I could still see separation. I did see some camera shots where they blurred together. But that was the iris of the camera and not my eyes. I have to admit, they did come closer than I thought they would. There was still a line of black between the two. Looked like a figure eight.
12/23/2020 01:29:54 pm
I stand corrected. It's EXACTLY like you don't know what a conjunction is. "It wasn't an occultation so I got gypped!"
Anthony G.
12/31/2020 05:24:42 am
[What is a Conjunction?
The Rooster
12/14/2020 06:51:57 pm
I'll be the first to step up.
12/14/2020 08:53:44 pm
Apparently, the aliens packed in screwdrivers to put their monoliths together, if you look at some of the photos, screws are obvious. Guess the aliens stopped by the local IKEA store. As for this interview, should be relegated to the Superfund sites of idiocy. No possible reclamation. Wolter continues further down the rat hole of insanity.
12/15/2020 08:08:26 pm
Screws? Look again.
12/16/2020 05:18:35 pm
On some of the close shots, regular spaced holes can be seen. Usually where there are holes, there are s screws or bolts. But of course, this is an alien construct.
12/16/2020 05:58:56 pm
What else goes in a hole in metal?
12/16/2020 11:09:51 pm
Are you referring to the regular spaced holes on the monoliths or the ones on Kent’s head?
Rosie the rivetless
12/17/2020 03:21:57 pm
According to public safety officials cited in the Live Science blog the monolith appears to be made of sheet metal fastened with screws.
12/17/2020 03:23:34 pm
r-ivet in countersunk holes. Sounds like you have your head in a countersunk hole, my boy.
12/17/2020 07:20:47 pm
Pictures taken from a helicopter. If they'd gotten a close look, the phrase "appears to be" would not have been necessary. WEASEL!
Who turned the screw
12/18/2020 08:21:57 pm
Perspectives of people actually looking at pictures versus Kent looking to troll. Who wins that one?
12/18/2020 08:37:23 pm
12/19/2020 04:06:31 am
So, perspectives of people looking at pictures trump perspectives of people looking at the object? Remember there is no shortage of people who actually got close enough to smear it with their hand prints.
Ironworker obvious
12/19/2020 11:25:56 am
Since all other perspectives are coming from people who aren't an established troll that has repeatedly been proven wrong here, yes their perspectives trumps that of Joe Kent AKA American Negro.
The Rooster
12/15/2020 12:45:53 am
Hoagland Hokum
12/15/2020 08:12:49 am
Darold knowles
12/15/2020 11:45:42 am
That reads like a microcosm of Trump’s biography — except for the part about going to prison.
Mike Jines
12/15/2020 02:46:57 pm
...too “sophisticated” to be the work of Native Americans... That tells me all I need to know about Hoagland.
12/16/2020 07:14:13 pm
Yikes !
The Rooster
12/16/2020 06:22:46 pm
Talk about "conjunctions"? This is way more weird^^
The Rooster
12/18/2020 12:27:18 am
Quiet? Isn't it?
Fritz Leiber
12/18/2020 12:48:20 am
12/18/2020 12:09:57 pm
Wolter needs help. The claimed incident where he saw a woman with a cellphone never happened. He just saw some lady taking a selfie and assumed it was his picture she was taking. Or go even deeper down the rabbit hole of Goddess ideas, he made it up, and no such woman ever appeared. He needs to seek mental help before he starts imagining Templar knights tell him to do unthinkable things. He needs to see a professional psychologist.
12/20/2020 01:27:23 pm
Nonsensical Knowledge Podcast Episode #16 w/ Scott Wolter
The Rooster
12/22/2020 04:30:30 pm
Anyone have any idea concerning a cost estimate for this moveable installation?
12/22/2020 07:02:59 pm
"While the monoliths’ origin has sparked countless theories, from aliens to a marketing ploy, a small community of “stunt artists” have now seemingly claimed responsibility — and are even offering up more … for a hefty $45,000."
The Rooster
12/22/2020 09:15:42 pm
Much appreciated, Jim!
The Rooster
12/22/2020 10:14:12 pm
12/26/2020 10:00:20 am
Encyclopedia of American Loons : #2421: Scott Wolter
Willie Pete
12/26/2020 04:57:27 pm
Scot is having a one sided argument with someone named Tater Salad. His selection to American Loon is fitting.
12/30/2020 09:46:44 am
Visit from DoD Time Traveler, "Aliens Are Real, They're Here & Look Just Like Us, Scott Wolter
12/30/2020 03:54:23 pm
The S.S. Sanity sailed long ago. If tracking a crazy person as closely as a fan would is your thing then you go, girl.
Sikkim boy!
12/30/2020 08:37:50 pm
Because discussing one of the better known and active fringe nuts on a skeptic's blog rather than devoting all one's time here to picking idiotic arguments is so far beyond the pale?
12/30/2020 05:26:39 pm
I posted the same vid under the year end review post, sorry, did not intend to duplicate.
12/30/2020 09:54:36 am
P.s. ,,,,, Watch in the interview how twitchy Wolter is and how his hands are in constantly over animated motion throughout, maybe he has cabin fever or is self medicating, I dunno.
12/30/2020 03:25:14 pm
Yikes ! He who shall not be named is testifying to the Georgia Senate about voter fraud.
12/30/2020 06:47:05 pm
12/31/2020 03:00:42 pm
CueCat wasn't a scam so much as a failed business and Reality Winner is in jail partly because of folds in a document.
12/30/2020 07:46:04 pm
Before they do anything, he without a name should be arrested. Hacking a voting machine is a federal offense.
12/30/2020 10:03:32 pm
Paul, I doubt he has anywhere near the expertise to hack a voting machine. Never believe a word that man says.
1/15/2021 08:06:55 am
Pseudo Wars:
2/6/2021 11:40:06 am
New Wolter Interview:
2/7/2021 08:17:53 am
Looks Like He who shall not be named has pulled some of his usual shenanigans.
2/8/2021 09:42:58 am
Oops, my mistake, the author was not "Shawn" but a realtor named Robert Mani.
2/14/2021 09:39:25 pm
And yet another pay to play for the Putz.
2/9/2021 01:09:19 pm
Well, isn't this fun and refreshing !
2/10/2021 08:51:05 pm
Scott Wolter overload:
2/10/2021 08:58:57 pm
Oops, missed one:
2/13/2021 12:17:49 am
Wolters partner from Pirate Treasure of the Knights Templar, Barry Clifford is at it again, real ? ,,,,, or more shenanigans ?
2/28/2021 10:07:24 am
Wolter the Ghost hunter. (at Mystery Hill)
John Blackbrim
12/29/2021 03:25:31 pm
I remember back in the day when Hoagland was the #1 star on the crazy theory circuit. He was the "expert" in those circles. It seems Wolter has taken that title, and Hoagland's fading star can retire in peace.
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